5th SS Wiking Division Combat On The Western Front
5th SS Wiking Division Combat On The Western Front
5th SS Wiking Division Combat On The Western Front
02.04.1945 SS-Hauptsturmfhrer Nicolui-Leck (Platten/Bozen/Sdtirol, 14.03.1917) and 150 men were sent to Germany to pick up new tanks at Paderborn. On 02.04.1944 Nicolui-Leck ('Nico' to his men) sent a scouting party ahead, SS-Obersturmfhrer Ola Olin (Helsinki, 18.07.1917 - Kassel, 11.01.1995) and 30 men, to find a safe way to get to Paderborn, however, they encountered the lead elements of the US 5th Armoured in Harsewinkel and the first skirmishes took place. Retreating through Versmold and Melle they reach Lbbecke and commandeer 3 Holz-gas trucks and continue to Minden, which is already partially in the hands of the Brits. After unsuccessfully trying to blow the bridge across the Weser, but successfully destroying a Pz.IV the Brits were employing using a Panzerfaust. 05.04.1945 They eventually continue their retreat to Bckeburg (05.04) and find out from the local populace that there are some armoured vehicles nearby, laying unused in a Heer vehicle depot. 06.04.1945 The next morning they manage to acquire 13 Schtzenpanzerwagen (SdKfz. 250/251) including 2 SdKfz. 250/9 with 2cm cannons. 07.04.1945 The next day they reach Hannover where 'Nico' reports to the citys Kampfkommandant Generalmajor Paul Lhning. He is instructed to take up defensive positions northwest of Stcken along Reichsstrae 6 so that he can cover both the Weser-Elbe-Kanal Bridge and the Reichsautobahn. This is where Generalmajor Lhning is expecting the US 84 Infantry Division to attack in order to take Hannover itself. 08.04.1945 On the morning of 08.04 a worker at Hanomag informs 'Nico' that there are several brand new tanks in the factory yard of the M.N.H assembly facility at Hannover-Laatzen. The SS-Hauptsturmfhrer immediately assembles a few tank crews from the men in his group and rushes to the factory to find 7 Jagdpanthers! The only problem is they are missing a few vital parts as well as fuel. He sends out a few trucks to acquire the necessary parts (optics and ammunition) and fuel from a factory in Scheuen near Celle. The men return that afternoon and before the days end the Jagdpanthers guns have been properly calibrated and test-fired. The 'Kampfgruppe Wiking' is ready for action. Major General Alexander Bolling, commander of the US 84th Infantry has laid out his troops (Infantry Regiments 333, 334 and 335, reinforced by elements of a tank-destroyer battalion) for a direct assault on Hannover. The 11th Cavalry Group (Colonel Fierson) covers his left flank. Bolling is relying on a captured map, which shows all of the defensive positions in and around Hannover including the strengths of the units that have been employed. He is optimistic that he has little to fear in the upcoming battle for the city. He is completely unaware of the potent armoured force that is awaiting his advance. With his powerful Kampfgruppe assembled, Nicolui-Leck not only takes up his assigned positions but goes further and occupies Frielingen and Ricklingen he is now in a position to combat any attempts to take the Leine bridge at Ricklingen and to defend against attacks from Bordenau.
Colonel Fiersons lead elements are taken into the crosshairs of 3 Jagdpanthers at the edge of Ricklingen. The crews of these tanks are veterans who have been hardened by years of combat on the Eastern Front, always outnumbered and without adequate supplies. This was different, sitting in their brand new tanks and well supplied, they were now fighting on German soil. Every shot was a hit, despite the mounting losses Col. Fierson takes up the challenge. He calls in an artillery strike on the town itself and moves up his men. The Wiking tank crews soon cant make out anything in the dust and debris and withdraw to Horst. The Americans take Ricklingen. The cavalry had won, but at a price. The 11th Cavalry tries to continue their advance, first due east, then northeast and finally north. All their attempts to continue the advance are stopped. Col. Fierson has lost 20 armoured vehicles but he also knows that Bollinger cannot risk an attack on Hannover if the cavalry cant secure the flank and the bridges over the Leine. He sends a couple of companies north to Bordenau where the British have already captured the bridge. His men make the crossing at Bordenau and press on to Frielingen, but once again they draw the shorter straw. The lead tanks take fire from the remaining four Jagdpanthers (firing at maximum range). Although it is not known how many armoured vehicles the 11th Cavalry loses in the battle, the only Jagdpanther to be destroyed was credited with six kills before it met its fate. In addition a Schtzenpanzerwagen is also lost. Col. Fierson calls off his attack. 09.04.1945 Maj. General Bollinger has redeployed his forces. The 335th Regiment is still facing east, facing Hannover itself. The 334th has come up over Ricklingen to strike southeast and the 333rd is crossing at Bordenau to outflank the unexpected resistance that has been encountered. After bringing up the 334th Regiment Bollinger again presses ahead and tries to take Horst. Three more Shermans are lost and Bollinger orders heavy artillery strikes on Horst and Frielingen. Kampfgruppe Wiking is forced to withdraw to Godshorn, Vinnhorst and the Weser-Elbe-Kanal. The meager forces available to defend Hannover are no match for a reinforced US infantry division and Generalmajor Loehning knows it. He asks permission to clear the city but is ordered to fight or face a court martial. 10.04.1945 During the night Bollinger starts his attack on Hannover. First he has the artillery pound known enemy gun emplacements and positions. His men begin their attack before daybreak and it is perfect weather for an attack, fog. The fog is thick enough to cover his advancing soldiers and with minor exceptions they make almost completely unopposed progress. The 333 Regiment is at the far left, north of Hannover heading south (having managed to find a crossing over the Weser-Elbe-Kanal), the 334 Regiment is in the center attacking from north-west and the 335 is attacking east (frontally). Both the 333 and 334 bypass the Kampfgruppe Wiking, unaware of its whereabouts. Only after the lead elements had passed did anyone notice a Jagdpanther at the Autobahn underpass. The second battalion bypassed the Jagdpanther and continued to the state forest, the following units surrounded the tank and captured the five-man crew. There were apparently asleep, their guard having been overwhelmed before he could sound the alarm. The US 84th Infantry Division took Hannover almost without a fight. As the morning progressed Nico realized he could not make contact with any of the German forces in and around Hannover and ordered his men to retreat to Hannover. Travelling at the head of the column he came across the chief of the fire department who told him the Americans were already in the city but he would try to lead them through. At
the edge of the city civilians told them the Americans were already at the train station. After a few detours Nico (riding in an open vehicle) reached a square (Krpke) and the Americans immediately ordered him and his companions to surrender. As the following Jagdpanther came around the corner it opened fire with its machine gun and Nico was able to escape and climb aboard Ola Olins Jagdpanther. The column continued at high speed encountering further groups of American tanks but clearing out before anyone could get a good bead on them. After leaving Hannover Nico was determined to try to link up with German forces further east, however, he could not know that he would not succeed. 11.04.1945 On April 11, while elements of the US 84th Infantry Division continued their advance eastward following the capture of Hannover, a German column was marching on side roads towards them, if neither side changed direction they were destined to meet in and around Langlingen. The German column was that of the SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking led by Hauptsturmfhrer Nicolussi-Leck, which had regrouped in Lehrte and was planning to march north and then Northeast towards Wittingen and ultimately Wittenberge on the Elbe River. The Kampfgruppe consisted of 9 Schtzenpanzerwagen, 6 Jagdpanther and one Bergepanzer at this time. Contact with the enemy was not to be avoided; but sought. Just outside of Lehrte there was a short firefight with 4 Sherman tanks, 2 were knocked out by the Jagdpanther of Untersturmfhrer Karl Jauss. In Abbensen the Kampfgruppe met up with tanks from the Lehrabteilung, but they did not want to join the group. Continuing on to Langlingen via Uetze they captured 2 American fuel trucks and captured approximately 50 men, Nicolussi-Leck let them go that evening. 12.04.1945 The Kampfgruppe made it to the forest East of Sandlingen on the morning of April 12 with all its armoured vehicles and over 100 men, including a growing number of stragglers. Immediate reconnaissance showed that the bridges across the Mhlengraben and the Aller near Langlingen were destroyed. A heavily armed Schtzenpanzerwagen (equipped with a 20mm gun and commanded by an Obersturmfhrer) was dispatched to Wienhausen to determine if the bridges there were intact and to hold them until the Kampfgruppe arrived. The Schtzenpanzerwagens crew was primarily made up of Heeres troops included a few officers and NCOs, all told, 12 men. At noon the Obersturmfhrer reached Wienhausen and discovered that the bridges were intact and already equipped with explosive charges. The Schtzenpanzerwagen (SPW) took up position on the northern bank of the Aller River, under the bridge; on the outskirts of Oppershausen. The bridge was not big enough to completely conceal the vehicle, which was to have consequences. The crew took up their positions around the bridge at 14:00h. At the same time the US 333 Regiment arrived in Wienhausen, enroute from Bockelskamp. The American column was not visible from Oppershausen, but the noise would not have gone unnoticed. The scout cars at the head of the column slowly drove through the deserted streets of Wienhausen. When they reached the fork in the road leading to Oppershausen they stopped and observed that the bridges were intact and then noticed the rear of the Schtzenpanzerwagen protruding from under the bridge. They immediately opened fire and the SPW was hit. The SPW crew thought that their own tanks were shooting them at, they were not expecting any American troops this far to the East. Feldwebel Ehrbeck jumped on a bicycle and wildly waving a white cloth, rode towards Wienhausen. By now Capt. Bradfords 9th Company had gone into position at the outskirts of Wienhausen. The Feldwebel having closed the distance to the Americans to 150 meters realised his mistake and jumped off the bicycle and tried to escape on foot.
He was cut down by a rifleman. The rest of the German SPW crew took up the firefight with Capt. Bradfords company from across the Aller River. As this engagement was unfolding an artillery battalion arrived in Wienhausen and took up firing positions to assist Capt. Bradford if needed. Capt. Bradford still hoped to take the bridge intact and ordered his heavy machine guns to pin down the Obersturmfhrer and his men so that he could get a few men close enough to disarm the charges and take the bridge. But as the GIs approached the Obersturmfhrer gave the order to blow the bridge, despite his orders to hold it for the rest of the SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking. Capt. Bradford continued his attack on Oppershausen and the SPW crew. The men under the Obersturmfhrer fought off the American attacks for nine hours. They were opposed not only by the 9th Company but also the 11th and the artillery battalion. Oppershausen was virtually destroyed and at least six of the Germans were killed in the fierce fighting. The fate of the remaining five, including the Obersturmfhrer is not known. Some may have perished in the burning houses others may have escaped or been taken captive. In the meantime, the 1st Battalion of the 333 US Regiment passed through Wienhausen bound for Offensen, the Aller bridge at Schwachhausen and ultimately Nordburg. Now the bridges to the Northeast and Southeast of the SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking were either destroyed or in the hands of the Americans. 13.04.1945 On the morning of April 13 the SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking found itself deep behind enemy lines. With the US 333rd Regiment to the north and US 334th Regiment to the south, they were outnumbered on either side 20:1. Their plan was to hold out until the first wave of US troops had cleared the area and then attempt to cross either of the intact Aller crossings. But it was also a Friday. The 3rd Battalion of the 334th Regiment had spent the night in Langlingen, where the bridge over the Aller was destroyed. At daybreak they started driving along the train tracks in a westerly direction in search of a suitable crossing. After 3km they came upon the destroyed bridge across the Mhlengraben. They immediately set their engineers to the task of repairing the bridge and sent out patrols to establish a protective perimeter. The patrols quickly ran into the SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking in the forest and after a short exchange of gunfire the entire battalion set out to comb through the forested area. Nicolussi-Leck avoided being drawn into a fight where his tanks could not be brought to bear. Besides they were outnumbered 5:1 and there were several other US battalions near by. Nicolussi-Leck and his men broke out of the forest, heading Northwest across the railway tracks and towards the wooded area on the outskirts of Wienhausen. They reached it shortly before 11:00h. Meanwhile the US artillery battalion was moving out of Wienhausen to take up new firing positions further East. Their path crossed that of the SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking. Nicolussi-Leck had his Jagdpanthers open fire at 1,000 meters, setting 5 trucks alight with the first volley. The artillery battalion immediately turned around and took up positions in Wienhausen again. The SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking bypassed Wienhausen to the south and headed straight for Bockelskamp. From there they fired on a US supply column and destroyed another 4 vehicles. Nonetheless the end seemed in sight. The 3rd Battalion of the 333rd Regiment and the 3rd Battalion 334th Regiment formed a semicircle around the SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking from the south and the to the north was the Aller River. While the artillery battalion kept a steady barrage of shells raining down on the SSKampfgruppe Wiking, Nicolussi-Leck and his men searched the town for anyone who could point them to a ford in the river. A young woman told them she knew of a place not far up the river and the Kampfgruppe headed out. The Jagdpanthers had no problems crossing the river; the last two each towed a Schtzenpanzerwagen behind them. But then the artillery fire set in again and it was pretty accurate. The remaining
Schtzenpanzerwagen made a dash for it but all ended up getting hopelessly mired in the riverbed. One soldier was killed and 10 wounded. The SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking regrouped and spent the night in the wooded area East of Ostersloh. 14.04.1945 On the morning of April 14 Nicolussi-Leck ordered his troops to continue their march East in hopes of still linking up with their own lines. Following the loss of so much of their equipment he ordered his men to avoid further engagements with the enemy. He did not know that the US 84th Infantry Division, whose sector he was operating in, had already reached the Elbe River. The SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking cautiously moved from one wooded area to the next, making frequent stops to observe their surroundings for the telltale signs of enemy troops. They skirted Oppershausen to the north, something that was only made possible by the fact the 3rd Battalion, 333rd Regiment had not yet realised that the SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking had already vacated Bockelskamp. Nicolussi-Leck and his men were headed towards a swampy area but the Schtzenpanzerwagen that were scouting the way for the Kampfgruppe managed to find the only available crossing point for many kilometers, allowing them to continue their march towards the Elbe. Upon reaching the wooded area of the Halzhorn, 3 km south of Hohne, they could hear plenty of motorised traffic to the South from Mden (the armoured elements of the 102nd US infantry Division) and straight ahead to the East was the impassable bog of the Hahnenmoor. The only roads that angled to the east would surely lead the Kampfgruppe to another encounter with the Americans, so Nicolussi-Leck decided to continue through the forest and to attempt to sneak through the open area between Hohne and Ummern to the North. Major-General Bolling had moved his headquarters from Hannover to Hohne the day before and he was not alone in Hohne, the US 771st Tank Battalion was being held in reserve in there. Given that the town was secured to the north by the Wiehe River and to the south was largely bog and woods, the 20 Shermans of the 771st Battalion secured the area by guarding the only access points, which were primarily facing South, from where no attack could be expected. And yet, suddenly the sounds of tank tracks could be heard coming from the edge of the bog. Nicolussi-Leck had sent his 2 remaining Schtzenpanzerwagen along with 3 Jagdpanthers to recon in force while the other 3 Jagdpanthers covered their advance. The Shermans waited until their opponents were only 1,000 meters away before opening fire. Both Schtzenpanzerwagen and one Jagdpanther were immediately hit and caught fire. One Jagdpanther managed to break through while the rest of the German tanks opened fire on the Shermans. Even the burning Jagdpanther of Untersturmfhrer Schler, their fourth victim, continued to return fire for a short while. Using their 8.8cm guns and 8cm thick frontal armour to their fullest advantage the remaining 3 Jagdpanthers kept up a steady barrage of shells on the 771st Battalion until they had all but suppressed the determined American defence. An attempt by Untersturmfhrer Jau to recover the Jagdpanther of Untersturmfhrer Schler failed and resulted in the loss of the Bergepanzer as well. Now with a final victory in his grasp, his tanks surrounded by the wounded infantrymen, Nicolussi-Leck ordered a withdrawal into the bog of the Hahnenmoor. The remaining Sherman tanks breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the Jagdpanthers head South. One Jagdpanther was lost a short distance into the bog to transmission failure. But the men of the SSKampfgruppe Wiking had not yet given up. After handing off their wounded to a local shepherd, they formed a raiding party to scare up needed fuel for their Jagdpanthers. During the night they captured 2 American trucks and a Jeep. After driving a short distance into the bog they let their captives go. When the raiding party reached the rest of the Kampfgruppe they checked the contents of the trucks. To their great disappointment, the trucks were carrying flower and sugar, not the fuel they so desperately needed.
Nicolussi-Leck and the last men of his Kampfgruppe, now down to about 30 strong, knew that they would not make it back to their own lines. Epilogue Nicolussi-Leck made his final command decision on the morning of April 16. He turned to Obersturmfhrer Olin and said: We have flour and need bread. I will look for a baker. Olin knew what Nicolussi-Leck meant to do and shook his hand one last time. Nicolussi-Leck and his adjutant walked back the way they had come and surrendered to the Americans in Hohne. Command now fell to Obersturmfhrer Olin who ordered the 2 captured trucks driven onto the nearby rail tracks and set alight. The remaining 2 Jagdpanthers were driven a short distance into the bog where they would sink from their own weight, the remaining ammunition, only 10 rounds were left, was buried elsewhere. 4 men carrying machine pistols and Panzerfausts occupied the only remaining vehicle, the captured Jeep. Their plan was to try and reach southern Germany. Their adventurous journey was ultimately successful. The rest of the men made their way on foot. The Jagdpanther that had broken through at Hohne 2 days earlier was knocked out between the towns of Sderwittingen and Ohrdorf, 5 kilometers South of Wittingen. Four of its crew perished on April 16 and the remaining crewmember, Georg Perchtold, ultimately met his fate on the 20th. When by Hauptsturmfhrer Nicolussi-Leck surrendered in Hohne and told his interrogators who he was and that it was his Kampfgruppe that had been a thorn in Major-General Bollings side, they did not want to believe him. They had expected to have been opposed by a tank regiment, or at least by a battalion, their opponent a Lt. Colonel, not a lowly SS-Captain. The SS-Kampfgruppe Wiking covered a total distance of 250 kms before ceasing to exist.