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[0:00:00 - 0] mess=REactiveapp=0

[0:00:00 - 0] wininit ok
[0:00:00 - 0] progpath:
[0:00:00 - 0] userpath:
[0:00:00 - 0] steam init callback: pc_lobbyinvited=-2147483648
[0:00:00 - 0] steam init callback: pc_over=-2147483648
[0:00:00 - 0] SteamAPI_Init() ok. Id=1823600
[0:00:00 - 0] STEAM BOOT OK
[0:00:00 - 0] -------------_geolmain-----------
[0:00:00 - 0] Game name: PAR 2022 SR /V=P22 ENGLISH SR /P=P22 ENGLISH SR
[0:00:00 - 0] APP Version:
[0:00:00 - 0] REG Version:
[0:00:00 - 0] EXE Version:
[0:00:00 - 0] Date: 2023/5/16 14:13:57
[0:00:00 - 0] GEOL X64 Interface VS17 (Wed Oct 26 15:06:07 2022), build (Nov 9
2022 12:37:32)
[0:00:00 - 0] OS version: 6.2 -64b (USER)
[0:00:00 - 0] App lang: us
[0:00:00 - 0] Nb cores: 2
[0:00:00 - 0] VRAM rate=3137864104 size=34121814
[0:00:00 - 0] Mainthread id=8048
[0:00:00 - 0] gsk=76561199973543258
[0:00:00 - 0] astru LO err=-3
[0:00:00 - 0] http copy
[0:00:00 - 0] reg=0/987654321
[0:00:00 - 0] memory using GC_CACHE_ITEMS
[0:00:00 - 0] Game ram to allocate (MB) =1400
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: block=350 Mb
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: block=350 Mb
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: block=350 Mb
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: block=350 Mb
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: Total (Mb) = 1399 / Nb blocks = 4
[0:00:00 - 0] Physic ram (Mb) = 4095
[0:00:00 - 0] init screen...
[0:00:00 - 0] init display settings...
[0:00:00 - 0] Screenres: 1440x900 c=32
[0:00:00 - 0] init display settings done
[0:00:00 - 0] init white bitmap...
[0:00:00 - 0] init white bitmap done
[0:00:00 - 0] init video3d card...
[0:00:00 - 0] --- OpenGL Info
[0:00:00 - 0] Renderer: GeForce 9400 GT/PCIe/SSE2 / OV:3.3.0 / SV:3.30 NVIDIA via
Cg compiler
[0:00:00 - 0] Max combined textures supported = 96
[0:00:00 - 0] Max textures supported = 32
[0:00:00 - 0] Max textures size = 8192
[0:00:00 - 0] Vertex Shader : max attributs = 16 | max uniform components = 4096
[0:00:00 - 0] Fragment Shader : max uniform components = 2048
[0:00:00 - 0] Texture compression formats: 23
[0:00:00 - 0] 3dcard: NVIDIA
[0:00:00 - 0] Vram size (Mb)= 1024 / avail= 1000
[0:00:00 - 0] ---
[0:00:00 - 0] init shaders...
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>default shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>fast shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>morph shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>water shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>normal map shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>shadow volume shader
[0:00:00 - 0] Shaders initialisation done
[0:00:00 - 0] ########## setvideo=0 (L=1440 H=900 B=32 FULLSCREEN)
[0:00:00 - 0] init video3d card done
[0:00:00 - 0] ====> vrambig=1
[0:00:00 - 0] t_indexsmooth_calc_palette() done
[0:00:00 - 9] Directsound init ok. Buffer size=32768
[0:00:00 - 10] mxd=0
[0:00:00 - 14] inivideo done
[0:00:00 - 15] ======================== inisys completed ========================
[0:00:00 - 17] >>>>initobj: Nb=65536 Sizeof=1176 Total=73 Mb
[0:00:00 - 20] >>>fin initobj=65536
[0:00:00 - 25] g_lang=2
[0:00:00 - 56] dat_7/
[0:00:05 - 314] TTF invalid char 32
[0:00:05 - 317] TTF invalid char 160
[0:00:05 - 321] TTF item bmp l=512 h=560 size=573440 zipsize=23381
[0:00:05 - 323] TTF invalid char 32
[0:00:05 - 324] TTF invalid char 160
[0:00:05 - 327] TTF item bmp l=512 h=560 size=573440 zipsize=23381
[0:00:05 - 329] TTF invalid char 32
[0:00:05 - 331] TTF invalid char 160
[0:00:05 - 333] TTF item bmp l=512 h=560 size=573440 zipsize=23381
[0:00:05 - 351] TTF invalid char 32
[0:00:05 - 356] TTF invalid char 160
[0:00:06 - 361] TTF invalid char 65440
[0:00:06 - 362] TTF invalid char 12288
[0:00:10 - 650] TTF char 16105 overflow 1 (width)
[0:00:14 - 895] TTF item bmp l=4080 h=4096 size=33423360 zipsize=4392801
[0:00:17 - 1075] g_playfilm: vid/eversim.avi (FI_WIN + winfilm=2)
[0:00:18 - 1115] ds_openfilm ok. Count=1 Total=1
[0:00:18 - 1121] vramload: g_texbuff alloc ok. Size (mb)=0
[0:00:21 - 1296] ds_closefilm out. Count=1
[0:00:21 - 1297] g_playfilm stop=1
[0:00:21 - 1298] g_playfilm: vid/intro.AVI (FI_WIN + winfilm=2)
[0:00:21 - 1311] ds_openfilm ok. Count=1 Total=2
[0:00:27 - 1665] g_playfilm stop=2
[0:00:28 - 1688] ds_closefilm out. Count=1
[0:00:28 - 1714] vramload: g_texbuff alloc ok. Size (mb)=10
[0:00:40 - 2418] bootgame
[0:00:41 - 2506] _fopen info carre :dat_7/ic_v5wa.dat
[0:00:43 - 2591] read base_mini:dat_7/gps_base.dam
[0:00:47 - 2836] g_face3d
[0:00:51 - 3095] Cgps baseinit done.
[0:00:51 - 3097] Accueil
[0:00:51 - 3111] Version: 6.84 E22-Mod-GNS
[0:00:51 - 3118] bootgameend
[0:00:52 - 3140] vramload: g_texbuff alloc ok. Size (mb)=16
[0:01:28 - 5295] Version: 6.84 E22-Mod-GNS
[0:01:52 - 6736] Version: 6.84 E22-Mod-GNS
[0:02:09 - 7758] _wintobmp: _winbmp11 newmodule. l=512 h=512
[0:02:09 - 7774] _wintobmp out=10354689
[0:02:38 - 9489] _fopen es_base :dat_7/gps_base.dat
[0:03:13 - 11624] _fopen info carre :dat_7/ic_v5wa.dat
[0:03:18 - 11933] newgame scenar=4000 joue:DZ:P-20,
[0:03:19 - 11993] lod=3
[0:03:20 - 12014] <<<<<<<<<<<<< CLRALL >>>>>>>>>>>> mode=2
[0:03:20 - 12031] <<<<< clrtex(-5) >>>>> vram avail (mb)=587 frametime=11993
[0:03:20 - 12054] ->cleared: size=108531490 nb=300 (remaining entries=0 with
keep=0 bmpvram=0) Free entries=1023 Vram avail (mb)=700
[0:03:20 - 12059] t_clrwintex=-5
[0:03:21 - 12064] ->clrwintex vram avail (mb)=700
[0:03:21 - 12067] free all vtx=1248
[0:03:21 - 12074] ->freevtx vram avail (mb)=715
[0:03:21 - 12076] ->free all mshzip=0
[0:03:21 - 12078] MALLOC=378M (nb=816 err=0 max=400M)
[0:03:21 - 12086] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[0:03:59 - 14368] mess=UNactiveapp
[0:03:59 - 14389] mess=UNactiveapp free ok
[0:04:00 - 14405] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unactive
[0:04:16 - 15366] mess=REactiveapp=1
[0:04:16 - 15390] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>reactive
[0:05:16 - 19003] mess=UNactiveapp
[0:05:16 - 19016] mess=UNactiveapp free ok
[0:05:17 - 19029] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unactive
[0:05:21 - 19303] mess=REactiveapp=2
[0:05:22 - 19324] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>reactive
[0:05:23 - 19403] 3Dto2D
[0:05:51 - 21082] vramload: g_texbuff alloc ok. Size (mb)=16
[0:06:20 - 22800] ds_openfilm ok. Count=1 Total=3
[0:06:23 - 23010] ds_closefilm out. Count=1
[0:10:12 - 36764] ds_openfilm ok. Count=1 Total=4
[0:10:19 - 37166] ach: ACH_26 = 1
[0:10:19 - 37170] ds_closefilm out. Count=1
[0:13:47 - 49631] _threadunlock : thread calc_monde bloqu�
[0:13:58 - 50331] traitement_lawpack law_id=211302 , evolkeeper=97679
[0:13:59 - 50342] traitement_lawpack all=0 , num_resol=0
[0:14:15 - 51340] ach: ACH_25 = 1
[0:15:22 - 55321] mess=UNactiveapp
[0:15:22 - 55326] mess=UNactiveapp free ok
[0:15:22 - 55334] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unactive
[0:15:24 - 55481] mess=REactiveapp=3
[0:15:25 - 55548] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>reactive
[0:17:39 - 63552] _threadunlock : thread calc_monde bloqu�
[0:20:44 - 74694] _threadunlock : thread calc_monde bloqu�
[0:21:13 - 76411] ach: ACH_30 = 1
[0:24:43 - 88999] ach: ACH_39 = 1
[0:25:03 - 90214] _threadunlock : thread calc_monde bloqu�
[0:26:43 - 96238] ach: ACH_27 = 1
[0:27:39 - 99580] _threadunlock : thread calc_monde bloqu�
[0:28:11 - 101515] ach: ACH_87 = 1
[0:28:23 - 102198] ds_openfilm ok. Count=1 Total=5
[0:28:28 - 102485] ds_closefilm out. Count=1
[0:28:58 - 104328] ds_openfilm ok. Count=1 Total=6
[0:29:01 - 104497] ds_closefilm out. Count=1
[0:30:29 - 109782] _threadunlock : thread calc_monde bloqu�
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0] 2023/5/16 20:19:22
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0]
[0:00:00 - 0] mess=REactiveapp=0
[0:00:00 - 0] wininit ok
[0:00:00 - 0] progpath:
[0:00:00 - 0] userpath:
[0:00:00 - 0] steam init callback: pc_lobbyinvited=-2147483648
[0:00:00 - 0] steam init callback: pc_over=-2147483648
[0:00:00 - 0] SteamAPI_Init() ok. Id=1823600
[0:00:00 - 0] STEAM BOOT OK
[0:00:00 - 0] -------------_geolmain-----------
[0:00:00 - 0] Game name: PAR 2022 SR /V=P22 ENGLISH SR /P=P22 ENGLISH SR
[0:00:00 - 0] APP Version:
[0:00:00 - 0] REG Version:
[0:00:00 - 0] EXE Version:
[0:00:00 - 0] Date: 2023/5/16 20:19:26
[0:00:00 - 0] GEOL X64 Interface VS17 (Wed Oct 26 15:06:07 2022), build (Nov 9
2022 12:37:32)
[0:00:00 - 0] OS version: 6.2 -64b (USER)
[0:00:00 - 0] App lang: us
[0:00:00 - 0] Nb cores: 2
[0:00:00 - 0] VRAM rate=3137864104 size=34121814
[0:00:00 - 0] Mainthread id=8716
[0:00:00 - 0] gsk=76561199973543258
[0:00:00 - 0] reg=0/987654321
[0:00:00 - 0] memory using GC_CACHE_ITEMS
[0:00:00 - 0] Game ram to allocate (MB) =1400
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: block=350 Mb
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: block=350 Mb
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: block=350 Mb
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: block=350 Mb
[0:00:00 - 0] Myalloc: Total (Mb) = 1399 / Nb blocks = 4
[0:00:00 - 0] Physic ram (Mb) = 4095
[0:00:00 - 0] init screen...
[0:00:00 - 0] init display settings...
[0:00:00 - 0] Screenres: 1440x900 c=32
[0:00:00 - 0] init display settings done
[0:00:00 - 0] init white bitmap...
[0:00:00 - 0] init white bitmap done
[0:00:00 - 0] init video3d card...
[0:00:00 - 0] --- OpenGL Info
[0:00:00 - 0] Renderer: GeForce 9400 GT/PCIe/SSE2 / OV:3.3.0 / SV:3.30 NVIDIA via
Cg compiler
[0:00:00 - 0] Max combined textures supported = 96
[0:00:00 - 0] Max textures supported = 32
[0:00:00 - 0] Max textures size = 8192
[0:00:00 - 0] Vertex Shader : max attributs = 16 | max uniform components = 4096
[0:00:00 - 0] Fragment Shader : max uniform components = 2048
[0:00:00 - 0] Texture compression formats: 23
[0:00:00 - 0] 3dcard: NVIDIA
[0:00:00 - 0] Vram size (Mb)= 1024 / avail= 1000
[0:00:00 - 0] ---
[0:00:00 - 0] init shaders...
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>default shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>fast shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>morph shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>water shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>normal map shader
[0:00:00 - 0] >>>shadow volume shader
[0:00:00 - 0] Shaders initialisation done
[0:00:00 - 0] ########## setvideo=0 (L=1440 H=900 B=32 FULLSCREEN)
[0:00:00 - 0] init video3d card done
[0:00:00 - 0] ====> vrambig=1
[0:00:00 - 0] t_indexsmooth_calc_palette() done
[0:00:00 - 13] Directsound init ok. Buffer size=32768
[0:00:00 - 15] mxd=0
[0:00:00 - 21] inivideo done
[0:00:00 - 22] ======================== inisys completed ========================
[0:00:00 - 23] >>>>initobj: Nb=65536 Sizeof=1176 Total=73 Mb
[0:00:00 - 26] >>>fin initobj=65536
[0:00:00 - 31] g_lang=2
[0:00:00 - 58] dat_7/
[0:00:05 - 301] TTF invalid char 32
[0:00:05 - 303] TTF invalid char 160
[0:00:05 - 306] TTF item bmp l=512 h=560 size=573440 zipsize=23381
[0:00:05 - 307] TTF invalid char 32
[0:00:05 - 309] TTF invalid char 160
[0:00:05 - 312] TTF item bmp l=512 h=560 size=573440 zipsize=23381
[0:00:05 - 313] TTF invalid char 32
[0:00:05 - 314] TTF invalid char 160
[0:00:05 - 318] TTF item bmp l=512 h=560 size=573440 zipsize=23381
[0:00:05 - 331] TTF invalid char 32
[0:00:05 - 334] TTF invalid char 160
[0:00:05 - 338] TTF invalid char 65440
[0:00:05 - 339] TTF invalid char 12288
[0:00:09 - 593] TTF char 16105 overflow 1 (width)
[0:00:15 - 927] TTF item bmp l=4080 h=4096 size=33423360 zipsize=4392801
[0:00:17 - 1078] g_playfilm: vid/eversim.avi (FI_WIN + winfilm=2)
[0:00:18 - 1127] ds_openfilm ok. Count=1 Total=1
[0:00:18 - 1138] vramload: g_texbuff alloc ok. Size (mb)=0
[0:00:22 - 1326] ds_closefilm out. Count=1
[0:00:22 - 1330] g_playfilm stop=1
[0:00:22 - 1333] g_playfilm: vid/intro.AVI (FI_WIN + winfilm=2)
[0:00:22 - 1365] ds_openfilm ok. Count=1 Total=2
[0:00:29 - 1762] g_playfilm stop=2
[0:00:30 - 1821] ds_closefilm out. Count=1
[0:00:36 - 2200] vramload: g_texbuff alloc ok. Size (mb)=10
[0:00:40 - 2422] mess=UNactiveapp
[0:00:40 - 2428] mess=UNactiveapp free ok
[0:00:40 - 2433] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unactive
[0:01:33 - 5629] mess=REactiveapp=1
[0:01:33 - 5632] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>reactive
[0:01:40 - 6051] mess=UNactiveapp
[0:01:40 - 6056] mess=UNactiveapp free ok
[0:01:40 - 6057] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unactive
[0:02:12 - 7940] mess=REactiveapp=2
[0:02:12 - 7942] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>reactive
[0:02:12 - 7954] bootgame
[0:02:13 - 8038] _fopen info carre :dat_7/ic_v5wa.dat
[0:02:15 - 8120] read base_mini:dat_7/gps_base.dam
[0:02:20 - 8442] g_face3d
[0:02:24 - 8689] Cgps baseinit done.
[0:02:24 - 8690] Accueil
[0:02:25 - 8700] Version: 6.84 E22-Mod-GNS
[0:02:25 - 8706] bootgameend
[0:02:25 - 8722] vramload: g_texbuff alloc ok. Size (mb)=16
[0:03:06 - 11176] mess=UNactiveapp
[0:03:06 - 11190] mess=UNactiveapp free ok
[0:03:06 - 11193] mess=REactiveapp=3
[0:03:06 - 11199] mess=UNactiveapp
[0:03:06 - 11204] mess=UNactiveapp free ok
[0:03:06 - 11212] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unactive
[0:03:08 - 11308] mess=REactiveapp=4
[0:03:17 - 11829] mess=UNactiveapp
[0:03:17 - 11838] mess=UNactiveapp free ok
[0:03:17 - 11861] WM_QUIT
[0:03:17 - 11872] ======================== endsys completed
[0:03:17 - 11872] Item cache size=16M (nb=104 keep=0M max=16M)
[0:03:17 - 11872] MALLOC=368M (nb=504 err=0 max=370M) / NOBJMAX=7335 (total=65536)
[0:03:17 - 11872] EXIT CODE=0 FRAME=6077 (101 sec)

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