Quality control
Quality control is a management system for initiati
ng and coordinating:
— Quality development, quality maintenance and qu
ality improvement in the various departments of d
esign and manufacturing, for achieving the twin o
bjectives of:
1. Economical production
2. Customer satisfaction
Asjuman--telam’s, Kalsakar Technical Campus.ASQC - Quality means the totality of features and chara
cteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability t
0 Satisfy given needs
Quality is Fitness for USE (Juran)
Quality is conformance to requirement (CORSBY)
The efficient production of the quality that the market ex
pects (DEMING)
From customer's perspective, quality of a good or servic
e is fitness for use of it
Customer Satisfaction for the price of the product
Auman:Dimensions of Product Quality
> Performance (will the product do the intended job?)
> Reliability (how often the product fails?)
> Durability (how long the product lasts?)
> Serviceability (now easy is to repair the product?)
> Aesthetics
> Features (what does the product do?)
» Perceived quality (what is the reputation of a company or its
Anjuman-/-Islam's, Kalsekar Technical Campus.Objectives / Importance of Q C
Improvement of quality
Reduction of scrap and rework
Efficient use of men and machines
Economy in use of materials
Removing production bottle-necks
Decreased inspection costs
Reduction in cost per unit
Scientific evaluation of quality and production
Quality caution at all levels
10. Reduction in customer complaints
11. To decide about the standard of quality of a product
that is easily acceptable to the customer
12. To check the variation during manufacturing
13. To prevent the poor quality product reaching to
Auijurmna EASSTROR oar Tochaieal Garapie
CENDNAWNEQuality Characteristics
> Quality of Design
> Quality of Conformance
>» Quality of Performance
> Availability
»Customer ServiceQuality by / of Design
Quality by Design (QbD)
It is a concept first outlined by well-known qual
ity expert Joseph M. Juran who believed that q
uality could be planned, and that most quality c
rises and problems relate to the way in which q
uality was planned in the first place.
Anjuman-lslam's, Kalsekar Technical CampusQuality by / of Design
QO Quality Aspects during Design
Q Aim to satisfy all needs of the Customer
Q) Aware about Customer's need
OQ) Manufacturability and Aesthetics
Q Ambiguity prohibited during production
Anjuman-lslam's, Kalsekar Technical CampusThe Quality by Design model consists of the following
1. Establish the project design targets and goals.
2. Define the market and customers that will be targeted.
3. Discover the market, customers, and societal needs.
4. Develop the features of the new design that will meet the ne
5. Develop or redevelop the processes to produce the features.
6. Develop process controls to be able to transfer the new desi
gns to operations.
Anjuman-lslam's, Kalsekar Technical CampusQuality of Conformance
Quality of conformance is basically meeting the standards defi
ned in the design phase after the product is manufactured or w
hile the service is delivered.
This phase is also concerned about quality is control starting fr
om raw material to the finished product.
Three broad aspects are covered in this definition,
1. Defect detection
2. Defect root cause analysis
3. Defect prevention.
Anjuman-lslam's, Kalsekar Technical CampusY Quality of Design & Specs
v Process Selection
v Procurement of raw mtl.
¥ Training & Skill of workforce
v¥ Motivation and commitment
Y Quality Culture
¥ Maintenance of an instruments
v¥ Customer feedback
Anjuman-lslam's, Kalsekar Technical Campus1. Cost of Failure
a. External
i. Customer
ii. Supplier
b. Internal
i. Scrap
ii, Rework
iii, Manpower
2. Cost of appraisal
a. Inspection
b. Testing
3. Prevention Cost
a. Quality Improvement Planning
b. Training
c. Preventive Maintenance
Anjuman-lislam's, Kalsekar Technical Campus