Noc20 Ee33 Assigment 1

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‘About the Course Ask a Q. Unit 3 - Week 0 course outine - Assignment 0 ee {he onder nbitg he ign i ped ue on 2020-01-27, 2:50 IS. so percorrecorn youre ehted bi segment ‘ou Asn © The entropy of a 2 symbol source with symbol probabilities p and 1 — p is maximum tm —e when p is 02 be Wook 3 ©. 0, weeks 4.0, Wook 6 weer on reverse weak doce Anau “soluione 3 If the symbol emvor rate of a K-hit constellation is § then the bit error rate is pate approximately equal to Tox rangrote seme b. Be © 8. ot osname. ‘Aecenteg Aree: 3) What is the missing block in the follewing block diageam 1 pain tog sere 5 Larsen a, Decoder. b. Amplifier RAM ed. Quantizer. t,t anor iio. scopes owes: ©) The job of a source coder is 1 point 1s, To convert source symbols into bits b. To teptesent an input source message in the most efficient way possible "To add parity check bits. ‘To pulse shape the data, ses tres: + point 5) In chonnel coding theorem, chanel capacity decides the — — — ppormnissible rate at which error free traustuission is possible, 4, Maxinaunn, b. Minimum, ©. Constant . None of the above. te, aomer aise. ‘Accented Aree: © In WiFi the mode of transmission is + point 4. comtimons, b. burst, «. analog. d. continuous toreprmnrisincorec, stro Aware 7 The rank of the mats given bole i, 1 pont 6 Is 4 4 ba, 62 it. on never aca ‘econ Answer ©) The maximum eigen-value of the matrix given below is, 1 point 1g 5 4 aT, b. 88, ©. 1234, 4.2.80, to, america Sear ‘Aecenteg Aree: neies between -2 Hy to pom ® The Nyquist sampling frequeney for a signal with freg 2Heis, a 2M, b 25 He oA He, 6 He a ‘Accente Anewets: 9 The number of bits required for representing the symbols belonging to a 64 QAM samt constellation b a Accente Answers: e 1 The expression for covariance between two random variables X and Y is, samt a. IXY) — EIXJEY b. EIXY] BIXY] + 21X1E] er on reverse ecepte Anewer: a 1 point Tm phe tr ings [3,6 (ie [7a] 1 /v in 6/vr | -5/ver)" to, america Sear ‘Aecenteg Aree: 3 _ a "The deena the lving ati [; ve | 4% wo a a a ‘Aecente Answers: * 4 ‘The Fourier Transform of «rectangular pulse i, ‘0m a. Rectangular, v1 ©. Sine pulse. war 4. Impulse t,t anor iio. Accepts Aree: 5) Following are statements related to cellular communication: 1 point (@) 16 sed analog communication (Gi) 2G was developed for voice and data communict (ii) GPRS is also known as 2.56 (Gv) MIMO was introduced in 3G, (v) Massive MIMO is used in 46. (vi) The sole aim of 5G communication system is to increase the data rate for high mobility users. both. (i), GH), Gil) and (iv) are correct. >. (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct. . (i) (il) and (vi) are correct, 4. (i), (ili), Gv) and (vi) are correct. eset tras:

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