MBDX Lab Lecture 7 Real Time Assays Troubleshooting Pt.3
MBDX Lab Lecture 7 Real Time Assays Troubleshooting Pt.3
MBDX Lab Lecture 7 Real Time Assays Troubleshooting Pt.3
Velez College: Batch Celestia (S.Y. 2021-2022) • Disinfect all working areas, surfaces, and equipment
Note: these are UNOFFICIAL NOTES. Always make it a habit before and after use with 10% bleach followed by
to refer to the lecture video and clarify information with 70% alcohol
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LECTURER: Nina Christine O. Orilla, RMT, MLS (ASCPi)
Good to know: the threshold lines can be adjusted The fluorescent signal detects the growing target copy
(Another example) If there are 50,000 copies made at
manually or automatically. If done manually, you have to during the amplification process; analysis is performed in
cycle 30, it will double to 100,000 in the next cycle, cycle
base it upon the protocol that you are using. the exponential phase of growth.
As you can see, the curves resemble the bacterial growth Because the length of the lag phase is inversely
curve. There are different phases as well (lag phase, proportional to the amount of starting template,
exponential growth phase, a linear phase, and a fluorescence will reach exponential growth in early cycles
stationary phase). when a lot of targets are present.
(Some doctors will ask for the Ct values to see if their
patients are infectious still; however, we don’t release Ct
values because this is just an estimate of the amount of
virus in the sample; these are not actual values). But for this
As PCR cycle progresses, the fluorescent signal intensity lecture’s purpose, the lower the Ct values are, the larger
increases. This signal can be detected and monitored by the amount of viral RNA/target gene present in the
(example of the PCR’s doubling effect) Let’s compare. sample. It has an inversely proportional relationship. For
the real-time PCR machine.
What if you start with four times as much DNA as tube 1? example, the Ct value is 23, it would be likely for a specific
Let’s picture two tubes at cycle 25 and work backwards a protocol which may have a cutoff of 30 (Ct value) that
x-axis: number of cycles
few cycles. would be a low Ct value indicating that the patient
y-axis/delta: delta rm (?), target genes/ number of copies
At cycle 23, Tube 1 has already made 250,000 amplicons probably has a larger amount of viral DNA/target gene in
of genes
while Tube 2 has 1,000,000 amplicons – it has 4 times as the sample.
32, 36, 27 – Ct values/ cycle threshold value
much DNA. As expected, by the doubling effect of PCR,
you have roughly around 1,000,000 amplicons for Tube 1 When less target is present, fluorescence will not reach the
Why are Ct values important in real-time PCR testing?
and for Tube 2, you have 4,000,000 amplicons. exponential growth phase until later cycles.
- These values (32, 36, 37, for example) is the
actual number of cycles it takes for the PCR
Question: Will this go on forever?
machine/test to detect the virus in the sample.
▪ Proceed to RNA template Addition once the 30 uL 1. 2019-nCoV-PCR-Negative Control - a “no template”
mastermix is dispensed into the PCR plate (negative) control is used to monitor whether there is
▪ The RNA extract that was isolated during the contamination for the rRT-PCR process and is used in
extraction process will be used in this step. each detection run
▪ For Sansure Biotech, the extraction method can be ▪ At the end of the cycle/run, this is how it will look like. 2. 2019-nCoV-PCR-Positive Control - a positive template
used using qiagen extraction kit. LAB ACTIVITY: control is used to monitor whether the rRT-pCR
▪ The sample release reagent can also be used. process works properly and is used in each detection
▪ For Sansure Biotech Protocol, the Qiagen or sample run
release reagent can be used which is a chemical 3. An Internal Control for RNAse P gene - is used to
extraction method. monitor the sample collection, handling, and rRT-PCR
▪ Dispense 20 uL of extracted RNA (+ 30 uL of master process and is used in each sample amplification
mix). A total of 50 uL of PCR RNA Master Mix Mixture.
▪ Note: NTC or No Template Control = no template
o One way to determine whether there is
contamination along the process
o To identify the pipetting skills of technologists on
duty and the cleanliness of the process, as well.
▪ NTC is also considered as a Negative Control
▪ Targets: ORF1ab gene, N gene, RP (human RNAse P
3. Amplification
gene as IC/Internal Control)
▪ 1 Master Mix: 91 unknown + 5 controls = 96 reactions ▪ Fluoresence data is collected
Stage 1: 1 cycle 50 C for 30 ▪ A 96 plate reaction, dispensing 30 uL mastermix in ▪
Reverse Transcription minutes Reporter Dyes:
each well. o FAM – for ORF1ab
Stage 2: 1 cycle 95 C for 1
▪ In actual setting, incorporate 5 controls to make sure o ROX – for N gene
Initial Denaturation minute
that there is no contamination. o CY5 – human RNAse P gene or Internal
Stage 3: PCR 45
amplification cycles 95 C for 15
▪ Denaturation: 95 C
▪ Denaturation seconds
▪ Annealing: Lowered to 60 C to allow the annealing of
▪ Annealing/Extension 60 C for 31
the forward primers to its complementary parts of the
▪ The temperature relies on the length and composition
Stage 4: Cooling 1 cycle 25 C for 10
of the primer
**Fluoresence data is collected
Reporter dyes: FAM/ROX/CY5
▪ Denaturation: 95 C for 15 seconds; repeated every
after the end of the stage for 45 cycles
▪ Annealing/Extension: 60 C for 31 seconds; at this point
this is where Fluoresence data will be collected using
Reported dyes such as FAM/ROX/CY5
Interpretation of Results