Bright Size Life Analysis
Bright Size Life Analysis
Bright Size Life Analysis
(Post classical)
Edoardo Cimino
In this Portfolio you will nd the following:
- brief history of the composition
- Description of the recording
- Analysis of: form, phrases and harmony.
- Variation composition
Title: Bright Size Life
Album: Bright Size Life
Recorded: December, 1975/ Released January 1976
Personelle: Pat Metheny(guitar), Jaco Pastorius(Bass), Bob
Additional info
Gary Burton at that time was Metheny’s mentor and helped him arrange
the songs for his album. In 2020 the album was deemed “ culturally,
historically and aesthetically signi cant” by the Library of Congress and
selected for preservation in the National Recording Registry.
Chorus 1 Theme
Chorus 6 Theme
It is really interesting to see how these idealized phrases are used, there two features
that are really smart: the rst is that the phrase beginning in Anacrusi and the second
is that the phrases are not using archetype model, but are Hybrid form phrases. On
the big picture the Form is a sentence A(BI) A’(BI) B(fr) A’’(Cad).
A and A’
With the round brackets i delineate the phrase of the A section. The square brackets
underline the BI, the CI, the fragmentation and the cadence. The Fragmentation is
constructed by stretching the CI. The second box ends with a PAC that leads to the B
section, the rst is an HC.
In the beginning the phrase looks like a period but it develops differently, this phrase
is an Hybrid model.
The B section is the development of the “sentence”, I will explain later why this it is
a development, but for now it is possible to see that the B is built with a 7 measures
Hybrid phrase plus the pick up of the A.
The A” is identical to the previous one except the ending. The last two bars are the
only different features of the A” section. The composition ends with a PAC.
Melodic material
In the entire composition are used and developed just three ideas.
These three bars are the previously mentioned fragmentation of the rst Hybrid
phrase, it is basically the motive of the second idea stretched over three measures.
The B section, is composed only by mixing these ideas. In these case the rst two
bars are the combination of a sequence of seventh( rst idea) and a cell originated
from the second idea.
The following two measures of the B are again a variation of the second idea.
I V of IV VI(root resolution) V
I the second bar of the second line D/C (D7) is the V of the IV degree. Since the
seventh is in the bass the right resolution is in this case V to IV6. The Bb at on bass
becomes the root and instead of writing G/Bb the result is Bbmaj7.
V V IV(modal coloring)
G/A is again a V chord because it sounds like an A7sus4, the IV is the same is a
G7sus4 and use the modal coloring. The IV should be Gmaj7 but in these case F and
C are not sharp and instead having a lydian sound the result is mixolydian.
Last A
The last A is almost the same of the rst except the last two bars.
D D/C A7 D
I V of IV
Bright size life (variation 2)
GŒ„Š7 ‘ B¨Œ„Š7(#11)/A ‘
## 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ° ™ œ œ j œ ˙ ™ œ œ
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6 D D/C B¨Œ„Š7
## œJ œ œ b œ j œ™ œ ˙ œ œ
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GŒ„Š7 D(“4) G/A G‹/A
10 w b œ œ nœ
## ˙ œ œ
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18 D(“4) œ œ GŒ„Š7 ‘
# œ œ œ œ œ œ j Œ œ œ
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22 B¨Œ„Š7(#11)/A ‘ D A7(b9)
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26 E¨Œ„Š7
™ DŒ„Š7
## ˙ ‰ œœ ww
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