Cult Branding A Study of Marathi Newspap
Cult Branding A Study of Marathi Newspap
Cult Branding A Study of Marathi Newspap
I M PACT FACT OR (2 0 1 7 ) – 7 .8 9 0 2
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Asst. Professor
Sri Balaji Society’s Balaji Institute of Management
and Human Resource Development
Pune (Maharashtra)
Asst. Professor
Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development
2.1 Cult
A cult in general notion is a sect or group or a 2.4 The Seven Golden Rules of CultBranding
faction. Like religious cult that attracts thousands of
devoted disciples, certain brands have magnetic Cult brands aren't just companies with products or
characteristics. They attract die-hard customers who services to sell. To many of their followers, they are
will be devoted to thebrand. a living, breathing surrogate family filled with like-
minded individuals. They are a support group that
2.2 Brandcult
just happens to sell products and services. This is the
Brand cult is defined as a phenomenon where
reason why these brands all have such high customer
customers display an unusually strong emotional
loyalty and devoted followers. That's how cult
branding works.
dan exceptionally high degree of customer loyalty,
Building cult Brands is a widespread strategynow
along with an amplified sense owning the brand
across global. This concept is relatively new and is
gaining importance in the Indian market. Indian
2.3 Cultbranding
brands are now concentrating to attain cult status.
Cult branding creates an experience, a
Matthew Ragas suggest the following rules to select
feeling an aura of a group identity- involving the
customer in a way the employs them. Consumers
1. Consumerswanttobepartofagroupthat’sdifferent.
become passionate and empowered about the cult
2. Cult brand inventors showdaring and
brands. If a product or a brand fulfills this desire of
a person, the customers become a core loyal to the
3. Cult brands selllifestyles.
brand/product. This serves as the basis for Brand
4. Cult brand will make the customers as
cultism. Some of the remarkably successful and
powerful cult brands are Harley Davidson,Apple
5. Cultbrandsalwayscreatecustomercommunities.
computer, vans shoes, etc. Bullets, Ambassador,
6. Cult brands areinclusive.
AMUL, and Khadi are some of the commonly
7. Cult brands are `sharing' and`collaborative'
referred cult brands in India. All the cult brands
2.5 Brand loyaltyscore
have the customers with fiery passion and fierce
Brand Loyalty is the essential element for
loyalty towards thebrand.
any brand to make the mark in the Market. Cult
Brand should have strong loyal customers. They
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I M PACT FACT OR (2 0 1 7 ) – 7 .8 9 0 2
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should be hard-core loyalist of the brands and they 6. High Print quality and easy toread
should not switch the brand.There are two different 7. I love thisNewspaper
approaches for measuring brand loyalty: the I will recommend this paper to my
downstream one, based on observingconsistent friends/relatives thebehavioral component of brand
purchases of a brand over a period of time and the loyaltycanbe found by calculating the proportion of
upstream approach, which focuses on the motives buying the Newspaper. This method has taken both
that are behind a repeat purchasing of a brandAfter attitudinal and behavioral component together.
reviewing fifty-five definitions/measures employed
in various research efforts over several yearsand 3. Objectives of theStudy
arrived the following definition. Brand Loyalty is • To find out whether ‘Lokmat’ has achieved
defined as Biased(i.e., non-random), behavioral the“cult brand ”status
response(i.e., purchase)expressed over time by • To measure the brand loyalty level of ‘Lokmat'
some decision making unit with respect to one or customers
more alternative brands and is a function of • To suggest suitable strategies for ‘Lokmat' to
psychological (decision-making)processes. Based attain cultstatus.
on above definition, the following formula was
developed which links attitude toward the favorite 4. ResearchMethodology
of purchase of favorite brand over the last ten Methods of the Data Collection: Survey method
evaluated on five point likert scale reflecting Approach: Online and offline
theReaders attitude toward their favorite Sample Methodology: The Total sample size is 175.
Newspaper are: Samples have been collected from the six Municipal
2. Unbiased Newspresentation
Cities Sample Size
3. I am enhancing my language /fluency by Pune 50
reading thispaper Solapur 25
4. Wide coverage of political& sportsnews. Ahmednagar 25
5. More entertaining and colorfulpictures Nashik 25
daring & determined Newspaper. 88.57% of the various income and occupation categories. Most of
customers felt that “Lokmat” is showing daring and the customers agreed that the brand is universal
determination. They identify the brand as a and inclusive. They do not identify with the
Lokmatwill face all oppositionsboldly. Rule 7: Cult brands are `sharing' and
74.28% of the customers have felt that
Rule 3: Cult brands sell lifestyles
Majority (71.42%) of the customers strongly “Lokmat” represents customer opinions & beliefs
believe that “Lokmat” has changed not only their through its writing and it always response to
lifestyles but also their friends’ life style. Only 28.58 readers voice. They strongly validate that Lokmat
% of the customers believe that the brand has not is functioning in sharing and collaborative mode.