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Poblacion, Maragusan, Compostela Valley

Media Informatiion Literacy
1st Quarter Examination
Name:________________________________________________ Score:_________________________
Tract/Strand___________________________________________ Date:_________________________

1. Which of the following are example of Print media?

A. newspaper B. facebook C. Abs-Cbn news D. radio
2. Which of the following media consisting of paper and ink?
A. New media B. television C. print media D. Film/Cinema
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of Broadcast media?
A. Abs-Cbn DZMM C. Abante Una Sa Balita
B. Sonshine TV radio D. MOR 101.1
4. If your teacher says “you cannot use the Internet,” this usually means you cannot use the
A. library catalog B. library’s databases C. google D. browser

5. Among the characteristics that are used to evaluate the quality of an Internet site one finds__________.
a) the date of publication is provided.
b) the author is known in the field.
c) responsibility for the site is clearly indicated.
d) the site is rapidly accessible.

A.) a and b only B) a and c only C) a, b and c only D) a, c and d only

6. You have found magazine article and Web pages presenting different views on a current issue. You want to
use this information to write your paper. In which case(s) do you need to include a reference to the source of
a) when you copy word for word a paragraph from the magazine article
b) when you copy word for word a paragraph from a Web page
c) when you write in your own words what is being said in a magazine article
d) All of the Above

7. Which of the following is an example of broadcast media that air audio and video
materials for the public’s information, interest or leisure?
a. radio b. television c. film d. LCD projector

A.) a and b B.) b and c C.) a b and c D.) b c and d

8. Emmanuel checked the website of the weather bureau to get updates about the
super typhoon. What type of media and source of information did he use?
A. print media B. broadcast media C. new media D. mass media

9. Without this, media providers and producers, could be lured to create platforms
that are poorly made or offensive.
A. Ethics B. State C. MTRCB D. convention
10. This institution evaluates the kind of message which media send to the audience.
A. MTRCB B. State C. radio station D. TV station
11. What is meant by fairness in a news story?
A. getting a lawyer’s opinion before writing an article

B. having several authors write a story
C. covering all sides of an issue as fairly as possible
D. giving the same amount of space to every paragraph
12. When searching the Internet you should keep in mind ____________________.
A. That you can find any information online if you just search long enough.
B. That banner ads and chat rooms will often lead you to the best quality information.
C. That because of copyright laws, nothing worthwhile is ever published on the Internet
D. That not all online sources provide reliable or authoritative information
13. Which is the best strategy when you find too much information?
A. Broaden your question C. Change your topic
B. Narrow your question D. Only use the first few results
14. Which of the following does not indicate an author (print or web-based) would serve as an objective source?
A) Author's arguments were supported by facts.
B) Opposing points of view are addressed.
C) Author uses inflammatory language to arouse bias.
D) Opinions are not disguised as facts but supported with research.
15. Which of the following is an example of modern propaganda?.
A) Anti-smoking advertisements C) Popular music
B) Newspapers D) Television commercials
16. Refers to the conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures which indicate to an audience the
meaning of media messages.
A. Media Languages C. Media Literacy
B. Media Education D. Media Convergence

17. A good way to develop evaluation criteria would be to:

A) Examine the ideological bias in reference sources.
B) Learn to think critically when evaluating media source.
C) A and B
D) None of the Above.
18. Which of the following is NOT one of the main ways of evaluating information found online?
A. Looking at the brand name. . .is it a trusted brand?
B. Making sure the source is a governmental agency
C. Comparing the information on the website with the same information from an established media
company or with original source material
D. None of the above
19. The ability to transform different kinds of media into digital code.
A.) Communication C.) Media convergence
B.) News D.) Broadcast media
20. Which of the following is NOT an example of media convergence in communication, social network platform.
A.) Facebook C.) Twitter
B.) Google class. D.) Instagram
21. Media Convergence in entertainment, Which statement is true.
A. Digitized print ads across different platforms.
B. A news paper that still publishes through print and have television show.
C. A news paper that still publishes through print and have online portal.
D. A person who has a show, publishes books, appears in movies, endorses commercial products.
22. Which of the following platform is media convergence in Advertisement/Commercial
A. Product advertisement
B. Multimedia personality
C. News Agency
D. Learning management system
23. The Voice teen live show on ABS CBN. Is a _________________ media.
A. Broadcast B. print C. film D. news
24. FHM Philippine Magazine, Is a _________________ media.
A. New media B. Cinema C. Print Media D. Broadcast media
25. Identify the best example of media convergence.
A. Android phone B. TV Live shows C. book to e-books D. Bluetooth speaker
Classify the following according to information sources.
A. Gandang Gabi Vice E. History of United Nations I. Pinoy Big Brother
B. Wikipedia F. Pyagsawitan Festival j. Printed World Map
C. Lazada online shopping G. Clash of Clans K. Group Chat
D. erbularyo H. Sending Emails L. English books

26. Indigenous Knowledge:____________________

27. Library: ________________________________
28. Mass Media: ____________________________
29. Internet: _______________________________
30. Which of the following questions that will evaluate accuracy of information.
A. Can you find contact information? C. Are various points of view presented?
B. Is the information relevant to your research topic D. Is the information accurate and verifiable?
31. Which of following is NOT tips in spotting fake news
A. Consider the source B. never ask experts C. check the date D. Is it a joke?
32. Which of the following questions that will evaluate relevance of information.
A. Is the information meet your needs? C. Is the source free of advertising?
B. Are web link current and reliable ? D. Is the author’s name easily visible?
33 – 37 Classify following according to types of Media they belong.


33. New Media: _______________________
34. Print Media: _______________________
35. Film/Cinema: ______________________
36. Broadcast Media: __________________
37. Video Games: _____________________
38. Which of the following movie classification rating allow viewers of all ages are admitted.
A. Rated PG C. Rated G
B. Rated R -13 D. Rated R - 18
39. Ways in which equipment is used to tell the story (camera techniques, framing, depth of fields, lighting and
exposure, etc.)

A. Symbolic Code B. convention C. Written code D. Technical code

40. Which camera movements moving lens from right to left or vice versa.
A. Tilt B. Steadycam C. Truck D. Pan
41. It use language style and textual layout (headlines, captions, speech bubbles, language style, etc. )
A. convention B. written C. Technical D. symbolic
42. Which of the following is definition of convention?
A. are systems of signs, which create meaning

B. are the generally accepted ways of doing something
C. can be recognized by its common set of distinguishing features.
D. None of the Above
43 – 46 . Classify the following movie poster according to genre


43. Action :___________

44. Comedy: _________

45. Horror: __________

46. Love Story: ________

47. Refers to the closeness of the report to the actual data.

A. Authority of the source B. Accuracy of information C. Internet D. Indigenous

48 – 55 Write an essay on Evaluating Movie Genre. 7pts.

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