Exp2 Spectral Analysis
Exp2 Spectral Analysis
Exp2 Spectral Analysis
In this experiment you will learn how to use a spectrum analyzer by working with periodic (sine,
square and triangular) waveforms. You will observe how waveform parameters affect the spectra
of corresponding waveforms and verify time/frequency scaling properties of the Fourier transform
using a rectangular pulse. You will use spectral analysis to identify non-linear systems.
Prelab Assignment
1. Determine the exponential Fourier series coefficients of the following periodic waveforms.
... ... ... ...
t t
−T0 0 T0 −T0 0 T0
-A -A
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Periodic waveforms: (a) Square wave xw (t) and (b) Triangular wave x∆ (t).
(d) From the results you obtained in parts (a)–(c), compute the numeric values of the
spectral components of xs (t), xw (t) and x∆ (t) for A = 1 V, f0 = 2 kHz and τ = T0 /5.
Plot the corresponding one-sided rms-spectra1 using spectral components upto and
including the 6th harmonic term.
2. Let x(t) = A rect(t/τ ) be a rectangular pulse2 centered at the origin with amplitude A and
pulse width τ . Determine X(f ) = F [x(t)] and sketch the resulting magnitude spectrum
|X(f )|. Label the spectral nulls, i.e., frequency values where |X(f )| = 0, in terms of τ .
For a definition of one-sided rms-spectrum refer to Course Notes Part 1, pp. 19–20.
A rectangular pulse with pulse duration τ is defined as
1, |t| ≤ τ /2;
rect(t/τ ) =
0, otherwise.
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Version: 1.0 ELE 635 Communication Systems
S1 : y1 (t) = αx(t);
S2 : y2 (t) = αx2 (t) + βx(t); (1)
where α, β ∈ R. x(t) is the input, y1 (t) and y2 (t) are the outputs of S1 and S2 , respectively.
Let x1 (t) = A1 cos 2πf1 t and x2 (t) = A2 cos 2πf2 t with 0 < f1 < f2 .
(a) Determine the linearity of the systems S1 and S2 . Justify your answers.
(b) Determine y1 (t) and y2 (t) when x(t) = x1 (t).
(c) Determine y1 (t) and y2 (t) when x(t) = x2 (t).
(d) Determine y1 (t) and y2 (t) when x(t) = x1 (t) + x2 (t).
In this experiment you will use the following equipment and software:
• Agilent DSO-X 2002A digital storage oscilloscope with waveform generation and spectrum
analyzer options.
• Computer with Linux operating system.
• Matlab/Simulink 2014b.
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ELE 635 Communication Systems Version: 1.0
In Part-A and Part-B of this experiment you will use the internal function generator of the Agilent
DSO-X 2002A digital storage oscilloscope. See Figure (2) for reference.
Channel 1 input
Figure 2: Connecting the internal function generator of DSO-X 2002A digital storage oscilloscope.
Familiarize yourself with the controls of the oscilloscope. It is important that you learn the key
features of the oscilloscope, set-up procedures, spectrum analyzer functions and how to capture
images of displayed waveforms. Your instructor will provide you with a brief introduction to get
you started. The complete User Manual is available on BlackBoard.
Important: The built-in spectrum analyzer operates in AC coupled mode and therefore does not
display spectral components corresponding to the DC components of the signals being analyzed.
For example, if the periodic input signal x(t) with period T0 = 1/f0 and non-zero DC value has
the Fourier series expansion:
x(t) = Dn ej2πnf0 t ,
and the corresponding Fourier transform:
X(f ) = F [x(t)] = Dn δ(f − nf0 ).
In this example D0 6= 0 since x(t) has a non-zero DC value. However, the first spectral component
of the one-sided RMS spectrum displayed on the screen is located at f0 even though D0 6= 0.
Part-A/B Setup
Function Generator: Select internal function generator of DSO-X 2002A. Press [WaveGen]. Settings
specific to each waveform are listed below.
Spectrum Analyzer: Press [Math] > [Operator: FFT]. Use the following control settings: [Span:
50 kHz], [Center: 25 kHz], [Window: Rectangle], [Vertical Units: V rms]. The last two control
settings are accessible by pressing the [More FFT] softkey.
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Version: 1.0 ELE 635 Communication Systems
Part-A Preset: Oscilloscope settings used in Part-A are stored in the file e1setupA.scp. To use the
preset values: Press [Save/Recall] > [Recall] > [Load from: e1setupA].
1. Adjust the function generator to output a sine wave with amplitude A = 1 V (corresponding
to peak-to-peak amplitude of 2 Vpp ) and frequency f0 = 2 kHz. Display the signal and
its magnitude spectrum on the oscilloscope. Record the amplitudes and frequencies of the
spectral components. Change the amplitude and frequency of the input signal and observe
the corresponding changes in spectral components.
2. Repeat Step A.1 using a square wave with amplitude A = 1 V (corresponding to peak-to-
peak amplitude of 2 Vpp ), frequency f0 = 2 kHz and 20% duty cycle3 as shown in Figure
3. Change the duty cycle of the square wave described in Step A.1 to 50% and then to 80%.
Observe the effect of duty cycle on the spectral components. Record/plot the resulting mag-
nitude spectra.
4. Repeat Step A.1 using a ramp/triangular wave with amplitude A = 1 V (corresponding to
peak-to-peak amplitude of 2 Vpp ) and frequency f0 = 2 kHz as shown in Figure (1b).
Problem A.1 Tabulate the amplitudes and frequencies of the spectral components you measured
in Steps A.1, A-2 and A.4 and calculated in Prelab Assignment Question 1. Compare the
two sets of results and comment on differences observed.
Problem A.2 Let xw (t) be the square wave generated by the function generator and let |Xw (f )|
be its magnitude spectrum. Plot |Xw (f )| for 20% and 50% duty cycles as determined in
Step A.2–3. Discuss how the spectral nulls of the envelope of |Xw (f )| and the separation
between the spectral components change as a function of duty cycle.
Problem A.3 Let xp (t) be rectangular pulse4 extracted from xw (t) + A. Let |Xp (f )| be its mag-
nitude spectrum. Compare |Xp (f )| with the envelope of |Xw (f )| (use the results of Prelab
Assignment Question 2).
Problem A.4 Comment on the differences (if any) of the magnitude spectra of the square waves
with 20% and 80% duty cycles. Explain your answer.
Problem A.5 Compare the frequency content of the sine, square (with 50% duty cycle) and trian-
gular waves you investigated in Steps A.1, A.3 and A.4. Comment on differences observed.
Duty cycle is defined as the percentage of one period in which a signal is positive (active), i.e., τ /T0 .
The rectangular pulse xp (t) is defined as:
xw (t) + A, |t| ≤ T0 /2;
xp (t) =
0, otherwise.
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ELE 635 Communication Systems Version: 1.0
Part-B Preset: Oscilloscope settings used in Part-B are stored in the file e1setupB.scp. To use the
preset values: Press [Save/Recall] > [Recall] > [Load from: e1setupB].
1. Adjust the function generator to output a rectangular pulse5 with amplitude A = 2 V and
pulse duration τ = 100 µs. If necessary, change the time-base setting of the oscilloscope
such that only one pulse is visible on the screen. Display and record the magnitude spectrum
of the pulse.
Note: If you have not used the preset settings in the setup file e1setupB.scp, you can gener-
ate the pulse using the following settings for the waveform generator: [Frequency: 100 Hz],
[Amplitude: 2 Vpp ], [Offset: 1 V], [Width: 100 µs].
2. Change the pulse duration τ and observe the corresponding changes in the magnitude spec-
trum (make sure that only one pulse is visible on the screen at all times). In particular, set
the pulse duration to 50 µs and then to 200 µs; record the resulting magnitude spectra.
Problem B.1 Compare the plots you recorded in Step B.1 and B.2 with the results of Prelab
Assignment Question 2.
Problem B.1 Determine how the he spectral nulls of the magnitude spectra you generated in Steps
B.1 and B.2 are related to the pulse width τ .
Part-C Setup
In Part-C of this experiment you will use Matlab/Simulink as a signal generator. Simulink models
will generate signals that are copied to the sound-out port of the computer. By connecting the
sound-out port to the oscilloscope you will be able to monitor Simulink generated signals on the
oscilloscope. See Figure (3) for reference.
The function generator outputs a periodic waveform. However, the periodic output can mimic a single rectangular
pulse if the output is a square wave with a slow repetition rate (frequency).
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Version: 1.0 ELE 635 Communication Systems
sound-out port
Channel 2 input
Figure 3: Connecting the sound-out port of the computer to DSO-X 2002A digital storage oscilloscope.
In this part of the experiment you will use the Simulink models Exp1 C1.slx and Exp1 C2.slx.
Download the Simulink models from [BlackBoard] > [Laboratory] > [Experiment 1] to an appro-
priate location (e.g. “/home/student/name/ele635/exp1/”) in your home directory.
1. Open and run the Simulink model Exp1 C1.slx. The function generator Sine Wave1 in
the Simulink model outputs a sine wave with frequency 1 kHz. Using the switch toggle
between the outputs of the linear and non-linear systems. Observe and record the magnitude
spectra of the outputs of both systems. Note: For Part-C of this experiment our focus is the
frequencies of the spectral components rather than their magnitudes.
2. Open and run the Simulink model Exp1 C2.slx. In this step of the experiment you will
monitor the outputs of System A and System B; one of the systems is linear and whereas
the other one is non-linear. Function generators Sine Wave1 and Sine Wave2 output sine
waves with equal amplitudes but different frequencies. Using the switch toggle between the
outputs of the two systems. Observe and record the magnitude spectra of the outputs of both
Problem C.1 Compare the plots you recorded in Step C.1. Comment on the effects of nonlinearity
on the system output when the system input is a sine wave.
Problem C.2 From the plots you recorded in Step C.2 determine the frequencies of the two sine
wave generators. Identify which of System A and System B is the non-linear system; explain
your reasoning. In view of the the results of Prelab Assignment Question 3, what can you
say about the nature of nonlinearity for the system that you identified as being non-linear.
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