Mass Transport Plants
Mass Transport Plants
Mass Transport Plants
Year 12 A level
3.3.2 Gas Exchange in Plants Mass Transport in Plants
Name: ______________________
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6 - Mass Flow Hypothesis
7 – Evidence for Mass Flow Experiments
Specification Sections
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Key word list
Adhesion Attraction of molecules of one kind for molecules of a different kind, and it can be quite
strong for water, especially with other molecules bearing positive or negative charges.
Cohesion Attraction between molecules of the same type - how water molecules form hydrogen bonds
between one another and hence tend to stick together.
Cohesion-tension The main factor that is responsible for the movement of water up the xylem, from the roots
theory to the leaves. Transpiration pull puts the xylem under tension (there is negative pressure
within the xylem) and because of the cohesive nature of water (due to hydrogen bonds
between water molecules) there is a continuous stream of water being pulled across the
mesophyll cells and up the xylem.
Companion cell Since the sieve tube element lacks organelles, the companion cell with its nucleus,
mitochondria, ribosomes, enzymes etc., controls the movement of solutes and provides ATP
for active transport in the sieve tube element. Strands of cytoplasm called plasmodesmata
connect the sieve tube element and companion cell.
Diffusion The movement of molecules or ions form a region where there are in high concentration to
one where their concentration is lower
Guard cell One of a pair of cells that surround a stoma in plant leaves and controls its opening and
Hydrogen bond Chemical bond formed between the positive charge on a hydrogen atom and the negative
charge on another atom of an adjacent molecule
Hydrolysis The breaking down of large molecules into smaller ones by the addition of water molecules
Ion An atom or group of atoms that has lost or gained one or more electrons
Ion channel A passage across a cell-surface membrane made up of a protein that spans the membrane
and opens and closes to allow ions to pass in and out of the cell
Isotonic Solutions that possess the same concentration of solutes and therefore have the same water
Mass-flow theory The bulk movement of a substance through a given channel or area in a specified time.
Sucrose is transferred into sieve elements from photosynthesising tissue and there can be
mass flow of sucrose solution down a hydrostatic gradient in sieve tubes (caused by active
transport of sucrose into sieve tubes at the source and out of sieve tubes at the sink, and
osmosis – movement of water into sieve tubes near source and out of sieve tubes near sink).
Mesophyll Tissue found between the two layers of epidermis in a plant leave comprising an upper layer
of palisade cells and a lower layer of spongey cells
Metabolism All the chemical processes that take place in living organisms
Microvilli Tiny finger-like projections from the cell-surface membrane of some animals
Middle lamella Layer made up of pectins and other substances found between the walls of adjacent plant
Mitosis The type of nuclear division in which the daughter cells have the same number of
chromosomes as the parent cell
Monomer One of many small molecules that combine to form a larger one known as a polymer
Osmosis The passage of water from a region of high water potential to a region where its water
potential is lower, through a partially permeable membrane
Palisade cells Long, narrow cells packed with chloroplasts that are found in the upper region of a leaf and
which carry out photosynthesis
Phloem Plant tissue that transports the products of photosynthesis from leaves to the rest of the
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Potometer A piece of apparatus which enables the rate of water loss in a plant to be measured.
Protoplast The living portion of a plant cell (i.e. the nucleus and cytoplasm along with the organelles it
Ringing An experiment when a section of outer layers (protective layer and phloem) is removed
around the complete circumference of a woody stem while it is still attached to the rest of
the plant. This results in the region of the stem immediately above the missing ring of tissue
swelling because the sugars of the phloem accumulate above the ring and it leads to tissues
dying below the ring because of the interruption of flow of sugars to this region. It shows
that the phloem is responsible for translocating sugars.
Sieve tube These are living, tubular cells that are connected end to end. The end cell walls have
element perforations in them to make sieve plates. The cytoplasm is present but in small amounts
and in a layer next to the cell wall. It lacks a nucleus and most organelles so there is more
space for solutes to move. The cell walls are made of cellulose so solutes can move laterally
as well as vertically. Next to each sieve tube element is a companion cell.
Stoma (plural Pore, mostly in the lower epidermis of a leaf through which gases diffuse in and out of the
stomata) leaf
Tracer Radioactive isotopes can be used to trace the movement of substances in plants. 14CO2 is
used so plants incorporate this isotope into the sugars produced during photosynthesis.
These radioactive sugars can then be traced as they move within the plant using
autoradiography. This shows that sugars are found where phloem tissue is in the stem.
Translocation The process by which organic molecules and some mineral ions are transported from one
part of a plant to another.
Transpiration The main force that pulls water through the xylem vessels in the stem of a plant is the
evaporation of water from leaves through stomata.
Transpiration pull How a column of water is pulled up the xylem as a result of transpiration.
Water potential The pressure created by water molecules. The measure of the extent to which a solution
gives out water
Xerophyte A plant adapted to living in dry conditions
Xylem vessels Dead, hollow, elongated tubes with lignified side walls and no end walls, that transport water
in most plants
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Lesson 1 – The Properties of Water
Water is vital and makes up around 80% of a cell’s contents. You need to be able to use the
structure of water to explain its 5 main properties and uses.
1) It is an important metabolite in many metabolic reactions, including condensation and hydrolysis reactions.
Metabolic – processes that occur in living cells Metabolite – a substance involved in metabolic reaction.
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2) It is a good solvent.
The polar nature of water molecules mean they can be attracted to and
totally surround ionic compounds allowing them to dissolve and form a
solution. This allows useful substances to be dissolved and transported
around the organism. Other polar molecules (like glucose) can dissolve in
water because hydrogen bonds form between them and water molecules
4) It has a relatively high heat capacity – the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance
by 1°C. Lots of heat energy is absorbed by the hydrogen bonds before they break which means that there is less heat
energy available to increase the temperature of the water so it takes a lot of heat energy to actually increase water
temperature specifically. This is useful because it prevents water from having rapid temperature changes. Water
bodies such as ponds, lakes, rivers and the ocean have more stable temperatures than on land and water inside
organisms also remains fairly stable. This helps organisms to regulate their own body temperature.
Recall Questions:
Exam Questions:
(a) State and explain the property of water that can help to buffer changes in temperature.
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Q2. Water and inorganic ions have important biological functions within cells.
(a) Give two properties of water that are important in the cytoplasm of cells.
For each property of water, explain its importance in the cytoplasm.
Property 1__________________________________________________________
Property 2__________________________________________________________
Q3. The figure below represents a water molecule.
[Total 3 marks]
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Q4. Ponds provide a very stable environment for aquatic organisms.
Three properties of water that contribute to this stability are as follows:
▪ The density of water decreases as the temperature falls below 4°C, so ice floats on the top of the
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Lesson 2 – Gas Exchange in Plants
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Plants have to minimise how much water they lose but they still have to exchange gases.
When plants have enough water guard cells are turgid which keep the pores open
When plants are dehydrated the guard cells become flaccid causing the hole to close.
Recall Questions:
Exam Questions:
Describe the structure of the leaf and the functions of the tissues in the leaf.
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0.0 7 7 100
0.1 8 8 100
0.2 7 6 X
0.3 9 6 67
0.4 10 4 40
0.5 9 2 22
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X = ____________________ %
(b) Give one conclusion from the results in the table above.
(c) How could the student find out what concentration of salt solution would result in half of
the stomata being open?
(d) The diagram below shows two guard cells surrounding a closed stoma and two guard
cells surrounding an open stoma.
When light intensity is high potassium ions are moved into the guard cells.
Describe how the movement of potassium ions into the guard cells causes the stoma to
___________________________________________________________________ (4)
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(ii) Describe how carbon dioxide in the air outside a leaf reaches mesophyll cells inside
the leaf.
______________________________________________________________ (3)
Q5. Scientists studied the rate of carbon dioxide uptake by grape plant leaves. Grape leaves have
stomata on the lower surface but no stomata on the upper surface.
The scientists recorded the carbon dioxide uptake by grape leaves with three different
Treatment 2 − The lower surface of the leaf was covered in air-sealing grease that prevents
gas exchange.
Treatment 3 − Both the lower surface and the upper surface of the leaf were covered in
air–sealing grease that prevents gas exchange.
The scientists measured the rate of carbon dioxide uptake by each leaf for 60 minutes in light
and then for 20 minutes in the dark.
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(a) Suggest the purpose of each of the three leaf treatments.
Treatment 1
Treatment 2
Treatment 3
(c) (i) Treatment 2 shows that even when the lower surface of the leaf is sealed there is
still some uptake of carbon dioxide.
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(ii) In both Treatment 1 and Treatment 2, the uptake of carbon dioxide falls to zero
when the light is turned off.
Explain why.
adaptations air spaces chloroplasts close closely concentration diffuse dry exposed
gradients guard internal moist palisade photosynthesis photosynthesise respire
spongy stomata surface area thin water waxy xerophytes xylem
All plant cells _________ all the time and during the day many plant cells also ______________, so plants also need
to exchange gases.
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Leaves have a huge _________ ______ and so have a large external surface area:volume ratio. Gases enter the leaf
through ___________ (singular stoma), which are usually on the underside of the leaf. Stomata are enclosed by
_________ cells, which can close the stomata to reduce water loss. The large number of stomata mean that gases
The cells in the leaf tissues are also highly adapted to their functions:
● The __________ mesophyll cells are loosely-packed with unusually large intercellular ____ __________
where gases can collect and mix. This means there is also an exceptionally large ___________ surface
area:volume ratio. This, coupled with the fact that leaves are so _______, means that gases can quickly
diffuse through the intercellular air spaces inside the leaf to the palisade mesophyll cells.
● The __________ mesophyll cells have a thin cytoplasm densely packed with _____________, which can
move around the cell to regions of greatest light intensity. The palisade cells are _________ packed together
to maximise light collection. This means they are very well adapted for ______________.
Plants do not need a ventilation mechanism because their leaves are highly ___________, so the air surrounding
them is constantly being replaced as a result of the wind. In addition, during the hours of daylight photosynthesis
increases the oxygen _____________ in the sub-stomatal air space, and decreases the carbon dioxide concentration.
These increase the concentration ___________ for these gases, speeding up the rate of diffusion.
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1. For each of the following factors explain which features of the leaf ‘s structure ensure rapid diffusion and
therefore efficient gas exchange:
a) Surface area. [2]
7. Explain why most plants close their stomata during the hours of darkness. [3]
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Q1. The figure shows a section through a palisade cell in a leaf as seen with a light microscope. The palisade has
x 2000
(a) Calculate the actual width of the cell, measured from A to B, in μm. Show your working. [2]
Answer ........................................... μm
(b) Palisade cells are the main site of photosynthesis. Explain one way in which a palisade cell is adapted for
photosynthesis. [2]
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(Total 4 marks)
Plants need water for; photosynthesis, to transport minerals, maintain structural rigidity (maintain turgidity of cells)
and to regulate temperature. Water is absorbed from the soil by osmosis and moves up the stem of the plant from
the roots to the leaves. Mineral ions absorbed by active transport from the soil (including nitrates and phosphates)
are dissolved in the water. Plants need nitrates to produce DNA, amino acids (proteins), and chlorophyll. Phosphates
are also required to make DNA and ATP. Without these essential minerals, plants would not be able to grow, produce
fruit or seeds.
The xylem vessels transport water and mineral ions up the plant and provides support.
Their hollow lumen (no cytoplasm and no end walls) makes an uninterrupted tube allowing water and mineral ions to
pass through the middle easily. The lignin that forms the walls is strong and prevents the tube collapsing, gaps in the
lignin allow water to leave the vessels and pass between them. The lignin is also waterproof to prevent water from
adhering too much to the surface.
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Evidence to support cohesion-tension:
● If a trunk or stem is damaged and a xylem cell is broken water does not leak out (which it would if the
vessels were under pressure). Once air enters the tree can no longer draw up water because the
continuous column of water has been broken.
● The trunks of trees reduce in diameter during the daytime when transpiration is at its greatest
(increased photosynthesis and temperature). This is because adhesion of water molecules to walls of
xylem results in a tension which pulls the xylem walls in. At night when transpiration is at its lowest
there is less tension so the diameter increases.
Recall Questions:
Exam Questions:
(a) Describe the cohesion-tension theory of water transport in the xylem.
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(a) Explain how xylem tissue is adapted for its function.
(b) The graph shows the flow rate in the xylem in the trunk of a tree.
(i) Explain the increase in the flow rate between 1000 and 1400 hours.
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______________________________________________________________ (2)
(ii) The diameter of the trunk decreased during the same period, reaching its minimum
when the flow rate was highest. Use your knowledge of the cohesion-tension theory
to suggest an explanation for this decrease.
Q3. (a) Explain how each of the following is related to the function of xylem tissue.
______________________________________________________________ (2)
Q4. The graphs show the daily changes in environmental temperature and light intensity, and changes in
the diameter of the trunk of a pine tree.
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Use information from the graphs, and your knowledge of the cohesion-tension theory of
water movement through a plant, to explain why the diameter of the trunk is smallest at
___________________________________________________________________ (6)
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The _____________ of the roots is the outer layer of cells made up of flattened and
_______ _______ cells to absorb water and ions. The xylem are long tubes made up of
_______ cells and their function is to transport _________ and _____ up the plant. The
phloem are long tubes made up of __________ cells and their function is to transport
● Narrow tubes made up of _______ cells so there is little resistance to the movement
● Strong walls made of _________ to stop the xylem collapsing. It also provides an _____________
___________ is where the water molecules ‘stick’ to each other due to the formation of
hydrogen bonds. ___________ is where the water molecules ‘stick’ to the sides of the xylem
due to further hydrogen bonds with cellulose in the plant cell walls.
● Water ______________ from leaf cells and __________ out of the stomata in a process known as
● The cohesion of water transmits the pulling force all the way down to the roots
There are various factors which affect the rate of transpiration such as _______ ________,
● Windy conditions cause air molecules to move away from the leaves resulting in a ___________
● An increase in temperature would cause particles to gain kinetic energy and move faster so
● In bright light, plants will open their stomata to gain _________ ________ to photosynthesise at the
observing the movement of an air bubble through a capillary tube against a scale.
Explain how water enters the xylem from the endodermis in the root and is then transported to the leaves.
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Recall Question Answers:
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Lesson 4 – Investigating Transpiration Practical
Water movement up a plant increases as the transpiration rate increases. Water evaporates from the spaces between
cells in the leaf through the stomata, it moves down the water potential gradient so for water to leave through
stomata there has to be less water in the atmosphere than in the leaf.
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The shoot must be cut underwater to prevent air entering the xylem (so the water column remains unbroken). It
should also be cut on an angle to increase the surface area available to uptake water. The end of the capillary tube
must stay submerged in water, the diameter of the capillary tube should be known/measured.
The apparatus must be airtight and water-tight – Vaseline or grease can be placed around joints to help with this.
Leaves must be dry and the plant allowed to acclimatise (start transpiring) before the experiment is started. Only one
variable can be changed at a time all others must be kept constant so that they do not affect the results. If using
different plants the surface area should be measured as it will vary and can affect the rate e.g more stomata.
This is only an estimate as it assumes all water taken up is lost in transpiration but some water is used up in reactions
e.g photosynthesis, some is produced by respiration, and some is used to support the plant (stored in vacuoles).
Q1. A student used a potometer to measure the movement of water through the shoot of a plant. The
potometer is shown in Figure 1. As water is lost from the shoot, it is replaced by water from the capillary
(a) In one experiment, the air bubble moved 7.5 mm in 15 minutes. The diameter of the
capillary tube was 1.0 mm.
Give your answer in mm3 per hour. Show your working. (The area of a circle is found
using the formula, area = πr 2)
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____________________ mm3 hour−1
(b) The student wanted to determine the rate of water loss per mm2 of surface area of the
leaves of the shoot in Figure 1.
Outline a method she could have used to find this rate. You should assume that all water
loss from the shoot is from the leaves.
Q2. A student investigated the rate of transpiration from a leafy shoot. She used a potometer to measure
the rate of water uptake by the shoot. The diagram shows the potometer used by the student.
(a) Give one environmental factor that the student should have kept constant during this
(b) The student cut the shoot and put it into the potometer under water. Explain why.
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___________________________________________________________________ (1)
(c) The student wanted to calculate the rate of water uptake by the shoot in cm per minute.
(d) The student assumed that water uptake was equivalent to the rate of transpiration.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
(e) The student measured the rate of water uptake three times.
Q3. Students investigated the effect of removing leaves from a plant shoot on the rate of water uptake.
Each student set up a potometer with a shoot that had eight leaves. All the shoots came from the same
plant. The potometer they used is shown in the diagram.
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(a) Describe how the students would have returned the air bubble to the start of the capillary
tube in this investigation.
Q4. The table shows the transpiration rate of a group of plants exposed to different humidities at a
temperature of 25°C.
20 26.0
40 21.0
50 16.5
60 11.0
70 9.5
Describe and explain the relationship between humidity and transpiration rate.
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___________________________________________________________________ (3)
Q5. (a) Students measured the rate of transpiration of a plant growing in a pot under different
environmental conditions. Their results are shown in the table.
During transpiration, water diffuses from cells to the air surrounding a leaf.
(i) Suggest an explanation for the difference in transpiration rate between conditions A
and B.
______________________________________________________________ (2)
(ii) Suggest an explanation for the difference in transpiration rate between conditions A
and C.
______________________________________________________________ (2)
• She then weighed each set of leaves every 20 minutes over a period of 2 hours and
plotted a graph of her results.
(a) Give two environmental conditions that the student should have kept constant during this
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
(b) The student measured the water loss in milligrams. Explain the advantage of using ten
leaves when taking measurements in milligrams.
(c) Explain the change in mass of untreated leaves in set A shown in the graph.
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(d) The results that the student obtained for the leaves in set B were different from those for
set A. Suggest an explanation for this difference.
___________________________________________________________________ (2)
Describe how water is lost via stomata (refer to Water vapour in higher concentration in air spaces than in
gradients) space outside leaf; water diffuses down water vapour
potential gradient
Describe the effects of light intensity, humidity Light intensity (increased LI…increased rate as stomata
and wind speed on the rate of transpiration more open); humidity (incr. humidity in air…decr. Rate as
lower water vapour potential gradient); wind speed (incr.
wind…incr. rate as maintaining high water vapour potential
State two precautions that should be taken to Set up u/w; cut stem u/w to prevent air entering xylem
ensure no air bubbles are in the potometer setup
The distance moved by the meniscus in a 7.1mm3/min
potometer is 45mm in 5 minutes. The radius of
the capillary tube is 0.5 mm. Calculate the rate of
Leaving stomata open to exchange gases during the day causes plants to also lose water. For plants in hot, dry or
windy climates (exposed places such as deserts, mountains or tundra) they have to have extra adaptations to prevent
too much water loss when their stomata are open. These plants are known as xerophytes. Most of their adaptations
reduce the factors that can increase transpiration
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Small leaf Reduced surface area for Conifer
surface area evaporation/fewer stomata needles
Cactus spines
By taking thin layers of epidermis or “imprints” of the leaf surface and examining under the microscope the number
of stomata in an area of leaf tissue (stomatal density per mm2) can be calculated. Multiple fields of few or leaf
sections should be examined, and a mean taken so the sample is representative. It can then be scaled up to the
whole leaf.
Recall Questions:
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1. Describe 3 adaptations of marram grass (xerophyte) and explain their importance
2. Cacti are succulents. What does this mean?
3. Why is it advantageous for some xerophytes to have a low water potential inside their leaf cells?
4. Describe two adaptations of roots that could help a plant survive in arid conditions
Exam Questions:
Q1. The diagrams show a section through a typical leaf and a section through a leaf from a xerophytic
plant. The xerophytic leaf has a lower transpiration rate than the typical leaf.
Describe two features shown in the diagram of the xerophytic leaf which reduce
transpiration rate. Explain how each of these features contributes to a lower transpiration
Feature 1___________________________________________________________
Explanation _________________________________________________________
Feature 2___________________________________________________________
Explanation _________________________________________________________
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Q2. The drawing shows four common plants found in the Mojave Desert.
(a) Explain how three features of the plants shown in the drawing are adaptations to desert
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
(b) Resurrection plants can lose up to 95% of their water content without dying. They can
survive for many years in this desiccated state and will revive within hours of rainfall.
Suggest which of the plants W to Z is most likely to be a resurrection plant. Give a reason
for your choice.
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Q3. Some xerophytic plants have sunken stomata. Explain the advantage of this adaptation.
Q4. Figure 1 shows a single stoma and surrounding cells from the leaf of a xerophytic plant.
Figure 1
(ii) Explain how one of the other labelled parts reduces water loss.
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Q5. The drawing shows part of the lower leaf epidermis of sorghum.
(a) Calculate the number of stomata per mm2 of the leaf surface. Show your working.
(b) Sorghum has few stomata per mm2 of leaf surface area. Explain how this is an adaptation
to the conditions in which sorghum grows.
Q6. A student found the number of stomata per cm2 on the lower surface of a daffodil leaf.
He removed a small, thin piece of lower epidermis and mounted it on a microscope slide.
(b) Suggest how the student could have used his slide to find the number of stomata per cm2.
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___________________________________________________________________ (3)
Q7. A student investigated the distribution of stomata on leaves from two species of plant. She removed
small pieces from the lower surface of the leaves of each plant species. She mounted these pieces on
separate microscope slides. She then counted the number of stomata in several parts of the epidermis on
each piece of leaf tissue using an optical microscope.
(a) Suggest appropriate units the student should use to compare the distribution of stomata
on leaves.
___________________________________________________________________ (1)
___________________________________________________________________ (2)
(c) Give two reasons why it was important that the student counted the number of stomata in
several parts of each piece of leaf tissue.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ (2)
(d) One of the two plant species used by the student in this investigation was a xerophyte.
Other than the distribution of stomata, suggest and explain two xerophytic features the
leaves of this plant might have.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ (2)
(e) The student then compared the rate of transpiration (evaporation of water) from the two
species of plant. She did this by measuring the rate of water uptake by each plant
Suggest two reasons why the rate of water uptake by a plant might not be the same as
the rate of transpiration.
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1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
adaptations air spaces chloroplasts close closely concentration diffuse dry exposed
gradients guard internal moist palisade photosynthesis photosynthesise respire
spongy stomata surface area thin water waxy xerophytes xylem
Like terrestrial animals, plants have a problem of _________ loss. Water diffuses down its concentration gradient
from the _________ vessels and mesophyll cells into the air spaces in the leaves. Most plants have a number of
● The upper epidermal cells of the leaf are covered in a waterproof _______ cuticle
● The air spaces around the stomata remain ________ (like the alveolar air space in lungs) to reduce the water
● The guard cells can ________ the stomata to stop water loss when conditions are very ______. Unfortunately
this also prevents gas exchange, stopping photosynthesis and respiration, so plants can't close their stomata
Plants that live in very dry conditions have additional ____________ that allow them to conserve water. Such plants
are called ____________. Examples include cacti that live in deserts and marram grass that lives on sand dunes.
Some features that are common in xerophytic plants are listed below. For each one, describe why the loss of water
vapour is reduced ensuring that you relate your explanation to Fick’s law.
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Thick cuticle
Sunken stomata
Stomatal hairs
Rolled leaves
Extensive roots
The diagram shows a single stoma and surrounding cells from the leaf of a xerophytic plant.
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(b) Explain how one of the other labelled parts reduces water loss. [2]
(Total 3 marks)
Describe 3 adaptations of marram grass Leaf rolled longitudinally trapping air inside (air becomes
(xerophyte) and explain their importance humid and reduces water loss from the leaf); thick waxy
cuticle on upper epidermis (reduces evaporation); stomata
on lower epidermis inside rolled leaf (protected by
enclosed air space); stomata are in pits in lower epidermis
which is folded and covered by hairs (reduces air
movement and hence water loss); spongy mesophyll very
dense with few air spaces (less surface area for evaporation
of water)
Cacti are succulents. What does this mean? They store water in their stems which become fleshy and
Why is it advantageous for some xerophytes to Reduces evaporation of water from the cell surfaces as the
have a low water potential inside their leaf cells? water potential gradient between the cells and the leaf air
spaces is reduced
Describe two adaptations of roots that could help Roots could be very long to reach water deep in soil; roots
a plant survive in arid conditions could be very widespread to absorb water from a large
area when it does rain.
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Lesson 6 – Mass Flow Hypothesis
Translocation is the process by which products of photosynthesis are transported from a source (where they are
made – usually leaves) to a sink (a tissue that needs them). Translocation is carried out by the phloem tissue which is
made up of sieve-tube elements and their companion cells.
Structure of Phloem:
• There are end walls between cells but these contain holes to let
solutes pass through – this is why they are known as sieve plates
Sources are nearly always leaves as this is where the majority of photosynthesis takes place. Sinks can be any part of
the plant that has a high energy demand. Good examples include:
This relies on two concepts: creating hydrostatic pressure and creating a concentration gradient
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Active Loading of sucrose into companion cells at source
● When sieve tubes are cut sap is released – this demonstrates that unlike xylem sap is under
positive pressure within the phloem.
o This can also be seen in aphids which tap into phloem to consume sap – the high
pressure forces it through their digestive system resulting in the excretion of
honeydew! Honeydew tends to flow faster out of aphids higher up the plant (near
leaves) than lower down the stem – evidence for a pressure gradient.
● Sucrose concentration higher in leaves than roots (this supports the presence of sources
and sinks)
● Increases in sucrose in leaf are followed by increases in sucrose in phloem
● Downward flow in phloem occurs in daylight when photosynthesis is occurring but not at night – greater
respiration at night and lack of photosynthesis would mean there is no longer a concentration/pressure gradient
● Preventing ATP production stops translocation but not water movement. Lack of ATP for active transport in
companion cells – companion cells would die which would prevent mass flow.
● If a ring of bark (containing phloem) is removed from a woody stem then a bulge forms above the ring – it is a
build up of fluid that cannot continue. There is more sugar in the fluid above the bulge than below which gives
evidence for downward flow of sugars.
Evidence against the Mass Flow Hypothesis:
● Sugar travels to many different sinks and does not travel first or faster to the one with the highest
water potential which it should according to the mass flow hypothesis.
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● The end plates of the sieve tubes would create a barrier to mass flow, or slow it down so why are
they present?
Recall Questions:
(a) (i) Give two ways in which the structure of starch is similar to cellulose.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
(ii) Give two ways in which the structure of starch is different from cellulose.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
(b) In plants, mass transport of sugars takes place through columns of sieve cells in the
phloem. Other cells, called companion cells, transport sugars into, and out of, the sieve
cells. The diagram shows the structure of phloem.
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Structures I and J allow the transport of sugars between cells.
(i) Using the diagram, suggest and explain one other way in which sieve cells are
adapted for mass transport.
(ii) Using the diagram, suggest and explain one other way in which companion cells are
adapted for the transport of sugars between cells.
Q2. Describe the processes involved in the transport of sugars in plant stems.
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Q3. Organic compounds synthesised in the leaves of a plant can be transported to the plant’s roots.
This transport is called translocation and occurs in the phloem tissue of the plant.
(a) One theory of translocation states that organic substances are pushed from a high
pressure in the leaves to a lower pressure in the roots.
___________________________________________________________________ (3)
(a) Describe the mass flow hypothesis for the mechanism of translocation in plants.
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Q5. Organic compounds synthesised in the leaves of a plant can be transported to the plant’s roots.
This transport is called translocation and occurs in the phloem tissue of the plant.
(a) One theory of translocation states that organic substances are pushed from a high
pressure in the leaves to a lower pressure in the roots.
Scientists investigated the effect of PCMBS on the rate of translocation in sugar beet.
The figure below shows their results.
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Time / minutes
(b) During their experiment, the scientists ensured that the rate of photosynthesis of their
plants remained constant.
Explain why this was important.
(c) The scientists concluded that some translocation must occur in the spaces in the cell
Explain how the information in the figure above supports this conclusion.
Feeding on phloem sap presents two problems. Firstly, phloem sap has
sa high sugar concentration. This could lead to a high pressure of liquid 10
in the insect’s gut because of water entering the gut from the insect’s
body tissues. A phloem-sap-feeder polymerises some of these sugars
into polysaccharides which are passed out of its anus as ‘honey dew’.
The secondproblem is that phloem sap has a low concentration of
amino acids. Phloem-sap-feeding insects rely on bacteria in their guts to 15
produce amino acids. Each phloem-sap-feeding insect receives a few of
these bacteria from its parent. This has resulted in a reduction in the
genetic diversity of the bacteria found within these insects.
Use the information from the passage and your own knowledge to answer the following questions.
Explain why they can take up sap without using their jaw muscles.
___________________________________________________________________ (3)
(b) A phloem-sap-feeder polymerises some of these sugars into polysaccharides (line 12-13).
Suggest the advantage of this.
___________________________________________________________________ (2)
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Read and Watch about an interdependence where ants farm aphids for honeydew:
_________ _______ ____________. The ends of these cells form structures called ________ ________
through which cytoplasm can pass. Sieve tube elements cannot keep themselves alive and have to be aided
by the companion cells which respire and excrete etc. on the elements’ behalf. Phloem tissue transports
solutes made in ________ cells to parts of the plant that need them, called _______ cells. This transport is
called ___________. The phloem transports sucrose, amino acids, and hormones.
● Solutes are actively transported (by co-transport) from source cells across companion cells to the
sieve tubes.
● This ________ the water potential so water also moves by osmosis into the sieve tubes. This creates
● Since solutes are used up or stored in sink cells, the __________ happens near the sink cells.
● This results in a __________ gradient between the 2 sides, down which water and solutes move.
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Recall Question Answers:
Define the term translocation Transport of assimilates from source to sink (tissue that needs them)
What two components of phloem
tissue are concerned with transport? Sieve-tube elements and companion cells
transport organic solutes from where they are made in the plant to
Function of phloem tissue? where they are needed . this is translocation
Sieve tube elements (living cells) joined end to end to form sieve tubes.
Sieve parts are the end walls which have lots of holes to allow solutes to
Structure of phloem tissue? pass through. There is a companion cell for every sieve tube element
Sieve tube elements have no nucleus, a very thin layer of cytoplasm
and few organelles. Lack of nucleus and other organelles means they
Structure of sieve tube elements and cant survive on their own. companion cells carry out the living functions
companion cells? for both themselves and their sieve cells
Why do sieve tube elements contain
no nucleus and very little
cytoplasm? Allows space for mass flow of sap to occur
How are companion cells adapted
for active loading? Many mitochondria to produce ATP
Roots growing or active uptaking mineral ions; actively dividing
State two sinks (for translocation) in meristematic tissue; part plants that are laying down food stores (e.g.
a plant developing seeds, fruits,tubers etc)
Why is sucrose transported in
phloem and not glucose? More stable hence less likely to be metabolised in the transport process
Increasing sucrose conc causes water to also move into companion cells,
How does sucrose move from the which builds up turgor pressure (and water potential). The water
companion cells into the sieve tube carrying assimilates (sucrose) then enters sieve tubes down the
elements? pressure/WP gradient
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The hydrogen ions are pumped out of the companion cells, creating a
hydrogen ion concentration gradient across the cell membrane. The
hydrogen ions can diffuse back into the companion cells through special
Describe the role of hydrogen ions in transport proteins – but they only move if sucrose is carried in with
active loading them (cotransport).
Ringing Experiments
We have already mentioned these in the previous lesson: removal of a ring of bark
which includes the phloem but leaves the xylem intact inside. This then shows
swelling above the ring and samples of fluid above and below the ring can be
sampled to show the difference in concentration of sugars. High concentration of
sugars building up in cells above the ring cause water to move into the cells from the
xylem which contributes to the swelling. After a while non-photosynthetic tissues
below the ring will begin to be affected e.g lack of growth and eventually death while
everything above the ring will continue to grow perfectly fine.
Benefits of Ringing
Growers and farmers sometimes use ringing – or a gentler form of scoring to break the
flow of nutrients from the leaves to the roots for a short time. This could be done to
reduce length of new branches, but it also enhances fruit growth and increases flower
bud formation. This is because more nutrients are transported to the upper parts of
the tree (above the score) than to the roots.
Tracing Experiments
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Tracing relies on autoradiography – the plant needs to be killed either freezing with liquid nitrogen or drying at 100 °C
so that all water is evaporated but the plant does not burn! Then the plant (or thin cross-sections) is placed onto a
photographic film. Like an X-ray areas of radioactivity will change the colour of the film and turn it black (this can be
reversed so the radioactivity appears white).
Interpreting Data
Correlation – where one variable being changed effects another. This can be positive (as one increases so does the
other) or negative (as one increases the other decreases).
Correlation does not always equal causation – be careful when interpreting results! Most data will support an idea or
hypothesis and you can try to explain it but be careful of saying something has proven something has happened,
especially when there is little data.
Exam Questions:
Under the correct conditions, new roots grow from the cut end of a plant stem. A scientist
investigated the effect of substance X on the growth of new roots.
She used a ringing experiment to investigate the movement of substance X in stems taken from
lemon plants. She cut out a length of stem from each plant. She then put a small block of agar
on the top of each length of stem. Some agar blocks contained substance X.
The diagram below shows how she treated each length of stem.
She grew the lengths of stem in the same environmental conditions for 6 weeks, and then found
the number of roots per length of stem. Roots grew at the other end of the stem from where the
agar blocks were placed.
D 5
E 11
F 4
G 3
(a) Treatment D is a control. Explain how the measurement obtained from this control is used
by the scientist.
(b) Using the diagram and the table above, what can you conclude from treatments D and E
about root growth?
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(c) The mass flow hypothesis is used to explain the movement of substances through
Evaluate whether the information from this investigation supports this hypothesis.
Do not consider statistical analysis in the answer.
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Q2. Scientists investigated the effect of a heat treatment on mass transport in barley plants.
• They applied steam to one short section of a leaf of the heat-treated plants. This area is
shown by the arrows in Figure 1.
• They did not apply steam to the leaves of control plants.
• They then supplied carbon dioxide containing radioactively-labelled carbon to each plant
in the area shown by the rectangular boxes in Figure 1.
• After 4 hours, they:
◦ found the position of the radioactively-labelled carbon in each plant. These results
are shown in Figure 1.
◦ recorded the water content of the parts of the leaf that were supplied with
radioactively-labelled carbon dioxide. These results are shown in the table.
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Control Plant, not
heat treated
(a) The scientists concluded that this heat treatment damaged the phloem.
(b) The scientists also concluded that this heat treatment did not affect the xylem.
(c) The scientists then investigated the movement of iron ions (Fe3+) from the soil to old and
young leaves of heat-treated barley plants and to leaves of plants that were not heat
treated. Heat treatment was applied half way up the leaves. The scientists determined the
concentration of Fe3+ in the top and lower halves of the leaves of each plant.
Figure 2
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What can you conclude about the movement of Fe3+ in barley plants?
Use all the information provided.
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Q3. Boron is an element that is needed in very small amounts for normal plant growth.
One group of scientists tested a hypothesis that boron combines with sucrose to produce a
sucrose-borate complex that is translocated more effectively than sucrose molecules.
They grew tomato plants in nutrient-poor sand. Prior to starting their experiment, they left the
mature plants in a dark room for 48 hours.
For each plant, the scientists put one of its leaves into a solution of sucrose that was
radioactively labelled. These leaves were left attached to the plants. They used two
radioactively labelled sucrose solutions:
After a period of time, the scientists removed samples from parts of the plants, dried them in an
oven and ground each into a powder. They then measured the radioactivity in each powdered
sample. The scientists’ results are shown in the table.
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First leaf above treated leaf 3.3 0.0
They left the mature plants in the dark for 48 hours before starting their experiment.
(d) Suggest how the scientists could adapt their method to determine which tissue carried the
radioactively labelled sucrose.
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