Nottingham Hip Fracture Score As A Predictor

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British Journal of Anaesthesia 106 (4): 501–4 (2011)

Advance Access publication 28 January 2011 . doi:10.1093/bja/aeq405


Nottingham Hip Fracture Score as a predictor of one year

mortality in patients undergoing surgical repair
of fractured neck of femur
M. D. Wiles 1*, C. G. Moran 2, O. Sahota 3 and I. K. Moppett 1
University Division of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK
Department of Geriatric Medicine, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK
* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Background. Surgical repair of hip fractures is associated with high postoperative mortality.
Editor’s key points The identification of high-risk patients might be of value in aiding clinical management
† Mortality following decisions and resource allocation. The Nottingham Hip Fracture Score (NHFS) is a scoring
surgical repair of hip system validated for the prediction of 30 day mortality after hip fracture surgery. It is
fracture is high. made up of seven independent predictors of mortality that have been incorporated into
a risk score: age (66 –85 and ≥86 yr); sex (male); number of co-morbidities (≥2),
† Criteria for identifying
admission mini-mental test score (≤6 out of 10), admission haemoglobin concentration
high risk patients would
(≤10 g dl21), living in an institution; and the presence of malignancy. We investigated
facilitate clinical care.
whether the NHFS was a predictor of 1 yr mortality in patients undergoing surgical repair
† The ability of the of fractured neck of femur.
Nottingham Hip Fracture
Score to predict one year Methods. NHFS was retrospectively calculated for 6202 patients who had undergone
mortality was assessed hip fracture surgery between 1999 and 2009. One year and 30 day postoperative
retrospectively in 6202 mortality data were collected both from hospital statistics and the Office of National
patients. Statistics.

† This scoring system Results. Overall mortality was 8.3% at 30 days and 29.3% at 1 yr. An NHFS of ≤4 was
allowed accurate considered low risk and a score of ≥5 high risk. Survival was greater in the low-risk
identification of low- and group at 30 days [96.5% vs 86.3% (P,0.001)] and at 1 yr [84.1% vs 54.5% (P,0.001)].
high-risk groups with Conclusions. NHFS can be used to stratify the risk of 1 yr mortality after hip fracture surgery.
significant differences in
Keywords: complications, death; risk; surgery, orthopaedic; trauma
one year survival.
Accepted for publication: 13 December 2010

More than 68 000 patients in the UK sustained a fracture of scoring system that reliably predicts 30 day mortality for
their proximal femur in 2008/09.1 It is currently predicted patients after hip fracture.7 It is made up of seven inde-
that by 2033, 23% of the UK population will be aged over pendent predictors of 30 day postoperative mortality that
65.2 Thus, the incidence of proximal femoral fracture will have been incorporated into a risk score: age (66–85
continue to increase, despite interventions targeted at and ≥86 yr); sex (male); number of co-morbidities (≥2),
primary and secondary prevention. Hip fractures place a admission mini-mental test score (≤6 out of 10), admis-
huge economic burden on the health service with a sion haemoglobin concentration (≤10 g dl21), living in an
median stay of 15 days and over 1.1 million total inpatient institution; and the presence of malignant disease.
bed days.1 Hip fractures also cause substantial morbidity Previous work has demonstrated that late mortality after
and mortality. Postoperative mortality is 5 –10% at 30 days hip fracture is high.8 This might partly be a consequence of
and 19–33% at 1 yr.3 – 5 Around 20% of the patients the ageing process itself and therefore largely unaffected
require institutional care at hospital discharge.6 by hip fracture per se. Data suggest that at 2 yr, survivors
Preoperative identification of those patients at high risk after hip fracture have the same mortality risk as the non-
of adverse outcomes would be beneficial for a number of fracture population.9 Postoperative complications have
reasons: optimal timing of surgery; critical care admission been shown in other cohorts to increase long-term mor-
before or after operation; and appropriate informed tality.10 Longer term mortality might therefore be a function
consent. The Nottingham Hip Fracture Score (NHFS) is a of postoperative course. Since it is possible to predict early

& The Author [2011]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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BJA Wiles et al.

postoperative mortality, which is associated with early Results

complications, we hypothesized that the NHFS could predict
During the 10 yr study period, 7483 patients underwent oper-
later mortality after hip fracture surgery.
ative management of a fractured femoral neck, and 1281
patients were excluded [347 were admitted from an acute
Methods hospital ward and represent a different patent cohort; 261
had no date of surgery recorded; 33 had no discharge date
Guidance from the Integrated Research Application Service
recorded; NHFS could not be calculated for 640 patients
(IRAS) classified the project as service evaluation, meaning
due to missing data (admission mini-mental test score
that formal ethical approval was unnecessary. Local approval
465 patients, admission haemoglobin 174 patients, date
was gained from our institution’s audit committee.
of birth 1 patient)]. This left 6202 patients for analysis.
From May 1999 to April 2009, all patients admitted with
The characteristics of the patients are shown in Table 1.
a fractured femoral neck to the Queen’s Medical Centre
The overall postoperative mortality was 8.3% at 30 days
campus of the Nottingham University Hospitals had pro-
and 29.3% at 1 yr. A Kaplan–Meier curve was constructed
spective collection of physiological and operative data in
for 30 day and 1 yr mortality (Fig. 1). Survival was signifi-
order to allow local departmental audit. One year and 30
cantly greater in the low-risk group at 30 days [96.5% com-
day postoperative mortality was collected and cross-
pared with 86.3% (P,0.001)] and at 1 yr [84.1% compared
checked both from hospital statistics and the Office of
with 54.5% (P,0.001)]. One year survival in those patients
National Statistics. Data were collected prospectively by
who survived beyond 30 days was also significantly greater
dedicated audit officers and the accuracy of the data was
in the low-risk group compared with the high-risk group
verified with internal cross-checking demonstrating an
[87.1% compared with 63.1% (P,0.001)] (Fig. 2).
error rate of ,3%. The database is fully compliant with Cal-
The effect of delay in surgery on 1 yr mortality is shown in
dicott principles11 and patient anonymity and confidential-
Table 2. A delay in surgery of .48 h was associated with an
ity is strictly maintained.
increased mortality at 1 yr (31% compared with 26%,
We have previously developed and validated the NHFS.7
P,0.001). After adjusting for time to surgery, the high-risk
In brief, this is a weighted score of seven independent
cohort still had a greater mortality than the low-risk cohort
admission variables which reliably predicts 30 day mortality.
[43.4% compared with 13.2% in the early surgery group
Total NHFS scores range between 0 and 14, with a median
(P,0.001) and 46.4% compared with 17.5% in the late
of 4. We retrospectively calculated the NHFS of every
surgery group (P,0.001)].
patient who underwent a surgical repair of a fractured
femoral neck and compared this prospectively with their
outcome data.
Previous analysis of survival curves for a given NHFS We have shown that the NHFS can stratify patients under-
suggested a divergence at scores .4. Therefore, for the pur- going surgical fixation of a fractured femoral neck into
poses of this study, the cohort was therefore divided into two
cohorts with NHFS ≤4 and .4, respectively (low and high Table 1 Characteristics of patients in the Nottingham Hip
risk). In order to distinguish the effect of early mortality, Fracture database (IQR, inter-quartile range)
cumulative survival to 1 yr was assessed for two groups of
Total Low risk High risk
patients. The complete data set was analysed for difference
(NHFS ≤4) (NHFS >4)
in 1 yr mortality. The subset of patients who survived to 30
Number of cases 6202 3405 2797
days was also examined separately.
Age [median 82 (76 –88) 79 (72 – 84) 87 (82 –91)
The effect of operative delay on 1 yr mortality was exam-
ined for the whole population and for the groups stratified as
Sex [n (%), 1347 (22) 507 (15) 840 (30)
low and high risk. We classified ‘early’ surgery as that per- males]
formed up to and including 48 h from admission, and ‘late’ Nottingham Hip 4 (3– 5) 3 (3 –4) 5 (5– 6)
surgery as that performed .48 h from admission. This Fracture score
time scale was chosen on the basis of a large systematic [median (IQR)]
review that demonstrated that surgery delayed by .48 h Number of days 2 (1– 3) 2 (1 –3) 2 (1– 3)
was associated with increases in 30 day and 1 yr postopera- from admission
until time of
tive mortality.12 A target of ,48 h until surgery has also
surgery [median
recently been set by the British Orthopaedic Association (IQR)]
and the British Geriatrics Society.13 Death within 30 500 (8.1) 118 (3.5) 382 (13.7)
All data were entered into a Microsoft Office 2007 Excel days [n (%)]
spreadsheet (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, VA, USA). Stat- Death within 90 1098 (17.7) 287 (8.4) 811 (29.0)
istical analyses were performed using SigmaStat 3.1 software days [n (%)]
(Systat Software, Richmond, CA, USA). A log-rank test was Death within 1 1816 (29.3) 543 (15.9) 1273 (45.5)
used to compare the Kaplan–Meier curves with P,0.05 yr [n (%)]
considered statistically significant.

NHFS as a predictor of 1 yr mortality BJA

Table 2 Effect of time to surgery for a fractured femoral neck on 1

yr mortality, risk stratified using the NHFS. *P,0.001 early vs late
surgery; †P¼0.102 early vs late surgery

0.8 Early surgery (≤48 Late surgery

h from admission) (>48 h from
Cumulative survival

0.6 Number of cases 2098 4104

Death within 1 yr [n (%)] 540 (25.7) 1276 (31.1)*
Death within 1 yr for 162 (13.2) 381 (17.5)*
0.4 low-risk cohort (NHFS
≤4) [n (%)]
Death within 1 yr for 378 (43.4) 895 (46.4)†
0.2 high-risk cohort (NHFS
.5) [n (%)]
High risk
Low risk
0 100 200 300 400
Days preoperative identification of the high-risk patient will be of
great use to the multidisciplinary team involved in the care
Fig 1 The Kaplan – Meier curve showing 1 yr postoperative mor- of patients with hip fractures. The high-risk patient might
tality after hip fracture surgery. Low- and high-risk groups have benefit from aggressive optimization of co-existent medical
an NHFS of ≤4 and .4, respectively. problems, expeditious surgery involving senior surgeons
and anaesthetists, monitoring such as invasive arterial
pressure and cardiac output monitoring, and pre- or post-
operative observation or optimization in a critical care
environment. As yet, there is no evidence demonstrating
that such interventions in a high-risk patient group alter
0.8 outcome, but risk stratification could be of value in guiding
future research, allowing the identification of individuals
who might benefit most from intervention. A greater under-
Cumulative survival

0.6 standing of the level of risk that a patient faces also allows
informed discussions with both patients and relatives regard-
ing the likely outcome. The NHFS stratification could also be
0.4 of value in risk-adjusting outcome comparisons, allowing an
accurate comparison of postoperative mortality to be made
between different units, in addition to providing a benchmark
for internal audits. One advantage of the NHFS is its simpli-
High risk city. The NHFS uses data that are easily and routinely col-
Low risk lected from all patients presenting with hip fractures. The
100 200 300 400 NHFS can be calculated on admission to hospital allowing
Days risk stratification to start in the Emergency Department.
This is in contrast to those scoring systems which require sur-
Fig 2 The Kaplan – Meier curve showing 1 yr postoperative mor- gical and anaesthetic data such as POSSUM14 or Donati
tality in patients who survived 30 days after hip fracture score.15 POSSUM scoring has been shown to over-predict
surgery. Low- and high-risk groups have an NHFS of ≤4 and mortality in patients with hip fractures,16 and the Donati
.4, respectively. score shows a poor concordance when a range of risks is con-
sidered.7 A Japanese group has recently shown a good corre-
high- and low-risk groups, which demonstrated significant lation between the Estimation of Physiologic Ability and
differences in mortality at 30 days and 1 yr after operation. Surgical Stress (E-PASS) score and mortality after hip fracture
This difference persists even when those patients who die surgery.17 However, the applicability of this to UK practice is
early are excluded, suggesting that preoperative factors are limited by a postoperative mortality of only 1% at 30 days. Of
associated with continuing mortality risk after hip fracture note, the patients in that cohort were selected low-risk
repair. The identification of the high-risk patient using the patients without early complications.
NHFS is also unaffected by potentially confounding factors This study has two major limitations. The results reflect
such as delays in time to surgery. the working practices and patient population of a single hos-
Patients with an NHFS of ≥5 have an almost 30% greater pital. We feel that our practice is representative of normal UK
mortality at 1 yr than those with a score of ≤4. The trauma care (our institution runs two dedicated trauma

BJA Wiles et al.

theatres, staffed by consultants and senior trainees, with 5 Wehren LE, Hawkes WG, Orwig DL, Hebel JR, Zimmerman SI,
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6 Roberts HC, Pickering RM, Onslow E, et al. The effectiveness of
other trauma centres. The 30 day and 1 yr postoperative
implementing a care pathway for femoral neck fracture in older
mortality of our institution is in line with national statistics people: a prospective controlled before and after study. Age
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The use of the NHFS to stratify patients in future research 8 Pande I, Scott DL, O’Neill TW, Pritchard C, Woolf AD, Davis MJ.
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own performance adjusted for risk. The National Hip Fracture Kumbhani DJ. Determinants of long-term survival after major
Database is now collecting data from all hospitals in England, surgery and the adverse effect of postoperative complications.
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In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the NHFS is an
12 Shiga T, Wajima Zi, Ohe Y. Is operative delay associated with
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We believe that it is a valuable tool for all medical professions
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