BL Unit 3
BL Unit 3
BL Unit 3
Salient Features
The following are the features of the Competition Act:
1. Anti Agreements: Any individual or enterprises shall not deal in production
supply or distribution that may cause a negative impact regarding competition
in India. Any existence of such agreements is considered illegal.
2. Abuse of dominant position: In the event, an enterprise or an associated
individual, it is found to indulge in practices that are unfair or discriminatory in
nature shall be considered an abuse of dominant position. If a party is found to
be in abuse of its position, then they will be subjected to an investigation from
the concerned authorities.
3. Combinations: As per the act a combination is defined as terms which lead
to acquisitions or mergers. But should such combinations cross the limits as put
forth by the Act, then the parties involved would be under the scrutiny of the
Competition Commission of India.
4. Competition Commission of India: The Competition Commission of
India is an independent body with the powers to enter into contracts and should
the contracts be broken they can sue the parties involved. The Commission
consists of a maximum of six members who are tasked with sustaining and
promoting the interests of consumers in order to foster an ideal environment for
economic competition.
The other function of the Commission is to advise the Government of India
regarding competition in the economy and create public awareness on the same
The CCI will be assisted by an investigative arm led by a Director General
The DG holds powers to:
Control of such abuse is provided for under Section 4 of the Act. It states that
no enterprise or organisation abuses its dominant position. It also outlines
specific instances of behaviour that constitutes an abuse of a dominant position.
The following behaviours are defined as “abuse of dominant position”:
In any case, if a person or entity fails to comply with the direction given by the
Commission under the sub-section 2) and 4) of section 36 or the directions
given by the Director General while exercising the powers referred to in sub
section 2) of section 41, and that too without any reasonable cause, then such a
person will be punishable and shall have to fulfill a fine which could extend up
to the sum of one lakh rupees for each day of non-compliance. However, this
sum of penalty could not exceed one crore rupees.
In case any person or entity fails to give notice to the Commission under sub-
section (2) of section 6, then such a Commission shall be imposed by a penalty
which may extend up to one percent of the total turnover of the assets of such a
Right to Safety- Before buying, a consumer can insist on the quality and
guarantee of the goods. They should ideally purchase a certified product
like ISI (Indian Standards Institute )or AGMARK.( Agricultural Mark)
Right to Choose- Consumer should have the right to choose from a
variety of goods and in a competitive price.
Right to be informed- The buyers should be informed with all the
necessary details of the product, make her/him act wise, and change the
buying decision.
Right to Consumer Education- Consumer should be aware of his/her
rights and avoid exploitation. Ignorance can cost them more.
Right to be heard- This means the consumer will get due attention to
express their grievances at a suitable forum.
Right to seek compensation- The defines that the consumer has the right
to seek redress against unfair and inhumane practices or exploitation of
the consumer.
The Responsibilities of the Consumer
2. State Commission
3. National Commission
A state
A district
commission A national
includes a commission
includes a
president and at includes a
president and two
Composition least two other president and four
other members,
members, and other members
and one of the
one of the one of whom shall
members has to be
members has to be a woman.
a woman.
be a woman.
A working or A working or
A working or
retired judge of retired judge of
retired judge of the
the High Court the Supreme
Who can be District Court can
can be a Court can be a
a President be a president of
president of the president of the
the District
State National
Commission. Commission.
Jurisdiction One can file a One can file a One can file a
complaint for complaint of complaint of
goods and services goods and goods and
District State National
Basis Commission Commission Commission
services worth
services worth
less than ₹10
of ₹1 crore or less. more than ₹10
crores and more
than ₹1 crore.
If the aggrieved
party is not happy
with the
If the aggrieved
jurisdiction of the
party is not
If the aggrieved happy with the
commission, then
party is not happy jurisdiction of
they can appeal
with the the state
against its
jurisdiction of the commission,
judgment in the
Appeal district then they can
Supreme Court
against commission, then appeal against its
within 30 days by
orders they can appeal judgment in the
depositing 50% of
against its National
the fine money.
judgment in the Commission
However, one can
State Commission within 30 days
file the complaint
within 45 days. by depositing
only when the
50% of the fine
value of goods
and services
exceeds ₹10