Granular Controls On Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events: Kinematics and Force-Chains in An Experimental Fault

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Pure Appl. Geophys.

168 (2011), 2239–2257

Ó 2011 Springer Basel AG
DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0269-3 Pure and Applied Geophysics

Granular Controls on Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events: Kinematics and Force-Chains

in an Experimental Fault

Abstract—It is a long-standing question whether granular fault 1. Introduction

material such as gouge plays a major role in controlling fault
dynamics such as seismicity and slip-periodicity. In both natural
and experimental faults, granular materials resist shear and Faults in the Earth’s crust accommodate plate tec-
accommodate strain via interparticle friction, fracture toughness, tonic displacements, cause destructive earthquakes,
fluid pressure, dilation, and interparticle rearrangements. Here, we and obey stick-slip mechanics similar to other pro-
isolate the effects of particle rearrangements on granular defor-
cesses such as landslides and glacial sliding. The
mation through laboratory experiments. Within a sheared
photoelastic granular aggregate at constant volume, we simulta- spatial and temporal patterns of stick-slip behavior in
neously visualize both particle-scale kinematics and interparticle natural faults are important both as a fundamental
forces, the latter taking the form of force-chains. We observe stick-
geophysical problem and for seismic hazard assess-
slip deformation and associated force drops during an overall
strengthening of the shear zone. This strengthening regime pro- ment. Some faults, such as segments of the San
vides insight into granular rheology and conditions of stick-slip Andreas fault, appear to slip approximately periodi-
periodicity, and may be qualitatively analogous to slip that cally with self-similar, characteristic earthquakes
accompanies longer term interseismic strengthening of natural
faults. Of particular note is the observation that increasing the (SCHWARTZ and COPPERSMITH, 1984; SCHARER et al.,
packing density increases the stiffness of the granular aggregate 2010). Additionally, the great subduction-zone earth-
and decreases the damping (increases time-scales) during slip quakes appear to have somewhat periodic recurrence
events. At relatively loose packing density, the slip displacements
during the events follow an approximately power-law distribution,
intervals (MOGI, 1986; GOLDFINGER et al., 2003). Yet,
as opposed to an exponential distribution at higher packing density. even faults prone to characteristic earthquakes have
The system exhibits switching between quasi-periodic and aperi- variations in recurrence interval (MURRAY and SEGALL,
odic slip behavior at all packing densities. Higher packing densities
2002). Rather than loading a simple frictional fault-
favor quasi-periodic behavior, with a longer time interval between
aperiodic events than between quasi-periodic events. This differ- plane to failure, the range of observed earthquake
ence in the time-scale of aperiodic stick-slip deformation is periodicity appears to derive from relationships
reflected in both the kinematics of interparticle slip and the force- between the evolving stresses that load faults and
chain dynamics: all major force-chain reorganizations are associ-
ated with aperiodic events. Our experiments conceptually link trigger earthquakes, and the mechanical response of
observations of natural fault dynamics with current models for structurally heterogeneous fault zones (STEIN et al.,
granular stick-slip dynamics. We find that the stick-slip dynamics 1994; CHEN et al., 2007; BEN-ZION, 2008). The
are consistent with a driven harmonic oscillator model with
mechanical response of fault zones may also play a
damping provided by an effective viscosity, and that shear-trans-
formation-zone, jamming, and crackling noise theories provide disproportionately large role in governing fault-slip
insight into the effective stiffness and patterns of shear localization dynamics as shown by faults that either creep aseis-
during deformation.
mically or with very subtle seismic signals (ROGERS and
DRAGERT, 2003; BEROZA and IDE, 2009). These events
can be quite periodic (MILLER et al., 2002; BRUDZINSKI
1 and ALLEN, 2007) and are defined by longer durations
Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas, 10100 Burnet
Rd., Bldg. 196, Austin, TX 78758-4445, USA. E-mail: and shorter slip distances than large seismic slip events (IDE et al., 2007; BRODSKY and MORI, 2007).
Département de Physique, École Normale Supérieure, The different fault-slip dynamics are thought to
24 rue Lhomond, 75 005 Paris, France.
Department of Physics, North Carolina State University, have their origin in the frictional properties of faults
Raleigh, NC 27695, USA. E-mail: (SCHOLZ, 1998; MARONE, 1998), modified by shear
2240 N. W. Hayman et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

zone dilation and fluid pressure fluctuations (SEGALL heterogeneous force distributions (van HECKE, 2005),
and RICE, 1995; SEGALL et al., 2011). However, emphasized localization within shear transformation
observations of natural fault materials (MOORE and zones (FALK and LANGER, 2000; DAUB and CARLSON,
RYMER, 2007; SCHLEICHER et al., 2010) and experi- 2010), and provided a framework for a general vis-
ments on fault gouge and fault-gouge analogs (SAFFER coelastic flow law for granular materials (FORTERRE
and MARONE, 2003; ANTHONY and MARONE, 2005; and POULIQUEN, 2008). Specific models and experi-
SMITH and FAULKNER, 2010) show that texture and ments stemming from the physics of granular
composition of a granular mixture can exert a large materials have successfully reproduced power-law
influence on the strength and sliding behavior of a earthquake statistics such as the Gutenberg–Richter
fault zone. A logical interpretation of such results is (G–R) relationship (CARLSON, 1991; DAHMEN et al.,
that the granular interactions strongly affect fault-slip 1998; BRETZ et al., 2006; YU, 2008; DANIELS and
dynamics, as also supported by discrete numerical HAYMAN, 2008; DAHMEN et al., 2009a, b) and peri-
models (AHARONOV and SPARKS, 1999; MORGAN, 2004; odic–aperiodic transitions (NASUNO et al., 1997,
ALONSO-MARROQUIN et al., 2006; MAIR and HAZZARD, 1998; DAUB and CARLSON, 2009). Therefore, it is
2007; ABE and MAIR, 2009). By granular interac- reasonable to suspect that the physics of granular
tions, we mean the elastic interactions between, and materials offers insight into a broader range of natural
rearrangements of, particles during strain. Such fault behaviors.
interactions lead to highly heterogeneous spatial and In this paper, we present the results of a series
temporal distributions of forces which are known to of experiments wherein a quasi-two-dimensional
exist in laboratory granular materials (DANTU, 1954; aggregate of centimeter-scale photoelastic particles
DRESCHER et al., 1972; LIU et al., 1995; MILLER et al., deforms within a constant-volume shear cell (see
1996). Recent advances in the physics of granular Fig. 1). Though the boundary conditions and overall
materials, while not specifically related to fault sys- friction evolution are quite different from more
tems, have highlighted the importance of widely used fault-zone analogs, we access stick-slip


Figure 1
Schematic of laboratory fault apparatus (not to scale). Top view stationary side is fixed in place; pulled side is driven at constant velocity via a
spring coupling (at left). Central region is filled with photoelastic disks, and the gray walls provide constant volume under shear. Shaded
region corresponds to area shown in Fig. 5. Boundaries parallel to the shear (dark gray) are rough on the scale of the particles; end boundaries
(light gray) are smooth. The pulled side and dark gray wall move as a single unit. Side view shows polariscope used to visualize force-chains.
Photograph of photoelastic particles with force-chains: brighter particles are those carrying more force
Vol. 168, (2011) Granular Controls on Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events 2241

regimes that have, to our knowledge, been largely confined to a monolayer by a solid plate. The parti-
overlooked but are likely relevant to natural faulting. cles interact with each other through non-cohesive,
Additionally, the strengthening that occurs in a con- frictional interactions. As the slider block moves at
stant volume shear cell could be compared to the constant velocity, it stretches the spring which cou-
interseismic, but still stick-slip, strengthening in ples it to the pulled plate and the force grows linearly
natural faults. The use of photoelastic particles per- with time (and motor displacement). When this
mits us to directly visualize the internal stresses. The pulling force exceeds the net frictional force along
stresses take the form of heterogeneously-distributed the imposed fault, the pulled plate begins to move
chains of strong force which, on average, align with forward until the frictional forces bring it to rest and
the principal stress axes of the system. When one side the process begins again. These dynamics result in
of the aggregate is sheared with respect to the other stick-slip behavior. Further details about the experi-
across a split between the underlying plates, stresses mental apparatus are provided in DANIELS and
build up until the force-chains lose stability and HAYMAN (2008).
buckle (HOWELL et al., 1999; CATES et al., 1998; We measure the motion and the dynamics of the
TORDESILLAS and MUTHUSWAMY, 2009). This dis- pulled plate using a resistive position sensor which
placement and force drop can then be accompanied monitors the location of the plate, X(t), and a piezo-
by either interparticle slip and force-chain buckling electric force sensor (coupled through the pulling
(local failure), bulk sliding of the aggregate (bound- spring) which measures the pulling force F(t). Exam-
ary failure), or a combination of the two. By varying ples of each, at representative low and high packing
the number of particles within the cell (mean packing density, are provided in Fig. 2. Note that not all internal
density /), we adjust the degree of quasi-periodicity/ stress is relieved during each event, resulting in an
aperiodicity of the stick-slip events and explore the overall increase in F over time (see Fig. 2a). This
effects of packing density on kinematics and force- results in the position of the pulled plate lagging behind
chain behavior. After presenting the details of our the slider block (see Fig. 3a). All analysis is performed
experiments and results, we interpret them in light of on the system after it reaches the linear part of the
granular jamming, deformation, and rheology mod- force–displacement curve (see Fig. 3b), observed for
els, as well as their relationship to natural earthquake F [ 11 N, independent of /. Every slip forward, DX, is
and faulting behaviors. accompanied by a force drop, DF; during duration, DT:
In order to locate small events, we first remove
electrical noise from X(t) using a Wiener filtering
2. Experiment technique (P APANIKOLAOU
dF et al., 2010). Using the
product dX dt  dt ; we locate all peaks above a
The experimental apparatus consists of a spring- threshold magnitude and locate the start and end
pulled slider block that deforms a photoelastic gran- times of each event. Events smaller than this
ular aggregate at a constant velocity and constant threshold are discarded from the analysis. For each
volume (see Fig. 1). The split in the center of the cell event, we measure DX; DT; and the intervals pre-
provides relative displacement of the two plates, and ceding and succeeding each event (Ipre and Ipost),
prevents the shear from localizing on the side shown, for example, in Fig. 2. Each measured event
boundaries instead of the center (FENISTEIN and van is system-spanning in the sense that it causes the full
HECKE, 2003). One plate is fixed and the other pulled length of the imposed fault to rupture; local failure
by a stepper motor attached to a linear feed screw events which do not span the full length of the fault
which moves at a constant velocity V = 0.30 mm/s. are not detected in this analysis.
The plate is connected to the motor by a spring with The mean packing density / is defined as the ratio
stiffness k = 0.83 N/mm. The granular aggregate is a of the area occupied by particles to the total available
single horizontal layer of 60% circular (diameter area. We explored the importance of / on stick-slip
5.6 mm) and 40% elliptical disks with approximately rheology by varying the total number of particles in
equal area, Oð104 Þ particles in total. The aggregate is the system from 10,150 to 10,675. Our experiments
2242 N. W. Hayman et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

(a) φ = 0.806 (b) φ = 0.840

QP AP Ipre Ipost QP AP
20 20

Force [N]
Force [N]

Force [N]
15 }ΔF 15

10 10


Position [mm]
Position [mm]

Position [mm]
60 30

50 63
}ΔX 20

40 62.5 10
2000 2500 2760 2770 2780 1000 1500
Time [sec] Time [sec] Time [sec]

Figure 2
Sample F(t) and X(t) time series showing stick-slip events during constant-volume granular shear at two representative mean packing densities
(a) / = 0.806 and (b) / = 0.840. Purple vertical lines mark quasi-periodic (QP) stick-slip events; green lines mark aperiodic (AP) stick-slip
events. The center panel shows a magnified portion of the / = 0.806 data, indicating the definitions of force drop (DF), the time-interval
before (Ipre) and after (Ipost) a stick-slip event with duration (DT) and total plate slip (DX)

(a) 70
(b) 20 (c) 4

Position [mm]

50 3
φ = 0.798 15
Force [N]

φ = 0.802
40 φ = 0.806
φ = 0.810 <1/ΔT> [1/s]
φ = 0.814 2
30 10
φ φ = 0.818
φ = 0.822

20 φ = 0.826
φ = 0.830 1
φ = 0.834 5
10 φ = 0.838
φ = 0.840
0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84
Time [s] Position [mm] φ

Figure 3
a Average pulled plate position hXðtÞi; averaged over all runs at the same /, specified by color. From low to high /, the number of runs in
each average is 1, 2, 13, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 7, 5, 14, 12. Arrows show direction of increasing /. Dotted line is X(t) = Vt for pulling speed V = 0.3
mm/s. b Parametric plot of average pulling force hFðtÞi versus average pulled plate position hXðtÞi: Dotted line is F0 = 11 N. c Effective
elasticity of the aggregate Keff ; and damping / h1=DTi:

cover 0.798 \ / \ 0.840. The lower end of this possible to insert another particle into the system
range generates behavior reminiscent of experiments without introducing crystallization, and no local
tailored to large stress drops about a steady-state rearrangements are possible, only global (SCOTT and
friction. The underlying reason for such relatively KILGOUR, 1969; TORQUATO et al., 2000). For frictional
constant frictional behavior is that the system falls systems, the range of jammed (a.k.a. mechanically
below the rigidity transition (random loose packing, stable) states falls between /RLP and /RCP (BRISCOE
/RLP), and is unable to sustain any permanent shear et al., 2008).
stress (ONODA and LINIGER, 1990; SILBERT, 2010). At As can be seen in Fig. 2, the system exhibits
the upper end of the range, the system is approaching switching between quasi-periodic (QP) and aperiodic
random closed packing (/RCP), above which it is not (AP) behavior, as was observed in model systems by
Vol. 168, (2011) Granular Controls on Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events 2243

DAHMEN et al. (1998, 2009a, b) and BEN-ZION et al. bulk dynamics are denoted with capital letters and
(2010). We will refer to this behavior as periodicity- local, particle-scale kinematic measurements are
switching. We distinguish QP from AP modes by denoted with lower case letters.
considering the time intervals preceding and suc- Additionally, for each event, we measure two
ceeding each stick-slip event. If Ipre and Ipost agree kinematic descriptors of the displacement field: the
within 20% for a particular event, then that event is mean local slip in the shear direction hDxi; and the
considered to be part of a QP series. Events for which mean gradient G of the displacement field. The for-
Ipre and Ipost differ by more than 20%, as well as mer is calculated by taking the average over the
single QP events (those without adjacent QP events), ensemble of all particle displacements Dx: The mean
are considered AP. The choice of 20% difference gradient is calculated by first binning Dx in the
between Ipre and Ipost is made in order to allow for a spanwise direction, to form uðyÞ ¼ hDxiðyÞ; and then
gradually-changing periodicity to be considered QP taking G  hjou oyji: The scalar G provides a useful
while not admitting AP events. Analysis of the same measure of the extent to which the displacement field
data with a threshold ±5% does not affect the main is solid-like (low G) or exhibits internal deformation
trends observed. We calculate the periodic fraction a (high G). The notation hi will used throughout the
as the fraction of the total number of events which are paper to indicate averages. A schematic definition of
designated QP. In the plots below, the variable I G is presented in Fig. 4; sample displacement vector
denotes the entire population of intervals between fields are shown superposed on the initial frame in
stick-slip events. When these intervals are plotted in Fig. 5. The resolution of the images is 1,024 9 1,280
reference to a particular event, then the variable name (about 30 pixels/particle), and each camera records
Ipre or Ipost (see Fig. 2a) indicates whether the inter- the central region of the stationary side of the
vals are measured before or after the event, experiment. At the end of each run, each series of
respectively. images (taken at 2 Hz) is synchronized with the X(t)
In addition to the bulk dynamics, we isolate local and F(t) signals described above. These local mea-
failure dynamics such as interparticle slip and force- surements are obtained for two representative
chain rearrangements with a pair of cameras mounted packing densities, / = 0.806 (5 runs) and / = 0.840
above the stationary side of the shear cell. A circular (5 runs).
polarizing sheet is placed beneath the apparatus, and Force-chains build up in response to strain applied
one of the two cameras is fitted with the opposite at the side and bottom boundaries, and are subject to
polarizing sheet in order to resolve the forces within three kinds of dynamics. First, because the shear
each particle. The second camera simultaneously stress on the system is increasing, the chains can
records the particle positions without a polarizing become brighter (larger force) without moving. This
filter. is the dominant behavior during the interval between
Particle kinematic measurements begin by locat- events. Second, for subsets of particles which slip
ing the center of each particle in the non-polarized together as a single unit (no contact failures or rela-
image with a Hough transform implemented using an tive, interparticle displacements), the force-chains
open-source Matlab code. This method is able to can slip with them. These are the boundary failures
detect both circular and elliptical particles. For each and appear in Fig. 5b as parallel white and black
event detected from the bulk measurements, we chains. Third, subsets of particles which have relative
compare particle positions [x, y] immediately before displacements with respect to each other are typically
and after the event, and determine the displacement associated with force-chain buckling (TORDESILLAS,
½Dx; Dy of each using an open-source particle 2007; TORDESILLAS and MUTHUSWAMY, 2009). These
tracking code. Particle displacements range from 0.01 are the local failures and appear in Fig. 5 as a bran-
(our detection limit, based on pixel size) to 0.4 mm. ched network of black chains which are released,
The collection of particle displacements defines a together with white chains which re-formed. We
field with Dx in the shear direction and Dy in the quantify the nature of the force-chain dynamics by
spanwise direction. Note that variables relating to the examining the change in net photoelastic brightness
2244 N. W. Hayman et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

(a) kinematic gradient

high- high- with localization low-


(b) image-differencing
pre Γpost Γpre
Force ΔF

Position ΔX


Figure 4
a Schematic definition of G  hj ou
oy ji: For events where slip is accommodated by large interparticle displacements, G is high. For events where
uniform displacements of the entire aggregate accommodate slip, the mean kinematic gradient G is low. b Sample event, showing force drop
(schematic) and force-chain changes during a total plate slip DX: Area of analysis corresponds to images in Fig. 5

averaged over particle-scale patches within the ima- implications for natural faulting. As shown in
ges Cpre and Cpost preceding and following the event. Fig. 3, the granular aggregate becomes stiffer over
The buckling/rearrangement events (local failure) a shorter time for closely packed systems than for
produce a strong spatial signal, while boundary fail- loosely packed systems. This strengthening arises
ure events where force-chains slip as a unit are because each stick-slip event only releases a fraction
weakly detected. These force-chain buckling patches of the accumulated stress. We note that exploring
are typically associated with patches of particles changes in rheology does not come at the expense of
exhibiting local displacements in the non-shear a study of the stick-slip behavior: slip events exhibit
direction. We quantify the degree of local failure stationary statistical distributions for DF and DX
relative to boundary failure via the failed fraction b, during the strengthening process (DANIELS and HAY-
which is the fraction of the particle-scale patches MAN, 2008).
which have DjCj above a threshold value. We quantify the effect of / on the granular
In summary, for each event, we have four bulk rheology by averaging together runs at the same / to
characterizations (bulk event slip DX; event duration measure average behaviors hXðtÞi and hFðtÞi: For
DT; and pre- and post-intervals Ipre, Ipost) and three / . 0:8, the granular aggregate repeatedly builds up a
local, kinematic characterizations (average local slip small amount of internal stress (as force-chains) and
hDxi; mean gradient G; failed fraction b. In addition, releases it in a periodic fashion without ever reaching
each event is assigned a status as being part of a QP a globally jammed configuration (O’HERN et al.,
or AP series of events. In Sect. 3, we will consider 2003; WYART, 2005). As such, X(t) = Vt on average,
how these bulk and local characterizations depend on as seen by comparison with the slope of the dotted
packing density / and the periodicity. line in Fig. 3a. For /J0:8; the position of the plate
falls behind this constant pulling rate, so that the
slope of X(t) is less than V = 0.3 mm/s. This effect
increases as / approaches /RCP.
3. Results
In Fig. 3b, we plot hFðtÞi as a function of hXðtÞi;
parameterized by time. A linear regime, with stress
3.1. Rheology
proportional to strain, is found for all / above a
Several observations drawn from these dynamics threshold force F0 = 11 N, shown by the horizontal
provide insight into granular rheology, with dotted line. In calculating statistics describing the
Vol. 168, (2011) Granular Controls on Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events 2245





Figure 5
Images showing particle kinematics and force-chain dynamics for representative stick-slip events. In particle-kinematic images (left column),
the blue arrows on each particle are the displacement field ½Dx; Dy and the red line of arrows at the center are u(y) used to calculate
G  hjou
oy ji: The force-chain images (right columns) are difference images Cpost  Cpre (see Fig. 4) wherein brighter chains strengthened,
darker chains weakened, and bright chains immediately adjacent to darker chains mark a boundary failure in which the aggregate displaces
while contacts remain intact. a Low G stick-slip event at low / exhibiting predominantly boundary failure. b High G event at low / exhibiting
local failure with a network of force-chains failing in the vicinity of disordered particle rearrangements. c Low G stick-slip event at high /
exhibiting predominantly boundary failure. d High G stick-slip event at high / exhibiting no large force-chain buckling or rearrangements

stick-slip events, we will only use data from this expected from numerical simulations by AHARONOV
regime. We measure the effective stiffness Keff of the and SPARKS (1999). In Sect. 4, we will discuss the
aggregate by making a linear fit to F(X) above F0. implications of this change in rheology as a function
Figure 3c shows that Keff increases with /, as of /.
2246 N. W. Hayman et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

3.2. Bulk event statistics increases with /, eventually becoming more exponen-
tial-like (not shown) at the highest /. Similar changes
Though stick-slip events maintain stationary dis-
in the size distribution were also observed for constant
tributions during strengthening during shear, changing
pressure vs. constant volume boundary conditions in
the stiffness Keff of the system by increasing / leads to
the same apparatus (DANIELS and HAYMAN, 2008).
corresponding changes in the statistics of the stick-slip
Meanwhile, DT of the events increases with /, while
events. For low / (near unjamming), we observe
also becoming more broadly-distributed (also see
power-law distributions of displacements and irregular
Fig. 3c for the mean behavior). This indicates that an
event spacing. For high /, we observe more uniform
effective damping is decreasing with /: once set in
events with more regular event spacing. In Fig. 6, we
motion, the event is slower to stop. This effect will be
quantify this effect by examining the probability
discussed in more detail in Sect. 4. I does not vary
distributions of the three key event statistics, DX; DT;
significantly with /, suggesting that a characteristic
and I. DX shows power-law-like tails (similar to G–R
timescale is present.
behavior) at lower /. The exponent of this distribution

(a) 100 (c)

Cumulative Probability

−1 −2.5
10 0.3

φ φ

0 0
10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
ΔX [mm] ΔT [s]

(b) (d)
0.4 0.4
φ = 0.802
φ = 0.806
φ = 0.810
0.3 φ = 0.814 0.3

φ = 0.818
φ = 0.822
φ = 0.826
0.2 0.2
φ = 0.830
φ = 0.834
φ φ = 0.838
0.1 φ = 0.840 0.1

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 20 40 60 80 100
ΔX [mm] I [s]

Figure 6
a Cumulative probability distribution of global slips DX; with two power-laws (-2.5 and -5) shown for comparison. b–d Probability density
for global slips DX; duration DT and interval I. All use the same color map from /RLP (blue) to /RCP (red), with trend from low to high /
indicated by the arrows
Vol. 168, (2011) Granular Controls on Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events 2247

We separate each of the probability distributions intervals, while the QP events retain the characteristic
of Fig. 6 by sorting the events into two sub-popula- timescale shown in Fig. 6d.
tions, one containing all QP events and the other all
AP events. As shown in Fig. 7a, we find that the
3.3. Particle kinematics and force-chain dynamics
fraction a of QP events increases with /. Independent
of /, we find that the QP and AP modes exhibit For two representative packing densities, /
indistinguishable distributions DX and DT: However, = 0.806 and 0.840, we examine the particle and
I is sensitive to whether the event is QP or AP. As / force-chain dynamics which are responsible for the
increases, the AP events exhibit increasingly longer bulk dynamics and the event statistics DX; DT; I; and

(a) 1


0.6 P mean
AP mean

0.4 P PDF

0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84

(b) (c) (d)

0.84 0.84 0.84

0.83 0.83 0.83


0.82 0.82 0.82

0.81 0.81 0.81

0.8 0.8 0.8

0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 20 40 60 80
ΔX [mm] ΔT [s] I [s]

Figure 7
a Fraction a of events which are part of a QP series. Bars are standard error. b–d Probability density functions for DX; DT; and I, separated by
both / (color vertical displacement) and status as part of a quasi-periodic (QP dashed) or aperiodic (AP solid) series. The mean of the QP
(filled triangle) and AP (filled circle) distributions is plotted as a function of /
2248 N. W. Hayman et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

QP/AP periodicity. In all cases, the forces are Figures 8, 9, 10 present the most instructive of these
heterogeneously distributed, with the chains devel- comparisons. Figure 8 shows the pairwise compari-
oping more quickly at large /, as indicated in the sons for bulk ðDX; Ipre Þ versus local ðDx; GÞ
bulk dynamics in Fig. 3b. The local properties, properties, in order to investigate the effect of / on
observable in Fig. 5, are quantified via the average local kinematics. Figures 9 and 10 then consider high
local slip hDxi; mean gradient G; and failed fraction and low / in separate plots in order to isolate the
b. To understand the relationship between these periodicity related to the local kinematics.
variables in terms of / and periodicity, we bin the Since all of the particles in the system remain
data into six equally populated subsets and look at within the constant volume region, we expect hDxi 
comparisons of average values (e.g. plot DX vs. G). DX on average. However, both measurements

(a) 0.5 (b) 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3
Δ x [mm]

Δ x [mm]

0.2 =〈
ΔX 0.2

0.1 0.1
φ = 0.806
φ = 0.840
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.02 0.04 0.06
〈Δx〉 [mm]
(c) 0.4 (d)

0.3 50

0.25 40
〈Δx〉 [mm]

Ipre [s]


0.05 10

0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
〈Δx〉 [mm]

Figure 8
Dependence on / of the relationships between: a global slip and mean local slip, b global slip and mean gradient, c mean local slip and mean
gradient, and d preceding interval and mean local slip. On a, the dotted line is DX ¼ hDxi: Points at each / are approximately equally
populated when sorted by the abscissa. Bars show the standard error. For / = 0.806 (asterisk), there are 292 total events and 0.840 (open
square) has 129 total events
Vol. 168, (2011) Granular Controls on Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events 2249

exclude the smallest slips in practice; as shown in /; hDxi is also larger for a given G: We interpret this
Fig. 8a, this equivalency is only approximately true somewhat counterintuitive result as arising from
even when averaged over a whole run. We observe different types of internal deformation present at
that the relationship between DX and hDxi is different packing density: low / events are more
approximately linear, with a slope of 1. likely to involve patches of disordered rearrange-
In the presence of shear-banding near the imposed ments (high b) than high / events. This effect will be
fault, there is a gradient in the displacement field. As discussed in more detail in Sect. 5.
shown in Fig. 8b and c, G exhibits a monotonic As already shown in Figs. 6d and 7d, I grows
dependence on the bulk slip DX which is insensitive somewhat with /. In Fig. 8d, we additionally observe
to /, while the local hDxi is monotonic with a /- that increased Ipre is associated with increased hDxi:
dependence. Thus, larger local slip events also This may also be an effect of the increased degree of
exhibit larger G; as would be expected for low-slip rearrangement present at low / (see Fig. 5; a more
lateral boundaries. However, in systems with larger detailed discussion of this trend follows in Sect. 3.5),

φ = 0.806 φ = 0.840
(a) (b)
60 QP 60
50 50

40 40
Ipre [s]

Ipre [s]

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
〈Δx〉 [mm] 〈Δx〉 [mm]

φ = 0.806 φ = 0.840
(c) (d)
60 60

50 50
Ιpost [s]

40 40
Ipost [s]

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
〈Δx〉 [mm] 〈Δx〉 [mm]

Figure 9
Relationship between mean local slip, hDxi; and (a, b) pre- and (c, d) post-interval, at low (a, c) and high (b, d) packing densities, /, with QP
(filled triangle) and AP (filled circle) events plotted separately. Bars show the standard error. Points at each (/, QP/AP) are approximately
equally-populated when sorted by the abscissa
2250 N. W. Hayman et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

φ = 0.806 φ = 0.840
60 AP 60
50 50

40 40
Ipre [s]

Ipre [s]
30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

φ = 0.806 φ = 0.840
(c) (d)
60 60

50 50

40 40
Ipost [s]

Ipost [s]

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

Figure 10
Relationship between gradient, G; and (a, b) pre- and (c, d) post-interval, at low (a, c) and high (b, d) packing densities, /. Symbols and
binning are the same as in Fig. 9

requiring a longer time between events to reform the with larger local displacement, but only for high /
strong force-chains which were broken. Ipost displays (see Fig. 9a and c for low / behavior). The outliers in
a similar trend (not shown), perhaps due to the quasi- the high / data may be due to either failure events
periodicity of the system which makes Ipre  Ipost : which occurred outside the area of observation or
unusual large/small events. The relationship between
periodicity and local particle kinematics does not on
3.4. Periodicity
its own resolve the underlying dynamics of period-
A striking distinction between the events at low icity, but does provide insight into distinctions
and high / is their transition from more aperiodic between AP and QP events. We will discus the
(AP) to more quasi-periodic (QP) behavior. As shown influence of force-chains dynamics on AP and QP
in Fig. 9b and d, at high / the dependence of Ipre on slip behaviors in the following section.
hDxi is different for AP and QP events. We observe Another way of probing the relationship between
that Ipre and Ipost are typically longer for AP events periodicity and kinematics is to consider the mean
Vol. 168, (2011) Granular Controls on Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events 2251

kinematic gradient, G: By definition, this measure- significantly larger failed fraction of particles than the
ment would be larger for events with larger DX as QP events. In fact, no QP events are observed to
long as there was little slip at the lateral sidewalls. As display significant local failure (large b), and all
shown in Fig. 10, similar trends are present for G as major force-chain reorganizations are associated with
were observed for hDxi: At lower /, similar values of aperiodic events. In each case, there is a steep decline
hDxi and I are observed, independent of G and in the probability with b: for no events do we see b
periodicity. However, higher / experiments have a larger than 5% of the particles.
population of AP, highG events with longer intervals
than the corresponding QP events. The interval for
these higher G events increases with G: Note that this 4. Discussion
trend can also be observed in Fig. 7d.
Granular rearrangements, or configurational
effects, are common to all particulate systems, caus-
3.5. Force-chain failure
ing them to resist shear even in the absence of other
We have seen that local failures, as measured by frictional forces (O’Hern et al., 2002). Natural faults
tracking particle kinematics, play a key role in may be sensitive to this granular, configurational
distinguishing AP and QP event statistics, and that effect. Most fault gouge is a mixture of materials with
these effects are additionally /-dependent. The variable frictional properties and strength, suggesting
relative displacements of adjacent particles are read- that there are additional controls on fault strength and
ily observed by the failure of force-chains, as shown seismicity other than the properties of individual
in Fig. 10b. We more directly quantify these behav- mineral constituents (SAFFER and MARONE, 2003). In
iors with b, which measures what proportion of an turn, faults exhibit a range of seismic and aseismic
image participated in a major force-chain change or behaviors, with varying periodicity and aperiodicity
failure. As b ? 0, all force-chains in the imaged (IDE et al., 2007; SCHARER et al., 2010). The tradi-
region retain their initial configuration, and failure is tional explanation for heterogeneous fault behavior is
accommodated by boundary slip. As b increases, a that velocity-weakening and -strengthening materials
larger portion of the region participates in a local interact in the upper crust, and viscous and frictional
failure event, and failure is accommodated by both materials interact in the deeper crust (KOHLSTEDT
boundary and local failure. As shown in Fig. 11, at et al., 1995). In turn, fluids affect the mineralogy and
both high and low /, the AP events can involve a microstructure of faults (WINTSCH et al., 1995;
SCHLEICHER et al., 2010), and fluid pressure changes
10 dynamically along with frictional properties (SEGALL
QP, φ = 0.806
and RICE, 1995; SEGALL et al., 2011). Yet, the prop-
AP, φ = 0.806 erties (e.g., roughness, sizes, shapes) of granular fault
QP, φ = 0.840
AP, φ = 0.840 materials can greatly affect fault-slip dynamics in
−1 isolation of other effects (ANTHONY and MARONE,

2005; MAIR and HAZZARD, 2007; ABE and MAIR,
2009); this suggests the importance of isolating the
effects of granular rearrangements themselves.
10 Our experiments are tailored to investigate the
relationship between granular rearrangements and
frictional dynamics. We report on a constant volume
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
deformation regime which differs from other stick-
β slip experiments that attempt to define a steady-state
friction about which rate-and-state frictional behavior
Figure 11 is established. Accessing this relatively unexplored
Histogram of failed fraction b, separated by packing density and
periodicity strengthening regime has allowed us to better
2252 N. W. Hayman et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

understand granular rheology. Furthermore, it may particles to deform each other. During each waiting
have a qualitative analog in the interseismic period of interval I, the system is subject to elastic (affine)
large earthquake producing faults, during which a deformation due to the shear. This shear causes the
wide range of stick-slip behavior is observed. How- system to explore nearby metastable states in much
ever, our experiments are relatively restricted in the the same way that thermal energy can excite molec-
length and time scales of stick-slip deformation, and ular-scale systems from one state to another. For each
therefore cannot yet explore the range of durations stick-slip event (during DT), the system undergoes
and slip lengths that define different creep and seis- plastic (non-affine) rearrangements and ends up in a
mic slip behaviors. In light of the limitations, it is new configuration which persists for the next I
noteworthy that we are able to determine statistically interval. STZ theory has been successful in describ-
robust differences in duration (within a narrow range) ing stick-slip dynamics (DAUB and CARLSON, 2009)
of stick-slip events by increasing the packing density and fault rupture (DAUB et al., 2010).
as shown in Fig. 10c. The change in duration is part
of an overall effect of increasing packing density that
includes increasing the elastic stiffness and decreas- 4.2. Jamming
ing the proportion of aperiodic events. Periodicity-
The jamming framework describes how partic-
switching is especially interesting because existing
ulate materials arrive at mechanical stability as a
friction laws do not, on their own, describe controls
function of /, confining pressure, and coordination
on periodic and aperiodic behavior. Therefore, we
number (van HECKE, 2010; LIU and NAGEL, 2010).
extend this discussion to include some general theory
Near the jamming transition at /c (corresponds to
surrounding granular deformation that bears on both
/RLP for frictional systems), numerical simulations
periodicity and granular rheology of natural fault
observe an excess of low frequency modes in the
vibrational spectrum as compared to ordinary elastic
In considering the deformation of granular mate-
solids. These soft modes provide a low-energy means
rials it is important to note that stick-slip dynamics
to deform the aggregate, and provide a mechanism
fall at the boundary between two types of behaviors:
for transitions from each solid-like state to the next
solid-like and liquid-like. One difficulty in under-
without the system ever becoming liquid-like. The
standing such behaviors lies in creating a model that
length scale of these soft modes diverges as / ? /c
captures both the end of the ‘stick’ state when the
from above. In contrast, for /  /c ; low-energy
system starts to flow, and the end of the ‘slip’ state as
modes are no longer as prevalent.
the system comes to rest. Three theoretical frame-
works—shear transformation zones (STZ), jamming,
crackling/avalanching—are making progress at
4.3. Crackling/avalanching
addressing these issues.
Many physically distinct systems, ranging from
disease epidemics to power grid outages, exhibit
4.1. Shear transformation zones (STZ)
failure events which span a broad (power-law) range
The central idea of STZ theory is that particular of sizes. Such behavior has come to be known as
regions of a disordered material are more susceptible crackling, and can arise when a disordered system of
to particle rearrangements (plastic failure, non-affine interacting elements is driven to failure by external
deformation) by virtue of being more disordered forcing (SETHNA et al., 2001). If the disorder is a
(FALK and LANGER, 2000; DAUB and CARLSON, 2010). stronger effect than the interactions, then the system
As a system is sheared, each new configuration is fails by many small individual failures. If the
reached via a local change in particle configuration at interactions are stronger than the disorder, then the
one of the STZs. There is some energetic cost to system fails all at once. Crackling happens when the
performing these rearrangements, both from fric- disorder and the degree of interaction are both
tional interactions and from the elastic energy for important effects.
Vol. 168, (2011) Granular Controls on Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events 2253

Different aspects of these three theories apply to observed for low / in Fig. 10a. Therefore, it is
our experimental results. Each of the events in our valuable to compare more than just a single power-
experiments results from a rupture which propagates to law exponent. Avalanche models (for a review, see
span the full length of the fault, but can take two BEN-ZION et al., 2010) make a set of related predic-
different forms. The boundary failure events occur tions relevant to our experiments, among them the
without significant plastic deformation (observed cumulative size (DX) distribution with power-law
within the region for which images are collected). exponent -2.5, as seen for our low-/ data. A key
The local failure events (see Fig. 10b) occur when a difference between theory and our experiment, how-
force-chain collapses (exceeds the Coulomb criterion ever, is that a power-law distribution of duration DT
locally) and the nearby particles rearrange. The would also be expected, but this is not observed here.
frequency of local failures depends on packing density Notably, numerical simulations in DAHMEN et al.
/, and the dynamics exhibit several STZ-like features. (1998, 2009a, b) exhibit periodicity-switching
At lower /, as the system is sheared it is commonly between AP and QP behaviors, as seen here. In both
able to find a new energy-minimum (metastable state) the experiment and the model, the QP behavior
which is accessible via a STZ-like rearrangement. At dominates as the system retains a larger fraction of
larger /, it is more difficult to find nearby valid the stress during failure. At large /, there is a faster
configurations, subject to the mechanical constraints of strengthening of the system (see Fig. 10b). Since it
the system: this corresponds to a lack of STZs. In the becomes increasingly difficult to find valid states as /
experiments, this decline is observed as the failed approaches /RCP, perhaps the local failures required
fraction b decreasing as / increases, whereby QP to form AP events become inaccessible. However,
events become the prevailing type (see Fig. 11). despite the many observed relationships between
Alternatively, one can think about the decreasing granular kinematics and force-chain behaviors corre-
availability of nearby configurations as a manifesta- sponding to QP/AP transitions, it remains an open
tion the configurational entropy: systems at lower / question what nucleates the transition from AP to QP
are thought to have a greater configurational entropy or vice versa.
(larger number of valid states) (EDWARDS and OAKE- The theoretical frameworks described above pro-
SHOTT, 1989; BRISCOE et al., 2008). This increase may vide promising avenues for exploring localization,
also correspond to the larger variance in the local periodicity-switching, and other important stick-slip
packing density at lower / (PUCKETT et al., 2010), dynamics. However, in order to describe the faulting
and the associated increased occurrence of larger process once the granular material is in motion, it will
voids would provide a means for a sheared system to be necessary to develop a description of the rheology of
explore new configurations. A description of our the moving material. This is especially important in
experimental shear zone as a system undergoing un- order to generate stress–strain–time predictions that
jamming transitions also applies. As /  /c ; the soft can be tested with geophysical observations. One
modes are no longer as common, and rather than approach recently adopted by LAVIER and BENNETT
deform, our system more often finds a boundary (2010a, b) is to consider the stick-slip motion of faults
failure mode. Recent numerical simulations by PICA in light of the viscoelastic rheology of a fluid-filled
CIAMARRA et al. (2010) observe many of the features material between elastic blocks or plates. The granular
described here, and point to the importance of gouge is taken to have an effective rheology of the type
decaying tangential interactions (perhaps indicative described by recent work in granular physics (JOP
of force-chain buckling) immediately prior to a stick- et al., 2006; FORTERRE and POULIQUEN, 2008; POULIQUEN
slip event. In particular, precursor bursts in micro- and FORTERRE, 2009). The resulting model takes the
scopic dynamics suggest that the system is exploring form of a damped, driven harmonic oscillator equation
the nearby configurations, a process fundamental to (DDHO) for which damping arises from an effective
the STZ model. viscosity g of the flowing particles, and an effective
A broad class of systems exhibit failure events stiffness provided by both the driving plates/blocks and
which span a broad (power-law) range of sizes, as the granular material within the gouge.
2254 N. W. Hayman et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

In the viscosity model, during the stick phase local failure (see image in Fig. 10b) as well as
(interval I) the system is jammed and stores energy as boundary failure. These multiple modes of failure are
it is sheared. During the slip phase, the frictional consistent with the increased variability in I (more
dissipation within the material works to arrest the AP behavior) observed for low /.
motion; simultaneously, the system is also subject to These interpretations of the experiments provide a
a decreasing level of stress. Thus, the event statistics valuable link between current granular physics and
DX and DT (as well as the particle-scale kinematics), fault mechanics. The experiments also demonstrate
provide information about the rheology of the that many of the stick-slip phenomena only recently
unjammed state. In the context of our experiments, observed in nature may originate, at least partly, via
we can estimate the /-dependence of the damping the granular mechanics of fault zones. One promising
coefficient via the /-dependent event duration hDTi: route towards a field-based hypothesis test is to
A constant driving stiffness is provided by the pulling consider that the relative amounts of localized (e.g.
spring, and the material stiffness is measured by shear planes) and distributed (e.g. cataclastic folia-
Keff(/). Following LAVIER and BENNETT (2010a), this tion) fault structure might be productively interpreted
interpretation results in a DDHO equation of the form in the context of boundary versus local failure modes.
X€ þ DX_ þ x20 ðX þ Xf Þ ¼ 0; with natural frequency The two modes might be recorded in the geologic
x0 / Keff (also governed by effective mass m) and record via signatures of force-chains at the grain scale
damping constant D / 1g (also with some geometric (EICHHUBL et al., 2010), or manifest themselves in
prefactors). The system is underdamped, and has a predictably different geodetic or seismological sig-
frequency of damped oscillations xd ¼ natures for a given fault structure.
B 2
AKeff ð/Þ  gð/Þ ; where A, B are /-independent
constants and both Keff and g are /-dependent. The 5. Conclusion
interval I between events is 2p/ xd.
As observed in Fig. 10c, the stiffness Keff We address questions surrounding the rheology,
increases with increasing / (which increases x0) periodicity and seismicity associated with tectonic
while h1=DTi / g decreases. This latter effect may fault slip using laboratory experiments which produce
arise because at higher / the frictional contacts are in stick-slip events on a photoelastic granular aggregate.
motion largely along a single line of contacts at the By loading the aggregate under a constant volume
imposed fault, rather than throughout the the bulk condition, we were able to monitor both particle-scale
(see Fig. 11), and thus fewer contacts are involved in kinematics and force-chain dynamics for different
slowing down the system. Together, the trends in packing densities. Key results include: (1) the effective
Keff(/) and g(/) have opposite effects on xd. This stiffness Keff of the aggregate increases with /; (2) the
may account for the observation of only small fraction a of quasi-periodic events increases with /; (3)
changes in hIi over the range of parameters in these as / increases, the aperiodic events exhibit increas-
experiments. ingly longer intervals, while the quasi-periodic events
We can further interpret the model to understand retain the characteristic timescale; (4) these differences
the aperiodicity in I. Due to the irregular kinematics in periodicity manifest themselves in local kinematics;
and periodicity-switching, g and Keff will not be the and (5) at both high and low /, the aperiodic events can
same for all events. Those states for which a nearby involve interparticle slips between a significantly lar-
soft mode (see jamming model description above) is ger fraction of particles than the quasi-periodic events.
accessible/nearby will have lower Keff and larger g The patterns of localized events have features in
than the average. Those states which can only find common with shear transformation zone theory, as
boundary failure modes will have approximately well as the statistics of stick-slip events predicted by
constant Keff and g. Systems prepared at high / avalanche/crackling theory. We interpret the /-
exhibit largely periodic events and largely boundary dependent kinematics in light of configurational
failure. In contrast, systems prepared at low / exhibit restrictions on deformation as the packing density of
Vol. 168, (2011) Granular Controls on Periodicity of Stick-Slip Events 2255

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