EN Reconciliation 020823 081806
EN Reconciliation 020823 081806
EN Reconciliation 020823 081806
Register Reconciliation
To register reconciliation, you need to have link id (account linking) that you can get from statement retrieval, pass remember_me with true
value as part of your statement retrieval then you will get link_id as part of the response payload.
After than you can register your reconciliation using following curl
1. link_id: link_id is a unique hash that you get from account linking feature
2. schedule: time interval duration on when you want you reconciliation to be run
- duration: is a scalar of duration, minumun is 15 (minutes)
- unit: is a unit time, supported unit right now is MINUTE, HOUR, DAY
3. bank_code: bank code, should match with your link_id
4. enable: this parameter indicates enable/disable, for registering put it as true
Update Reconciliation
You can update your registered reconciliation using this curl
Please note that you can only update schedule (duration and unit) and wont be able to update link_id and bank_code . You need to pass
your reconciliation_id for this. After you update your reconciliation, the next cycle will be following your update time and not create
time. For example if you update your reconciliation to have duration 15 and unit MINUTE at 14:40 your local time, next retrieval will happen
at 14:55.
Disable Reconciliation
Reconciliation can be disabled. Use this following curl to disable
You only need to pass your reconciliation_id and set enable to false.
Get Reconciliations
To see all registered reconciliation regardless enable/disable, use the following curl
1 {
2 "reconciliations": [
3 {
4 "reconciliation_id": "c2e478f0-9632-11ed-9ee0-0242ac110002",
5 "org_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
6 "link_id": "7c49b74c-31be-4eb8-bc21-0b202f993960",
7 "bank_code": "DUMMY_BANK_PERSONAL",
8 "schedule": {
9 "duration": 7,
10 "unit": "DAY"
11 },
12 "created_at": "2023-01-17T06:47:08Z",
13 "updated_at": "2023-01-19T05:53:39Z"
14 }
15 ]
16 }
For reconciliation you will get 1 statement id (first statement id) and you can use that forthward. whenever there is new transactions we will
merged that new transactions to the first statement id.
you will get notification on
Grafana Panel
Staging https://metrics-staging.asia-southeast1.bnk.to/d/n6NAIMTVk/reconciliation
Production (coming soon)
To look at the reconciliaiton and reconciliation history (you need to fill in reconciliation id).