This document is an examination hall ticket for Adit Ya Chandurkar for his supplementary/backlog summer semester examinations in 2023. It lists his personal details like name, PRN number, email, mobile number, course, gender, year, and college. It also lists the 4 subjects - Medicinal Chemistry II, Industrial Pharmacy I, Pharmacology II, and Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, along with their codes, examination patterns, and dates. Important instructions are provided regarding signing the hall ticket, prohibiting use of study materials during exams, and occupying seats before exams.
This document is an examination hall ticket for Adit Ya Chandurkar for his supplementary/backlog summer semester examinations in 2023. It lists his personal details like name, PRN number, email, mobile number, course, gender, year, and college. It also lists the 4 subjects - Medicinal Chemistry II, Industrial Pharmacy I, Pharmacology II, and Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, along with their codes, examination patterns, and dates. Important instructions are provided regarding signing the hall ticket, prohibiting use of study materials during exams, and occupying seats before exams.
This document is an examination hall ticket for Adit Ya Chandurkar for his supplementary/backlog summer semester examinations in 2023. It lists his personal details like name, PRN number, email, mobile number, course, gender, year, and college. It also lists the 4 subjects - Medicinal Chemistry II, Industrial Pharmacy I, Pharmacology II, and Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, along with their codes, examination patterns, and dates. Important instructions are provided regarding signing the hall ticket, prohibiting use of study materials during exams, and occupying seats before exams.
This document is an examination hall ticket for Adit Ya Chandurkar for his supplementary/backlog summer semester examinations in 2023. It lists his personal details like name, PRN number, email, mobile number, course, gender, year, and college. It also lists the 4 subjects - Medicinal Chemistry II, Industrial Pharmacy I, Pharmacology II, and Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, along with their codes, examination patterns, and dates. Important instructions are provided regarding signing the hall ticket, prohibiting use of study materials during exams, and occupying seats before exams.
1. Examination Hall T icket will be considered valid only if signed by Competent Authority. 2. Possession of papers, books, notes of any kind, use of mobile phones or any a attempt to assist or get assistance from any other student/s is strictly prohibited and malpractice of any nature is punishable as per the Ordinances of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar T echnological University. Controller of 3. Student should occupy their seats before 10 minutes of Examination. Examinations:
** Not e : Kindly confirm date and time from exam time table issued by DBAT U university