Process To Claim Unclaimed Balances
Process To Claim Unclaimed Balances
Process To Claim Unclaimed Balances
As per the Depositor Education Awareness (DEA) Fund Scheme of RBI, the amount to the credit
of any account in India which has not been operated upon for a period of ten years or any
deposit of any amount remaining unclaimed for more than ten years shall be credited to the
DEA Fund within a period of three months from the expiry of the said period of ten years.
The Customer / Survivor / Legal Heir/Authorized Signatories, as the case may be, will
visit the branch maintaining his/her account and submit the “Claim Form in the given
format” duly filled in and signed, along with the available details of the account
(Passbook/Statements of account, Term Deposit receipts), recent photographs, valid
Identity and address proof documents (KYC documents) with originals for verification.
If the customer wants to operate the account, a new account should be opened in
the system by obtaining new set of application and KYC forms from the customer. The
proceeds of unclaimed balance account along with applicable interest should be
credited to the new account. In case of final claims and closure of account, branch
will accept specific request from the customer to process accordingly.
Customer may visit the IOB branch with the request letter (in the given format) and
submit valid proof of identity, address & latest photograph. On verification of the
same, branch will process the customer request accordingly.
The Legal Heir / Nominee may visit IOB Branch and submit the required documents.
Customer would be required to comply with the claim settlement process of the Bank.
Branches while processing the applications will meticulously follow the Bank’s policy
for claim settlement of deceased and missing persons.
The customer may submit the Claim Form on the Company’s/ Firm’s / Institution’s letter
head duly signed by the authorized signatories along with their valid identity and
address proofs. The customer may also be required to submit additional documents
as required by the Bank.
To Date :
The Branch Manager
Indian Overseas Bank
Dear Sir/Madam,
I/We understand that claim will be settled after due diligence and verification of documents and in
subject to compliance of bank’s process and policy. I/We undertake to submit the documents as may
be necessary for the Bank to process the claims and agree to execute the required documents to
settle the claim.
Signature: ________________
Name: ___________________