B55 - Org Fundamental Analysiss
B55 - Org Fundamental Analysiss
B55 - Org Fundamental Analysiss
EUR/USD pair 2006 – 2008. Period of a fast credit growth, expansion of real estate, low-risk costs
and abundant liquidity.
EUR/USD in August - 2008 US Crisis. Period when American property owners defaulted on their
mortgages. Banking institutions all over the world with financial investments linked to those
mortgages began to lose their funds.
EUR/USD, October – November of 2009. Europe slips into recession. European financial institutions
that had invested intensively in the US mortgage market were hit hard.
If you want to have a long-lasting trading career in this business, you have to
learn how to use the widely available Fundamental data. You also have to
have a simple but effective strategy which allows you to take advantage of
the data for profit. You've got to start trading strong and weak Economies and
not, just the charts!
Skinny on Fundamentals.
All right, below is the boring stuff that nobody wants to hear simply because
many people think that this subject is too complicated, and you need to have
Economics degree to understand and trade based on Fundamentals. Don’t
worry, we’re going to simplify the subject and focus on what matters in Fx
Markets only. The Fundamentals could be as difficult as you wanted them to
be; there is no need for making this subject even more mind blowing as it is
on its own. Like I said, this is the stuff that majority of people are falling asleep
over, yet statistically majority of people loose in Fx Markets. I know; it is hard
to wrap your head around some Fundamental concepts. However, if you
internalize these concepts, you will change the way you look at Markets
There are two sub-types of Fundamental Analysis: Macro & Micro
Macro events:
Things that move the Fx Market on a Grand scale.
Fiscal policies:
These are laws, and regulations set by the government relevant to taxation as
well as spending. Fiscal policy's objectives are price stability, economic
growth, maximum employment. Fiscal policies may also be used to increase
or reduce business activities. Here is an example, let’s say the government
decides to increase taxation, then consumers would likely have fewer net
incomes, which leads to lesser spending on goods and services. Tax policies
and regulations are among many tools the government uses to induce or slow
down the Economy.
Monetary Policies:
The handling of interest rates and money supply by a Central Bank. In the U.S.,
it will be the Federal Reserve. Monetary policy is put in place as part of a
strategy to keep control over Inflation and achieve currency stability.
Compare to Fiscal policy, Monetary policy is directed more at financial
markets, and its effects in changes could be noticeable right away rather than
subtle as compared to Fiscal policy. Monetary policy is one of the two
practices that the Fed uses to influence supply and demand of Money.
Downgrades from the top rating agencies such as Fitch Ratings, Standard &
Poor’s and Moody’s can negatively impact on the outlook of the country and
its Economy.
Elections are always viewed as a cause of Volatility in Fx Markets. It is only
natural for the Investors to be more cautious with such events. As long as
political uncertainty is in the air and psychological tensions arise, this
behavioral pattern will continue to repeat.
Micro events:
This is what makes the Fx Market “tick” on a daily basis - Micro events & Geo-
Political events.
Economic releases:
On a day-to-day basis, Currency's exchange rate fluctuates because of
imbalance in Supply & Demand. Nothing more is so powerful in affecting this
imbalance as High-Impact Economic releases. Currencies can move a great
amount of distance in a matter of seconds. Checking Economic calendar for
the scheduled news events carries an outmost importance for Fx speculators.
News Headlines:
You have to be News literate if you wish to be involved in Fx speculations.
Following News on Bloomberg or Reuters even as a background, will keep you
in the loop of any developing global events.
Geo–Political events:
The whole array of non-Economic events ranging from wars to natural or
man-made disasters, including terrorists’ attacks, regime changes, major
workers’ strikes, elections, and etc.
As Forex speculators, we should be involved with the Economic decisions and
activities of each currency, at least, the ones that we trade. We should be
asking ourselves, how these activities impacting the currency? Has the most-
recent economic release influenced the value of the currency and by how
much? What are the current Monetary policies of the currencies? What are
the overall cycles of each currency, Expansion or Recession? What is the
Central Bank’s view on their currency?
Basic Economic concepts, every Trader should know.
Expansion – Recession.
As the pace of business activity fluctuates, World Economies have always
undergo their business cycle’s changes. It is a currency trader's job for that
matter, to recognize where in the cycle, each Economy around the World is,
and to anticipate changes in the economic climate before it is apparent to the
Economic Cycles are broken down into two main categories: expansion and
recession. Expansions are corresponding with a strong and growing economy
while recessions are defined by a decline in economic activities, which
eventually results in suppressed growth.
These economic cycles create “risk-on,” and “risk-off” market environments
based on which investors allocate their money. To know where the Money
flows, or correct to say in what currencies Money is flowing into, has great
importance to us as Fx traders. There are certain currencies to be traded in
each Market environment, more on that later.
An economic expansion is a period of economic growth as measured by an
increase in GDP as well as a jump in the level of economic activity. When a
country's Gross Domestic Product goes up over a specific period of time, it is
viewed as, having an economic expansion. An Economic growth takes place
either as a natural process or through government interference stimulation.
Generally, this is how it happens:
To create Demand or to add Money into a financial system, the Fed purchases
Treasury bonds in the open market. By doing so, it swaps bonds for cash that
investors put in banks. In turn, the financial institutions are more willing to
lend out this excess of Money. Low-interest rates, accessibility of loans gives
small companies and big corporations an opportunity to increase their
business activities. For instance, acquire factories, purchase manufacturing
plants and equipment, hire more employees, so they can produce more goods
and services.
To create supply, the Fed can change its Reserve requirements or lower
Interest rates, thus taking Money out of the System. Interest rate
manipulation is among several tools the Federal Reserve uses in managing the
Economic cycles.
Key features of an Expansionary cycle:
Higher disposable incomes
Rising employment
Increased consumer spending
Household demand rises
Business production increases
Rising sales
Better Wages
Consumer + Business, and Gov. Demand rises
A Recession is a considerable decline in economic activity commonly defined
as a drop in GDP for a couple or more back-to-back quarters. As a result of
the Recession, the following areas of the Economy are negatively affected:
stock market, housing market, labor market and the list goes on. In this type
of environment, cash supply starts to diminish as businesses and customers
restrict funding and spending. The lower spending usually results in higher
Companies may still show earnings as they sell off inventory, but eventually
deteriorating economic climate catches up with them.
Clearly, the Recession is not good, however; it is not as extreme as
Depression. Generally, it is considered that if recession lasts long enough,
then it might be classified as a Depression.
Key features of a Recession cycle:
Inflation – Deflation.
Whenever the overall price of products and services rises, it is claimed that
Inflation is rising as well. Inflation measures by how much the normal rate of
prices on goods and services increases over time period. Rise in inflation is
frequently triggered by the oversupply of money, in other words, when we
have too much Money chasing fewer goods. Central Banks attempt to avoid
an extreme increase in inflation, because as the cost of goods and services
rises, so does the value and the purchasing power of the currency fall. That
means Consumers and Businesses are able to purchase less since the rise. The
Inflation rate constantly changes based on circumstances; however In the
United States, the Fed makes an effort to keep a certain level of inflation,
which is usually 1-2%. Commonly Inflation is assessed by the economic
indicators such as Producer Price Index and Consumer Price Index.
Logically, deflation is the opposite of Inflation it happens when prices of goods
and services are falling. When we have a reduction in the supply of money or
credit, we have cause for the decline in prices, leading to a possible deflation.
Simply put, deflation is when too little Money is chasing too many goods. It is
also important to mention that deflation is affected by spending or to be
exact, the lack of Government, Private sector and Investment spending. At
times, deflationary forces can hit the Labor sector fairly hard by increasing
unemployment level as the overall demand in the Economy decreases. On the
other hand, deflation makes more affordable to struggling consumers items
such as food, fuel, and housing.
Balance of Payments.
The Balance of Payments presents the total of trade balance, foreign trade
activities, and balance between import-export. Simply put, balance of
payments is the track-record of a country’s transactions with the rest of the
World. The Balance of Payments is considered to be positive when incoming
payments exceed outgoing to other countries and economies. The excess is a
positive factor for growth and strength of the domestic currency. There are
two parts to the Balance of Payments, Current Account, and Financial
The Current account measures a country's trade in capital as well as
importexports of goods and services. Basically, it is a country's net income,
trade balance, and direct payments. Current account is in balance when
businesses, government, and consumers have sufficient income and savings
to fund business growth, infrastructure spending and purchases in the
country. The objective for most countries is to bring more earnings by
exporting more goods and services than it imports. When this happens, it
creates a surplus in trade balance. Deficit occurs in the opposite, when a
country exports fewer goods and services than it imports and also, this is
important; it takes less capital from foreign investors than it sends out.
The Financial account measures International ownership of assets. To be
exact, the financial account evaluates the change in international ownership
of assets. It allows you to find out if the amount of assets held increased or
decreased. It must not be mixed up with the current account's income, like
dividends and interests, that are earned on these assets. The assets include
securities, such as bonds and stocks as well as commodities. The owners can
range from individuals up to central banks and the governments.
The financial account further divides into two categories. The domestic
ownership of foreign assets and the foreign ownership of domestic assets.
When domestic ownership increases, it adds to a country's financial account.
In case if the foreign ownership rises, then it subtracts from the financial
The importance of financial accounts is due to the fact that it is a large
component of balance of payments, and it can offset a trade deficit when it
has a significant enough excess.
The UK imports mostly finished manufactured goods but export basic
materials, food, beverages, financial services and business services.
Bottom line: trade in goods and services is the largest component of the
above-mentioned Current Account. For that reason, a trade deficit is usually
enough to create a current account deficit which occurs when a country
imports more goods and services than it exports.
Capital flows distinguish money sent from overseas investors as they allocate
their capital in foreign Markets. A country might have either a positive or
negative capital flow. A positive capital flow means that investments from
foreign sources exceed that country's cash outflows into other economies.
More money comes in instead of leaving. Investors have to change their
money for the currency of the country they invest into. As more money comes
in, it creates demand for that country's currency. More demand means more
value. The opposite is true for the negative capital flow. When a country has
a negative capital flow, it causes to lose value of their currency. As demand
for the currency decreases so does the value. Countries that experience
economic growth, especially growth in financial market; offering high-interest
rates on their financial assets, tend to attract a majority of foreign investors.
As the foreign investments flow into the country, demand for the currency
increases as well as the valuation.
Budget Deficits.
Nowadays, it is a common exercise for Governments to operate with a deficit.
Anytime the taxes collected aren't adequate to satisfy Annual Budget, the
practice of borrowing funds becomes the usual norm.
Just what this signifies, is the undeniable fact that nationwide government is
functioning with a shortage. It spends a complete lot more than it collects
from taxes or any other kinds of revenue.
Eventually this leads to downgrades from top rating agencies, resulting in
higher interest payments and whole other issues. In case the interest
payments become high enough, it eventually creates a drag on economic
development, as those finances could have been applied to stimulate the
economy in a first place. If Debt is mostly owned by domestic investors, then
it will certainly reflect negatively on Consumers by increasing their cost of
Living. As each year, the deficit is added to the public debt it slowly and
methodically weakens the economy.
There are numerous reasons that a budget deficit doesn't always induce a
complete catastrophe. For one, it is not an indication of an Economic Health.
For the second, numerous countries, including the United States, are in a
position to “print” their own currency. That means when debt needs to be
paid, they simply create more credit and cover it. For the third, debt can and
in most cases is being rolled over.
Budget deficits are definitely not an attractive practice, at all, if you’re
catching my sarcasm, however, it is not “The End of the World.” Countries are
able to run budget deficits for long periods of time without having an impact
on a currency.
For us, as currency traders what Fundamental Analysis offers is the
identification of under-priced and over-priced currencies relative to their
future values (Intrinsic Values) by comparing their present state to the
Economic background. For this matter, being familiar with the basics of
Economic concepts are vital to our success.
Global Market FLOWS and Important Trading
Probably the most challenging mission of a currency speculator is to
investigate Global Economies. Why do we need that? - you may ask, to
establish strong and weak currencies in order to deal them against each
other. In Fx Markets, money can be made in two ways. Money can be made
on Interest Rates differentials and Exchange Rates fluctuations. Buying, or
funding high-interest rate currency with lower interest gives you ability to
profit from Interest Rate difference. This is a long-term strategy called “carry
trade” and falls into Fixed Income Investment category in contrast to
shortterm Exchange Rates speculations. This type of strategy is very popular
among commercial Banks and Investment firms as their trading capital is
immense; so when you get paid on daily rollovers on a high yielding
currencies, it can be quite sizable.
Try to understand this, when you trade at that level, you’re not interested in
getting few pips here and there, your focus shifts to longer perspectives,
longer time horizons. This is the psychology of these big fund managers;
they’re looking for high-yielding currencies; they’re looking for growing
Economies; it is all about the Yields.
Strong Economies have a tendency to attract fund managers to invest in their
currencies or at least “park” their capital to keep it safe. This, in turn, creates
demand for those currencies. Strong Economies that are in Expansionary
cycles usually have higher Interest Rates, which means that their currencies
offer higher returns for their Investors.
Side-Note: One can argue about the CHF being the safe heaven, after
the “Black Swan” event in January of 2015-th, and negative interest
rates. However, an Economic landscape might change in the future
bringing the Swiss Franc back it’s favor.
On the other hand, AUD, NZD, EUR, GBP, CAD are considered to be risk
appetite currencies or “risk-on” bets.
Now, when assessing the Global situation, meaning; when trying to figure it
out what situation we are currently in - “risk-on” or “risk-off” also, please
factor in the particulars of each Economy. For example, we might be in “risk
off” situation Globally, hence the following currencies should appreciate:
USD, CHF, and JPY. However, if Japanese Central Bank is en route to do next
round of Quantitative Easing or perform an Intervention, it will weaken the
currency for quite some time.
One of the indicators that are well-known and used by professionals for
measuring the "risk on - risk off" environment is the VIX.
The VIX measures US Market Volatility in real time and is utilized as a proxy
to identify the “Fear level.” It measures the level of Financial stress and also
is highly correlated with Bond Market. Low VIX readings below 20 mean No
Fear, above 20 readings – Fear. Since the VIX is taken from options prices of
the US Equity Market, particularly of the S&P 500 index, it is considered to be
a broader indicator.
Being aware of, and most importantly understanding what environment
particular currency is surrounded with gives us an additional edge when
making a Trading decision.
Although the fact that the information above might seem simple and concise,
it actually covers a lot of the core concepts that are essential for currency
traders. Where do we find the Fundamental information? How do we sort out
the data? How do we come as a conclusion on what to trade?
These are the topics that we cover in the next chapters.
The Treasuries market truly is one of the most significant, as well as more
established when compared to currencies market. Bond yields have a strong
correlation with world stock markets, commodities and currencies. The yield
spreads become wider or tighter based on a number of factors; most notably
- supply and demand, credit worthiness of an issuer, and the overall state of
the economy. In times of global hardship the desire for High grade Investment
Bonds increases pushing bond prices higher and the yields lower. Therefore,
traders who observe the Bond market and Bond spreads can have a fairly
good understanding of overall forces that influence the financial markets.
Macro Trading.
The Why?
Most retail traders I've come across use some sort of Day-trading strategies
that rely either purely on Technicals or trade Micro releases may be the
combination of both. These types of traders look like guerrilla fighters that
practice hit and run tactics, with "whatever-we-can-grab" mentality. The
really tricky part of this is; the Market definitely will pay you off sometimes
and the other, will take away most if not your entire winnings.
Now, I do not wish to bash anyone or criticize other types of Trading, there
are numerous approaches to “skim” the Market. When done correctly, short-
term trading undoubtedly can yield some serious returns in a brief period of
time. It requires you to be an expert in tools such as Market Profile; Market
Footprints; Market Deltas; Volume Analysis. You also have to know how to
read Order Flow and be familiar with Auction Theory. And even then, you still
need Fundamental structure to overlay on these tools because if you're
focused only on immediate things, you most definitely going to miss the “Big
The impact of Macro events, depending on their magnitude and extent will
move the markets in a big way overriding the short-term price change. These
events also have the ability to change the fundamental opinion of a currency
for weeks or even months. For that reason, being on top of Global events,
preparing for Macro Fundamental shifts and foreseeing the direction of the
Market based on data changes, can be extremely rewarding for Fx traders.
In my opinion, day-to-day Micro activity in Fx market is more chaotic and
volatile. The influences of the Macro Fundamentals though are more
organized, methodical and prolonged.
Organized, because as group Macro traders - (CTA’s, CFA’s and CMT’s ) that
are employed by private banks and investment firms, are looking at the same
Fundamental reports that are being prepared by well-paid PhD economists
who are tracking the same Micro events and pretty much using the same
quant-models to arrive at the same conclusions in these reports, wow, that
was a mouth-full, but you get the point.
Methodical, because capital allocation happens on the basis of the
abovementioned reports in millions and billions.
Prolonged, because the Macro Fundamental events have long-lasting effects
on Markets. Macro trends do not stop & reverse, immediately. It takes time
to unwind Trending positions.
One can assume that Macro trading is no different than Trend trading. In
actuality, it differs. Macro trading entails trading the Fundamental events;
your decision-making process is being derived from Macro events. In the case
of a Trend trading majority of decisions are based on Technicals: moving
averages, trendlines, specific chart patterns or waves for that matter. Another
point is when Trend trading you hardly ever catch the beginning of a Trend if
you rely solely on Technicals. The beginning of a Trend is visible on charts only
in hindsight. By following leading economic indicators, Macro traders, on the
other hand, are reacting or “pricing-in” future economic developments in
“the now.” In essence, MacroFundamental trading is somewhat leading
rather than lagging.
The Who?
We answered the Why, yet another logical question arises as we’ve heard it
so many times, “…don’t follow the herd!” - who to follow then?
Out of various Market participants ranging from Institutions, Pension Funds,
Corporations, and etc.; who do you think has the most influence in the
currency markets?
Without the shadow of a doubt, it’s the Central Banks – “The Guardians of the
Pay attention to what the Central Bank is focusing on and anticipate its next
move, whether it’s an Interest Rate hike/cut or other changes in Monetary
The four major areas of focus of a Central Bank are:
Inflation Employment Growth Production
When something needs to be influenced, fixed or adjusted in the Economy,
Central Bank uses tools at its disposal:
Interest Rates – raising or cutting Interest Rates to control Inflation and
supply of Money.
Reserve Requirement – increase or decrease of reserve requirements for
banks to restrict or to boost lending, again to control the supply of Money.
Open Market Operation – selling and buying of Gov. Bonds to control supply
and demand of Money.
Price Limit – the boundary, “the floor” or “the ceiling,” consider them support
or resistance that Central Banks are defending.
Verbiage – usually serves as a preliminary to something stronger: an action,
condition or an event. Very important to follow, and read summaries by
various analysts to decipher their intentions.
Interventions – The buying or selling of domestic or foreign currency with
intent to manipulate certain Market conditions or exchange rates flows.
Quantitative Easing – printing of Money to boost the supply, weakens the
currency. QE is perceived by many economists as a non-conventional tool of
Monetary policy.
We as Retail Traders will comprehend Central Bank’s activities much better,
by understanding its framework and its logic. It’s logic is defined by the major
areas in focus, especially the Inflation. Central Bank analyses Macro economic
data as well as Micro data and measures the overall health of the Economy.
Remember this; Central Bank sets the Market Sentiment for the currency at
each meeting. Following their press releases, meetings and paying attention
to their Market commentaries will give us clues on what is their focus on and
what to expect.
I agree, sometimes Central Bank’s view on the currency is clear as day light,
other times it might be vague and pointless. Nevertheless, whatever Central
Bank does or does-not, be sure that it has a reason for every single move it
makes. The difficult part here is to decipher it’s intentions. Now, by knowing
their major areas in focus and tools they use, this process should become less
painful. Basically, we’re going to put our Central Bankers “hats” on and trade
inline with them. Compare this type of trading to navigating the Icy North Sea;
imagine yourself as a small barge following mighty ice-breaker.
Choosing Macro trading style and particularly adopting the Central Banks
framework gives us an additional edge to our already advantageous position.
Consider this, if the private banks and Institutional traders are “eyeballing”
the Central Banks, it should be good enough reason for us to do the same.
The How?
Below I’ve listed my daily step-by-step processes, my practical applications,
and daily trading routine, that I live by.
You’re more than welcome to use the same processes or create your own
signature trading routines. In this section, I also reveal tools and resources I
personally use, some of them are free and the others are paid. Choose what
is best for you. I’m in no shape or form associated with them. Now, the way I
reveal my steps is as follows: I describe the step, the reason and the logic.
The Routine:
1) Check Your Charts - Watch the Price Action
I consider myself a Fundamental trader, but I am also a Technical analyst, so I
open my charts first before the start of a trading day and check for recent
price action. I’m looking for the moves that might have happened without me,
see what has moved and by how far. I use the one-hour and four-hour charts.
I also use Daily, Weekly and Monthly charts, but these timeframes are for my
longer-term assessments. Note that one-hour is my smallest timeframe,
anything less than that, and you’re stepping into the Market Makers domain
where intraday volatility and speed reign the day.
2) Do the Research - Find the reasons “Why” the currency is moving
If any of the currency pairs moved more than its Daily Range, for that I use
ATR(Average True Range) or ADR (Average Daily Range) indicators, within one
trading session, I start researching the Fundamental reasons and “why’s”.
Pound Weakens as Factory Output Drop Adds to Dovish BOE Outlook
December 8, 2015 — 1:45 PM GETUpdated on December 8, 2015 — 3:15 PM GET
The pound dropped for a third day against the dollar after a
report showed U.K. factory output fell more than economists
forecast in October, while industrial production barely grew.
Central bank Governor Mark Carney first said in July that the
timing of when to tighten will become clearer around the turn
of the year. Since then officials cut growth and inflation
forecasts while highlighting the drag to price growth by the
strength of the pound as evidence to support keeping rates on
hold. BOE officials will announce their latest policy decision on
Dec. 10.
“It doesn’t feel like we are any closer to that rate hike now than
we were in August, that is on the back of weaker data, which is
at least in part a function of sterling’s strength,” said Jane Foley,
a senior currency strategist at Rabobank International in London.
“There was that soft patch in manufacturing during the summer,
it seemed to improve and now it’s fizzled out again. Sterling has
done some monetary tightening already, it suggests the BOE
need not be in any rush to hike rates.”
The pound fell 0.3 percent to $1.5004 at 11:11 a.m. London time,
having declined 0.6 percent in the previous two days. The
currency slid 0.4 percent to 72.28 pence per euro.
Even after Tuesday’s decline, the pound has still strengthened
against the majority of its Group-of-10 peers this quarter. The
BOE has kept interest rates at a record-low 0.5 percent since
March 2009.
Trimmed Forecasts
When the central bank trimmed its forecasts for growth and
inflation in the November Inflation Report, it also suggested risks
from emerging markets had intensified. Consumer prices in the U.K.
fell an annual 0.1 percent in October. The central bank targets
growth of 2 percent.
The five-year break-even rate, a gauge of market inflation expectations
derived from the yield difference between U.K. government bonds
and index-linked securities, fell to the lowest level in more than three
months on Monday.
As we can see from the report I highlighted all four topics they've covered
from my list:
C.) We have the currency in the spotlight - the Pound.
C.) We have the Course – it is weakening.
R.) We have the Reasons – Fundamental reasons: factory output fell (No
demand); Industrial production didn’t grow (No Economic growth); Inflation
is low (If Inflation is low, there is No need to raise Interest Rates. No higher
Rates - No Capital Inflows); Investors’ expectations of U.K. growth is low.
(Pessimistic outlook – No Capital Inflows).
P.) And finally the Projections – pound is subject to downside risk, even
though it didn’t say the exact targets, it was still ok.
Probably the biggest clue for me was the part in “Trimmed Forcasts” section;
I’ve highlighted in green.
“U.K. government bonds fell as the nation sold 2 billion pounds of 30-year
gilts. The securities were sold with an average yield of 2.49 percent, the
highest since July.”
“Ten-year yields rose four basis points, or 0.04 percentage point, to
1.84 percent. The price on the 2 percent security due in September
2025 fell 0.375, or 3.75 pounds per 1,000-pound face amount, to
Source: Bloomberg.com
Example Short:
EUR/USD Daily chart. Like in the previous example all the glossary meanings are the same.
Note: As we can see from the Examples, in both cases the Stops of 100
points would’ve been sufficient enough for initializing the positions.
Reward-to-risk ratio in “Long” example would’ve been a minimum of
3:1; and in the “Short” example – 2:1.
GBP/USD pair- Daily chart. This is how the Pound looked on Daily chart 2 days before the Interest
Rate decision, scheduled on December the 10-th of 2015. As we can see it is in clear technical Down
Trend as defined by the Trend lines.
The same GBP/USD pair only on 4-Hour chart. I have marked the Event with yellow, dashed, vertical
GBP/USD 4-Hour chart with pink rectangle areas representing the Supply zones.
GBP/USD 4-Hour chart with pink rectangle areas representing the Supply zones, and also enhanced
with yellow horizontal Round numbers.
GBP/USD 4-Hour chart. OK, so this is the Event day. I’ve marked with the second yellow vertical line
the actual Time of the release. The Entry to sell was made 12 hours after the Monetary Policy
and the fact of not raising the Interest Rate any time soon, which was expected by the analysts and
the trading community. The green arrow points to the 200 point Stop. I’ve overreacted and placed
the Stop above the strongest Supply area. I was not expecting such a vicious upward price
movement on
December the 9-th, the day before the Event; the currency moved upwards 190 points. I was
thrownoff the plan to sell at the nearest 1.5150 Supply area, which by the way was violated, along
with the nearest Trend line that has been removed.
GBP/USD 4-Hour chart, 32 hours after the Event. The Pound makes a run for 1.5200 round number;
eventually stopping-out group of traders that shorted the currency placing their protective stops
just above the ‘00’ Level.
GBP/USD 4-Hour chart, 4 Days after the Event. Clearly price reverts back to its Intrinsic Value almost
erasing all the bullish action of December the 9-th.
GBP/USD – Daily chart, 4 weeks later. The Pound traveled more than 600 points to the down side.
Even if you did close the whole trade at the green Demand zone, it still would’ve netted you 2:1
ratio. I closed a part of my position at the green Demand zone. That zone was projected from
lows of 2015-th. I kept the small part of open trade to squeeze more profits, because the data from
US was very strong; Interest Rate on the Dollar was finally raised on December the 16-th, then on
January the 6-th; ADP Non-Farm Employment and Trade Balance were strong. I kind of assumed
that the actual Non-Farm numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday the 8-th would’ve
been also strong, and it was.
GBP/USD 4-Hour chart. As we can see the Pound traveled 1100 points in a six week period. I’ve
exited the rest of my trade on Friday, January the 8-th, three days before the major BOE Gov.
Carney speech.
Non Farm numbers were great I’ve managed to squeeze another 150 points that day, and “called it
quits” on the entire trade. The Pound managed to drop another 500 points after that, but I was
- anyway. No regrets, no sorrows; I’ve participated in the move from the beginning; I was able to
get around 50% of the entire move, and that was enough. Yes, I could’ve and should’ve trailed the
stops to catch the rest, however I was certain that the price action would’ve given me another
opportunity to short on the Trend line bounce, but it never happened. Gov. Carney gave the speech;
the Pound tookoff to the downside without the correction.
Note: The trade was reproduced from the actual event using
Fxsimulator software for illustrative purposes.
If your plan is to become a successful Trader, you need to create a Trading
Routine with a strict set of rules which you’re going to follow day-in and
dayout. The routine will allow you to keep your emotions in check and deliver
steadier results. In this case, your Trading starts to look like as a steady
business activity rather than an irregular part-time Job; no offense was
intended for part-timers.
Tips & Guidelines.
Check ahead Economic calendar for any upcoming news releases,
anything colored in red should be paid attention to, especially Central
Banks’ speeches, meetings and Interest Rates announcements.
Monitor Market reaction to recent economic and news releases. If a
relatively positive or negative news release was unable to move the
Market, then there must be a reason why. Find out the “why,” was
that event already priced-in, maybe we have another major event
scheduled and Market waits on the outcome, to move-in
Be aware of monthly and quarterly Options Expirations, keep these
dates on your watch list. I wouldn’t recommend establishing any new
positions on these dates.
Evaluate the quality of your setup continuously by monitoring the
current Macro conditions and views on the currency. Determine if
your trading bias lines up with the longer-term perspective. Take into
account that as time goes by and longer you maintain your opened
trade, the more risk exposure you have on your hands. Prepare to
manage an open trade as economic news releases will affect your
positions on a day-to-day basis.
Don't chase the Market. Timing is everything. Prepare yourself for the
next trade. Know that perfect trade; where everything just lines up
for success, is around the corner.
Be patient. I can't emphasize this enough, please be patient with your
performance. Don't expect to make your money at once, although
with this type of trading you will get much bigger pipage. Build your
bankroll over a large time period. If you use proper money
management, you'll be able to endure almost any Market blow.
Always know yourself emotionally, trade number of lots you are
comfortable with. Measure your emotional reaction as you increase
lot sizes over time.
This is a very valuable trading tip: do not trade when you are sick, have
family issues or just simply tired. Psychology or should I say,
psychological state of your mind is very important to your trading
success. Many retail participants underestimate this aspect, partially
because trading nowadays became so easy and so accessible. You
literally can trade in your pajamas, from the comfort of your home,
sipping that “kool-aid.” Anyway, your mind needs to be the sharpest
tool in your arsenal. So please, do yourself a favor, trade when you
are in the “zone” - right frame of mind, period.
Trading the Macro Fundamental events gives you more structured way to
approach the Markets. As you may notice this style of trading is more
longterm, thus may not be suitable for everybody. On the other hand, if you
have a day job, you might be able to combine both, especially if you’re not
keen on perfect timing as you will be able to make entries from longer
timeframes. You can expect to find several good trades on a monthly basis or
build quite a large position on one pair which you may carry for several weeks.
For instance, if it is true for a Central Bank to set the tone for currency at each
meeting, one can expect to trade from one meeting to another, which is every
4-6 weeks, depending on a Bank. The duration and the style will depend on
your preference and your personality. After all, you don’t need to trade
“gazillion” currencies to make money in Fx Markets. It takes one properly
structured trade to make your month. Fewer trades, fewer mistakes, less
There you have it; I think I’ve done pretty good job of covering important
topics in regards to Fundamental Macro Trading in a crisp and concise
manner. I hope this e-book brought an additional value to your trading and
helped you better understand Fundamental intricacies of Trading in general.
I welcome criticism as well as suggestions to improve my book. You can
contact me at davematiasfx@gmail.com I’m always here to answer your
questions as well.
To your success,
Dave Matias