Donald Davidson
Donald Davidson
Donald Davidson
Donald Davidson
DonaldDavidsonhas beenone of the most inuential gures inmodernanalytic
philosophy. He has made seminal contributions to a wide range of subjects: phi-
losophy of language, philosophy of action, philosophy of mind, epistemology,
metaphysics, and the theory of rationality. His principal work, embodied in a
series of landmark essays stretching over nearly forty years, exhibits a unity rare
among philosophers contributing to so many different topics. These essays
elegant, compact, sometimes cryptic, and difcult together form a mosaic
that presents a systematic account of the nature of human thought, action and
speech, and their relation to the natural world, which is one of the most subtle
and impressive systems to emerge in analytic philosophy in the last fty years.
Written by a distinguished roster of philosophers, this volume includes
chapters on truth and meaning; the philosophy of action; radical interpretation;
philosophical psychology; the semantics and metaphysics of events; knowledge
of the external world, other minds, and our own minds; and the implications of
Davidsons work for literary theory.
This is the only comprehensive introduction to the full range of Davidsons
work, and, as such, it will be of particular value to advanced undergraduates,
graduates, and professionals in philosophy, psychology, linguistics, and literary
Kirk Ludwig is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Florida.
Contemporary Philosophy in Focus
Contemporary Philosophy in Focus offers a series of introductory volumes
to many of the dominant philosophical thinkers of the current age. Each volume
consists of newly commissioned essays that cover all the major contributions of
a preeminent philosopher in a systematic and accessible manner. Comparable
in scope and rationale to the highly successful series Cambridge Companions
to Philosophy, the volumes do not presuppose that readers are already inti-
mately familiar with the details of each philosophers work. They thus combine
exposition and critical analysis in a manner that will appeal both to students of
philosophy and to professionals and students across the humanities and social
Stanley Cavell edited by Richard Eldridge
Daniel Dennett edited by Andrew Brook and Don Ross
Thomas Kuhn edited by Tom Nickles
Alasdair MacIntyre edited by Mark C. Murphy
Robert Nozick edited by David Schmidtz
Paul Churchland edited by Brian Keeley
Ronald Dworkin edited by Arthur Ripstein
Jerry Fodor edited by Tim Crane
David Lewis edited by Theodore Sider and Dean Zimmermann
Hilary Putnam edited by Yemima Ben-Menahem
Richard Rorty edited by Charles Guignon and David Hiley
John Searle edited by Barry Smith
Charles Taylor edited by Ruth Abbey
Bernard Williams edited by Alan Thomas
Donald Davidson
Edited by
University of Florida
caxniioci uxiviisir\ iiiss
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, So Paulo
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cn: :iu, United Kingdom
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isbn-13 978-0-511-06712-9 eBook (NetLibrary)
Cambridge University Press 2003
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For Shih-Ping Lin
List of Contributors page xi
Introduction 1
kirk ludwig
1 Truth and Meaning 35
ernest lepore and kirk ludwig
2 Philosophy of Action 64
alfred r. mele
3 Radical Interpretation 85
piers rawling
4 Philosophy of Mind and Psychology 113
jaegwon kim
5 Semantics and Metaphysics of Events 137
paul pietroski
6 Knowledge of Self, Others, and World 163
ernest sosa
7 Language and Literature 183
samuel c. wheeler iii
Bibliography of Davidsons Publications 207
Selected Commentary on Davidson 214
Bibliographic References 216
Name Index 233
Subject Index 235
JAEGWON KIM is William Herbert Perry Faunce Professor of Philosophy
at Brown University. He is the author of Supervenience and Mind: Selected
Philosophical Essays (Cambridge University Press, 1993), Philosophy of Mind
(1996), Mind in a Physical World: An Essay on the Mind-Body Problem and
Mental Causation (1998), Supervenience (2001), and of numerous articles in
the philosophy of mind and metaphysics. He is coeditor of Values and Morals:
Essays in Honor of William Frankena, Charles Stevenson, and Richard Brant,
with Alvin Goldman (1978); Emergence or Reduction? Essays on the Prospects of
Non-reductive Physicalism, with A. Beckerman and H. Flohr (1992); and, with
Ernest Sosa, of ACompanion to Metaphysics (1995), Metaphysics: An Anthology
(1999), and Epistemology: An Anthology (2000).
ERNEST LEPORE is Professor of Philosophy at Rutgers University and di-
rector of the Rutgers University Center for Cognitive Science. He is the
author of Meaning and Argument: An Introduction to Logic through Language
(2000); coauthor, with Jerry Fodor, of Holism: A Shoppers Guide (1992); and
the author of numerous articles in the philosophy of language, philosoph-
ical logic, philosophy of mind, and metaphysics. He is the editor of Truth
and Interpretation: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson (1986)
and New Directions in Semantics (1987). He is coeditor of Actions and Events:
Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, with B. McLaughlin (1985);
John Searle and His Critics, with Robert Van Gulick (1991); Holism: A Con-
sumer Update, with Jerry Fodor (1993); and What Is Cognitive Science?, with
Zenon Pylyshyn (1999).
KIRK LUDWIG is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of
Florida. He is the author of numerous articles in the philosophy of lan-
guage, philosophical logic, philosophy of mind, and epistemology. His
recent publications include The Semantics and Pragmatics of Complex
Demonstratives, with Ernest Lepore, in Mind (2000); What Is the Role
of a Truth Theory in a Meaning Theory?, in Truth and Meaning: Topics
in Contemporary Philosophy (2001); What Is Logical Form?, with Ernest
Lepore, in Logical Form and Language (2002); Outline of a Truth Condi-
tional Semantics for Tense, withErnest Lepore, inTense, Time and Reference
(2002); The Mind-Body Problem: An Overview, in The Blackwell Guide
to the Philosophy of Mind (2002); and Vagueness and the Sorites Paradox,
with Greg Ray, Philosophical Perspectives (2002). He is completing a book
with Ernest Lepore titled Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language and
Reality (forthcoming).
ALFRED R. MELE is the William H. and Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor
of Philosophy at Florida State University. He is the author of Irrationality:
An Essay on Akrasia, Self-deception, and Self-control (1987), Springs of Action:
Understanding Intentional Behavior (1992), Autonomous Agents: From Self-
control to Autonomy (1995), Self-Deception Unmasked (2001), Motivation and
Agency (forthcoming), and of numerous articles in the philosophy of action
and philosophy of mind. He is the editor of The Philosophy of Action (1997)
and coeditor of Mental Causation, with John Heil (1993), and of Rationality,
with Piers Rawling (forthcoming).
PAUL PIETROSKI is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics at the
University of Maryland. He is the author of Causing Actions (2000), Events
and Semantic Architecture (forthcoming), and of numerous articles in the
philosophy of language, semantics, and philosophy of mind. His recent ar-
ticles include On Explaining That, Journal of Philosophy (2000); Nature,
Nurture, and Universal Grammar, with Stephen Crain, Linguistics and Phi-
losophy (2001); Function and Concatenation, in Logical Formand Language
(2002); andSmall Verbs, Complex Events: Analyticity without Synonymy,
in Chomsky and His Critics (2002).
PIERS RAWLING is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Florida State
University. He is the author of numerous articles in areas ranging from
ethics and the philosophy of language to game theory, decision theory,
and quantum computing. His recent publications include Orthologic and
Quantum Logic: Models and Computational Elements, with Stephen
Selesnick, Journal of the Association of Computing Machinery (2000); The
Exchange Paradox, Finite Additivity, and the Principle of Dominance,
in Logic, Probability and the Sciences (2000); Achievement, Welfare and
Consequentialism, with David McNaughton, Analysis (2001); Davidsons
Measurement-Theoretic Reduction of Mind, in Interpreting Davidson
(2001); Deontology, with David McNaughton, Ethics (2002); Condi-
tional Obligations, with David McNaughton, Utilitas (forthcoming); and
Decision Theory and Degree of Belief, in Companion to the Philosophy
of Science (forthcoming). He is coeditor, with Alfred Mele, of Rationality
ERNEST SOSA is Romeo Elton Professor of Natural Theology and Pro-
fessor of Philosophy at Brown University. He is the author of numerous
articles in epistemology and metaphysics. His recent publications in-
clude Reective Knowledge in the Best Circles, Journal of Philosophy
(1997); Man the Rational Animal?, with David Galloway, Synthese (2000);
Human Knowledge, Animal and Reective, Philosophical Studies (2001);
and Thomas Reid, with James Van Cleve, in The Blackwell Guide to
the Modern Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche (2001). He is editor
or coeditor of fteen books, including A Companion to Epistemology, with
Jonathan Dancy (1992); Causation, with Michael Tooley (1993); A Com-
panion to Metaphysics, with Jaegwon Kim (1995); Cognition, Agency, and
Rationality, with Kepa Korta and Xabier Arrazola (1999); The Blackwell
Guide to Epistemology, with John Greco (1999); Metaphysics: An Anthology,
with Jaegwon Kim (1999); Epistemology: An Anthology, with Jaegwon Kim
(2000); and Skepticism, with Enrique Villanueva (2000).
SAMUEL C. WHEELER is Professor of Philosophy at the University of
Connecticut. He is the author of Deconstruction as Analytic Philosophy (2000)
and of articles in a wide range of areas of philosophy, from ancient philos-
ophy, literary theory, philosophical logic, and the philosophy of language
to metaphysics and ethics. His publications include Metaphor According
to Davidson and De Man, in Redrawing the Lines (1989); True Figures:
Metaphor, Social Relations, andthe Sorites, inThe Interpretive Turn(1991);
Platos Enlightenment: The Good as the Sun, History of Philosophy Quar-
terly (1997); Derridas Differance andPlatos Different, Philosophy and Phe-
nomenological Research (1999); Arms as Insurance, Public Affairs Quarterly
(1999); and GunViolence and Fundamental Rights, Criminal Justice Ethics
Donald Davidson has been one of the most inuential philosophers work-
ing in the analytic tradition in the last half of the twentieth century. He
has made seminal contributions to a wide range of subjects: the philos-
ophy of language and the theory of meaning, the philosophy of action,
the philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaphysics, and the theory of ra-
tionality. His principal work, spread out in a series of articles stretching
over nearly forty years, exhibits a unity rare among philosophers contribut-
ing to so many different topics. His essays are elegant, but they are also
noted for their compact, sometimes cryptic style, and for their difculty.
Themes and arguments in different essays overlap, and later papers often
presuppose familiarity with earlier work. Together, they form a mosaic that
presents a systematic account of the nature of human thought, action, and
speech, and their relation to the natural world, that is one of the most
subtle and impressive systems to emerge in analytic philosophy in the last
fty years.
The unity of Davidsons work lies in the central role that reection on
how we are able to interpret the speech of another plays in understanding
the nature of meaning, the propositional attitudes (beliefs, desires, inten-
tions, and so on), and our epistemic position with respect to our own minds,
the minds of others, and the world around us. Davidson adopts as method-
ologically basic the standpoint of the interpreter of the speech of another
whose evidence does not, at the outset, presuppose anything about what
the speakers words mean or any detailed knowledge of his propositional
attitudes. This is the position of the radical interpreter. The adoption of
this position as methodologically basic rests on the following principle:
The semantic features of language are public features. What no one can, in
the nature of the case, gure out from the totality of the relevant evidence
cannot be part of meaning. (Davidson 1984a [1979], p. 235)
The point carries over to the propositional attitudes, whose attributions to
speakers are inseparable from the project of interpreting their words.
Virtually all of Davidsons major contributions are either components
of this project of understanding how we are able to interpret others, or
ow from his account of this. Davidsons work in the philosophy of action
helps to provide part of the background for the interpreters project: for
an understanding of the nature of agency and rationality is also central to
understanding the nature of speech. Davidsons work on the structure of
compositional meaning theories plays a central role in understanding how
we can interpret others as speakers; it also contributes to an understanding
of the nature of agency through applications to the logical form of action
sentences and connected investigations into the nature of events. The anal-
ysis of the nature of meaning and the attitudes through consideration of
radical interpretation leads in turn to many of Davidsons celebrated theses
in the philosophy of language, mind, and knowledge.
This introduction briey surveys Davidsons life and philosophical de-
velopment (12), and then provides an overview of major themes in,
and traces out connections between, his work on the theory of meaning
(3), the philosophy of action (4), radical interpretation (5), philosophi-
cal psychology (6), epistemology (7), the metaphysics of events (8), the
concept of truth (9), rationality and irrationality (10), and the theory of
literature (11). The nal section provides a brief overview of the volume.
Donald Davidson was born on March 6, 1917, in Springeld,
Massachusetts. After early travels that included three years in the
Philippines, the Davidson family settled on Staten Island in 1924. From
1926, he attended the Staten Island Academy, and then began studies at
Harvard in 1935, on a scholarship from the Harvard Club of New York.
During his sophomore year, Davidson attended the last seminar given by
Alfred North Whitehead, on material from Process and Reality (Whitehead
1929). Of his term paper for the seminar, Davidson has written, I
have never, Im happy to say, received a paper like it (Davidson 1999a,
p. 14; henceforth parenthetical page numbers refer to this essay). He re-
ceived an A. Partly inspired by this experience, as an undergraduate
Davidson thought that in philosophy [t]ruth, or even serious argument,
was irrelevant (p. 14).
For his rst two years at Harvard, he was an English major, but he then
turned to classics and comparative literature. His undergraduate education
in philosophy, aside fromhis contact with Whitehead, came through a tutor
in philosophy, David Prall, and from preparing for four comprehensive
exams in ethics, history of philosophy, logic, and metaphysics. His main
interests in philosophy at the time were in its history and its relation to the
history of ideas.
He graduated in 1939. That summer he was offered a fellowship at
Harvard in classical philosophy. He took his rst course in logic with W. V.
Quine, on material from Mathematical Logic (Quine 1940), which was pub-
lished that term. Davidsons fellow graduate students at Harvard included
Roderick Chisholm, Roderick Furth, Arthur Smullyan, and Henry Aiken.
Quine changed Davidsons attitude toward philosophy. Davidson re-
ports that he met Quine on the steps of Eliot Hall after interviewing as a
candidate to become a junior fellow. When Quine asked him how it had
gone, Davidson blurted out his views on the relativity of truth to a con-
ceptual scheme. Quine asked him (presciently borrowing an example of
Tarskis) whether he thought that Snow is white is true iff snow is white.
Davidson writes: I saw the point (p. 22). In his rst year as a graduate
student, he took a seminar of Quines on logical positivism: What mat-
tered to me, Davidson reported, was not so much Quines conclusions
(I assumed he was right) as the realization that it was possible to be serious
about getting things right in philosophy (p. 23).
With the advent of the Second World War, Davidson joined the navy,
serving as an instructor on airplane spotting. Discharged in 1945, he re-
turned to Harvard in 1946, and the following year took up a teaching po-
sition at Queens College, New York. (Carl Hempel was a colleague, whom
Davidson later rejoined at Princeton; Nicholas Rescher was a student in
one of Davidsons logic courses during this period.) On a grant from the
Rockefeller Foundation for the 194748 academic year, Davidson nished
his dissertation on Platos Philebus (published eventually in 1990 [Davidson
1990b]) in Southern California, receiving the Ph.D. from Harvard in 1949.
In January 1951, Davidson left Queens College to join the faculty at
Stanford, where he taught for sixteen years before leaving for Princeton in
1967. Davidson taught a wide range of courses at Stanford, reecting his
interests in nearly all areas of philosophy: logic, ethics, ancient and modern
philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language,
music theory, and ideas in literature, among others.
Through working with J. J. C. McKinsey and Patrick Suppes at
Stanford, Davidson became interested in decision theory, the formal the-
ory of choice behavior. He discovered a technique for identifying through
choice behavior an agents subjective utilities (the values agents assign to
outcomes) and subjective probabilities (the degree of condence they have
that an outcome will occur given an action), only to nd later that Ramsey
had anticipated him in 1926. This led to experimental testing of decision
theory with Suppes, the results of which were published in Decision Making:
An Experimental Approach (Davidson and Suppes 1957).
This early work in decision theory had an important inuence on
Davidsons later work in the philosophy of language, especially his work
on radical interpretation. Davidson drew two lessons from it. The rst
was that in putting formal conditions on simple concepts and their rela-
tions to one another, a powerful structure could be dened; the second
was that the formal theory itself says nothing about the world, and that
its content is given in its interpretation by the data to which it is applied
(p. 32). This theme is sounded frequently in Davidsons essays.
The rst
suggests a strategy for illuminating a family of concepts too basic to admit of
illuminating analyses individually. The second shows that the illumination
is to be sought in the empirical application of such a structure.
At this time, Davidson also began serious work on semantics, prompted
by the task of writing an essay on Carnaps method of extension and inten-
sion for the Library of Living Philosophers volume on Carnap (Davidson
1963), which had fallen to him after the death of McKinsey, with whom it
was to have been a joint paper. Carnaps method of intension and exten-
sion followed Frege in assigning to predicates both intensions (meanings)
and extensions (sets of things predicates are true of ). In the course of work
on the project, Davidson became seminally interested in the problem of
the semantics of indirect discourse and belief sentences. Carnap, following
Frege, treated the that-clause in a sentence such as Galileo said that the
Earth moves as referring to an intension roughly, the usual meaning of
the Earth moves. For in these opaque contexts, expressions cannot be
intersubstituted freely merely on the basis of shared reference, extension,
or truth value. Davidson became suspicious, however, of the idea that in
opaque contexts expressions refer to their usual intensions, writing later
that [i]f we could recover our pre-Fregean semantic innocence, I think
it would seem to us plainly incredible that the words The earth moves,
uttered after the words Galileo said that, mean anything different, or refer
to anything else, than is their wont when they come in other environments
(Davidson 1984 [1968], p. 108).
The work on Carnap led Davidson serendipitously to Alfred Tarskis
work on truth. At Berkeley, Davidson presented a paper on his work on
Carnap; the presentation was attended by Tarski. Afterward, Tarski gave
him a reprint of The Semantic Conception of Truth and Foundations of
Semantics (Tarski 1944). This led to Tarskis more technical The Concept
of Truth in Formalized Languages (Tarski 1983 [1932]). Tarski shows
there how to provide a recursive denition of a truth predicate for a for-
mal language that enables one to say for each sentence of the language,
characterized in terms of how it is built up from its signicant parts, under
what conditions it falls in the extension of the truth predicate. Tarskis work
struck Davidson as providing an answer to a question that had puzzled him,
a question concerning accounts of the semantic form of indirect discourse
and belief sentences: how does one tell when a proposed account is cor-
rect? The answer was that it was correct if it could be incorporated into
a truth denition for the language in roughly the style outlined by Tarski.
For this would tell one, in the context of a theory for the language as a
whole, what contribution each expression in each sentence in the language
makes to xing its truth conditions. Moreover, such a theory makes clear
howa nite being can encompass a capacity for understanding an innity of
nonsynonymous sentences. These insights were the genesis of two founda-
tional papers in Davidsons work on natural language semantics, Theories
of Meaning and Learnable Languages (Davidson 1984 [1966]) and Truth
andMeaning (Davidson1984 [1967]). Inthe former, Davidsonproposedas
a criterion for the adequacy of an analysis of the logical form of a sentence
or complex expression in a natural language that it not make it impossi-
ble for a nite being to learn the language of which it was a part. In the
latter, he proposed that a Tarski-style truth theory, modied for a natural
language, could serve the purpose of a meaning theory for the language,
without appeal to meanings, intensions, or the like.
Another important inuence on Davidson during his years at Stanford
was Michael Dummett, who lectured a number of times at Stanford during
the 1950s on Frege and the philosophy of language.
During the 195859 academic year, Quine was a fellow at the Center
for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, where he put
the nishing touches on the manuscript of Word and Object (Quine 1960).
Davidson, who was on a fellowship from the American Council of Learned
Societies that year, accepted Quines invitation to read the manuscript.
Quines casting, in Word and Object, of the task of understanding linguis-
tic communication in the form of an examination of the task of radical
translation had a tremendous impact on Davidson. The radical translator
must construct a translation manual for anothers language solely on the
basis of a speakers dispositions to verbal behavior, without any antecedent
knowledge of his thoughts or what his words mean. The central idea, that
there can be no more to meaning than can be gleaned from observing a
speakers behavior, is a leitmotif of Davidsons philosophy of language. The
project of radical interpretation, which assumes a central role in Davidsons
philosophy, is a direct descendant of the project of radical translation.
we will see, Davidson brings together in this project the inuence of both
Tarski and Quine.
While at Stanford, Davidson also became interested in general issues
in the philosophy of action, in part through his student Dan Bennett,
who spent a year at Oxford and wrote a dissertation on action theory
inspired by the discussions then going on at Oxford. The orthodoxy at
the time was heavily inuenced by Wittgensteins Philosophical Investigations
(Wittgenstein 1950). It held that explaining an action by citing an agents
reasons for it was a matter of redescribing the action in a way that placed it in
a larger social, linguistic, economic, or evaluative pattern, and that, in par-
ticular, action explanation was not a species of causal explanation, which was
taken to be, in A. I. Meldens words, wholly irrelevant to the understand-
ing of human action (Melden 1961, p. 184). Davidson famously argued,
against the orthodoxy, in Actions, Reasons, and Causes (Davidson 1980
[1963]), that action explanations are causal explanations, and so inuentially
as to establish this position as the new orthodoxy.
This interest in action theory connects in a straightforward way with
Davidsons work on decision theory. Davidsons work on semantics and
action theory came together in his account of the logical form of action
sentences containing adverbial modication. Additionally, Davidsons work
on action theory and decision theory, as noted earlier, provides part of the
background and framework for his work on radical interpretation.
Davidsons rst ten years at Stanford were a period of intense intel-
lectual development, though accompanied by relatively few publications.
During the 1960s, Davidson published a number of papers that changed the
philosophical landscape and immediately established him as a major gure
in analytic philosophy. Principal among these were Actions, Reasons,
and Causes (Davidson 1980 [1963]), Theories of Meaning and Learnable
Languages (Davidson 1984 [1966]), Truth and Meaning (Davidson 1984
[1967]), The Logical Formof Action Sentences (Davidson 1980b [1967]),
Causal Relations (Davidson 1980a [1967]), On Saying That (Davidson
1984 [1968]), True to the Facts (Davidson 1984 [1969]), and The Indi-
viduationof Events (Davidson1980[1969]). (Details of these contributions
are discussed below.) In 1970, Davidson gave the prestigious John Locke
Lectures at Oxford University on the topic, The Structure of Truth.
Davidson taught at Princeton from 1967 to 1970, serving as chair of
the Philosophy Department for the 196869 academic year. He was ap-
pointed professor at the Rockefeller University in New York in 1970; he
moved to the University of Chicago as a University Professor in 1976, when
the philosophy unit at Rockefeller University was disbanded. In 1981, he
moved to the Philosophy Department at the University of California at
Davidsons work during the late 1960s and 1970s developed in a number of
different directions.
(1) Philosophy of action. In a series of papers, Davidson continued to de-
fend, rene, and elaborate the view of actions as bodily movements and ac-
tion explanations as causal explanations originally introduced in Actions,
Reasons, and Causes. These papers included How Is Weakness of the
Will Possible? (Davidson 1980b [1970]), Action and Reaction (Davidson
1970), Agency (Davidson 1980a [1971]), Freedom to Act (Davidson
1980a [1973]), Hempel on Explaining Action (Davidson 1980a [1976]),
and Intending (Davidson 1980 [1978]). The work on the semantics of
action sentences led to additional work on the semantics of sentences con-
taining noun phrases referring to events specically, Causal Relations
(Davidson 1980a [1967]), The Individuation of Events (Davidson 1980
[1969]), Events as Particulars (Davidson 1980a [1970]), and Eternal vs.
Ephemeral Events (Davidson 1980b [1971]).
(2) Philosophical psychology. The publication in 1970 of Mental Events
(Davidson 1980c [1970]) was a seminal event in the philosophy of mind.
In it, Davidson proposed a novel form of materialism called anomalous
monism. Davidson advanced an argument for a token-token identity the-
ory of mental and physical events according to which every particular
mental event is also a particular physical event that relied crucially on
a premise that denied even the nomic reducibility of mental to physi-
cal properties. This was followed by a number of other papers elaborat-
ing on this theme, including Psychology as Philosophy (Davidson 1980
[1974]), The Material Mind (Davidson 1980b [1973]), and Hempel on
Explaining Action (Davidson 1980a [1976]). Another paper from this pe-
riod on the philosophy of psychology is Humes Cognitive Theory of
Pride (Davidson 1980b [1976]), which interprets Humes theory of pride
in the light of Davidsons causal theory of action explanation.
(3) Natural language semantics. Davidson elaborated and defended his
proposal for using a Tarski-style truth theory to pursue natural language
semantics in In Defense of Convention T (Davidson 1984a [1973]) and
extended a key idea ( parataxis; see Chapter 1, 7, for a brief overview) of the
treatment of indirect discourse introduced in On Saying That (Davidson
1984 [1968]) to quotation and to sentential moods (the indicative, imper-
ative, and interrogative moods) in Quotation (Davidson 1984c [1979])
and Moods and Performances (Davidson 1984b [1979]), respectively. In
addition, he edited, with Gilbert Harman, two important collections of
essays on natural language semantics: Semantics of Natural Language
(Davidson and Harman 1977) and The Logic of Grammar (Davidson and
Harman 1975).
(4) Radical interpretation. Among the most important developments in
Davidsons work in the philosophy of language during the 1970s was his
elaboration of the project of radical interpretation, already adumbrated in
Truth and Meaning (Davidson 1984 [1967]). Radical interpretation can
be seen as an application of the insight prompted by Davidsons work in
decision theory during the 1950s that a family of concepts whose members
resist reduction to other terms one by one can be illuminated by examin-
ing the empirical application of the formal structure that they induce. The
relation of the project of radical interpretation to understanding linguis-
tic communication and meaning is taken up in Belief and the Basis of
Meaning (Davidson 1984a [1974]) and, in the context of a defense of the
claim that thought is not possible without a language, in Thought and
Talk (Davidson 1984 [1975]). Reply to Foster (Davidson 1984 [1976])
contains important clarications of the project and its relation to using a
truth theory as a theory of interpretation; it responds to a critical paper by
John Foster (Foster 1976), which appeared in an important collection of
papers edited by Gareth Evans and John McDowell (Evans and McDowell
1976). Reality without Reference (Davidson 1984b [1977]) and The
Inscrutability of Reference (Davidson 1984a [1979]) are applications of
reections on radical interpretation to the status of talk about the reference
of singular terms and the extensions of predicates in a language. Davidson
draws the startling conclusion (rst drawn by Quine [1969]) that there are
many different reference schemes that an interpreter can use that capture
equally well the facts of the matter concerning what speakers mean by their
(5) Epistemology. On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme (Davidson
1984b [1974]) originated in the last of Davidsons six John Locke Lectures
in 1970 and was delivered in the published form as his presidential address
to the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association
in 1973. An inuential paper, it argues against the relativity of truth to a con-
ceptual scheme and against the possibility of there being radically different
conceptual schemes. The Method of Truth in Metaphysics (Davidson
1984a [1977]) is concerned with the relation between semantic theory and
the nature of reality. In it, Davidson argues for two connected theses about
the relation between our thought and reality. The rst is that the ontolog-
ical commitments of what we say are best revealed in a theory of truth for
the languages we speak. The second is that massive error about the world,
including massive error in our empirical beliefs, is impossible. The second
thesis rests in part on conclusions reached in reections on the project of
radical interpretation, especially reections about the need to employ in
interpretation what is called the Principle of Charity, an aspect of which is
the assumption that most of a speakers beliefs about his environment are
(6) Metaphor. The last development in Davidsons work during the 1970s
is an important and original account of the way in which metaphors func-
tion. InWhat Metaphors Mean (Davidson1984[1978]), Davidsonargued
that it is a mistake to think that metaphors function by virtue of having a
special kind of meaning metaphorical meaning; instead, they function
in virtue of their literal meanings to get us to see things about the world.
Metaphor makes us see one thing as another by making some literal state-
ment that inspires or prompts the insight (Davidson 1984 [1978], p. 261).
Two collections of Davidsons papers appeared during the 1980s
Essays on Actions and Events (Davidson 1980a) and Inquiries into Truth and
Interpretation (Davidson 1984b). These works collected many of his papers,
respectively, on the philosophy of action and the metaphysics of events, and
in the theory of meaning and philosophy of language. In 1984, an impor-
tant conference on Davidsons work (dubbed Convention D by Sydney
Morgenbesser), which brought together more than 500 participants, was
organized at Rutgers University by Ernest Lepore, out of which came two
collections of papers Actions and Events: Perspectives on the Philosophy of
Donald Davidson (Lepore and McLaughlin 1985) and the similarly subtitled
Truth and Interpretation (Lepore 1986). A collection of essays on Davidsons
work in the philosophy of action, with replies by Davidson, edited by
Bruce Vermazen and Merrill Hintikka, Essays on Davidson: Actions and Events
(Vermazen and Hintikka 1985), appeared in 1985.
Davidsons work during the 1980s can be divided into ve main cat-
egories. (1) In the rst category are those papers following up on issues
in action theory Adverbs of Action (Davidson 1985a) and Problems
in the Explanation of Action (Davidson 1987b). (2) In the second are
papers on the nature of rationality and irrationality Paradoxes of Irra-
tionality (Davidson 1982), Rational Animals (Davidson 1985 [1982]),
Deception and Division (Davidson 1985b), and Incoherence and
Irrationality (Davidson 1985c). (3) The third category combines ele-
ments of work on the determination of thought content and epistemol-
ogy. Empirical Content (Davidson 2001a [1982]), A Coherence The-
ory of Truth and Knowledge (Davidson 2001 [1983]), Epistemology and
Truth (Davidson 2001a [1988]), The Conditions of Thought (Davidson
1989), The Myth of the Subjective (Davidson 2001b [1988]), and What
Is Present to the Mind? (Davidson 2001 [1989]) are all concerned with the
thesis that the contents of our thoughts are individuated in part by their
usual causes in a way that guarantees that most of our empirical beliefs are
true. First Person Authority (Davidson 2001 [1984]) and Knowing Ones
Own Mind (Davidson 2001 [1987]) are concerned to argue that knowledge
of our own minds can be understood in a way that does not give primacy to
the subjective, and that the relational individuation of thought content is
no threat to our knowledge of our thoughts. (4) The fourth category of pa-
pers includes those that develop earlier work in the philosophy of language.
Toward a Unied Theory of Meaning and Action (Davidson 1980b) ex-
plicitly combines decision theory with Davidsons earlier work on radical
interpretation, and A New Basis for Decision Theory (Davidson 1985d)
outlines a procedure for identifying logical constants by nding patterns
among preferences toward the truth of sentences. In Communication and
Convention (Davidson 1984 [1983]), Davidson takes up the question of
what role convention plays in communication, and in particular the ques-
tion of whether it is essential to communication at all. Communication
and Convention already contains the main themes, if not so provocatively
stated, of Davidsons later and more controversial A Nice Derangement
of Epitaphs, in which he argues that there is no such thing as a language,
not if a language is anything like what many philosophers and linguists have
supposed (Davidson 1986c, p. 446). James Joyce and Humpty Dumpty
(Davidson 1991b) is another excursion into literary theory. (5) The fth
category is work on issues in ethical theory from the standpoint of radi-
cal interpretation, the Lindley Lectures, Expressing Evaluations (Davidson
1984a), and Judging Interpersonal Interests (Davidson 1986b), a central
thesis of which is that communication requires shared values as much as
shared beliefs.
In 1989, Davidson gave the John Dewey Lectures at Columbia, The
Structure and Content of Truth (Davidson 1990d), echoing the title of the
John Locke Lectures delivered almost twenty years before. These provide
a comprehensive overview and synthesis of Davidsons work in the theory
of meaning and radical interpretation up through the end of the 1980s.
Additions to Davidsons corpus since 1990 mostly follow up themes
already present in earlier work. These include a number of papers on in-
terrelated themes in epistemology and thought content Epistemology
Externalized (Davidson 2001a [1991]), Turings Test (Davidson 1990e),
Representation and Interpretation (Davidson 1990c), Three Varieties
of Knowledge (Davidson 2001b [1991]), Subjective, Intersubjective,
Objective (Davidson 1996b), The Second Person (Davidson 2001
[1992]), Seeing through Language (Davidson 1997b), and Externalisms
(Davidson 2001a). These papers overlap in content. One theme that
emerges as new or at least as newly salient is a transcendental argu-
ment designed to show that it is only in the context of communication
that one can have the concept of objective truth and have determinate
thoughts about things in ones environment, because only in the context
of communication does the concept of error have scope for application,
and only in triangulating with another speaker on an object of common
discourse can we secure an objectively determinate object of thought. In
Thinking Causes (Davidson 1993b), Davidson defends his view that ac-
tion explanations can be causal explanations, while what our beliefs are
about is determined in part in terms of what things in the environment
typically cause them. Davidson comments on Quines work and its relation
to his own in Meaning, Truth and Evidence (Davidson 1990a), What Is
Quines View of Truth? (Davidson 1994d), and Pursuit of the Concept of
Truth (Davidson 1995e). On Quines Philosophy (Davidson 1994a) is an
informal comment on Quines philosophy delivered after a talk by Quine.
In The Social Aspect of Language (Davidson 1994c), a contribution to
a volume on The Philosophy of Michael Dummett, Davidson continues
a debate with Dummett about the role of conventions in linguistic un-
derstanding that had begun in Communication and Convention and
continued in A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs. Locating Literary
Language (Davidson 1993a) is a contribution to a collection of papers en-
titled Literary Theory after Davidson (Dasenbrock 1993), which discusses the
interpretation of literature in the light of Davidsons views about interpreta-
tion more generally. Laws and Cause (Davidson 1995b) offers a Kantian-
style argument for an assumption employed, but not defended, in the ar-
gument for a token-token identity theory of mental and physical events
in Mental Events namely, the nomological character of causality, the
principle that any two events related as cause and effect are subsumed by
some strict law. Several papers defend a thesis about truth that has been
a constant theme of Davidsons work, namely, that it is (a) irreducible to
other, more basic concepts, and (b) a substantive concept, in the sense
that no deationary conception of the concept of truth is correct.
These include The Folly of Trying to Dene Truth (Davidson 1996a),
The Centrality of Truth (Davidson 1997a), and Truth Rehabilitated
(Davidson 2000c). (These last two are slightly different versions of the
same essay.) Other essays during this period include Who Is Fooled?
(Davidson 1997c), which returns to the topic of self-deception; Could
There Be a Science of Rationality? (Davidson 1995a), which discusses
the import of the anomalousness of the mental for the prospects of a
science of the mind; Objectivity and Practical Reason (Davidson 2000a)
and The Objectivity of Values (Davidson 1995c), which return to the
themes of Expressing Evaluations and Judging Interpersonal Interests;
The Problem of Objectivity (Davidson 1995d), which reviews the ar-
guments for the necessity of having the concept of truth in order to
have thoughts, and for the need for interpersonal communication to have
the concept of objective truth; Interpretation: Hard in Theory, Easy in
Practice (Davidson 1999b) and Perils and Pleasures of Interpretation
(Davidson 2000b), which are versions of the same paper and summarize
Davidsons views on the nature of thought and its relation to interpreta-
tion; and two papers on historical gures, The Socratic Conception of
Truth (Davidson 1992b) and Spinozas Causal Theory of the Affects
(Davidson 1999j).
In 2001, a new volume of essays appeared, Subjective, Intersubjective,
Objective (Davidson 2001b), bringing together a number of papers from
1982 to 1998 on interrelated themes in philosophy of mind and episte-
mology. This is to be followed by two further volumes of collected papers:
Problems of Rationality, collecting papers from 1974 to 1999 on values, on
the relation of rationality to thought, and on irrationality; and Truth, Lan-
guage and History, bringing together papers from 1986 to 2000 on truth,
nonliteral language use and literature, and essays on issues and gures in
the history of philosophy.
During this period, a number of collections of essays on Davidsons
work have appeared: Reecting Davidson: Donald Davidson Responding to an
International Forum of Philosophers (Stoecker 1993); Language, Mind, and
Epistemology: On Donald Davidsons Philosophy (Preyer 1994); Literary The-
ory after Davidson (Dasenbrock 1993), mentioned earlier; The Philosophy of
Donald Davidson, the volume on Davidson in the Library of Living Philoso-
phers series (Hahn 1999); and Interpreting Davidson (Kotatko, Pagin, and
Segal 2001). Davidson replies to the essays in the rst, fourth, and fth of
Davidsons central contribution to natural language semantics, introduced
in Truth and Meaning (Davidson 1984 [1967]), is the proposal to employ
a truth theory, in the sense of a nite axiomatic theory characterizing a truth
predicate for a language, in the style of Tarski, to do the work of a compo-
sitional meaning theory for a language. The insight that this relies upon is
that an axiomatic truth denition that meets Tarskis Convention T enables
one to read off from the canonical theorems of the theory what sentences
of the language mean. Tarskis Convention T required that from a correct
truth denition, for a context-insensitive language L, every sentence of the
form (T ), where is T is the truth predicate for L in the language of the
theory, be derivable, where s is replaced by a description of an object lan-
guage sentence in terms of its composition out of its simple meaningful
constituents, and p is replaced by a sentence that translates s into the lan-
guage of the theory. If we know that the sentence that replaces p translates
s, then we can replace is T iff to obtain (M ).
(T ) s is T iff p.
(M ) s means that p.
Thus, from axioms that themselves use metalanguage expressions (expres-
sions in the language of the theory), in specifying the contribution of object
language expressions to truth conditions, which translate those expressions,
we can produce theorems that we can use to interpret object language ex-
pressions in the light of our knowledge that the theory meets Convention
T. Generalizing this to natural languages, which contain context-sensitive
elements such as tense, indexicals such as I and now, and demonstratives
such as this, that, then, there, and so on, requires treating the truth
predicate either as applying to utterances, or as relativized to at least speaker
and utterance time.
Employing a truth theory as the vehicle of a meaning theory enables us
to achieve the goal of a meaning theory provided that we understand this
to be met when understanding of the theory puts one in a position to interpret
utterances of sentences of the language on the basis of their structures and
rules showing howthe parts contribute to what is expressed by an utterance
of the sentence. It does this without appeal to entities such as meanings,
properties, relations, or any other abstract objects assigned to words and
sentences. At the same time, it provides a framework for investigations of
logical (or semantic) form in natural languages by requiring that a role be
assigned to each word or construction in the language that determines its
systematic contribution to the truth conditions of any sentence in which it
is used.
In Truth and Meaning, Davidson had proposed that a merely ex-
tensionally adequate truth theory for a natural language would also meet
a suitable analog of Tarskis Convention T. A natural language contain-
ing context-sensitive elements, particularly demonstratives, requires axioms
that accommodate any potential application of a predicate to any object a
speaker might demonstrate, putting greater constraints on a correct truth
theory for a context-sensitive language than for one that is not. If any true
truth theory met a suitable analog of Convention T, then merely showing
that a theory for a language was true would enable one to use it, in the
fashion just described, to interpret speakers of that language. However, this
is not adequate, since replacing one extensionally adequate axiom with an-
other will not disturb the distribution of truth values over sentences, though
it may result in a failure to meet (an analog of ) Convention T (for details,
see Chapter 1, 5). Davidson returned to the question of what informative
constraints one could place on a truth theory in order for it to be used
for interpretation in Radical Interpretation. (See Chapter 1 for further
Actions, Reasons, and Causes (Davidson 1980 [1963]) defended the view
that reasons that is, beliefs and desires (or pro attitudes) in the light
of which we act are causes of actions, conceived as bodily movements
(broadly construed to include mental acts), and that action explanation is
a species of causal explanation. Action explanations cite belief-desire pairs
that conjointly cause the action, but that also show what was to be said
in favor of it from the point of view of the agent. The desire (or, more
generally, pro attitude) species an end that the agent has, and the belief
links some particular action to some likelihood of achieving the end.
Davidson calls action explanations rationalizations. On this view, the
concept of an action is a backward-looking causal concept, in the sense
that it is the concept of an event (a bodily movement) that is caused and
rationalized by a belief-desire pair. The concepts of belief and desire, on
the other hand, are forward-looking causal concepts, in the sense that they
are understood as concepts of states with a propensity conjointly to cause
bodily movements. This basic picture of the nature of human action and
its relation to our reasons for acting was elaborated, extended, and rened
in a series of articles. How Is Weakness of the Will Possible? (Davidson
1980b [1970]) takes up a specic puzzle about how irrational behavior is
possible, namely, the puzzle of how someone can intentionally do some-
thing that he does not believe, all things considered, is the best thing for
him to do. Davidson here abandons a view he had held in Actions, Rea-
sons, and Causes, namely, that the propositions that express a persons
reasons for action are deductively related to the proposition that expresses
the desirability of the act that they would rationalize; rather, the conclusion
drawn about the desirability of the act is conditioned by the specic reasons
for it, and not detachable from them. The causal account is deployed in ex-
plaining the possibility of weakness of the will by distinguishing between
which reasons for action are causally strongest and which reasons provide
the best grounds for action. Agency (Davidson 1980a [1971]) takes up
the question of the relation between an agent and those events that are his
actions; this essay defends the view that actions are bodily movements that
can be picked out under different descriptions under some of which an
action can be intentional and under others of which it is unintentional
and that an action may be described in terms of its effects so that a killing,
for example, is nothing more than a bodily movement that causes a death,
and so occurs before the death does. Davidson despairs of a nal analysis in
this paper, largely because of the problem of deviant causal chains that is,
the problem of describing how reasons must cause an action or event for it
to count as an action done for those reasons (see Chapter 2, 5, for further
discussion). Freedom to Act (Davidson 1980a [1973]) defends the causal
theory against the charge that it allows no roomfor free action. Intending
(Davidson 1980 [1978]) returns to, and rejects, a claim made in Actions,
Reasons, and Causes, namely, that acting intentionally is acting with an
intention, and that the phrase an intention in acting with an intention
is syncategorematic, merely signaling by what follows with another de-
scription of the action in terms of its reasons. The paper instead identies
intentions as distinct attitudes that play an important role in mediating rea-
sons and the actions they cause. This revision of the earlier viewhad already
made an appearance in How Is Weakness of the Will Possible? where it
plays a role in the explanation of how one can form a judgment, all things
considered, to do something, and yet not form an all-out or unconditional
judgment in favor of it (i.e., an intention to do it) but instead form an all-
out judgment in favor of (an intention to do) something judged, all things
considered, less favorably. (See Chapter 2, 4 for an extended discussion.)
The project of radical interpretation is mentioned in Truth and Meaning,
where Davidson takes a truth theory for a language to be an empirical
theory, to be conrmed for particular speakers or groups of speakers on
the basis of their behavior. It rst takes center stage, however, in Radical
Interpretation (Davidson 1984b [1973]). The project is that of interpret-
ing another speaker without the usual assumptions of commonality of lan-
guage. The description of the project of radical interpretation aims at il-
luminating what it is to speak a language by describing how a theory for
interpreting a speaker could be conrmed by evidence that did not al-
ready presuppose any knowledge of what the speaker means by his words.
The guiding idea is expressed in this passage from Belief and the Basis of
Everyday linguistic and semantic concepts are part of an intuitive theory for
organizing more primitive data, so only confusion can result from treating
these concepts and their supposed objects as if they had a life of their own.
(Davidson 1984a [1974], p. 143)
Specically, in light of the commitment to using a truth theory as the
vehicle of a meaning theory, the data to which Davidson restricts the radical
interpreter is knowledge of the speakers hold-true attitudes, that is, his
beliefs about what sentences of his language are true, and how he interacts
with his environment and with others like him. Though Davidson takes
the interpreter to have access to a speakers hold-true attitudes, these may
be presumed to be identiable ultimately on the basis of more primitive
In a nutshell, the radical interpreters procedure involves identifying
correlations between hold-true attitudes directed toward sentences, on the
one hand, and events and circumstances in the speakers environment, on
the other. The speakers hold-true attitudes are assumed to be the result of
his knowledge of what his sentences mean and what he believes. If he knows
that s means that p and believes that p, then he holds true s. Then, if we know
that, for example, ceteris paribus, the speaker holds true s at a time iff there
is a white rabbit in his vicinity, and we can assume the speaker is mostly
right about his environment, we can with some justication infer that at any
time t, s means that there is at t a white rabbit about. The assumption that
the speaker is mostly right, both about his environment and in his beliefs
generally, as well as by and large rational, Davidson calls the Principle of
Charity. Davidson takes the Principle of Charity to be, not a contingent
assumption, but constitutive of what it is to be a speaker at all, and so not
an option in interpretation.
The Principle of Charity can be separated into two strands, which
Davidson has more recently called the Principle of Correspondence and
the Principle of Coherence (Davidson 2001b [1991]). The rst of these
strands is the assumption that a speakers beliefs, particularly about his en-
vironment, are by and large true. This plays a crucial role in bridging the
gap between noticing correlations between a speakers hold-true attitudes
and his environment and assigning interpretations to his sentences. The
Principle of Correspondence is a solution to the problem of separating
out meaning from belief in hold-true attitudes. Which sentences a speaker
holds true depends on what he thinks they mean and what he believes. If we
knew either, we could solve for the other. Assuming that what the speaker
believes is true, in the light of the conditions under which he has his beliefs,
enables the interpreter to solve for meaning, and then to assign correspond-
ing belief contents. The Principle of Charity is justied by the assumption
that the position of the radical interpreter is the most fundamental position
from which to investigate meaning and related matters, and it is needed
to make sense of how the interpreter can see, on the basis of his evidence,
another as a speaker. This assumption plays a central role in Davidsons
epistemology and his arguments for the relational individuation of thought
content. This is the view that, generally, what the contents of our thoughts
are is a matter at least in part of our relations to things and events in our
environments, so that we would not have had, as a matter of the logic of our
concepts, the thoughts we do if our environments had been very different.
The Principle of Coherence has to do with the principles governing
attributions of attitudes to an agent and descriptions of the agents behavior
so as to make the agent out to be by and large rational. It subsumes such
principles as that, by and large, an agents beliefs are consistent and his
preferences transitive, and that attitudes are attributed in patterns that both
(1) sustain the attribution of particular concepts to the agent by seeing them
as tting into a coherent pattern of beliefs deploying the concepts, and
(2) enable us to see the agents behavior as rationalizable in the light of his
beliefs and pro attitudes. The Principle of Coherence is grounded in the
analysis of the nature of agency, that is, in a priori principles governing our
conception of what it is for anything to be an agent.
This represents an important point of connection between Davidsons
work in the philosophy of action and his work in the theory of meaning. It is
obvious also that any account of communication must involve the theory of
action, since we understand speech, which is a formof action, only against a
background of complex intentions, some of which are directed toward how
our words will be understood by others.
The procedure of the radical interpreter represents the attribution of
attitudes and assignment of meanings as holistic in two different ways.
First, there is an element of holism in the attribution of attitude content
that derives from the requirement that attitudes be assigned in patterns
that make sense of the speaker as a rational agent, and that make sense of
the speaker as possessing the concepts used in characterizing his attitude
contents. It is important to note in this regard, however, that Davidson
does not think that there is any particular list of additional attitudes that an
agent must have in order to have a given one, but only some supporting cast
of attitudes appropriately related (Davidson 2001b [1982], p. 98). Second,
attitudes and meanings are assigned not one by one, but in the context of
a theory of all of a speakers attitudes and the whole of his language: the
criterion for correctness of any given attitude attribution or of any given
assignment of meaning to an expression is that it be a part of the overall
theory of the speakers attitudes and language that is a best t with all of the
relevant evidence, the one that makes best sense of the speaker as a rational
agent responding appropriately to events in his environment and to other
Inwork beginning inthe late 1970s, as already noted, Davidsonsketched
more explicitly how the principles of decision theory can be employed in
radical interpretation. In particular, in A New Basis for Decision Theory,
he outlined a procedure for identifying logical constants on the basis of
patterns among preferring true attitudes. This subsumes the portion of
the procedure of the radical interpreter that Davidson had concentrated
on in earlier papers, rather than replacing it. (See Chapter 3 for further
Davidsons main contributions to the philosophy of psychology, apart from
his contributions to that branch that subsumes the philosophy of action, are
(1) his thesis of, and arguments for, anomalous monism; (2) his arguments
for a nonreductionist account of the relational individuation of thought
content; and (3) his arguments for the necessity of language for thought.
Each of these positions in the philosophy of mind is connected, more or
less directly, to his reections on the nature of language as seen from the
standpoint of an interpreter of another speaker.
(1) Anomalous monismis the thesis that all mental events (more speci-
cally, mental events involving propositional attitudes) are token (as opposed
to type) identical with physical events (monism), and that there are no strict
psychophysical laws (anomalousness). This proposal, and Davidsons argu-
ment for it, have been very inuential in discussions of the relation between
mental and physical events and properties. Its interest lies in its embrac-
ing materialism while eschewing reduction of mental properties to physical
properties, and in the argument for the important claim that there can-
not be, even in principle, strict laws connecting psychological and physical
vocabularies. This thesis was rst advanced (in print) in Mental Events
(Davidson 1980c [1970]). Davidson there gives an argument for token-
token identity of mental with physical events that relies on the thesis that
there are no strict psychological laws. The argument, in brief, is as follows:
(1) Mental events causally interact with physical events.
(2) If two events stand in the causal relation, they are subsumed by a strict
(3) There are no strict psychological laws, only strict physical laws.
(4) Therefore, every mental event is subsumed by a strict physical law. (13)
(5) If an event has a physical description in terms suitable for subsumption
by a strict law, it is a physical event.
(6) Therefore, every mental event is also a physical event. (45)
A strict physical law is one that gures in a comprehensive closed system
guaranteed to yield a standardized, unique description of every physical
event couched in a vocabulary amenable to law (Davidson 1980c [1970],
p. 2234). The argument for the anomalousness of the mental (3), with
which Mental Events is primarily concerned, is notoriously difcult. It
depends on the idea that different families of concepts are governed by
different constitutive principles, and that for laws to be strict they must be
couched in terms that are drawn from a single family. The idea, roughly, is
that if applications of the predicates of each family are to retain allegiance
to the constitutive principles that govern them, evidence in the form of
correlations connecting them cannot give us reason to think that such cor-
relations will be projectible to future instances. The constitutive principles
for the attribution of attitudes are just those that provide the framework
for radical interpretation, which seeks to t observed behavior into a pat-
tern provided by the constitutive structure of the concepts of the theory of
agency and interpretation. (See Chapter 4 for further discussion.)
If the thesis of the anomalousness of the mental is correct, it shows
that there are limits to the extent to which psychology may aspire to be a
science like physics, since it precludes the possibility of a comprehensive
closed systemof psychological laws for predicating and explaining behavior.
(2) Davidsons nonreductionist account of the relational individuation
of thought content rests on reections on what assumptions the radical
interpreter has to make in order to succeed in tting the concepts of the
theory of interpretation onto behavioral evidence. The radical interpreter
interprets another on the basis of evidence that consists in part essentially in
what prompts behavior of a speaker that is potentially interpretable as in-
tentional. An idea implicit in the adoption of this position as basic to un-
derstanding meaning and the propositional attitudes is that what a specic
utterance means, and what a particular thought is about, depends upon how
a speaker is embedded in his environment. While this idea is implicit in the
basic methodological stance that Davidson takes on meaning and thought,
it comes to prominence only in essays of the 1980s and 1990s.
The discussion develops in two phases. In the rst, Davidson brings out
the reliance of the interpreter on correlating hold-true attitudes with events
and conditions in the environment as his rst entry into what a speaker be-
lieves and what he means by his words. If we can assume that to be a speaker
at all requires that he be interpretable in any environment in which we nd
him, it will follow that what a speakers thoughts are about will depend on
what their pattern of typical causes is, for it is only by linking a speakers
thoughts to their typical causes, as identied by an interpreter, that inter-
pretation from the third-person point of view is possible. This connection
is already embodied in the treatment of the Principle of Charity as a con-
stitutive principle of correct interpretation. This makes the concepts of the
propositional attitudes also backward-looking causal concepts (if Davidson
is right), because their causal history is essential to their individuation. This
provides another ground for the thesis of the anomalousness of the mental,
since causal concepts do not gure in strict laws.
In the second phase, Davidson emphasizes the importance of commu-
nication as a way of narrowing down the choice of relevant causes of a
speakers thoughts. Many causes of any given thought can be isolated for
attention by treating different elements of the total physical cause as part
of the background, and there are potentially many candidates for what a
thought is about along any causal chain leading up to the thought. Which
one is the right one? What objective criterion tells us what the thought is
about? The suggestion that Davidson makes is that it is the triangulation
between interpreter, speaker, and a common object of thought. That is, it is
only in the context of interpretation, a context in which a speaker and inter-
preter are responding to each others common response to a stimulus in the
environment, that we can nd an objective determinant of what a thought
is about. The object of the thought is where the causal chains leading to
each common response intersect.
(Perhaps some additional work is required, for it is not clear that there
are not also many common causes of common responses for two communi-
cants in any situation. Imagine two people watching the news on television
there are events at the screens surface, in the cable, at the cable station, in
a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, and at distance trouble spots around
the world, which are common causes of their thoughts. It is no different in
other situations in which it is more difcult to identify all of the links in the
causal chains.)
In some passages, it sounds as if Davidson thinks that it is only if there
is an actual interpreter that it is possible to say determinately that a speaker
has a thought. If we consider a single creature by itself, its responses, no
matter how complex, cannot show that it is reacting to, or thinking about,
events a certain distance away rather than, say, on its skin (The Second
Person [Davidson 1992a, p. 263]). But a more plausible interpretation is
that we can make sense of what a speakers thoughts are about only against
the background of a pattern of interaction with other speakers.
Importantly, while these connections between our thoughts and our
environments are treated as constitutive of them, and as essential for their
correct individuation, there is no suggestion in Davidsons arguments that
we can offer any conceptual reduction of what it is to have thoughts, or to
be a rational agent, to anything else. It is rather an upshot, on Davidsons
view, of the character of the irreducible concepts of the theory of inter-
pretation and agency that they organize data that includes the pattern of
interaction between speakers and their environments. However, as we have
seen, Davidson also argues that the constitutive principles governing the
concepts that are thus t onto behavior preclude even any strict projectible
correlations between mental and physical properties.
(3) A third important theme in Davidsons work in philosophical psy-
chology is the thesis, rst advanced in Thought and Talk (Davidson 1984
[1975]), that language is essential for thought.
(1) One can have any propositional attitudes only if one has beliefs.
(2) One can have beliefs only if one has the concept of belief.
(3) One can have the concept of belief only if one is a speaker.
(4) Therefore, one can have thoughts only if one is a speaker.
The thesis is important in the light of Davidsons other commitments, for
the assumption that the position of the interpreter of another speaker is
methodologically basic in investigating meaning and thought presupposes
that our understanding of thought in general is connected to having a lan-
guage. An argument for the claim that thought requires language supports
this position by fending off a potential objection namely, that we un-
derstand what it is for nonlinguistic animals to have thoughts, so that the
emphasis on the role of a truth theory serving as an interpretation theory
in understanding thought as well as language is fundamentally misguided.
In addition, the argument for the third premise is also an argument
directly for accepting the stance of the interpreter as basic in understanding
meaning and the propositional attitudes. The central idea of the argument
is that to have the concept of belief we must be able to understand what it is
to fall into error. To understand this, there must be a role in our experience
for judging that someone has made a mistake. Davidson claims that it is only
in the context of communication that there is a role for judging someone
to have made an error, as a way of adjusting ones overall picture of an
interlocutor in order to make him out to be more rational than otherwise.
Only communication can provide the concept, for to have the concept of
objectivity [i.e., of the contrast between truth and falsehood, and, hence, of
error] . . . requires that we are aware of the fact that we share thoughts and
a world with others (Davidson 1991a, p. 201). For example, to make sense
of an agents drinking a glass of gasoline, in the light of desires plausibly
attributable to him in the light of past behavior, including verbal behavior,
we may wish to ascribe to him the false belief that the glass contains gin. Of
course, the argument is successful only if there is scope for the application of
the concept only in the context of communication. This is not immediately
obvious. Prima facie, there is a point to the application of the concept of
error wherever mistakes are apt to be made. Even a completely solitary
thinker, who has never communicated with others, may have occasion to
be surprised by nding that some result he expected does not obtain.
The central feature of Davidsons account of our knowledge of our own
minds, the external world, and the minds of others is the denial of the
epistemic priority of knowledge of our own minds over knowledge of the
external world and the minds of others. He argues that each of these three
varieties of knowledge is coordinate; none is reducible to the others, but
each is necessary for each of the others. The assumption that the basic
standpoint from which to investigate the nature of meaning and the propo-
sition attitudes is that of a radical interpreter of another speaker is the arch
stone of the argument.
Forms of skepticism about the external world and other minds assume
that we know facts in some domain (our own minds, the behavior of other
bodies), that we are faced with the task of constructing an argument from
those facts to facts in another domain (the external world, the minds of
others), and that there is no a priori route fromthe one to the other, because
propositions about each domain are logically independent of those about
the other. Davidsons strategy in responding to skepticism about each of
these domains is to deny the assumptions of logical independence that the
skeptic relies upon.
In the case of skepticism about the external world, the result falls out
of that part of the Principle of Charity that Davidson calls the Principle of
Correspondence. In more recent formulations, Davidson has characterized
this as the assumption that the stimuli that cause our most basic verbal
responses alsodetermine what those verbal responses mean, andthe content
of the beliefs that accompany them (Davidson 2001b [1991], p. 213), so as
to guarantee that, in basic cases involving beliefs about our environs, our
beliefs are for the most part true and about things, events, and states in
the environment that are (or have typically been) prompting them. If this
is correct, it immediately undercuts the most radical form of skepticism
about the external world, because it guarantees, as a condition for having
any beliefs at all, that most of our beliefs about the world are and have
been true. (Whether this restores us to our full epistemic innocence is not
clear; see Chapter 6 for further discussion.) This assurance that most of our
empirical beliefs are true (or, as Davidson has also put it, that massive error
in our empirical beliefs is impossible) is not directly an argument for our
having knowledge of the external world. But this provides a response to the
skeptic in two ways. First, it rejects the assumption of logical independence
that the skeptic relies upon. Second, the general guarantee that most of our
beliefs are true provides a test of any given belief by the degree to which it
is supported by most of our beliefs. A belief that coheres well with most
of our beliefs (a belief that if false or less likely to be true would entail that
most of our beliefs were false or not likely to be true) may be assumed to
be true or likely to be true. Thus, the guarantee that most of our beliefs
are true provides a way of satisfying what might be thought to be a general
requirement for a beliefs being justied namely, that it be, in principle,
possible to provide a reason to think it more likely to be true than not.
To use coherence as a test for the likelihood of truth against the back-
ground of a guarantee that most of our beliefs are true is not to endorse a
coherence theory of truth, which argues that our concept of truth is to be ex-
plained in terms of the coherence of beliefs with other beliefs. In Davidsons
view, we take the concept of truth as primitive, argue that most of our beliefs
are true on the basis of general considerations, and then observe that in this
case coherence provides a test of the likelihood of truth.
The connections between knowledge of other minds and knowledge of
our own minds and the procedures of the radical interpreter are even more
direct than in the case of knowledge of the external world. In the case of our
knowledge of other minds, it is obvious that if we insist that it is constitutive
of meanings and attitude contents that they are accessible from the stand-
point of the radical interpreter, the suggestion that we might never be in a
position to be justied in believing that others have minds, or to be justied
in our beliefs about what their thoughts are, cannot get off the ground.
Taking the standpoint of the radical interpreter as basic is tantamount
to saying that facts about meanings and attitudes logically supervene on
facts about behavior, where this includes interaction with the environment.
Thus, on the assumption that we can have knowledge of our environments,
knowledge of other minds is guaranteed to be possible because we are
thereby guaranteed access to the facts that x others attitudes.
This leaves knowledge of our own minds. Knowledge of our own minds
is not based, in the rst instance, on inference frombehavior, or, apparently,
anything else. On the face of it, this poses a problem for the assumption
that facts about behavior are all that is relevant to xing what attitudes
a speaker has. For if all the facts that logically x what our thoughts are
and what our words mean are facts about our behavioral dispositions and
our interaction with our environments, it is puzzling how we can have
noninferential knowledge of them. Why are we not required to investigate
our environments in order to discover what we think, in the same way
that we learn what others think? Davidsons answer, in brief, is that it is
an unavoidable presumption of interpretation that another knows what he
means and thinks, while there is no such presumption about the interpreter.
That this is an assumption of the procedure Davidson describes can be seen
from the role that hold-true attitudes play in the interpreters procedure.
For hold-true attitudes are the result of what the speaker believes and what
his words mean. We assume that the speaker holds true a sentence s if
he believes that p and believes that s (on the occasion) means that p. For
the content assigned to the sentence to be read back into the speakers
belief, we must assume that the speaker knows both what he believes and
what his sentences mean. (While this is implicit in Davidsons account of
radical interpretation, his actual arguments are somewhat more involved;
for a detailed discussion of Davidsons arguments, see Ludwig 1994.) If
what must be assumed in order for interpretation of another to be possible
is constitutive of him, then we can infer that it is constitutive of speakers
(and, on the assumption that in order to think one must be a language user,
of thinkers in general) that they know their own thoughts and what they
mean by their words. Knowledge of our own thoughts is thus seen as having
the same status as the thesis that in basic cases our thought contents are
xed by what causes our beliefs. (See Chapter 6 for additional discussion.)
There are two connected strands in Davidsons work on the topic of events.
The rst is an argument for seeing events as basic to our commonsense
ontology. The second is an account of the nature of events as repeatable
particulars, though Davidsons account of how events should be individu-
ated has undergone some modications over the years.
The argument for seeing events as basic to our commonsense ontology
rests on two things. The rst is that our commonsense ontology is codied
in the commitments that we undertake in the range of sentences of our
languages that we hold true. The second is that the best systematic account
of the truth conditions of action sentences (sentences that involve attribut-
ing to someone an action of some sort) involving adverbial modication
commits us to quantifying over events. Thus, given that we hold true many
action sentences, we are committed to the existence of events.
A simple action sentence such as John turned on the light may be
modied by any number of adverbs. Thus, we may add, John turned on
the light at sunset, on the twenty-third of August, while reading in bed.
Fromthis there follows John turned on the light, John turned on the light
at sunset, John turned on the light on the twenty-third of August, John
turned on the light while reading in bed. An account of the semantic form
of these sentences must make sense of these entailment relations on the
basis of a rule that determines the contribution of the adverbs to the truth
conditions for the sentence. Briey (see Chapters 1 and 5 for further discus-
sion), Davidson treats the main verb as introducing a existential quantier
over events, and treats the adverbs as contributing predicates of the event
variable implicitly introduced.
Thus, John turned on the light at sunset,
on the twenty-third of August, while reading in bed, might be represented
as sharing logical form with There is an event e such that e is a turning
on of a light by John and e was at sunset and e was on the twenty-third of
August and e was done while John read in bed. This neatly provides both an
account of the productive character of adverbs on the basis of a familiar rule
and explains the entailment relations that such sentences intuitively enter
into on the basis of their form. Davidson has also argued inuentially that
quantication over events is involved in singular causal statements, such
as the statement The short circuit caused the re, and that such state-
ments are not about, in particular, anything that could be called necessary
or sufcient conditions for the effect as described (Davidson 1980a [1967]).
Davidson holds that events are datable particulars, and, in particular,
changes. In his earliest papers, Davidson argued against the viewthat events
could be individuated on the basis of the region of space-time that they
occupy, giving the example of a sphere that was spinning and warming
up at the same time. Intuitively, the rotation of the sphere and its rise in
temperature are distinct events, different changes. He proposed instead
that events should be individuated by their causes and effects (Davidson
1980 [1969], p. 179). That is, for any two events e
, e
, e
= e
just in case
and e
have all the same causes and all the same effects. He later gave
this up in response to a criticism from Quine, who pointed out that this
fails as a criterion of individuation because the individuation of any given
event would presuppose the prior individuation of others (Quine 1985).
Davidson adopted Quines suggestion that events be individuated in terms
of the spatiotemporal regions they occupy. For any events e
, e
, e
= e
and e
occupy exactly the same spatio-temporal region. This is to accept
that, after all, a spheres rise in temperature and its spinning should be
identied. This is a position that Davidson considered, without adopting
it, even in The Individuation of Events. There he suggested that one
might hold that the warming of the ball . . . is identical with the sum of
the motions of the particles that constitute it . . . and so is the rotation
(Davidson 1980 [1969], pp. 1789). (See Chapter 5, 6.)
Davidson is often seen as aiming to illuminate the concept of meaning
by appeal to the concept of truth. There is certainly an element of this
in his general strategy of aiming to place enough formal and empirical
constraints ona truththeory toensure that it meets ananalog of Convention
T. There is no suggestion in this, however, of any direct reduction of the
concept of meaning to that of truth. Rather, the aim is to illuminate the
concept of meaning by relating it systematically to other concepts and to
evidence that would conrm an interpretation theory for a speaker. That
no reduction of the concept of meaning to that of truth is intended can be
seen from the fact that Davidson makes free use of the concept of meaning
in characterizing the goal of the radical interpreter. His aim is not just to
conrm a true truth theory, but an interpretive one.
As far as the use of a truth theory for the purposes of a compositional
meaning theory goes, it is important to note that this does not itself pre-
suppose any substantive view about the concept of truth. For this use of a
truth theory exploits the recursive structure of the theory, rather than any
account of how the truth predicate is to be analyzed, if at all. The only
commitment this carries with respect to the analysis of the concept of truth
is that whatever the correct analysis or account is, it respect Convention T,
or the appropriate analog for natural languages.
The concept of truth itself Davidson holds to be one of the most basic
concepts that we deploy, and he has opposed attempts to either deate it or
reduce it. Without grasp of the concept of truth, not only language, but
thought itself, is impossible (Davidson 2000c, p. 72). It is not amenable
to analysis in other terms, and it is a concept possession of which is at least
coordinate with other concepts that we use in describing our ability to speak
and understand others. As Davidson says in one place, All these concepts
[intention, belief, desire] (and more) . . . are essential to thought, and cannot
be reduced to anything simpler or more fundamental (Davidson 2000c,
p. 73). If this is right, the best one can do to illuminate the concept of
truth is to show how it is systematically related to other concepts and to
the evidence on the basis of which we apply it to utterances and thoughts.
This is provided for in Davidsons work by the central role he gives to the
concept of truth in the theory of interpretation.
Opposing views fall into two camps: those that seek to reduce truth
to something else the correspondence theory, the coherence theory, and
pragmatism and those that do not reduce truth to something else but
argue that there is not much to it the redundancy theory, and varieties of
deationary theories. The coherence and pragmatic theories receive sum-
mary dismissal. Against the correspondence theory, Davidson has deployed
a variant of the so-called slingshot argument (see Chapter 1, 2), which
aims to show that all true sentences correspond to the same fact. Apart
from this, he argues, following Strawson (1965), that since the only way we
can identify facts is by appeal to true sentences that correspond to them,
appeal to facts and correspondence fails to explain the truth of sentences
(see True to the Facts, Davidson 1984 [1969]). If we try to say what fact
makes it the case that The source of the Nile lies in the Mountains of the
Moon is true (that is, what fact in virtue of corresponding with which it is
true), we can do no better than to say that it is the fact that the source of
the Nile lies in the Mountains of the Moon; and it is a fact that the source
of the Nile lies in the Mountains of the Moon if and only if the source of
the Nile lies in the Mountains of the Moon. We might as well have said:
The source of the Nile lies in the Mountains of the Moon is true iff the
source of the Nile lies in the Mountains of the Moon.
Davidson has suggested that the varieties of deationary theories that
have arisen in recent times are a reaction against inated views of what
theories of truth can do (viz., deliver the Truth), and misguided attempts to
reduce it tosomethingelse. The simple redundancy theory, whichholds that
any sentence of the form s is true may be replaced without loss of content
with s, is the precursor to more recent deationary theories. It suffers the
defect that it cannot handle uses of is true in which the sentences said to be
true are not given with the sentence, as in Everything Aristotle said is true.
More recent deationary theories argue that the content of the concept of
truth is exhausted by our recognition that every instance of a Tarskian T-
schema is true: p is true iff p. Adefect of this approachwhenit appeals tothe
truth predicate as applied to sentences is that it does not tell us howto apply
it across languages. The schema tells us only what the extension of is true
is when the metalanguage contains the object language (and then only when
the language does not allow the construction of semantic paradoxes). It is
also useless in the case of natural languages that contain context-sensitive
expressions. Let us try disquotation with a context-sensitive sentence: I am
hungry is true iff I am hungry. Because it is a context-sensitive expression
itself, no utterance of this correctly represents the conditions under which
an utterance in general of I am hungry is true. Suppose I now assert: I am
hungry is true iff I am hungry. Let t be the time of my assertion. Then I
have said that I am hungry is true iff Ludwig is hungry at t. But this does
not give the truth conditions for any assertion of I am hungry by anyone
else at any time.
These difculties have motivated a move to a propositional version of
the approach, which appeals to the schema, The proposition that p is true
iff p (restricted to instances that do not give rise to paradox). Davidson has
argued, against this, that we lack an account of the semantics of The propo-
sition that p that can serve the deationists purposes. If we are Fregeans,
we should take The proposition that x to be a functional expression; it is
naturally interpreted as mapping a truth value onto itself, and then we take
the sentence p to denote a truth value; instances of the schema are then
trivially true, but they explain nothing about truth, and rather presuppose a
grasp of it. If we do not take this route, then we stand in need of an account
of the function of the sentence that appears after The proposition that.
If we take the sentence to be mentioned, then it must be relativized to a
language, for the same sentence may express different propositions in dif-
ferent languages. Then the concept of truth is exhibited as interconnected
with the concept of meaning, and this undercuts the deationists attempt
to show that the concept is trivial and uninteresting. (See, in particular,
Davidson 1996a; 2000c.)
Davidsons work on irrational action is a direct outgrowth of his work on
the basic nature of human agency. Rationality is a condition on agency.
To describe an object as an agent with psychological attitudes capable of
performing actions requires nding in its behavior, or in its dispositions
to behave, a pattern that can be described and explained in terms of attri-
butions of patterns of interlocking attitudes that motivate and rationalize
what the agent does. Irrational behavior emerges only after we have identi-
ed something as an agent. Davidsons fundamental thesis about irrational
action or thought is that it is to be viewed not as nonrational behavior, but
as a perturbation of rationality, a disturbance in a largely rational pattern
of thought and action, since no object can be irrational except insofar as
it is an agent and, hence, largely rational. We identify a particular thought
or a particular piece of behavior as irrational by its failure to conform fully
to the rational pattern of the rest of the agents attitudes and behavior. Its
irrationality is to be located in its relation to the rest of the thoughts and
behavior of the individual. The inconsistency thus identied is internal to
the agent, and is a matter of the agents not adhering to norms that he
recognizes are constitutive of the attitudes.
Davidson has written persuasively about a range of types of irrational
behavior as well as about the nature of irrational behavior more generally. In
the case of weakness of the will, Davidsonasks howit is possible for someone
to judge that a certain thing is the best thing to do, all things considered, and
yet do something else, which seems to imply an all-out judgment in favor of
it instead. The answer lies in distinguishing between the normative force of
someones attitudes, which guide his deliberations about what to do, and the
causal force of various desires; and in distinguishing between the judgment
that the agent makes on the basis of his survey of his preferences and beliefs,
and the actual forming of an intention to do the thing that he thinks best,
which corresponds to the all-out judgment. This distinction between the
judgment that a certain thing is the best thing to do, all things considered,
and forming the intention, makes room for the possibility of a desire or
belief leading to intention formation at odds with the agents own judgment
about what is best. (We tend to think here of passions overwhelming our
better judgment, but as Davidson notes, habit is just as likely to induce
behavior at odds with our best judgment.)
The mechanism involved in weakness of the will provides a model for
explaining the possibility of irrational behavior and thought in general (ob-
sessive behavior, self-deception, wishful thinking, etc.). It involves, on the
one hand, a subset of desires and beliefs in the light of which a given action,
or pattern of thought, is seen as desirable and, on the other hand, a backdrop
of the rest of the agents attitudes in the light of which the action or pat-
tern of thought or behavior is not reasonable or best, all things considered.
Irrational behavior or thought occurs when some beliefs and desires have
causal power that acts independently of what is recommended in the light
of all of an agents attitudes and preferences (when forms of causality . . .
depart from the norms of rationality [Davidson 1985c, p. 347]). In these
cases, the harmony among all of an agents attitudes that makes for rational-
ity is disrupted and distorted but not massively so, on pain of the agents
behavior ceasing to be identiable as intentional behavior or as expressing
thought at all. Davidson holds that we cannot make sense of an agent who
believes a proposition that is patently inconsistent, such as that he is and is
not middle-aged, overweight, balding, and unattractive. Yet an agent may
believe that he is middle-aged, overweight, balding, and unattractive, and
also believe the opposite. This kind of inconsistency between, rather than
within, beliefs is possible. But if so, then when irrationality involves beliefs
that are in conict with each other, they must be compartmentalized: the
agent cannot bring them together. All forms of irrationality that involve
such inconsistency, then, also involve a form of mental division or causal
insulation of different sets of attitudes.
Nonliteral uses of language extend beyond literature, and not all literary
texts are nonliteral, but it is in its nonliteral aspect that literature poses a
puzzle for accounts of the nature of language that emphasize that the goal
of language is communication and truth telling, or, in the case of uses of
imperatives and interrogatives, the issuing of directives and asking of ques-
tions. The puzzle is how to t the nonliteral uses into such a picture, and
howto accommodate such a picture to the ubiquity of nonliteral uses of lan-
guage. While Davidson has not written a great deal directly about literature,
he has written generally about the notion of the literal and conventional
uses of expressions (Communication and Convention, A Nice Derange-
ment of Epitaphs) and has contributed both to the theory of metaphor
(What Metaphors Mean) and to the theory of literature more generally
(Locating Literary Language) against the background of his philosophy
of action. (This is the main topic of Chapter 7.)
The central theme of Communication and Convention is that con-
ventions, particularly prior learned conventions, are not essential to com-
munication, but that nonetheless something akin to what is usually thought
of as literal meaning is essential namely, what Davidson calls rst mean-
ing, which is the meaning that a speaker intends his auditor to attach to
an utterance of his as the basis for further things he intends to accom-
plish by making the utterance. It is this notion which, Davidson argues,
is not the same as the notion of a meaning learned prior to the commu-
nicative context that is essential to the act of linguistic communication.
It plays a central role in Davidsons account of the nonliteral uses of lan-
guage, for these uses play off of rst meaning. Nonliteral uses of language
achieve their effects by what rst meaning is attached to them. If this were
not so, then there would be nothing specially linguistic about howthe effect
was achieved.
Literary works are intentional productions. They are the products of
actions, and their productions are speech acts. It falls out of Davidsons
account of the mechanism of communication that the key to interpret-
ing any text is its rst meaning, and that essential to its rst meaning are
the intentions of the author. Consequently, the interpretation of literary
texts, considered as speech acts, cannot oat free from authorial intentions.
Davidson does not hold, of course, that it is only intentions relevant to rst
meanings that are relevant to the interpretation and signicance of liter-
ary works, but only that there is no interpretation without rst meanings.
The effects of literary works are achieved through the combination of rst
meaning and context (in the broadest sense). Davidson emphasizes also,
however, that the meaning of a text is not determined solely by an authors
intention. He argues that for an intention to succeed in imbuing a text with
a certain signicance, it is also necessary that the intention be reasonable,
that is, that the author have a reasonable expectation that his readers could
gure out what he intended. This is an expression again of Davidsons view
that matters of meaning must be publicly accessible.
Davidsons study of metaphor illustrates his general thesis. (See
Chapter 7, 3, for additional discussion.) He argues that metaphors achieve
their effects through their rst meanings, and that we need not assign to
them any additional metaphorical or nonliteral meanings to see how their
effects are achieved. An author intends a metaphor, through the literal
meaning of its words, to draw our attention to a comparison of things to
one another. This need not be something that can be cashed out in terms of
some specic claim. A rich metaphor is open-ended, and the intended ef-
fects of metaphors need not be limited to conveying propositional content.
Metaphor is the dreamwork of language, Davidson writes, and, like all
dreamwork, its interpretation reects as much on the interpreter as on the
originator. We understand this, a marvelous illustration and expression of
Davidsons thesis, because we understand what the words in their ordinary
employment mean; the full meaning (in another sense) of the metaphor is
to be sought in what it encourages us to compare the metaphor to, and,
like the best metaphors, the comparisons and extensions are open-ended.
It also reminds us that success in metaphor is as much a matter of taste as
it is of design.
This volume begins with chapters on truth and meaning and on the phi-
losophy of action. The rst discusses the relation between a theory of truth
and the project of giving a compositional meaning theory for a natural
language. The second discusses Davidsons contributions to the philoso-
phy of action. These form a background for the discussion of the nexus of
Davidsons philosophy, the project of radical interpretation, in Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 takes up Davidsons most celebrated thesis in the philosophy of
mind, the thesis of anomalous monism, and his difcult argument for it.
Chapter 5 discusses Davidsons work on the semantics of action sentences,
whichargues for there beinga commitment toanontology of events inmany
of the things that we assert about ourselves and others, and Davidsons views
about the nature and individuation of events. Chapter 6 takes up Davidsons
account of the grounding of and relations between our knowledge of our
own and others minds, and of the external world, in which reections on
radical interpretation play a central role. Chapter 7 discusses applications of
Davidsons work in the theory of action and meaning to understanding the
language and intent of literature, which is part of the more general project
of understanding the nonliteral use of language in light of its literal uses.
Each chapter may be read independently, but earlier chapters will help to il-
luminate later chapters; in particular, Chapters 1 and 2 provide background
for Chapter 3, and Chapters 13 for all subsequent chapters.
I wish to thank Donald Davidson for reading a draft of this Introduction and cor-
recting a number of mistakes. I am of course responsible for any that remain.
1. Inaninterviewin1993, Davidsonreportedthat before he took these courses from
Quine he had thought of philosophy as a form of literature, which indeed it is,
but as no more open to basic questions of Is this right or wrong? than poetry
(Bergstrom 1994, p. 223). Davidson also emphasizes the decisive inuence of
Quine in Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation (Davidson 1984b), which collects
many of Davidsons papers in the philosophy of language up through 1982; it is
dedicated to Quine, without whom not. In the Introduction, he writes:
W. V. Quine was my teacher at a crucial stage inmy life. He not only started
me thinking about language, but he was the rst to give me the idea that
there is such a thing as being right, or at least wrong, in philosophy, and
that it matters which. (p. xx)
2. This is reected, for example, in Davidsons explanation of his methodology for
illuminating concepts in Radical Interpretation:
I have proposed a looser relation between concepts to be illuminated and
the relatively more basic. At the centre stands a formal theory, a theory
of truth, which imposes a complex structure on sentences containing the
primitive notions of truth and satisfaction. The notions are given applica-
tion by the form of the theory and the nature of the evidence. The result
is a partially interpreted theory. (Davidson 1984b [1973], p. 137)
3. Radical interpretation differs from radical translation in several important re-
spects. First, the radical interpreter aims not to formulate a translation manual,
but to conrm a theory of truth for a speakers language under conditions that
ensure that it can be used to interpret the speakers sentences. Second, the rad-
ical interpreter focuses not, as Quines radical translator does, on stimulus at a
speakers sensory surfaces as grounding the meanings of his words, but on those
distal stimuli that prompt his thoughts and speech. Both of these differences
reect a difference in aim. In Word and Object, Quines aim is, in part, to give a
scientically respectable reconstruction of the notion of meaning; in contrast,
Davidsons aim is to understand the ordinary notion.
4. Facts about A logically supervene on facts about B iff for any B fact, there is an
A fact, such that it is logically necessary that if a fact of the latter type obtains, a
fact of the former type obtains.
5. There is, prima facie, a tension between the claim that facts about attitudes
and meanings supervene on facts about behavior and the view that facts about
attitudes and meanings are not reducible to facts about behavior. However, the
supervenience thesis does not entail that there is any necessarily true bicondi-
tional linking claims about the mental with claims about behavior: there may be
no end to the sorts of facts that could provide a supervenience base for any given
mental fact. Whether the logical supervenience thesis is compatible with anoma-
lous monism would require further investigation; the problem, on the face of it,
is that if there are any necessarily true statements of the form, for any x, if x is P
then x is M, where is P is a physical predicate and is M is a mental predicate,
then if the physical predicate gures in a strict law there will be a corresponding
strict psychophysical law.
6. Davidson credits Reichenbach with a similar suggestion in his Elements of Sym-
bolic Logic (Reichenbach 1947, sect. 48), but arrived at the idea of introducing
a quantier over events to accommodate adverbial modication independently.
Davidson has related in personal communication that when the idea occurred to
him he couldnt believe that it was new, and so read everything he could nd on
adverbial modication. Reichenbach was one of the few who tried to t adverbs
into ordinary logic, and he did introduce an existential quantier. But his pro-
posal differs signicantly from Davidsons in quantifying over facts rather than
events, and in not advocating the quantied sentence as revealing logical form,
but rather as being logically equivalent to the adverbially modied sentence.
The choice of facts as the domain of quantication also leads to difculties that
Davidsons proposal avoids.
Truth and Meaning
E R N E S T L E P O R E and K I R K L U D WI G
Donald Davidsons work on the theory of meaning has been enormously
inuential since the publication of Truth and Meaning in 1967. His cen-
tral proposal was that an understanding of what it is for words to mean
what they do (Davidson 1984b, p. viii) can be pursued by way of construct-
ing and conrming for a speaker an axiomatic truth theory, modeled on a
Tarski-style axiomatic truth denition, for his language. In this chapter,
we rst discuss the background of Davidsons famous suggestion, initially
introduced in Truth and Meaning. We begin with his arguments for the
importance of attending to the compositionality of natural languages in
1, then turn in 2 to his criticisms of traditional approaches to the theory
of meaning. In 3, we discuss Davidsons introduction of a truth theory as
the vehicle for a compositional meaning theory; in 4, we explore some
interpretive issues that arise about his intentions, specically the question
of whether Davidson intended to replace the traditional project (providing
an account of meaning) with a more tractable one (providing an account of
truth conditions), or whether he intended to pursue the traditional project
by novel means. We argue that, though Davidson has been widely misun-
derstood, his intention is clearly the latter, and, specically, that his goal
has always been to give an account of what illuminating constraints a truth
theory can meet that would sufce for it to be used to understand any po-
tential utterance of an object language sentence. We discuss the difculties
arising from his initial suggestion, extensional adequacy, in 5, and then, in
6, the role of radical interpretation, which is discussed in greater detail in
Chapter 3. In 7, we consider how the project of a compositional mean-
ing theory may be pursued independently of the more ambitious project
in which Davidson embeds it, discuss various problem areas, and consider
some of Davidsons contributions to natural language semantics. We con-
clude in 8.
In Theories of Meaning and Learnable Languages (Davidson 1984
[1966]), Davidsonidentieda requirement onany adequate theory of mean-
ing for a natural language such as Chinese or English, namely, that it must
be possible to give a constructive account of the meaning of sentences in
the language (Davidson 1984 [1966], p. 3), and then argued that a number
of then current theories of meaning failed to meet the requirement. What
is it to give a constructive account of the meaning of sentences in a lan-
guage? This presupposes that we understand some expressions sentences,
in particular on the basis of other, less complex expressions and their mode
of combination. A constructive account provides an account of the mean-
ing of a sentence in terms of the meanings of its semantically noncomplex
constituents and their modes of combination. A constructive account of
what sentences in a language mean we will call a compositional meaning
theory; a language that admits of a compositional meaning theory we will
call compositional.
What reason do we have to think that natural languages are composi-
tional? Davidson offers a famous argument for this, known as the learnabil-
ity argument (pp. 89). In a nutshell, the argument is that it is only if natural
languages are compositional that we can understand how an innite apti-
tude [competence in speaking and understanding] can be encompassed by
nite accomplishments (p. 8). More fully: we are nite beings. We come
into the world without language. We become, in a nite amount of time,
fully competent speakers of languages that include an innite number of
nonsynonymous sentences. On the assumption that we cannot intuit the
meanings of sentences on no rule at all, and that each new item of vocabu-
lary, or new grammatical rule, takes some nite time to be learned (p. 9),
we can conclude that there are a nite number of semantical primitives,
and that we are put in a position to understand the rest of the expressions
we are able to understand because their meanings are determinable from
our mastery of the semantical primitives contained in them and rules gov-
erning how the meanings of complexes are determined by the meanings of
the simples and their modes of combination.
Though not entirely uncontroversial (see, e.g., Schiffer 1987, esp.
pp. 1378), this observation, which accords with common sense, is largely
accepted in work in semantics for natural languages. It had certainly been
presupposed prior to Davidsons emphasizing its importance.
made salient, though, its importance and usefulness as a criterion of ade-
quacy for analyses of logico-semantic form, and for understanding meaning
Truth and Meaning
more generally. An example of an analysis that runs aground on this require-
ment is Israel Schefers analysis of indirect discourse (Schefer 1954).
Schefer suggested that we analyze a sentence such as Tonkin said that
snow is white as Tonkin spoke a that-snow-is-white utterance. The ad-
vantage of such an analysis is that it gives an account of what we mean by
such sentences that does not commit us to treating that-clauses as refer-
ring to propositions, while remaining sensitive to how we understand that
snow is white as used by the speaker. In the analysis, that-snow-is-white
is to be treated as a simple unitary predicate of utterances. It is not treated as
further analyzable and, hence, is treated as a semantical primitive. However,
as Davidson pointed out, applying this strategy to indirect discourse gener-
ally yields the immediate result that English (and other natural languages,
presumably) has an innite number of semantical primitives, since any sen-
tence may feature in the complement of a report of indirect discourse, and
there are an innite number of nonsynonymous sentences in the language:
each one, on this analysis, will have a corresponding primitive predicate
of utterances. Thus, since this would make it unintelligible how we could
learn English, we can conclude that, no matter what its other virtues, this
analysis of the logical form of indirect discourse is mistaken.
An adequate theory of meaning for a natural language must be composi-
tional. A compositional meaning theory provides, in some as yet unarticu-
lated sense, an account of the meaning of every sentence of the language.
What form should a meaning theory take? In what sense should it give an
account of the meaning of every sentence of the language?
A minimal constraint we should impose is that the theory enable some-
one who understands it to interpret any potential utterance of a sentence of
the language. A natural rst suggestion is that this could be accomplished
if we had a theory that, from a nite base, enabled us to derive solely on
formal considerations, for every sentence of the object language L, a the-
orem of the form (M ) (where initially we will suppose, for simplicity, that
we are dealing with a context insensitive language),
(M ) s means in L that p,
where s is replaced by a description of a sentence of the object language in
terms of howit is composed out of its signicant parts, and p is replaced by
a sentence in the metalanguage (the language of the theory) that translates
the object language sentence described. If we know what a sentence of the
form (M ) expresses, then we know how to interpret the object language
sentence it is about.
The question is how to do this, and whether it can be done in what may
seem like the most straightforward way. Part of Davidsons motivation for
proposing that a compositional meaning theory make use of the structure
of an axiomatic truth theory was his pessimism about the prospects for
any other way of accomplishing the goal. Traditional approaches to the
theory of meaning, stretching back to Frege (Frege 1892; 1997b [1892]),
have appealed to meanings that is, to abstract entities in trying to give
a theory of meaning. Two terms are then said to be synonymous iff their
meanings are identical. However, it is not clear howthe appeal to meanings
(or other such entities) helps.
Davidson observes that assigning a meaning to a subject term and a
predicate in a sentence, such as Theaetetus ies, does not tell us any-
thing about how their concatenation yields a new meaning (Davidson 1984
[1967], p. 17). If we are treating each term as referring to its meaning, then
their concatenation seems simply to give us a list. Treating concatenation
itself as signicant just gives us one more meaning to combine. Treating, as
Frege did, the referent of ies as unsaturated or incomplete (Frege 1997
[1891]; 1997a [1892]), so that putting together (or indicating a relation be-
tween) Theaetetus and the referent of ies yields (grasp of ) a new kind of
entity, seems to label a difculty rather than solve it (p. 17).
Any constructive theory needs somehowto yield information about how
the combination of terms contributes to meaning in a way that enables us
to understand the complex expression if we understand the theory. It is not
clear that associating entities with terms, or with their concatenation, could
itself ever yield appropriate knowledge. What is missing is a rule attaching
to the combination that yields in the theorizers language a sentence un-
derstanding of which sufces (perhaps with some auxiliary knowledge) to
understand the complex object language expression. In Truth and Mean-
ing, Davidson gives a simple example that does the job right in the theory
of reference (p. 18). His example contains a number of general lessons, so
it is worth reviewing. Consider a fragment of English, which we will call
L, consisting of the functor The father of x and some proper names, say,
Jesse, Saul, David, and Goliath. We can give outright the referents
of the proper names: Jesse refers in L to Jesse; Saul refers in L to Saul,
David to David, Goliath to Goliath. Here we use names in the metalan-
guage that refer to what the names in the object language refer to (helping
ourselves to a metalanguage that embeds the object language). We allow
Truth and Meaning
that any concatenation of The father of with a proper name is also a refer-
ring term, and now the task is to give an account of the referents of the rest
of the terms in L. Do we need to assign to The father of x some entity?
No, a rule that we can state in our language sufces to give the referent
in terms of the referents of the term that replaces x (
r =
the father of the referent in L of r.
The rule uses, of course, a term synonymous with the term in L that we are
giving a rule for, but this is compatible with our goal, which was to provide,
from a nite base, a theory understanding of which sufces to understand
what the referent is of every referring term in L. To put this another way,
our small theory meets the following constraint: it enables us to prove from
a nite base every instance of the schema,
(R) t refers in L to x,
where t is replaced by a name or structural description of a referring term
of L, and x is replaced by a term that refers to what t does.
Notice that, in fact, the theory generates theorems of the form (R) in
which the term that replaces x is synonymous with the term that is denoted
by what replaces t. This is because we chose terms in our theory when as-
signing referents to simple expression in L that were the same in meaning
as those expressions, and we chose a functor in the language of the the-
ory that was the same in meaning as that used to form complex referring
terms in L when giving a rule for assigning referents to such expressions.
Knowing this, we can also infer from each theorem what the expression
in L means, not just what it refers to that is, we can infer from each in-
stances of (R) a corresponding instance of the schema (M
), as, for example,
in (M
) t means in L x
) The father of
is true-in-L iff ref(r
slew ref(r
A5. For any sentence s, it is not the case that
s is true-in-L iff it is
not the case that s is true-in-L.
A6. For any sentences s
, s
, (
) is true-in-L iff (s
true-in-L and s
is true-in-L).
Allowing, as rules of inference, substitution of coreferring singular terms
(counting ref(a) as a singular term), universal quantier instantiation, and
a replacement schema (S(T ) may be inferred from (i) S(R ) and (ii) R iff T ),
we can derive from A1A6, for example, (1) and (2).
(1) David
was a Philistine
Goliath is
true(S, t, English) iff for some time t
earlier than t, slew(David,
Goliath, t
We will read the predicate s is true(S, t, L) as s understood as if spoken by S
at t in L is true.
Corresponding to the context-relativized truth predicate
we would have a context-relativized meaning predicate: s means(S, t, L)
that, read as s understood as if spoken by S at t in L means that. From the
appropriate theorems of the theory we could read off meaning theorems,
as before. The second of these approaches is easier to implement, so we
will use it for purposes of illustration. But any workable theory on either
approachcouldbe reformulatedinthe framework of the other. Eachof them
takes as the basic truth bearer the speech act performed using a sentence. An
axiom for a tensed predicate can be given as in (6) (see Lepore and Ludwig
Truth and Meaning
2003 for further discussion of the semantics of tense from the standpoint
of truth-theoretic semantics).
(6) For any speaker S, any time t, and any proper names n
, n
is true(S, t, English) iff for some time t
than t, slew(ref(n
), ref(n
), t
In addition to context-sensitive features of predicates such as tense, there
are also context-sensitive referring terms in natural languages, such as I,
we, now, then, here, there, you, he, she, it, they, this, that,
these, those, and so on. An indexical term such as I may be assigned a
rule for determining its referent, as in (7).
(7) For any speaker S, andtime t, the referent of I as usedby Sat t = S.
Demonstrative terms, of which this and that are paradigms, introduce
some special complications, because they admit of vacuous uses. One may
intend to refer to something using a demonstrative but fail to do so for
example, when hallucinating something. To give a reference clause for a
demonstrative, we must conditionalize on nonvacuous uses, as illustrated
in (8).
(8) For any speaker S, any time t, and any object x, if S demonstrates
x using that at t, the referent of that as used by S at t = x.
(Some additional renements are needed, which propagate through the
truth theory, but these are too involved to discuss here: see the appendix to
Lepore and Ludwig 2000.) This means that the truth theory will not issue
in fully specied truth conditions for sentences containing demonstratives
except relative to actual contexts of use.
It remains to say how to generalize our adequacy condition, that is, how
to reformulate Convention T for a context-sensitive language. Conven-
tion T says that an adequate denition of a truth predicate for a (context-
insensitive) language Lmust be formally correct andmust entail all instances
of the T-schema in which s is replaced by a structural description of a sen-
tence of L and p is replaced by a translation of s. Davidson has never
provided a precise characterization of the parallel to Convention T for a
context-sensitive language. But we can provide one in a straightforward
way by noting rst that we can reformulate Convention T as follows.
An adequate truth theory for a context insensitive language L must be for-
mally correct and entail for all sentences of the object language a theorem
of the form (T ), where s is replaced by a structural description of an object
language sentence,
(T ) s is true in L iff p,
such that the result of replacing is true in L iff with means in L that yields
a true sentence.
The twoformulations are equivalent, because is true inLiff canbe replaced
by means in L that to yield a true sentence iff what replaces p translates s.
We can generalize this to context-sensitive languages by replacing is true
in L iff and means in L that with the corresponding context-relativized
semantic predicates is true(S, t, L) and means(S, t, L). For convenience,
let us call this criterion of adequacy Convention D. We will want to impose
a corresponding requirement on the axioms of the theory to ensure that
our starting points are correct.
Again, the meaning theory itself may be considered to be a statement of
the knowledge that we need to have about an appropriate truth theory in
order to use it to interpret another speaker. The truth theory itself does not
state everything we need to know. Davidson himself is explicit about this
(see, e.g., Davidson 1984b [1973], p. 139; 1984 [1976], p. 172). Failure to
notice this has led to a number of spurious criticisms and misunderstand-
ings of truth theoretic semantics. See, in particular, the exchange in Foster
1976 and Davidson 1984 [1976], and more recent criticisms along the same
lines in Richard 1992 and Soames 1989; 1992. See Ludwig 2002 for an
explicit formulation of a meaning theory that exploits a truth theory, and
for some comments on how this helps to disarm traditional objections to
truth-theoretic semantics.
As we have presented it, the point of using a truth theory to pursue the
goal of a compositional meaning theory is that, with no more resources
than are required for the theory of reference, it enables us to exhibit the
compositional structure of a sentence while providing a matching sentence
in the language of the theory that, if we know the right things about the
truth theory, we will know translates the object language sentence. This
puts us in a position to interpret any potential utterance of a sentence of the
object language. One thing we could know about the theory, as weve seen,
Truth and Meaning
is that its axioms use appropriately expressions in the metalanguage that
translate the object language expressions for which they are used to specify
reference and truth conditions. Davidson does not appeal (in any direct
way) to this as a constraint on a truth theory for it to do duty as a meaning
theory. And that he does not and what he does initially appeal to has
given rise to the viewthat when he introduces the suggestion that we should
pursue a truth theory rather than a theory that assigns meanings to primitive
expressions, he is advocating, not a way of working around the traditional
bottlenecks, but a replacement of the traditional project. A clear example of
this (once) widespread (but not eradicated) misunderstanding can be found
in Stich 1976.
Davidson supplies some fuel for this particular are-up of confusion in a
number of passages. For example, he says this about his proposal in Truth
and Meaning:
[T]he denition works by giving necessary and sufcient conditions for
the truth of every sentence, and to give truth conditions is a way of giving
the meaning of a sentence. To know the semantic concept of truth for
a language is to know what it is for a sentence any sentence to be
true, and this amounts, in one good sense we can give to the phrase, to
understanding the language. . . . Indeed, since a Tarski-type truth denition
supplies all we have asked so far of a theory of meaning, it is clear that such a
theory falls comfortably within what Quine terms the theory of reference
as distinguished from what he terms the theory of meaning. So much to
the good for what I call a theory of meaning, and so much, perhaps, against
my so calling it. (p. 24)
A reader might be forgiven for thinking, especially in light of the reference
to Quine, that the object of introducing a truth theory in place of a meaning
theory is to pursue our work where there is light rather than darkness, and
that the suggestion is that the theory of meaning, with its obscure entities
and logical difculties, is a kind of confused, proto-scientic theory, a folk
science of language that must be relegated to the status of the evil demon
theory of disease.
It should be clear, though, in the light of our development of the point
of introducing a truth theory, that this is a signicant misunderstanding.
This is most clearly seen from the emphasis that Davidson gives to the
importance of a truth denitions meeting Convention T, or our analogue
for a context-sensitive language, Convention D. This would make no sense
if Davidsons aim were to eschew talk of meaning altogether. Numerous
passages in essays later than Truth and Meaning bear this out.
What has perhaps obscured this more than it ought to have is that in
Truth in Meaning Davidson makes the suggestion in cases where we
are concerned with a truth theory for a natural language, which must ac-
commodate the contributions of context-sensitive elements that if a truth
theory is extensionally adequate (that is, if it characterizes a predicate with
all and only true sentences of the language in its extension), then its canoni-
cal theorems can be used to interpret object language sentences. The aimof
this is to shed more light on the concept of meaning than could be expected
from explaining constraints that the theory must meet in order to satisfy
Convention D by appealing to, for example, the requirement that axioms
use terms that translate object language terms. Thus, Davidson suggests:
What appears to the right of the biconditional in sentences of the form s
is true if and only if p when such sentences are consequences of a theory
of truth plays its role in determining the meaning of s not by pretending
synonymy but by adding one more brush-stroke to the picture which, taken
as a whole, tells what there is to know of the meaning of s; this stroke is
added by virtue of the fact that the sentence that replaces p is true if and
only if s is.
Since it is not perhaps immediately clear howthis would sufce for meeting
Convention D, it may seem natural to suppose that the aim is rather to
urge that there is nothing more to the idea of meaning than could be
gleaned from a merely extensionally adequate truth theory. In the next
section, we explain why Davidson initially hoped that extensional adequacy
would prove adequate, and why it is not. In the section following, we will
consider the proposal that he subsequently introduces, namely, that the
truth theory be conrmable from the standpoint of a radical interpreter.
Davidson suggests in Truth and Meaning that a merely extensionally ad-
equate truth theory for a natural language would sufce for interpretation.
This amounts to the claim that a merely extensionally adequate truth the-
ory for a natural language would, ipso facto, satisfy Convention D. For a
context-insensitive language, this is obviously inadequate. For example, a
truth theory that issued in (9) and (10) as canonical theorems would be
extensionally adequate, but its theorems would not satisfy Convention T.
(9) A is a triangle is true-in-L iff A is a trilateral.
(10) A is a trilateral is true-in-L iff A is a triangle.
Truth and Meaning
Indeed, this example shows that even if the theory issues in theorems that
are necessarily true (taking a language to be individuated by its syntax and
semantics), it is not guaranteed to meet Convention T. Why expect that a
theory for a context-sensitive language would fare any better?
Davidsons hope was apparently that the context-sensitive elements of
the language would provide the needed additional renement. Sentences
withdemonstratives obviously yield a very sensitive test of the correctness of
a theory of meaning, and constitute the most direct link between language
and the recurrent macroscopic objects of human interest and attention
(Davidson 1984 [1967], p. 35). This is also indicated in a retrospective
footnote to Truth and Meaning (Davidson 1984 [1967], note 10). For
example, could a theory that had to deal with demonstratives issue in a
theorem such as (S )?
(S ) Snow is white is true in English iff grass is green.
It would have to also yield correct theorems for That is snow, That is
grass, That is white, and That is green. If our axiom for the demon-
strative is the one given in 3, then it looks as if a theory that yielded (S )
would require (11) and (12) as axioms
(suppressing quantication over S
and t ).
(11) x is white is true(S, t, L) of something iff it is(t) green.
(12) x is snow is true(S, t, L) of something iff it is(t) grass.
But then if someone demonstrates a bit of snow, , and calls it snow, the
combination of our reference axiom and our predicate axioms will give the
wrong result, namely, (13).
(13) That is snow is true(S, t, L) iff is(t) grass.
Thus, it may appear that the presence of such elements as demonstratives
in the language will provide enough additional resolving power to rule out
spurious theories.
Reection shows, however, that this is not enough. As was observed by
a number of critics of this initial suggestion, if we replace any predicate
axiom with another that uses a predicate in giving truth conditions that is
extensionally equivalent to the original but nonsynonymous, we will have a
truth theory that is extensionally adequate if the original was (Foster 1976;
Loar 1976). But it cannot be that both of the theories are interpretive. In
fact, the examples with which we started this section, (9) and (10), showthis
already. No test involving demonstratives will show either of those axioms
to be inadequate. Moreover, even in the case of predicates such as is snow
and is white, the test involving demonstratives works only if we pair them
with axioms for demonstratives that are themselves interpretive. But if we
are testing at the level of T-theorems for the adequacy and truth of the
theory, then we cannot help ourselves to correct reference axioms. Thus,
extensional adequacy fails to ensure that a truth theory satises Conven-
tion T, even for a natural language. This is something that became appar-
ent quickly. But it is important to note, both in order to understand how
Davidsons aim could have been misunderstood and in order to understand
Davidsons next suggestion.
Davidsons initial suggestion, that a merely extensionally adequate truth
theory for a language would ipso facto be interpretive, was incorrect. The
aim of that suggestion was to identify constraints that a truth theory could
meet that were not couched in terms of meaning, with the aim of shedding
light indirectly on what was involved in understanding another speaker.
If extensional adequacy is not enough, the question arises what additional
(illuminating) constraints must be placed on a truth theory for a natural
language for it to be interpretive.
Davidson returned to this question in Radical Interpretation
(Davidson 1984b [1973]), which he characterized in Reply to Foster
(Davidson 1984 [1976], p. 171) as an attempt to say better what the re-
lation is between a truth theory and a meaning theory.
The project of
radical interpretation is treated in some detail in Chapter 3. In this section,
our aim is just to explain how it is related to the project of using a truth
theory in pursuit of a meaning theory for a speakers language.
At the beginning of Radical Interpretation, Davidson poses two ques-
tions: (1) What is it that we could know that would enable us to interpret
other speakers?
(2) How could we come to know it? The second ques-
tion is to be answered on the basis of evidence that includes knowledge
of a speakers actual and potential behavior (his behavioral dispositions),
but which excludes knowledge of the meaning of any of his terms and
any detailed knowledge of his propositional attitudes. This is what de-
nes the position of the radical interpretater, and so the project of radi-
cal interpretation. The goal of a theoretical description of the procedures
of radical interpretation is to shed light on the concepts we use in inter-
preting other speakers concepts of meaning, truth, reference, rationality,
Truth and Meaning
of the propositional attitudes, action, preference, and so on by relating
the theoretical structure that contains them to evidence for their applica-
tion that is described independently of their use (Davidson 1984b [1973],
p. 137).
Our present concern is specically with question (1). For Davidsons
suggestion is that what we could know that would enable us to interpret
another speaker is a truth theory for his language, and that it met certain
constraints. In Truth and Meaning, the suggestion was that the appro-
priate constraint was that the theory be simply extensionally adequate (at
the level of T-theorems). What is substituted for this constraint in Radical
Interpretation? The suggestion is the following:
[T]he totality of T-sentences
should (in the sense described above) opti-
mally t evidence about sentences held true by native speakers. The present
idea is that what Tarski assumed outright for each T-sentence can be indi-
rectly elicited by a holistic constraint. If that constraint is adequate, each
T-sentence will in fact yield an acceptable interpretation. (p. 139)
For a theory to optimally t evidence in the sense described above is for
it to be conrmable using the procedures Davidson outlines for the radical
interpreter. Thus, Davidsons constraint appears to be that the truth theory
have been conrmed by the procedures of the radical interpreter. This is
supposed to impose a stricter requirement on the theory than simply that it
be true, because, for example, if the theory is conrmed empirically, and is
about, ultimately as Davidson holds an individual speakers idiolect, then
its theorems must be lawlike (see in particular the retrospective note 11 in
Davidson 1984b [1973]; Davidson 1984 [1976], p. 174; and Davidson 1999f,
p. 688).
It is not clear that this added constraint is adequate. There is, rst of
all, some difculty in taking this constraint to be one that could serve as an
answer to question (1). For if it does, that a theory is conrmed or optimally
ts evidence becomes the thing that we want the radical interpreter to
conrm; but that is clearly not the intent. But put this aside. What property
does a theory that is conrmed by a radical interpreter have that guarantees
that it meets Convention T? One property that we know it will have is
being projectible and lawlike. Davidson sometimes seems to suggest that
this is what he has in mind. But this is not, by itself, adequate. The example
given at the beginning of 5 shows this. What we need, then, is some
reason to think that any theory of truth that optimally ts evidence in the
form of a speakers behavior will ipso facto be interpretive. If we had an a
priori guarantee that speakers were interpretable from the standpoint of a
radical interpreter, this would provide the grounding required. Davidson
does offer some arguments for this, though discussion of themis beyond the
scope of this chapter (Davidson 1984 [1976]; 1989; 1990d; 2001a [1982];
2001 [1983]; 2001b [1988]; 2001 [1989]; 2001b [1991]; 2001 [1992]; 2001
[1999]). See Chapter 3 for further discussion, as well as Lepore and Ludwig
forthcoming; Ludwig 1992; 1994; 1996.
It is important to note that the project of pursuing compositional semantics
by way of a truth theory (truth-theoretic semantics) can proceed indepen-
dently of this more ambitious project in which Davidson embeds it. We
have stated a constraint on a truth theory that sufces for it to serve in
pursuit of a compositional meaning theory. That is basically that its axioms
meet a suitable analogue of Convention D. Thus, proposals for the semantic
form of natural language constructions can be cast in the form of proposals
for axioms in an interpretive truth theory for the language. The theory can
then be tested against intuitions about entailment relations based on formal
considerations, and about its systematic implications for constructions in
which the relevant words and constructions appear.
It is worth noting in this connection that pursuit of a compositional
meaning theory through the vehicle of a truth theory, as indicated in 3, is
completely neutral on what the proper analysis of the concept of truth is,
beyond the requirement that any coherent denition of a truth predicate
that honors the core concept must meet Convention T, or Convention D,
as the case may be. In particular, a deationary account of the concept of
truth is not a threat to truth-theoretic semantics. Truth-theoretic semantics
uses the concept of truth in a formal structure. It makes no claim to reduce
the concept of meaning to the concept of truth and other concepts. Worries
about the deployment of the concept of truth could arise only in a context in
which one was concerned to illuminate the concept of meaning by relating
it to other, presumably independently grasped concepts, or concepts grasp
of which is coordinate with that of meaning.
The program of truth-theoretic semantics, taken independently of
Davidsons larger philosophical concerns, has been pursued extensively in
philosophy and linguistics.
In the remainder of this section, we identify
some problem areas for the program of truth-theoretic semantics for natu-
ral languages, and indicate where work has been done on them, by Davidson
and others. Among the outstanding problems that Davidson identied
Truth and Meaning
were the treatment of context-sensitive terms, counterfactual or subjunctive
conditionals, mass terms, adverbs, attributive adjectives and adverbs such as
slow and slowly, the problemof opaque contexts (for example, in indirect
discourse sentences), quotation, and the problem of extending the program
to those sentences of the language that, prima facie, are neither truth nor
false namely, interrogatives, such as What time is it? and imperatives,
such as Put on your hat. Davidson has contributed to work on a number
of these problems. Some additional problem areas are restricted quantiers
(e.g., Most philosophers are not rich), so-called branching and cumulative
quantiers (e.g., Most men and most women like each other and Ten rms
employed twenty engineers, which are alleged to have readings that cannot
be captured with linear quantiers), and the related problem of plurals in
English, which are said to require second-order quantication.
In The Logical Form of Action Sentences (Davidson 1980b [1967]),
Davidson made a very inuential suggestion about how to understand ad-
verbial modication of action verbs (a suggestion that generalizes to the
treatment of adverbs generally). The suggestion is that we represent action
sentences as having an implicit quantier over events, and adverbial mod-
ication as contributing predicates of the event variable thus introduced.
Thus, for example, the logical form of (14) is represented as (15).
(14) David slew Goliath with a sling.
(15) There is an event e such that e is slaying and e was by David and e
was of Goliath and e was done with a sling.
This account of adverbial modicationis nowwidely acceptedinphilosophy
and linguistics (see, e.g., Schein 1993; 2002). This contribution, along with
related issues connected with the metaphysics of events, is discussed further
in Chapter 5.
Davidsons interesting but controversial solution to the problemof indi-
rect discourse is given in On Saying That (Davidson 1984 [1968]). It has
come to be called the paratactic account,
and it has been extended to other
contexts in which words cannot be freely intersubstituted solely on the basis
of their referents, or extensions. The account, in brief, treats an utterance
of what we would write in English as (16) as semantically functioning like
the utterance of two sentences, the utterance of the rst of which contains
a demonstrative reference to the utterance of the second, as in (17).
(16) Galileo said that the Earth moves.
(17) Galileo said that. The Earth moves.
The rst sentence is analyzed as on the event analysis of action sentences,
and the verb said is treated as relating two utterances: the relation holds
between the utterances if and only if they are the same-in-content (or per-
haps relevantly-similar-in-content). Introducing samesays to express the
relevant relation, the suggestion can be written as in (18).
(18) There is an event e such that e was an utterance of Galileos and e
samesays with that. The Earth moves.
Among the difculties that this account has been charged with is that
it cannot accommodate quantication into the complement clause of an
indirect discourse sentence, as in Everyone said that he hadnt seen it
(Higginbotham 1986), since it does not treat he hadnt seen it as part of
the sentence containing the quantier Everyone, and that it yields the
wrong answer to the question how many things Galileo said (for example),
since it treats says as relating Galileo not to a proposition, but to utterances
that samesay his of which there are many (McFetridge 1976). Discussion
of this seminal proposal and additional references to the literature can be
found in Lepore and Loewer 1989 and Ludwig and Ray 1998.
Davidson extended the paratactic approach to two other problems on
our earlier list. The rst is the problem of quotation. Quotation is a device
for referring to expressions by way of a sample of the expression referred
to. The difculty with quotation is that it appears to be a productive device.
We can quote any expression in order to refer to it. So there appear to be
an innity of quotation names. Yet quotation names appear not to have
internal semantic structure. For the word that appears inside the quotation
name, e.g., duck, in duck , does not contribute its semantic proper-
ties to determining the referent of the term. In Quotation (Davidson
1984c [1979]), Davidson proposes a solution similar to the paratactic ac-
count of indirect discourse. The account holds that the semantic form of
quotation involves a demonstrative description of an expression type that
demonstrates a token of the type to be referred to. The contribution of the
quotation marks in (19) is represented as in (20).
(19) duck is a four-letter word.
(20) The expression of which this is a token is a four-letter word. duck
One criticism that has been leveled against the paratactic account of quota-
tion is that there is nothing in it that constrains the demonstrative to refer to
the word a token of which is displayed between the quotation marks. An al-
ternative account that treats quotation names as simple referring terms,
Truth and Meaning
syntactically productive but not semantically productive, was given by
Wallace (1970), who suggested the following simple reference clause.
(21) For any expression E, the expression resulting from placing E in
quotation marks refers to E.
One perhaps unsettling feature of this proposal is that the class of expres-
sions in English consisting of quotation marks around expressions is in-
nite but not recursively speciable (i.e., it cannot be constructed from a
nite number of primitives and rules). The paratactic account of quotation
has been elaborated and defended in Cappelen and Lepore 1997; 1999a;
The nal application of the paratactic strategy is to the problem of
nondeclarative sentences. The difculty for truth-theoretic semantics pre-
sented by nondeclaratives is that they do not, on the face of it, have truth
conditions, so that the truth theory appears to be an inappropriate vehicle
for specifying their meanings in a context. Davidsons response is to try
to assimilate nondeclaratives to declaratives with the aid of a paratactic/
demonstrative analysis of the nondeclarative mood markers. This idea is
suggested by thinking about the explicit application of the paratactic ac-
count of indirect discourse to performative sentences, such as I hereby
command that you put on your hat. The basic idea can be illustrated by
an imperative such as Put on your hat, which Davidson suggests we treat
semantically as two utterances, one of a mood-setter (playing the role of
I command that), which says of something that it is an utterance with a
certain (illocutionary) force, and the other as what the mood marker is di-
rected toward. Davidson says, If we were to represent in linear form the
utterance of, say, the imperative sentence Put on your hat, it would come
out as the utterance of a sentence like My next utterance is imperatival in
force, followed by an utterance of You will put on your hat (Davidson
1984b [1979], p. 120). This is not quite right, because, as Davidson says, it
gets the syntax wrong (p. 120). Davidson suggests that we give truth con-
ditions for the mood-setter as follows: The mood-setter of an utterance of
Put on your hat is true if and only if the utterance of the indicative core is
imperatival in force (p. 120). The indicative core is presumably You will
put on your hat. But the difculty with this is that there is no utterance of
You will put on your hat when someone utters Put on your hat. It is not
clear how this difculty is to be overcome in a way that is consonant with
Davidsons intentions. One might suggest that it be put (roughly) this way:
the mood-setter of an utterance of Put on your hat is true iff in uttering
Put on your hat the speaker directs that his auditor put on his hat. But
this does not represent Put on your hat semantically as two utterances,
and this turns out to be important for Davidsons explanation of why ut-
terances of imperatives are intuitively judged not to have truth values. His
explanation is that an utterance of an imperative is semantically not a sin-
gle sentence but two, and that we would not judge the complex utterance
of You are tired, You are old, for example, as true or false. There are
other difculties with this approach as well. It is not clear that we have the
intuition that in uttering Put on your hat we are saying two things that
are truth valued. The account would also need to be extended, in some
as yet unexplained way, to accommodate interrogatives whose indicative
cores are open sentences, such as What time is it? The account also has
difculty handling conditional imperatives and interrogatives, such as If
you see her, say hello. No simple directive is issued in uttering this con-
ditional sentence, but Davidsons account would require the mood-setter
to cover either the whole conditional or the consequent only, and in ei-
ther case, the idea that a conditional requirement has been issued will be
This does not show, however, that the truth-theoretic approach to se-
mantics cannot be extended to cover nondeclaratives. Some recent work on
nondeclaratives in the truth-theoretic framework shows how to generalize
the approach to a fulllment theory of sentences that assigns distinctive
kinds of fulllment conditions to declaratives, imperatives, and interroga-
tives (Ludwig 1997). Imperatives and interrogatives are treated as having
compliance conditions, and declaratives as having truth conditions. The
compliance conditions of imperatives and interrogatives, while not truth
conditions, are nonetheless recursively characterized ultimately in terms
of a truth theory for the language. We provide a quick sketch for Put on
your hat.
Put on your hat is fullled(S, t, L) iff ref(S, t, you) makes it the
case that You will put on your hat with the intention of fullling
the speech act performed in uttering Put on your hat.
There are additional complications for interrogatives. The approach can be
extended to handle quantication across mood-setters, as in Invest every
penny you earn (for every x such that x is a penny you earn, invest x).
In closing this section, we briey give some pointers to recent litera-
ture treating some of the other problem areas we have mentioned. (This
is by no means intended to be exhaustive.) For recent work on tense
and demonstratives, see Higginbotham 1995; Lepore and Ludwig 2000;
2003. For recent work on mass terms, see Koslicki 1999. We show in the
Truth and Meaning
appendix to this chapter how to handle restricted quantiers in the truth-
theoretic framework. See Schein 1993 for important work on the seman-
tics of plurals and so-called branching and cumulative quantiers in natural
Davidsons work in the theory of meaning has had great inuence on con-
temporary philosophy of language and on natural language semantics. His
central proposal was that the task of understanding what it is for words to
mean what they do can be fruitfully approached by considering how we
could conrma truth theory for a speaker on the basis of evidence that does
not initially presuppose any knowledge of the speakers meanings or the de-
tailed contents of his propositional attitudes. There are two aspects of this
proposal, which are separable. The rst is the suggestion that a truth theory
can serve in pursuit of a compositional meaning theory for a language essen-
tially by providing the recursion needed to generate a used metalanguage
sentence, to match with each object language sentence, which translates
the object language sentence. This suggestion has launched a program in
natural language semantics that takes the interpretive truth theory as its
basic vehicle. In pursuing this project for languages that we know, we can
make use of our knowledge of the language in formulating axioms. The
second feature of the proposal is that, having a vehicle for a compositional
meaning theory, we can gain further insight into the concepts of the theory
and related concepts by relating them systematically to neutral evidence
for their application.
We sketch briey in this appendix an extension of the truth theory pre-
sented in 3 to a language with quantiers. Quantiers require us to intro-
duce variables in argument places of predicates that can be bound by them,
as in
(Some x)(some y)(x slew y).
The standard practice is to introduce sequences of objects or functions
fromvariables to objects as satisers of open sentences in which argument
places are occupied by variables, and to dene truth in terms of satisfaction
by all sequences or functions. A predicate satisfaction clause would go as
For all functions f, variables v, u, f satises-in-L v
u iff
f(v) slew f(u).
This mimics our clause for proper names. Indeed, we can think of each
function as an extension of the reference function for the language to the
variables treated as names. Intuitively, satises is the inverse of is true of.
The recursive clauses for connectives are treated in the same way as those
for truth, as in
For all functions f, for any sentences s, r, f satises-in-L (
; or
there is a sentence a of SL such that c =
Radical Interpretation
An interpretation, I, for SLis a function that assigns to each of its sentences
exactly one of 1, 0. For example:
I[A] = 1; I[B] = 0; I[C] = 1;
For any sentences a, b:
] = 1 if I(a) = I(b) = 1; I[
] = 0 otherwise;
) = 1 if I[a] = 0; I(
) = 0 otherwise.
The recursive trick enables a nite denition of sentencehood to classify
innitely many objects as sentences, and a nite specication of I to assign
unique values from {0,1} to all of them. (This is a simple illustration of
Tarskis seminal denition of truth for formal languages.)
There are three perspectives one can take on I. Tarski supposes that we
know that means and, and that # means it is not the case that.
Then, supposing a prior grip on the general notion of truth simpliciter, we
can see I as giving truth-under-I values for every sentence in the language:
I(a) = 1 if and only if a is true-under-I.
For Davidson, we do not know in advance the meanings of and
#, and we are not dening I, but rather constructing it as an empirical
theory. The interpreter is, as it were, collecting evidence to the effect that
I(a) =1 if and only if a is true-in-the-speakers-language (our understanding
of this latter notion supposes, as with Tarski, a prior grip on the general
notion of truth simpliciter). To say that (in the speakers language) means
the same as and (in English) is simply to say that I is correct here. Note
that I displays the compositionality of the speakers language with respect
to truth: how the truth value of a complex sentence depends on the truth
values of its parts. In the interpretation of a natural language along these
lines, the idea is that compositionality with respect to meaning will be
The third perspective is the one with which I began this exercise, on
which the language is dened in purely syntactic terms. On the rst two
perspectives, the language is specied partly in semantic terms. On the rst,
the intended interpretation of is and; on the second, this interpretation
is revealed as evidence is collected. On either of the rst two perspectives,
but not the third, change the meaning of and you change the language.
Natural languages are, of course, partly specied in semantic terms: change
the semantics and you change the language.
Davidson does not claim that actual interpreters construct theories
of truth or come to know them. What is their role? In learning logic,
students typically grasp the syntax prior to exposure to any denition of
sentencehood. On the whole, they neither construct such a denition nor,
in many cases, I suspect (unfortunately), come to know it. The denition
serves to state what a sentence is, and it answers the question: what would it
sufce a student to know in order to classify entities as sentences of logic?
Davidson asks (Davidson 1994b, p. 126): What would it sufce an inter-
preter to know in order to understand the speaker of an alien language,
and how could he come to know it? He suggests that a theory of truth,
constructed more or less along the lines of one of Tarskis truth denitions,
would go a long way toward answering the rst question. His account of
radical interpretation is his answer to the second. A theory of truth for the
alien Lin the mother tongue would serve as an account of means-in-L-that
(or almost, at any rate: I leave aside, for example, discussion of sentences
that lack truth values see Davidson 1984 [1967], p. 36). And revealing
means-in-L-that is one goal of radical interpretation (the complete goal
being the attribution of propositional attitudes generally). But the answers
to Davidsons pair of questions might tell us no more about the psychol-
ogy of actual interpreters than a recursive denition of sentencehood tells
us about the psychology of actual students who know a sentence of logic
when they see one. The interest of the questions lies elsewhere, according
to him:
. . . I did not say speakers or interpreters actually formulate such theo-
ries [of truth]. It does seem to me, though, that if we can describe how
they could we will gain an important insight into the nature of the inten-
tional (including, of course, meaning), in particular into howthe intentional
supervenes on the observable and the non-intentional. (Davidson 1994b,
p. 127)
This partial statement of the project should not be misconstrued as
committing an obvious fallacy (a detective can describe how a crime could
have come about and yet gain no insight into it whatsoever). Davidson lays
out certain necessary conditions for interpretation, which include canons
that interpreters cannot out lest they fail to be engaged in interpretation,
and restrictions upon the knowledge they acquire. These conditions nar-
rowthe eld of potential interpretations; and it is this narrowing that makes
interpretationpossible. But these conditions needreveal little about the psy-
chology of actual interpreters. First, interpreters need not self-consciously
obey the canons. Second, the canons do not dictate unique interpretations
but merely impose broad restrictions, and nothing is said about the skill re-
quired for constructing interpretations. Third, restrictions on knowledge
need reveal little about how it is stored.
Radical Interpretation
The truth-theoretic component of Davidsons project places a re-
striction on the knowledge of meaning acquired by interpreters such
knowledge must be expressible (not necessarily by the interpreters) as a
theory of truth. At the least, pursuing the aim of expressing a theory of
meaning as a theory of truth will teach us much about meaning and truth.
And if we achieve this aim, we will have a nite way of recursively stating a
theory of meaning for a language, thus satisfying, in principle, two crucial
conditions that interpretations be graspable by nite minds (Davidson
1984 [1966], pp. 89), and that compositionality be exposed:
a theory of meaning for a language L shows howthe meanings of sentences
depend upon the meanings of words if it contains a (recursive) denition
of truth-in-L. (Davidson 1984 [1967], p. 23)
But inseeinghowmeaningrests upontruth, we shall not have eliminatedthe
former notion. Just as Tarski (1944) explicitly invokes a prior understanding
of the concept of truth simpliciter in formulating his criterion of material
adequacy for his denitionof truth-in-a-language (the prior understanding
enables us to see the correctness of this criterion), so Davidson presupposes
prior understandings of both true and means that simpliciter in his attempt
to use a theory of truth as a theory of meaning.
The success of the latter project is to be measured in terms of the degree
of conformity between the output of the theory of truth concerning the
sentences inits domain, andour understandingof what the relevant speakers
mean by those sentences. The presupposed understanding of means that
emerges clearly in the following well-worn problem case:
Es regnet is true-in-German if and only if: it is raining and
2 2 = 4.
Yet Es regnet does not mean in German that it is raining and 2 2 =
4. From the perspective of a theory of meaning, we might say that the
equivalence has arisen via a deviant derivation within the truth theory. If
a theory of truth is to serve as a theory of meaning, we have to ensure that
S is true in L if and only if p
holds because, and only because, S means in L that p (Davidson 1984b
[1973], p. 138). We can, perhaps, ensure this by placing restrictions on
permissible derivations within the truth theory. The details of such restric-
tions are not my concern here. Rather, I merely want to emphasize that
their selection is driven by our prior understanding of means that.
Quine appeals to Wilsons (1959) principle of charity (We select as
designatum that individual which will make the largest possible number
of . . . statements true [Quine 1960, p. 59]) in formulating a key maxim
of translation:
[A]ssertions startlingly false on the face of them are likely to turn on hidden
differences of language. This maxim is strong enough in all of us to swerve
us even from the homophonic method that is so fundamental to the very
acquisition and use of ones mother tongue.
The common sense behind the maxim is that ones interlocutors silli-
ness, beyond a certain point, is less likely than bad translation or, in the
domestic case, linguistic divergence. (Quine 1960, p. 59)
A crucial form of silliness for Quine is the outing of logic: fair transla-
tion preserves logical laws (Quine 1960, p. 59). To call this charity is,
of course, a witty misnomer: to be uncharitable is to disengage from the
practice of translation.
Davidson appl[ies] the Principle of Charity across the board. So ap-
plied, it counsels us quite generally to prefer theories of interpretation
that minimize disagreement (Davidson 1984b, p. xvii). Davidson sees
this as a departure from Quine (Davidson 1984b, p. xvii), and there are
others. As Davidson puts it, he use[s] Quines inspired method in ways
that deviate, sometimes substantially, fromhis [Quines] (Davidson 1990d,
p. 319).
In addition to paying heed to Quines method, Davidson also heeds
Quines strictures. Quine opens the preface to Word and Object (Quine 1960,
p. ix) thus:
Language is a social art. In acquiring it we have to depend entirely on
intersubjectively available cues as to what to say and when. Hence there is
no justication for collating linguistic meanings, unless in terms of mens
dispositions to respond overtly to socially observable stimulations. An effect
of recognizing this limitation is that the enterprise of translation is found
to be involved in a certain systematic indeterminacy . . .
Davidson agrees with Quine (roughly speaking) that there can be noth-
ing more to meaning (and the propositional attitudes more generally)
than what can be gleaned from observation (propositional attitudes are
evidence-dependent in this sense), and that observation will never deter-
mine these attitudes uniquely (the attitudes are indeterminate). But there
Radical Interpretation
are (at least) two provisos. First, Davidson takes a distal viewof stimulation,
in contrast to Quines proximal view (see 5). Second, Davidson puts a
new spin on indeterminacy by drawing an analogy to measurement theory
(see 6).
What makes interpretation possible, according to Davidson, is the
structure the normative character of thought, desire, speech, and action
imposes on correct attributions of attitudes to others, and hence on in-
terpretations of their speech and explanations of their actions (Davidson
1990d, p. 325). Davidsons purpose is to show how it is possible to at-
tribute meanings and other propositional attitudes when observable behav-
ior is our only evidence (and is, furthermore, constitutive evidence). He
gives us a sketch of how an idealized interpretation might proceed. Nei-
ther the procedure nor the implicit procedural sequence in the sketch is,
however, to be taken literally. The sequence in which interpreters gather
evidence and formulate hypotheses is a matter of skill and serendipity.
Rather, the function of the sketch is to illustrate the structural restric-
tions on interpretation: interpretation is possible because the interpreter
is forced to interpret the behavior of interpretees as conforming to pat-
terns dictated by the Principle of Charity that is, it is constitutive of the
propositional attitudes that they be largely rational, where rationality en-
compasses, among other norms, those of evidence, preference, desirability,
and action. This is not to say that there is no room for irrationality; but
it cannot be too pervasive. Just as there is no chaos except against a back-
ground of order, so there is no irrationality except against a background of
Interpretation begins with observable behavior, where this is restricted
to bodily movements, nonintentionally described, and their attendant cir-
cumstances. Various hypotheses are then mooted concerning such matters
as which behaviors are actions, which of those are utterances of sentences,
and what certain of the agents attitudes toward those sentences are. Two
key sentential attitudes for Davidson are those of holding a sentence true,
and of preferring one sentence true above another. But even access to these
attitudes does not eliminate indeterminacy.
Suppose we have worked out that an agent holds true one of her sen-
tences, S, under certain circumstances, but holds it false under others. How
are we to work out what she means by it? We confront the following dif-
culty: her holding S true is dependent both upon what she means by
it, and upon what she believes the circumstances to be. Meaning and be-
lief must be accessed simultaneously. As Davidson notes (Davidson 1990d,
pp. 31819), there is a striking parallel here to Ramseys problemof moving
from preference to both utilities and degrees of belief and, as he goes on
to say,
Quines solutionresembles Ramseys, inprinciple if not indetail. The crucial
step in both cases is to nd a way to hold one factor steady in certain
situations while determining the other. Quines key idea is that the correct
interpretation of an agent by another cannot intelligibly admit certain kinds
and degrees of difference between interpreter and interpreted with respect
to belief. (Davidson 1990d, p. 319)
Ingeneral, the problemis evenmore challenging: ininterpreting patterns of
bodily movement, we must invoke a host of propositional attitudes. Within
the bounds of the constraints imposed by charity, there are many ways of
attributing the attitudes so as to explain bodily movements. And indetermi-
nacy would remain even if, per impossibile, we could determine the totality
of an agents behavioral dispositions. As Quine puts it for the case of vocal-
ization: translation [is] indeterminate in principle relative to the totality
of speech dispositions (Quine 1960, p. 221).
The more restrictions imposed, however, the less the indeterminacy. As
we have seen, Ramseys decision theory serves as a model for Davidsons
account of general interpretation; but decision theory also plays a direct
role in, and imposes restrictions on, interpretation. Ramseys theory, how-
ever, is not as well suited to Davidsons enterprise as (a modied [Davidson
1985d] version of ) Jeffreys (1983). This latter Davidson sees as a part of
the normative structure imposed by interpretation: qualitative normative
constraints (such as transitivity) are imposed on preferences for the truth of
(initially uninterpreted) sentences. An agent might have individually weird
preferences fromour point of view, and he might violate standard canons of
preference on occasion, but apparent wholesale unconcern for such canons
throughout his pattern of preference would alert us to the fact that we were
not tracking preference.
Jeffrey employs a uniformontology of propositions, and sees preference
as a matter of preferring some propositions true above others. It can be
proven (the proof of the representation theorem is due to Bolker [1967];
see also Jeffrey 1983, pp. 112, 1429) that, provided an agents preferences
over propositions meet certain qualitative conditions (such as transitivity),
there are two mappings of the set of propositions to the real numbers: one
yielding degrees of belief, the other yielding conditional expectations of
utility. The degrees of belief are coherent, and the conditional expectations
of utility represent preference (the higher the proposition on the preference
ranking, the greater its conditional expected utility).
Radical Interpretation
Davidson modies Jeffreys ontology to quantify over (initially) unin-
terpreted sentences of a language, rather than propositions, because access
to the propositions that sentences express is, of course, a goal, not a starting
point, of interpretation.
Davidson then applies the theory in two distinct
ways (Davidson 1985d; 1990d, pp. 326328).
First, he supposes that we have formulated hypotheses as to the agents
preferences across uninterpreted sentences, and that we have identied a
sentential connective with certain properties as a truth-functional connec-
tive. He then shows (rst application) that, provided the agents preferences
conform to the BolkerJeffrey preference axioms as applied to sentences,
the agents sentential connectives are structurally xed relative to our hy-
potheses concerning the agents sentential preferences.
(In fact, as I show in the appendix to this chapter, decision theory is not
required in order for us to get this far. In effect, Davidson is using strict
preference as a mark of logical inequivalence: given Davidsons supposi-
tions, an agents sentential connectives are structurally xed relative to any
indicator of inequivalence.)
Second, having uncovered the truth-functional sentential connectives,
the agent is seen to have preferences over a Boolean algebra, and if these
conform to the BolkerJeffrey qualitative preference axioms, the represen-
tation theorem ensures that the sentences carry coherent degrees of belief,
and (conditional expected) utilities that measure preference.
Decision theory and traditional logic give, in combination, an account
of what it is to be rational in the thin sense of being coherent and consis-
tent in ones preferences and beliefs. Charity, however, imposes further re-
quirements: for example, it cannot happen, according to Davidson (2001a
[1991], p. 196), that most of our plainest beliefs about what exists in the
world are false (see 5). But these strictures notwithstanding, interpreta-
tions are not unique. Even in the face of all the relevant evidence (were
we able to acquire it), the Principle of Charity leaves many interpretations
open: the evidence on which all these matters depend gives us no way of
separating out the contributions of thought, action, desire, and meaning
one by one. Total theories are what we must construct, and many theories
will do equally well (Davidson 1984a [1979], p. 241).
Interpretation is possible only if the attitudes we attribute are publicly
available; yet all we wear on our sleeves is our behavior, nonintentionally
described. From this behavior, the interpreter constructs a theory. But,
on pain of violating publicity, any construction that saves the behavioral
phenomena and satises charity (and there are many) is as good as any
Hence myriad interpretations will be true of any agent.
It is in making sense of this myriad interpretations picture that
Davidson employs measurement theory analogically. But before discussing
this, I turn to two other aspects of interpretation: holism and the location
of the stimulus problem. Concerning the rst, Davidson is in agreement
with Quine; concerning the second, he is not.
Holism with respect to the propositional attitudes can take a variety of
forms, but, roughly speaking, the holist claims that propositional attitudes
can occur only in interdependent patterns. The foregoing considerations
speak in favor of the idea that attitudes must meet certain criteria of ratio-
nality: for instance, there are strong presumptions that if an agent believes
that P & Q, then she believes that P; and if her degree of belief in P is high,
then her degree of belief in its negation is low. And there are other forms
of interdependence. For example:
In order to believe the cat went up the oak tree I must have many true
beliefs about cats and oak trees, this cat and this tree, the place, appear-
ance and habits of cats and trees, and so on; but the same holds if I won-
der whether the cat went up the oak tree, fear that it did, hope that it
did, wish that it had, or intend to make it do so. (Davidson 2001b [1982],
pp. 989)
Two questions immediately arise: how rigid is the interdependence, and
how large must the pattern be?
Davidson rejects a sharp analytic-synthetic distinction, which is here
tantamount to denying that conceptual grasp depends upon a xed list of
particular beliefs:
[C]an the dog believe of an object that it is a tree? This would seem impos-
sible unless we suppose the dog has many general beliefs about trees: that
they are growing things, that they need soil and water, that they have leaves
or needles, that they burn. There is no xed list of things someone with
the concept of a tree must believe, but without many general beliefs, there
would be no reason to identify a belief as a belief about a tree. . . . (Davidson
2001b [1982], p. 98)
This passage suggests exibility with respect to both interdependence
and pattern size. Yet Davidson makes remarks that can be interpreted as
Radical Interpretation
gainsaying such exibilities:
[A] Frege said that only in the context of a sentence does a word have
meaning; inthe same veinhe might have addedthat only inthe context of the
language does a sentence (and therefore a word) have meaning. (Davidson
1984 [1967], p. 22)
[B] Since the identity of a thought cannot be divorced from its place
in the logical network of other thoughts, it cannot be relocated in the
network without becoming a different thought. (Davidson 2001b [1982],
p. 99)
However, Davidson has retreated somewhat from [A] (see note 3 of
Davidson 1994b). And [B] misstates his intent (as conveyed verbally) if it
is interpreted as attributing such rigidity to the interdependence of the
attitudes that an agent cannot move from, say, believing that P to believing
that not P (because interdependence entails that P can be no part of the
content of the new belief ).
This is to misconstrue the nature of the interdependence.
There are
dependences in which changes in one factor can leave others stable. Con-
sider Ohms Law: voltage (in certain circuits) is the product of resistance
and current. Here we have three mutually interdependent quantities, and
certainly a change in one of themmust result in a change in one of the others;
but the third can remain xed (e.g., by increasing the voltage in a circuit
of xed resistance, we increase the current). In the case of the network of
propositional attitudes and utterances, we have a vast number of variables.
But the same point applies: changes cause disruptions, but their scope will
typically affect only a very small portion of the network. And I can share part
of your network without sharing all of it (two circuits can share a potential
difference of three volts, while differing in current and resistance).
The stimulus is a notoriously ambiguous construct. For the rat in its
Skinner box, is the stimulus the box, or something internal to the rat?
Davidson argues for the distal box, whereas Quine gives a proximal account.
Quine sums up (and queries) some of his earlier views on the radical
translation of observation sentences thus:
The linguist tries to match observation sentences of the jungle language
with observation sentences of his own that have the same stimulus meanings.
That is to say, assent to the two sentences should be prompted by the
same stimulations; likewise dissent. . . . It would seem that this matching of
observation sentences hinges on sameness of stimulation of both parties,
the linguist and the informant. But an event of stimulation, as I use the
term, is the activation of some subset of the subjects sensory receptors.
Since the linguist and his informant share no receptors, how can they be
said to share a stimulation? We might say rather that they undergo similar
stimulation, but that would assume still an approximate homology of nerve
endings from one individual to another. Surely such anatomical minutiae
ought not to matter here. (Quine 1990b, p. 2)
Davidson shares Quines doubts:
[L]et us imagine someone who, whena warthog trots by, has just the patterns
of stimulation I have when theres a rabbit in view. Let us suppose the one-
word sentence the warthog inspires him to assent to is Gavagai! Going by
stimulus meaning, I translate his Gavagai! by my Lo, a rabbit though I
see only a warthog and no rabbit when he says and believes (according to
the proximal theory) that there is a rabbit. (Davidson 1990a, p. 74)
According to Davidsons distal theory Gavagai! is to be interpreted as Lo,
a warthog. His distal theory is part of what drives his claim that it cannot
happen that most of our plainest beliefs about what exists in the world are
false (Davidson 2001a [1991], p. 196).
Quines response to Davidson is to move to an intermediate point
between Dons distal and [his] old proximal position (Quine 1990a, p. 80),
although he remain[s] unswerved in locating stimulation at the neural
input. . . . Unlike Davidson, [he] leave[s] the stimulations at the subjects
surface, and private stimulus meaning with them (Quine 1990b, pp. 34).
Space precludes details of Quines intermediate position, beyond noting
that the subjects reication of rabbits and the like is . . . decidedly a part of
the plot, not to be passed over as part of the setting (Quine 1990b, p. 3).
The position of reication marks a key distinction between Davidson and
Quine on the issue of conceptual schemes.
In Davidson (1984b [1974]), Quine is one of the interlocutors who
countenances what Davidson denies: the possibility of differing concep-
tual schemes incommensurate ways of carving up the world. Conceptual
schemes that are incommensurate at the basic level of objects are a possi-
bility only if reication . . . is . . . a part of the plot. On Davidsons distal
theory, however, reication is part of the setting: objects such as warthogs
are intersubjectively accessible, and it is they that in part determine the con-
tent of our speech and thought.
Radical Interpretation
The advocate of a proximal view might well maintain that the proposi-
tional attitude states of an agent are caused by matters external to the agent,
and cause himto behave in various ways. But, crucially, she would deny that
matters external to the agent enter into the specication of such states. For
Davidson, on the other hand, the contents of propositional attitude states
are in part specied by their external causes:
The contents of beliefs and other mental attitudes are specied by men-
tioning objects, or kinds of objects, with which the subject of those attitudes
must have come into causal contact of one sort or another. (This is naturally
not always true, but it must be so in the most basic cases.) (Davidson 1990c,
p. 21)
And they are in part specied by what they are disposed to cause the agent
to do external to her body:
[A] belief that a stone is lethal will, when combined with certain desires,
cause an intention to kill. . . . (Davidson 1990c, p. 22)
This is not to say that propositional attitude states are not internal states
of the agent it is just that their specication qua contentful propositional
attitude requires reference to external objects and events:
Though our beliefs, intentions, fears, and other feelings are private and
subjective if anything is, they cannot be identied or explained except by
tying them from the start to external objects and events. (Davidson 1990c,
p. 23)
OnDavidsons view, a mindmust have a history of causal interactionwiththe
world, and dispositions toward it, in order for it to be in states that are about
the world; and these two features enter into the standard psychological
specication of those states.
In Davidsons view, austere science, when mature, does not specify states
in terms of causal history or disposition. Sunburn and frangible will not
appear in mature science (Davidson 1990c, p. 22). A mature science will
specify, say, the state of sunburned skin in a fashion that makes no reference
tothe sun. Let X abbreviate this specication. Tolearnthat Xcanbe caused
by overexposure to the sun is to make an empirical advance beyond the fact
that sunburn is caused by overexposure to the sun. To describe somebody
as desiring warthog for supper is to specify their state in part in causal-
historical terms, and in part in dispositional terms. Thus, propositional
attitude talk will not appear in mature science. And neither will discussion
of language, if it is specied partly in semantic terms.
This is one strand in Davidsons argument against psychophysical laws.
(Matters are more subtle than Davidson supposes, I think: perhaps mass
as it appears in Newtonian physics is a disposition term; perhaps entangle-
ment as it appears in quantum theory is a causal-historical term.) Another
strand appeals to the fact that thinkers must be found rational, whereas
[t]he astronomer and physicist are under no compulsion to nd black
holes or quarks to be rational entities (Davidson 1990c, p. 25).
Davidsons distal theory, then, helps to undergird his views that: (1) our
basic beliefs are largely true (see Chapter 6); (2) thought cannot conceive the
world in radically incommensurate ways; and (3) there are no psychophys-
ical laws (see Chapter 4).
Giventhat conceptual schemes would have to be expressible, (2) receives
support from (1) (Davidson 1984b [1974], pp. 1945). (1) implies that the
expression of any conceptual scheme would be a body of sentences that are
largely true. Tarski gives us our best understanding of truth, and he ties it,
accordingtoDavidson, totranslationintoa language we know
1984b [1974], p. 195). Thus we have: a sentence S of language L is true-in-
L iff its translation into English is true-in-English. Hence the expression
of any conceptual scheme would have to be translatable into English, and
no conceptual scheme could be radically incommensurate with that of an
English speaker.
What of the claimthat conceptual schemes wouldhave tobe expressible?
This is closely related to Davidsons claim that there is no thought without
talk. One consideration here is that, in the absence of language, it is hard
to make sense of the attribution of intensionality:
The dog, we say, knows that its master is home. But does it know that
Mr. Smith (who is his master), or that the president of the bank (who is that
same master), is home? We have no real idea how to settle, or make sense
of, these questions. (Davidson 1984 [1975], p. 63)
A second line of argument runs, in outline, as follows (Davidson 1990a;
2001b [1982]; 2001 [1992]). To have a belief requires cognizance of the
possibility of error, which in turn requires cognizance of the distinction
between truth and falsity. But this distinction only emerges in the context
of communication. Why? Because in order for, say, a predication of redness
to have a truth value, the subject of the predication (the distal stimulus)
must be xed. And, Davidson claims, no lone individual can pull off this
feat: the location of the stimulus problem can be solved only if there
are (at least) two communicators triangulating upon a mutually salient
common stimulus. Otherwise the stimulus is arbitrary, and nothing ensures
Radical Interpretation
that any of ones thoughts are about the external world as opposed to, say,
internal neural rings.
Davidson not only argues, then, that beliefs must be largely true and
interpretable, but also that they must be (at some point) actually interpreted.
Quine is skeptical about the reality of the attitudes:
If we are limning the true and ultimate structure of reality, the canonical
scheme for us is the austere scheme that knows no quotation but direct
quotation and no propositional attitudes but only the physical constitution
and behavior of organisms. (Quine 1960, p. 221)
And, as we have seen, Davidson sees no place for the attitudes in mature
science. But he is not an eliminativist. I turn nowto the question of whether
this can be squared with his take on the notion that interpretation leaves
beliefs, meaning, and the other attitudes indeterminate.
Davidson attempts to render this indeterminacy benign by invoking an
analogy between the way sentences function in the attribution of propo-
sitional attitudes, and the way numbers function in measurement theory:
the fact that there are different ways of interpreting our fellows is no more
alarming, he thinks, than the fact that, say, length can be represented by
different schemes of measurement such as feet and meters. If we press
this analogy, however, it emerges that indeterminacy is more alarming than
Davidson concedes: on his view it transpires that there are no such states
of mind as belief states (even externally construed), nor indeed any states
corresponding one-to-one with any of the propositional attitudes.
The notion of a representation theorem was introduced in 1. Here is
a simple case. The relation is at least as long as conforms to certain quali-
tative criteria, such as transitivity and connectedness: any concept that fails
to conform to these criteria is not the concept of length (Davidson 1980c
[1970]). If certain structural conditions are added to the essential qualitative
criteria, then the relevant representation theorem can be proven: there is a
mapping of the entities to be measured (the possessors of lengths) to the
nonnegative reals that represents the relation is at least as long as. And
since in the case of length there is a natural zero, the mapping is unique
up to multiplication by a positive real. Note the ingredients: we have the
entities to be measured, a qualitative relation on those entities, and a map-
ping (unique up to some transformation) fromthe entities to the measuring
domain (the nonnegative reals, in the case of length) that preserves rele-
vant structure (in the case of length, the longer the object, the greater the
associated real).
The basic idea of Davidsons analogical strategy is clear enough
(Davidson 2001 [1989]). We use sentences to track the propositional at-
titudes of an agent; we use the reals to track the lengths of objects. The
sentences in the former attribution play the role of the real numbers in the
latter. We might maintain that there is an indeterminacy of length: there
are innitely many serviceable schemes for attributing lengths. Similarly,
there are many serviceable schemes for attributing meanings and the other
attitudes to a given interpretee. And the latter indeterminacy is as benign
as the former. But the details of the analogy need spelling out.
Davidson does not deny that there are many disanalogies between the
two cases. There is, for example, an algorithmfor moving fromone scale of
length measurement to another (multiply by the relevant positive constant);
there is no such algorithm in the case of interpretations. However, we do
need at least the following. In the measurement theoretic case, we map to
numbers from an underlying framework that is invariant between scales.
Thus, inthe case of usingsentences toattribute attitudes, we needtoidentify
an underlying framework that is invariant across the various schemes of
interpretation. The invariant framework must consist of relata and relations
between them. In the case of length, we have objects standing in the relation
is at least as long as. Innitely many different mappings of the objects to
the reals will serve to track the relation, but the objects and the relation do
not vary across the mappings.
In the case of attitude attributions, I shall concern myself only with
the relevant relata. It might initially appear that the invariant relata are
the propositional attitudes of the interpretee. However, this cannot be.
The relata cannot comprise the propositional attitudes themselves, since
we identify propositional attitudes by the sentences we use to track them.
(In measuring length, we use numbers to measure the relata, not to identify
them.) And it is precisely the assignment of these sentences that varies
between schemes of interpretation. On Davidsons picture, indeterminacy
is simply the fact that we can use different locutions to locate the same
node in some pattern. But what are the invariant nodes? They cannot be
propositional attitudes: the belief that P, say, under one scheme, will be the
belief that Q under another two different propositional attitudes (both
attributions are couched in the one idiolect of the interpreter).
One might wonder whether there is not some neutral way of identi-
fying propositional attitudes so that, despite appearances to the contrary,
Radical Interpretation
the belief that P and the belief that Q are in fact the same belief. This runs
counter to the Davidsonian picture, however. For example, attitudes in one
scheme need not map one-to-one onto attitudes in another. Perhaps it is
possible that behavior interpreted as a signal could equally well be inter-
preted, under a different scheme, as a simple scratch. And signals require
more propositional attitude states than simple scratches.
Matthews (1994) might appear to provide a way out. In the case of
length, the empirical relational system to be represented comprises ob-
jects and the qualitative relation is at least as long as. And the representa-
tion space (the space that is to represent the empirical relational system, to
which that empirical system is mapped) comprises the real number system.
In the case of the attitudes, Matthews supposes that there is a substrate of
propositional attitudes to be measured (these are the invariant relata), al-
though he (sensibly) leaves open the issue of exactly which relations among
the attitudes are to be represented. He argues that the appropriate repre-
sentation space for representing the propositional attitudes comprises a set
of ordered pairs <a
, <s
, r
>>, consisting [of ] an attitude-type a
what [he calls] a designated proposition <s
, r
>, where r
is a Russellian
proposition and s
a sentence-type, a token of which in a particular (un-
specied) context serves to designate (express) that Russellian proposition
(Matthews 1994, p. 136).
What is it for there to be two different scales of propositional attitude
measurement on Matthewss account? He furnishes the following example:
Suppose that Smith describes the man that he knows only by the name
Tully as being destitute by saying, Tully is destitute. I might explain
Smiths remark to someone who knows Tully only as Cicero by saying,
Smith believes that the wealthy Cicero is destitute, thereby conveying
not simply that Smith is mistaken in his belief, but also who his belief is
about, namely, the man that my interlocutor knows only as Cicero. In the
context, the representations associated with sentence types Tully is destitute
and the wealthy Cicero is destitute, both of which share the same attitude-
type and Russellian proposition, represent one and the same belief. In a
different explanatory context, e.g., one in which Smiths actual words were
important, these same representations might represent different beliefs.
(Matthews 1994, p. 143)
As Matthews correctly notes, the context dependence here marks a differ-
ence between his account of propositional attitude measurement and the
measurement of length. Nevertheless, suppose we concede that in the rst
explanatory context in the cited passage we have one belief mapped to two
different elements of the representation space. This is the analogue of an
object being mapped to two different reals in measurement of its length. In
the latter case, we have two different scales (feet and meters, say) at work;
so perhaps this is so in the former case also (with propositional attitudes
being the measured entities that are invariant across the scales).
Matthewss picture is in marked contrast to my construal of Davidsons
account, however. If Davidson were to concede that Matthews ascribes one
and the same belief to Smith with utterances of Smith believes that the
wealthy Cicero is destitute and Smith believes that Tully is destitute, this
would be, presumably, because (in the contexts of utterance) the two attri-
bution sentences must be so interpreted in any interpretation of Matthews
that saves the relevant phenomena. Matthews is not proposing two inter-
pretations of Smith. But for Davidson, the interpretation is the analogue of
the scale of measurement; thus we do not have an analogue of two different
What, then, are the invariants across interpretations on Davidsons ac-
count? As we have seen, Quine has us tracking mens dispositions to re-
spond overtly to socially observable stimulations (Quine 1960, p. ix). And
according to Davidson, a satisfactory theory is one that yields an acceptable
explanation of verbal behavior and dispositions (Davidson 1984a [1979],
p. 237). Behavioral dispositions are key; and they are apparently the in-
variant nodes across different schemes of interpretation they are what
propositional attitude attributions measure. Just as we attribute numbers
in the form of lengths in order to track the relation is at least as long as,
and numbers in the form of degrees of belief and expected utilities in order
to track preference, so we attribute propositional attitudes in order to track
behavioral dispositions.
The invariants, then, have the following form: a disposition to behavior
B under circumstance C, where B and C are specied nonintentionally. A
full interpretation of an agent something unattainable by mere mortals
would account for the totality of the agents behavioral dispositions. And
all adequate interpretations must agree on these dispositions; but that is
all that they must agree on. Propositional attitude states are mere posits;
they vary from interpretation to interpretation. That we cannot reidentify
a belief across interpretative schemes is a consequence of the fact that there
is no such state to reidentify.
An instrumentalist in the philosophy of science holds, roughly, that
theories must save the phenomena, and must meet criteria of coherence
and simplicity (and elegance, perhaps). Theories will (usually) posit entities
that underlie the appearances; but, according to the instrumentalist, these
Radical Interpretation
are only posits constructions designed to save the phenomena. If two
theories were to save the phenomena, score equally well in other respects,
but disagree as to posits, the instrumentalist would have no difculty in
countenancing both: the posits, being merely that, would not compete.
Davidsons view of the mind, then, appears to be an instrumentalist
one. The relevant criteria of coherence are provided by the Principle of
Charity; the posits comprise, among other things, propositional attitudes.
About some of the other posits, Davidson is quite explicit: words, mean-
ings of words, reference, and satisfaction are posits we need to implement
a theory of truth. They serve this purpose without needing independent
conrmation or empirical basis. . . . [Satisfaction and reference are] notions
we must treat as theoretical constructs whose function is exhausted in stat-
ing the truth conditions for sentences (Davidson 1984b [1977], pp. 2223).
And: degree of belief is a construction based on more elementary attitudes
(Davidson 1990d, p. 322). When it comes to the propositional attitudes,
however, he seems, more wary.
Davidson does say:
In thinking and talking of the weights of physical objects we do not need
to suppose there are such things as weights for objects to have. Similarly in
thinking and talking about the beliefs of people we neednt suppose there
are such entities as beliefs. (Davidson 2001 [1989], p. 60)
But in the same paper, he speaks of beliefs as mental states with identity
conditions. However, if there were ontological indeterminacy (i.e., cases in
whichtwocompetinginterpretations not only save the relevant phenomena,
but also are both true), then there would in general be no trans-scheme
identity of propositional attitudes, and hence no propositional attitudes.
Drawing an analogy to measurement theory fails to render indeterminacy
anodyne. The attitudes cannot be both (epistemically) indeterminate (in the
sense of outrunning the evidence for their attribution, so that competing
interpretations save the relevant phenomena) and evidence-dependent (in
the sense that there is nothing more to them than the evidence provides,
so that they cannot outrun the evidence).
Davidson emphasizes the anti-Cartesian aspect of his view (Davidson 2001
[1989]). In the Meditations, we nd a view of the mental on which it makes
sense to ask whether the ideas which are in me are similar . . . to the
things which are outside me (Descartes 1955 [1643], p. 160). Although
Descartes rejects the view that our ideas are similar to their causes,
it is common to attribute to him a view on which the mind contains
ideas that somehow correspond to external objects. There are many objec-
tions to this sort of picture. On Davidsons novel alternative, such Carte-
sian ideas are simply rejected and this is consistent with a reading of
Davidson that has him advocating a measurement-theoretic reduction of
the propositional attitudes to mere posits. (Note that the Cartesian popu-
lation is only culled: there remain pains and their ilk these are not mere
On this reading perhaps we can maintain our ordinary ways of talk-
ing about our fellows: we use the posits to track the dispositions of our
neighbors instrumentalism and realism agree that the phenomena must
be saved. But there are other phenomena to be saved, and a host of difcul-
ties associated with abandoning the attitudes for example, epistemology
(and much else, of course) is apparently undercut, since there is no such
state as knowing that P.
Davidson himself is committed to the existence
of propositional attitudes. In his monistic metaphysics, he quanties over
mental events. Anomalous monism (Davidson 1980c [1970]) is his view
that all mental events are also physical, but that the mental and the physical
are linked by no strict laws. Coming to have a certain propositional attitude
is an event, on this view, but if there are no propositional attitudes there are
no such events. There is no occupant for the mental side of the monistic
Propositional attitudes are also intrinsic to Davidsons causal account of
action. He famously argues that propositional attitude states of the agent
cause actions (Davidson 1980 [1963]; 1980a; see Chapter 2 for discussion).
And he challenges those who would deny this to furnish an account of
the distinction between merely rationalizing reasons for a particular act,
and those rationalizing reasons for which the agent acted. A politician
presses for environmental legislation. She believes that pressing the leg-
islation will garner votes in the impending election. She also abhors the
destruction of the environment. She claims that she acted only for the lat-
ter reason. On Davidsons account, her claimis tantamount to claiming that
the latter, but not the former, propositional attitude was part of the cause
of her pressing of the legislation. (This is oversimplied: see Davidson
1980a [1973].) What becomes of Davidsons account if there are no propo-
sitional attitude states? Of course, there are still behavioral dispositions,
but these dispositions can do no rationalizing they have no propositional
Radical Interpretation
Indeed, if a necessary condition for a bodily movement to be an action
is that it be caused by intentional states (Davidson 1980a), then, absent the
latter, there are no actions. In essence, Davidson claims, following Quine,
that there can be nothing more to the intentional than is necessary for
communication. And this, I have argued, given indeterminacy, rules out
intentional states. But this rules out actions.
Instrumentalism concerning the propositional attitudes might be de-
fended by noting that we attribute propositional attitudes in order to track
real behavioral dispositions. However, there are strong arguments for
realism about the attitudes, one of which is the fruitfulness of the essays
collected in Davidsons Essays on Actions and Events (1980). Some aspect of
Davidsons view has to give way. The conclusion that there are no proposi-
tional attitudes results fromthe combination of indeterminacy and evidence
dependence with respect to them. I shall endeavor to counter Davidsons
commitment to the latter.
Recall Davidsons remark that, when it comes to interpretation, a
satisfactory theory is one that yields an acceptable explanation of ver-
bal behavior and dispositions (Davidson 1984a [1979], p. 237). With
this remark he seems already to have endorsed evidence transcendence:
dispositions can be present without ever being made manifest. Why then
insist that propositional attitudes be evidence-dependent, when evidence-
transcendent dispositions are countenanced? There appear to be two no-
tions of evidence transcendence at work. Davidsonis willing to countenance
potential evidence (Davidson 1984a [1979], p. 237); so although dispo-
sitions are evidence-transcendent in the sense that they can be present
without ever being made manifest, perhaps there must be potentially avail-
able evidence for their presence. However, this line continues, the in-
determinacy of propositional attitude attribution outruns even the total-
ity of potential evidence. (Recall Quine: translation [is] indeterminate
in principle relative to the totality of speech dispositions [Quine 1960,
p. 221].) What distinguishes propositional attitude attribution from dis-
position attribution, then, is that, unlike the latter, the former outruns
all potential evidence hence the nonexistence of propositional attitude
However, such a line will lead to a form of antirealism with respect to
many dispositions. Many current dispositions will evaporate without ever
being made manifest or even leaving a trace for future generations. They
are currently real because they do not now outrun all potential evidence.
Yet their claim to have existed will eventually outrun all potential evidence,
and will thereby come to languish in the no-mans-land between truth and
falsity. To reject this antirealist line is to acknowledge the truth or falsity
of dispositional claims that outrun even all potential evidence. And then
there would seem to be no barrier to the ontological admission of the
attitudes. Davidson countenances behavioral dispositions; thus he should
do the same for propositional attitudes, and see indeterminacy as simple
underdetermination of theory by observation.
We have arrived at realism concerning the propositional attitudes by
dropping evidence dependence. What appeared to be ontological indeter-
minacy we now see to be merely epistemic underdetermination. However,
another way to save the attitudes would be to establish that there is no
One major apparent source of indeterminacy is the inscrutability of
reference. Davidson (1984a [1979]) considers two interpretations of an
utterance of Wilt is tall: on theory one, it is interpreted as meaning that
Wilt is tall; on theory two, it is interpreted as meaning that the shadow
of Wilt is the shadow of a tall thing. According to Davidson, theory one
is satisfactory if and only if theory two is satisfactory, since Wilt is tall if
and only if the shadow of Wilt is the shadow of a tall thing. (Thus the
reference of Wilt and the extension of is tall are inscrutable.) However,
these interpretations are equally satisfactory only if all that counts is the
preservation of the truth conditions of the interpretees sentences. And this
is tantamount to letting derivations run rampant within theories of truth
that are supposedly serving as theories of meaning. In 1, it was noted that,
in the absence of derivational restraint, our theory of meaning for German
might yield an unfortunate conclusion: Es regnet means that it is raining
and 2 2 = 4. The truth conditions for Es regnet and it is raining and
2 2 = 4 are the same. Thus, if truth conditions were all that mattered to
meaning, our conclusion would not be unfortunate after all and neither
would the conclusion: Wilt is tall in English means that the shadow of
Wilt is the shadow of a tall thing.
Inscrutability of reference is only a source of indeterminacy of meaning
if meaning is a matter only of truth conditions. But, then, why bother with
derivational restraint within the truth theory? Evidence transcendence is
implicated here. On the one hand, it is supposed that we can obtain evi-
dence only about truth conditions, and hence, absent evidence transcen-
dence, there can be no more to meaning than truth conditions. And then we
can let derivations within the truth theory run rampant. But, on the other
hand, a prior understanding of meaning that is invoked in order to place
derivational constraints on the truth theory.
Radical Interpretation
A partial resolution might emerge from considering whether it is pos-
sible to obtain evidence that distinguishes between theories of truth that,
though equivalent qua theories of truth, are not equivalent qua theories
of meaning. If, for example, we admit the relevant pointing behavior as
evidence that Wilt refers to Wilt, then only Wilt is tall is true if and
only if Wilt is tall will serve as a meaning clause in the theory of truth that
provides us with our theory of meaning, even though it remains the case
that Wilt is tall is true if and only if the shadow of Wilt is the shadow of
a tall thing. Such evidential considerations might decrease indeterminacy,
while in no way compromising the use of theories of truth (with derivational
constraints) as theories of meaning.
These considerations notwithstanding, however, (epistemic) indetermi-
nacy seems to be ineliminable. I began with Ramseys two-for-one deal: two
theoretical constructs (degrees of belief and utilities) for one piece of be-
havioral evidence (preferences among gambles). The interpretative task is
Ramseys writ large: a host of theoretical constructions are needed to save all
of the behavioral evidence. If we are to be realists about these constructions,
we must acknowledge that they are evidence-transcendent.
Davidson proffers a demonstration that an agents preferences structurally
x the truth-functional connectives of her idiolect (Davidson 1985d; 1990d,
Appendix). He utilizes a modication of Jeffreys (1983) version of deci-
sion theory the modication consists in making the objects of prefer-
ence sentences rather than propositions, so as not to beg the question of
interpretation. However, matters are in fact simpler than Davidson sup-
poses: truth-functional connectives are structurally xed in Davidsons fash-
ion provided that we have some way of determining when two sentences
are not truth-functionally equivalent. In essence, Davidsons method uses
the fact that if a sentence A is strictly preferred true over B, then A is
not equivalent to B. I shall simply assume access to some relation R such
If ARB then A is not equivalent to B.
I shall assume with Davidson that [ is a binary truth-functional connec-
tive (Davidson 1985d, p. 95) note that this is quite a strong assumption.
With relation R replacing preference, Davidsons result (Davidson 1985d,
p. 95) is:
Suppose that there are A, B such that:
(i) ( A[ A)R(B[B)
(ii) AR( A[ A)
(iii) ( A[( A[ A))RA
(iv) ( A[( A[ A))R( A[ A)
(v) ( A[( A[ A))RF (where F is a necessary falsehood: more on (v)
Then the truth table for [ is:
We can think of [ as a function on {<T, T>, <T, F>, <F, T>,
<F, F>} into {T, F} (where <T, T> abbreviates the ordered
pair T, T etc.). (i) and (ii) jointly imply that T[T = F and F[F = T
(if T[T=Tand F[F =T, or T[T=F and F[F =F, then A[Awould
be equivalent to B[B; if T[T = T and F[F = F, then A would be
equivalent to A[ A).
Hence the only four possibilities for the truth-table for [ are:
A B (1) (2) (3) (4)
(iii) rules out (2); (iv) rules out (3); and (v) rules out (4).
There is no assumption comparable to (v) in Davidsons scheme. How-
ever, it is required in my scheme to rule out (4) in favor of (1). I suspect
that Davidsonis relying onJeffreys (1983) exclusionof necessary falsehoods
Radical Interpretation
fromthe preference ranking to yield the result that ( A[( A[ A) ) (or, actually,
((t[u)[((t[u)[(t[u))) [Davidson 1985d, p. 95]) is a necessary truth rather than
a necessary falsehood: provided necessary falsehoods are excluded from the
preference ranking, Davidsons account yields (1) as the truth table for [
otherwise (4) remains a possibility.
I have had much help from Donald Davidson, Lawrence H. Davis, John Heil, Siggi
Kristinsson, Kirk Ludwig, Bob Maydole, Al Mele, Thad Metz, Greg Ray, and Paul
Roth, and from audiences at the 1996 V. Karlovy Vary Symposium on Analytic Phi-
losophy: Interpreting Davidson (Czech Republic), Davidson College, Keele Uni-
versity (England), and the University of St. Andrews (Scotland). Of course, those
from whom I have learned do not necessarily agree with me. Financial support
was provided by the University of Missouri Research Board and the University of
Missouri at St. Louis.
1. In conversation, Davidson described his excitement at independently discov-
ering this technique (in the 1950s), before he became aware of Ramseys
are the left and right corner quotes respectively; where a and b
are metalinguistic variables,
are connected to
neural events N and N
occurs to S at t.
And we have:
(3) Necessarily, if M occurs at t, M
occurs at t.
From all this, it follows:
(4) Necessarily, if N occurs at t, N
occurs at t.
This last statement is solely about two physical states, N and N
, and ap-
parently carries the nomological force of necessarily attaching to the rst
two laws (the necessity attaching to the third statement is, or is akin to, log-
ical necessity). So the upshot is that psychophysical laws (1) and (2) would
enable us to read off a physical law, (4), from a purely psychological en-
tailment, (3), which is sanctioned by norms of rationality governing beliefs.
And the transition from one physical state, N, to another, N
, with which it
may be logically or metaphysically unrelated, is apparently supported and
sanctioned by the normative principles of rationality and coherence. The
supposed psychophysical laws would have the effect of importing the norms
of rationality into the physical realm, a domain in which such norms have
no application.
Or consider the situation in the opposite direction. Suppose that each
mental state is connected by a biconditional psychophysical law to some
physical state. These systems of biconditional laws would map physical
nomological/causal relations onto the mental domain, and, as a result, the
patterns of causal connections and dependencies holding among physical
events would be projected into the recipient domain, perhaps in conict
with and overriding the pattern of relationships generated by the princi-
ples of rationality and coherence. That is, psychophysical laws would serve
as a conduit for the transmission of the constitutive causal principles of
the physical domain into the mental domain, thereby compromising the
fundamental constitutive principles of mentality. In consequence, the in-
tentional mental domain would be threatened with a loss of its distinc-
tive identity, which is dened by norms of rationality and coherence. In
Davidsons words:
If the case of supposed laws linking the mental and the physical is different,
it can only be because to allow the possibility of such laws would amount
to changing the subject. By changing the subject I mean here: deciding
not to accept the criterion of the mental in terms of the vocabulary of the
propositional attitudes. (Davidson 1980c [1970], p. 216)
The intuitive core of this argument is perhaps not wholly novel; it is related
to the idea that a pervasive system of psychophysical laws especially those
Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
of the biconditional form would result inthe reductionof the mental to the
thereby depriving the mental of its autonomy. It is also related to
the commonsensical idea that if mentality were wholly dependent on physi-
cal processes, which these psychophysical laws would underwrite, we would
all become captives of physical laws, merging with the stream of physical
processes, like anything else in the physical domain. What Davidson has
done is to bring out explicitly the dening normative character of the mental
domain, and to show how the retention of this character, on which the very
existence of the mental domain depends, is inconsistent with, and under-
mined by, the existence of constraints as strong as strict laws connecting it
to the physical domain whose constitutive principles are alien to the mental
world. In the foregoing, we have assumed that psychophysical laws take the
biconditional form; this is a convenient assumption that makes the point of
Davidsons argument especially salient. However, it is not necessary for a
general argument: whatever form, or forms, the psychophysical laws may
take, they will represent the constraints imposed by the physical side on
the mental realm, including, in particular, the patterns of interconnections
among mental phenomena.
Thus far we have discussed Davidsons considerations for psychophysi-
cal anomalism. How does Davidson proceed from here to the full anomal-
ism of the mental, or to psychological anomalism? There is this passage in
Mental Events:
It is not plausible that mental concepts alone can provide [a comprehensive
framework for the description and law-based prediction and explanation of
mental events], simply because the mental does not . . . constitute a closed
system. Too much happens to affect the mental that is not itself a systematic
part of the mental. But if we combine this observation with the conclusion
that no psychophysical statement is, or can be built into, a strict lawwe have
the principle of the Anomalismof the Mental: there are no strict laws on the
basis of which we can predict and explain mental phenomena. (Davidson
1980c [1970], p. 224)
Here Davidson seems to be arguing as follows: There can be strict laws only
in closed domains. This follows from the denition of a strict law. The
domain of mental phenomena is not closed; we know that it is not causally
closed that is, that there are events outside the domain that causally affect
events within the domain. In order to sharpen predictive generalizations
about mental events, therefore, we must take recourse to concepts and prop-
erties that are not mental (e.g., biological, physicochemical). This shows the
failure of closure for the mental domain, in contrast to the closed physical
domain; and there can be no theory that gives comprehensive coverage
of the mental domain. It follows then that there are no strict laws over the
mental domain(recall the denitionof strict law), andthis establishes psy-
chological anomalism. Whencombinedwiththe psychophysical anomalism
earlier argued for, this establishes the full anomalism of the mental.
We can be reasonably condent, I think, that the foregoing was what
Davidson had in mind or at any rate, something quite close to it. One
question it raises is where the assumption of the closure of the physical
domain comes from for example, whether it is in some sense an a priori
metaphysical principle or an a posteriori scientic discovery. As we will see
in the section to follow, one of Davidsons basic premises for anomalous
monism asserts that mental events causally interact with physical events. If
so, why cant we say, mimicking Davidson, that too much happens to affect
the physical that is not itself a systematic part of the physical? Wouldnt
this undermine the closure of the physical system? I believe that there is
here room for Davidson to formulate a reply. But we must set these issues
aside and move on.
Anomalous monism, a formof nonreductive materialism, is Davidsons posi-
tion on the mind-body problem. It is physical monism in that it recognizes
only physical objects and events. It includes the claim that the mental is
anomalous that is, as we saw in the previous section, the claim that men-
tal properties and kinds do not fall under strict laws. Davidsons argument
for the rst component of anomalous monism namely, the claim that all
individual mental events are physical events is highly ingenious. It can be
seen as a new and innovative form of the causal argument for physicalism.
Davidsons argument makes use of three premises:
Mind-body causal interaction: Mental events cause, or are caused by,
physical events.
Nomologicality of causation: Events related as cause and effect must
instantiate a strict law.
The anomalism of the mental: There are no strict laws involving
mental kinds.
Davidsons argument is striking in its simplicity and ingenuity. Accord-
ing to the rst premise, mental events are in causal relations with physical
events. Let m be a mental event, and suppose that m causes (or is caused by)
physical event p. We want to show that m is a physical event. According
Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
to the second premise, the pair of events, m and p, must instantiate a
strict law, L. What kind of law could L be? According to the third premise,
L cannot be a psychophysical law; nor can it be a purely psychological law,
since there are no such laws.
It follows then that L must be a physical law
connecting physical kinds to physical kinds. Since the pair, m and p, instan-
tiates a physical law, m must fall under a physical kind (or have a physical
description). An event is mental or physical as it falls under a mental kind or
a physical kind. Hence, mis a physical event. To put the conclusion in more
general terms, every mental event that enters into a causal relation with a
physical event falls under a physical kind and is therefore a physical event.
Notice the generality of the argument, which may not be apparent at
rst blush: the rst step in the argument, to the effect that m causes, or is
caused by, a physical event, can be weakened. Obviously, it is enough if m is
causally related to at least one other event, whether physical or mental. The
rest of the argument will run exactly the same way. The only mental events
that the argument misses, therefore, are those that are not causally related to
any other event, whether mental or physical or of any other kind. It is highly
dubious that there could be such causeless and effectless events; and even if
there were, their existence would be unexplainable, and they would make
no difference to anything else. If Davidsons argument doesnt cover them,
that is no genuine limitation to the argument. With the additional premise
that every event is either a mental event or a physical event, a more general
form of physicalist monism can be deduced, namely, that every event is a
physical event. Alternatively, if we have available as a premise Davidsons
later conjecture that strict laws are found only in physics, the same conclu-
sion can be derived. In either case, all events, on anomalous monism, are
physical events, although some of them are also mental events, biological
events, and so forth. What is interesting about the argument, as Davidson
has observed, is that the anomalousness of the mental serves as an essential
premise, whereas most arguments for the mind-body identity theory, like
those advanced by Feigl and Smart, beginwiththe assumptionthat there are
nomological connections between the two domains. The crucial next step
in arguments of this kind is to justify the enhancement of mind-body corre-
lation laws into mind-body identities, usually on the basis of considerations
of simplicity and explanatory unity (Block and Stalnaker 1999; Smart 1959).
The nonexistence of laws connecting mental to physical properties, ac-
cording to Davidson, shows the mental to be nomologically irreducible to
the physical. As may be recalled, the standard Nagelian conception of re-
ductionrequires bridge laws connecting properties to be reduced to prop-
erties in the base domain (Nagel 1961). Since there are no psychophysical
laws, it follows that there can be no psychophysical bridge laws. Because a
behavioristic reduction of the mental, based on denitions of mental con-
cepts in terms of physical/behavioral concepts, is out of the question,
Davidson regards the irreducibility of the mental as established. It is clear,
then, that anomalous monism is a form of nonreductive physicalism it
is physicalism because it claims that all mental events are physical events,
and it is nonreductive in that it considers mental properties to be physically
irreducible. It is also a form of token physicalism: each individual event,
or token event, is a physical event. And it excludes type physicalism, the
claim that mental properties and kinds are physical properties and kinds.
But anomalous monism differs importantly from another inuential form
of nonreductive physicalism, due to Hilary Putnam, Jerry Fodor, and oth-
ers, which is based on the functionalist approach to mentality. According
to this form of functionalism, mental kinds, though irreducible to physical/
biological kinds, are physically realized or implemented. Moreover, a
single mental kind say, pain can, and usually does, have diverse physical
realizers in different biological species and structures (this phenomenon
of multiple realization is what is supposed to preclude the identication
of mental properties with physical properties). This means that, on this
view, there are type-type connections between the mental and the physi-
cal, although not of the kind that would sanction reduction or reductive
identication. If pain is realized by C-ber stimulation in human beings (as
it is said), by X-ber stimulation in octopi, and by Z-ber stimulation in
Martians, then each of these realizers constitutes a nomologically sufcient
condition for pain. That is, there will be laws such as If C-ber stimulation
occurs in a human being at t, pain occurs to that human being at t, If
X-ber stimulation occurs in an octopus at t, pain occurs to it at t, and
so on. What would enable reduction, but what according to these func-
tionalists we cannot have, are bridge laws of the biconditional form, for
example, C-ber stimulation occurs in x at t if and only if pain occurs to x
at t. Of course, Davidsons anomalism is not supposed to extend to sensory
events such as pains, but the example could easily be couched in terms of
belief, desire, or some other intentional state. Davidsons anomalism of the
mental disallows even one-way laws like those connecting mental states to
their physical realizers.
Anomalous monism was welcome news to many philosophers who had a
deep commitment to a physicalist world view but who, like Davidson, were
Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
reluctant to embrace reductionism or eliminativism. In its assertion that
all individual mental events are physical events, it attempts to preserve
physicalism, and at the same time it promises to protect the autonomy of
the mind with its rejection of the physical reducibility of the mental. The
mental autonomy that Davidson wants is not the kind of autonomy that
philosophers like Jerry Fodor have sought for psychology and other special
sciences (Fodor 1974). Rather, it is the autonomy of agency and the will, of
the kind that Kant famously sought. In the closing paragraph of Mental
Events, Davidson writes:
We explain a mans free actions, for example, by appeal to his desires, habits,
knowledge and perceptions. Such accounts of intentional behavior oper-
ate in a conceptual framework removed from the direct reach of physical
law by describing both cause and effect, reason and action, as aspects of a
portrait of a human agent. The anomalism of the mental is thus a neces-
sary condition for viewing action as autonomous. (Davidson 1980c [1970],
p. 224)
Davidson concludes the paper with a quotation from Kant in which Kant
describes the philosophical problem of reconciling the two seemingly con-
tradictory views that we hold about ourselves rst, that we are free and
autonomous agents, and second, that we are part of the natural world and
subject toits laws. Anomalous monismis Davidsons response tothe Kantian
challenge. It is not simply a technical thesis about the irreducibility of psy-
chology as a special science; it has a deeper philosophical aim, namely, that
of providing a solution to the metaphysical and moral conundrum arising
out of our dual nature as agents and natural objects.
All this makes it evident that the anomalism of the mental is the center-
piece of Davidsons philosophy of mind; his entire picture of mentality, its
relation to the world of matter and cause, and our status as free agents ow
out of it. Mental phenomena, qua mental phenomena (or under mental de-
scriptions), do not come under predictive/explanatory laws of the kind that
we have come to know from the physical sciences. Mental events do enter
into causal relations, on Davidsons view, but here too the laws that ground
these causal relations are physical laws, laws connecting physical kinds to
physical kinds. Unsurprisingly, the anomalous character of the mental, es-
pecially given Davidsons commitment to the nomologicality of causality,
has been a focus of debate over the adequacy of anomalous monism as a
theory of mind.
Consider, rst, the question exactly what anomalous monismsays about
the mind-body relation. What do the three premises and the conclusion of
the argument for anomalous monismsay about howour mentality is related
to our bodily nature? The answer, I believe, is: not much. What it says is
mainly negative, namely, that there are no signicant relationships between
mental types/properties and physical types/properties. As far as anomalous
monism goes, the kind of mental creature that we are has nothing to do
with the kind of physical being that we are. True, anomalous monism says
that each individual mental event is a physical event. But that means only
that every event that falls under a mental kind, or that has a psychological
description, falls under a physical kind, or has a physical description. Andthe
anomalous element of anomalous monism emphatically reminds us not to
expect any signicant relationship between the mental kind that a given
event is and the physical kind that it is. It is also true that one of the
premises says that some mental events stand in causal relation to some
physical events. But Davidsons argument for anomalous monism shows
that any causal relation involving a mental event and a physical event holds
only because a strict physical law subsumes the two events under physical
kinds or descriptions. The fact that the mental event is a mental event, or
that it is the kind of mental event that it is, appears to be entirely immaterial
to the causal relation.
This point has been the basis of a well-known and much-debated crit-
icism to the effect that anomalous monism leads to epiphenomenalism.
Individual mental events, under anomalous monism, do have causal ef-
cacy, but only because they fall under physical kinds, and the mental kinds
that they are have nothing to say about what physical kinds they fall under,
and therefore nothing to say about what causal relations they enter into.
The causal structure of the world is wholly determined by the physical kinds
and properties instantiated by events of this world.
Consider how this scenario is played out in Davidsons inuential and
important causal theory of rationalizing (belief-desire) explanations of ac-
tions (Davidson 1980 [1963]). According to this account, reasons for actions
explain them in virtue of being their causes, and rationalizing explanations
are a species of causal explanations. If I am climbing a ladder because I
want to help my cat down from the roof and believe that this is the best
way to get the cat down, my want and belief explain my climbing by being
its cause. But causal relations must instantiate laws. What law, then, does
my want-belief pair and my climbing instantiate? Here is what Davidson
The laws whose existence is required if reasons are causes of actions do not,
we may be sure, deal in the concepts in which rationalizations must deal.
Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
If the causes of a class of events (actions) fall in a certain class (reasons)
and there is a law to back each singular causal statement, it does not follow
that there is any law connecting events classied as reasons with events
classied as actions the classications may even be neurological, chemical,
or physical. (Davidson 1980 [1963], p. 17)
Davidson is saying that just because my want and belief pair causes my
climbing, we should not expect to nd laws couched in terms of kinds such
as wants, beliefs, and climbings. The subsumptive causal laws may be
according to Davidsons mental anomalism, must be physical laws that
connect physical kinds to physical kinds. It would seem that the fact that
my wanting is the kind of mental event that it is, and has the kind of content
that it has, and the fact that my belief has the content that it has, play no
role in the fact that the want and belief together cause, and thereby causally
explain, my climbing. Doesnt this mean that mental kinds and properties,
and hence reasons, are causally irrelevant?
A number of critics have advanced this objection, apparently indepen-
dently of one another (Honderich 1982; Kim 1984c; Sosa 1984; Stoutland
1980). For helpful discussion and development of considerations along
these and related lines, see Antony 1989; 1994. Also, there have been de-
fenders of Davidson against the epiphenomenalist charge; see, for example,
Horgan 1989; Lepore and Loewer 1987; and McLaughlin 1989; see also
Marras 1999. In the next section, we will consider Davidsons own response
as presented in his Thinking Causes (Davidson 1993b).
Davidson has employed three strategies to meet the charge that anoma-
lous monism has epiphenomenalist implications. First, he has insisted that,
far from being a form of epiphenomenalism, his anomalous monism ex-
plicitly states, in its very rst premise (Mind-Body Causal Interaction),
that mental events cause, and are caused by, physical events. Moreover, he
has given an account of how singular causal statements, afrming causal
relations between individual events, are to be understood. Causation is a
binary extensional relation that connects a pair of individual events two
concrete particulars no matter how these events are described or con-
ceived. In this sense, individual mental events can cause, and often do cause,
other events, and that should sufce to refute the accusation of epiphe-
nomenalism. His critics, Davidson argues, have surreptitiously introduced
questionable nonextensional, multigrade relations like event c qua Xcauses
event e qua Y (e.g., My wanting qua a wanting caused my climbing qua
a climbing), event c under description D causes event e under description
, and the like. It isnt clear that this is an effective response, however.
Davidsons critics have replied that the extensionality of the causal relation
is not an issue here, and that the real issue is the causal efcacy, or relevance,
of the properties of events, or of the fact that a given mental event is the kind
of mental event that it is (Kim 1993a; McLaughlin 1989). It appears that
Davidson tacitly accepts this point, for in his second and third replies he
tries to show that anomalous monism does not render mental properties
causally impotent, and that mental properties are indeed causally relevant
and efcacious.
In his second reply, Davidson argues that although there are no strict
psychological or psychophysical laws, there are nonstrict laws about mental
kinds/properties, and that these sufce to ground singular causal statements
involving mental events. That is, a mental event can be a cause of a physical
event in virtue of the fact that the mental event is of mental kind M, the
physical event is of physical kind P, and there is a nonstrict law connecting
M to P. For example, although it is not a strict law that embarrassment
causes blushing, it is a law nonetheless, and this nonstrict law sufces to
ground the singular causal statement that Freds embarrassment at the party
yesterday caused him to blush. This means that the cause being an instance
of embarrassment and the effect being an instance of blushing are relevant
to their being related as cause to effect. If the cause had been an episode of
anxiety attack, it would not have caused the effect, as there is no law, strict
or nonstrict, connecting anxiety attacks to blushing.
This way of meeting the threat of epiphenomenalism, although it may
be intrinsically plausible, is problematic for Davidson. First, adopting the
strategy throws in doubt the rationale of Davidsons principle of the nomo-
logicality of causality, which requires that strict laws underwrite causal re-
lations. If nonstrict laws can do the job, what is the reason for the strict
law requirement? It may be that whenever there is a nonstrict law subsum-
ing a cause-effect pair, there also is a strict law that subsumes it. Still, this
does not fully explain why strict laws are required for causal relations; we
need an argument here. Perhaps considerations of the primacy of physical
causation might provide such an argument (McLaughlin 1989). Second,
if nonstrict laws can ground causal relations, why cant they underwrite
nomological reductions as well? Davidsons argument for the irreducibil-
ity of the mental depends on his psychophysical anomalism namely, that
there are no bridge laws that could be used to support the derivation of
Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
psychological laws from physical laws.
If Davidson is right in his claim
(Davidson 1993b) that there are strict laws only in developed physics (if
anywhere), and if strict bridge laws are required for reduction, then there
could be no reduction anywhere except within fully developed physics. So
why not allow nonstrict psychophysical laws to ground the physical reduc-
tion of the mental? If there is no plausible reply to this question, Davidsons
case for the autonomy of the mental, which is so crucial to his Kantian
project of reconciling free agency with physical determinism, is in serious
jeopardy. Most importantly, the appeal to nonstrict laws in order to back
singular causal relations apparently threatens his celebrated argument for
anomalous monism. Recall that the crucial step in this argument is from
the fact that mental event m causes physical event p to the conclusion that a
strict physical lawmust subsume mand p, there being no strict psychological
or psychophysical law that could do the job. But if nonstrict psychophys-
ical laws sufce to back the singular causal claim, Davidsons reasoning to
the conclusion that mental event m must fall under a physical kind and is
therefore a physical event is rendered fallacious unless supplemented by
defensible extra premises. For these reasons among others (see Kim 1993a;
McLaughlin 1993), the strategy of invoking nonstrict laws in order to vin-
dicate the causal efcacy of mental properties appears to be ill-advised.
Finally, Davidson appeals to mind-body supervenience in order to de-
ect the epiphenomenalist charge. In a well-known passage in Mental
Events (Davidson 1980c [1970], p. 214), Davidson wrote:
Although the position I describe denies there are psychophysical laws, it
is consistent with the view that mental characteristics are in some sense
dependent, or supervenient, on physical characteristics. Such supervenience
might be taken to mean that there cannot be two events alike in all physical
respects but differing in some mental respect, or that an object cannot alter
in some mental respect without altering in some physical respect.
This passage, seemingly tossed off as an afterthought, introduced, or
the concept of supervenience into discussions of the mind-
body problem. It should be noted that in this paragraph Davidson doesnt
say that he accepts mind-body supervenience; he says only that it is con-
sistent with his anomalous monism.
The core idea of supervenience is dependence; and mind-body super-
venience, as Davidson explains, means that the mental character of a thing,
or an event, is dependent on, or is determined by, its physical character.
The idea is also standardly explained by saying that things that are alike
in all physical respects must be alike in mental respects as well or, as is
sometimes put, no difference in mental respects without some difference in
a physical respect. Suppose that an event falls under a mental kind M. If it
were not of kind M, then it would not be the kind of physical event that it
is. Since physical kinds are causally efcacious, and different physical kinds
must be expected to differ in causal powers, this means that if the event
were not an M-type event, it would not have the effects that it has. This,
Davidson argues, shows that the fact that the event falls under mental kind
M makes a causal difference.
Clearly, mind-body supervenience is a net addition to anomalous
monism. By adopting it, Davidson has substantially strengthened his posi-
tion on the mind-body problem. Two questions arise regarding this strategy
as a way to stave off the threat of epiphenomenalism. First, does it work?
Second, is mind-body supervenience consistent with Davidsons anomalism
of the mental?
First, it isnt clear that this solution to the mental causation problem is
sufcient for Davidsons purposes. Appeal to supervenience perhaps shows
that the mental properties of an event are causally relevant in the sense
that if the event didnt have those properties, it would have had different
causal effects. But does that showmental properties to be causally efcacious?
Consider the epiphenomenalist: he could agree with Davidson that men-
tal properties are indeed causally relevant. If a given mental event had not
occurred, that would mean that the physical cause of that event had not
occurred, and the physical effects of this event would have not occurred
either. But these counterfactuals do not support the claim, the epiphenom-
enalist will argue, that the mental event was causally efcacious or produc-
tive. Or consider this: the aesthetic properties of a work of art supervene on
its physical properties, but would that show that aesthetic properties have
causal effects in the physical world? And it would seemthat Davidson needs
causal efcacy, not mere causal relevance, for his theory of action explana-
tion. In order for reasons to generate causal explanations of action, they
must be causally efcacious in the production of action, not merely causally
relevant in some weaker sense. Symptoms of a disease may be causally rel-
evant to the subsequent development of the underlying pathology, but that
would hardly justify the claim that they causally explain the course of the
disease. In any case, it is not clear that mind-body supervenience can do the
job that Davidson needs to get done.
Turning now to the second question, there evidently is a prima facie
tension between psychophysical supervenience and psychophysical anoma-
lism. The main thrust of the supervenience thesis is to bring mental and
physical properties closer together, in a dependency relation, whereas the
Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
point of psychophysical anomalism is to push the two apart, so that neither
constrains the other. In any case, the answer to the question of consistency
depends inpart but crucially onwhat one means by supervenience. It is by
now fairly standard to distinguish among three notions of supervenience
weak, strong, and global (Kim 1984a). As global supervenience is not
relevant to our present concerns, let us briey consider the other two su-
pervenience relations. Mental properties can be said to strongly supervene
on physical properties if the following condition holds:
For any mental property M, if something x has M, then there is a
physical property P such that x has P, and necessarily anything that
has P has M.
Mental properties weakly supervene on physical properties if:
For any mental property M, if something x has M, then there is
a physical property P such that x has P, and anything that has P
has M.
As will be noticed, the only difference between weak and strong superve-
nience is the presence, in strong supervenience but not in weak superve-
nience, of the italicized modal term necessarily qualifying the generaliza-
tion Anything that has P has M. This means that under strong mind-body
supervenience, any mental property M that is instantiated has a physical
subvenient base property P such that, necessarily, if anything has P, then it
has M. Doesnt this make If anything has P, then it has M a psychophysical
law? If so, why cant it also be a strict law? One might argue that these
supervenience laws arent the kind of psychophysical laws that gure in
Davidsons anomalous monism. However, this reply is not plausible in the
context of Davidsons overall position on the mind-body problem. For, as
we have seen, Davidsons project is the Kantian project of reconciling free
agency with physical determinism, and his solution consists in decoupling
the mental realm from the physical realm. Is there any reason to think
that these supervenience psychophysical necessitations would do any less
damage to the autonomy of the mental than strict psychophysical laws?
Davidson himself has said that the supervenience he has in mind is
weak supervenience (Davidson 1993b). If weak supervenience is all that is
involved, it would generate only de facto psychophysical generations of the
form If anything has P, then it has M, and these statements, lacking any
modal force, would not count as laws, strict or nonstrict, and would not
threaten the autonomy of the mental. Thus, weak supervenience seems to
be fully compatible with anomalous monism. The only question is whether
weak supervenience couldsupport eventhe causal relevance of mental prop-
erties. The reason is that in order to be useful for Davidson, the superve-
nience must generate counterfactuals of the form If event e had not had
mental property M, it would not have had physical property P. But weak
supervenience gives us only the de facto, nonmodalized conditional If any-
thing has P, then it has M, and it is generally thought that conditionals that
hold at least with nomological necessity are needed to support counterfac-
tuals. And without appropriate counterfactuals, it would not be possible to
claim even the causal relevance of mental properties and kinds.
Thus, the question is open as to how anomalous monism can, by itself
or with suitable strengthening, cope with the problem of mental causation,
and there is some doubt whether this can be done. This is not surprising,
because Davidsons strict law requirement on causation, combined with his
view that strict laws can be found only in basic physics, appears to give
the physical domain a special role in shaping the causal structure of the
world. In fact, it can be interpreted, or perhaps misinterpreted, as implying
that physical causation is the only causation that exists. At least, it seems to
have the consequence that physical causation is the foundation of all causal
relations. Finding for the mental a useful causal role in this picture, we can
be sure, is not going to be an easy matter.
One of Davidsons trio of papers from the early 1970s whose principal
topic is the anomalism of the mental bears the intriguing title Psychology
as Philosophy. The contrast that Davidson presumably had in mind is with
psychology as a science. In his early career, Davidson worked on decision
theory, coauthoring a monograph entitled Decision Making: An Experimental
Approach (Davidson and Suppes 1957). Apparently Davidson found this
work frustrating, and he came to be convinced that it was not possible to
develop a theory of rational decision as a purely descriptive empirical theory
testable by the usual method of prediction and observation, a method that
is clearly applicable in some areas of psychology (for example, theories of
psychophysics, such as Fechners law). Psychology in the title Psychology
as Philosophy, as Davidson has made clear in various places, refers not
to sensory events and processes but to intentional cognitive states, states
carrying propositional contents, like belief, desire, and intention. It is these
intentional states, states that have a central place in our role as agents and
Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
cognizers, that Davidson has claimed to be beyond the reach of the kind of
scientic study familiar from the physical sciences.
As may be recalled, Davidsonstates the anomalismof the mental inthese
words: There are no strict deterministic laws on the basis of which mental
events can be predicted and explained (Davidson 1980c [1970], p. 208). We
saw that the qualier deterministic could be dropped from this statement;
what is important is Davidsons denial that there are strict laws a system
of exceptionless laws that impose a complete and comprehensive system of
predictive and explanatory connections over the domain of beliefs, desires,
intentions, and actions. But does that mean that psychology, as a system-
atic study of belief, desire, and action, cannot be a science? Davidson has
later elaborated on this issue in Could There Be a Science of Rationality?
(Davidson 1995a). As he views it, the three intimately intertwined aspects
of mentality its holism, externalism, and normativity are the reasons
for the irreducibility of psychology to physical theory, and they may suf-
ce to show that intentional psychology cannot aspire to become a closed
system of strict laws. But, in Thinking Causes and elsewhere, Davidson
has argued that there can be, and in fact are, lawlike, though not strict,
generalizations about intentional /cognitive phenomena, and it seems that
unless we tie our idea of a science to the paradigm of physics, there is no
reason not to think that a scientic study of such phenomena is possible.
In fact, it is doubtful that strict laws can exist in biology, either; as we noted,
Davidson himself has said that strict laws perhaps exist only in developed
basic physics. And the domain of biological phenomena is no more closed
than that of mental phenomena. There seems to be no good reason to deny
the appellation science to biology or to intentional psychology just be-
cause these elds cannot uncover strict laws in their domains. However,
intentional psychology may differ from biology in a way that can make a
difference: normativity is central and essential to intentional psychology
but has no place in biology. What difference does this make to the scientic
character of intentional psychology? This is a question worth pondering.
One issue that may turn out to complicate this issue concerns men-
tal irrealism and relativism more specically, whether or not Davidsons
doctrines might have irrealist and/or relativist consequences concerning
the intentional. This concern arises from two sources. One is Davidsons
interpretation theory; the second is Davidsons normative viewof the inten-
tional. Let me briey indicate why such a concern might arise. According
to Davidson, a person has the belief that p if and only if he is interpretable to
have the belief that p. And to say the latter is to say that there is in fact, or
perhaps in principle an interpreter who constructs an interpretive system
that makes the best sense of the totality of the subjects speech and behavior,
and that this interpretive system attributes to the person the belief that p.
This raises two questions. The rst is whether this leads to a serious rela-
tivity in the attribution of beliefs, since which of the possible interpretive
systems makes the best sense would seem to depend on who the interpreter
is what kind of cognitive being he is. Remember that the charity princi-
ple requires that the interpretive process yield a belief /desire system that
closely resembles the interpreters belief /desire system. Waiving the ques-
tion where the interpreter gets his beliefs and desires, is there any reason
to think that the interpreter of whom Davidson speaks is some kind of
idealization that in the end cancels itself out? Can we show that any two
interpreters will come up with the same interpretive system for the given
subject? Second, what if two distinct interpretive systems do equally well in
making sense of the totality of our subjects speech and behavior but differ
in that one attributes to the subject the belief that p and the other makes
no such attribution? If that were the case, could there be, according to the
account on offer, a fact of the matter as to whether or not the subject
believes that p?
The second source of worry is Davidsons view that the essential func-
tion of intentional discourse is normative (Antony 1994). The introduction
of the intentional idioms of belief, desire, and intention is mandated by
the demands of practical reason, that is, our need to make sense of our
status as agents and to rationalize our actions and those of our fellow hu-
mans. The function of intentional discourse is not descriptive predictive
or causal /explanatory but normative. We are apt to take our descriptive
idioms to represent our commitments about what is real. True, the norma-
tivity of the intentional language does not entail its irrealism, but it does
raise questions. What exactly is the descriptive content of this language,
and how are its normative aspects related to its descriptive aspects? If be-
liefs are essentially normative and are posited because of our normative
requirement, are there beliefs in the same sense in which there are physical
objects and events, like trees and explosions?
Undoubtedly, some of these questions arise from an overly simplistic
reading of Davidsons subtle, complex, and in many ways deeply insight-
ful views on mind and intentionality. His contributions in this area are
especially noteworthy because they present to us an integrated system of
views that illuminates not only the metaphysics of the mind and its rela-
tion to the world of matter but also the normative dimensions of mentality
that are essential to an understanding of our nature as agents in a natural
Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
1. We will set aside the question whether or not events, phenomena, and the
like must be recognized in addition to things and their properties and relations.
There is a plausible reading of Davidsons account according to which individual
events form a basic ontological category, along with material objects. It isnt
exactly clear how, in Davidsons ontology, objects and events are related to
each other, or whether Davidson himself cares much about such issues. (One
natural view is to hold that events, if they exist, supervene on objects and their
properties and relations, namely, on facts concerning what objects have what
properties and enter into what relations with what other objects.) Just howthese
metaphysical issues affect issues concerning the mind-body problem is also an
unsettled question. My own feeling is that substantive issues about the mind, or
about anything else, should not depend on such ontological details and should
be invariant across all reasonably rich and exible ontological schemes.
2. A caveat must be entered here. As some philosophers have noted, Davidson
is unlikely to feel comfortable with unrestrained talk of properties; he would
perhaps prefer to talk of predicates instead, although, like anyone else, he makes
unself-conscious use of expressions like property, feature, and characteristic.
Davidson interpreters may need to be careful about such issues. However, we
will carry on our discussion in terms of properties and other reied entities. The
reason is that property talk has been the norm, and it is important to appreciate
some robustly metaphysical versions of Davidsons many central doctrines.
3. Perhaps including references to the subjects physical environment, physical
history, etc. (if content externalism is true).
4. In Mental Events, Davidson explicitly associates the anomalismof the mental
with the failure of nomological reduction of the mental. See Davidson 1980c
[1970], p. 216.
5. For analysis and critical discussion of the anomalism of the mental, see Child
1993; Honderich 1981; 1988; Kim 1985; Latham 1999; Lycan 1981; and
Yalowitz 1997; 1998.
6. This is why we need the full anomalism of the mental, not just psychophys-
ical anomalism, for this argument, something that isnt evident in Davidsons
Mental Events. If there were purely psychological laws, one of these might
subsume the pair m and p, from which we could infer that p must be a mental
7. As required by the model of nomological reduction developed by Ernest Nagel
(1961). Davidsonhas never saidthat he accepts this model of reduction; however,
it provides a plausible interpretation of why Davidson invokes psychophysical
anomalism to support his claim of the nomological irreducibility of the mental
(Davidson 1980c [1970]).
8. Because, in Morgan 1923, C. Lloyd Morgan was already using the term su-
pervenience, roughly in its current philosophical sense, to describe the re-
lationship between higher-level phenomena such as mentality and lower-level
physical conditions. It is generally believed that the concept originated in ethical
theory, more specically in G. E. Moores writings (see Moore 1922), although
Moore apparently never used the term supervenience. But this seems not to
be entirely correct, in view of Morgans use of the term (and the concept) in
the early 1920s.
9. For further discussion of Davidsons invocation of mind supervenience in this
context, see McLaughlin 1993 and Sosa 1993. For earlier attempts to use mind-
body supervenience to explain mental causation, see Sosa 1984 and Kim1984b.
For further discussion, see Marras 1999.
10. See Lepore and Loewer 1987 for a sustained effort to use counterfactuals to
defend Davidson on this issue of mental causation. Another philosopher who
invokes counterfactuals to vindicate mental causation is Horgan (1989).
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
Donald Davidson has deeply inuenced contemporary work on the seman-
tics of action sentences and adverbial modiers, mainly through his seminal
papers on event analyses together with his related discussions of actions,
events, andcausation. This chapter will trace these contributions, beginning
with Davidsons semantic proposals and then turning to his metaphysical
Anactionsentence suchas (1), inwhichthe grammatical subject seems
to be associated with a notion of agency, can be paraphrased as in (2).
(1) Brutus stabbed Caesar.
(2) There was a stabbing of Caesar by Brutus.
Intuitively, (2) says that something happened: there was an event of a certain
sort; in particular, there was a stabbing a stabbing of Caesar by Brutus.
So we can, with a little awkwardness, paraphrase (1) as
(3) For some event e, e was a stabbing of Caesar by Brutus.
Starting with this observation, Davidson (1980b [1967]) argued that theo-
rists can and should specify the meaning of a sentence such as (1) with an
overtly quanticational construction along the lines of (3). If this is correct,
it has wide-ranging implications for the study of meaning. It also raises the
question, which Davidson (1980 [1969]) addressed, of what events are: what
kind of thing does one quantify over when one (covertly) quanties over
Sections one and two summarize Davidsons (1980b [1967]) core pro-
posal and his main argument for it. Sections three and four briey review
more recent arguments for an event semantics, along with some reasons
for modifying the original proposal in a way that Davidson (1985a) has
endorsed. Sections ve and six are devoted to ontological questions and
Davidsons proposed answers to them, which reveal the unity of his work
in semantics, metaphysics, and action theory.
At least for now, lets adopt an ordinary conception of events, according
to which an event is something that happens at a certain place and time.
Suppose that Nora snapped her ngers at noon on January 1, 2001. Then
something happened at that time in the region of space then occupied by
Noras ngers. Depending on howprecisely we specify the time and place, it
may be that many things happened thenand there. For example, some blood
pulsed through Noras ngers while she snapped them, although the nger
snapping produced a characteristic sound that the blood pulsing did not.
This highlights another important feature of events: at least typically, they
have effects. But inany case, eachevent takes place somewhere andsometime.
And while there may be instantaneous events, most of the events we talk
about have a duration. This is especially clear with regard to events like
the rst transatlantic ight or World War II. As the last example illustrates,
our ordinary conception also allows for a single complex (and potentially
scattered) event with subparts such as the invasion at Normandy that
are themselves events with further subparts.
Ill returntothese points andsome relatedquestions concerning actions.
But it should be uncontroversial that
(1) Brutus stabbed Caesar.
is true if and only if history includes an event of the right sort. We can make
this point about (1) explicit by inventing a predicate, Stacaebrutish, that is
satised by an event e if and only if (iff ) e was a stabbing of Caesar by Brutus.
Then (1) is true iff a Stacaebrutish event occurred. Or more formally, using
a sentence of the predicate calculus, we can write this as follows:
Brutus stabbed Caesar is true iff (e)(Stacaebrutish(e)).
Similarly, we can invent a predicate, Stadesothish, that is satised by an
event e iff e was a stabbing of Desdemona by Othello. Then
(4) Othello stabbed Desdemona.
is true iff (e)(Stadesothish(e)).
But these biconditional claims fail to re-
ect an important fact emphasized by Davidson (1984 [1967]): the truth
conditions of declarative sentences depend, in ways we want to know more
about, on their constituent words and how those words are arranged.
The word stabbed, which appears in both (1) and (4), makes a cer-
tain semantic contribution to the sentences in which it appears. This is
presumably why (1) and (4) are semantically similar both imply that
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
there was a stabbing of someone by someone in a way that (1) and (5)
are not.
(5) Othello kissed Desdemona.
Likewise, (4) and (5) are semantically similar both imply that there was
an event in which Othello did something and something happened to
Desdemona in a way that (1) and (5) are not. Appeal to (unary) pred-
icates such as Stacaebrutish and Stadesothish obscures these facts. So
while it is an old idea that action sentences somehow describe actions, and
that actions are among the things that happen, it is not immediately obvious
how to square this idea with semantic compositionality.
Moreover, the most obvious way of accounting for compositionality is
not by appeal to events. A standard formal representation of (1), familiar to
any student of logic, would be
) Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar),
where Stabbed
is, by stipulation, a binary predicate satised by an ordered
pair <x, y> iff x stabbed y. One can say, plausibly enough, that
Brutus stabbed Caesar is true iff Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar).
In which case, (1) is true iff the ordered pair <Brutus, Caesar> satises
. Similarly, (4) is true iff <Othello, Desdemona> satises
; and (5) is true iff <Othello, Desdemona> satises Kissed
which is satised by an ordered pair <x, y> iff x kissed y. This at least be-
gins to showhowthe truthconditions of actionsentences canbe determined
compositionally; and spelling out the further details is not difcult, given
the work of Frege (1960 [1891]), Tarski (1944), and others. (See Larson and
Segal 1995 for a clear discussion that takes account of recent work on the
syntax of natural languages.)
Davidson (1980b [1967]) showed howto extend this familiar suggestion,
about how to account for certain aspects of semantic compositionality, in
a way that treats action sentences as reports of event occurrences. We can
replace (1
) with
(1a) (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e)),
where Stabbed
is, by stipulation, a ternary predicate satisedby anordered
triple <x, y, e> iff e was a stabbing of y by x. Then we can say that
Brutus stabbed Caesar is true iff (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e)).
That is, (1) is true iff for some event e, <Brutus, Caesar, e> satises
. Similarly, (4) is true iff for some event e, <Othello, Desdemona,
e> satises Stabbed
; and (5) is true iff for some event e, <Othello,
Desdemona, e> satises Kissed
, which is satised by an ordered triple
<x, y, e> iff e was a kissing of y by x. This suggests an alternative way of
showing how the truth conditions of action sentences could be determined
compositionally; and spelling out the details is no harder than it would be
on the more traditional approach. (Again, see Larson and Segal 1995.)
Still, while introduction of the event variable is clever, this doesnt
yet constitute an argument that semanticists should represent the truth con-
dition for (1) with (1a) as opposed to (1
). Or put another way, it hasnt
yet been shown that (1a) species the meaning of (1). Why prefer (1a) to
), especially since (1
) seems simpler and is still compositional? As indi-
cated in previous chapters (see Chapters 1 and 3), Davidsons leading idea is
that semanticists specify the meaning of a declarative sentence by correctly
specifying its truth condition in terms of a nitely statable truth theory that
meets certain formal and empirical constraints. Minimally, the theory must
assign correct truth conditions to all of the declarative sentences of the
object language (see the Introduction and Chapter 1).
So we need to see why, in light of such demands, (1a) is the better way
to represent the truth condition for (1). As Davidson recognized, it is not
enough to note that (1) can be paraphrased as
(2) There was a stabbing of Caesar by Brutus.
For paraphrase intuitive similarity of meaning is a two-way street. While
(2) may well capture the gist of (1), in a way that (5) clearly does not, (1) also
captures the gist of (2). So perhaps semanticists should specify the truth
condition for (2) as
) Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar).
Or perhaps semanticists should describe the truth conditions of (1) and (2)
differently, even though speakers can use these sentences interchangeably
in many situations. In short, even if (1) is true iff (e)(Stabbed
Caesar, e)), it needs to be demonstrated that this fact about (1) is a semantic
truth that follows from facts about what the words in (1) mean and how
those words are arranged.
Davidson (1980b [1967]) provided an argument, reviewed in the next
section, that others have since amplied and supplemented. This is what
made the idea of an event variable really interesting. But let me end this
section by highlighting a respect in which Davidsons hypothesis might
initially seem implausible. For he posited a certain mismatch between se-
mantic structure and standard grammatical classications of verbs. The
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
English verb stabbed is a transitive verb that combines with two (overt)
grammatical arguments a subject and a direct object to form a sentence.
By contrast, an intransitive verb such as fell takes only a subject, while a
ditransitive verb such as gave takes three grammatical objects (including
an indirect object), as in (6) and (7).
(6) Caesar fell.
(7) Caesar gave Brutus a coin.
So one might have expected a semantic theory for English to treat
stabbed as a binary predicate, thus specifying the truth condition for (1)
as (1
). Similarly, one might have expected fell and gave to be treated as
unary and ternary predicates, respectively, as in (6
) and (7
) Fell
) Gave
(Caesar, Brutus, a coin)
Here, Fell
is satised by an individual x iff x fell, and Gave
is satis-
ed by an ordered triple <x, y, z> iff x gave z to y. But Davidson (1980b
[1967]) urges us to think of the English verb stabbed as a semantically
ternary predicate the kind of predicate that gave seems to be with fell
corresponding to a binary semantic predicate and gave corresponding to a
four-place semantic predicate.
On this view, there is more to the semantic
structure of an action sentence than one might have expected, and not just
because of the covert existential quantier. The idea, which requires de-
fense, is that action verbs themselves are semantically more complex than
initial appearances suggest.
Davidson thinks that compositionality considerations tell in favor of an
event semantics for action sentences, once we consider slightly more com-
plex variants of (1), repeated here.
(1) Brutus stabbed Caesar.
Note that (1) can be extended indenitely by means of adverbs, or adverbial
phrases, as in (8)(14).
(8) Brutus stabbed Caesar violently.
(9) Brutus stabbed Caesar with a knife.
(10) Brutus stabbed Caesar on the Ides of March.
(11) Brutus stabbed Caesar violently with a knife.
(12) Brutus stabbed Caesar with a knife violently.
(13) Brutus stabbed Caesar violently on the Ides of March.
(14) Brutus stabbed Caesar violently with a knife on the Ides of March.
Sentence (8) is evidently true iff there was a violent stabbing of Brutus by
Caesar. This suggests that (8) is true iff for some event e, e was a stabbing of
Brutus by Caesar, and e was violent. This truth condition is indicated in
(8a) (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e) & Violent
where Violent
is a unary predicate satised by an event e iff e was violent.
One can think of violent as specifying a manner in which some events are
done. Similarly, Davidson would say that (9) is true iff
(9a) (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e) & With
(a knife, e))
is true; where to a rst approximation, With
is a binary predicate satised
by an ordered pair <x, e> iff e was done using x as an instrument. Likewise,
he would represent the truth condition for (10) with
(10a) (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e) & On
(the Ides of March, e)),
where to a rst approximation, On
is a binary predicate satised by an
ordered pair <x, e> iff e occurred within the temporal interval x. A phrase
such as in Rome would specify a place where some events occurred, and
so on.
Accounting for multiple adverbial phrases presents no difculty on this
view. One can say, plausibly, that (11) is true iff a violent stabbing of Caesar
by Brutus was done with a knife; that is, (11) is true iff (11a) is true.
(11a) (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e) & Violent
(e) & With
(a knife, e))
Intuitively, (12) has the same truth condition as (11). And since the order of
conjoined predicates is truth conditionally irrelevant, (11a) is truth condi-
tionally equivalent to (12a).
(12a) (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e) & With
(a knife, e) & Violent
Likewise, (13) is true iff some violent stabbing of Caesar occurred on the
Ides of March; and (14) is true iff some such event was done with a knife.
More formally, letting IM stand for the Ides of March, we can represent
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
the truth conditions of (13) and (14) as in (13a) and (14a).
(13a) (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e) & Violent
(e) & On
(IM, e))
(14a) (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e) & Violent
(e) & With
(e, a knife)
& On
(IM, e))
This begins, at least, to show how the truth conditions of sentences such as
(8)(14) can be determined compositionally; for details, see Higginbotham
1985; Larson and Segal 1995; Parsons 1990; Taylor 1985.
Davidsons event representations also capture the intuitively compelling
inferential relations that hold among networks of sentences such as those
just discussed. If Brutus stabbed Caesar violently, then it follows that Brutus
stabbed Caesar. Necessarily, (1) is true if (8) is true; and this seems to be the
kind of necessity that attaches to logical truths (cf. Someone stabbed Caesar
if Brutus stabbed Caesar). It seems that (8) is inferentially linked to (1)
in a way that (8) is not linked to
(15) Caesar bled.
even though the truth of (8) makes the truth of (15) overwhelmingly likely.
This suggests, though it does not prove, that the inference from (8) to (1)
is compelling by virtue of its form. So, other things being equal, one would
like representations of truth conditions that reveal the inference from (8)
to (1) as an instance of some intuitively compelling and truth-preserving
inferential form. Thus, it is a virtue of Davidsons proposal that the infer-
ence from (8a) to (1a) (e)(Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar, e) & Violent
(e)), so
(Brutus, Caesar, e)) is an instance of the form (e)((e) &
(e)), so (e)((e)).
Inthis respect, the inference from(8a) to(1a) is like the inference Some-
thing is red and shiny, so something is red. By representing the truth
conditions of (1) and (8) in terms of quantication over events, Davidson
provides an account of why (8) implies (1): (8) says that there was an event
with two properties it was a stabbing of Caesar by Brutus, and it was
violent; (1) says that there was an event with one of those properties it was a
stabbing of Caesar by Brutus. Similar remarks apply to (9)(14), all of which
imply (1).
Moreover, (11) implies both of (8) and (9); and, as noted earlier, each
of (11) and (12) implies the other. Yet none of (8)(10) imply any of the
others; and while (13) implies (8) and (10), (13) does not imply (9), since
Brutus could have stabbed Caesar violently on the Ides of March with a
fork. But (14) implies (8)(13). Davidson can account for all of these facts.
For example, if (14a) is true, it follows by conjunction reduction that (13a)
is true; but the truth of (13a) does not ensure the truth of (9a).
It is worth stressing that on Davidsons view, (8) is true iff some stabbing
of Caesar by Brutus was violent. Similarly, (9) is true iff some stabbing of
Caesar by Brutus was done with a knife; and (10) is true iff some stabbing
of Caesar by Brutus took place on the Ides of March. If (14) is true, then
there was an event that veries all four sentences; at least one stabbing
of Caesar by Brutus was violent and done with a knife and on the Ides of
March. But (8)(10) could be true even if (14) were false. Brutus might have
stabbed Caesar on three occasions: once violently in January, once with a
knife in February, and once with a fork in March. (By analogy, if something
is red and shiny, something is red and something is shiny; but the converse
does not hold.) This is the key feature of an example, due to Gareth Evans
and discussed by Taylor (1985), that highlights the attractions of Davidsons
Suppose that Shempoked Shaun twice at the same time once with a red
stick and once with a blue stick. Suppose that these were the only pokings of
Shaun by Shem, and that the poking with the red stick was forceful, while
the poking with the blue stick was gentle. Then (16)(22) are true:
(16) Shem poked Shaun.
(17) Shem poked Shaun forcefully.
(18) Shem poked Shaun gently.
(19) Shem poked Shaun with a red stick.
(20) Shem poked Shaun with a blue stick.
(21) Shem poked Shaun forcefully with a red stick.
(22) Shem poked Shaun gently with a blue stick.
Assuming that no poking is both forceful and gentle, (23) and (24) are false.
(23) Shem poked Shaun gently with a red stick.
(24) Shem poked Shaun forcefully with a blue stick.
Each of (17)(24) has characteristic implications that Davidson can explain,
as with (8)(14). Davidson can also account for why (17)(22) are true while
(23) and (24) are false. For let e
be the forceful poking of Shaun by Shem
with a red stick, and let e
be the gentle poking of Shaun by Shem with a
blue stick. Then e
veries (17), (19), and (21), while e
veries (18), (20),
and (22). But since there was no gentle poking of Shaun by Shem with a
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
red stick, (23) is false; and since there was no forceful poking of Shaun by
Shem with a blue stick, (24) is false.
By contrast, suppose that we represent the truth condition for (16) with
) Poked
(Shem, Shaun),
thus treating the English verb poked as a binary predicate satised by
ordered pairs <x, y> such that x poked y. This notation seems inadequate
to the example. One wants to say that <Shem, Shaun> satises poked
twice over; but it makes no sense to say that a single ordered pair satises
a predicate twice. Whereas if poked is satised by ordered triples <x, y,
e>, we can say that <Shem, Shaun, e
> satises poked and that <Shem,
Shaun, e
> satises poked.
The advocate of (16
) does, however, have a potential reply. While
<Shem, Shaun> does not satisfy poked twice over, this ordered pair does
satisfy the complex predicates poked forcefully and poked gently. The idea
would be that for many predicates P such as poked, stabbed, and many
others the complex predicate formed by combining P with forcefully is
satised by ordered pairs <x, y> such that x P y forcefully. Similarly, one
could say that <Shem, Shaun> satises the following complex predicates:
poked with a red stick, poked with a blue stick, poked forcefully with a
red stick, and poked gently with a blue stick. Then one could represent
the truth conditions of (17)(22) as in (17
) Poked-Forcefully
(Shem, Shaun)
) Poked-Gently
(Shem, Shaun)
) Poked-<With a red stick>
(Shem, Shaun)
) Poked-<With a blue stick>
(Shem, Shaun)
) Poked-Forcefully-<With a red stick>
(Shem, Shaun)
) Poked-Gently-<With a blue stick>
(Shem, Shaun)
And one could say that <Shem, Shaun> does not satisfy the following
complex predicates: poked gently with a red stick and poked forcefully
with a blue stick, thus glossing the false (23) and (24) as in (23
) and (24
) Poked-Gently-<With a red stick>
(Shem, Shaun)
) Poked-Forcefully-<With a blue stick>
(Shem, Shaun)
While this is more cumbersome than the Davidsonian alternative, it is not
obviously wrong.
It does, however, fail to provide any explanation for the network of
implications. One wants to know why, for example, an ordered pair that
satises Poked-Forcefully
also satises Poked
. The advocate of (16
and (17
) can say that forcefully is a restrictive modier. But this comes very
close to restating the fact to be explained viz., that anything that satises
a complex predicate formed by combining P with forcefully also satises
P. By contrast, Davidson can account for the implications as instances of
conjunction reduction.
Moreover, (24) is truth conditionally equivalent
to (25).
(25) Shem poked Shaun with a blue stick forcefully.
So without appeal to events, not only must one say that forcefully and
with a blue stick are both restrictive modiers, one must add that the order
of restriction is truth conditionally irrelevant (at least with respect to verbs
such as poked). This extra assumption might seem natural if (24) were
equivalent to (26).
(26) Shem poked Shaun forcefully, and Shem poked Shaun with a blue
But as the example makes clear, (26) can be true while (24) is false.
This shows that one cannot think of predicate restriction in the follow-
ing simple way: poked species a certain set, S, of ordered pairs; a complex
predicate such as poked forcefully or poked with a blue stick species a
certain subset of S; and a doubly complex predicate such as poked force-
fully with a blue stick or poked with a blue stick forcefully species the
intersection of the relevant subsets. On this view, which would ensure the
order invariance of modiers, an ordered pair <x, y> satises poked
forcefully with a blue stick iff <x, y> satises both poked forcefully and
poked with a blue stick. But this predicts, incorrectly, that (24) and (26)
are truth conditionally equivalent. This raises the question of how we are
supposed to think of predicate restriction, and of why sentences with re-
stricted predicates exhibit the implication patterns just discussed. Insofar
as such questions are left unanswered on nonevent views, Davidson has an
argument for his proposed answer in terms of quantication over events.
There are also other reasons for adopting Davidsons hypothesis about the
semantics of action sentences. This is not the place to review the extensive
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
literature on this topic; see Larson and Segal 1995; Parsons 1990; Pianesi
and Varzi 2000; Taylor 1985. Still, a few examples may give the reader a
feel for the kinds of considerations some suggested by Davidson (1985a)
that have been brought to bear on the issue.
We can specify the truth condition for (27) with (27a).
(27) Brutus ed after he stabbed Caesar.
(27a) (e)(Fled
(Brutus, e) & (f )(After
(e, f ) & Stabbed
(he, Caesar,
f )))
That is, (27) is true iff an event of Brutuss eeing occurred after an event of
his stabbing Caesar. Thus, a Davidsonian gloss of (27) lets us treat after as
a binary predicate satised by ordered pairs of events things that happen
in space-time. Similarly, (28) has the truth condition indicated by (28a).
(28) Brutus dropped the knife before Caesar died.
(28a) (e)(Dropped
(Brutus, the knife, e) & (f )(Before
(e, f ) &
(Caesar, f )))
One can also paraphrase (28) by using overt event nominals, as in (29).
(29) A dropping of the knife by Brutus occurred before a death of Caesar.
This bolsters the idea that Brutus dropped the knife and Caesar died
covertly involve the kind of quantication over events that is overt in (28a).
For the italicized expressions in (29) seem to be event descriptions; and
given the presence of words such as before and occurred, it is hard to
see how one can deny these appearances. Likewise, (30) and (31) are nearly
(30) The prince won the race, and then a court jester stole the prize.
(31) There was a winning of the race by the prince, and then there was
a stealing of the prize by a court jester.
This suggests that (30) and (31) both involve quantication over events.
Another source of evidence stems from sentences used to make percep-
tual reports. Notice that (32) differs in various ways from (33).
(32) Cassius saw Brutus ee.
(33) Cassius saw that Brutus ed.
In (32), ee is untensed, and substituting coreferential expressions for
Brutus preserves truth. If Brutus was the noblest Roman, the truth of
(32) ensures that Cassius saw the noblest Roman ee; but the truth of (33)
does not ensure that Cassius saw that the noblest Roman ed. So following
Higginbotham (1983) and Vlach (1983), one might render (32) as
(32a) (e)(f )(Saw
(Cassius, f, e) & Flee
(Brutus, f )),
which is true iff there was a seeing (e) by Cassius of a eeing ( f ) by Brutus.
Similar remarks apply to (34) and (35).
(34) Nora heard Nick shout.
(35) Nora heard Nick shout in the hallway.
This provides a basis for explaining the ambiguity of (35), which can mean
either that Nora was in the hallway when she heard Nicks shouting, or
that she heard Nicks shouting, which was coming from the hallway. This
suggests that in the hallway can be predicated of the e-position event
(the hearing) or of the f-position event (the shouting), as indicated in (35a)
and (35a
(35a) (e)(f )(Heard
(Nora, f, e) & Shout
(Nick, f ) & In
(the hall-
way, e))
) (e)(f )(Heard
(Nora, f, e) & Shout
(Nick, f ) & In
(the hall-
way, f ))
Moreover, these various considerations interact, as suggested by (36).
(36) Nora heard Nick shout loudly in the hallway before seeing him
leave quickly.
Those who wish to avoid appeal to events need to provide theoretically
perspicuous semantic representations that help to explain the relevant im-
plications (and paraphrases) for each reading of (36).
While Davidson (1980b [1967]) held that Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar) is an
inadequate semantic representation of (1), he did not deny that (1) is true
iff Stabbed
(Brutus, Caesar).
(1) Brutus stabbed Caesar.
Indeed, as Parsons (1990) notes, one can view Davidson as supplementing
the traditional proposal with the following thesis:
(x, y) iff (e)(Stabbed
(x, y, e)))
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
This raises the question of whether further supplementation is desirable.
For as Casta neda (1967) pointed out in response to Davidsons original
paper, we can specify the truth condition for (1) with
(1b) (e)(Agent
(Brutus, e) & Stabbed
(e) & Patient
(Caesar, e)),
where Stabbed
is a unary predicate of events, and to a rst approximation:
is a binary predicate satised by ordered pairs <x, e> such that x
is the individual who (typically by acting) brought e about; while Patient
is a binary predicate satised by ordered pairs <y, e> such that y is the
individual saliently affected by the end of e. This is to treat Agent
as labels for so-called thematic relations, which correspond to
ways in which individuals can participate in events. And plausibly, there was
a stabbing of y by x iff there was a stabbing, and it was done by x, and it was
done to y. That is,
(x, y, e)) iff (e)(Agent
(x, e) & Stabbed
(e) &
(y, e))).
This further supplementation, which Davidson (1985a) adopted, makes
it easy to explain why it follows from (1) that Brutus did something and
that there was a stabbing and that something happened to Caesar. It also
preserves a sense in which the transitive verb stabbed is semantically bi-
nary. For while verbs are treated as unary predicates of events on this view,
stabbed is associated with two thematic roles. By contrast, an intransitive
verb such as fell is associated with one role, and a ditransitive verb such as
give is associated with three thematic roles. For example,
(7) Caesar gave Brutus a coin.
is arguably true iff (e)(Agent
(Caesar, e) & Gave
(e) & Recipient
e) & Patient
(a coin, e)).
Many theorists have also held that slightly more
complex sentences tell in favor of thematically elaborated event analy-
ses. Again, this is not the place for a review of details; see Parsons 1990;
Pietroski forthcoming-b; Schein 1993). But let me mention one kind of
example, discussed by contemporary Davidsonians, that raises interesting
issues about how to represent truth conditions.
Consider the collective-subject reading of the plural subject in (37).
(37) Two linguists pushed ve pianos.
On this reading, two linguists together pushed ve pianos. (This contrasts
with a distributive reading according to which each of two linguists pushed
ve pianos, for a total of ten piano-pushings.) Potential semantic represen-
tations of this reading include (37
), (37a), and (37b).
) Pushed
(two linguists, ve pianos)
(37a) (e)(Pushed
(two linguists, ve pianos, e))
(37b) (e)(Agent
(two linguists, e) & Pushed
(e) & Patient
(ve pi-
anos, e))
On the assumption that Pushed
is satised by ordered pairs <x, y> such
that x pushed y, where x and y range over individuals, advocates of (37
are committed to saying that two linguists and ve pianos can be used to
describe plural individuals. A standard expression of this idea is that (37)
is true on its collective reading iff: for some collection
consisting of two
linguists, and some collection
consisting of ve pianos, the ordered pair
> satises Pushed
. Perhaps one can extend this idea to an event
analysis by saying that (37) is true iff for some event e, the ordered triple
, e> satises Pushed
or that (37) is true iff (e)(Agent(
, e) &
(e) & Patient(
, e)). But one might wonder if plural objects can be
event participants of the right sort. (Can
really bring about anevent of push-
ing, even if
is not itself a person with a mind of its own? And if not, can
there really be a pushingof
?) Inany case, advocates of a plural-object
semantics have often eschewed events; see Landman 1996 for a review.
One can, however, adopt (37b) without supposing that plural objects
are agents. Schein (1993) argues that one should interpret Agent
linguists, e) as follows: two linguists were the agents of e; eachof two linguists
was an agent of e each linguist contributed to bringing about e and
e had only two agents. (Like Schein, I assume that if two linguists and
eight philosophers each contributed to the pushing of ve pianos, then
(37) is not true.) This raises the question of what it is for an event to have
multiple agents, as opposed to having a plural object as its unique agent. But
recall that our intuitive conception of events allows for complex events with
subparts; think of a banquet at which 100 guests eat 30 chickens. So perhaps
an event e has (exactly) two linguists as its agents and (exactly) ve pianos
as its patients iff: each of two linguists is the agent of a subpart of e, and no
one else is an agent of a subpart of e; and each of ve pianos is the patient of
a subpart of e, and nothing else is a patient of a subpart of e. The idea would
be that e an event in which two linguists did some pushing and ve pianos
got pushed can be divided into two subparts along its agent dimension,
while e can be divided into ve subparts along its patient dimension; see
also Carlson 1984.
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
A simple way to formalize this idea is to quantify over both individuals
and sets (or collections) of those individuals. One might say that (37) is true
iff for some event e: there is a two-membered set S of linguists, such that
x is a member of S iff x is the agent of a subpart of e; and e was a com-
plex event of pushing; and there is a ve-membered set S
of pianos, such
that y is a member of S
iff y is the patient of a subpart of e. Alternatively,
following Boolos (1985), one can avoid explicit quantication over sets by
employing a formal metalanguage that allows for (quanticational) second-
order predicates, where such predicates are understood in terms of English
plural constructions. Either way, this idea is at odds with Davidsons pref-
erence for more traditional rst-order representations of truth conditions;
see Davidson 1984b, pp. xvxvi. But the theoretical motivations for this
preference are unclear. And the preference seems indefensible, as Boolos
notes, given sentences such as There are some horses that are faster than
Zev and also faster than the sire of any horse that is slower than them. (See
Boolos 1984; 1985 for penetrating discussion and further references; see
also Rescher 1962; Wiggins 1980.)
Moreover, Schein (1993) argues that appealing to plural objects in the
semantics of plural constructions makes it hard to explain the truistic char-
acter of conditionals such as (38) and (39).
(38) If the boys sang, then there is a boy.
(39) If every one of the boys sang, then every boy sang.
Prima facie, one would expect a semantic theory to account for the intu-
itively compelling inferential relations exhibited by such conditionals (cf. If
Brutus killed Caesar violently, then Brutus killed Caesar). Given a plural
object theory, such an account will have to be based on principles that ensure
that if the boys sang, then some plural object the boys has at least one
element, and each element of it is a boy. It is not enough just to say that
the boys describes a plural entity such that some boy is one of it and
each one of it is a boy. An explanation requires principles that exclude the
following logical possibilities, which would falsify (38) and (39): there is a
plural object designated by the boys, and it satises sang, but nothing is a
boy; or there is no plural object designated by the boys, in which case the
antecedent of (39) is vacuously true, but there is a single nonsinging boy.
The plural object theorist can try to formulate axioms (about the one
of relation that allegedly holds between a plural object and its elements)
that ensure the truth of conditionals such as (38) and (39). But Schein,
drawing onBoolos, argues that this cannot be done consistently. One cannot
appeal to a general principle such as (40).
(40) If there is a , there is something the s such that every is
one of it, and every one of it is a .
Given a boy, it follows from (40) that there is something the boys such
that every boy is one of it, and every one of it is a boy. But likewise, given a
thing that is not one of itself, it follows from (40) that there is something X
such that every thing that is not one of itself is one of X, and every one of Xis
a thing that is not one of itself. Thus, (40) leads to a paradox: if X is not one
of itself, then Xis one of X; yet if Xis one of itself, and so Xis one of X, then
X is not one of itself. Hence, theorists cannot base explanations on (40).
This does not prove that plural object theorists cannot explain the truis-
tic character of (38) and (39) in some other way. Perhaps a correct resolution
of the semantic paradoxes will point the way to a true and explanatory vari-
ant of (40). But as things stand, this is just speculation. By contrast, on a
Schein-style semantics: if (e)(Sang
(e) & Agent
(e, the boys)), then each
boy is the agent of some subpart of e; in which case, there is a boy. Similarly,
if every one of the boys is the agent of a singing for every x such that x is a
boy, (e)(Agent
(x, e) &Sang
(e)) then every boy sang. So we have a prima
facie reason for adopting a thematically elaborated event analysis, even if
this requires construing Agent
(e, the boys) as a second-order predicate
of events (without appeal to plural objects).
Schein (1993) also argues for this conclusion via constructions such as
(41) Three linguists taught four philosophers ve theories.
While (41) is multiply ambiguous, we can focus on the following reading:
three linguists (collectively) taught each of four philosophers ve theories
(for a total of twenty episodes of theory-teaching). This suggests a complex
event of teaching in which three linguists were the tutors, four philosophers
were the pupils, and each pupil learned ve theories. Or put another way,
(41) is true on the relevant reading iff for some event e: three linguists were
the agents of e; and e was a complex event of teaching; and four philoso-
phers were the recipients of e; and each recipient of e was involved in ve
subevents of learning a theory.
Spelling out this argument for thematic
separation takes care; but Schein argues that no plural object analysis will
correctly capture the relevant reading of (41). Arguments of this sort suggest
that Casta neda (1967) was right to propose semantic representations such
as (1b).
(1b) (e)(Agent
(Brutus, e) & Stabbed
(e) & Patient
(Caesar, e))
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
Let us now return to the simple action sentence
(1) Brutus stabbed Caesar.
and consider a question not yet explicitly addressed: assuming that actions
are events of some kind, which events are actions? If we represent the truth
condition for (1) with (1b), then an obvious thought is that events with
agents events of stabbing, pushing, poking, and so on are the actions.
This ts with the idea that verbs such as stab (push, etc.) are action
predicates. But one can still wonder whether actions are mental events
(volitions that often cause the motions of limbs), bodily movements, pro-
cesses that often include certain effects of bodily movement, some mixture
of these, or something else entirely. No answer is without difculties, if
only because of some initially puzzling facts about the number of things that
agents do. But Davidson provided an inuential defense of the claim that
actions are bodily movements.
As many theorists have noted, a person often does one thing by doing
another; and in such cases, it seems that the person does two things by
performing one action.
For example, Brutus killed Caesar by stabbing
him. So (1) is true, as is (42).
(42) Brutus killed Caesar.
But assuming that Brutus stabbed Caesar exactly once, it seems wrong to
say that (1) and (42) report different actions. Brutus did not perform two
actions; he stabbed and thereby killed Caesar. Brutus did not have to do
anything other than stab Caesar in order to kill him. Nonetheless, (1) and
(42) have different truth conditions. Not all events of stabbing are events of
killing (or vice versa). Indeed, even with respect to Brutus and Caesar, there
is at least some reason to deny that the event of stabbing was the event of
killing. For presumably, Caesar lingered on a bit after being stabbed. Thus,
(43) is true. By contrast, (44) seems wrong.
(43) Caesar died after Brutus stabbed Caesar.
(44) Caesar died after Brutus killed Caesar.
And if Caesars death occurred after the stabbing but not after the killing,
then the stabbing was not the same event as the killing. Any account of what
actions are must come to grips with such facts.
Consider, in this regard, one of Davidsons (1980 [1963]) examples. If
you illuminate a room (by turning on the light) by ipping a switch (by
moving your nger), there is a sense in which you do just one thing. Yet
in another sense, you do several things. While there is pressure to identify
the event of illuminating the room with the event of ipping the switch,
illuminate and ip clearly have different extensions; and even in the case
at hand, it seems that the event of illuminating the room somehow involves
bulbs and wires and thus has slightly different spatiotemporal properties
than the event of ipping the switch. Davidsons strategy for dealing with
these facts is to say that there is just one action your bodily movement.
But this action can be described in many ways, and you do several things
in the sense of bringing about several effects.
According to Davidson, We never do more than move our bodies: the
rest is up to nature (Davidson 1980a [1971], p. 59). On this view, Brutuss
action of killing Caesar was the relevant event of Brutus moving his hand
(which held the knife). While killing someone differs from stabbing some-
one, it does not follow that no stabbing is a killing. By analogy, being a
cousin differs from being a son, but it doesnt follow that no cousin is a
son. As Davidson notes, the difference between killing someone by stab-
bing him and stabbing someone without killing him lies with the stabbee:
did he die fromthe wound or not? And even if the wound is fatal, the stabber
makes his causal contribution prior to the death. Davidson holds that sim-
ilar remarks apply to anything that happens as a result of an agents bodily
movements. If you shoot an arrow, your causal contribution is over before
the arrow reaches its target; and even if you move a hand that holds a knife,
intending to thrust the knife into something else, the knife reaches the in-
tended target only if it does not y out of your hand (and the target is not
Given this agent-located conception of action, Davidson needs to say
how events of stabbing (killing, pushing, etc.) can be actions. His claim is
that each such event is indeed a movement of the relevant agents body
letting mental actions such as plotting revenge (or adding numbers in ones
head) count as internal movements of the body. On this view, a killing is
not an event that somehow includes a death; a killing is a bodily movement
that is suitably related to a death. Similarly, a stabbing is a bodily movement
with a certain kind of effect; and a bodily movement can have such an effect
and also be suitably related to a death. In the case of Brutus, one and the
same bodily movement was both his action of stabbing Caesar and his action
of killing Caesar; hence, the killing was the stabbing, which was a certain
movement of Brutuss body.
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
The idea is that we often describe actions (and other events) in terms
of their salient effects, much as we describe some things (such as sunburn)
in terms of their salient causes. We call certain actions killings, as opposed
to stabbings or hand movements, in order to highlight their causal con-
sequences. But on Davidsons view, to say that an action is a killing is to
ascribe a relational property to a bodily movement. This is, in many respects,
an attractive view. But it still has the uncomfortable and perhaps false
consequence that (44) is true. For Caesars death occurred after Brutuss
action. Similarly, if killings are actions, Davidson is committed to the truth
of (45).
(45) The killing of Caesar caused the death of Caesar.
Davidson tries to make this more palatable by noting that one can say
(somewhat theatrically) You have killed him when describing the action
of someone who has inicted (what will turn out to be) a fatal wound,
even before the victim has died. And one can link this point to a proposal
to be (discussed shortly) about the semantics of x killed y. But the felt
wrongness of (44) and (45) remain. And there are ways to avoid the most
counterintuitive aspects of Davidsons view.
Feinberg (1965), drawing on Anscombe (1957), spoke of the accordion
effect that attends action. We can say what Brutus did by focusing narrowly
on the movement of his hand, by extending our focus a little to include
the knife and its entry into Caesar, or by extending our focus still farther
to include the subsequent death of Caesar. Davidson (1980a [1971]) says
that this is an important feature of the language we use to describe actions
(p. 53, my italics). But perhaps our language correctly reects the events
described. We can speak of a complex event or a process that is the
toppling of ten dominoes, where the rst toppling causes the second, and
soon. Similarly, many theorists have heldthat anevent of killingis a complex
event/process that starts with a bodily movement and ends with a death; see,
for example, Thomson 1977. One can add that killings are actions, albeit
nonbasic actions that are always done by moving ones body; or one can
retain Davidsons view that all actions are bodily movements, while saying
that killings start with actions (instead of saying that killings are actions).
While these are partly terminological matters, there is a substantive issue
concerning how a Davidsonian semantics of action sentences should be
combined with a Davidsonian metaphysics of (basic) actions.
One might and Davidson (1985a) does try to defend the claim that
killings cause deaths by reecting on the fact that (42) implies (46), much
as (47) implies (48), where the subscripts indicate transitive and intransitive
forms of boiled:
(42) Brutus killed Caesar.
(46) Caesar died.
(47) Pat boiled
the soup.
(48) The soup boiled
Many verbs exhibit this pattern, in which instances of x V
y so y V
truistic; consider freeze, break, shatter, and so on. Such verbs are often
called causatives, because (speakers take it to be obvious that) x caused y to
if x V
y. The converse does not hold; there are cases in which x caused
y to V
(in some indirect way) but x did not V
As a rst approximation,
though, one might say that (47) is true iff
(Pat, e) &
(f )(Caused
(e, f ) & Boiled
( f ) & Patient
(the soup, f ))).
That is, Pat was the agent of some event that caused a boiling
of the soup.
Similarly, one might say that (42) is true iff Brutus was the agent of some
event that caused a death of Caesar:
(Brutus, e) &
(f )(Caused
(e, f ) & Died
( f ) & Patient
(Caesar, f ))).
And if one assumes that x is the agent of e iff e is a basic action performed
by x, one might well conclude that the killing of Caesar by Brutus was
an event that caused Caesars death. But if x can be the agent of complex
accordion-style events, each of which starts with a basic action performed
by x, one can say that (42) is true iff
(Brutus, e) &
(f )(Ended-with
(e, f ) & Died
( f )) & Patient
(Caesar, e)).
The difference between these views is relevant to a case due to John
Wallace and discussed by Parsons (1990). Suppose that Slimsinks the seven
ball in the side pocket and the eight ball in the corner, in succession, with
a single movement of his body (while holding a pool cue). At least initially,
it seems that on Davidsons view: Slims action is both a sinking of the
seven and a sinking of the eight; in which case, the sinking of the seven is
the sinking of the eight, despite the apparent differences. Davidson replies
(1985a), plausibly enough, that phrases such as into the corner pocket are
not predicates of actions. But he concludes that we should analyze x hit the
eight ball along the following lines, where it is understood that one ball
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
can hit another: x did something that caused a hitting of the eight ball. Yet
even granting that this analysis is correct (and extendable to other cases),
it is hard to see why a hitting of the eight ball by the cue ball should count
as an into-the-corner-pocket event, if Slims action does not. Appeal to
accordion-style events lets one say that Slims sinking of the seven (which
was over when the seven-ball sank) was an event distinct fromSlims sinking
of the eight (which was not over until the eight ball sank), while also saying
that both complex events started with the same basic action (which was Slims
action of striking the cue ball). The question is whether such appeal to such
events in addition to complex event descriptions is warranted, all things
As we have seen, one might allow for various kinds of complex events:
historic episodes such as World War II; accordion-style events, such as
the toppling of ten dominoes; and collective events, with multiple agents
and/or patients, of the sort discussed in connection with plurality. But such
events seem to be composed, in one way or another, of simpler events. And
one wants to know what the basic events are.
There are, however, at
least two questions here: which events are the basic ones, and what kind of
thing is an event? With regard to the rst question, Davidson holds that
all events or at any rate, all events that enter into causal relations are
physical events (in a fairly demanding sense of physical). More about this in
a moment. With regard to the second question, one might say that events
are metaphysically primitive; and some of Davidsons remarks suggest that
this is his view. On the other hand, the crucial features of events seem to
be their spatiotemporal and causal properties; and this suggests two more
substantive answers to the second question, both of which Davidson has
One might think that events are individuated by regions of space-time.
On this view, which is associated with Quine (1960),
(e)(f )(e = f iff e has the same spatiotemporal properties as f ).
This is an analog of a familiar claim about objects: there cannot be two
objects in the same place at the same time. But this claim is tendentious.
And it is not obvious that two events never occupy the same region of space-
time. Consider the much discussed example of a ball that is spinning while it
is also warming up. The event of the ball spinning and the event of the ball
warming up from, say, 1:00 p.m. to 1:01 p.m. evidently occupy the same
region of space-time. Yet it seems that the spinning can have effects (and
causes) that differ from those of the warming. In which case, the spinning
and the warming are distinct events.
Motivated by such considerations, one might follow Davidson (1980a
[1967]) in saying that events are individuated by their causes and effects.
That is,
(e)(f )(e = f iff e has the same causes and effects as f ).
A counterexample to this claim would be a pair of distinct events with all
the same causes and effects. But if we set aside the possibility of events
with no causes or effects if only because, by hypothesis, such events never
have an impact on our experience it is hard to see how spatiotemporally
distinct events could have the same causes and effects; and it is hard to see
how there could be any meaningful distinction between spatiotemporally
identical events that are also causally indistinguishable. But since causes
and effects are themselves events, onDavidsons view, his proposed identity
criterion does not reduce events to anything else. In this sense, he is willing
to adopt events as metaphysically primitive.
Davidson does, however, have something to say about causation; see,
for example, his Davidson 1980a [1967]. Unsurprisingly, he takes it to be a
relation that holds between events, as suggested by sentences such as
(49) The event of Brutus stabbing Caesar caused Caesars death.
Withrespect to suchsentences, substitutionof coreferential terms evidently
preserves truth value: such substitutions transform true sentences into true
sentences, and false into false. For example, if Brutus was the noblest Roman
and Caesar was the greatest emperor, then (49) is true iff (50) is true.
(50) The event of the noblest Roman stabbing the greatest emperor
caused Caesars death.
By contrast, while the fact that Brutus stabbed Caesar may well explain why
Caesar died, the fact that the noblest Roman stabbed the greatest emperor
does not yet explain why Caesar died. This bolsters Davidsons claim that
causation is a relation between spatiotemporal particulars, which can be
described in many ways, and that events stand in causal relations without
any relativization to descriptions of (or facts concerning) those events. By
contrast, if we speak of explanation as a relation between events, we must
speak of it as a description-relative relation. If e
is the event of Brutus
stabbing Caesar, and e
is Caesars death, then e
explains e
relative to the
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
event descriptions in (49) but not relative to those in (50). But for Davidson,
causation is not relative to a description; e
caused e
, period. Correlatively,
and e
themselves satisfy the descriptions in both (49) and (50); see also
Child 1994; Pietroski 2000; Strawson 1985.
Kim (1993b) and others have challenged this conception of events on
the basis of examples such as the following: a bridge collapses because a
bolt suddenly gave way; but the bridge would not have collapsed if the bolt
had given way less suddenly. According to Davidson, the event of the bolt
giving way was the event of the bolt giving way suddenly; for the event of
the bolt giving way was, in fact, sudden. Thus, Davidson is committed to
both of the following:
(51) The event of the bolt giving way caused the collapse of the bridge.
(52) The event of the bolt giving way suddenly caused the collapse of
the bridge.
Kim would say that only (52) is really true. Davidsons (1980a [1967]) reply
would be that (51) is true, but that we must take care to distinguish causation
fromexplanation. For in the case described, (53) is false, while (54) is true.
(53) The fact that the bolt gave way explains why the bridge collapsed.
(54) The fact that the bolt gave way suddenly explains why the bridge
And this may well account for our inclination to use (52) rather than (51).
Given this kind of response to Kim, and Davidsons emphasis on the
idea that events are spatiotemporal particulars (describable in many ways)
that exhibit description-insensitive causal relations, one might wonder why
he rejected the spatiotemporal criterion of event individuation. Why not
say that the event of the ball spinning (from 1:00 p.m. to 1:01 p.m.) was
indeed the event of the ball warming up, but the fact that the ball was spin-
ning explains facts not explained by the fact that the ball was warming up?
Perhaps all that differs here are the descriptions. In response to Quine,
Davidson (1985f ) revisited these questions and tentatively concluded that
a spatiotemporal criterion might be acceptable after all. The intuition re-
mains that the spinning and the warming have different causes/effects; but
perhaps this intuition (along with the intuition that a killing of y cannot
precede the death of y) can be explained away by attention to the differ-
ence between events and event descriptions. Davidson did not address this
issue again. But it is closely related to the question of what causation is and
the question of which events are the basic ones.
So let me conclude by noting that Davidson does have views, most
famously expressed in his Davidson 1980c [1970], on these large questions.
He holds that all causes or better, all basic causes satisfy predicates that
gure in systems of strict laws (i.e., laws without ceteris paribus clauses
that cover factors not captured by the relevant system of laws). Davidson
alsoclaims, plausibly enough, that only predicates fromthe physical sciences
gure in strict laws; and so he concludes that all causes are physical causes.
Spelling out this view, and assessing its plausibility, is a topic for another
For these purposes, the important point is that Davidsons claims
about events are embedded in an overall conception of causal relations
that includes claims about facts, explanations, laws of nature, and mind-
body relations; consider, in this regard, the remarkably broad yet integrated
range of ideas found in Davidson 1980a [1967]; 1980b [1967]; 1980 [1969];
1980c [1970]; 1980a [1971]; 1984 [1967]; 1984 [1968]. The methodological
suggestion is that claims about what events are need to be evaluated in
light of (i) our best theories of meaning for the languages we speak, and
(ii) our best conceptions of the characteristics intrinsic and relational
that events appear to exhibit. For ordinary claims have implications about
events; and claims about events are in turn crucially related to how we
think about causation, space-time, ourselves, and how we are related to
the physical world that we often talk about and occasionally comprehend.
Davidson thus shows how apparently narrow and technical questions about
the semantics of natural language sentences canbear onthe more traditional
questions of philosophy.
1. Davidson (1980 [1963]) argued that the actions of persons, such as Noras action
of snapping her ngers, are events with mental (and rationalizing) causes (see
Chapter 2). Yet even granting that actions are things that happen, it remains an
open question whether Noras action was the relevant motion of her ngers, or
a mental episode of willing her ngers to move, or something else (perhaps a
complex event with subparts).
2. For present purposes, I ignore tense and relativization of the truth predicate to
a language. This will not affect the substance of the following discussion.
3. See Chapter 1 for a discussion of Davidsons programof truth-theoretic seman-
tics and the importance of representing the compositional structure of natural
language sentences. For these purposes, I wont worry about the distinction be-
tween representing the truth conditions of natural language sentences with sen-
tences of a formal language (whose predicates are not vague) and regimenting the
natural language sentence. See Pietroski forthcoming-a for a discussion of the
possibility that a semantic theory will not associate (contextualized utterances
Semantics and Metaphysics of Events
of ) unregimented declarative sentences with compositionally determined truth
4. I will come back to sentences such as (6) and (7). Davidson (1980b [1967]) would
represent their truth conditions as in (6a) and (7a).
(6a) (e)(Fell
(Caesar, e))
(7a) (e)(Gave
(Caesar, Brutus, a coin, e))
Davidson 1985a adopts a modied proposal to be discussed in 4.
5. Think of instantiating with stabbing of Caesar by Brutus i.e., Stacae-
brutish. And note that any instance of conjunction reduction in the scope of an
existential quantier is formally valid. This is not to say that all adverbs can be
viewed as predicates of events. Davidson (1980b [1967]) suggests that we gloss
Brutus intentionally stabbed Caesar along the lines of It was intentional of
Brutus that he stabbed Caesar (or Brutus intended to stab Caesar and did so),
with intend taking scope over an entire embedded clause; cf. It was believed
by Brutus that he stabbed Caesar. Parsons (1990) provides an event accounts of
She opened the door halfway, which does not mean than an event of opening
was halfway; see also Parsonss account of progressive constructions such as He
was crossing the street when he was struck by a bus.
6. Cf. Montague 1974. One could say that (19) is true iff Poked-With
Shaun, a red stick); see Kenny 1963. But as Davidson (1980b [1967]) noted,
pursuing this strategy requires an open-ended number of complex predicates
that take differing numbers of arguments: Shem poked Shaun with a red stick
at noon is true iff Poked-With-At
(Shem, Shaun, a red stick, noon), etc. And
without meaning postulates that effectively encode the relevant implications,
the truth of Poked-With-At
(Shem, Shaun, a red stick, noon) does not ensure
the truth of Poked-With
(Shem, Shaun, a red stick) or Poked
(Shem, Shaun).
See Taylor (1985), who provides another argument for an event semantics, based
on the ambiguity of Henry gracefully ate all the crisps which could mean
either that each eating of a crisp by Henry was graceful, or that the complex
event of eating all the crisps was graceful. See also the following discussion of
7. In order to see that it should be a death of Caesar rather than Caesars death,
we only have to notice that (28) could be true evenif reincarnationwere possible.
8. Though it is sometimes hard to say which thematic roles a given verb has; see
Larson and Segal 1995 for an introduction to this issue. One could represent
the truth condition for there was a stabbing with (x)(y)(e)(Stabbed
(x, y, e)).
But as Parsons (1990) notes, this is to assume (tendentiously) that if there was
a stabbing, it follows that someone stabbed someone.
9. Note that for four philosophers x, (e)(Taught(three linguists, x, ve theories,
e)) fails to require that the same three linguists did all of the teaching. One can
impose this requirement as follows: for some plurality x of three linguists, there
are four individual philosophers y, such that (e)(Taught(x, y, ve theories, e)).
But then it follows that the whole plurality of linguists taught each student ve
theories; whereas the intended reading leaves open the possibility that each
philosopher was taught ve theories by a single linguist.
10. See Goldman 1970; OShaughnessy 1973; Thalberg 1972; 1977; Thomson
1971; 1977. See also Costa 1987; Francken and Lombard 1992; Ginet 1990;
Lombard 1985; OShaughnessy 1980; Parsons 1990; and Wilson 1985, among
11. See Fodor 1970. If an arsonist burned down a house that happened to contain a
pot of soup, the arsonist may well have caused the soup to boil without boiling
the soup. And not every verb with both transitive and intransitive forms is a
causative. If you counted the marbles, it doesnt followthat the marbles counted.
12. For elaboration, see Pietroski forthcoming-b; for related proposals, see note 10.
As Hornsby (1980) and others have noted, one also needs to think about what
movements are in light of inferences such as the following: Brutus moved the
knife, so the knife moved; and Brutus moved his hand, so his hand moved. If the
former suggests that Brutuss action caused the motion of the knife, perhaps we
should also say that his action caused the motion of his hand or that Brutuss
action of moving his hand was a short accordion-style event that ended with
the motion of his hand; see also Dretske 1988.
13. Schein (2002) provides a detailed discussion of howappeal to thematic relations
interacts with issues concerning event individuation.
14. It is not obvious that a bronze statue (call it S) has all the same properties as
the lump of bronze (call it L) that constitutes the statue. Perhaps L can survive
changes that S cannot. If so, then S and L have different persistence prop-
erties despite having the same spatiotemporal properties. And if x = y, then x
has all the same properties as y. Similarly, one might think that persons and
their bodies have different persistence properties, either because (i) a persons
body can continue to exist after the person has died and ceased to exist, or (ii)
a person can continue to exist after her body has ceased to exist. These are
notoriously complex matters.
15. Davidson (1987a, p. 452) also appears to embrace the following (far more ten-
dentious) modal thesis: had there been an event f with different causes and/or
effects than some actual event e, then it is not true that e would have been f.
This is at odds with the following kind of claim: a physical event in my head
that was actually caused by the presence of Oscar could have been caused by
the presence of someone else who is (from my perspective) indistinguishable
fromOscar. Davidson can thus consistently maintain that (i) mental events with
propositional contents are physical events; (ii) such mental events have their
propositional contents essentially; and (iii) mental events with different etiolo-
gies can have different propositional contents even if the events are otherwise
indistinguishable. See Burge 1993, esp. pp. 1056, for a different view and a
helpful discussion.
16. See also Hornsby 1985 for a discussion of underlying assumptions about the
(nonbasic) events that we ordinarily talk about and their relation to events that
might literally satisfy predicates from the physical sciences.
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
Davidsons epistemology, like Kants, features a transcendental argument
as its centerpiece. Both philosophers reject any priority, whether episte-
mological or conceptual, of the subjective over the objective, attempting
thus to solve the problem of the external world. For Davidson, three vari-
eties of knowledge are coordinate knowledge of the self, of other minds,
and of the external world. None has priority. Despite the epistemologi-
cally coordinate status of the mind and the world, however, the content of
the mind can be shown to entail how things are out in the world. More
exactly, Davidson argues, we could not possibly have the beliefs we have,
with their contents, unless the world around us were pretty much the way
we take it to be, at least in its general outline. We are thus offered a way
to argue, to all appearances a priori, from how it is in our minds to how
things are in the world. The argument is a priori at least in being free of
premises or assumptions about contingent particularities concerning the
world around us or our relation to it. From premises about the contents
of our propositional attitudes, the argument wends its way to a conclu-
sion about the general lines of how the world around us is structured and
Before presenting his own account, Davidson rejects received views
of meaning and knowledge. What follows will combine themes from his
critique of alternatives with his more positive account and its way of dealing
with the skeptic.
Empiricist accounts of meaning, including Quines and Dummetts, lead to
skepticism, warns Davidson, who sees one advantage of his own account
as its better response to the skeptic. Why do the earlier accounts lead to
skepticism? Why does his own account do better?
According to Davidson (1986a, p. 313),
Quine and Dummett agree on a basic principle, which is that whatever
there is to meaning must be traced back somehow to experience, the given,
or patterns of sensory stimulation, something intermediate between belief
and the usual objects our beliefs are about. Once we take this step, we open
the door to skepticism for we must then allow that a very great many
perhaps most of the sentences we hold to be true may in fact be false. . . .
Take Quines proposal that whatever there is to the meaning (information
value) of an observation sentence is determined by the patterns of sensory
stimulation that would cause a speaker to assent to or dissent from the
sentence. . . . Quines proposal, like other forms of vericationism, makes
for skepticism. For clearly a persons sensory stimulations could be just as
they are and yet the world outside very different. (Remember the brain in
the vat.)
Just how is this supposed to substantiate the charge that rival theories
of meaning lead to a radical skepticism about objective external reality?
According to Davidson, those theories lead us astray by opening a logical
gap between our subjectivity and objective externalia: that is to say, between
intrinsic descriptions of the contents of our minds and contingent facts
about the world around us. For we are then necessarily unable to close
this logical gap (not without vicious circularity).
These central themes are
sounded repeatedly in Davidsons writings on epistemology. Consider, for
example, this passage:
There is at least a presumption that we are right about the contents of our
own minds; so in the cases where we are right, we have knowledge. But such
knowledge is logically independent of our beliefs about a world outside, and
so cannot supply a foundation for science and common sense beliefs. This
is how skeptics, like Hume, reason, and I think they are right: knowledge
of the contents of our own minds cannot be the basis for the rest of our
knowledge. If this is correct, then our beliefs about the world must, if they
are to count as knowledge, stand alone. Yet it has seemed obvious to many
philosophers that if each of our beliefs about the world, taken alone, may
be false, there is no reason all such beliefs might not be false. (Davidson
2001a [1991], p. 194)
Here we have two main points: rst, that if external reality is logically
independent of the contents of our minds, then the contents of our minds
can give no foundation for our beliefs about that external reality. And there
is also a second point. Even if no particular contingent empirical belief is
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
guaranteed to be right, we may still be able to show how we cannot be
generally wrong about the world around us. Despite the universal fallibility
of individual empirical beliefs, we might still be able to secure a guarantee
that lots of our beliefs must be right, that we are inevitably, massively right
about the world around us.
The gap that yawns between our subjectivity and the external world,
according to earlier views, is repeatedly blamed by Davidson as a source
of radical skepticism. In his view, this sort of skepticism bedevils not only
supernaturalist, classical foundationalists, such as Descartes, but also con-
temporary externalists, coherentists, and naturalists: Quine himself, for ex-
ample. What exactly is the argument for so surprising a pairing and so
unexpected a charge? Given the interest and importance of this issue, we
are fortunate to have it explained by Davidson himself, with his customary
pith, in an account worth quoting and considering in full:
According to Quines naturalized epistemology we should ask no more
from the philosophy of knowledge than an account of how, given the ev-
idence we have to go on, we are able to form a satisfactory theory of the
world. The account draws on the best theory we have: our present science.
The evidence on which the meanings of our sentences, and all our knowl-
edge, ultimately depend is provided by stimulations of our sense organs.
It is these stimulations that provide a person with his only cues to what
goes on around him. Quine is not, of course, a reductionist: we cannot
strip away the conceptual trappings sentence by sentence. Nevertheless,
there is according to Quine a denite distinction to be made between the
invariant content and the variant conceptual trappings, between report and
invention, substance and style, cues and conceptualization.
What matters, then, is not whether we can describe the data in a neutral,
theory-free idiom; what matters is that there should be an ultimate source
of evidence whose character can be wholly specied without reference to
what it is evidence for. Thus patterns of stimulation, like sense-data, can
be identied and described without reference to what goes on around us.
If our knowledge of the world derives entirely from evidence of this kind,
then not only may our senses sometimes deceive us; it is possible that we
are systematically and generally deceived.
It is easy to remember what prompts this view: it is thought necessary
to insulate the ultimate sources of evidence from the outside world in order
to guarantee the authority of the evidence for the subject. Since we can-
not be certain what the world outside the mind is like, the subjective can
keep its virtue its chastity, its certainty for us only by being protected
from contamination by the world. The familiar trouble is, of course, that
the disconnection creates a gap no reasoning or construction can plausibly
bridge. Once the Cartesian starting point has been chosen, there is no say-
ing what the evidence is evidence for, or so it seems. Idealism, reductionist
forms of empiricism, and skepticism loom. . . .
Instead of saying it is the scheme-content dichotomy that has dominated
and dened the problems of modern philosophy, then, one could as well say
it is how the dualism of the objective and the subjective has been conceived.
For these dualisms have a common origin: a concept of the mind with its
private states and objects. . . . (Davidson 2001b [1988], p. 423)
According to Davidsons reasoning, certain philosophical positions
Quines, for example lead to skepticism by allowing a certain crucial pos-
sibility. In his study of Davidsons epistemological views, Thomas Nagel
endorses this reasoning, and joins intaking the crucial skeptical possibility
to be this: that the external world could differ radically despite presenting
subjectively indistinguishable appearances that a logical chasmdivides our
subjective appearances from the world beyond. By leaving that possibility
open, one smooths the way for the skeptic. Nagel reminds us of the many
ways in which the skeptic has been opposed without success. One might try
to refute himby reducing external reality to subjective experience, for exam-
ple, which is the way of phenomenalists, vericationists, pragmatists, tran-
scendental idealists, and internal realists. Reductionists deny that it is really
possible for ones experience toremainindistinguishable evenwhile external
reality diverges as broadly as the skeptic imagines. And such reductionismis
one traditional way in which philosophers have tried to oppose the skeptic.
An alternative way does not rely on any ontological reduction of the
world to the mind. But it attempts to argue fromthe internal to the external
nevertheless, either in the way of Descartes or in some other way.
According to Nagel, Davidson has a third way of dealing with the skep-
tic, one that attempts to relate the external to the subjective neither by
deduction nor by reduction. Some might be misled into seeing this as an
attempted reduction not of the external to the subjective, but in the oppo-
site direction. However, Davidson is in fact no reductionist at all, not even
in the way of the behaviorist. Despite renouncing any such reductionism,
Davidsons way still does manage to yield an a priori argument that we can-
not be as radically mistaken about the external as the skeptic would have
us believe. If the attempt succeeds, therefore, it does, amazingly enough,
refute the skeptic, and does so from the armchair.
Such an a priori argument is said to be crucially required, since we
cannot fall back on retail empirical beliefs when arguing against a radical
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
skeptic. Any such appeal to empirical beliefs would just beg the question,
since the skeptic puts in doubt all such beliefs in one fell swoop.
The a priori argument is needed because the empirical reasons for particular
beliefs are not by themselves sufcient. It makes sense to think about each
of a great many of my beliefs, taken one at a time, that it might be false,
in spite of the evidence. Some reason must be given to show that these
individual possibilities cant be combined into the possibility that most of
them are false. That reason cant be just the sum of the particular reasons
for each of them, since these are just further beliefs in the set, and the
whole question is whether most of them might be false. If they were, their
apparent support of one another would be systematically misleading. So we
cannot demonstrate empirically that this is not the case, as is proposed by
naturalized epistemology; it must be proved to be impossible if skepticism
is to be ruled out. We need an a priori argument, and Davidson has given
us one. It is an argument which does not rely on the reduction of truth to
coherence. (Nagel 1999, p. 203)
Davidsons response is toagree indeed, effusively so andeventoreject the
one gesture by which Nagel tries to distance himfromany such purported a
priori refutation of the skeptic.
Nagel had ventured that Davidson would
resist viewing his reasoning as designed to run from thought to objective
reality. In response, Davidson counters by avowing his intention to argue
in precisely that way. Davidson concludes his response with a caveat of
his own, but one that would not give Nagel pause, nor much gladden the
Nagel is understandably astonished that a priori reasoning should showthat
our general picture of the world around us covering vast tracts of history,
natural science, and ordinary lore, is largely true. Of course, as he notes,
there is an empirical premise, the cogito. There is not an a priori proof that
there is a world more or less as I think of it. Nor is the empirical premise a
small one. The conclusion that I know that the world, both in general and
in many particular ways, is as I think it is, depends on the fact that I have
just the beliefs I do. (Davidson 1999i, p. 209)
Whether this removes the a priori character of the reasoning is a mat-
ter of denitional opinion. In what follows, let us take reasoning to be a
priori so long as it relies neither on any substantive commitment concern-
ing the external world, nor on external observation as a mode of justied
belief acquisition. Reasoning is thus not reduced froma priori status simply
because it rests on contingent commitments concerning the contents of the
reasoners own mind. It is in this sense of a priori that Nagel had tried to
distance Davidson from a priori reasoning designed to counter the skeptic.
And it is taken in this sense that Davidson rejects that gesture.
Regardless of how we choose to speak, the substance of Davidsons
claim remains amazing. Who would have thought that, just on the basis of
otherwise a priori reection reasoning from our knowledge of what we
believe, of how it is within our own minds we should be able to arrive
at substantive conclusions about the objective and independent external
world around us? This is indeed the sort of reasoning that Cartesians once
Nagel is not fully persuaded to join Davidson in arguing thus against the
skeptic, but he does think that Davidson has come up with a deep paradox.
The only ways out that he can see are, rst, a Platonism that is anathema to
contemporary naturalism, and second, a radical form of skepticism about
whether one was really capable of signicant thought (p. 205).
How does Davidson propose to refute the skeptic and solve the problem of
the external world? His reasoning has two main sources. One is his account
of radical interpretation, the other his externalism. Though intimately re-
lated, the two are separable on close inspection. Let us rst take up radical
What is involved in attributing propositional attitudes to someone else?
How can we manage it if we do not presuppose a common language giving
us easy access to the mind behind the words? In undertaking such radical
interpretation, there is no substitute for considering the others variable
assents and dissents upon correspondingly varying occasions of speech. We
must then assess meaning in the light of external promptings by the saliently
variable features of those occasions. Attributable meaning thus comes in a
package together with causation by externalia.
This connects with two other important themes in Davidsons account
of meaning andknowledge: charity andtriangulation. Since we canattribute
such observational beliefs and knowledge only if we interpret through what
we see to prompt the believers assent, the very nature of radical inter-
pretation commits us to interpret the other as largely right in his beliefs.
Moreover, the meanings that an interpreter attributes to a speakers ut-
terances are then bound to reside in the commonly shared nodes of the
causal trees that prompt the respective attitudes of speaker and interpreter.
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
Meaning attributed meaning is thus bound to derive from such trian-
gulation. From this, Davidson draws an important lesson:
It should now be clear what ensures that our view of the world is, in its
plainest features, largely correct. The reason is that the stimuli that cause
our most basic verbal responses also determine what those verbal responses
mean, and the content of the beliefs that accompany them. The nature of
correct interpretation guarantees both that a large number of our simplest
beliefs are true, and that the nature of those beliefs is known to others. Of
course many beliefs are given content by their relations to further beliefs,
or are caused by misleading sensations; any particular belief or set of beliefs
about the world around us may be false. What cannot be the case is that
our general picture of the world and our place in it is mistaken, for it is this
picture which informs the rest of our beliefs and makes them intelligible,
whether they be true or false. (Davidson 2001b [1991], p. 2134)
[B]eliefs are by nature generally true. So Davidson sums up his point
(Davidson 2001 [1983], p. 153). On this matter, his statements and ar-
guments leave open two possible interpretations, however or so Barry
Stroud has argued plausibly (Stroud 1999). There is a stronger reading and
a weaker reading, as follows:
Stronger reading: No believers set of beliefs could be massively false.
Weaker reading: No interpreter could correctly interpret a speaker
in such a way that the speakers beliefs come out
massively false in the interpreters opinion.
Stroud then documents his claim that the stronger reading is endorsed
by Davidson, as when the latter argues that it cannot be the rule that a
speaker be interpreted on the basis of shared but erroneous beliefs, and
concludes that massive error about the world is simply unintelligible.
That is of course reminiscent of the celebrated and much-discussed
Omniscient Interpreter argument; but I will pass over that with little fur-
ther comment, since Davidson has now effectively disavowed it in print.
Recently he has written, for example, as follows: I also agree . . . that the
argument that summons up an Omniscient Interpreter does not advance
my case. As with Swampman, I regret these sorties into science ction. . . .
If the case can be made with an omniscient interpreter, it can be made
without, and better (Davidson 1999c, p. 192).
Stroud argues that the stronger reading does not followfromthe weaker
reading, since the conditions of interpretation as Davidson describes them
do not alone guarantee that what interpreters take the causes of utterances
to be is what they in fact are . . ., [and] if it is not a necessary condition of
interpretation that the actual causes of utterances are what interpreters and
speakers take their causes to be, as I think it is not, the guaranteed truth of
attributed belief is not supported by the conditions of radical interpretation
as described so far (Stroud 1999, p. 154).
Strouds argument highlights (a) that the stronger reading does not
followfromthe weaker, (b) that Davidsonshouldrenounce the stronger, and
(c) that the weaker will sufce as a good response to the skeptic. Stroud does
not think the stronger readingis neededtoblock the threat of philosophical
skepticism in the highly promising way he [Davidson] has in mind; the
weaker reading alone, and the conditions of interpretation as described so
far, sufce (p. 154).
According to Stroud, we must grant the abstract possibility that we are
mostly or evenwholly wrong inour contingent beliefs about external reality.
To reject that possibility is to threaten the objectivity of our beliefs about
such reality. What Davidsons account of radical interpretation yields, then,
according to Stroud, is not the impossibility that our beliefs are largely false,
but rather just that belief-attributionis inits nature largely truth-ascribing
(p. 155).
Strouds discussion seems to me illuminatingly right in distinguishing
the two readings and in arguing for the independence of the stronger from
the weaker. Evidently, one must go beyond the conditions of radical inter-
pretationif one is toderive anything like the stronger reading. Nevertheless,
I am not persuaded on two main points. I do not believe that the weaker
reading, and the fact that belief-attribution must be truth-ascribing, con-
stitutes much of a response to the skeptic. And, on the other side, I am not
persuaded that the stronger reading is either false or unacceptable, even
if it does not follow from the weaker. The following section will take up
Davidsons externalist argument for the stronger reading. What remains of
this section will discuss Strouds argument for the claim that the weaker
reading on its own is enough to block the skeptic.
Here is that argument:
An inquirers relation to the apparently innocent possibility from which
a skeptical threat is thought eventually to arise is therefore parallel to a
speakers relation to the possibility expressed in the paradoxical sentence I
believe that it is raining, and it is not raining. That is not something one
could consistently believe or assert. . . . If the apparently innocent possibility
from which the epistemological reasoning would begin is not a possibility
anyone could consistently believe to be actual, it can be eliminated from
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
serious consideration right at the beginning. There would be no need to
insist on the stronger view. . . . There can be no general threat [of the sort
pressedby the skeptic] because our consideringthe specic attributedbeliefs
we [ask about] . . . guarantees that we ndthose beliefs tobe for the most part
true. Our having them and their being all or mostly false is not a possibility
we could consistently believe to be actual, so it is not a possibility we could
be pressed to explain how we know is not actual.
That is not to say that we therefore know that all or most of the things
we believe are true. That would be the negation of skepticism, and it does
not follow from this anti-skeptical strategy. The goal is only to block a
familiar route to skepticism, not to show that skepticism is false. A certain
possibility is to be removed fromconsideration as the source of a potentially
unanswerable threat. (pp. 1367)
Several points remain doubtful or unclear in this reasoning. From the fact
that <Not-p but I believe p>is Moore-paradoxical,
and cannot coherently
be believed or asserted, it does not follow that the corresponding propo-
sition of the following form must also share that fate: <It is possible that
both: not-p and I believe p; that is to say, it might have been that the fol-
lowing two things were so at the same time: that not-p while I believed that
p anyhow>.
Even if this propositional form were in fact incoherent, moreover, so
that each of the propositions of that form about each of my beliefs would
be incoherent, it still would not follow that <It is possible that my beliefs
are massively false> is also incoherent. Heres an analogy. In a certain time
span, T, I may list ve positive integers: 2, 5, 7, 3, 8. Each of the positive
integers I list is such that it could not possibly have been greater than 10.
However, that still leaves open the following possibility: that in time span
T I might have listed some positive integer larger than 10. Similarly, even
if I cannot coherently think or say that although I believe that p, still it is
not so that p, and even if, only for the sake of argument, it is granted that I
cannot coherently think or say the following: <although I believe that p,
it is, compatibly with that, possible that not-p>, nevertheless it does not
follow from any of that, nor is it true, that I cannot coherently think or say
this: <I might be massively wrong in my beliefs>.
Accordingly, I do not see that simply from the Davidsonian account
of radical interpretation and specically, from the weaker reading of
Davidsons key thesis anything has been shown to followthat would block
the skeptics route to supposing, as he tends to do, that we might be mas-
sively wrong in our contingent beliefs about the external world. Nor has it
even been shown to follow that we are somehow incoherent in supposing,
with regard to any actual belief we host about external reality, that we might
have hosted that belief despite its falsity (unawares, of course).
Accordingly, I conclude that we must go beyond the weaker reading to
the stronger if we hope to block the skeptics progress. However, I agree
with Stroud that the weaker reading is distinct from the stronger and does
not entail it. That being the case, we need to go beyond considerations
involving radical interpretation if we are to reach the conclusions that we
need against the skeptic. What are the chances that we can reach any such
conclusions a priori? Do we need to reach a priori any such conclusion that
can possibly be of use against the determined skeptic?
Suppose arguendo that we concede the need for an a priori argument if we
are to oppose the skeptic with any hope of success as Nagel supposes, and
about which in response Davidson seems to concur. And suppose further
that Davidson has indeed given us the sort of argument we need. I wish to
argue that we are nevertheless not much better off against the skeptic, and
indeed that such a concession would admit the skeptics Trojan horse.
Consider an unfortunate victim of futuristic technology whose brain is
wirelessly controlled by demonic controllers. Suppose this to have come
about only hours ago, perhaps overnight, while the victim slept soundly.
This is the sort of possibility that Davidsons reasoning does not manage to
preclude. So now we face the following outcome. True, we cannot reason
that we might be generally wrong just because we might be wrong in any
specic instance. But, by the same taken, we cannot reason that we are
safe from being wrong in any specic instance just because we cannot be
generally wrong. So even if Davidsons reasoning enables us to close the gap
between what is accessible to us a priori and our general correctness about
the character of external reality, this still leaves inplace gaps aplenty between
what is accessible to us a priori and the various specic substantive beliefs
that we hold about the world and our place in it at any given time. None of
these gaps would seem bridgeable just with an argument like Davidsons.
It might be argued that appearances are deceptive here, as they so of-
ten are in this dark swamp. After all, Davidsons argument does yield the
conclusionthat our substantive beliefs about externalia are andmust be mas-
sively correct. May we not therefore conclude that any particular such belief
must have presumptive justication? Such justication might be defeated,
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
of course, by particular untoward circumstances. Absent such defeat, how-
ever, it is certainly not nothing. And so we seem to have made progress
against the skeptic after all.
This argument has a certain blanketing property that should give us
pause. It would render all substantive beliefs presumptively justied, the
astrologers along with the astronomers. And now the action would shift
to what accounts for the difference, what accounts for the defeat of the
astrologers justication but not of the astronomers justication. Anyone
who believes something out of the blue, and has no very good argument
against his reliability on the subject matter involved, any trusting soul inno-
cent of much relevant theory, would seem ipso facto to inherit undefeated
epistemic justication.
What is more, there is a further problem that Davidson himself has
come explicitly to recognize: namely, that if we are thinking of justication
as providedby his proposedcomplex reasoning, thenonly those enlightened
few who grasp and adopt that reasoning would have their knowledge pro-
tected against the skeptic. The mass of nonphilosophers indeed, the mass
of non-Davidsonians no matter how brilliant or otherwise well informed,
would remain benighted. In spite of this, Davidson retains hope that his
account will still do some epistemic good. So we will need to consider how
any such reasoning might accomplish its good work.
If we frame our debate withthe skeptic as doDavidsonandNagel, therefore,
the skeptic wins, regardless of whatever success Davidsons transcendental
argument may enjoy. The success of the transcendental argument turns
on complex and still-disputed issues in the philosophy of language and
mind. Even if that should all turn out favorably, however, once we think
of skepticism in the way suggested by the writings of Davidson and Nagel,
there is no way ultimately to overcome skepticism. We are unwise if, in
effect, we thus allow the skeptic to set the agenda and frame the issue.
We should be wary of setting up the dialectic with the skeptic along the
following lines, in the fashion often attributed to Descartes:
A. If we are to know realm W it must be via realm M.
B. The way to know a realm X via a realm Y is by knowing Y
and reasoning validly from ones knowledge of Y to conclusions
about X.
C. Only deductive reasoning is valid.
D. There is a logical gap between M and W that no deductive
reasoning could possibly bridge.
(Here M is the realm of ones mind at a given time, and W is the realm of
ones surrounding objective world.)
However, one does not defeat the skeptic simply by rejecting C, while
also adding inductive reasoning to our set of valid forms of reasoning. For
it is no more clear how to cross the gap between M and W through valid
inductive reasoning. Once we grant a division such as that of M and W, and
concede that any knowledge of W would have to be via knowledge of M, it
will be hard to withstand the attack of the skeptic.
On one straightforward reading, Davidsons way of framing skepticism
puts the realm of ones beliefs, B, in place of the realm of ones mind, M,
in the argument just presented. Accordingly, Davidson does inherit the
problemof crossing a divide fromthe subjective to the objective. Howthen
does he propose that we reason our way from B to W ?
The argument is presented in various forms in several places. For
example, it appears as follows in Davidson 2001b [1988], pp. 435.
The actionhas centeredonthe concept of subjectivity, what is inthe mind.
Let us start with what it is we know or grasp when we know the meaning of
a word or sentence. It is a commonplace of the empirical tradition that we
learn our rst words (which at the start serve the function of sentences
words like apple, man, dog, water through a conditioning of sounds
or verbal behavior to appropriate bits of matter in the public domain). The
conditioning works best with objects that interest the learner and are hard
to miss by either teacher or pupil. This is not just a story about how we
learn to use words: it must also be an essential part of an adequate account
of what words refer to and what they mean.
Needless to say, the whole story cannot be this simple. On the other
hand, it is hard to believe that this sort of direct interaction between lan-
guage users and public events and objects is not a basic part of the whole
story, the part that, directly or indirectly, largely determines how words
are related to things. . . . The grasp of meanings is determined only by the
terminal elements in the conditioning process and is tested only by the end
product: use of words geared to appropriate objects and situations. This is
perhaps best seen by noticing that two speakers who mean the same thing
by an expression need have no more in common than their dispositions to
appropriate verbal behavior; the neural networks may be very different. The
matter may be put the other way around: two speakers may be alike in all
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
relevant physical respects, and yet they may mean quite different things by
the same words because of differences in the external situations in which
the words were learned . . .; in the simplest and most basic cases words and
sentences derive their meaning fromthe objects and circumstances in which
they were learned. Asentence which one has been conditioned by the learn-
ing process to be caused to hold true by the presence of res will be true
when there is a re present; a word one has been conditioned to be caused
to hold applicable by the presence of snakes will refer to snakes. Of course
very many words and sentences are not learned this way; but it is those that
are that anchor language to the world. . . .
The fallout from these considerations for the theory of knowledge is
(or ought to be) nothing less than revolutionary. If words and thoughts are,
in the most basic cases, necessarily about the sorts of objects and events
that cause them, there is no room for Cartesian doubts about the indepen-
dent existence of such objects and events. Doubts there can be, of course.
But there need be nothing we are indubitably right about for it to be certain
that we are mostly right about the nature of the world. Sometimes skepticism
seems to rest on a simple fallacy, the fallacy of reasoning from the fact that
there is nothing we might not be wrong about to the conclusion that we
might be wrong about everything. The second possibility is ruled out if we
accept that our simplest sentences are given their meanings by the situations
that generally cause us to hold them true or false, since to hold a sentence
we understand to be true or false is to have a belief. Continuing along this
line, we see that general skepticism about the deliverances of the senses
cannot even be formulated, since the senses and their deliverances play no
central theoretical role in the account of belief, meaning, and knowledge if
the contents of the mind depend on the causal relations, whatever they may
be, between the attitudes and the world. This is not to deny the importance
of the actual causal role of the senses in knowledge and the acquisition of
language, of course.
In the simplest cases, we are told, words and sentences derive their
meanings from the objects and circumstances that are associated with their
learning. Just how does this happen? What sort of derivation is here in
play? Inleadinguptoanddefendinghis derivation thesis, Davidsonmakes
some revealing claims (which are quoted as follows, with my emphases in
[Two] speakers who mean the same thing by an expression need have
no more in common than their dispositions to appropriate verbal behavior; the
neural networks may be very different. (p. 44)
A sentence which one has been conditioned by the learning process to be caused
to hold true by the presence of res will be true when there is a re present;
a word one has been conditioned to be caused to hold applicable by the
presence of snakes will refer to snakes. (pp. 445)
If words and thoughts are, in the most basic cases, necessarily about the sorts
of objects and events that cause them, there is no room for Cartesian doubts
about the independent existence of such objects and events. (p. 45)
In considering this, and the many other passages in which Davidson
makes the same basic points, we need to distinguish between (a) disposi-
tions to appropriate verbal behavior and (b) the process or processes that
may cause such dispositions in a certain speaker/believer. The disposition
that one hosts in being such that one is caused to hold a certain sentence
true by the presence of res may have been put in place by repeated ex-
perience of res. If so, that is just a contingent matter of fact, which might
possibly have been otherwise. The actual disposition involves the fact that
one would be caused to say or think Fire! in the presence of a re (an
evident enough re). This most likely was indeed put in place through
some experience on the part of the speaker/thinker with actual res. Even
if that is so, it would seem only a contingent matter of fact, and the dispo-
sition might even have been there innately. But now we have a problem for
Davidsons transcendental argument. For there is now no evident impos-
sibility in ones understanding the concepts of our commonsense objective
reality, where this understanding resides, at least in part, in ones complex
dispositions to verbal and other relevant behavior, although one has not ac-
quired such dispositions through causal intercourse with exemplars of the
concepts possessed.
So it seems at best unestablished that both (a) one could possibly have
the beliefs that one has only through having in ones possession the con-
cepts constitutive of the contents of those beliefs, and (b) the only way one
could have such concepts is through causal intercourse with their exem-
plars. Further defense would seem required in favor of assumption (b), for
there is a plausible argument against it, one indeed that seems suggested
already by Davidsons actual words. It can be argued plausibly, after all, that
the relevant requirement for possession of a concept say, a recognitional
concept is only ones hosting a disposition that makes for differential
sensitivity to the presence or absence of exemplars. And such a disposi-
tion need not have been acquired through causal interaction with actual
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
There are indications that Davidson has come to regard his argument
as less plausibly a priori than one might have thought, perhaps less so even
than he himself originally had thought. Consider this recent passage:
Is my argument for the massive (essential) truth of our perceptual be-
liefs transcendental? If you accept the steps that lead to my version of
externalism, . . . then you cannot, I think, be a skeptic about the existence
of an external world much like the one we all believe we share, nor about
the existence of other people with minds like ours. But the considerations
in favor of semantic realism seem to depend in part not on purely a priori
considerations but rather on a viewof the way people are. (Davidson 1999c,
p. 194)
Indeed, in recent passages Davidson candidly reveals his vacillation
about epistemology and skepticism, especially in his more recent thought.
The following are particularly revealing:
I have vacillated over the years on howto describe my attitude toward scep-
ticism. Do I think that if I amright about the nature of thought scepticismis
false, or that scepticism simply cannot get off the ground? Passages Stroud
quotes suggest the former. At the same time, I have been happy to go along
with Rorty in telling the sceptic to get lost. The two poses can be recon-
ciled by pointing out that though I think scepticism as Stroud formulates it
is false, I did not set out to show this. Reecting on the nature of thought
and interpretation led me to a position which, if correct, entails that we
have a basically sound view of the world around us. If so, there is no point
attempting, in addition, to showthe sceptic wrong. (Davidson 1999d, p. 163)
Nagel quotes A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge as saying,
The agent has only to reect on what a belief is to appreciate that most of
his basic beliefs are true. I was concerned to show that each of us not only
has a basis for his picture of the world in his perceptual beliefs, but that he
also, on reection, would see that there was a reason (my arguments) for
thinking this. I was trying to fend off the criticism (which perhaps surfaces
in Strouds contribution to this volume) that I might have shown that we do
have a large supply of true beliefs, but not have shown that these constitute
knowledge. I now think this attempt at fending off criticism was a mistake,
if for no other reason than that it would seem to credit only those whose
philosophical thinking is correct with knowledge. The right thing to say is
rather this: we are justied in taking our perceptual beliefs to be true, even
when they are not and so when they are true, they constitute knowledge (this
is what I meant by saying our perceptual beliefs are veridical). But since
our only reasons for holding themtrue are the support they get fromfurther
perceptual beliefs and general coherence with how we think things are, the
underlying source of justication is not itself a reason. We do not infer
our perceptual beliefs from something else more foundational. (Davidson
1999i, p. 208)
In these passages, we are given to understand that there is a source of
justication other than the adducing of a reason for ones belief, or the
basing of ones belief on a reason. Reason-based justication is not the sort
of justication that Davidson calls to our attention in his many reections
about the bearing of his content externalism on issues of skepticism and
epistemology. He has now seen this clearly, and acknowledges it openly.
The source of justication that he focuses on is not a reason, inasmuch
as it is a source of justication that epistemically favors even those who
have no belief in any Davidsonian theory about how our beliefs and sayings
acquire content.
Nor need one have any reason at all for beliefs that are
nonetheless somehowjustied. Again, nothing in the causality of perceptual
beliefs provides a reason for them, but at the same time many perceptual
beliefs are true, and the explanation of this fact shows why we are justied
in believing them. Those innocent of a Davidsonian account of the nature
of mental content and meaning would lack any rationale, deriving from
any such Davidsonian theory of content, in favor of their empirical beliefs
about their environing world. But, if Davidsons account is true, they would
still have a source of justication involving the nature of such content. And
it is the existence and nature of such justication that Davidson now sees
himself as having claried through his writings on externalism, knowledge,
justication, and skepticism.
The Davidsonian justication at issue is not, therefore, of either of the
sorts that Nagel distinguishes. It is a justication that derives neither from
a reduction of the external to the subjective (nor, for that matter, the other
way around), nor from a deduction of the external from the subjective. Nor
is it a justication that comes with possession of an argument an a priori
argument through which one gains support for its conclusion. Davidson
has concluded that it is hopeless to suppose that this is howpeople generally
avoid the clutches of the skeptic. For people generally adduce no such
Davidsonian argument in support of their retail beliefs. So even if a few
philosophers, persuaded by Davidson, do adduce such a complex argument
concerning the nature of mental and linguistic content, and even if they do
thereby gain some measure of justication for their empirical beliefs, that
will not explain the justication that ordinary folk have for their empirical
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
beliefs, and so it will not explain how it is that these folk are safe from the
objections of the skeptic.
What then is the source of the distinctive Davidsonian empirical justi-
cation that a subjects perceptual beliefs get from something other than
the support of other empirical beliefs hosted by that subject? Apparently,
it is simply the truth of the Davidsonian account of how our sayings and
attitudes must derive their content, and how this guarantees that ones pic-
ture of the environing world must be massively correct, especially in its
perceptual components.
Two fascinating questions ensue. First of all, isnt Davidsonnowdrawing
on reliabilist intuitions? It would seem to be the high level of reliability of
our empirical beliefs, given his account of meaning and content, that now
serves as the core of the special source of justication invoked to explain
the high epistemic status of our empirical, and especially our perceptual,
The second interesting question concerns the status of Davidsons the-
ory and his answer to the skeptic. If the source of justication should now
be viewed as distinct from any reasoning, from any invoking of a justifying
argument, then it is no longer clear why it must be a priori (not that it was
all that clear in any case). It becomes positively opaque why the a priority of
Davidsons epistemologically effective reasoning should be an issue. Now
it would seem to matter only that the reasoning establish the theory, for it
is just the truth of the theory that has turned out to be epistemologically
effective. What seems to matter is essentially that as things in fact stand
in our contingent circumstances, content is set externalistically through
causal linkages with our external environment. For it is through this fact
that the reliability of our beliefs is assured. And it is from their assured
reliability that their presumptive justication derives. Of course, if in no
possible world could content derive in any other way, then the reliability of
our beliefs would be assured with alethic necessity. But it is far from clear
that Davidsons account, or any such content-externalist account, is true
with alethic necessity.
Note, nally, that through this new approach we have a way to un-
derstand an epistemology naturalized that avoids the objection, voiced for
example by Nagel, that such naturalization of epistemology would involve
a vicious circularity. This is also reminiscent of the long-standing contro-
versy over whether Descartes supernaturalization is similarly vicious in its
circularity. Consider how interesting in this connection is Davidsons new
reason-avoiding approach, on which justication derives somehow from a
source other than the subjects actual reasoning. As we have seen, the new
approach strongly suggests a reliabilism for which justication can derive
from the reliability of the sorts of beliefs at issue (perceptual beliefs most
importantly, though Davidson also comes to generalize beyond these). And
Descartes epistemological reasoning can be viewed similarly, as proposing
a way of understanding our forming of beliefs (in the lap of an epistemi-
cally benevolent God) as necessarily reliable. (Of course, for special reasons,
Descartes did aim for alethic necessity, and for a priori reasoning, but the
present comparison is independent of that.) For if Descartes epistemolog-
ical theorizing is meant to identify a way in which our beliefs come to be
justied that is precisely not through any reasonings from which we derive
them as conclusions, then Descartes too can avoid vicious circularity by
responding to the skeptic that our beliefs have a source of justication that
need not involve the use of reasoning. In Descartes case, the effective fact
would involve assent attendant upon sufciently clear and distinct percep-
tion and favored by Gods epistemic benevolence. In Davidsons case, the
effective fact would involve rather that we would not form beliefs having
the contents of our empirical beliefs if we did not interact appropriately
with surroundings characterized generally as are our surroundings in this
The main remaining question concerns the epistemic status of our em-
pirical beliefs once we have reasoned along with Davidson, while leaning
presumably on adequate empirical support. Do our empirical beliefs gain
any epistemic status through such reasoning? It might be thought that they
obviously do not. How could they do so without vicious circularity? How
could such theoretical beliefs as to the nature of content add to the status of
ones empirical beliefs generally, if it is granted that the theoretical beliefs
must in turn gain their own status through reliance on empirical, perceptual
Here again the comparison to Descartes is instructive. Descartes did
obviously think by the end of the Meditations that he had improved himself
epistemically. But it is hard to see how he could possibly have avoided the
vicious circularity of which he has so often been accused. Because Descartes,
early in the Meditations, puts so much in doubt, including even his simplest
arithmetical and geometrical beliefs, it is hard to see how he could possibly
dig himself out of so deep a skeptical hole without at some point falling
into vicious circularity. Descartes does have a way out, however, one in
fact open both to the advocates of common sense, such as Moore, and
to those who advocate an epistemology naturalized either Quines, or,
now, Davidsons.
The response is indeed a kind of coherence theory of
knowledge, after all. For it is by adding interestingly to the coherence of
Knowledge of Self, Others, and World
ones picture of the world and ones place in it that one is able to gain a
further measure of distinctive, epistemically valuable justication for ones
own empirical beliefs, a measure of justication that goes beyond the mere
reliability of those beliefs derivative from how we must acquire contents
and form beliefs. The additional measure of justication goes beyond any
delivered by sheer reliability, and does so by bringing to consciousness a
well-founded account of how our nature and emplacement do yield such
reliability. Whether this is done in the way of Descartes, or in the way of
Moore, or of Quine, or, now, of Davidson, the result would be, structurally,
the same: a more satisfyingly coherent account of our nature and our place
in the scheme of things.
1. Compare Nagels discussion of Davidsons epistemology (Nagel 1999, p. 203);
we shall return to this passage later.
2. See his Reply to Thomas Nagel (Davidson 1999i, pp. 2079).
3. There is an instructive critical literature on this, including Foley and Fumerton
4. See Schilpp 1942, p. 543.
5. Compare Davidsons Reply to John McDowell:
My view is that particular empirical beliefs are supported by other beliefs,
some of them perceptual and some not. Perceptual beliefs are caused by
features of the environment, but nothing in their causality (except in spe-
cial, derivative cases) provides a reason for such belief. Nevertheless, many
basic perceptual beliefs are true, and the explanation of this fact shows why
we are justied in believing them. We know many things where our only
reasons for believing themare further beliefs. (Davidson1999h, pp. 1056)
A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge had taken a rather different
view of the matter:
What is needed to answer the skeptic is to showthat someone with a (more
or less) coherent set of beliefs has a reason to suppose his beliefs are not
mistaken in the main. What we have shown is that it is absurd to look for a
justifying ground for the totality of beliefs, something outside this totality
which we can use to test or compare with our beliefs. The answer to our
problem must then be to nd a reason for supposing most of our beliefs
are true that is not a form of evidence. (Davidson 2001 [1983], p. 146)
I have not been concerned with the canons of evidential support (if such
there be), but to show that all that counts as evidence or justication for
a belief must come from the same totality of belief to which it belongs
(p. 153).
6. Compare this: Perceptual beliefs are caused by features of the environment, but
nothing in their causality (except in special, derivative cases) provides a reason
for such beliefs. Nevertheless, many basic perceptual beliefs are true, and the
explanation of this fact shows why we are justied in believing them (Davidson
1999h, pp. 1056).
7. That at a deep level Davidson is a reliabilist is suggested in my Sosa 1986, esp.
pp. 3957.
8. More details are offered in two recent papers of mine: Sosa 1997a; 1997b.
9. For further discussion of Davidsons epistemological views, see Klein 1986;
Ludwig 1992; McGinn 1986; see also Burge 1999; Genova 1999; McDowell
Language and Literature
Although Donald Davidson has not written extensively about literature as
his thought has consequences for literary interpretation and theoriz-
ing, and it supplies elegant accounts of various topics, such as guration and
rhetoric, that have interestedliterary critics. His austere account of meaning
appears to be an unpromising tool with which to explicate the idiosyncrasies
of literary writing. This appearance is an illusion. His individualist account
of language emphasizes the role of innovationand linguistic creativity, while
accommodating the phenomena that make social-language analyses persua-
sive. While he agrees with the post-structuralists in rejecting meanings as
entities, he also rejects important assumptions about the social nature of
language common to most post-structuralists and other contemporary the-
orists. Most importantly, Davidson provides literary thought with a exible
and commonsense conception of what language is and howto conceptualize
literary phenomena.
The rst section of this chapter explains some of Davidsons basic ideas
about how to cast a theory of meaning as a theory of truth, and explains
how that theory connects language to the world. This section discusses
the signicance of Davidsons making meaning reside in language, rather
than in something behind language, and explains why Davidson thinks that
having a language requires a shared world.
The second section discusses interpretation. The fundamental idea of
Davidsonian interpretation is that interpreting utterances is interpreting
speechacts. Thus language interpretationis a special case of actioninterpre-
tation. According to Davidson, a speech act is the production of sequences
of sentences with (in the basic case) truth conditions, which production
has reasons and is done with an intention. Writing acts are likewise pro-
ductions of sequences of sentences, with intentions of various kinds. Inter-
pretation is coming to understand those intentions and the truth conditions
that make the sentences an appropriate instrument for those intentions.
The third section explains how Davidsons account of interpretation is
applied in accounting for metaphor and other gures, and how it could be
extended to give accounts of irony, sarcasm, and other characteristics of
speech acts. Much of this discussion deals with his famous article What
Metaphors Mean (Davidson 1984 [1978]). This section discusses the no-
tion of rst meaning, discusses what the primacy of intention means for
Davidson, and discusses what Davidson takes malapropism to reveal about
language and its understanding.
The fourth section discusses the sense in which, for Davidson, language
is social, and the ways in which it is not. We will see how Davidson treats
texts as products of actions, whose interpretation is as determinate as that
of other actions. For a Davidsonian theory, texts, construed as repetitions
of actions that is, as reproduced and cited can be indeterminate in ways
beyond the indeterminacy of interpretation of utterances.
The fth section summarizes the anti-theoretical side of Davidsons
work in relation to literature. The fundamental thrust of Davidsons writing
on literature and interpretation is that language use cannot be bound by
convention, and is therefore not completely rule-governed, and so is not
describable completely by a theory that spells out rules of use. I will show
briey how Davidson would deal with phenomena such as allusion and
the existence of genre, which are explained by theorists who take public
languages to be primary.
At various points in the last three sections I will extrapolate from
Davidsons published work to conjecture what he would say about issues in
literary theory and criticism that he has not expressly addressed.
Davidsons theory of meaning shares with Cleanth Brookss the idea that
meaning is given in words.
Meaning is not something else that words
carry, which could be put more perspicuously as sets of sense impressions,
neural activation patterns, Platonic Forms, or anything else. Rather, the
concept of meaning, together with those of the interrelated phenom-
ena of belief, desire, intention, and other mental states form an au-
tonomous family of concepts. That is, while the phenomena are nothing
over and above the underlying brain and world states, physically de-
scribed, there is no reduction of the concepts of the mental to the con-
cepts of physics or physiology. The notions of belief, desire, intention,
action, truth, and meaning are interrelated. The concepts of truth and
meaning are central in giving an account of belief, desire, intention, and
Language and Literature
Giving meaning by giving truth conditions is the formal reection of the
irreducibility of meaning.
The meaning of an utterance of another person
is given by a sentence of ones own with the same truth conditions. (In order
to keep things simple, Ill ignore complications introduced by the context
sensitivity of natural language expressions such as tense and indexicals
see Chapter 1 for discussion.) One does not give truth conditions by giving
verication conditions, or anything other than ones words. In particular,
to give truth conditions does not require that it be possible to determine
truth values. So, for Davidson, the specication of the meaning of The
innite illuminates the nite would be given by the biconditional The
innite illuminates the nite is true if and only if the innite illuminates
the nite. (This would seemmore illuminating in the context of a complete
theory for the language and if the object language were distinct from the
metalanguage.) Given a correct interpretation of another speaker on which
nite is true of an entity if and only if it is nite, and so on, this bicondi-
tional, given that it is a consequence of a theory that generates canonically
a similar biconditional for every object language sentence,
and given that
it meets other appropriate constraints, would be all there is to saying what
the persons sentence means. Thus, to a rst approximation, meanings of
sentences are given by giving other sentences that have the same meaning.
Thus the meaning of another persons utterances can be given only by using
language rich enough to say what he has said. If I state anothers meaning,
I do so in a language that I speak, using language that matches his.
Davidson recognizes that meaning is a word with wide and varied
application. His theory is a theory of one sense of meaning roughly,
conceptual content. Conceptual content, he thinks, can be given a theory.
Other senses of meaning rest on interpretation. Interpretation, because
it is essentially coming up with an explanation in response to data, cannot
be the working out of an algorithm.
Davidson would not deny, for instance,
that there are meaningful glances, but would argue that there is no nite
theory that takes the positioning of eyebrows and lids and yields the mean-
ing of a glance. On the other hand, meaning construed as the conceptual
content of a sentence or utterance can be, on Davidsons view, explicated in
the form of a nitely speciable truth theory for the language, and plays a
role in the description of other kinds of meaning.
How can we justify a claim of correctness of an interpretation, if we
just have the other persons language and my language? Davidson connects
peoples languages to one another by their necessary link to a common
world. Briey, Davidson argues that in order to interpret responses to the
world as having truth conditions and truth values, we have to suppose that
the speaker recognizes the possibility of mistakes.
Davidsons version of the
private language argument holds that, in the case of a single responder,
what a person is responding to is indeterminate. If we take response to be
just a causal relation, the production of an effect on the organismby a cause
in the environment, then an organism responding to the environment can
be regarded as responding to everything along the chain of stimulation.
In order to generate a determinate interpretation, therefore, there must be
some objective way toselect one of the links as the correct one. Only another
speaker, Davidson argues, noting the environment, his own responses, and
the learners responses, can provide the objective criterion for correctness
of interpretation: the object of thought or speech is the intersection of
the chains leading to the speakers and interpreters responses to a common
Thus the speaker can acquire linguistic ability only by means
of another persons triangulating among his own responses, the speakers
responses, and the world being responded to.
Triangulation grounds the possibility of making a mistake by providing
an objective criterion for what someone is talking or thinking about. This
provides for a distinctionbetweengetting it right and getting it wrong. Only
another speaker, responding to what you are responding to, can provide that
distinction. That is, because whatever you respond to in the same way is
the same for you, an outside criterion is needed to get objectively the
same. Only anoutside agent, responding bothtowhat youre responding to
and to your responses, can provide such a criterion. Thus a presupposition
of language is a common world shared with other speakers. A common
world is essentially a common pattern of categorization, that is, a common
pattern of judgments about sameness. The context of communication that
provides this criterion then also provides scope for the application of the
concept of a mistake, and so for the concept of truth, which Davidson has
argued is necessary for possession of a language. While Davidson, unlike
other advocates of private language arguments, holds that no specically
linguistic norms or rules are essential to communication, a wide body of
shared conceptualization is essential. Any two speakers must agree, by and
large, on what is the same as what, even though they may disagree on what
is called what.
Davidsons private language argument has further features: the basic
idea that Davidson shares with Derrida, that meaning is fundamentally lin-
guistic, and not something behind or expressed by language, is also implicit
in the argument. That is, beliefs, thoughts, and any other items that are
true or false also need to be provided a criterion of truth and falsity. Since
language provides the only truth bearers that are overt, and that can be
Language and Literature
checked by other speakers, the idea that language is prior to thought, be-
lief, and intention follows, since any assignment of propositional content to
such nonlinguistic items must be via something that has a criterion of truth
and falsity. So, truth denition, giving a meaning by producing a sentence,
is the means of giving a theory of meaning.
The thesis that language is prior to or essential for thought does not
imply that meaning, seeing that, desiring, and intending are entirely verbal,
or that thought is nothing but sequences of words. The thesis is, rather,
that whatever else there is to meaning, thinking, and having something in
mind such as picturing, seeing as, and the like is secondary to language
possession in the sense that possession of the concepts of truth and falsity,
which are essential to thoughts being of an objective world, derives from
language possession.
Whereas most versions of the private language argument suppose that it
establishes that any speaker must follow social linguistic rules or accept the
linguistic norms of a community, Davidson argues that there is no reason to
suppose that each of the two speakers must make the same response as the
other. It is only required that each speaker make what the other recognizes
as the same responses to what the other recognizes as the same in order
that each speaker have the notion of truth and falsehood. Davidson argues,
in effect, that a common world is required for thought, but not a common
Thus Davidson makes idiolects primary. Speech acts and writing acts
are utterances and inscriptions in an individual idiolect. Such idiolects are
the basic objects of truth denition and the primary loci of meaning. Since
the evidence-basis for truth denition that is, determination of meaning
is what a speaker or writer says or writes in which situations, and since any
two people have different beliefs, experiences, and desires, any two idiolects
will differ. Furthermore, as our experience, desires, and opinions change,
our individual idiolects change. How a person understands another, then,
will be represented by what Davidson calls a passing theory.
An objective world, which can allowtrue and false beliefs relative to it, is
only identiable as the common world, which is the same as anothers. Only
relative to common beliefs can there be beliefs at all, since it is only relative
to something other than ones own beliefs that the distinction between true
and false beliefs can be drawn. Belief is basic to all thought, so all thought
requires an objective and shared world to be about. That is, the objective
worlds contrast, the subjective, can be generated only when there are beliefs
or other truth bearers. If all truth bearers presuppose the common world,
then the subjective world depends on the objective. Every conception
of the world presupposes substantial dependence on the world that any
thinker or language user must share with all others. Davidson thus takes the
supposition that there are different worlds for different cultures, or that
there is incommensurability between one literary tradition and another,
to be either literal nonsense or a hyperbolic way of saying that people and
traditions can be very different. A general way of putting his point is that,
in order to treat another as a language user at all, a substantial amount of
agreement on what is what must be presupposed. Otherwise since there
are no meanings as logoi or magic language tokens,
and since therefore
meaning is assigned by applying the mental family of predicates, and
since that family of predicates is applied by detecting a point of contact with
a common world there would be no basis for supposing that the alleged
other was speaking a language at all.
Davidson does not deny that there can be subject matters in another
cultures discourse that are incomprehensible to someone from Ohio, for
instance. But the knowledge that this subject matter was a subject matter
and was incomprehensible would be founded on a body of agreement about
other subject matters. We can only know that higher mathematicians are
talking over our heads if we have some basis for thinking that the mathe-
maticians are talking. And that basis must be their connection with us on
the mundane topics of whether it is time for lunch and what and where
their car keys are.
The same is true for historical understanding, or for understanding
what a text meant to its authors. While it is difcult to say exactly how each
member of the sequence of redactors and transmitters and retellers under-
stood the story of Jacobs wrestling match (Genesis 32), and impossible to
say exactly what the text itself means, we know that Jacob is taken to be a
man, that he is in a confrontation with his brother, that brothers are male
siblings, and so on. The most mysterious narrative, to be recognized as a
narrative at all, must be largely comprehensible.
According toDavidson, correct interpretationof a speechact reects at least
part of the intention with which the act was performed.
The intention
might be, for instance, the intention to inform the hearer that Davidson
holds a theory of speech act interpretation in which intention is prominent.
An interpretation determines what the words mean and what the person is
doing in using the words.
Language and Literature
Intention, for Davidson, does not represent a foundational, self-
interpreting mental language of thought, but rather picks out one of
the states of the mental family of concepts that interpretation employs in
ascribing speech acts and other actions to a being who is treated as a rational
agent. Intentions are ascribed along with beliefs, desires, and meanings of
utterances, in a holistic way.
Intentions are not foundations of meaning-
fulness in virtue of being magic language inscriptions that are essentially
meaningful and require no interpretation, but are rather on a par with be-
liefs, desires, utterances, and meanings. None of these notions is explicable
without reference to the others; no one notion is the bedrock from which
the other notions are constructed or understood. Thus, although some of
Davidsons account sounds rather like that of Hirsch (1967), Davidsons
theory does not suppose that intentions are made up of some version of
logoi that lie behind words.
How does an intention attach to an utterance so as to make a mean-
ingful utterance? A meaningful utterance is an attempt to communicate.
An attempt is qualied as an attempt only if the author believes that the
utterance can succeed in being understood. In the same way, my tapping
on an egg is not an attempt to fry the egg unless I believe that my tapping
will succeed. Not every coincidence of action and desire is an attempt. In
the case of communication, the relevant beliefs connecting the utterance
and the result must include beliefs about the audience and its knowledge
and capacities.
Davidson is thus able to accommodate the sensible thought that, for in-
stance, Shakespeares text means (by and large) what Shakespeare meant
by it, without supposing that what Shakespeare meant by it is a self-
interpreting intention, a mental state whose interpretation is given by its
very nature.
Intention itself may be indeterminate, but relative to a text
disconnected from a producer, a text with a producer has a more determi-
nate meaning.
Texts with authors are likewise interpreted as products of actions. The
intention that is the reason for the action gives the correct interpretation
of the text act. Intentions themselves are textlike, that is, language-like,
in contrast to alleged logoi, but a text as a text act of an author is rela-
tively determinate. That is, since we can sometimes know what a person
intended in writing, even though the words in isolation would be subject
to numerous interpretations, the authors context and intentions narrow
the indeterminacy of the text. While it is true that the text is legible af-
ter the death of the author, it is less determinately legible, in the general
It is still true for Davidson that the meaning of a speech act or writing act
is not entirely a matter of what is in the speakers or writers head. Since the
point of speech and writing is communication, and an intentional action is
anattempt only if there is some reasonable expectationof success, there have
to be sufcient clues in the text that the intended audience can reasonably
be expected to get the message right. In effect, this means that what the
speakers words mean depends, at least in part, on the text and the context.
Davidson denies Humpty Dumptys intentional theory, which says that a
speaker can mean whatever he chooses by his words.
Language use and
comprehension is part of getting around in the world. Ones knowledge of
ones fellows is an essential component of communication. Ones reasonable
beliefs about ones fellows are essential to attempted communication, that
is, to any use of language at all.
We can nowstate more clearly the project of interpretation. The data of
interpretation are speech acts or writing acts. The project of interpretation
is to nd out what the speech acts are. For instance, the utterance The rose
bush is right behind you might be correctly interpreted as a warning that
Fred is about to run over the rose bush, if that was the intent of the speaker.
Interpretation is thus essentially simultaneously rhetorical and logical.
We are given actions in our common world. We interpret by determining
truth conditions and the reasons that utterances with those truth conditions
are being presented.
Given this notion of truth conditions and meaning, Davidson has avail-
able the following picture of the various rhetorical forces with which things
are said and written: an utterance is the production of (in the standard
case) a sentence, with truth conditions,
with an intention. In fact, there
is usually a nested array of intentions providing the reason for producing a
sentence. I say Your pants are unzipped to let you knowthat your pants are
unzipped, to embarrass you, to get back at you for what you did yesterday,
and so forth.
Davidson treats the various speech act types as utterances having truth
values and truth conditions, but as offered for other reasons than informing
the hearer that the truth value is truth. So, warnings, declaratives (such as I
hereby declare you man and wife), and other speech acts that are treated as
neither true nor false by Austin and Searle are treated as having truth values.
Theories according to which such acts have no truth values, according to
Davidson, confuse truth valuedness with assertion. For Davidson, the truth
conditions of You are about to run over the rose bush are what make
the warning a warning that you are about to run over the rose bush. One
utters sucha sentence for a variety of purposes, but perhaps a typical purpose
Language and Literature
wouldbe warning. Evenutterances that are never utteredtoinformstill have
truth conditions or satisfaction conditions. Truth conditions or satisfaction
conditions give the conceptual content of utterances with every rhetorical
Davidson denies that conventions determine what speech act is being
performed (Davidson 1984 [1983]). His argument against the efcacy of
conventions is that, if there were a conventional linguistic device indicating
a particular force, that device immediately would be available to be used
in speech acts with other forces.
The device could be used on stage,
for instance. Rhetorical force cannot be in the text qua text. The general
point is that linguistic devices are equipment to be used for purposes. The
equipment itself does not x the purpose; rather, given the properties of the
equipment, various purposes canbe served. The properties of sentences that
make them usable for the various purposes to which they are put are their
truth conditions. The truth conditions of This room will be vacuumed by
this evening allow that sentence to be used to command that the hearer
vacuum the room, as well as to predict that the room will be vacuumed.
Davidsons best-known contribution on a topic that is clearly part of lit-
erary theory is his account of metaphor.
Given that the meaning of an
utterance is given by the truth conditions assigned in an appropriate truth
denition, there is nothing for words to mean except what can be given in
words themselves. If there were such a thing as special metaphorical mean-
ing, that metaphorical meaning would be given with a truth denition using
words. If there were metaphorical meaning, then metaphors could be para-
phrased without loss. However, virtually every serious thinker on metaphor
(including Davidson) agrees that metaphors cannot be exhaustively para-
phrased. If there were meanings that metaphors expressed, those meanings
could be expressed literally, by coining a word; but this seems obviously to
miss the mark.
Davidsonthus treats metaphor as a rhetorical phenomenon: a metaphor-
ical utterance is an utterance of a sentence that is usually literally false, but
is uttered for the purpose of bringing something to the attention of the
The description of the utterance or text as metaphorical describes
the intention of the utterance or text. It is a further question whether or
not the metaphor is an effective instrument for that intention, just as it is
a further question about a foul shot whether or not it went through the
hoop. So a person can utter the sentence The war reformatted the hard
drive of their civilization with the intent of getting his audience to see
the wars destruction of a culture in a certain way. This metaphor would
be inept and ineffective, for reasons that might be plumbed, but Davidson
would argue that there can be no general theory of what makes metaphors
wonderful and what makes them ludicrous. His theory is just designed to
provide a framework for metaphorical meaning that avoids supposing that
there is some kind of semantical meaning that metaphors have that makes
them metaphors or that carries their signicance. Metaphorical meaning is
a rhetorical, not a semantic phenomenon.
Davidson compares the effect of a metaphor getting a person to see
something in a newway to that of a bumping or other nonsemantic event.
Specically, metaphor is a speech act intended to get another to see some-
thing as something else to see what the author of the metaphor sees.
Davidson points out that seeing-as does not cash out into propositions:
seeing men as pigs does not cash out into some nite set of propositions
about men, derived from the properties of pigs. Seeing-as is not proposi-
tional at all, in fact. In Davidsons words: a picture is not worth a thousand
words, or any other number. Words are the wrong currency to exchange
for a picture (Davidson 1984 [1978], p. 263).
We can note that the success of the intention of a metaphor will de-
pend on the correctness of the authors assessment of his audience.
speakers theory of the audience leads him to reasonably expect that saying
Men are pigs will lead them to see what he sees about men. The intention
of a metaphor must be something that the author can reasonably expect to
accomplish, just as an intended action of any kind must be. Ametaphor, like
a joke, generally requires a context. The reception of Margaret Thatcher
needs a heart transplant will depend on whether the circumstances and
the audience are medical or political. Knowledge of the audience, and the
prediction of the effects of the words, is not part of semantics, according
to Davidson, in part because it is part of the speakers interpretation of the
theories of the audience. Roughly, the maker of a metaphor must know
how his audience feels about pigs in order to be successful. But this body
of knowledge is not a set of propositions.
Davidsons account holds that a metaphor, qua metaphor, has no spe-
cial cognitive content. That is, Men are pigs has no more propositional
content than is given by the formula, Men are pigs is true if and only if
men are pigs. The new way of seeing men that the author may induce in
an audience is not a cognitive content. Many would argue that paraphrase
and explication give (admittedly partial) accounts of the cognitive content
Language and Literature
contained in the metaphor. Such paraphrases draw parallels, point out re-
semblances, and show why the metaphor is appropriate for changing ones
viewof the subject. On such accounts, metaphor depends on, and implicitly
has as content, the features of men and pigs that might make saying Men
are pigs effective. Davidsons account of such helpful paraphrase is that it
is just another way to get an audience to have the seeing as experience
that the metaphor is designed to produce.
How can metaphors not have special metaphorical cognitive content,
given that real-world connections and the beliefs and desires of the audience
seemto be called into play by understanding a metaphor? Arelevant analogy
would be to jokes. Jokes, like metaphors, can be successful or unsuccessful.
When I say to my students, Your nal grade will be determined by my
mood while Im grading your exam, many of my students may take me
seriously and have their worst suspicions about professors conrmed. On
the other hand, I could be speaking truthfully. The propositional content
of a lame joke differs not at all between someone who gets the joke and
someone who doesnt. Even very well-known and highly regarded jokes go
beyond the text. Youngmans Take my wife. Please, qua text, could be
completely serious.
So to call an utterance or a text metaphorical is to describe an intention
of the author. The author may have further intentions, consisting of his
reasons for wanting his audience to see the world in a particular way. Various
other meanings, given by the layered intentions with which that utterance
was produced, yield other notions of meaning.
The account of gures other than metaphor would in many cases be
analogous. A metonymy, for example, would likewise be an utterance ut-
tered without the intent of asserting that is it literally true. A hungry stom-
ach has no ears is, of course, true, but it is not written with the intent of
pointing out that stomachs dont ever have ears, so that, a fortiori, hungry
ones dont. Jokes, sarcasm, irony, and so forth do not change cognitive con-
tent; they characterize the intention. Many other rhetorical devices counted
as gures by theorists of literature
are intentional violations of conven-
tions of syntax, punctuation, spelling, and so on. Few would claim that
misspellings convey distinctive cognitive content, for instance. Davidsons
theory which, as we will see, denies any constitutive or essential function
to conventions can be seen as assimilating metaphor and metonymy to
such gures.
Broader-scale literary phenomena such as parody and irony could be
treated in much the same way. Just as some metaphors could hardly be any-
thing else, given that the author is a human being with normal beliefs about
his audience, sosome works of literature canbe knowntobe parodic without
special knowledge of the author. Some interpretations need use only what
Davidson calls our prior theory, the general theory we have of a speaker
before knowing anything about himexcept that he speaks English. The text
of Tristram Shandy, for instance, is rich enough in data for interpretation
that there is little question that it is supposed to be humorous.
In other cases we may not be so sure, and only information about the
author would tell us. It is possible that the entire corpus of the works of
KimIl Sung, for example, couldturnout tobe a parody of Stalins writings, if
it turned out that KimIl Sung was actually a sophisticated but totally cynical
and evil person. Likewise, some of the effusive dedications to royalty one
nds in seventeenth-century texts would be parodic or ironic if they were
not formulaic, and if the power relations between author and sovereign
were not taken into account.
Davidson holds that the central feature of language use is communication.
Communication takes place whenever there is successful interpretation
that is, whenever the audience gets the speech act or writing act right.
He conceives of communication, sensibly enough, as a speech or writing
act that results in successful interpretation by an audience. The audience
gets what the author had in mind. Given Davidsons notions of the men-
tal, intention, and interpretation, this communication is not a matter of
conveying self-interpreting logoi to another person. The correct interpre-
tation of a speech act does indeed convey the intended meaning, but the
intended meaning is determinate only to the extent that radical interpre-
tation could arrive at limited options for best interpretation. That is,
since meaning is nothing over and above what people would do and say in
which circumstances even though it is not reducible to such patterns of
circumstances correct interpretation and communication are internal
to the intentional family of concepts.
The central issue between Davidson and the majority of modern lit-
erary theorists concerns the role of the conventions, norms, and social
practices connected with language use. Most contemporary literary theory,
as well as most contemporary philosophy of language, regards language as
essentially a social phenomenon. The fundamental notion of language
for such theories thus refers to entities such as English and Czech.
Such languages are standardly regarded as systems of collective practices
Language and Literature
governed by semantical rules. Quine, Davidson, and Derrida argue that the
semantical rule idea is either a mystication or an appeal to logoi that
is, language-transcendent meanings that various languages express in var-
ious ways. Derrida and other public language theorists therefore regard
languages as more loosely systematized collective practices.
For theories that deny such logoi but retain the notion that language is
primarily social, the meaning of a linguistic expression, to the extent that
it is determinate, is a function of its role in the culture at a given time.
Thus an individual author or speaker is a speaker of a language, which has
meanings that are beyond that speakers control. An authors intentions to
mean something by her words can only be intentions to mean what the
culture means, since the meaning of her words is determined by public
and cultural phenomena. What she means and what her words mean are
identical. What she means is given by what her mental text says according
to the public language.
That is, the public meaning, rather than her
intended meaning, determines the meaning of what the author wrote. So
one can say that it is the language that is speaking or writing, according to
the possibilities that that set of cultural practices determines.
As Davidson
and Chomsky
have observed, a language construed as
a set of social practices is an ill-dened and vague entity. Davidson does not
deny that there are speakers of English and speakers of Czech. His view is
that such languages are to be identied (vaguely) with sets of overlapping
idiolects. Cultures and populations are never uniform in vocabulary, nor in
the beliefs and desires that form the basis for the conceptual connections
among items of vocabulary. Any two individuals will thus mean different
things by their words, if we take meaning to be the inferential and val-
uational connections that speakers make. Without the existence of logoi,
that is, there is no difference in kind between inferences that are due to
the beliefs and desires that people have and inferences that follow from the
meanings of their words. Without the analytic-synthetic distinction and
the rules that mysteriously establish logoi, the social nature of language,
given the diversity of beliefs and desires within a society, entails indetermi-
nacy of meaning and sense within that language. So, relative to a conception
of language as social and meaning as practices, it would be no surprise that
interpretation is indeterminate.
If a text is legible in the absence of the
author, and texts have meaning on the basis of social relationships and prac-
tices, and social relationships and practices differ within a society and over
time, then a texts meaning likewise shifts.
There are two responses to this paradoxical result of the combination of
the denial of logoi and the thesis that language and meaning are a function
of cultural practices: one could accept it as a surprising discovery. The tra-
dition has thought either that meaning was xed by individual thoughts
or that languages were somehow systems of rules administered by some
group spirit. Both of these suppositions have been theorized, since Plato,
as various forms of direct relationship to logoi. If language and meaning
are social, and only logoi-supported rules could determine meaning in an
objective way, then the meaning of a persons utterances and writings is not
a function of individual intentions but a matter of social phenomena. Since
the social is constantly shifting and incompletely determinate at any given
time, meaning itself shifts politically and in other ways over time and across
audiences at a given time. Thus the meaning of any writing or utterance is
not determinate absolutely, but determinate only relative to an interpreta-
tion or a reception. This is the reaction of popular
The other response is Davidsons: since we sometimes do understand
perfectly clearly what a text or a person means, the individuals meaning
must be primary, since the network of social practices that is, the collection
of the communitys idiolects would never allow a determinate meaning.
Davidson would agree that texts without authors are less determinate than
texts withauthors. Committee documents, the Torah, andquotedfragments
are more indeterminate than an individual utterance or a novel by Agatha
There are two independent theses at issue. First, there is the issue of
whether the truth conditions of utterances are determined socially or by
individuals. Davidson, unlike the vast majority of philosophers of language,
holds that languages can be private, in the sense that the truth conditions
of what is said are determined by individual intentions rather than by the
practices of a linguistic community. Second, there is the issue of whether
there are logoi, or some other reduction of meaning to something else,
that allow xing the truth conditions of utterances. Those who think that
there are such xers of truth conditions include many naturalists, most
Platonists, and some of those who view language as a system of norms.
Those who deny such xing of truth conditions by reductions or by mysti-
cation of language or by logoi hold that, while meaning is nothing over
and above what people say in which circumstances, there is no reduction
of meaning to such circumstances, social or otherwise. Such theorists, who
include Derrida, Quine, Davidson, and perhaps Wittgenstein, hold that the
assignment of meaning is sometimes indeterminate.
Davidson denies that the truth conditions of an individuals utterances
are socially determined, but he also denies that there are logoi or any other
such reductions of linguistic meaning to something else. His argument that
Language and Literature
thought and language depend on the existence of other speakers denies
that logoi are present to the mind. Derrida, on the other hand, holds that a
language is a social entity. He takes the denial of logoi to mean that indeter-
minacy is pervasive to the extent that the public language, in which thoughts
are expressed, is pervasive. Derrida does not deny that context can narrow
indeterminacy, but he argues that the remaining indeterminacy is, while
governed by dissemination and differance, present in every utterance and
thought. That is, since the language of thought is the public language, and
the public language is shifting and indeterminate at any given time (albeit
not randomly), Derrida takes all linguistic events to be as indeterminate in
meaning as Davidson takes texts detached from intention to be.
The real issue between Davidson and Derrida is the primacy of the
idiolect over the public language. If the public language were primary
and if the public language is as vague, variable, and indeterminate in itself
as both Davidson and Derrida acknowledge then literary texts would in-
deed be radically indeterminate. The author would be writing in a language
whose meanings depended on much more than his interior thoughts and
intentions. That is, since the language is public, and since nothing unam-
biguously determines what that public object means, the text itself would be
subject to exactly the kind of dissemination and drift that Derrida describes.
Davidsons main objection to the social nature of language, as it is
usually conceived, is that uniformity of vocabulary or syntax is not neces-
sary for communication. If understanding communication is primary for
understanding language, then agreement on vocabulary and syntax that
is, speaking according to some average of the society (or according to the
norms of the society) is not essential to language.
Davidson argues that interpretation often succeeds when there is inten-
tional or unintentional violation of norms and regularities. His arguments
can be regarded as extensions of his rhetorical view of guration. Just as we
can be understood when we utter falsehoods in speaking metaphorically, so
we can be understood when we use idiosyncratic vocabulary.
Davidsons article A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs argues that, be-
cause there is no violation of conventions or norms that interpretation
cannot succeed in spite of, such conventions and norms are not essential
to language use. Admittedly, regularities make interpretation easier and
more routine. With familiarity, we can understand a deviant speaker or
a group of deviant speakers with ease. The normal situation, in which
someone is speaking perfect English, is just the limiting case of such fa-
miliarity. Even in this limiting case, though, there are differences in vocab-
ulary, nuance, and general knowledge, so that the same language, in the
philosophical logicians sense, never obtains between two persons idiolects
in real life.
Davidson does argue that language is social, as explicated earlier: with-
out other people to establish an objective world, and thus without a contrast
betweenbelief andtrue belief, there is nothought or language. The norms
of language are for Davidson like rules of thumb rough guidelines that are
used to facilitate communication, but ones that can be successfully violated.
That is, the rules of language are not like the rules of chess, except to the
extent that develop knights before bishops is a prudential rule of chess.
Thus, contra Derrida, Davidson in effect privileges speech, in the sense
that speech and speechlike texts are determinate in a way that texts de-
tached fromauthors are not. However, unlike others whomDerrida attacks,
Davidson does not hold that an author or a speaker resolves all indetermi-
nacy by supplying the logoi behind the words. So, while Davidson would
deny that texts are legible (accurately) in the absence of the author that is,
considered apart fromthe author, her intentions, and her context he would
agree with Derrida that iterability is essential to language. Iterability,
given that the language is an idiolect, just means that other possible token-
ings in the idiolect-at-a-time, those that a passing theory would understand
correctly, would have the same meaning.
Davidsons view is rather that the actions of a speaker are relatively
determinate that is, determinate relative to texts apart from authors. In
other words, on Davidsons view, intentions do not x interpretations by
being in a magic language, since they depend on language, but they never-
theless x interpretations much of the time.
So, Davidson conceives of a literary work as a written utterance in the
idiolect of the author. A text is interpreted, that is, in a way analogous to
the way we interpret a speaker.
Davidson would acknowledge that much illuminating literary criticism has
operated under the guidance of theories that take language and meaning
to be based on rules or loosely formulated features of a public language.
Accounts using notions of intertextuality, allusion, andsoforthgive accurate
interpretations, seemingly on the basis of taking the public language to
be primary. An account of how an important poet stretches the form of the
sonnet seems to imply a set of rules for being a sonnet. Allusion and citation
seem to require a public object that is shared.
Language and Literature
Davidson can generate any explanation that a public language theo-
rist generates using a public language while still taking the idiolect to be
primary. Davidsons idea is that the rules of language, taken by such
theorists to be constitutive of the public language, are actually pruden-
tial rules and methodological guidelines for interpreters and those who
wish to be accurately interpreted. Since the primary function of language
is communication,
a speaker or writer will, given an intention to commu-
nicate, communicate in ways that he reasonably expects will be understood
by his audience. Since the audience has theories about how authors will
write, and the author shares those theories and knows that his audience
holds them, the effect of rules is achieved just by mutual expectations,
together with the intent to communicate. So, as Davidson remarks, most
of the time it suits the intentions of a communicator to speak and write in
ways that the audience will comprehend without difculty.
At the most basic level of such methodological guidelines, syntax and
lexicon, it usually behooves an author to use most of his words in the ways
the audience does, employing more or less familiar syntax, so that the au-
dience can use the homophonic interpretation scheme, interpreting the
authors sentences by identical sentences of their own.
Authors adjust to
the audience. Letters to the editor use different vocabulary than profes-
sional journal articles. We may want to emphasize or deemphasize class
differences, perhaps using It dont matter none to me (if it can be done ef-
fectively) to establish solidarity in a biker bar. The rules are like the rules
of painting. When we learn to communicate, we learn what will happen
in what circumstances given what utterances. Then we select something
appropriate for our ends, just as an understanding of color relationships
allows a painter to achieve the effects she wants.
The more difcult the author, the more interpretation is demanded of
the audience. James Joyces Finnegans Wake, for instance, is a work that de-
mands a great deal of interpretive skill on the part of the reader. Davidsons
account of Joyce is a demonstration of how his theory is ideally suited
to handle idiosyncratic syntax, vocabulary, obscure allusion and citation
(Davidson 1991b).
What would genres be, according to Davidson? If one desires to com-
municate, it is helpful to have ways of letting the audience knowwhat sort of
thing is being communicated. Most of the time, we can identify novels at a
glance, tell that a work is a work of poetry, or detect an academic article. To
write an academic article in philosophy for an analytic audience is to include
footnotes, arguments, numbered sections, and so on, and to use words with
the intended extensions of those same words as spoken and written by the
audience. Authors need not be regarded as under any obligations imposed
by the culture or by the language, broadly construed, to write philosophy,
for random example, in this way. For the existence of norms, it sufces
that reasonable authors who are aware of the expectations of their readers
will write in a way that aids readers in interpretation. Of course, highly
admired authors can be idiosyncratic, since they can reasonably expect an
audience totake special pains inunderstanding. Nietzsche andWittgenstein
spring to mind.
Davidsons account of poetic forms would be similar to his account of
genres. An author wants his work to be identiable as a sonnet, for instance,
and to be evaluated as such. A violation of the rules for being a sonnet must
have a product that is close enough to being a sonnet that the intention
is recognizable, in order to be evaluated as a sonnet. Davidsons account
of intertextuality and allusion would have to observe only that part of the
knowledge an author acquires of his audience is what they know and what
theyve read.
Everything that can be explained by appeal to the rules of a public lan-
guage can likewise be explained by the prudential guidelines of successful
communication. The difference between Davidson and a public language
theorist is that, according to Davidson, the adherence to regularities and
expectations, although practically useful much of the time, is not essential.
Davidson has an easier task explaining the deviations from norms that
we nd in interesting literature, since his authors are not constrained by
anything in particular; they can nd innovative ways of communicating
without stooping to saying what everyone else says. Of course, there will
also be writing that tries to accomplish unchallenging comprehension. Pre-
scriptions for medication, permission slips, sabbatical proposals, and other
such writing, where there is a high premium on communication and a high
cost to miscommunication, will reasonably be expected to proceed in ways
that require little innovative interpretation. Literature, however, is often
intended to be interesting.
The fundamental thrust of Davidsons later writing on language and
literature is that language is not bound by convention, by rules, or by prece-
dents. This does not mean that anything goes. We will close by considering
what the conditions and limits are, according to Davidson, on an authors
meaning something idiosyncratic by his words.
Meaning something by some words is trying to do something
specically, trying to communicate. Just as in action, there has to be some
believed connection between the behavior and the result. More is required
than a simultaneous want and a behavior. So I can try to bring rain by
Language and Literature
reciting a spell, but not by blinking my eyes and simultaneously wanting
it to rain. The beliefs that make the behavior a trying do not have to be
correct, but they have to be ascribable as beliefs, and thus they have to
have some connection to true beliefs. Trying to do something is not the
mysterious attachment of a desire to a behavior.
The same applies to speech and writing. Meaning something by ones
words is not a mysterious mental attachment of a message to an act, but an
attempt to get something across. If a speech act or writing act is essentially
an attempt to communicate, and if an attempt must be something that the
actor can believe has some chance of succeeding, then Humpty Dumpty
did not actually mean a knockdown argument by glory, at least as far as
Carrolls story indicates. However, if Humpty was deluded about his audi-
ence, and had some unusual correlation in mind for instance, that in his
favorite novel, glory occurred in the same position as knockdown argu-
ment but on the verso of the page, and this seemed to Humpty something
everyone would notice then we could say that Humptys communication
attempt was meaningful, but unsuccessful. It is a familiar situation in liter-
ature that something about a text indicates a hidden message, but that the
author has provided too fewclues for any actual interpreter. These texts are
meaningful, but they have no determinate meaning.
Davidsons account
treats understanding language, texts, and utterances as of a piece with un-
derstanding anything else. We get information and make an inference. But
there is no algorithm for such inference.
1. The exceptions are his Davidson 1991b and Davidson 1993a.
2. Brooks (1947, pp. 723), writes:
The poemcommunicates so much and communicates it so richly and with
such delicate qualications that the thing communicated is mauled and
distorted if we attempt to convey it by any vehicle less subtle than that of
the poem itself. . . . if we are to speak exactly, the poem itself is the only
medium that communicates the particular what that is communicated.
The conventional theories of communication offer no easy solution to our
problem of meanings: we emerge with nothing more enlightening than
this graceless bit of tautology: the poem says what the poem says.
3. The fundamental paper on this topic is Davidson 1980c [1970]. See also
Davidson 1990d.
4. The fundamental paper on this topic is Davison 1984 [1967]. See Chapters 1
and 3 for further discussion of the role of a truth theory in a meaning theory.
5. Such a theory would be an account of the contribution of segments of sentences
to the truth conditions of whole sentences, i.e., an account of how the truth
conditions of whole sentences are built up from the satisfaction conditions
of predicates. What simple predicates mean is given by a word that means
the same, or by a compound predicate that means the same. Such a thesis
that words are as good as representation gets means that words are expli-
cated in words, not by relating them to some other items. Davidson appeals
neither to forms nor to sets of sense data nor to stimulations in accounting
for the meaning of logically simple predicates such as is a frog: is a frog is
true of an object if and only if that object is a frog. See Chapter 1 for further
6. The basic point, that there cannot be an algorithm for inductive logic, is due
to Carl Hempel. He argued that, since some adjustments to new data require
new theoretical terms, and since new theoretical terms cannot be produced by
an algorithm, there can be no routine for induction. An inductive logic, after
all, would be a theory that gave a measure of the conditional probability of A
given B for arbitrary A and B. It is not surprising that there can be no such
algorithm. Interpretation, like getting along in the world in general, is more
than following a program.
7. Davidsons argument is given in several places. See Davidson 2001 [1992] and
Davidson 1994c.
8. For Davidsons most succinct exposition of triangulation and its consequences,
see his Davidson 1994c, p. 15.
9. Prior and passing theories are discussed in Davidson 1986c. A passing
theory is typically an adjustment in a prior theory that is, the theory we
had before actually encountering the person. The theory we form of another
will of course be incomplete, but it will involve hypotheses about what the per-
son would say in other circumstances. Counterfactuals about anothers speech
behavior thus enter Davidsons account at the ground level of understanding
of language, and so at the ground level of the possibility of thought. To speak
of theory in this context is to describe how we would characterize a certain
ability. Davidson does not imagine that interpreters have available to them any-
thing like an axiomatic system. However, given an ability to understand, a theory
would be our representation of that ability.
10. Logos (plural logoi) is Derridas term for items of thought about which
there is no question of interpretation. Such terms, which I have characterized
elsewhere as magic language terms, mean what they mean in virtue of their
very essence. Lockes ideas and Freges senses are such terms.
11. Intentions are layered. Aliars intention, for instance, is to make an assertion that
p, which assertion itself has purposes. At every level, correct interpretation
gets the intention right.
12. Holistic amounts to the following: a family of concepts is applied on the basis
of data, but all of the data are criteria for all of the concepts. For example,
when we observe some speech acts, we interpret the acts by assigning beliefs
and desires to the agent and meanings to the words. The same set of data, that
is, determine the application of all of the concepts. There are constraints on
how those assignments are done the maximization constraints that make
the speaker believe mostly truths, seek the good, be consistent, and so forth.
Language and Literature
Indeterminacy, for Quine and Davidson, results when the maximization con-
straints determine no single best solution. Since beliefs, desires, and other mem-
bers of the intentional family of concepts have their use exhausted by their
role in keeping track of behavior, there is no fact of the matter regarding what
a person believes, desires, or means when there is indeterminacy or, rather,
no fact of the matter regarding which of the various theories that meet all
the constraints is correct. All do an equally good job in capturing all the facts
there are.
13. The relationship between Davidsons view and Derridas argument in Derrida
1977 is complicated. Derrida is sometimes taken to argue that, since there is
indeterminacy even in the interpretation of an intention, unless there are logoi
xing the meanings of inner states, meaning is therefore loosened to the extent
that no text or speech act has a determinate meaning. If this means that we
never know what someones utterance means, it seems uncharitable to ascribe
this viewto Derrida. Unless determinate meaning requires the absolute anchors
of logoi, there is no reason to suppose that denying that there are logoi amounts
to denying that meaning is sometimes determinate. Davidson and Derrida, on
my interpretation, agree in being pragmatists about the ascription of meaning.
Although nothing anchors meaning that is not itself anchored by its relations
to other unanchored states of the agent, agents still sometimes are correctly
interpretable. Both Davidson and Derrida recognize that there is indeterminacy
sometimes, and that dissemination and drift of meaning is thus a fact. The
differences between them are differences of emphasis. Davidson, starting from
Quines indeterminacy of translation and its denial of mentalistic foundations, is
concerned to rescue the commonsense viewthat we often knowwhat people are
doing and saying. Derrida is primarily concerning to argue against mentalistic
Because intentions have logical structure (an intention to go to the store
and to the gas station has as a component an intention to go to the gas station),
they are essentially language-like. Construed as entities or states, intentions can
be understood only by assigning them conceptual content, i.e., by giving truth
denitions for them.
14. See Davidsons discussion of Donnellans reply to McKay in Davidson 1986c,
p. 439.
15. In order to cover all utterances, there are obvious generalizations of Davidson
1984 [1968] to the presentation of open sentences. For instance, Whom did
you dance with? could be treated as the presentation of the open sentence
You danced with with the intention that the hearer will ll in the blank.
The mood indicator would be treated as in Davidson 1984b [1979]. Note 12 of
Davidson 1984b [1979] sketches a theory of questions. That note indicates that
there is much to be done with the semantics of How many frogs invaded your
living room? Such utterances as Jesus H. Christ! would pose other problems.
16. As remarked in note 15, Davidsons program remains incomplete in the case of
questions and expletives.
17. This point has been made again and again. See Wittgensteins Tractatus Logico-
Philosophicus, 4.442 (Wittgenstein 1961).
18. The fundamental article on metaphor is Davidson 1984 [1978].
19. Since literally false would often be understood as false in the public lan-
guage, and since Davidsons distinction is supposed to apply primarily to an id-
iolect in which a speaker may use a word idiosyncratically but mean it, Davidson
has changed his terminology to rst meaning. The rst meaning of someones
utterance is given by the truth denition applied to that utterance.
20. For a farm boy from Ohio, seeing men as pigs may raise his estimation of men,
since pigs are intelligent, clever, and resourceful, relative to other domestic
beasts. In addition, pigs are rarely malevolent and seem not to be obsessed with
domination of other pigs, except in practical matters such as getting food. A
metaphor may misre if the author is mistaken about his audience.
21. A mad killer has cornered a couple. He vows his intent to kill one or the other.
The ungentlemanly husband says: Take my wife. Please.
22. Still further notions of meaning fall within the scope of the English termmean-
ing. For instance, what the utterance reveals about the authors culture, gender
attitudes, economic position, and so forth would be meanings of his utterance.
Davidson has nothing special to say about such notions of meaning, except to
observe that there is nothing especially literary about them. A persons stock
market transactions or his pattern of daily life would have similar meanings.
What it says about a person that he bicycles to work instead of driving is anal-
ogous to what it says about an author that he writes experimental novels.
23. The most entertaining of the modern treatises on this topic is Arthur Quinns
24. The question of whether the humor is strictly in the text, though, is not so clear.
Borges (1965) argues that who the author is, and his historical context, is part
of what determines the rhetorical character even of a text as complex as Don
Quixote. Borges imagines that a postWorld War I author writes the very text
of Don Quixote. As a text of that time, various passages will reasonably be taken
25. Note that this would not be a question about how the author really felt
about his sovereign, but rather a question about what the author intended to
26. Supporting this view, for example, would be sentences such as May I have your
hand, which might be a proposal, if uttered in a context with an appropriate
woman, whether or not the speaker was serious.
27. An inuential advocate of this view of language is Roland Barthes. In Barthes
1967, p. 14, explicating Saussures concept of langue, Barthes writes: It is
the social part of language, the individual cannot by himself either create or
modify it; it is essentially a collective contract which one must accept in its
entirety if one wishes to communicate. The kernel of truth in this concep-
tion that I have been rude when I characterize a woman as a broad, even
though I was under the impression that the termmeant having wide interests
would be accommodated by Davidsons accounts of howwe formtheories of our
interlocutors, and of how successful intentions require some luck in estimating
the effects of what we say.
Language and Literature
28. Davidson 1986c, pp. 4445:
A persons ability to interpret or speak to another person consists [in] . . .
the ability . . . to construct a correct, that is convergent, passing theory for
speech transactions with that person. . . . This characterization of linguistic
ability is so nearly circular that it cannot be wrong: It comes to saying that
the ability to communicate by speech consists in the ability to make oneself
understood, and to understand. It is only when we look at the structure
of this ability that we realize how far we have drifted from standard ideas
of language mastery. For we have discovered no learnable common core of
consistent behaviour, no shared grammar or rules, no portable interpreting
machine set to grind out the meaning of an arbitrary utterance. We may
say that linguistic ability is the ability to converge on a passing theory
from time to time. . . . But if we do say this, then we should realize that
we have abandoned not only the ordinary notion of language, but we have
erased the boundary between knowing a language and knowing our way
around in the world generally. For there are no rules for arriving at passing
theories, no rules in any strict sense, as opposed to rough maxims and
methodological generalities. . . . I conclude that there is no such thing as
a language, not if a language is anything like what many philosophers and
linguists have supposed.
29. Chomsky (1995, p. 48) writes: . . . common, public language . . . remains mys-
terious . . . , useless for any form of theoretical explanation.
30. Whether further, even more radical results follow is questionable. Derrida sup-
poses that the changes in a public language are not random, but operate by
differance and dissemination. It is not clear to me whether this means more
than that the changes are nonrandom. Derrida certainly holds that they are
not predictable. Whether it follows from this that texts always have alternative,
equally good interpretations; that we never know what someone means except
relative to a choice of interpretative scheme; or that what someone has writ-
ten depends on its reception, would depend on further arguments with other
31. I exclude Derrida from this category. Derridas position on meaning, determi-
nacy, and the social is too subtle to be dealt with here. He does hold that texts
are legible apart from their authors, that language is essentially social, and that
there are no logoi; but his conclusions are nuanced beyond summary.
32. The passing theory for Davidson is the description of someones ability to un-
derstand another. Davidson does not suppose that such theories are formulated
by the interpreter. Yet they are not like the theory that our eyes and brain use
to construct objects out of visual inputs. Theories are sought for and arrived at
by the standard ways that we have of understanding one another. For Davidson,
like Heidegger, understanding is primitive.
33. I shouldpoint out that many of the Davidsonian theories offeredinthis section
are extrapolations rather than summaries of views that Davidson has actually
34. See Davidson 1994c, p. 11: . . . what matters, the point of language or speech
or whatever you want to call it, is communication, getting across to someone
else what you have in mind by means of words that they interpret (understand)
as you want themto. Speech has endless other purposes, but none underlies this
one. . . .
35. Except for demonstratives and proper names.
36. Debates about the real meaning of Revelation or about the occurrence of Jewish
festivals in the Gospel of John are familiar examples. When these are taken to
be holy texts, the issue is as serious as the issue of code breaking. Just as we know
that the enemy is communicating something, so we know that the allegorical
aspects of Revelation mean something.
Bibliography of Davidsons
Davidsons most inuential work has appeared in the form of relatively short essays.
Most of these essays have been or are being collected in ve volumes of essays pub-
lished by Oxford University Press. The following bibliography is organized into
ve sections. Section I lists the volumes of the collected essays, including those
projected for publication. Section II lists Davidsons major philosophical publica-
tions in essay form, giving details of their rst publication. The volume in which
an article is collected is indicated by a superscript arabic numeral attached to the
date; the number represents the number in order of publication of the volume of
collected essays in which it appears or will appear. Section III lists books Davidson
has authored or coauthored. Section IV lists books Davidson has coedited. Section
Vlists videotaped conversations with Davidson. Author/date citations to Davidsons
papers in the text should be referred to the Bibliographic References. An extensive
history of reprintings of Davidsons essays can be found at the end of the volume
on Davidson in the Library of Living Philosophers series, The Philosophy of Donald
Davidson (Chicago: Open Court, 1999).
I. Davidsons Collected Papers
1980. Essays on Actions and Events. New York: Clarendon Press. Second edition
published in 2001. The second edition adds two appendices, Adverbs of Actions
and Reply to Quine on Events.
1984. Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation. New York: Clarendon Press. Second
edition published in 2001. The second edition adds an appendix, Replies to Lewis
and Quine, to Chapter 10, Belief and the Basis of Meaning.
2001. Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective. New York: Clarendon Press.
Forthcoming. Volume 4, Problems of Rationality. New York: Clarendon Press.
Forthcoming. Volume 5, Truth, Language and History. New York: Clarendon Press.
II. Articles
1952. Why Study Philosophy? View Point, 2, 224.
1955. Outline of a Formal Theory of Value. Philosophy of Science, 22, 14060. (With
J. J. C. McKinsey and Patrick Suppes.)
Bibliography of Davidsons Publications
1955. The Return of Reason in Ethics. In T. Kimura (Ed.), Analysis of the American
Way of Thinking. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press. (In Japanese.)
1956. AFinitistic Axiomatization of Subjective Probability and Utility. Econometrica,
24, 26475. (With Patrick Suppes.)
1959. Experimental Tests of a Stochastic Decision Theory. In C. W. Churchman
and P. Ratoosh (Eds.), Measurement: Denitions and Theories (pp. 23369). NewYork:
Wiley and Sons. (With J. Marschak.)
Actions, Reasons, and Causes. The Journal of Philosophy, 60, 68599.
1963. The Method of Intension and Extension. In A. Schilpp (Ed.), The Philosophy
of Rudolf Carnap (pp. 31149). La Salle, Ill.: Open Court.
Emeroses by Other Names. The Journal of Philosophy, 63, 7789.
Theories of Meaning and Learnable Languages. In Y. Bar-Hillel (Ed.), Pro-
ceedings of the 1964 International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 38394). Amsterdam: North Holland.
Causal Relations. The Journal of Philosophy, 64, 691703.
The Logical Form of Action Sentences. In N. Rescher (Ed.), The Logic of
Decision and Action (pp. 8195). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Truth and Meaning. Synthese, 17, 30423.
On Saying That. Synthese, 19, 13046.
1969. Facts and Events. In J. Margolis (Ed.), Fact and Existence (pp. 7484). Oxford:
The Individuation of Events. In N. Rescher (Ed.), Essays in Honor of Carl
G. Hempel (pp. 21634). Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
True to the Facts. The Journal of Philosophy, 66, 74864.
1970. Action and Reaction. Inquiry, 13, 1408.
Events as Particulars. Nous, 4, 2532.
How Is Weakness of the Will Possible? In J. Feinberg (Ed.), Moral Concepts
(pp. 93113). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mental Events. In L. Foster and J. Swanson (Eds.), Experience and Theory
(pp. 79102). Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
Semantics for Natural Languages. In Linguaggi nella Societa e nella Tecnica.
Milan: Comunita.
Agency. In R. Binkley, R. Bronaugh, and A. Marras (Eds.), Agent, Action, and
Reason (pp. 337). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Eternal vs. Ephemeral Events. Nous, 5, 33549.
Freedomto Act. In T. Honderich (Ed.), Essays On Freedomof Action (pp. 137
56). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
In Defence of Convention T. In H. Leblanc (Ed.), Truth, Syntax and Modality
(pp. 7686). Dordretch: North-Holland.
The Material Mind. Paper presented at the Fourth International Congress
for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Dordrecht, Holland.
Radical Interpretation. Dialectica, 27, 31428.
Bibliography of Davidsons Publications
Belief and the Basis of Meaning. Synthese, 27, 30923.
On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme. Proceedings and Addresses of the
American Philosophical Association, 47, 520.
Psychology as Philosophy. In S. C. Brown (Ed.), Philosophy of Psychology
(pp. 4152). London: Macmillan.
Replies to David Lewis and W. V. Quine. Synthese, 27, 3459.
Thought and Talk. In S. Guttenplan (Ed.), Mind and Language (pp. 723).
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hempel on Explaining Action. Erkenntnis, 10, 23953.
Humes Cognitive Theory of Pride. The Journal of Philosophy, 73, 74456.
Reply to Foster. In G. Evans and J. McDowell (Eds.), Truth and Meaning:
Essays in Semantics (pp. 3341). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
The Method of Truth in Metaphysics. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 2,
Reality without Reference. Dialectica, 31, 24753.
Intending. In Y. Yovel (Ed.), Philosophy of History and Action (pp. 4160).
Dordretch: D. Reidel and The Magnes Press.
What Metaphors Mean. Critical Inquiry, 5, 3147.
The Inscrutability of Reference. The Southwest Journal of Philosophy, 10, 720.
Moods and Performances. In A. Margalit (Ed.), Meaning and Use (pp. 920).
Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
Quotation. Theory and Decision, 11, 2740.
Comments and Replies. In Essays on Actions and Events (pp. 23944).
New York: Clarendon Press.
Toward a Unied Theory of Meaning and Action. Grazer Philosophische
Studien, 11, 112.
Empirical Content. Grazer Philosophische Studien, 17, 47189.
Paradoxes of Irrationality. In R. Wollheim et al. (Eds.), Philosophical Essays on
Freud (pp. 289305). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rational Animals. Dialectica, 36, 31728.
A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge. In D. Henrich (Ed.), Kant
oder Hegel? (pp. 42338). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
Communication and Convention. The Journal of the Indian Council of
Philosophical Research, 1, 1325. Published in 1984 in Synthese, 59, 318.
Expressing Evaluations. Lawrence, Kan.: Lindley.
First Person Authority. Dialectica, 38, 10112.
Adverbs of Action. In B. Vermazen (Ed.), Essays on Davidson (pp. 23041).
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Deception and Division. In E. Lepore (Ed.), Actions and Events: Perspectives
on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson (pp. 13848). Oxford: Blackwell. Also published
in 1986 in J. Elster (Ed.), The Multiple Self (pp. 7992). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Bibliography of Davidsons Publications
Incoherence and Irrationality. Dialectica, 39, 34554.
1985. A New Basis for Decision Theory. Theory and Decision, 18, 8798.
Reply to Quine on Events. In E. Lepore (Ed.), Actions and Events: Perspectives
on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson (pp. 1726). Oxford: Blackwell.
Judging Interpersonal Interests. In J. Elster and A. Hylland (Eds.), Foun-
dations of Social Choice Theory (pp. 195211). Cambridge: Cambridge University
A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs. In E. Lepore (Ed.), Truth and Interpre-
tation: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Cambridge: Blackwell. Also
published in 1986 in R. E. Grandy (Ed.), Philosophical Grounds of Rationality (pp. 157
74). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Afterthoughts, 1987. In A. Malichowski (Ed.), Reading Rorty (pp. 12038).
Cambridge: Blackwell.
Knowing Ones Own Mind. Proceedings and Addresses of the American
Philosophical Association, 60(3), 44158.
Problems in the Explanation of Action. In P. Pettit (Ed.), Metaphysics and
Morality: Essays in Honour of J. J. C. Smart (pp. 3549). New York: Blackwell.
Epistemology and Truth. Proceedings of the Fourth Panamerican
Philosophy Conference, Cordoba, Argentina.
1988. Reply to Burge. The Journal of Philosophy, 85, 6645.
1989. The Conditions of Thought. In J. Brandl and W. L. Gombocz (Eds.), The
Mind of Donald Davidson (pp. 193200). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
The Myth of the Subjective. In M. Krausz (Ed.), Relativism: Interpreta-
tion and Confrontation (pp. 15972). Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame
What Is Present to the Mind? In J. Brandl and W. Gombocz (Eds.), The
Mind of Donald Davidson (pp. 318). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Meaning, Truth and Evidence. In R. B. Barret and R. F. Gibson (Eds.),
Perspectives on Quine (pp. 6879). Cambridge: Blackwell.
RepresentationandInterpretation. InW. H. Newton-SmithandK. V. Wilkes
(Eds.), Modelling the Mind (pp. 1226). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1990. The Structure and Content of Truth. The Journal of Philosophy, 87(6), 279
Turings Test. In W. H. Newton-Smith and K. V. Wilkes (Eds.), Modelling
the Mind (pp. 111). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Epistemology Externalized. Dialectica, 45(23), 191202.
James Joyce and Humpty Dumpty. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 16,
Three Varieties of Knowledge. Philosophy, 30(supp.), 15366. Also published
in 1991 in A. P. Grifths (Ed.), A. J. Ayer: Memorial Essays (pp. 15366). New York:
Cambridge University Press.
What Is Present to the Mind. In E. Villanueva (Ed.), Consciousness (Vol. 6)
(pp. 97214). Atascadero, Calif.: Ridgeview.
Bibliography of Davidsons Publications
The Second Person. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 17, 25567.
The Socratic Conception of Truth. In K. J. Boudouris (Ed.), The Philosophy
of Socrates: Elenchus, Ethics and Truth (pp. 518). Athens: International Center for
Greek Philosophy and Culture.
Locating Literary Language. In R. W. Dasenbrock (Ed.), Literary The-
ory after Davidson (pp. 295308). University Park: Pennsylvania State University
Method and Metaphysics. Deucalion, 11, 23948.
Platos Philosopher. In R. W. Sharples (Ed.), Modern Thinkers and Ancient
Thinkers (pp. 115). Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. Also published in 1993 in
Apeiron, 26(34), 17994.
1993. Reply to Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepores Is Radical Interpretation Possible?
In R. Stoecker (Ed.), Reecting Davidson (pp. 7784). New York: de Gruyter.
1993. Thinking Causes. In J. Heil and A. Mele (Eds.), Mental Causation (pp. 317).
New York: Clarendon Press.
The Third Man. Critical Inquiry, 19(4), 60716.
Dialectic and Dialogue. In G. Preyer (Ed.), Language, Mind, and Epistemology:
On Donald Davidsons Philosophy (pp. 42937). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
1994. Donald Davidson. In S. Guttenplan (Ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of
Mind (pp. 2316). Oxford: Blackwell.
1994. Exchange between Donald Davidson and W. V. Quine following Davidsons
Lecture. Theoria, 60(3), 22631.
1994. On Quines Philosophy. Theoria, 60(3), 18492.
1994. Radical Interpretation Interpreted. In J. Tomberlin (Ed.), Philosophi-
cal Perspectives: Logic and Language (Vol. 8) (pp. 12128). Atascadero, Calif.:
The Social Aspect of Language. In B. McGuinness (Ed.), The Philosophy of
Michael Dummett (pp. 116). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
What Is Quines View of Truth? Inquiry, 37(4), 43740.
Could There Be a Science of Rationality? International Journal of Philosophical
Studies, 3(1), 116.
1995. Laws and Cause. Dialectica, 49(24), 26379.
The Objectivity of Values. In C. Guti errez (Ed.), El Trabajo Filos oco de Hoy
en el Continente (pp. 5969). Bogat a: Editorial ABC.
The Problem of Objectivity. Tijdschrift voor Filosoe, 57(2), 20320.
Pursuit of the Concept of Truth. In P. Leonardi and M. Santambrogio (Eds.),
On Quine: New Essays (pp. 721). New York: Cambridge University Press.
The Folly of Trying to Dene Truth. The Journal of Philosophy, 93, 263
Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective. In P. Coates and D. Ituito (Eds.),
Current Issues in Idealism (pp. 15576). Bristol: Thoemmes.
1997. The Centrality of Truth. In J. Peregrin (Ed.), The Nature of Truth: Proceedings
of the International Colloquium (pp. 314). Prague: Filosoa.
Bibliography of Davidsons Publications
Gadamer and Platos Philebus. In L. Hahn (Ed.), The Philosophy of Hans-Georg
Gadamer (pp. 42132). Chicago: Open Court.
Indeterminism and Antirealism. In C. B. Kulp (Ed.), Realism/Antirealism and
Epistemology (pp. 10922). Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littleeld.
Seeing through Language. In J. Preston (Ed.), Thought and Language (pp. 15
28). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Who Is Fooled? In J.-P. Dupuy (Ed.), Self-Deception and Paradoxes of
Rationality (pp. 118). Stanford: CSLI Publications.
The Irreducibility of the Concept of the Self. In M. Stamm (Ed.), Philosophie
in Synthetisher Absicht (pp. 12330). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
Replies. Crtica, 30, 97112. Replies to articles by Barry Stroud, John
McDowell, Richard Rorty, and Carlos Pereda in Crtica, 28 (1998).
The Emergence of Thought. Erkenntnis, 51(1), 717.
1999. Intellectual Autobiography. In L. E. Hahn (Ed.), The Philosophy of Donald
Davidson (pp. 370). Chicago: Open Court.
1999. Interpretation: Hard in Theory, Easy in Practice. In M. D. Caro (Ed.),
Interpretations and Causes: New Perspectives on Donald Davidsons Philosophy (pp. 31
44). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
1999. Spinozas Causal Theory of the Affects. In Y. Yovel (Ed.), Desire and Affect:
Spinoza as Psychologist (pp. 95112). New York: Little Room Press.
1999. Is Truth a Goal of Inquiry? Discussion with Rorty. In U. M. Zeglen
(Ed.), Donald Davidson: Truth, Meaning and Knowledge (pp. 1719). London:
Objectivity and Practical Reason. In E. Ullmann-Margalit (Ed.), Reasoning
Practically (pp. 1726). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2000. Perils and Pleasures of Interpretation. Ars Interpretandi, 5, 2137.
TruthRehabilitated. InR. B. Brandom(Ed.), Rorty and His Critics (pp. 6574).
Cambridge: Blackwell.
2001. Externalisms. InP. Kotatko, P. Pagin, andG. Segal (Eds.), Interpreting Davidson
(pp. 116). Stanford: CSLI Publications.
III. Books
1957. Decision Making: An Experimental Approach. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford
University Press. (With Patrick Suppes.)
1990. Platos Philebus. New York: Garland. (1949 Harvard dissertation.)
IV. Edited Books
1969. Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of W. V. Quine. Dordrecht: Reidel.
(With Jaakko Hintikka.) Rev. ed. 1975. (With Jaakko Hintikka and W. V. Quine.)
1970. Essays in Honor of Carl G. Hempel. Dordrecht: D. Reidel. (With Carl Hempel
and Nicholas Rescher.)
Bibliography of Davidsons Publications
1972. Semantics of Natural Language. Boston: D. Reidel. (With Gilbert Harman.)
A second edition was published in 1977 with additional essays by Saul Kripke and
1975. The Logic of Grammar. Encino, Calif.: Dickenson. (With Gilbert Harman.)
V. Videotaped Conversations
1997. In Conversation: Donald Davidson (19 videocassettes, 1460 min.). Introduced
and edited by R. Fara. London: Philosophy International Centre for Philosophy of
the Natural and Social Sciences, London School of Economics.
Selected Commentary on Davidson
Listed below are journal issues (section I), collections of essays (section II), and
books or collections of essays (section III) on aspects of Donald Davidsons philo-
sophical work. Those collections in section II that contain replies by Davidson are
marked with an asterisk. Entries are restricted to English-language publications.
I. Journal Issues
Mind & Language, 11 (1996). Forum on Swampman. Edited by Samuel Guttenplan
and Sarah Patterson.
Critica, 88 (1998). Papers by Barry Stroud, John McDowell, Richard Rorty, Carlos
Pereda, and Akeel Bilgrami presented at the Sixteenth International Symposium of
Philosophy on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson.
II. Collections of Essays
Brandl, J., and Gombocz, W. L. (Eds.) (1989) The Mind of Donald Davidson.
Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Dasenbrock, R. W. (Ed.) (1993) Literary Theory after Davidson. University Park:
Pennsylvania State University Press.
De Caro, M. (Ed.) (1999) Interpretations and Causes: New Perspectives on Donald
Davidsons Philosophy. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer.
Evans, G., and McDowell, J. (Eds.) (1976) Truth and Meaning: Essays in Semantics.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Hahn, L. E. (Ed.) (1999) The Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Chicago: Open Court.
Kotatko, P., Pagin, P., and Segal, G. (Eds.) (2001) Interpreting Davidson. Stanford:
CSLI Publications.
Lepore, E. (Ed.) (1986) Truth and Interpretation: Perspectives onthe Philosophy of Donald
Davidson. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lepore, E., and McLaughlin, B. (Eds.) (1985) Actions and Events: Perspectives on the
Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Oxford: Blackwell.
Platts, M. (Ed.) (1980) Reference, Truth, and Reality: Essays on the Philosophy of
Language. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Selected Commentary on Davidson
Preyer, G. (Ed.) (1994) Language, Mind, and Epistemology: On Donald Davidsons
Philosophy. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Vermazen, B., and Hintikka, M. B. (Eds.) (1985) Essays on Davidson: Actions and
Events. Oxford: Clarendon Press.