Low Energy Building Design

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Water bodies absorb much heat during the

day and reradiate it at night

Climatic Implications
Water absorbs relatively large amount of radiation. They also allow evaporative cooling.
As a result, during the daytime areas around water bodies are generally cooler. At night,
however, water bodies release relatively large amounts of heat to the surroundings.

It also absorbs or releases a comparatively large amount of heat for a unit rise or fall of
temperature. So, when water evaporates by the movement of air, it cools the air.
Vegetation Pattern

Vegetation increasing, decreasing and Vegetation causes pressure differences which

directing airflow shifts the air path

Vegetation and trees in particular, very effectively shade and reduce heat gain. It also
causes pressure differences, thereby, increasing and decreasing air speed or directing
airflow. They can, therefore, direct air into a building or deflect it away.

Plants, shrubs and trees absorb radiation in the process of photosynthesis. As a result,
they actually cool the environment.
Open Spaces and Built Form

open spaces radiate less heat to buildings Greater the exposure of the walls and ground
around to the sky, the more the heat loss.

Open spaces in any complex are integral part of built form. The question is-how should they be
positioned and how much should there be? After all, any built mass modifies the microclimate.

An open area, especially a large one allows more of the 'natural' climate of the place to prevail.
So obviously, large open spaces allow for freer air movement. The built pattern is also
important. It can increase, decrease and modify air speeds.

Open spaces gain heat during the day. If the ground is hard and building surfaces are dark in
color then much of this radiation is reflected and absorbed by the surrounding buildings.

If, however, the ground is soft and green then less heat is reflected. Shading by surrounding
buildings and trees can reduce heat gain to some extent.
Plan Elements

Integration of vegetation in the building to minimize heat


Courtyard atrium: Integration of operable

glazing at the roof level allows the courtyard
to be converted into a heat trap in winter.
Plan Elements

Heat trapping systems: Glazing traps heat and the space created could serve as a greenhouse
or contain a water body. A water body would act as a thermal mass-storing heat in the day
and reradiating in the night.

Climatic implication:
Water bodies and vegetation help in cooling a space by
evaporation and the absorption of heat. Water bodies
and greenhouses also aid in space heating. Courtyards,
and in certain cases, wind-towers cause heat loss and
enhance ventilation. Thus, plan elements can help in
heating, cooling and even ventilation

Wind catchers
Fenestration ( opening design)

Effect of window position on light and ventilation. High windows act as ventilation
points and also allow for the best distribution of light from overcast skies. Low
windows do not allow much ventilation but allow an even distribution of ground
reflected light. Middle windows allow for even ventilation but does not distribute the
light as well. Light shelves allow for this .
Thumb rules for fenestration configuration
An ideal case fenestration positioning : Openings (windows), are placed on two external
walls with the door on one internal wall. If air is incident on any of the external
windows, then the fenestration configuration not only ensures a good distribution of air
but also has a larger outlet area than inlet area. If the air is incident on any of the other
walls then the door could act as the inlet into the room. Once again the outlet would be
larger than the inlet and the configuration would allow good air distribution.

Climatic Implications
The fenestration pattern and configuration involve the area, shape, location and relative
positioning of the windows. This would affect the air movement, daylight and glare indoors. If
un shaded, the area would also affect heat gain.
The arrangement of all the cut
outs in the building which are a
natural source of air, light and
ventilation are known as
A light shelf is a horizontal surface that reflects daylight deep into a building. Light
shelves are placed above eye-level and have high-reflectance upper surfaces
Building façade
Angled punched windows Horizontal shades
Horizontal sun shades/horizontal louvers
Horizontal sun shades/horizontal louvers

Window screens
Jali work in fenestration
Courtyard design
Design of Roof top ( planters, creepers throughout walls, grassy areas, wooden seats ,
water elements, shaded structures, and outdoor seating further view points etc
Roof top grass detail

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