The document contains log messages from launching Telegram Desktop. It records information such as the version launched, executable path, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL details. The log indicates Telegram Desktop was launched normally and initialized its settings, fonts, audio, and OpenGL resources without issues.
The document contains log messages from launching Telegram Desktop. It records information such as the version launched, executable path, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL details. The log indicates Telegram Desktop was launched normally and initialized its settings, fonts, audio, and OpenGL resources without issues.
The document contains log messages from launching Telegram Desktop. It records information such as the version launched, executable path, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL details. The log indicates Telegram Desktop was launched normally and initialized its settings, fonts, audio, and OpenGL resources without issues.
The document contains log messages from launching Telegram Desktop. It records information such as the version launched, executable path, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL details. The log indicates Telegram Desktop was launched normally and initialized its settings, fonts, audio, and OpenGL resources without issues.