1 s2.0 0196885891900139 Main
1 s2.0 0196885891900139 Main
1 s2.0 0196885891900139 Main
All functions are normed with the supremum norm. For a function f
crit(f) = {x: If(x)1 = Ilfll} and Z(f) = (x: f(x) = O}
are called the critical point set and the zero set of f, and
1 if f(x) > 0,
wf(x) = 0 iff(x) =O,
i -1 if0 >f(x).
The real and imaginary parts of a function f are abbreviated %if and D:f,
%K={%k:kEK) and 23K = {Bk: k E K}.
For a subset of functions K
dist( f, K) = inf( llf - kll: k E K} .
A member k in K is a best approximation to f if,
Ilf - kll = dist( f, K).
If there is a neighborhood U of k such that k is a best approximation to f
from U n K, then k is a local best approximation to f from K. The closure
of K is abbreviated cl K.
If E is a property of functions (such as G, P, R, or S from the
Introduction) then
EK = {k E K: k satisfiesE}.
The families of rational functions used in this paper are:
P,, = ( p a polynomial with real coefficients, and deg p I n} ,
P,,(C) = { p a polynomial with complex coefficients, and deg p I n} ,
Q;= ~:pEP,,q~P,,andq>Oforallrealnumbers
LEMMA 3.2.
P(x) + it(x)
r(x) = E RR,“(C),
4(x) + fi(x>
where p, t, q, and s are polynomials that are real on the imaginary axis.
Since T(X) E RR,“(C), for any purely imaginary number, z, [p(z) +
it(z)l/[q(z) + is(z)1 must be real, and the argument of the numerator
must equal that of the denominator. Except where s or t vanish, p/t =
q/s, and in all cases ps = qt. Let fi and f2 be the common factors (if
they exist) of p and t and of q and s, respectively. Hence there are
polynomials, fi, f2, pl, si, ql, and t, all real on the imaginary axis and
such that
p + it = fl[ p1 + it11 and 4 + fi =f2[q1+ &I.
By absorbing a constant into the factors fi and f2, we may also assume
that p1 and q1 are manic polynomials. So for all purely imaginary
numbers, and hence for all numbers,
PS = 4t * PlS, = q,t, ==+.
Pl = 41 and t, = sl.
We conclude that r = fi/f2, and this proves the representation. 0
LEMMA 3.4. Zf p E P, + I and q E P,,+ I are polynomials with no com-
mon factors, and if
Proof. Part (i) is proven in [121. Parts (ii) and (iii) are similar. We will
prove part (ii). A quadratic polynomial in PRP, is of the form x2 + cx,
and the result is satisfied by taking q = 6 and s = 1. Irreducible
fourth-degree nonnegative polynomials in PRP, can be written:
(x + a + ip)(x + CT-i/3)(x - ff + ip)(x - a$). (3-l)
This is equal to
Now consider
(0 w3Rf(C) = m?;(C),
(ii) %SRR;(C) = !ltRR,m(C),
(iii) asPR;(c) = %PR;(C),
(iv) %SPRR;(C) = %PRR,m(C).
Proof. L&t
p + it
r* = - E R,“(C).
3Pj < O, 3uj > 0, 3Yj < O, (3.6)
{Pj} n Icj} n (Yjyij = 0*
41 + is1 = n(Z -Pj>nCZ - 'j;.)* (3.8)
u + iv q2u + s2u
!J? -=
q2 + is2 422 + s22
= l-I( z-Pj)(z-cLj)n(z- vj)(Z-~j)Il(Z-~j)(Z - yj) ’
= !Br*. (3.12)
We let
u + iv
q2 + is2
We let
U(X) = u1(x2) and u(x) = q(2),
and again r = [u + iu]/[q2 + kz] satisfies the conditions proving part (ii>.
Since both r* and r have the same real part, it is trivial that
r* E PR,” implies r E PR,“.
This proves part (iii), and hence part (iv). 0
The last result of this section is an observation about the form of the
subclassesof the rational functions Qr.
LEMMA 3.7.
(9 RQ,“= $:p~RP,,q~PRP,,qfOon[a,b] ,
( 1
The subcases of GQ,” and GRQ,” with p = 1 are themselves of inter-
q(Z) +lS(Z)=,fJ(zmajeiPj)*
IR,“(C)l’ c ISqC)12.
For the final inclusion of the proof suppose that q + is above is real on
the imaginary axis. We want to conclude that q * + is* shares this prop-
erty. A polynomial is real on the imaginary axis if and only if its zeros are
symmetric about the imaginary axis, Lemma 3.2(iii). The construction of
q* + is* reflects about the real axis all zeros with positive imaginary part.
It leaves others undisturbed. Hence q * + b * is real on the imaginary axis,
lRR;f(C)12 c lRSR;;(C)12. 0
The real parts of the classes of rational functions do not form a closed
set. The next result identifies the closures with spaces of the form QT.
The results are only tidy when n I m + 1. In [12] a characterization is
given for cl %Rr for all m and n, and the statement of part (i) below
(with II I m + 1) is derived from it there. But by immediately restricting
ourselves to n I m + 1 we will build a less technical and more pleasant
PROPOSITION 4.2. For n I m + 1:
Proof The proofs follow the same pattern for all cases. We will show
that cl %RRzz(C) = RQ,m,“12.Since
c cl %RR;;(C). (4.8)
q2( x”) + x22( 2)
The proof will be completed by showing that line (4.8) remains valid even
when q and s have common zeros or max{deg q, 1 + deg s) < n. Since
members of PR Pan are the uniform limit of functions with those two
properties, there exist {dj) c PRP,, which converge uniformly to q2(x2)
+ x2s2(x2). Since q2(x2) + x2s2(x2) has no zeros on [a, b], we have that
g converges to
g (4.11)
Tq q2( x’) + xV( x”) *
E cl %RZ?;;(C), (4.12)
q2( x2) + x2s2( x’)
Using Lemma 3.4 several times we have that if: 111each of the three
pairs (i) p and t, (ii) q and s, and (iii) p2 + t2 and q2 + s2 are relatively
prime, and [2] both the numerator and the denominator of r have degree
2n, then the tangent space equals P4,/(q2 + s212.It then follows [2 or 111
that r is a best approximation from P&z,” to a continuous function f if
and only if there are 4n + 2 points, where the error function has maximal
amplitude but with alternating sign. (Equivalently, r is the unique best
approximation to f from R$;.) However, it is an involved argument to
prove a characterization without the above restrictions, and the statement
of the characterization is not as simple as the special case above. The
proofs are parallel to those in [12] and are not included.
We need some technical definitions to state the characterization theo-
rems. Although necessary for the statement, they become less intrusive
when applied to specific functions. For instance, the example given after
the characterization theorem does not involve such technicalities. Suppose
that r E RQ;,“. From Lemmas 3.7 and 3.1 we may assume that r(x) =
p(x2)/q(x2) for appropriate polynomials p and q. We may assume that p
and q have no common quadratic factors, but they may have some
common factors which if canceled would leave a rational function that is
not of the form stated for RQZ,“.
Let F, p,,, and q,, be polynomials so that p. and q,, are manic and have
no common factors and so that
Now let
We also need
The “P” designation denotes the use of the nonnegative real axis in
the domain of the functions. It is not linked with the function spaces
having property P. In fact it will be associated with those spaces having
property R.
Define [, P[, 5, and Pt on D, PD, E, and PE, respectively, with values
in (-1,l) by
r.I = ~ Pj E Qr,
qi’ + si”
and that
llrj - f II * min{llm - f II: m E Qr}.
more, on the entire complex plane, except the finite set Z<q,? + s,?), rj
converges pointwise to r. It follows that r is a best approximation to f,
that r is (i) nonnegative on the real line, (ii) bounded by 1 on the real line,
and (iii) real on the imaginary axis if each rj is. 0
(x2 - 4)2
r(x) = 2 E PRQ,4 c RQ: c R:.
(x2 - 3)
RQ: 4 alternation points, the first having a minus sign
5 alternation points, the first having a plus sign
7 alternation points, the first having a minus sign
9 alternation points, the first having a plus sign
10 alternation points
5 alternation points, the first having a plus sign
6 alternation points, the tirst having a minus sign
6 alternation points, the first having a minus sign
7 alternation points, the first having a plus sign
9 alternation points, the first having a minus sign
11 alternation points, the first having a minus sign
Now q1 has degree 2n, no zeros in common with p, and is such that
IIP/4 -P/4111 < E*
2. Use the construction in the proof of Lemma 3.5 to find q2 and s2
so that
q1 = q$( x’) + x”s,‘( x2).
4. Now
P2G2) + MX2)
r2 = E RR;(C)
q2(x2) + k2(x2)
Il%r, - roll < E.