Ecrl FS01 - Tunjung - Ugc - Schedule H

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The items and par culars in Schedule H are the Definite Items of the Plant switchgear or equipment
and its associated works in this Contract. The Schedule is divided into several parts, i.e.:

 Part 1: Underground Cable Work Items

 Part 2: Common Works Items

The Parts indicated with  shall form part of the Schedule H or NA for ‘not applicable’.

The Schedule shall be read in conjunc on with the schedule of drawings and the Technical
Specifica ons indicated in the Condi on of Contracts. In case of contradic on, FIDIC Clause 1.5
(Priority of Documents) shall prevail. All related engineering and design works associated with the
project and schedules shall be included as part of the Items.

Items not specifically men oned in this Schedule but necessary to be included for the complete and
sa sfactory opera on of the system as specified by the Specifica ons (including special tools for
construc on, tes ng, opera on, and maintenance purposes of the equipment) shall be deemed to
be included in the Contract Price.

The Schedule shall be read in conjunc on with HSE Requirement for Contractor indicated in the
Condi on of Contracts and shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Price.

The prices for the individual items shall be entered in Schedule of Prices indicated in the Condi on of

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This Bill of Quan ty shall be read in conjunc on with Technical Specifica ons and Tender Drawings.
All related engineering, design, supply, and erec on works associated with the project and schedules
shall be included as part of the Items. Items not specifically men oned in this Bill of Quan ty but
necessary to be included for the complete and sa sfactory opera on of the system as specified by
the Specifica ons (including special tools for construc on, tes ng, opera on, and maintenance
purposes of the equipment) shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Price.

The prices for the individual items shall be entered in Schedule of Price.

Summary of scope 1) New 132kV XLPE underground cables rated for 100MVA from TNB
of works Switching Sta on to ECRL Tunjung Feeder Sta on. The new XLPE cable
(FS01 Tunjung) shall be 2 circuits, 3 phase, 1 cable per phase of 800mm2 Copper and 2
nos. 48 core fiber op c cable.

2) The Contractor shall submit all required documenta ons, studies, and
reports in obtaining permits from all related stakeholders such as Local
Authori es, Majlis Bandaraya/Perbandaran/Daerah, Jabatan Kerja Raya
(JKR), Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS), etc., and all par es for the
works including liaison with ECRL Project Owner (MRL) and EPCC (CCCC).
All deposits, bank guarantees, insurances, processing fees, penal es, and
other costs, etc., where required, (refundable and non-refundable) are
deemed to be included and under the responsibility of the Contractor.
Re-instatement and restora on of surfaces and exis ng structures, etc.,
according to the related Stakeholders and approval. Cleaning of work
areas including removal and disposal of debris and surplus materials.

3) The Contractor shall submit complete documenta ons and drawings

showing detailed and true-to-scale dimensioned cross-sec ons of the
power cables, cable join ng and termina ng accessories installa ons.

Defini on on cable 1) Defini on for cable route-meter are as follows: -

quan ty a) Road surface length of a con nuous road under which the cable
system is installed, and/or;
b) Land surface length that includes terrains/slopes and flat land under
which the cable system is installed to cross the non-con nuous road
c) Cable profile length inclusive of the flat, turning and climbing
distances of the cable system which is laid on the cable-ladder, cable-
tray, cable-support and/or cable-riser inside the substa on building
and/or cable tunnel.

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Supply, install, tes ng and commissioning of the following works. In respect

of any element of the Works which is subject to actual site measurement,
the rates stated in Schedule N shall be fixed and firm and shall not be subject
to any price adjustment for any reason whatsoever including but not limited
to the increase in the price of raw materials, labour, changes in condi ons of
employment, currency fluctua ons, changes in Statutory Requirements of
Malaysia or any other countries, fuel, power or any change in the costs of
any other ma er of thing or whatsoever nature.

Quan ty Item
MA1 Lump Sum To Supply and install Underground cables rated for
100MVA from TNB PMU Tunjung to ECRL Feeder
Sta on 01(FS01) Tunjung. The new XLPE cable shall
be 2 circuits, 3 phase, 1 cable per phase of 132kV
single core 800mm2 copper XLPE PE sheath.

For details Refer to TNB specifica on.

MA2 Lump Sum To supply and install 2 nos. of new 48-core op cal
fiber cables, joints /splicing for 48-core op cal fiber
cable, Join ng manhole/handhole, Fiber distribu on
cabinet/patch panel for termina on of 48-core
op cal fiber cable complete with trays, kits, all
fi ngs, accessories and join ng materials and
labelling of the op cal fiber cable des na on shall be
installed at both end. Each panel shall consist of 2
nos. patch tray.

For details refer to TNB specifica on.

MA3 Lump Sum Power Cable and Fiber Op cs Laying - Laid in Duc ng
- Open Trenching Method

Supply and install of HDPE PN10 pipes as follows:

a)Minimum 150mm for 800mm2 cable. (1 pipe per

b)Minimum 100mm for Fiber Op c and ECC. and
corrugated pipes/sockets to suit the HDPE PN10 sizes

including excava on, trenching, shoring, and all

temporary works complete with nylon draw rope,
conduct mandrel test, duc ng, sanding, protec ve
covering, re-instatement work, cable route marking,
civil works, labelling for all types of cables laid at
both ends, excava on in rock related to the scope of
works, making good all road furniture, etc. Road

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works are strictly required to meet Local Authority
standards that are applicable for this project.

HDPE PN10 joints shall be by means of but-fusion

process using but-welding machine.

For details Refer to TNB specifica on.

MA4 Lump Sum Power Cable and Fiber Op cs Laying - Laid in Duc ng
- HDD Method

Supply and install of HDPE PN10 pipes as follows:

a) Minimum 150mm for 800mm2 cable. (1 pipe

per phase)
b) Minimum 100mm for Fiber Op c and ECC.
and corrugated pipes/sockets to suit the
HDPE PN10 sizes above.

Supplying, laying and join ng of the following

HDPE (PN10) ducts by Horizontal Direct Drilling
method including provision, assembly and removal
on comple on of all plant, equipment, resources
and all temporary works complete with nylon draw
rope, excava on of pit, backfilling, disposal of
surplus materials, breaking up exis ng pavement
and reinstatement of surfaces.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible to protect,

relocate or divert all the services/u li es obstruc ng
the posi on of entry and exit pits and pipes. The
costs of reloca on and diversion works are deemed
to be included.

Laid in pipes by Horizontal Direc onal Drilling (HDD)

including supply of pipe joints, etc., to complete,
inclusive of direct buried without pipes for check

HDPE PN10 joints shall be by means of but-fusion

process using but-welding machine.

For details Refer to TNB specifica on.


a) Direct Buried in Pipes Method:

i. Unpaved / Crusher Run Road.

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ii. Tarmacadam Road inclusive of resurfacing, milling, and paving of
tarmacadam road including thermal plas c road marking (where
required) inclusive California Bearing Ra o Test (CBR test as per
ASTM D1883) as per Local Authority requirements.
iii. Concrete / Interlocking blocks road.
iv. Road Shoulder and Pavement.
v. Rocky Area excluding excava on in rock.
vi. Switchyard.
vii. Green Area/grass.
viii. Concrete Encasing.

b) Laid in Pipes in HDD:

Horizontal Direct Drilling (HDD) in pipes (1 circuit per hole) including
supply of pipe joints, excavated materials to be removed from site
including supply and reinstatement of jacking pit fully as per original
condi ons.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible to relocate and divert all the
services/u li es obstruc ng the posi on of pits and pipes. The costs of
reloca on and diversion works are deemed to be included.

Laid in pipes by Horizontal Direc onal Drilling (HDD) including supply of

pipe joints, etc., to complete, inclusive of direct buried without pipes for
check points.

c) In substa on compound:
i. Laid on cable trays/ladders in substa on/cable cellar and in box
culvert including supply and installa on of cable trays/ ladders,
brackets, cleats, and support, etc., to complete. Fiber Op c Cables
shall be laid in flexible metal corrugated conduits on cable
ii. Laid in cable trench into substa on building, including supply and
installa on of cable trays/ladders, brackets, cleats, supports,
including hacking and coring for cable entry, etc., to complete.
iii. Laid in concrete encased pipes, under substa on road on concrete
pla orm on pile. Reinstatement of the tarmacadam road inclusive of
resurfacing, milling, and paving of tarmacadam road.


AIS outdoor porcelain type cable termina on at TNB Switching Sta on and
ECRL FS01 Feeder Sta on for 2 circuit of 132kV single-core XLPE cable
complete with all necessary termina on materials, insulators, and
accessories to complete the electrical circuit connec on as required for cable
size: 800 mm2 Copper. Including all termina on accessories, tagging,
insulator, sunshield, earthing, etc..

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The contractor shall price in the cost cable termina on on the consumer side
(ECRL FS01) including liaison and coordina on with MRL,CCCC or


Design, supply & erect reinforced concrete cable manhole related to the
scope of works in the contract and as specified by cable technical
requirements and safety requirements including piling work, extra depth
excava on, extra backfilling and compac on, break/removal of rock and
other addi onal works required to complete installa on of cable manhole.

The cable manhole shall be equipped with 2 circuits cables, fibre op cs and
earthing system includes galvanized steel ladder, earthing system not greater
than 1-ohm, walls with waterproof membrane, double-layer water ght
manhole cover IP55 durable light-weight that is ergonomic to be li ed by
one personnel, mul -cable-transit (MCT) for water-ingress preven on system
to withstand minimum 4-bar pressure c/w minimum 2 hours fire withstand
ra ng inclusive termite resistant cer fied and having proven track record in
TNB and approved by related Authori es.
The cable tray system inside the cable manhole shall be fi ed with
galvanized steel cable tray having permanently equipped with fiber-
reinforced-polymer (FRP) rollers (combina on of adjustable and non-
adjustable FRP rollers) that are able to facilitate safe installa on of all the
intended cable systems as well as provide permanent physical support for
the respec ve cable systems.

Civil consultant shall be appointed to design cable manhole.



Quan ty Item

Design, supply & erect galvanized steel cable bridge

complete with reinforced concrete abutment, cable
hut, sunshield and expanded metal net including
excava on, mbering, formwork, de-watering, soil
tes ng, piling work, extra depth excava on, extra
backfilling and compac on, break/removal of rock
and other addi onal works required to complete
installa on of steel cable bridge and comply with
TNB and JPS requirements.

Refer to Tender Drawing Layout

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Installed along cable bridge including supply &

installa on of pipes, clamping of pipes on to base of
cable bridge, brackets, bolts & nuts, etc.

Supply, install, and join ng of the following:

Including prepara on of joint pit with lean concrete base, earthing bonding
cable laying, removal of any water from site, provision of generator set, cable
support, tent, air-condi oning, etc. c/w applica on of an -termite chemical
"chemicite 75+" or equivalent at joint bay.


Laid for 2 circuit power cable complete with fibre op c cables inside
prepared cable tunnel including supply and install cable brackets and

The depth of cable tunnel entrance is approximately from 5m to 10m.


Supply, install, tes ng and commissioning of: -

Quan ty Item
MG1 Lump sum 3+1 and/or 6+1 Earth Link Box without SVL Screen-
Earthing-Link-Box complete with concrete plinth
(outdoor installa on), steel structure, bracket,
earthing bonding cables, earthing system and
termina on materials/ accessories and laying of
bonding cables from joints to link box to complete
and connec on to substa on earth grid to complete.

MG2 Lump sum 3+1 and/or 6+1 Earth Link Box with SVL Screen-
Earthing-Link-Box complete with concrete plinth
(outdoor installa on), steel structure, bracket,
earthing bonding cables, earthing system and
termina on materials/accessories and laying of
bonding cables from joints to link box to complete
and connec on to substa on earth grid to complete.
MG3 Lump sum Earthing Con nuity Cable (ECC) of size 300mm2
Copper rated to 10kV (DC) single core complete with
all termina on accessories.

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Supply and install of: -

Quan ty Item
MH1 Lump sum Galvanized iron poles (100mm diameter x 1.3m
length) for link box external protec on. The poles to
be painted with weather resistant paint and filled
with concrete.

MH2 Lump sum Cable route signboards with concrete foo ng.

MH3 Lump sum Cable route markers and cable joint markers.

MH4 Lump sum Base city/road map through which cable route runs
copy & hard copy) with GPS Coordinates.


Underground U lity Mapping and Detec on by a cer fied underground

u lity detec on surveyor based on high-density detec on of 10-meter width
corridor inclusive of Ground Penetra on Radar (GPR) mapping as per ASTM
D6432, using Electromagne c Locator (EML).

Ground Penetra on Radar (GPR) mapping for every 50m cross sec on along
the route and every 20m cross sec on in substa on compound covering up
to 5-meter depth from ground surface.

The Surveyor shall be responsible to determine, locate and mapping of the

located u li es in rela on to surface features including construc on of
survey grids and survey of reference lines, e.g., road edge, culverts, fences,
etc., using MRSO coordinates. For mapping beyond 3.5-meter depth, rodding
and transmi er are required to be pushed through any exis ng duct / pipe in
order to improve measurement efficiency.


To apply approved fire-retardant paint and install fire block mortar at all
132kV cable entries into the building and into the GIS room where applicable
to the cables relevant under this scope of work. The paint shall be applied for
all exposed cable at cable cellar/cable riser from the termina on and on both
sides of the fire block mortar. The length of the fire-retardant paint
requirement shall follow TNB Specifica ons.

Design and complete report of High Voltage Cable System to comply with
TNB specifica ons and requirements including CYMCAP computer simulated
ampacity study, sheath voltage profile and circula ng current calcula ons,

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short circuit ra ng calcula on, cable installa on study that include bending
radius and pulling force calcula ons, span lengths, and method of laying.


Allow for any other items not described or included in the foregoing but
required or implied in the Drawings, Specifica ons, and requirements of all
relevant Authori es.

Contractor to Specify:

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No Item Quan ty
1 CPTN Lump sum
2 JNTR Lump Sum
3 INSR Lump sum
4 CIDB Lump sum
5 SHO/SSS Lump sum
6 PSAFE Lump sum
7 TEST Lump sum
8 TEST/SUPV Lump sum
9 SAMPLE TEST Lump sum
10 SITE OFFICE Lump sum

Common works for the relevant scope of works:



Electrical Services and Competent engineer(s) associated with the project and
the Schedules inclusive of the works involving extension to a "live" substa on or
working in the vicinity of "live" equipment. The permit to work (PTW) shall only
be issued to the named competent person(s).

Successful Contractor shall submit the name(s) of person(s) holding Cer ficates
of Competence issued under the Electricity Regula on 1994 who shall be
responsible for installing, tes ng, and commissioning of electrical installa on,
sta ng the type of Cer ficate of Competency and Limita on.

Electrical Services and Competent engineer(s) may delegate the PTW to the
contactor's supervisor that has a valid Contractor Qualified Person (CQP),
training cer ficate from ILSAS. The validity of the cer ficate shall be in relevant
to his/her current employment with the main contractor. It will be invalid once
the supervisor change employment to other company which requires
recer fica on.

JNTR Join ng shall be carried out by manufacturer’s experienced and competent

cable jointers and shall be carried out at each bay as soon as possible to
minimise any delay in backfilling and reinstatement.

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Project Insurance associated with the project and the Schedules inclusive of
Erec on All Risk/ Contractor All Risk and Workmen Compensa on Insurance.

The Project Insurance shall also provide coverage for free issued plants and
material and dismantled equipment, if any


Registra on with Construc on Industry Development Board Malaysia CIDB

associated with the project and the Schedules, including CIDB Green card
registra on for all workmen working in the substa on.


a) To appoint a full me Safety and Health Officer (SHO) registered with

Department of Occupa onal Safety and Health (DOSH) at project site for the
whole dura on of the contract. SHO is compulsory for all type of project
irrespec ve of contract value. The nomina on criteria for the SHO are as
i. At least 3 years experience as SHO in construc on work
internally/externally OR 2 years experience as SSS in TNB projects + 1
year as SHO externally.
ii. Compulsory to have a valid cer ficate for First Aid & NTSP.
iii. No fatali es for the past 3 years.

b) To appoint Site Safety Supervisor (SSS) registered with Department of

Occupa onal Safety and Health (DOSH) at project site as s pulated in sub
regula on (1), Regula on 25 – Site Safety Supervisor, Building Opera ons
and Work of Engineering Construc on (BOWEC) Regula on 1986, Factories
Machinery Act (FMA) 1967 (Act 139) and sub clause 9.5 – Site Safety
Supervisor, TNB HSE Requirement For Contractor, for the whole dura on of
the contract at project site. The nomina on criteria for the SSS are as follow:
i. At least 2 years experience as SSS in construc on work
ii. Compulsory to have a valid cer ficate for First Aid & NTSP.
iii. No fatali es for the past 2 years.

Notes: Ensure compliance to HSE Requirement for the contractors. SHO and
SSS are compulsory to a end induc on/ awareness course of WAH,
Scaffolding and Li ing Supervisor conducted by TNB HSE.

PSAFE The payment for this PSAFE item will be based according to the Schedule of
Payment as stated in the General Requirement under Item 22.0 (Project Safety
Requirement – sub clause 22.2).
The contractor shall fill up the Schedule of Price for PSAFE item in BQ according
to the table of the contract cost for PSAFE as follows:

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a) To provide workers, subcontractors, vendors, specialist or any other
personnel with CIDB and NTSP training (if necessary) and they shall
possess valid NTSP and CIDB for the whole dura on they are working in
TNB premises.
b) Workers that are required to work at height must a end and obtain
cer ficate for Working at Height, as per TNB Occupa onal Safety and
Health Requirement for Contractors.
c) To provide complete set of full body harness with double lanyard/ safety
line for working at height more than 3 meters while half body harness
for height below than 3 meters to all workers/subcontractors that are
required to carry out the job. The type of Full Body Harness shall be
subject to TNB’s approval.
d) To provide Safety Performance Grading Board, Safety Posters/Signage,
and the necessary safety gears such as safety helmets, first aid kits,
safety boots and etc. for the exclusive use of the Engineer and his
representa ves and visitors to site. The items are to be kept and
maintained by the contractor in the site office.
e) To establish, document, implement and maintain the Occupa onal
Safety & Health Management Manual un l the end of project.
f) To comply with the legal and other requirement pertaining to
Occupa onal Safety & Health in Malaysia, the latest Occupa onal Safety
and Health Requirement for Contractors and Safety Compliance Audit
Guideline (SAFCA) as stated in the tender document.
g) Workers who are required to work in confined space must a end and
obtain cer ficate for working in confined spaces, as per TNB
Occupa onal Safety and Health Requirements for Contractors.

TEST Site tes ng and commissioning of all equipment relevant to the scope of work of
this project.

The scope of this works includes but is not limited to site tes ng for pre-
commissioning, commissioning and post-commissioning of equipment associated
with these Schedules and interfacing equipment where necessary, as well as
provision of all test equipment and accessories required, including all remote
end substa ons tes ng, coordina on within all overhead lines and /or
underground cables and/or remote end (where applicable) contractor for
successful comple on of the Contract as stated in SAT and relevant documents of

TEST/SUPV To manage, supervise and coordinate the site tes ng and commissioning of all
equipment relevant to the scope of work of this project which are to be
performed by the Employer Nominated Licensed Tester.

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SAMPLE TEST Contractor to perform sample test on the cable and accessories. The test shall be
carried out at manufacturer’s place on cable and accessory according to IEC
62067. All the FAT costs shall be borne by Contractor.

(The cost of witnessing the sample tests by TNB representa ve shall be borne by
SITE OFFICE Contractor shall provide and maintain one (1) no of site office equipped with
sufficient ligh ng and power points, air-condi oned, a steel cabinet with
drawers, a white board, internet WiFi connec on, computer, printer, scanner,
a endance clock facility, sufficient racks for storing construc on drawings, two
(2) nos. of (2x1) meter size tables and cushioned chairs for the Engineer and his
representa ves.

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