Kennedy D, Hwang P. Rhinology: Diseases of The Nose, Sinuses, and Skull Base
Kennedy D, Hwang P. Rhinology: Diseases of The Nose, Sinuses, and Skull Base
Kennedy D, Hwang P. Rhinology: Diseases of The Nose, Sinuses, and Skull Base
DOI 10.1007/s00405-012-2206-1
Samy Elwany
Rhinology: Diseases of the Nose, Sinuses, and Skull Base is The third section (19 chapters) concentrates on surgical
a worthwhile well-organized textbook written by 134 aspects of sinonasal diseases and is complemented by the
authors, and edited by D. Kennedy and P. Hwang. This accompanying DVD. This section focuses on diseases that
single volume textbook features an up-to-date review of are treated primarily surgically. It also includes chapters on
sinonasal anatomy and physiology, as well as medical and sinonasal trauma and epistaxis. The chapters on office
surgical aspects of diseases of the nose, sinuses, and related rhinology and instrumentation for sinus surgery are basi-
skull base. cally important for junior rhinologists and ENT surgeons.
The text is 776 pages in length and features contribu- Contrarily, the chapter on surgical navigation and intra-
tions of many of the leading experts in the field. A well- operative imaging is valuable for experienced rhinologists
narrated DVD is included with the book. The textbook has and skull base surgeons.
54 chapters, divided into 4 sections covering a wide array The last section (14 chapters) deals with endoscopic
of topics. Each chapter ends with an excellent recent list of surgery of the anterior and central skull base and is espe-
references. Almost all chapters include many high-quality cially interesting for experienced rhinologists. In addition,
pertinent figures and color illustrations. All clinical and the section includes also endoscopic approaches to the
histopathological pictures are also in full color. odontoid, clivus, and posterior fossa.
The first section (4 chapters) deals with sinonasal anat- The accompanying DVD includes 21 videos narrated by
omy and physiology and also includes a well-illustrated David Kennedy in a consistent manner. The videos are of
chapter on imaging of paranasal sinuses and skull base, and good quality and demonstrate the various surgical proce-
another chapter on objective measures of nasal functions. dures described in the text. The first video, however, is on
This last chapter, together with the chapters on mucociliary anatomy of paranasal sinuses.
clearance and olfaction, is imperative for research in nasal Overall, Rhinology: Diseases of the Nose, Sinuses, and
physiology and clinical outcome studies. Skull Base is a welcome addition to the libraries of novice
The second section (16 chapters) discusses medical aspects and senior otorhinolaryngologists and, of course, rhinolo-
of inflammatory sinonasal diseases and includes valuable gists. The book is an important multimedia resource for
information for the clinicians and researchers as well. The experienced surgeons and young trainees. It includes the
chapter on diagnosis of rhinosinusitis is nicely illustrated. present-time experience of many of the world top rhinol-
There is also a whole chapter on principles of allergy skin ogists, and it is definitely an excellent reserve of a firm
testing and immunotherapy and another attention-grabbing knowledge base of the field of rhinology and related skull
chapter on management of recalcitrant rhinosinusitis. base surgery.
S. Elwany (&)
Alexandria, Egypt