ER NGC1-Sep-2013
ER NGC1-Sep-2013
ER NGC1-Sep-2013
Examiners’ Report
NEBOSH National
General Certificate in
Occupational Health
and Safety (NGC1)
Examiners’ Report
Introduction 2
General comments 3
2013 NEBOSH, Dominus Way, Meridian Business Park, Leicester LE19 1QW
tel: 0116 263 4700 fax: 0116 282 4000 email: website:
The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health is a registered charity, number 1010444
NEBOSH (The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) was formed in 1979 as
an independent examining board and awarding body with charitable status. We offer a comprehensive
range of globally-recognised, vocationally-related qualifications designed to meet the health, safety,
environmental and risk management needs of all places of work in both the private and public sectors.
Courses leading to NEBOSH qualifications attract around 35,000 candidates annually and are offered
by over 500 course providers, with exams taken in over 100 countries around the world. Our
qualifications are recognised by the relevant professional membership bodies including the Institution
of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and the International Institute of Risk and Safety
Management (IIRSM).
NEBOSH is an awarding body to be recognised and regulated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority
Where appropriate, NEBOSH follows the latest version of the “GCSE, GCE, Principal Learning and
Project Code of Practice” published by the regulatory authorities in relation to examination setting and
marking. While not obliged to adhere to this code, NEBOSH regards it as best practice to do so.
Candidates’ scripts are marked by a team of Examiners appointed by NEBOSH on the basis of their
qualifications and experience. The standard of the qualification is determined by NEBOSH, which is
overseen by the NEBOSH Council comprising nominees from, amongst others, the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE), the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and
the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). Representatives of course providers, from
both the public and private sectors, are elected to the NEBOSH Council.
This report on the examination provides information on the performance of candidates which it is
hoped will be useful to candidates and tutors in preparation for future examinations. It is intended to be
constructive and informative and to promote better understanding of the syllabus content and the
application of assessment criteria.
© NEBOSH 2013
Dominus Way
Meridian Business Park
LE19 1QW
General comments
Many candidates are well prepared for this unit assessment and provide comprehensive and relevant
answers in response to the demands of the question paper. This includes the ability to demonstrate
understanding of knowledge by applying it to workplace situations.
There are always some candidates, however, who appear to be unprepared for the unit assessment
and who show both a lack of knowledge of the syllabus content and a lack of understanding of how key
concepts should be applied to workplace situations.
In order to meet the pass standard for this assessment, acquisition of knowledge and understanding
across the syllabus are prerequisites. However, candidates need to demonstrate their knowledge and
understanding in answering the questions set. Referral of candidates in this unit is invariably because
they are unable to write a full, well-informed answer to one or more of the questions asked.
Some candidates find it difficult to relate their learning to the questions and as a result offer responses
reliant on recalled knowledge and conjecture and fail to demonstrate a sufficient degree of
understanding. Candidates should prepare themselves for this vocational examination by ensuring
their understanding, not rote-learning pre-prepared answers.
Candidates should therefore note that Examiners’ Reports are not written to provide ‘sample answers’
but to give examples of what Examiners were expecting and more specifically to highlight areas of
under performance.
Common pitfalls
It is recognised that many candidates are well prepared for their assessments. However, recurrent
issues, as outlined below, continue to prevent some candidates reaching their full potential in the
− Many candidates fail to apply the basic principles of examination technique and for some
candidates this means the difference between a pass and a referral.
− In some instances, candidates do not attempt all the required questions or are failing to
provide complete answers. Candidates are advised to always attempt an answer to a
compulsory question, even when the mind goes blank. Applying basic health and safety
management principles can generate credit worthy points.
− Some candidates fail to answer the question set and instead provide information that may be
relevant to the topic but is irrelevant to the question and cannot therefore be awarded marks.
− Many candidates fail to apply the command words (also known as action verbs, eg describe,
outline, etc). Command words are the instructions that guide the candidate on the depth of
answer required. If, for instance, a question asks the candidate to ‘describe’ something, then
few marks will be awarded to an answer that is an outline. Similarly the command word
‘identify’ requires more information than a ‘list’.
− Some candidates fail to separate their answers into the different sub-sections of the questions.
These candidates could gain marks for the different sections if they clearly indicated which part
of the question they were answering (by using the numbering from the question in their
answer, for example). Structuring their answers to address the different parts of the question
can also help in logically drawing out the points to be made in response.
− Candidates need to plan their time effectively. Some candidates fail to make good use of their
time and give excessive detail in some answers leaving insufficient time to address all of the
− Candidates should also be aware that Examiners cannot award marks if handwriting is
− Candidates should note that it is not necessary to start a new page in their answer booklet for
each section of a question.
Unit NGC1
Management of health and safety
Question 1 An employee has been seriously injured using a machine. The accident
has been reported to an enforcement inspector by the employer. The
subsequent investigation identified that the design of the machine meant
that several dangerous parts were unguarded and the machine controls
had been overridden.
(a) Outline the possible breaches of the Health and Safety at Work
etc Act 1974 by the:
(c) Give the documented information that the employer (or their
insurer) might need to use to defend a civil claim by the injured
employee AND, in EACH case, explain why it would be relevant.
This question related to Elements 1 and 5 of the syllabus and assessed candidates’
knowledge of learning outcomes 1.3 Explain the legal framework for the regulation of
health and safety including sources and types of law, 1.4 Explain the scope and duties
under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and 5.4 Describe the legal and
organisational requirements for recording and reporting incidents.
The question enabled candidates to show their knowledge of the practical implications
of a typical workplace accident involving a piece of machinery, in relation to breaches
of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The breaches needed to be outlined rather
than just stated and marks were missed by not relating the answer to the scenario
given. The full range of powers of the enforcement inspector were generally outlined
fully. Part (c) was interested in documented sources of information useful in a civil
claim, marks were only available for documented sources rather than general
information sources. In some cases answers outlined the criteria for taking a civil claim
for negligence rather than the information sources required to defend a claim. In
addition, part (c) required the reason why the documented source was relevant and
this was missed by a number of candidates. It is important to read each part of the
question fully and take into account any command words given, especially when there
is more than one in a particular question.
Question 2 (a) Outline the legal requirements placed on employers to have a
written health and safety policy. (2)
The legal duties of organisations to have a health and safety policy are established in
the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and not any other legislation. The statement of
intent is one part of the health and safety policy setting the framework for the company
approach for dealing with health and safety issues.
Part (b) was generally well answered and the concept understood widely. Full marks
were in some cases not awarded because lists were provided instead of the ‘outline’
Question 3 (a) Identify the individual factors that may increase the risks to an
employee who is required to work alone away from his/her
workplace. (4)
This question related to Element 3 and 4 of the syllabus and assessed candidates’
knowledge of learning outcomes 3.3 Outline the human factors which influence
behaviour at work in a way that can affect health and safety and 4.2: Explain the
principles and practice of risk assessment.
Part (a) of the question considered the individual factors which may increase the risks,
these related to the person themselves and not factors associated with the task or
organisation. Environmental or procedural issues were covered in a number of
answers but these were not required.
Part (b) of the question required “procedural controls” to be described. In some cases
this was misread with technical controls included such as radios and satellite tracking.
This question related to Element 4 of the syllabus and assessed candidates’
knowledge of learning outcomes 2: Explain the principles and practice of risk
assessment and learning outcome 3: Explain the general principles of control and a
basic hierarchy of risk reduction measures.
The meaning of the term risk was given readily by the majority of candidates. The
concepts explored in part (b) were not well demonstrated, with few correct examples
given to show the topics were understood. There were a number of confused answers
here in some cases, with the same answer being used to cover all three different
Employers need to ensure effective planning and co-ordination of any work completed
by contractors on their site, especially if the employer is still going to be working on site
at the same time.
There have been a number of questions in the NGC1 on the selection of contractors
however that was not the question set in this case. The question focused on controlling
the work once the work is being carried out.
Candidates appeared to misread this question. The vast majority gave answers which
centred around the types of information required to be submitted by a contractor at the
pre-tender stage of a project. Many described the types of arrangements which would be
requested for a contractor to provide, if on an approved contractor list. Many did not
identify the arrangements required whilst the work was being carried out. It is important to
ensure that the question is read carefully to ensure that it is being answered
Question 6 Outline the factors to be taken into account to help ensure an effective witness
interview technique following a workplace accident. (8)
Candidates were able to gain high marks on this question. Many were able to clearly
outline those factors which need to be taken into account to ensure an effective witness
interview. Generally, marks were missed where candidates described an interview or
investigation process, rather than outline the techniques to use during the interview.
Overall answers where outlined as required.
Question 7 (a) Outline the employees’ duties under the Management of Health
and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. (2)
Employees have a number of legal duties under the Management of Health and Safety
at Work Regulations 1999 but these were often confused with the duties of the
employee under the Health and Safety at Work at Work Act 1974.
The “organisation” of a health and safety policy establishes responsibilities and this
question focused on employee responsibilities only. Answers giving details of the
responsibilities of the managing director, managers, health and safety adviser and first
aider were not required. For those who had studied this area of the syllabus and
reviewed a typical health and safety policy this question allowed candidates to
demonstrate their knowledge of this important concept.
Confined spaces are high risk areas and benefit from their own specialist legislation
which defines them. Confined spaces are not necessarily small spaces but where a
range of specified risks can occur. There was a good demonstration of knowledge of
typical confined spaces and how employees could call for assistance, but not how a
confined space is defined.
Question 9 (a) Give the meaning of the term ‘hazard’ AND give a workplace
example. (2)
Explain the issues to be taken into account when deciding which hazards
to prioritise. (6)
Part (a) was well answered but there was a number of problems in the answers given
in part (b). Some answers just stated a typical hierarchy of control rather than focusing
on issues to be taken into account when deciding which hazards to prioritise. This
question required some consideration rather than the quoting of a pre set memorised
list of items or terms. Health and safety advisers could be faced with this situation and
they will be required to know how to best proceed.
As an ‘identify’ question, significant detail was not needed but a range of specific
documentation did need to be provided for a full answer. Overall a high standard of
answers was given to this question.
As the question stated, these Regulations have been in force since 1977 giving trade
union safety representatives’ specific functions which they may fulfil. Although many
companies may no longer all have recognised trade unions, this topic and legislation
forms part of the NGC1 syllabus and as such needs to be reviewed by candidates
attempting the NGC1 examination. There was some confusion between the safety
representative role and that of a health and safety adviser.
Part (b) required a description of the facilities that may be provided to safety
representatives. These were confused in some cases with the welfare facilities which
should be provided to all employees not just safety representatives.