URIT US3000 2000 1680 LIS-V5.02 en

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US3000/2000/1680 LIS
Communication Interface


2021.12 URIT



1. Overview of HL7 Interface..................................................................................................4

2. Underlying Communication Mode.....................................................................................5

2.1. TCP Network Communication Protocol.................................................................... 5

2.2. RS232 Standard Serial Communication Protocol...................................................5

3. HL7 Interface Instruction.................................................................................................... 6

3.1. Key Parameters............................................................................................................6

3.2. Underlying Protocol......................................................................................................6

3.3. Basic Syntax................................................................................................................. 7

3.4. Messages Used by This Interface............................................................................. 9

3.4.1. ORU^R01............................................................................................................... 9

3.4.2. ACK^R01............................................................................................................. 10

3.4.3. QRY^Q02.............................................................................................................11

3.4.4. QCK^Q02.............................................................................................................11

3.4.5. DSR^Q03............................................................................................................. 12

3.4.6. ACK^Q03............................................................................................................. 12

3.5. Message Field............................................................................................................ 13

3.5.1. MSH - Message Header.................................................................................... 13

3.5.2. MSA - Message Acknowledgment Segment..................................................15


3.5.3. PID – Patient Identification................................................................................17

3.5.4. OBR– Observation Request............................................................................. 18

3.5.5. OBX – Observation............................................................................................ 19

3.5.6. QRD – Query Definition Segment....................................................................21

3.5.7. QRF – Query Filter Segment............................................................................ 22

3.5.8. ERR – Error Segment........................................................................................ 23

3.5.9. QAK – Query Acknowledgment Segment...................................................... 23

3.5.10. DSP – Display Data Segment........................................................................ 24

3.5.11. DSC – Continuation Pointer Segment.......................................................... 27

3.5.12. TE Notes and comments segment................................................................ 28

4. Duplex response................................................................................................................29

4.1 DSP No. 29 and the subsequent fields instruction Rules:.................................29

5. Communication Examples............................................................................................... 32

5.1. Sending Test Results to LIS.....................................................................................32

5.2. Query LIS sample and information application according to code number...... 34

5.3. LIS sending sample and application information.................................................. 35


1. Overview of HL7 Interface

HL7 protocol interface is a set of universal data communication interface

developed by our company for test equipment based on standard hl7v2.3.1.

This interface supports two-way transmission of the testing equipment and LIS

system. It’s recommended to use TCP connection, but serial port transport is

also allowed.

(Note: Since this protocol does not have the function of data verification, there

is the possibility of data destruction caused by signal attenuation or external

electromagnetic interference in the transmission process of serial port.)

HL7 is an electronic data interchange standard for in-patient care. Originally

defined by the United States, it has been adopted by many countries. This

interface is defined based on HL7 v2.3.1. Please refer to HL7 Interface

Standards Version 2.3.1 for details.

This interface uses only part of the data, so only part of the message types,

segment types, and other data specified in HL7 are used in this interface.


2. Underlying Communication Mode

All testing equipment conforming to this standard shall support one or both of

the following two communication modes according to the hardware conditions

of the equipment:

2.1. TCP Network Communication Protocol

Using standard RJ458 wire to connect, it is a data transmission mode of

reliable communication by TCP protocol.

2.2. RS232 Standard Serial Communication Protocol

Using the 9-pin RS232 standard serial port data line to connect, it is a data

transmission mode by serial port communication protocol.


3. HL7 Interface Instruction

3.1. Key Parameters

Character Set Encoding: The UTF-8 encoding is mandatory for this interface

and cannot be changed.

Waiting Time: After the request is sent, the request originator waits for a reply

message. If no response is received within the specified time, the

retransmission mechanism is enabled. The default value is 3 seconds.

Number of Request Retry: it is the upper limit of the number of retries after

communication timeout. If the limit is exceeded continuously, no more sending

attempts are made and the connection is actively disconnected. The default

value is 3. It is 3 times by default.

3.2. Underlying Protocol

This protocol is a message-based protocol, which is sent with the following


<SB> [message] <EB><CR> :

<SB> = Start Block character (1 byte) [ASCII <0x0B>]

message = Data (variable number of bytes) is the content of HL7 message


<EB> = End Block character (1 byte) [ASCII <0x1C>]


<CR> = Carriage Return (1 byte) [ASCII <0x0D>]

ASCII Code Table:

3.3. Basic Syntax

Each HL7 message is composed of segments, ending with <CR>.


Every segment is composed of three-character segment name and a fixed

number of fields composed of components and subcomponents. In the MSH

segment of each message, delimiters for each constituent unit are defined. For



The five characters following MSH define the delimiters used to distinguish

fields, components, and subcomponents. This HL7 standard uses the

characters in the table below:

Character Meaning

| Field delimiter

^ Component delimiter

& Subcomponent delimiter

~ Repeat delimiter

\ Escape character

The first field of MSH includes various of delimiters. Some of the later fields are

empty, because they are optional and this HL7 interface doesn’t use it.

Detailed definitions and selections of fields are described later.

For any kinds of message, the sequence of segments after the MSH segment

is specified. The sequence will be described in the following sections in detail.

Use these syntax structures to indicate that a segment is optional or repeated

[ ] indicates the segment inside is optional.


{ } indicates the segment inside can repeat 0 or 1 time or more times.

3.4. Messages Used by This Interface

All HL7 messages used by this interface are ORU, ACK, QRY, QCK and DSR.
The transmission diagram of test results of detection system is as follows:



The schematic diagram of obtaining sample application information from LIS

server is shown as follow:



Detailed description is shown as follow:

3.4.1. ORU^R01

Test results/ response of patient samples(including QC samples)


Using ORU^R01 message, testing equipment sends test results to LIS.

Sample test results include the following information:

Patient information (Name and sample No.)

o Sample information( type, test tube rack No.)

o Doctor’s advice ( sender, examiner, clinical diagnosis)

o Test results

o Image

The derailed structure is shown as follow:

MSH Message header

[PID ] Patient Indicating Data

OBR Observation report

{OBX} Test results

{NTE} Tips, remarks

3.4.2. ACK^R01

The message is used to respond ORU message. The structure is shown as


MSH Message Header


MSA Message Affirmation

[ERR] Error message

3.4.3. QRY^Q02

The message queries the current data and is used to query the required

sample application information from the LIS system. The structure of triggered

event is shown as follow:

MSH Message header

QRD Query definition

QRF Query filtration

3.4.4. QCK^Q02

The message is used for the response of QRY message. The structure is

shown as follow;

MSH Message header

MSA Message Affirmation

ERR Error message


QAK Query Affirmation

3.4.5. DSR^Q03

The main purpose of the message is to display the query results sending, that

is, LIS send the required sample request information to the testing device.

According to HL7 standards, the following structure is used:

MSH Message header

[MSA] Message affirmation

[ERR] Error message

[QAK] Query affirmation

QRD Query definition

[QRF] Query filtration

{DSP} Data display

[DSC] Continuous pointer

3.4.6. ACK^Q03

The message is used for the response of DRS message. The structure is

shown as follow:


MSH Message header

MSA Message Affirmation

[ERR] Error message

3.5. Message Field

o Tables are used in this section to describe the fields and their

attributes in each message.

o Serial No.: what position the segment ranks in the message.

o Field: this field’s standard HL7 name.

o Length: this field’s standard HL7 length.

o Filed of this interface : The name of this interface field is null,

indicating that it is the same as the standard HL7 segment name.

o Comments: the meaning of this interface field.

Note: the serial No. with # are required fields specified for HL7.

3.5.1. MSH - Message Header

It’s the first message segment of HL7 message. All messages are begin

with MSH segment and are generally placed at the beginning of the

message. This message segment is used to define the message's intent,

source, purpose, and some details of the message syntax.


The structure of the HL7 interface MSH segment is shown as follow:

MSH|^~\&|<CompanyName >|< DeviceId >|<

TargCompanyName >|LIS|<MessageTime>||<Message Type>|< Message Control
ID >|P| 2.3.1||||< Application Acknowledgment Type >||<Character Set>|||

The MSH segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Filed Length Filed of this interface Comments

Including the first field separator after

the message segment name, which

1# Field Separator 1
specifies the value of the field separator

for the rest of the message.

Including component delimiter, repeat

delimiter, transferred meaning delimiter
2# Encoding Characters 4
and sub-components delimiter, which
are fixed to be “^~\& ”.
3 Sending Application 180 CompanyName Company name
Device ID. Model ID ^ serial number is
4 Sending Facility 180 DeviceId
5 Receiving Application 180 TargCompanyName LIS company name
Receiving Facility
6 Receiving Facility 180
Fixed to be “LIS”
7 Date/Time Of Message 26 MessageTime Time of sending message
9# Message Type 7 Message type, such as: ORU^R01
Message Control ID. Unsigned int

10# Message Control ID 20 Only indicating a single message,

increasing from 1 with the number of
11# Processing ID 3 Fixed to be ”P”.
12# Version ID 60 Fixed to be ”2.3.1”
Accept Acknowledgment
15 2 Blank.
Application Application Acknowledgment Type
16 2
Acknowledgment Type


Filed Length Filed of this interface Comments
It’s a sending result type. 0- test
results of patient sample;
18 Character Set 10 Character set UTF-8

3.5.2. MSA - Message Acknowledgment Segment

The structure of this interface MSA segment is shown as follow:

MSA|< Acknowledgment Code >|< Message Control ID >|< Text Message >||<Error


The MSA segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fields

Serial Filed of this

Field Length Comments
No. interface
AA means acceptance;
AE means error;AR means rejection;what you
should note is that when LIS sends responds
Notice that when LIS sends ACK^R01
1# Acknowledgment Code 2 message,if LIS uses AE or AR,BS-XXX regards
that LIS hasn’t processed the sent results,it
will send test results again,twice at most. So
it’s recommended LIS not use AE or AR,but
Message Control ID

2# Message Control ID 20
It’s the same as MSH message control ID and
sender’s MSH-10.
Text Message

3 Text Message 80 A description of event when an error or

rejection occur. It corresponds to the 6th field.
It can be used to write to log.
6 Error Condition 100 Error condition (Status code)


Declare: the value of MSA-6 segment is shown as follow:

Confirmation Status code
Status text(MSA-3) Description/ remarks
code (MSA-6)

AA Success

0 Message accepted

AE Error

Incorrect segment sequence or

100 Segment sequence error
required segment missed.

101 Required field missing Required field missed

Incorrect data type, such as

102 Data type error
numbers become characters.
Not found in table value, standing
103 Table value not found

AR Rejection

200 Unsupported message type Unsupported message type

201 Unsupported event code Unsupported event code

202 Unsupported processing id Unsupported processing ID

203 Unsupported version id Unsupported version ID

Unknown key identifier, such as

204 Unknown key identifier inputting an inexistent patient

205 Duplicate key identifier Duplicate keywords already exist

Events can not be performed in

storage class of application
206 Application record locked
programme, such as database

Unknown internal error of

207 Application internal error

Remarks: this message segment may present to the messages of ACK^R01,

QCK^Q02 and ACK^Q03. The forth and sixth filed use integer type, and the

others use character string.


3.5.3. PID – Patient Identification

PID segment is mainly used to build patient’s personal information.

The structure of this HL7 interface PID segment is shown as follow:

PID|<Set ID>|<PatientCurrentNo>|<PatientID>|<BedNo>|<Patient
Name>|<PatientArea>|< Date/Time of Birth >|<Sex>|< Patient Alias>||< Patient
Address >|<CountyCode>|<PhoneNumber>|<Age>|<AgeUnit>|||<PatientSource>|

For example:



The PID segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Field of this
Serial No. Filed Length Significance of this interface
Confirm different patient’s
1 Set ID – PID 10
message segment
2 Patient ID 20 PatientCurrentNo ID Patient Current No.
Patient No., the only number for
3# Patient Identifier List 20 PatientID
4 Alternate Patient ID 20 BedNo Bed ID
5# Patient Name 40 Patient Name Patient name, pet name
Mother’s Maiden
6 20 PatientArea Patient Area
Date of birth( format: year, month,
7 Date/Time of Birth 26 date, hour, minute, second. Such as,
19830512000000) It can be null.
Sex M for male, F for female and
8 Sex 1
O for others.
ABO blood type( ’A’ for blood
group A,’B’ for blood group
9 Patient Alias 20
B ,’AB’ for blood group
AB ,’O’ for blood group O.


Field of this
Serial No. Filed Length Significance of this interface
11 Patient Address 20 Patient Address
12 County Code 10 County Code( postcode)
13 Phone Number - Home 20 Telephone number
14 Phone Number -Business 20 Age Age

15 Primary Language 1 AgeUnit AgeUnit(Y , M,D,H)

18 Patient Account Number 20 PatientSource Patient type

19 SSN Number -Patient 20 AccountNumber Medical saving account
23 Birth Place 20 Birth Place, animal species
26 Citizenship 40 RackId Rack ID
27 Veterans Military Status 60 TubeId Tube ID
28 Nationality 20 Country
30 Patient Death Indicator 1 Blank. Reserve.

Remarks: this message segment is only used for ORU^R01 message. The first

field uses integer type, and the others use character string type.

3.5.4. OBR– Observation Request

OBR segment is used to transmit doctor’s device related to test reports.

When the message sends a normal test result (MSH-16 is 0), the structure of

HL7 interface OBR segment is shown as follow:


The OBR segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fileds:

Field of this
Serial No. Field Length Comments

1 Set ID – OBR 10 Confirm different OBR fields

2 Placer Order Number 27 Barcode Sample barcode

3 Filler Order Number 10 SampleId Sample No.


Field of this
Serial No. Field Length Comments

4# Universal Service ID 200 InstrId Instrument model

5 Priority 1 Emergency? Y/N

Submission time. It generally refers to

7 Date/Time 26 SampleDate LIS computer time and inspection
department signing time.

13 Relevant Clinical Info. 300 Diagnostic Clinical diagnosis information

Specimen Received SpecimenReceiv Receiving time. The time when the

14 26
Date/Time edTime instrument received the sample.

15 Specimen Source 20 SampleType Sample type

16 Ordering Provider 40 Sender

Order Callback Phone

17 20 Department Tel
18 Placer Field 1 20 SampleStatus Sample character

21 Filler Field 2 20 Department Department

Remarks: this message segment is only used for ORU^R01. The first and 37th

field use integer type, the 9th filed use floating-point data type, and the others

use character string type.

3.5.5. OBX – Observation

OBX is mainly used to transmit observation messages in report message. If

the transmission is a patient sample test information (MSH-16 is 0)—— one

patient may have several OBX, this interface does not provide repeatability

test for test data. The customer system processes the data by itself.

The structure of this HT7 interface OBX segment is shown as follow:

OBX|<SetId>|<ValueType>| Observation Identifier ||< Observation


Value >|<Units>|<ReferencesRange>|<ResultFlag>|||F||<Od>|<ResultTime>||||

The OBX segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Field of this
Serial No. Filed Length Comments
1 Set ID – OBX 10 Confirm different OBX fields.

Types of test results

NM (numeric) is used for quantitative project.

2 Value Type 3 ST (string) is used for qualitative project.

ED(EncipheredData) is used for images ,

original data, and so on.

Channel No. of inspection items

Receiving test results, LIS must use this filed

to match items. The format is as follow:


(Item No.^Item name^Internal No.)

3# Observation Identifier 10
If the field is an image, the format is as



(Graph ID^FileName^Internal ID)

Test results

The format of test results is as follows:


If the field is an image, the format is as

5 Observation Value 25



(Graph Type^Coded Format^Base


6 Units 20 Unit of test unit

7 References Range 90 Normal range of test results

Test results is normal or not ((H is high, L is

8 Abnormal Flags 1
low, N is normal )

11# Observe Result Status 1 Observe result status,take F-final results

13 User Defined Access Checks 25 OD Original results


14 Date/Time of the Observation 28 ResultTime Finished time of the test

Remarks: this message segment only appears in ORU^R01 message. The

first field uses integer type, and the others use character string type. For the

HL7 protocol cannot transmit binary data directly, image and original data will

be transmitted after Base64 coding.

3.5.6. QRD – Query Definition Segment

The structure of this HT7 interface QRD segment is shown as follow:

QRD|< Query Date/Time >|R|D|< Query ID >|||RD|<Barcode>|OTH|||T

The QRD segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Field of this
Serial No. Field Length Comments
Time of query occurence is system
1# Query Date/Time 26
Code of query format is R
2# Query Format Code 1
(record-oriented format)
Query priority
3# Query Priority 1
Query ID,indicating different query.
4# Query ID 10 The query number is increased
from 1.
Quantity limited request
7# Quantity Limited Request 10
8# Who Subject Filter 27 Barcode Sample barcode
Query content filter. It’s set as OTH
9# What Subject Filter 60
when query.
Query results level
12 Query Results Level 1

Remarks: this message segment may appear in QRY^Q02 message and


DSR^Q03 message. The 4th field uses integer type, and the others use

character string type.

3.5.7. QRF – Query Filter Segment

QRF segment is used with QRD segment together for further query.

The structure of this HT7 interface QRF segment is shown as follow:

QRF|<InstrId>|< When Data Start Date/Time >|< When Data End
Date/Time >|||RCT|COR|ALL|

The QRF segment of this HL7 interface uses the following field:

Serial No. Field Length Field of this Comments

1# Where Subject Filter 20 InstrId Device model
2 When Data Start Date/Time 26 Record the start date/time, used at
the beginning of sample receiving
time when query.
3 When Data End Date/Time 26 Record the start date/time, used at
the end of sample receiving time
when query.
6 Which Date/Time Qualifier 12 Target type, that is RCT(Specimen
receipt date/time, receipt of specimen
in filling ancillary (Lab))
7 Which Date/Time Status 12 Target state,that is COR(Corrected
Qualifier only (no final with corrections))
8 Date/Time Selection 12 Qualifier of Date/Time selection,
Qualifier using ALL(All values within the range)

Remarks: this message segment may appear in QRY^Q02 and DSR^Q03

message. The second and third field are 0 o’clock of the query day and query

occurrence time respectively, used to be the query condition of time interval.

All fields use character string type. The 4th field is the starting sample number

of the query, and the 5th segment is the ending sample number, which makes


query according to sample numbers available. The 4th field null indicates

query according to time; otherwise, query according to sample number.

3.5.8. ERR – Error Segment

ERR segment is used to confirm error information added in messages.

The structure of this HT7 interface ERR segment is shown as follow:


The ERR segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fieldt:

Serila No. Field Length Field of this Comments

1# Error Code Location and 80 ErroInfo Error information

Remarks: this message segment may appear in the messages of QCK^Q02,

DSR^Q03 or ACK^Q03 (for details please refer to Table of error message

code). This message has only one field, using integer type.

The ERR segment is used to add an error description to the acknowledgement


3.5.9. QAK – Query Acknowledgment Segment

QAK segment contains information with query response.

The structure of this HT7 interface ERR segment is shown as follow:



The QAK segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Serial No. Field Length Field of this Comments

1 Query Tag 32 Query Tag ,that is SR(indicating it’s
sample application information)
2 Query Status Response 2 Status of query response
OK:Data found, no errors
NF:No data found, no errors
AE:Application error
AR:Application reject

Remarks: this message segment may appear in the messages of QCK^Q02

and DSR^Q03. All fields use character string type.

3.5.10. DSP – Display Data Segment

DSP segment is used to offer the queried sample application information and

patient information. It’s repeatable.

The structure of this HT7 interface DSP segment is shown as follow:


The DSP segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Serial Field Length Fields of this Comments

No. interface
1 Set ID - DSP 4 Confirm different DSP segment

2 Display Level 4 Display level

3# Data Line 300 Data line

The queried content

4 Logical Break Point 2 Logical Break Point


5 Result ID 20 Result ID

Remarks: this message segment only appears in DSR^Q03 message. The first

field uses integer type, and the others use character string type.

The third segment “Data Line” is used to display sample application

information downloaded from LIS server. Detailed items and sequence of

sample application information are shown in the table below. Barcode number

and item serial number are essential, and other information can be null. When

the sample contains more than one items, the fields will be added from 29th

segment, the same format as 29th segment.

Serial Content Type Value

1 Hospital number String The number of this admission
2 Bed No. String
3 Patient No. String
4 Date of birth String Format: YYYYMMDDHHmmSS (Year Month Day Hour
Minute Second)
5 Sex String Male = M; Female = F; Other = O
6 Blood type String O、A、B、AB
7 Inpatient area String
8 Address String
9 Diagnosis String Clinical diagnostic information of the patient
10 Patient Tel String
11 Department Tel String
12 Patient ID String The unique number of the patient's file
13 Age String
14 Age unit String (Y, M, D)
15 Source of patient String
16 Medical insurance String
17 Test tube rack No. String
18 Test tube No. String


19 Native place String

20 Nationality String
21# Sample barcode String
22# LIS Sample No. int
23 Sending time String Format: YYYYMMDDHHmmSS (Year Month Day
Hour Minute Second)
24# Emergency? String Yes = Y; No= N; Null is N by default.
25 Sample status String
26# Sample type String Serum, plasma, urine, whole blood,
amniotic, etc.
27 Sender String 40 characters at most
28 Department String 20 characters at most
29 and Test items string Channel No.^Item name^Dilution ratio
subsequ Channel No. and Dilution ratio are required fields.
ent (Duplex)
See Chapter 4 for details.

Channel No. and rules:

Major items:UC,UD,AU,CA.
Minor items:the specific item channel number.
Major items+package:the format is major items@package
number.(corresponding to the serial number in the drop-down
list of IPU》IPU options》Default test items. 0 represents the
currently selected. 1 represents the first one in the drop-down
box. N represents the Nth in the drop-down box.
Items that not appear:Not to test.

For example:
UC^^1 Test dry chemistry
UD^^1 Test urine sediment

AU^^1 Test specific protein

CA^^1 Test biochemistry
AU_MALB^^1 Test the minor item AU_MALB of specific
UC@0^^1 Test dry chemistry according to IPU default
UD@1^^1 Test urine sediment according to the first
pull-down option in IPU.

(Note: the field with # is required.)


Testing system uses the item channel number to match test items. For the

same item (such as ALT), if the item channel number is set to be 100 on testing

system, LIS must use the same channel number (100) to transmit sample

information. Channel number can be set in [Apply]->[System setting]->[LIS


3.5.11. DSC – Continuation Pointer Segment

DSC segment is used to indicate whether the data message is the last one in

response message.

The structure of this HT7 interface DSC segment is shown as follow:

DSC|< Continuation pointer>

The DSC segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Serial No. Field Length Field of this Comments

1 Continuation pointer 180 Continuation pointer

Remarks: this message segment is only used in DSR^Q03 message.

When DSR^Q03 is used to response batch query, the unique field in this

segment of DSR messages can not be null, except the last sample

application DSR message. This message segment only has one field, and

its data type is integer.

For example: LIS sends N samples information :

The first sample DSC|1|


The second sample DSC|2|

The third sample DSC|3|


3.5.12. TE Notes and comments segment

The NTE field is used to transmit information such as prompt information

and remarks. In most cases, this field is not transmitted. It is transmitted

only when there is a message to be sent out, such as abnormal specimen,

instrument failure, abnormal result, insufficient reagent, etc.

The structure of this HT7 interface NTE segment is shown as follow:


The NTE segment of this HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Serial No. Field Length Field of this Comments


1 Set ID - NTE 4 Information No. Confirm different message segments

2 SourceOfComment 8 Information id The unique number of the message

(please refer to the user manual for the

agreement of the message code of

each instrument)

3 Comment 65536 Message content Message body

4 CommentType 60 Message type This interface is always RE, that is



4. Duplex response

4.1 DSP No. 29 and the subsequent fields instruction


 Channel No.^Item name^Dilution ratio

 Channel No. and rules are required fields, and others (item name, Dilution

ratio) can be omitted.

 Items that not appear:Not to test.

Major items:UC,UD,AU,CA.

 Minor items:the specific item channel number.

Major items+package : the format is major items@package number.

( corresponding to the serial number in the drop-down list of IPU 》 IPU

options 》 Default test items. 0 represents the currently selected. 1

represents the first one in the drop-down box. N represents the Nth in the

drop-down box.

Test items:
 【Test type】 :(UC,UD,AU,CA)

 【Major items@package No.】 :(See the figure below. Package No. 0:

default ; No.1-n is the package expressed on line N of the drop-down



 【Minor items:the specific item channel number.】:

(minor items are shown

in the following figure)

UC^^1 Test dry chemistry

UD^^1 Test urine sediment


AU^^1 Test specific protein

CA^^1 Test biochemistry

AU:AU_MALB^^1 Test the minor item AU_MALB of specific



5. Communication Examples

5.1. Sending Test Results to LIS

Testing system sends sample and QC results to LIS in unit of samples, that is,

tests of one sample will be sent as one (ORU^R01) message. After receiving

this message, LIS will respond accordingly. (If the reply mechanism is not

wanted to be applicable, you need to set non-dependent reply in important

parameters of this interface.)



Below is an example of the communication and its comments.

Instrument ->LIS ORU^R01 sends a test result of common sample to LIS.















LIS->responds properly ACK^R01 to confirm received the test results.




MSA|AA|1|Message accepted||0<0D>


LIS->refuses to respond ACK^R01(please refer to the table of MSA in the

previous section for detailed refusal cause)




MSA|AR|2|Segment sequence error||100<0D>



5.2. Query LIS sample and information application according

to code number



Instrument ->LIS QRY^Q02 asks LIS for a request with code number








LIS->instrument QCK^Q02 confirms receipt of query request.




MSA|AA|1|Message accepted||0<0D>






5.3. LIS sending sample and application information



LIS->instrument DSR^Q03 sends a sample and its test items to





MSA|AA|1|Message accepted||0<0D>






DSP|2||Bed 1||<0D>

DSP|3||Zhang San||<0D>




DSP|6||Another name||<0D>

DSP|7||Impatient ward||<0D>









DSP|16||Health insurance No.||<0D>









DSP|25||Sample state||<0D>

DSP|26||Urine sample||<0D>


DSP|28||Internal medicine department||<0D>










Instrument->LIS ACK^Q03 asknowledges receipt.




MSA|AA|1|Message accepted||0<0D>




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