This document outlines a checklist for block/brick masonry work for various construction projects at the Gujarat Technological University campus. It includes checks to be made before, during, and after block/brick masonry work, such as ensuring proper preparation of surfaces, use of approved materials, maintenance of bond patterns, protection of open joints, and curing of finished masonry. The checklist is to be used and signed by representatives of the contractor, third party inspection consultant, and authority overseeing the project.
This document outlines a checklist for block/brick masonry work for various construction projects at the Gujarat Technological University campus. It includes checks to be made before, during, and after block/brick masonry work, such as ensuring proper preparation of surfaces, use of approved materials, maintenance of bond patterns, protection of open joints, and curing of finished masonry. The checklist is to be used and signed by representatives of the contractor, third party inspection consultant, and authority overseeing the project.
This document outlines a checklist for block/brick masonry work for various construction projects at the Gujarat Technological University campus. It includes checks to be made before, during, and after block/brick masonry work, such as ensuring proper preparation of surfaces, use of approved materials, maintenance of bond patterns, protection of open joints, and curing of finished masonry. The checklist is to be used and signed by representatives of the contractor, third party inspection consultant, and authority overseeing the project.
This document outlines a checklist for block/brick masonry work for various construction projects at the Gujarat Technological University campus. It includes checks to be made before, during, and after block/brick masonry work, such as ensuring proper preparation of surfaces, use of approved materials, maintenance of bond patterns, protection of open joints, and curing of finished masonry. The checklist is to be used and signed by representatives of the contractor, third party inspection consultant, and authority overseeing the project.
ENGINEERING, PHARMACY, HOSTELS, LIBRARY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING INCLUDING NAME OF WORK: INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES LIKE OVERHEAD TANK, UNDERGROUND SUMP, STP, CHILLING PLANT, ROAD ETC. FOR GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY AT LEKAWADA GANDHINAGAR. AUTHORITY: Capital Project Division - 4 , Gandhinagar CONTRACTOR: Katira Construction Ltd, Ahmedabad. TPI CONSULTANT: Mcway Managements Ltd, Gandhinagar. Location : Floor : Sr.No Activity Date Checked Done Not Done Remarks PRE BLOCK/BRICK MASONARY CHECK Has the contractor cleaned the floor before 1 starting the line- out of masonry? Has the RCC surface that is next to brickwork hacked (6 mm deep and 30 mm c/c.) and 2 wetted and appliying cement slurry to concrete surface ? Mortar mixer should be available; alternatively 3 tray and shovels must be used to prepare mortar? Has the Quality, Size and Type of bricks are 4 delivered to site as per architect's and tender specification? Have the Bricks (of approved quality) been 5 soaked in water till the bubble ceases to come up and atleast before 24 hrs to work start?
Has the Setting out/alignment of the brickwork
6 done as per approved architect plan ?
Check the dimensions and diagonals of room
7 after laying first layer ? Did the contractor mark the locations of doors 8 and openings ? DURING BLOCK/BRICK MASONARY CHECK Check if the Mortar mix (mixed as per tender 1 specification) is uniform and of optimum workability (Ease to work with)?
Block work should be in proper alignment and
2 plumb with a english bond(header & strecher)?
3 Has all the Vertical joints been staggered?
Ensure only as per drawing of brick work is 4 laid in a day? Ensure that the top layer, beneath the beam, contains a full thickness block to allow good 5 distribution of load. Otherwise fill the gap with concrete/ Cement mortar? Check if the mortar is placed between edge of 6 brick and column? Has all the voids in brick/block joints filled 7 with consistent grout? Has the frog of brick being keeping upward 8 side?
9 Has the joint between two brick been proper?
CC surface of column/brick keeping with
10 applying with cement slurry? 11 Measurement box provided on site? At the end of day/work top layer of bricks 12 covered with cement mortar with rough marking? POST BLOCK/BRICK MASONRY CHECK 1 Are all courses in plumb, line & level? Are all door & window openings as per the 2 drawing schedule? 3 Has the floor been cleaned after the work? Has the Block/Brick work been Cured for a 4 period of 07 days (minimum)? All horizontal & vertical joint's are racked with 5 fresh cement mortar? Inspected by Contractor's TPI's Representative R&B's Representative Representative Date: Date: Date: Name: Name: Name: Signature: Signature: Signature: For Contractor's For TPI Representative For R&B Representative Representative