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International Journal of Energy Research

Volume 2023, Article ID 3040073, 11 pages

Research Article
Influence of Fuel Oxygenation on Regulated Pollutants and
Unregulated Aromatic Compounds with Biodiesel and n-
Pentanol Blends

Nadir Yilmaz ,1 Francisco M. Vigil ,2 Alpaslan Atmanli ,3 and Burl Donaldson4

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Howard University, Washington DC, USA
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA
National Defense University, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico State University, New Mexico, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Alpaslan Atmanli; alpaslan.atmanli@gmail.com

Received 15 February 2023; Revised 28 March 2023; Accepted 4 April 2023; Published 17 April 2023

Academic Editor: Sanjay Basumatary

Copyright © 2023 Nadir Yilmaz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

It is very important to determine the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions caused by the use of renewable fuels in
diesel engines and to know the possible damages. This study investigates the emissions (regulated and unregulated) of biodiesel/n-
pentanol mixtures, which are free of aromatic content, with emphasis on PAH formation and an examination of toxicity to public
health and the environment. Engine failures caused by wetstacking are also discussed. Biodiesel/n-pentanol fuel mixtures with
alcohol concentrations of 5%, 20%, and 35% by volume (v/v) served as test fuels in a compression ignition engine. A five-gas
analyzer was used to measure hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons were detected and measured using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Against the
baseline diesel fuel, the biodiesel/n-pentanol fuel blends and neat biodiesel reduced NOx emissions and produced significantly
fewer PAHs and toxicity, confirming the significance of the aromatic content of the fuel. Biodiesel reduced total PAHs by
48.02% and the addition of 5% n-pentanol to biodiesel further decreased total PAHs by 21.26%. The total toxicity (BaPeq
(benzo[a]pyrene equivalent)) as a result of biodiesel was 83.49% less than diesel. The addition of n-pentanol to biodiesel
further reduced toxicity by 59.15%, 57.89%, and 48.33% for BPen5, BPen20, and BPen35 blends, respectively. In addition, n-
pentanol was shown to be effective for reducing total PAH emissions, as well as heavier PAHs, which have greater
carcinogenicity and pose a greater likelihood of engine damage from wetstacking when running in low-load conditions at cold

1. Introduction It is believed that diesel engines are among the greatest

sources of NOx and smoke pollution [3]. Although all engine
Government regulations and increased competition in the manufacturers regulate such emissions, petroleum fuels fre-
automotive industry have driven the development of new quently face supply issues and see a resulting increase in
engine technologies with a focus on fuel economy and emis- cost. Finding better renewable energy sources is becoming
sions reduction [1]. The high thermal efficiency of diesel more important as alternative fuels from those renewable
engines is due to their high expansion ratio and lean com- sources can be used as an attractive method to reduce
bustion, which enables heat dissipation by the excess air NOx, smoke, and CO2 emissions [4].
[2]. Although these performance characteristics make diesel For nearly half a century, research has been continuing
engines attractive for widespread adoption, they also pro- to find sustainable alternative fossil-based fuels for automo-
duce higher emissions of CO, NOX, particulate matter tive and aerospace applications [5]. The focal point of
(PM), unburned HC, and life cycle carbon dioxide (CO2). research to find fossil fuel alternatives has been oxygenated
2 International Journal of Energy Research

fuels and bioalcohols [6, 7]. Biodiesel has potential as a suit- lead to decreased PAH generation at the same equivalence
able replacement for fossil-based fuels because it is biode- ratio. Therefore, for engine applications, wetstacking is
gradable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Due to observed during low load operations and cold temperatures
these attributes, it is becoming widely used and researched [22, 23]. For these reasons, unregulated diesel emissions
around the world. Neat biodiesel is commonly used, or it is must be investigated, especially while also assessing the via-
mixed with diesel fuel at specific blend ratios. The oxygen bility of alternative fuels.
content of biodiesel lowers the in-cylinder temperature and In the literature, there are several studies investigating
reduces emissions, which greatly affects engine combustion the production of PAHs from biodiesel. Tsai et al. [24]
performance [5]. More importantly, biodiesel has fewer of investigated the particle matter (PM) and PAH emissions
the harmful aromatic compounds usually present in fossil and showed that 20% biodiesel fuel blends reduced total-
fuels and has almost no sulfur. However, biodiesel produc- PAHs, total-BaPeq, and PM, compared to diesel, irrespective
tion from feedstocks presents risks to food security. There- of engine load. Correa and Arbilla [25] conducted a PAH
fore, biodiesel manufactured using inedible or waste oils emission study focusing on neat diesel and diesel/biodiesel
has become an attractive option for use in diesel engines. and stated that diesel/biodiesel reduced some PAHs. How-
When using biodiesel straight, or in a mixture with diesel, ever, some other PAH compounds increased with biodiesel
negative effects such as freezing and high NOx emission addition, such as trimethyl benzene, phenanthrene, and
can occur due to its properties. The integration of bioalco- ethyl benzene. The evaluation of sustainably sourced, long-
hols into biodiesel fuel blends has gained popularity because chain, ether-oxygen additives in terms of regulated and
it compensates for these disadvantages and has the potential unregulated engine emissions was performed by Wu et al.
to lead to a greater adoption rate of biofuels. Properties such [26]. Long-chain ethers reduced gaseous PAH emissions by
as density and viscosity of biodiesel fuel blends can be ame- 25%-44%, particulate PAH emissions by 39%-67%, and
liorated with the addition of alcohol [8, 9]. PAH toxicity was reduced by 32%-55%. The corpus of
In determining the type of alcohol for use with compres- research to date shows that alternative biofuels containing
sion ignition engines, a high carbon number is key to the sta- oxygen in their molecule (such as FAMEs) can reduce PAHs
bility of the mixture and combustion performance. One of and PM emissions [27]. As previously mentioned, biodiesel
the high-carbon alcohols, n-pentanol, has been at the fore- can be mixed with alcohols to eliminate their poor fuel prop-
front of associated research due to its heat of combustion, erties and potentially reduce PAH emissions. However, stud-
flame speed, higher cetane number, viscosity, lower ignition ies in the literature on the emissions from blended
temperature, and reduced corrosion risk [10–12]. In all stud- alternative fuels have primarily examined the regulated
ies in the literature regarding biodiesel and n-pentanol mix- emissions of such blends, while only a limited number of
tures, it is shown that n-pentanol absorbs more heat during studies have investigated the PAH formation which results
evaporation since it has a lower heat of combustion and from use of biodiesel-alcohol mixtures. Guan et al. [28]
higher LHE. The premixed and diffusion combustion stages showed that diesel/biodiesel and diesel/biodiesel/ethanol
are improved through the use of an oxygen-rich alcohol such can decrease PM emissions and the total PAH concentration
as n-pentanol [13]. Thus, mixing n-pentanol with biodiesel at high and low engine loads. Furthermore, in the study of
or diesel improves fuel performance, while decreasing regu- Choi et al. [29], it was emphasized that as the use of oxy fuels
lated emission species [14, 15]. Such benefits show promise increases, they may increase the precursors of PAH forma-
for reducing dependance on diesel fuel and help protect tion (e.g., benzene or toluene) in diesel combustion. Yilmaz
the environment. Unlike regulated emissions, unregulated and Davis studied PAH generation from biodiesel fuel
emissions or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) blends containing n-butanol, biodiesel, and diesel and
require more rigorous analytical chemistry techniques for reported significant reduction in PAH emissions for biodie-
analysis, detection, and quantification. The International sel and blended fuels. It was also noted that the addition of
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the United 10% n-butanol (by volume) to biodiesel decreased PAHs;
States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identified however, rates above 10% led to increasing levels of PAHs
17 compounds as carcinogens; these are the PAHs discussed [30]. In another study, Yang et al. [31] found that fuel blends
in this study [16–18]. In addition, the formation of PAHs containing a larger pentanol concentrations had less partic-
causes excessive harm to the operation of the engine, such ulate phase PAH compounds and benzo[a]pyrene equivalent
as wetstacking. PAHs are pervasive environmental pollut- in comparison to biodiesel.
ants created, for the most part, by poor combustion in diesel In the current literature, there is insufficient information
engines. PAH formation is associated with cold burning as a on PAH emissions from combustion of biodiesel/alcohol
result of low load operation, as noted in the literature [19]. fuel blends, and it is necessary to fill the research gap on
Yilmaz and Donaldson [20] reported that elevated PAH the generation of PAHs and associated toxicity levels result-
emissions were observed as the equivalence ratio decreased ing from the utilization of oxy-fuels in diesel engines. The
during low load operations and greater PAH emissions were purpose of this research is to examine aromatic-free biodie-
anticipated as the fuel/air ratio increased in the fuel-rich sel/n-pentanol fuel blends and evaluate their effects on HC,
region. In another study, high PAH production was found CO, and NOx and distribution of PAH, PAH, concentration
in studying the combustion of coal and tire in a steady flow in the exhaust and toxicity. Emphasis is placed on the forma-
reactor at various temperatures [21]. Such studies have con- tion of PAHs, high and low-ring PAH distributions and tox-
cluded that higher air consumption or reactor temperatures icity. The motivations for this focus are the significant
International Journal of Energy Research 3

Sampling line
Flow controller

Electronic scale Vacuum pump Exhaust gas analyzer

Test ... Absorbent resin

Fuel ...
... Fuel line cartridge
... Valve

Filter holder

Exhaust line

Diesel engine
(Onan DJC)

Loading unit

Control panel

Figure 1: Engine test facility and PAH sampling.

repercussions on public health, nature, and engine failure Table 1: Test engine specifications.
(i.e., wetstacking) from PAHs.
Engine type Onan diesel generator
2. Materials and Methods Type DJC
Bore (mm) 82.55
2.1. Engine Test Conditions and Test Fuels. An Onan DJC Stroke (mm) 92.08
compression ignition engine was operated at 1800 rpm Displacement (cm3) 1970
(±1 rpm) with an electric load ranging from idle to 9 kW
Number of cylinders 4
(±0.005 kW). Details of the engine setup and specifications
can be found in Figure 1 and Table 1. Number of cycles 4 cycle
No. 2 diesel and n-pentanol (Amyl alcohol, m% ≥99.80, Compression ratio 19 : 1
CAS No. 74-41-0) and waste oil biodiesel were used as test Max output (kW) 12
fuel components. Waste oil biodiesel, sourced from dis- Max speed (rpm) 1800
carded cooking oil and compliant with ASTM D6751, was Intake system Natural aspirated
used in this study. Analysis of the biodiesel showed that its Fuel injection system Indirect
composition was 81.40% unsaturated fatty acids and
Injection pump type PSU model
13.28% saturated fatty acids, with the remaining content
being other fatty acid components. Biodiesel, diesel, and bio- Injection pressure (MPa) 13.1
diesel/n-pentanol test fuels with n-pentanol concentrations Injection timing (BTDC) 18 °CA
of 5% (low), 20% (medium), and 35% (high) (v/v) were eval-
uated as the test fuels. Two-fuel mixtures were prepared
using the splash blending method. The prepared binary mix- sample, tests were conducted in triplets for higher accuracy
tures were called BPen5 (95% Biodiesel+5% n-pentanol), and experimental confidence.
BPen20 (80% Biodiesel+20% n-pentanol), and BPen35
(65% Biodiesel+35% n-pentanol). 2.2. Sample Collection and Analysis of PAH Emissions. The
Table 2 lists the common properties of the test fuels. An rate of PAH sampling was 10 liters per minute (no dilution)
emission analyzer (model EMS 5002-5) was used to quantify for three hours at the idle mode. Filtering of exhaust samples
the NOx, CO, and HC content in the engine exhaust gas. utilized a multistep method; first, a 2 μm pore diameter poly-
Measurement ranges and resolution for these gas con- tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filter paper was used, followed by
stituents can be found in Table 3. For each experimental a 50 mg/100 mg Amberlite XAD-2 resin cartridge which was
4 International Journal of Energy Research

Table 2: Test fuel properties.

Fuel/ Density (g/ Lower heating value Cetane Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) Flash point Cloud point CFPP
property ml) (Mj/kg) number at 40°C (°C) (°C) (°C)
Diesel 0.818 44.8 54 2.95 74 -12 -21
Biodiesel 0.855 40.5 52 4.57 126 -8.1 -13.2
n-Pentanol 0.815 34.94 20 2.89 49 — -40
BPen5 0.853 40.02 51.20 4.48 104.6 -9.3 -15.3
BPen20 0.847 39.43 45.60 4.17 98.7 -11.2 -17.6
BPen35 0.841 38.69 42.59 3.76 94.12 -12.5 -18.2

Table 3: Engine test facility ranges and resolutions.

Item Quantity Range Accuracy

Rotary encoder Speed 0-6000 rpm ±1 rpm
Loading unit (electrical resistance) Load 1000/5000 W ±5 W
HC 0–2000 ppm ±4 ppm
Exhaust gas analyzer CO 0–10 vol.% ±0.06 vol.%
NO 0–5000 ppm ±25 ppm

Table 4: GC-MS thermal program. mation in diesel engines [32]. In this context, the causes of
NOX emission examined in this study are based on the ther-
GC-MS: HP 5890/5971A
Instrument details mal (Zel’dovich) NOX mechanism. As shown in Figure 2,
Column: DB5-MS
NOX emissions increased with higher engine loads. On aver-
Injection volume 1 μL age, neat biodiesel produced 2.87% fewer NOX emissions
Injection temperature 300°C than neat diesel. n-Pentanol generates a cooling effect in
Hold 70° for 1 min the combustion chamber because of its latent heat of evapo-
ration (LHE) and lower heating value (LHV) values, which
Heat from 70-200°C at 70°C/min
lead to lower NOx emissions [33–35]. Biodiesel blends con-
Thermal program Hold 200°C for 2 min
taining n-pentanol at concentration of 5%, 20%, and 35%
Heat 200-300°C at 7 °C/min resulted in NOX emission reductions of 13.71%, 26.3%, and
Hold 200°C for 10 min 11.86%, respectively, when compared to neat biodiesel. The
ignition delay time is increased at higher loads, leading to
premixed combustion of which n-pentanol improves, result-
ing in a reduction of the cooling effect [36, 37]. Although the
targeted at the collection of more volatile species. An inter- ignition delay time is increased at higher loads, the residence
nal standard containing 2 μg anthracene (D10, 98%) was time is reduced at high temperatures, producing less NOX
added to each sample for isotope dilution mass spectrometry [6]. In addition, blends with higher oxygen contents result
(IDMS). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in lower flame temperatures in oxygen-rich zones [22].
grade hexane (5 mL) was used for extraction of PAHs. Overall, the biodiesel test fuel containing 20% n-pentanol
Washing of samples was performed with the addition of was the most successful at reducing NOX emissions. These
5 mL n-hexane and filtering through a 500 mg Na2SO4/ results concur with comparable testing found in literature
500 mg alumina column. A 1 : 1 mixture of HPLC grade ben- [38–40].
zene and acetonitrile was used to recover the washed sam-
ples, which were then concentrated using nitrogen 3.1.2. HC Emissions. It is seen in Figure 3 that neat biodiesel
blowdown. Each PAH was then identified and measured increased HC emissions by 25.37% compared to diesel. The
using GC-MS according to a selected ion monitoring dominating factors that contribute to HC emissions are fuel
(SIM) process (Table 4). properties, air-fuel ratio (AFR), fuel injection parameters,
and engine operating conditions [41]. Higher viscosity and
density cause the formation of lean zones during the premix
3. Results and Discussion combustion phase. The biodiesel/n-pentanol fuel blends
3.1. Regulated Emissions with n-pentanol concentrations of 5%, 20%, and 35%
increased average HC emissions by 5.42%, 6.22%, and
3.1.1. NOx Emissions. The thermal (Zel’dovich) NOX mech- 2.86%, respectively. The increase in HC emission results is
anism provides the most important effect on total NOX for- caused by incomplete combustion and higher oxygen
International Journal of Energy Research 5



NOx (ppm) 500





0 3 6 9
Engine load (kW)
D100 BPen20
B100 BPen35

Figure 2: Correlation between NOx emissions and engine load for fuel blends.

HC (ppm)

0 3 6 9
Engine load (kW)

D100 BPen20
B100 BPen35

Figure 3: Correlation between HC emissions and engine load for fuel blends.

content of the fuel blends [42, 43]. Of the test fuels, the 20% 3.1.3. CO Emissions. Multiple factors contribute to the pro-
n-pentanol concentration blend produced the highest HC duction of CO emissions including AFR and temperature
emissions. An elevation in temperature in the last phase of [30, 47–49]. Results shown in Figure 4 indicate that poor
combustion may be caused by greater n-pentanol concentra- air-fuel mixtures at low engine loads contribute to the pro-
tions, leading to decreased HC emissions. Lower cetane duction of CO while lower production of CO at medium
number and higher LHE of n-pentanol create a quenching loads can be attributed to more complete combustion. How-
effect [44]. In addition, a long burning time can result in ever, increased CO production at high loads is due to richer
higher HC emissions because it creates a weak outer flame fuel mixture zones [50]. Compared to diesel, neat biodiesel
zone within the combustion chamber [45, 46]. produced an average of 39.63% high CO emissions.
6 International Journal of Energy Research



CO (%) 0.075



0 3 6 9
Engine load (kW)

D100 BPen20
B100 BPen35

Figure 4: Correlation between CO emissions and engine load for fuel blends.


Relative concentration of aromatic rings (%)









D100 B100 BPen5 BPen20 BPen35

2 Rings 4 Rings
3 Rings 5+ Rings

Figure 5: Relative contribution of PAH by number of aromatic rings.

Increased CO emissions for biodiesel are caused by poor 35% n-pentanol fuel blend increased the formation of CO
atomization due to biodiesel’s high viscosity and density by 19.55%. Particularly at higher loads, CO formation
[30, 48, 51]. The low rate of evaporation of biodiesel/n-pen- increases because of the lower in-cylinder temperature [22].
tanol fuel blends with concentrations of 5% and 20% leads to
a high rate of CO oxidation to CO2 at high loads, causing a 3.2. Unregulated Emissions
cooling effect, as evidenced by the 17.97% and 3.49%
decrease in CO emissions, respectively. Similar tend CO 3.2.1. Distribution of PAHs. The 17 types of PAHs that this
emission trends have been reported in other studies investi- study is centered on are those recommended by the EPA [15].
gating higher alcohol fuel blends [47, 48, 52]. However, in Of the 17 PAHs, seven were below the detection limit, ace-
contrast to the 5% and 20% n-pentanol fuel blends, the naphthene, anthracene-D10, anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene,
International Journal of Energy Research 7

Table 5: Exhaust gas PAH concentration.

Total PAHs (μg/m3)

PAHs Number of rings
D100 B100 BPen5 BPen20 BPen35
Naphthalene 2 1.93 0.76 0.84 1.63 1.82
Acenaphthylene 2 0.21 0.25 0.55 0.83 0.90
Fluorene 2 0.59 0.22 0.15 0.14 0.12
Phenanthrene 3 1.19 0.66 0.23 0.01 0.02
Fluoranthene 3 0.29 0.18 0.08 0.03 0.00
Pyrene 4 0.40 0.31 0.06 0.01 0.01
Benzo[a]anthracene 4 0.00∗ 0.01 0.00∗ 0.00∗ 0.00∗
Chrysene 4 0.09 0.07 0.01 0.00∗ 0.01
Benzo[k]fluoranthene 4 0.00∗ 0.01 0.00∗ 0.00 0.00∗
Benzo[a]pyrene 5 0.01 0.00∗ 0.00∗ 0.00∗ 0.00∗




Total PAH emissions (ug/m3)







D100 B100 BPen5 BPen20 BPen35

Figure 6: Total PAH emissions.

indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, and benzo[- has been noted in the literature that higher PAHs contribute
g,h,i]perylene. As shown in Figure 5, PAHs from biodiesel/ to engine failure [56]. The Type of PAHs produced and
n-pentanol fuel blends, biodiesel, and diesel primarily com- reduction of higher ring PAHs should be prioritized along
prised of two-ring, three-ring, and four-ring aromatic struc- with total PAH formation when investigating modes of die-
tures. Biodiesel/n-pentanol fuel blends significantly decreased sel engine failure. n-Pentanol fuel blends decreased the gen-
the amount of the three- and four-ring aromatic compounds eration of high ring PAHs, meaning that these fuel blends
compared to neat biodiesel, indicating that n-pentanol addi- exhibited optimal performance characteristics compared to
tion decreases both the total PAHs and the percentage of diesel or biodiesel in terms of their effects on engine lifecycle.
high ring aromatic compounds [22]. Diesel was the only fuel Heavier PAHs can condensate and form deposits on tight-
that produced a 5-ring PAH compound (see Table 5). Naph- tolerance engine components, causing engine failure [30].
thalene, acenaphthylene, and acenaphthene, all low molecular
PAHs, were common to all test fuels. Phenanthrene and fluo- 3.2.2. PAH Concentration in Exhaust Gas. Total PAH emis-
ranthene, both medium molecular weight PAHs, were sec- sions of the fuels are given in Figure 6, and their concentra-
ondary compounds for diesel and biodiesel. Biodiesel/n- tions are given in Table 5. According to Figure 6, the
pentanol blends produced only small amounts of fluoran- maximum total PAH generation was observed in diesel
thene and phenanthrene. Incorporation of engine oil to the blends with a concentration of 4.73 μg/m3.
combustion process may contribute to the formation of these Lower molecular weight PAHs (naphthalene, acenaph-
PAHs, as well as boiling points and incomplete combustion thylene, etc.) are typically found in diesel fuel as a result of
[53–55]. diesel’s chemical structure; however, reactions that occur
Diesel was the only test fuel to produce benxo[a]pyrene, during combustion produce higher-ring PAHs [19, 27, 28].
which is a heavy PAH and is of concern because heavy PAHs The formation of unsubstituted compounds and the genera-
have been linked to carcinogenic and teratogenic effects. It tion of particles with greater aromatic content are promoted
8 International Journal of Energy Research


BaPeq (ng/m3) 10.00

D100 B100 BPen5 BPen20 BPen35

Figure 7: The toxicity distribution of test fuels.

Table 6: Toxicity BaPeq (ng/m3) concentration in exhaust.

Toxicity BaPeq (ng/m3)

PAHs Number of rings
D100 B100 BPen5 BPen20 BPen35
Acenaphthylene 2 0.211 0.246 0.555 0.933 0.999
Fluorene 2 0.593 0.223 0.153 0.137 0.199
Phenanthrene 3 1.194 0.660 0.227 0.015 0.062
Fluoranthene 3 0.288 0.180 0.082 0.000 0.000
Pyrene 4 0.403 0.305 0.065 0.032 0.099
Benzo[a]anthracene 4 0.000 0.919 0.000 0.006 0.010
Chrysene 4 0.094 0.065 0.011 0.004 0.014
Benzo[k]fluoranthene 4 0.046 0.077 0.000 0.000 0.000
Benzo[a]pyrene 5 13.378 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

at high temperatures [57–59]. Total PAH emissions are by engine lubricant residues from the prior cycle. This accu-
heavily influenced by PAHs from the engine oil and fuel par- mulation is associated with the cooling of the in-cylinder
ticipating in the combustion process and pyrosynthesis of temperature resulting from the addition of alcohol with
PAHs during combustion [60, 61]. Combustion is the pri- higher LHE to the fuel blend. Additionally, low cetane num-
mary source for the formation of higher molecular weight ber fuels with slow combustion and decreased adiabatic
PAHs. Lower molecular weight PAHs originate principally flame temperature generate greater quantities of PAHs com-
from unburned fuel. Compared to diesel, biodiesel showed pared to fuels that exhibit quicker combustion and larger
a 48.02% reduction in total PAH emissions. Among 17 pri- cetane numbers [64]. In view of various pathways for PAH
ority PAHs (Table 5), particularly pyrene, fluoranthene, formation, exceedingly oxygen-rich conditions may have a
phenanthrene, fluorene, and naphthalene were noticeable negative effect on combustion and lead to decreased chemi-
in this decrease. The excess oxygen and aromatic-free chem- cal reactivity, which causes reordering of radicals in the igni-
ical structure of biodiesel is the likely reason for the decrease tion zone and optimal radical formation for PAH occurrence
in PAH emissions. The chemical structure of biodiesel is [53, 55]. Thus, parameters including oxygen content, cetane
such that it does not innately contain aromatic components; number, and LHE significantly affect combustion perfor-
however, the combustion reactions can initiate PAH forma- mance and formation of PAHs, as well as regulated emis-
tion mechanisms, including Diels-Alder [57, 62]. Polyunsat- sions. Overall, although blend ratios of n-pentanol
urated fatty esters are easily affected by chemical reactions exceeding 20% elevated total PAHs in comparison to biodie-
related to the generation of PAHs [63]. In comparison to sel, biodiesel-n-pentanol significantly reduced PAH emis-
biodiesel, BPen5 decreased the total PAH emission by sions and higher-ring PAHs as compared to diesel. The
21.26%. Like biodiesel, n-pentanol lacks aromatic content, optimal fuel that minimized total PAH production was
but the aforementioned factors caused the formation of 95% biodiesel and 5% n-pentanol.
PAHs in biodiesel-n-pentanol blends. However, with higher
n-pentanol concentrations, an increase of 7.93% and 17.03% 3.2.3. Toxicity in PAH Emissions. The carcinogenicity of
was recorded in total PAH emissions for BPen20 (2.66 μg/ PAH emissions is defined as toxic equivalent factor (TEF)
m3) and BPen35 (2.88 μg/m3) fuels, respectively, compared values. The weighted BaPeq (benzo[a]pyrene equivalent
to biodiesel. Additional PAH accumulation may be caused (ng/m3)) of each aromatic compound is calculated based
International Journal of Energy Research 9

on the TEF [53, 64, 65]. The toxicity distribution of PAH The biodiesel/n-pentanol fuel blend with a 5% n-
emissions is shown in Figure 7, and toxicity BaPeq (ng/m3) pentanol concentration further decreased the total
concentration in exhaust is given in Table 6. PAH emission by 21.26%, making BPen5 the best
Acenaphthylene, fluorene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and blended fuel in terms of minimizing total PAHs.
chrysene are measurable PAHs amongst all fuel blends. However, higher n-pentanol concentrations caused
The BaPeq toxicity due to using diesel fuel was determined 7.93% and 17.03% increase in total PAH emissions
to be 16.20 ng/m3. This result means that diesel has the high- for BPen20 (2.66 μg/m3) and BPen35 (2.88 μg/m3)
est toxicity, measured in the five aromatic rings of Benzo[a]- fuels, respectively, as compared to biodiesel
pyrene (13.37 ng/m3), which forms as a result of diesel fuel
between 300°C and 600°C and listed as a Group 1 carcinogen (iv) There was a substantial decrease in toxicity for
by IARC [16, 18]. BPen5 (1.09 ng/m3), BPen20 (1.12 ng/m3), and
It is shown in Table 6 that most species measured in large BPen35 (1.38 ng/m3) fuels, 59.15%, 57.89, and
quantities (two and three aromatic rings) have minimal BaPeq 48.33%, respectively. BPen5 showed the best reduc-
contribution. Because of the quantity and ordering of high- tion among the mixtures not only in total PAH
ring PAHs, diesel is more hazardous than biodiesel in terms emissions but also in toxicity as compared to all
of toxicity. The total BaPeq due to biodiesel (2.67 ng/m3) was fuels
83.49% less than that due to diesel. Biodiesel is a renewable Overall, biodiesel/n-pentanol blends significantly
fuel, but the combination of reactants that form at high tem- reduced total PAHs, toxicity, and the higher-ring PAHs,
peratures in the diesel engine combustion process can cause making such blends advantageous over diesel for human
toxicity [19, 30]. In comparison to biodiesel, toxicity was health, the environment, and engine operation at low load
reduced with BPen5 (1.09 ng/m3), BPen20 (1.12 ng/m3), and or cold operating conditions.
BPen35 (1.38 ng/m3) fuels, 59.15%, 57.89, and 48.33%, respec-
tively. Overall, the total BaPeq was minimized by BPen5, while
all of the biodiesel-n-pentanol blends significantly reduced the Data Availability
toxicity as compared to biodiesel and diesel.
The data used to support the findings of this study are avail-
able from the corresponding author upon request.
4. Conclusions
For wide-range adoption of biodiesel and alcohol mixed Conflicts of Interest
fuels, it is essential to examine such fuel combinations for
regulated emissions, as well as unregulated emissions for The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
low and high concentrations of n-pentanol. This investiga-
tion filled gaps in existing studies and reports the impact
of biodiesel-n-pentanol fuel mixtures on regulated pollut- References
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