Advances in Medical Adhesives Inspired by Aquatic Organisms ' Adhesion

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Park et al.

Biomaterials Research (2017) 21:16

DOI 10.1186/s40824-017-0101-y

REVIEW Open Access

Advances in medical adhesives inspired by

aquatic organisms’ adhesion
Kyu Ha Park, Keum-Yong Seong, Seung Yun Yang* and Sungbaek Seo*

In biomedicine, adhesives for hard and soft tissues are crucial for various clinical purposes. However, compared with
that under dry conditions, adhesion performance in the presence of water or moisture is dramatically reduced. In
this review, representative types of medical adhesives and the challenging aspects of wet adhesion are introduced.
The adhesion mechanisms of marine mussels, sandcastle worms, and endoparasitic worms are described, and
stemming from the insights gained, designs based on the chemistry of molecules like catechol and on
coacervation and mechanical interlocking platforms are introduced in the viewpoint of translating these natural
adhesion mechanisms into synthetic approaches.
Keywords: Medical adhesives, Wet adhesion, Bio-inspiration, Coacervation

Background the crucial functional groups. The most investigated study

The high industrial and biomedical demands for adhesives is to develop synthetic adhesives inspired by marine mus-
have led to major progresses in the discovery of their mo- sels [2–6]. They used chemical moieties, e.g., catechols (an
lecular mechanisms as well as the development of the sur- analog of the Dopa group of adhesive mussel foot pro-
face science and engineering of adhesive materials. In teins) for tailoring synthetic adhesives. In addition, unique
particular, the advances in polymer science and the usage formulation of coacervation (critical step in the formation
of lightweight materials have been driven by the aerospace of the protein-based underwater adhesives) were utilized
and automobile industries [1]. Whereas, the strict require- for constructing efficient wet adhesives.
ments (e.g., biocompatibility, toxicity, and strong adhesive The aim of this review is to give a brief introduction of
performance) of biomedical adhesives have limited the various medical adhesives and the challenging aspects of
development of wide-ranging products. For example, the wet adhesion. This review will cover three examples of
performance of adhesives is dramatically reduced under- aquatic organisms’ adhesion – marine mussels, sandcastle
water or moisturized conditions. For this reason, re- worms, and endoparasitic worms, and their insights that
searchers have endeavored to improve adhesion efficiency can be translated to synthetic platforms and an overview
in the presence of water or moisture (termed “wet adhe- of current synthetic adhesives for biomedical applications.
sion”). Moreover, medical adhesives require strong wet
adhesion at multifaceted physiological conditions (e.g., Medical adhesives
pH, salts, and biological molecules). An effective adhesive requires appropriate materials and
To overcome these challenges of strong wet adhesion, adhesion techniques corresponding to diverse biomed-
researchers have been interested in how aquatic organisms ical circumstances (host environments), because bio-
survive by attachment/adherence underwater or on wet logical hosts respond differently to the adhesives used
surfaces. With progresses in understanding the mecha- for hard or soft tissues.
nisms and key elements of the natural adhesion observed
in aquatic organisms, medical adhesives have been devel-
oped via mimicking the adhesion procedures or utilizing Hard tissue adhesives
Bone and tooth cements are the most used examples of
hard tissue adhesives. In joint replacement surgery, the
* Correspondence:;
Department of Biomaterials Science, Life and Industry Convergence Institute, bone cement fills and localizes in the space between the
Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Republic of Korea implant and the bone, thereby acting as an implant
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Park et al. Biomaterials Research (2017) 21:16 Page 2 of 9

fixation [7] and transferring the mechanical load from Additionally, dental primers have been applied as a way
the implant to the bone [8–10] (Fig. 1a, left). Vertebro- of priming a tooth surface and simultaneously enhancing
plasty also uses bone cement to fill, harden, and stabilize the adhesion or bonding of the bulk resin composites. For
a fractured spine bone, by injection through the skin, the priming of inorganic fillers, such as silicate minerals,
and prevent further collapse [11, 12] (Fig. 1a, right). silane-based primers are most commonly used. However,
Although these are successful applications overall, a the silane grafting chemistry uses potentially toxic chemi-
sturdier interfacial bond between the implant and bone cals [19, 20] and tough processing [21, 22] and, therefore,
cement is still required [13]. there is a great demand for alternative dental primers.
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) has been extensively
used for bone cements because the acrylic cement hardens Soft tissue adhesives
to ~90% of its final mechanical properties within a short Soft tissue adhesives are generally planned to be used for
time (13–18 min) [8], enabling load bearing and offering transitory or short-term purposes, where they can be re-
immediate stability. However, PMMA-based bone cements moved or degraded when wound healing has progressed
have two major limitations. First, PMMA does not have in- sufficiently. For integration of the adhesive with soft tissues
trinsic adhesive properties, and only acts as a space filler to that are surrounded by wet tissue fluid or blood, the adhe-
closely hold the implant against the bone [14]. Such a weak sive needs to be spread easily on the surface and show ef-
interfacial link between the cement and bone (or implant) fective wet adhesion in an adequate working time [23].
results in implant failure [15]. Second, PMMA is a brittle, The most common examples of soft tissue adhesives
notch-sensitive material. Although its Young’s modulus are bioglues or sealants [24] (Fig. 1c) and patches [25]
(~2 GPa) is 1–2 times higher than that of the surrounding (Fig. 1d). Bioglues are usually applied as surgical adhe-
cancellous bone, it is still ~100 times lower than that of the sives in cardiovascular, neurological, and soft tissue
metal prosthesis [16]. Thus, the interspatial bone cement surgeries. One such example, BioGlue (Levi BioTECH),
needs to be a shock-buffering spacing between an inflexible was demonstrated to lessen bleeding during cardiac
bone and a hard implant [14]. procedures (e.g., aortic dissection, and replacement and
Tooth cements (Fig. 1b) have been used for various implantation of biomedical devices).
dental applications, such as a luting agent or for protect- In particular, mucosal tissues are required for pro-
ing pulps from injury. They help in sealing or fixing and tection against external and harmful stimuli as well as
casting the filling substance to both the dentin and for treatment with controlled drug delivery. Mucosal
enamel. Most of these materials are hard and/or brittle adhesives are polymer-based drug delivery platforms,
because the load-bearing polymer composites include where the degree of cross-linking, the chain length,
metallic or ceramic fillers that are hardened by an acid– and the presence of various functional groups in the
base reaction [17] or polymerization [18]. polymer determine the degree of adhesive bonding

Fig. 1 Examples of medical adhesives. a Bone cements are used for total hip/joint replacement surgeries and vertebroplasty. Reproduced/edited
from Reference [8] b Tooth cement/adhesive (Ivoclar Vivadent) for direct and indirect bonding to tooth. c BioGlue (Levi BioTECH) is a two-component
surgical adhesive/sealant composed of purified bovine serum albumin and glutaraldehyde. d Medical patches
Park et al. Biomaterials Research (2017) 21:16 Page 3 of 9

and the successful control of drug delivery to the tar- adhesion regardless of surface conditions, mechanical
get sites [26]. interlocking-based adhesion is advantageous. Mesh-type
Patch-type adhesives are also currently used in the adhesion patches with club-shaped hooks have been
clinical field owing to their advantages, including re- shown to provide strong adherence to the internal or-
duced operation times and enhanced tissue handling in gans of hernias, via entanglement with the tissue surface
a large area. In particular, a glue-coated patch is com- [30]. In addition, if the hook is made of a biodegradable
monly used as a conventional skin adhesive. However, polymer, it can be easily removed after a certain period
owing to the allergic reactions and skin irradiation en- of time.
countered with use of conventional skin adhesives, the
fabrication of such types of adhesives without chemical Wet adhesion
methods is required [27]. Introducing micro- or nano- The water in most cells and tissues consist of ~70% by
structures onto the surface of patches has been proven weight as the medium. Additionally, cells, tissues, and im-
to increase soft tissue adhesion with minimal tissue irri- plants are typically surrounded by saline water (e.g., blood
tation. Inspired by gecko feet, Geim et al. [28] demon- plasma, lymph, etc.). In the viewpoint of biomedical adhe-
strated enhanced adhesion using micropatterned sion, the medium unfortunately creates limited durable
poly(imide) films prepared by photolithography and dry binding between the host biological system and the medical
etching techniques. The adhesive strength was related to adhesive [31], because the water or moisture acts as a sur-
the number of polyimide microstructures present. How- face contaminant or weak boundary layer at the bond inter-
ever, the adhesive performance of the microfabricated face. This reduced adhesion performance in the presence of
patches diminished when submerged in a moist environ- water or moisture occurs with most synthetic adhesives.
ment, such as bloody tissue or sweaty skin, because of The weakened performance is known to be influenced by
decreased intermolecular interactions. To overcome this complex reasons, such as the hydrolysis of polymers,
limitation, nanofabricated pillar arrays coated with moisture-induced plasticization, swelling, and erosion [32].
mussel-inspired polymeric glue have been developed The effect of water on the adhesion has been ex-
[29]. The poly(dimethylsiloxane) nanopillar films coated plained, both theoretically and experimentally, as inter-
with poly(dopamine methacrylamide-co-methoxyethyl facial energies from the summation of electrostatic,
acrylate) showed reversible adhesion under both dry and polar, and dispersion forces at the adhesion interface
wet conditions. Tissue adhesion is highly affected by the [33]. As an example, consider the adhesion between an
chemical and physical properties of the tissue surface. epoxy adhesive and an aluminum substrate under clean-
Since tissues have a surface roughness in the range of a room and wet conditions, in terms of interfacial energies
few microns to a few millimeters, it is difficult to form a [21] (Fig. 2). Herein, the work of adhesion (WA = 2γi,
high level of adhesion when the two surfaces of the tis- where γi is the interfacial energy) can be determined by
sues are not in contact. To achieve universal tissue the polar (γp) and dispersive (γd) components of each

Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of the effect of water on adhesion. The work of adhesion (WA) is resulting from the summation of the surface energy
products; dispersion interactions (γd1 γd2 ) and polar interactions (γp1 γp2 ) under clean-room (left) and wet (right) conditions. Reproduced/edited from
Reference [31]
Park et al. Biomaterials Research (2017) 21:16 Page 4 of 9

interfacial energy. Under vacuum, the work of adhesion Marine mussels

is positive (e.g., WA = 232 mJ·m−2) and quite strong, Marine mussels [38] (Fig. 3a) attach to hard surfaces
whereas in water, the work of adhesion is negative (e.g., (e.g., minerals and metals) in the intertidal zone, where
WA = −137 mJ·m−2) and is not noticeably effective. This waves with and without suspended sand often exceed
clearly shows the challenge of ensuring good bonding 25 m·sec−1 velocities. One of the intriguing features of
between conventional epoxy adhesives and metal sub- wet adhesion in marine mussels and sandcastle worms is
strates, and why a strategy to overcome the limitation of the metastable water-insoluble fluids that resist, or are
wet adhesion needs to be designed for medical adhe- separately dispersed in, the surrounding seawater [38].
sives. In the evolution of natural adhesion, the water In mussels, these adhesive fluids consist of the Mfps as
medium has contributed a decisive role. The following highly concentrated, intrinsically unstructured polyelec-
sections review the adhesion mechanisms of aquatic or- trolytes [38] (Fig. 3d) that solidify rapidly upon equilibra-
ganisms and synthetic options gained from the insights tion with seawater. These interfacial Mfps have an
of the natural adhesion, and design principles for suc- unusually high abundance (28–34 mol%) of aromatic
cessful biomedical underwater adhesives. residues, including tyrosine (Y), tryptophan (W), and
Dopa (a posttranslationally modified form of tyrosine, Y
Adhesion mechanisms of aquatic organisms and ′) [38] (Fig. 3b). Among these, Dopa is now accepted as
their inspired medical adhesives developments one of the key functional groups for wet adhesion owing
For aquatic organisms, attachment (or adherence) is a to its strong bidentate binding to oxide mineral surfaces
survival strategy in tough water environments [34, 35]. [39] (Fig. 3c), and has been incorporated into synthetic
For example, marine mussels/giant clams and barna- polymers to mimic wet bioadhesion [40–44].
cles adhere to rock surfaces by using their byssus and The interface between a marine mussel’s byssal adhe-
secreted cement proteins, respectively [34, 36]. sive plaque and a glass substrate resembles a porous-like
Aquatic larvae and black fly pupae anchor to environ- structure but with pillar-shaped attachment [31] (Fig. 3e).
mental surfaces using adhesive proteins [37]. Here, Such structure and shape at the interface can be consid-
unique motifs (viz., the coacervate formation/plat- ered promising architectures for the design of under-
form, and mechanical interlocking mechanism) will be water adhesives.
discussed with respect to their role in the natural The chemical functionalization of catechols (an analog of
adhesion. the Dopa group of adhesive Mfps) into synthetic polymers

Fig. 3 Adhesion mechanisms of marine mussel foot proteins (Mfps). a A representative sequence of Mfp-3 from mussel plaque. b The amino acid
sequence of Mfp-3. c Schematic illustration of mussel adhesion with the catechol moiety. d A scheme of one (or self-) complex coacervate. e
Ultrastructure of a byssal adhesive plaque. The figure a-e was reproduced/edited from References [31, 38, 39], respectively
Park et al. Biomaterials Research (2017) 21:16 Page 5 of 9

is the most common way to construct mussel-inspired ad- As an example of such catechol-functionalized poly-
hesives [45] (Fig. 4a). Owing to this straightforward and mers, polyethylene glycol (PEG)-catechol adhesives have
economical method of constructing synthetic molecules, been studied in biomedical applications, where the adhe-
this strategy has overwhelmed the mussel-inspired adhe- sion performance and interfacial progress (i.e., tissue
sive community for 10–20 years. Like the native mussel biocompatibility, and integrity of the tissue and the ad-
proteins, the catechol in these polymers contribute to hesive) were investigated in mice [46]. After implant-
interfacial adhesion and cross-linking. ation of the polymeric adhesives, no noticeable

Fig. 4 Synthetic approaches inspired by mussel adhesion. a Schematic illustration of mussel adhesive protein-inspired mimetic polymer systems.
Dopa or a catechol mimic of Dopa covalently coupled to polymer chain ends or as side chains of polymerizable catechol monomers. b Histo-
logical results from implantation of the PEG-catechol hydrogel into mice. c Images of tissue adhesives with adhesive properties that combine high
strength. d Key features of mussel foot protein and its synthetic homolog. e Key features of natural and translated mussel adhesion. The figure b,
d, e was reproduced/edited from References [31, 52, 54], respectively
Park et al. Biomaterials Research (2017) 21:16 Page 6 of 9

inflammatory cell infiltrates and fibrotic capsule formation residues (alanine, A), to create mussel-inspired synthetic
appeared at the given time [31] (Fig. 4b, left). After several wet-adhesion systems [19, 52–54] (Fig. 4d and e).
months, vascularization was well structured on the im-
plant site of the catechol polymer-immobilized islets [31] Sandcastle worms
(Fig. 4b, right). Thus, the PEG-catechol adhesives demon- In sandcastle worm cement [55] (Fig. 5a), in the
strated biocompatibility in biomedical applications and presence of both polyanions (polyphosphoserine-rich
appropriate integrity toward the host tissue. Likewise, proteins) and polycations (lysine-rich proteins), fluid–
Lee’s group focused on developing tissue adhesives with fluid phase separation is modeled as a complex coac-
tunable physical, mechanical, and adhesive properties that ervation process, leading to a polyelectrolyte-depleted
combined high strength with the ability to support tissue equilibrium [40, 49, 56] (Fig. 5b). Complex coacerva-
ingrowth and wound healing [47–51] (Fig. 4c). Addition- tion results from neutralization of the oppositely
ally, the Waite and Kollbe group considered other consti- charged polyelectrolytes, coupled with the concomi-
tutional features of interfacial Mfps, such as cationic tant release of the counterions [55] (Fig. 5c), and con-
residues (lysine, K), anionic residues (aspartic acid, D), fers unusual properties to the coacervate phase,
nonionic polar residues (asparagine, N), and nonpolar including relatively high diffusion coefficients of the

Fig. 5 Synthetic approaches inspired by sandcastle worm adhesion insights. a Images of sandcastle worms and sandcastle glue. b Adhesion
model. Within secretory cells of the cement glands, a mixture of the oppositely charged adhesive proteins and divalent cations condense into a
nanoparticulate fluid phase through complex coacervation. c Schematic illustration of ternary complex coacervate formation. d, e Sand castle
worm-inspired synthetic molecules and coacervation. The figure b, c, e was reproduced/edited from References [55, 60, 63], respectively
Park et al. Biomaterials Research (2017) 21:16 Page 7 of 9

solute and solvent molecules, high concentrations,

relatively low viscosity, and low interfacial energy,
which are all highly favorable to dispensing adhesion
under water [57–59].
One good example of such adhesive platforms using
complex coacervation is the synthetic polyelectrolytes
established by the Stewart group [57, 60], which mimic the
polyelectrolytic proteins in the sandcastle glue [61] (Fig. 5d).
Those authors were inspired by the dense, phase-separated
fluid of the sandcastle glue-like polyelectrolytic proteins.
They formed various supramolecular platforms—from col-
loidal structures to insoluble precipitates or ionic gels—and
optimized them into sandcastle glue-mimicking coacervates
by controlling the solution conditions and polymer struc-
tures. For condensation of the polyelectrolytes, an entropic
driving force was employed; such as electrostatic charge
neutralization between the polymeric charges to displace
small counterions and water.
The Waite group also developed concrete underwater
constructs inspired by the sandcastle worm’s glue-like pro-
tein mortar [62]. This worm uses a significant principle for
the design of such structures by selecting sand granular
particles with a protein mortar glues [63] (Fig. 5e, left).
Upon deposition onto the particle surfaces, the coacervate
becomes three-dimensional porous solid structure
regarded as by incorporation of the coacervates and struc-
tural maturation of the metal ion- protein complexes.
Based on cross-links by oxidized L-Dopa, the tubular walls
were then cured [39, 63, 64] (Fig. 5e, right).
Fig. 6 Mechanical interlocking-based adhesion system inspired by
Endoparasitic worms endoparasitic worms. a Photograph of the inflated proboscis of
These worms are organisms that live inside the body of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Scale bar: 100 μm). Reproduced/edited from
host animals in their developmental or adult stages. Reference [68] with permission. b Illustration showing mechanical
Several internal parasites have evolved to adhere to the interlocking of the double-layered microneedle with a water-
responsive tip following its penetration into skin tissue
intestinal wall of their host by using specialized parts,
such as hooks or suckers [65]. During attachment, they
feed on the ingesta in the host intestine or suck blood or swellable tips of the microneedle adhesive, sustained re-
epithelial cells from the mucosal layer within the intes- lease of the loaded drug to the mechanically interlocked
tine. Pomphorhynchus laevis, known as the spiny-head target tissue was achieved through the swollen tips [69].
worm, uses an inflatable proboscis to secure a parasitic
position following penetration of the host intestine wall Conclusions
(Fig. 6a) [66, 67]. This mechanical interlocking-based In the development of medical adhesives, wet adhe-
attachment provides strong adhesion onto the fish intes- sion is an inherent and considerable point of chal-
tinal wall. Inspired by such endoparasitic worms, a lenge. Through bioinspired or biomimetic ways of
patch-type microneedle adhesive enabling mechanical translating natural adhesion mechanisms into syn-
interlocking with soft tissues has been recently devel- thetic approaches, it is possible to save the time-
oped to achieve wet tissue adhesion [68]. Yang et al. [68] consuming synthesis of adhesives. As reviewed herein,
prepared a double-layered microneedle consisting of translation of the natural adhesion mechanisms of the
swellable tips and a non-swellable core, providing firm marine mussel, sandcastle worm, and endoparasitic
tissue adhesion based on mechanical interlocking follow- worms into synthetic platforms—ranging from syn-
ing its insertion into the tissue (Fig. 6b). The micronee- thetic molecules and colloidal systems to coacervation
dle adhesive showed good attachment to multiple wet and mechanical interlocking processes—will help to
tissues, such as skin, muscle, and intestine, in a minim- realize the design and fabrication of effective under-
ally invasive manner. Since drugs can be loaded into the water adhesives for biomedical applications.
Park et al. Biomaterials Research (2017) 21:16 Page 8 of 9

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