Business Responsibility Report

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Business Responsibility Report

The Tata Power Company Limited (Tata Power), India’s largest integrated power company has a presence across the power
value chain viz. generation of renewable as well as conventional power including hydro and thermal energy; transmission and
distribution and trading. In line with the Company's view on sustainable and clean energy development, Tata Power is steering the
transformation of traditional utilities to providers of integrated solutions by initiating new business models in EV charging, Solar

pumps and rooftops, Microgrids, Home automation and Smart meters.
Tata Power believes in conducting its business activities in a responsible and sustainable manner. Tata Power’s vision is to ‘Empower
a billion lives through sustainable, affordable and innovative energy solutions’. Tata Power has a pivotal role to play in the
global efforts to achieve the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Company’s contribution is essential to
the success of SDGs and for fulfilling India’s commitment to achieve SDGs by 2030. Tata Power undertook a detailed SDG mapping
study which resulted in the prioritization of 10 SDGs, 4 business SDGs and 6 CSR SDGs, for guiding our sustainability efforts.
As on 31st March 2021, the Tata Power group of companies has a generation capacity of 12,808 MW based on various fuel sources
- thermal (coal, gas and oil), hydroelectric power, renewable energy (wind and solar PV) and waste heat recovery. The Company

Our Emphasis on Value

(including its subsidiaries) has nearly 31% of its capacity (in MW terms) in clean and green generation sources (hydro, wind, solar
and waste heat recovery).
The Business Responsibility Report (BRR) is aligned with National Voluntary Guidelines (NVGs) on Social, Environmental and
Economic Responsibilities of Business, issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), and is in accordance with clause (f) of
sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 34 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015.
Your Company's Business Performance and Impacts are disclosed based on the 9 Principles as mentioned in the NVGs.

Principle 1 Principle 2 Principle 3 Principle 4

Our Value-creation Paradigm

Ethics, Transparency Product Life Employee Stakeholder
& Accountability Cycle Sustainability Well-Being Engagement

Principle 5 Principle 6 Principle 7

Human Rights Environment Policy Advocacy

Principle 8 Principle 9

Statutory Reports
Inclusive Growth Customer
and Equitable Value
Development Creation
Section A: General Information about the Company
1. Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the company L28920MH1919PLC000567
2. Name of the company The Tata Power Company Limited
3. Registered address Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street, Mumbai - 400 001
4. Website
5. E-mail ID
6. Financial Year reported 2020-21
Financial Statements

7. Sector(s) that the Company is engaged in (industrial NIC Code: 351 Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
activity code-wise) Sector Description: Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Power Trading,
Electronic products and Services Business
8. List three key products/services that the - Power through Conventional and Renewable Generation
Company manufactures/provides (as - Transmission and Distribution of electricity
in Balance Sheet) - Power Trading
- Next Generation Power Solutions – Solar Rooftop, EV Charging infrastructure,
Home Automation and Microgrids

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Business Responsibility Report

9. Total number of locations where business activity is undertaken by the Company

a. Number of International Locations (Provide details of major 5): Singapore, Georgia, Zambia, Indonesia and Bhutan
b. Number of National Locations: Tata Power has 145 locations. The operational status as on 31st March 2021 is given below:
States No. of Project locations Hydros Wind Solar Thermal Transmission Distribution
Andhra Pradesh 6 1 5
Andaman & Nicobar 1 1
Bihar 2 2
Delhi 28 25 1 1 1
Gujarat 12 5 6 1
Haryana 1 1
Jharkhand 9 6 3
Karnataka 13 1 12
Madhya Pradesh 2 1 1
Maharashtra 35 3 9 20 1 1 1
Odisha 4 1 3
Punjab 1 1
Rajasthan 10 4 5 1
Tamil Nadu 9 2 7
Telangana 4 4
Uttar Pradesh 4 3 1
Uttarakhand 3 3
West Bengal 1 1
Total 145 3 23 102 9 2 6

10. Markets served by the Company:

Local/ State/ National International
Delhi License Area Mumbai License Area Ajmer License Area Odisha License Area Singapore
Andhra Pradesh Jharkhand (Jamshedpur Circle) Rajasthan West Bengal Georgia
Bihar Madhya Pradesh Karnataka Jharkhand Zambia
Delhi Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Uttarakhand Bhutan
Gujarat Odisha Telangana Indonesia
Haryana Punjab Uttar Pradesh

Section B: Financial Details of the Company

1. Paid up capital (INR) ₹ 320 crore
2. Total Turnover (INR) ₹ 6,480 crore
3. Total profit after taxes (INR) ₹ 922 crore
4. Total Spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as percentage of Profit after taxes (%) 2%*
*Calculated as per Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013

List of activities in which expenditure in the above has been incurred

Tata Power undertakes CSR initiatives in alignment with the 5 Thrust areas as outlined in the CSR Policy. Tata Power (Parent) covered 12.85 lakh
people from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Jharkhand and West Bengal and at Tata Power group level CSR Initiatives covered 46.65 lakh beneficiaries
across 61 locations in 15 states. Further, Tata Power Standalone (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Jharkhand and West Bengal) covered 12.85 lakh people.
The Initiatives are aligned to 6 UN SDGs and Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act).
Tata Power Standalone FY21 CSR spend:
Thrust Areas % Spend
Education 10
Health and Sanitation 20
Livelihood and Skill Building 52
Water 5
Financial Inclusivity 3
Misc. & Club Enerji 10
The highlights of Tata Power Group entities' CSR Interventions are reported in Social and Relationship Capital section of Integrated Report
(Reference Pg. 95)

216 The Tata Power Company Limited Integrated Annual Report 2020-21
Tata Power collaborates with all relevant stakeholders for
Section C: Other Details sustainability initiatives. The Company’s suppliers/ vendors
1. Does the Company have any Subsidiary Company/ are critical for operations and are engaged through the
Companies? Responsible Supply Chain Management (RSCM) policy which
As on 31st March 2021, the Company had 59 subsidiaries (44 covers guidance on Health & Safety, Environment, Human Rights

are wholly owned subsidiaries), 33 Joint Ventures (JVs) and 5 and Ethics & Compliance. The suppliers/ vendors are required
Associates. Of the subsidiaries, 3 companies have been classified to ensure conformance to the RSCM policy in addition to the
as JVs under Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC).
2. Do the Subsidiary Company/Companies participate in the Section D: Business Responsibility (BR)
BR Initiatives of the parent company? If yes, then indicate the
number of such subsidiary company(s)
1. Details of Director/ Directors responsible for BR
All the Company’s subsidiaries are guided by Tata Code of
a. Details of the Director/ Directors responsible for
Conduct (TCoC) to conduct their business in an ethical, transparent
and accountable manner. The Company positively influences and implementation of the BR policy/ policies
DIN Number 01785164

Our Emphasis on Value

encourages its subsidiaries to adopt Business Responsibility (BR)
initiatives as recommended by their respective CSR Committees. Name Dr. Praveer Sinha
All subsidiaries are aligned to the CSR Strategy and CSR Policy and Designation CEO & Managing Director
implement activities under the 5 Thrust areas. b. Details of BR Head
3. Do any other entity/entities (e.g. suppliers, distributors DIN No. 06716024
etc.) that the Company does business with, participate in Name Ms. Jyoti Kumar Bansal
the BR initiatives of the Company? If yes, then indicate the Chief- Branding, Corp. Communications,
percentage of such entity/entities? [Less than 30%, 30- CSR & Sustainability
60%, more than 60%] Contact 022 67171666

2. a. Principle-wise (as per NVGs) BR Policy/ policies (Reply in Y/N)

Our Value-creation Paradigm

Sl. No. Questions P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9
1 Do you have policy/policies for…. Yes
2 Has the policy been formulated in consultation Yes
with relevant stakeholders?
3 Does the policy conform to any national / Yes
international standards? If yes, specify. Tata Power policies are based on the NVG principles and conform to the
International standards like ISO 9000, 14000, and 45001, UNGC principles, ILO principles
and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Tata Power follows
GRI standards (Global Reporting Initiative) for measuring and reporting its sustainability
performance, reports to Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) on Climate Change and
Water and has also committed to Science based target Initiative (SBTi).
4 Has the policy been approved by the Board? Policies are designed to ensure employee feedback, industry norms and legal norms

Statutory Reports
If yes, has it been signed by the MD /owner/CEO/ are met in true spirit. The policies have been developed as per the need and are duly
appropriate Board Director? signed by the CEO & Managing Director.
5 Does the Company have a specified committee The policies at Tata Power strengthen internal governance structures on compliance
of the Board/Director/Official to oversee the and beyond compliance efforts. All the policies are mapped to the respective business
implementation of the policy? functions and their implementation is based on the commitment framework.
The Company has set various processes to monitor the effectiveness of these policies.
6 Indicate the link to view the policy online
7 Has the policy been formally communicated to all Yes
relevant internal and external stakeholders?
8 Does the Company have in-house structure to Yes
implement its policy/policies?
Financial Statements

9 Does the Company have a grievance redressal Yes

mechanism related to the policy / policies to
address stakeholders’ grievances related to
10 Has the Company carried out independent audit/ Policies are reviewed periodically for their implementation based on the commitment
evaluation of the working of this policy by an framework and related risk controls are set in place. Policies related to workforce
internal or external agency? benefits and well-being are co-created, in which employees’ inputs are taken and
incorporated in the policy building process. These inputs along with internal and
external benchmarking, form the pillars of policy.

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Business Responsibility Report

3. Governance related to BR TCoC consists of 10 sections with sub-clauses that cover

a. Indicate the frequency with which the Board of employees, customers, communities and the environment,
Directors, Committee of the Board or CEO assess value chain partners, financial stakeholders, governments
the BR performance of the Company. Within 3 and group companies. The TCoC extends to Group Joint
months, 3-6 months, Annually, More than 1 year. Ventures/ Subsidiaries/Suppliers/Contractors.
Sustainability performance at Tata Power represents a
long-standing Board agenda, consistently monitored 2. How many stakeholders’ complaints have been
by the CSR Committee and Apex Leadership. received in the past financial year and what percentage
With established quarterly meetings, the was satisfactorily resolved by the management? If so,
CSR Committee also recommends the activities provide details thereof, in about 50 words or so.
to be undertaken by the Company as specified Satisfactorily
in Schedule VII to the Act or prescribed by the Received in resolved
FY20-21 by the
rules. The CEO & Managing Director reviews the
management (%)
sustainability performance of Tata Power once
54 from on roll
every two months. Employees including
employees & 9 from 97
contract employees
contract employees
Apex Vendor 15 100
leadership Company 0 NA
Society/ Community 0 NA
SBU Heads
Customers 1 100
Corporate Investor 13 100
Sustainability Team
Sustainability SPOCs Principle 2 (P2): Businesses should provide goods and
Thermal, T&D, Hydros, Renewables, HR, services that are safe and contribute to sustainability
CSR, Ethics, IA&RM, Environment, etc. throughout their life cycle
1. List up to 3 products or services whose design has
incorporated social or environmental concerns, risks,
Fig. Sustainability Governance Structure
and/or opportunities.
Tata Power is organised in four business clusters namely
b. Does the Company publish a BR or a
Thermal Generation and Coal mining, Transmision &
Sustainability Report? What is the hyperlink for
Distribution, Renewables and New Businesses.
viewing this report? How frequently it is
Generation: At all generating stations, conformance to
Yes, Tata Power is publishing an Integrated Annual
environmental norms, safety, occupational, health of the
Report for FY21 based on the IIRC framework.
employees (permanent/ contract) is considered a priority.
The Company also published Sustainability Reports
in previous years in accordance with Global Reporting All thermal stations of Tata Power are IMS compliant.
Initiative (GRI) standards annually. These reports Our renewable generation is focused on achieving growth
can be viewed at in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.
sustainability/disclosures/iirc-alignment.aspx. Tata Power commissioned around 50 MW of solar PV and
rooftop projects in FY21.
Section E: Principle-Wise Performance
Principle 1 (P1): Businesses should conduct and govern Transmission: Tata Power has always propagated the
themselves with Ethics, Transparency and Accountability importance of electrical safety awareness amongst
1. Does the policy relating to ethics, bribery and communities living in and around its operational areas.
corruption cover only the company? Yes/ No. As a responsible company, Tata Power takes utmost care of
Does it extend to the Group/Joint Ventures/ Suppliers/ the biodiversity around its transmission lines.
Contractors/NGOs /Others?
Being a Tata Group company, Tata Power abides by the Distribution: Initiatives like Safety audits, Energy audits
TCoC, which is a comprehensive document with an in consumer premises, Club Enerji, energy efficient
ethical road map for all internal and external stakeholders appliance exchange Demand Side Management (DSM)
of the Company, thus covering 100% of its operations. programs under ‘Be Green’ initiative creates awareness for
customers/ society at large on energy efficiency and its

218 The Tata Power Company Limited Integrated Annual Report 2020-21
conservation, safety, and reducing the carbon footprint. trades/skill sets including entrepreneurship though
Tata Power has secured IGBC Green building certification Tata Power Skill Development Institute (TPSDI) training
for its new as well as existing GIS buildings in Mumbai. centres for enhancing employability.

4. Has the Company taken any steps to procure goods

Manufactured Capital in Integrated Report (Reference Pg.
54-55, 57-59 & 60-61) and services from local & small producers, including
Social & Relationship Capital in Integrated Report communities surrounding their place of work? If yes,
(Reference Pg. 89-90 & 92-93) what steps have been taken to improve their capacity
and capability of local and small vendors?
2. For each such product, provide the following details The Company engaged with community in the
in respect of resource use (energy, water, raw material neighbourhood as indirect workforce through business
etc.) per unit of product (optional): associates and contractors based on relevant skill set
and nature of job. The contract workforce is trained at
i. Reduction during sourcing/production/
TPSDI on various industrial vocations and safety aspects

Our Emphasis on Value

distribution achieved since the previous year
to enhance their skills and efficiency in work practices.
throughout the value chain?
Thus, the Company contributes to capability building of
Various environment management measures
the contractors and their workforce to ensure that the
resulting in reduction in auxiliary power
workforce is adequately trained to safely perform the job
consumption, zero water discharge, rainwater
efficiently with higher productivity and quality standards.
harvesting, ash utilization, energy conservation, and
In FY21, the total number of TPSDI trainees were 24,914 out
scrap utilization, etc. are in place at all operating
of which 69% of eligible youth were provided placement.
locations. Tata Power has improved ash utilization
at all coal fired power plants and is continuously 5. Does the Company have mechanism to recycle products
working on reducing fresh-water consumption at and waste? If yes, what is the percentage of recycling

Our Value-creation Paradigm

thermal power plants. Tata Power is in the process waste and products?
of minimizing atmospheric pollution by installing Yes, the Fly Ash generated from thermal power stations is
Desulphurization Systems at coal fired power plants. the major waste. This is redirected towards construction
Natural Capital (Reference Pg. 114-118) (RMC as per Fly Ash Notification) and Quarry filling (as
ii. Reduction during usage by consumers (energy, per SPCB NOC). Tata Power’s endeavour is to utilize
water) has been achieved since the previous year? 100% Fly ash at all locations and initiatives are in place
Social & Relationship Capital (Reference Pg. 92) to utilize the bottom ash as well. For the renewable
operations, Tata Power conducted a study on end-of-life
3. Does the Company have procedures in place for considerations for photovoltaic solar panels. The study
sustainable sourcing (including transportation)? portrays future projections with respect to PV panel waste
Tata Power practises responsible sourcing with respect to quantum, disposal problems and how to address them
environment, safety, human rights and ethics, apart from through technology and advocacy.

Statutory Reports
economic considerations. Strict conformation to labour
principles and related laws are mandatory requirements Natural Capital (Reference Pg. 120)
for all suppliers to qualify. Work method and standards,
along with performance of supply and services, form a Principle 3 (P3): Businesses should promote the wellbeing
critical part of our technical evaluation. In addition, safety of all employees
evaluation and qualification are an integral part for the 1. Please indicate the total number of employees.
award and online vendor registration process. Total number of employees are 2673 as on 31st March 2021
for Tata Power Standalone.
Tata Power has established a formal mechanism of
supplier assessment to verify their ESG performance. 2. Please indicate the total number of employees hired
on temporary/ contractual/casual basis.
Financial Statements

The evaluation is based on specific ESG criterion for which

they need to secure a minimum score for onboarding. The total number of contract employees are 6473 as on
31st March 2021.
In addition to engaging local workforce and community
development, which is part of project development 3. Please indicate the number of permanent
commitments, Tata Power as part of national skill/ capacity women employees.
development programme, trains local youth in various Total number of permanent women employees are 295 as
on 31st March 2021.

#Futureready: Empowering customers for tomorrow’s world 219

Business Responsibility Report

4. Please indicate the number of permanent employees Permanent Employees (includes

with disability. women employees and employees
Total number of permanent employees with disabilities with disabilities)
are 3 (2 officers + 1 staff) as on 31st March 2021. Safety Induction Training 23,396
Safety Capability Training 49,224
5. Do you have an employee association that is Casual/Temporary/Contractual Employees
recognised by management? Safety Induction Training 73,608
Yes, there is an employee association that is recognized by Safety Capability Training 3,56,528

the management - Union Principle 4 (P4): Businesses should respect the interests
of, and be responsive to the needs of all stakeholders,
6. What percentage of your permanent employees are a especially those who are disadvantaged, vulnerable,
member of this recognised employee association? and marginalised.
30% of the permanent employees are unionized and 1. Has the Company mapped its internal and
members of the employee union. external stakeholders?
Yes, Tata Power conducted a comprehensive
7. Please indicate the number of complaints relating to Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment
child labour, forced labour, involuntary labour, sexual in 2020. We undertook a materiality review in
harassment in the last financial year and pending, as FY21 considering the evolving ESG scenario, and this
on the end of the financial year. led to addition of 7 material issues for Tata Power to
Tata Power firmly supports human rights and the rights of focus.The Company engages with various stakeholder
all its stakeholders. The Company is proud to declare that groups like Lenders, Investors, Regulatory authorities,
it has not received any complaints regarding violation of Board of Directors, Customers, Employees, Suppliers,
rights of indigenous people, child labour, forced labour, NGO partners, Community, media, etc. through dedicated
freedom of association, right of collective bargaining and listening mechanisms. This transparent communication
discrimination based on gender or social vulnerability. helps us to understand the expectations and co-create
value. The interactions with stakeholders enables us to
No. of complaints No. of complaints
Category filed during pending as on end develop a better perspective on relevant material matters
the financial year of the financial year for Tata Power. This in turn helps to improve the overall
strategy and orientation of businesses.
Child labour/
forced labour/ 0 0
involuntary labour Stakeholder Engagement (Reference Pg. 44 & 45)

Sexual harassment 3 0
2. Out of the above, has the Company identified
Discriminatory the disadvantaged, vulnerable & marginalised
0 0
employment stakeholders?
Social & Relationship Capital (Reference Pg. 102)
8. What percentage of your employees were given safety
& skill up-gradation training in the last year? 3. Are there any special initiatives taken by the Company
Health and Safety management is the Company’s topmost to engage with the disadvantaged, vulnerable, and
priority with a defined safety vision. Your Company marginalised stakeholders? If so, provide details
employs a pro-active and pre-emptive approach to thereof, in about 50 words or so.
occupational health and safety and is committed to Tata Power’s Community Empowerment program is
achieve goal of zero injuries and fatalities. 100% of an interlinked socio-economic and governance-based
contractual workforce are trained on various aspects of initiative which aims to inform, enable and empower
Occupational health and safety. marginalized communities through skill building and
livelihood generation. The program also involves
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and other vulnerable sections
of society. Community Empowerment Interventions are
run collaboratively with various implementation partners.

220 The Tata Power Company Limited Integrated Annual Report 2020-21
The Company has developed and enhanced the capacity Principle 6 (P6): Business should respect, protect, and make
of the SHG members and provided them opportunity to efforts to restore the environment
keep the Company cafeteria/canteens operational for the 1. Does the policy related to Principle 6 cover only the
employee and contractors. Numerous initiatives including Company or extends to the Group/Joint Ventures/

market linkages have been provided to help them
Tata Power has a dedicated Environment policy along with
generate sustained income and continuous livelihood
policies on Energy conservation, Sustainability, E-waste
management etc. The Environment policy encourages the
Company to conserve resources, reduce environmental
The present COVID-19 pandemic has put our corporate impact and seeks to enhance the awareness among
social responsibility programs to test. Tata Power is striving employees. The Company is conscious of its environmental
to modify its approach, forge new partnerships with NGOs, responsibility and considers it for future decision-making.
work with the district administrations to deploy innovative The Joint Ventures/Suppliers have developed their own
response during this unprecedented situation to sustain policies taking guidance from the Company policy.

Our Emphasis on Value

the livelihood of our neighbouring communities spread However, the RSCM policy has environment protection as
across 15 states i.e. Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat, Odisha, one of its criteria applicable to all the vendors, contractors
West Bengal, Jharkhand, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, and service providers.
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,
Natural Capital (Reference Pg. 122-124)
Tamil Nadu and Punjab. We have strategized and deployed
our programs and initiatives to address both immediate
Social & Relationship Capital (Reference Pg. 94)
and long-term needs of our community.
2. Does the Company have strategies/initiatives to address
Social & Relationship Capital (Reference Pg. 102) global environmental issues such as climate change,

Our Value-creation Paradigm

global warming, etc.?
Principle 5 (P5): Businesses should respect and promote The energy sector has been at the centre of the climate
human rights. change debate globally. As the largest integrated power
1. Does the policy of the company on human rights utility in India, Tata Power is conscious of its responsibilities
cover only the Company or extend to the Group/ and has committed to a focused 3-D framework of
Joint Ventures/Suppliers/Contractors/NGOs/Others? Decarbonization, Decentralization and Digitalization.
Tata Power respects Human Rights and has a dedicated Tata Power is also the first power utility in India to publicly
Policy on Human Rights with a commitment framework. commit to Carbon neutrality by 2050. The Company has
put forth a commitment for no further coal-based growth
This policy is aligned with the UN Human Rights Declaration,
and to retire coal-based capacity on reaching end-of-life.
International Labour Organisation (ILO) fundamental
This will be supplemented by rapid growth in renewables
conventions and other fundamental labour principles. leading to an increase from 31% in 2021 through clean

Statutory Reports
Through the policy, Tata Power ensures conformance to sources to 60% by 2025, growth through distribution and
fundamental labour principles including the prohibition smart energy solutions for empowering customers and
of child labour, forced labour, freedom of association committing to SBTi.
and protection from discrimination in all its operations
by imparting relevant training and aligning the conduct Tata Power collaborated with WBCSD and 10 global electric
of its employees. utilities to co-create a report on the Sector Transformation:

Human Capital (Reference Pg. 80) An SDG roadmap for Electric Utilities. Tata Power was
the only Indian company involved in its development.
2. How many stakeholder complaints have been received The roadmap provides a vision, direction and a platform
for collaboration that will enable the electric utilities sector
in the past financial year and what percent was
Financial Statements

to drive forward the SDGs on the road to 2030.

satisfactorily resolved by the management?
Tata Power have had no instance of violation of any of 3. Does the Company identify and assess potential
the human rights and have not received any complaints environmental risks?
in this regard, which showcases our commitment Yes, environment and climate change related risks are
towards the protection of human rights. Human Capital identified and added to the risk register for periodic
(Reference Pg. 80) reviews. A risk owner and risk champion are assigned to
each identified risk who then analyse the risk for required

#Futureready: Empowering customers for tomorrow’s world 221

Business Responsibility Report

mitigation measures. The senior management team and Principle 7 (P7): Businesses, when engaged in influencing
Risk Management Committee of the Board reviews the public and regulatory policy, should do so in a responsible
key risks along with status of mitigation measures on manner
a regular basis. 1. Is your Company a member of any trade and chamber
or association? If Yes, Name only those major ones that
Risk Management (Reference Pg. 26-27) your business deals with:
The Company is member of various trade and chamber
4. Does the Company have any project related to associations. The major ones are:
Clean Development Mechanism? If so, provide details • Confederation of Indian Industry
thereof, in about 50 words or so. Also, if Yes, whether • Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry
any environmental compliance report is filed? • Indian Energy Exchange Ltd
Yes, the Company has Clean Development • National Safety Council
• India Energy Forum
Mechanism (CDM) projects registered with United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
2. Have you advocated/lobbied through above
Tata Power currently has five of its renewable projects
associations for the advancement or improvement
registered under the CDM program by UNFCCC.
of public good? Yes/No; if yes specify the broad
These projects include Wind projects at Gadag (Karnataka), areas (drop box: Governance and Administration,
Khandke (Maharashtra), Samana and NewGen Saurashtra Economic Reforms, Inclusive Development
(Gujarat). The Company also has Mithapur Solar project Policies, Energy security, Water, Food Security,
registered in Gujarat under CDM. In FY21, volume of 87,351 Sustainable Business Principles, Others)
Carbon Credits (CERs) were traded from these projects Tata Power does not engage in any form of lobbying
combined. The gross revenue generated from such sale is activities. Advocacy policy is in place to enhance
~ ₹ 1.77 crore. Walwhan Renewable Energy Limited (WREL) competitiveness, effectiveness and positively contribute to
has eight CDM registered projects but no CERs were issued the development of the Power sector. The broad areas under
or traded in FY21. the purview of Advocacy policy include Energy Security,
Governance and Administration, enhancing competition
5. Has the Company undertaken any other initiatives on and transparency in power sector, structural changes for
- clean technology, energy efficiency, renewable facilitating capacity addition, overcoming coal related
energy, etc.? Y/N. challenges, electricity distribution reforms and promotion
Tata Power has been a pioneer in technology of renewable energy.
development through innovation and digitization.
Intellectual Capital (Reference Pg. 70-71) Principle 8 (P8): Businesses should support inclusive growth
and equitable development
6. Are the Emissions/Waste generated by the Company 1. Does the Company have specified programmes/
within the permissible limits given by CPCB/SPCB for initiatives/projects in pursuit of the policy related to
Principle 8? If yes details thereof.
the financial year being reported?
There are programs aimed at providing inclusive
Yes, Tata Power conforms to the prescribed
growth opportunities. The TPSDI is a flagship
permissible limits as per Central Pollution
program with strategic intent of training at least 25%
Control Board (CPCB)/State Pollution Control Board
of rural youth particularly from SC/ST communities.
(SPCB) for air emissions, effluent quality and discharge, So far, it has achieved training of 28.61% of rural youth
solid and hazardous waste generation and disposal. from SC/ST communities against its stated intent. Also,
Compliance reports/statements are submitted to SPCB as the focus areas of Affirmative Action program, Education,
well as Regional office, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Employability, Entrepreneurship and Essential Amenities
Climate Change (MoEF&CC) regularly, as applicable. support the marginalized communities. The Company
continues to support developmental projects related
7. Number of show cause/ legal notices received from to garment making unit at Maval (Maharashtra) and
CPCB/SPCB which are pending (i.e. not resolved to Mushroom and Vermicompost making units established
satisfaction) as on end of Financial Year. in Jojobera and Maithon (Jharkhand). Both these projects
There are no pending or unresolved show cause/ legal have incorporated effective use of fly ash into value
notices received from CPCB/SPCB as on 31st March 2021. proposition creating economic benefit to the community
at large. Also, the financial inclusivity interventions have
enabled access to various Government schemes resulting
in 4.59 lakh beneficiaries on socio-economic aspects.

222 The Tata Power Company Limited Integrated Annual Report 2020-21
2. Are the programmes/projects undertaken through location teams who assess community needs. Tata Power
in-house team/own foundation/external NGO/ CSR programs have impacted 46.65 lakh beneficiaries
Government structures/any other organisation? across 15 states against a target of 30 lakh. The numbers
Tata Power has a Community Relations function which sets include the 16.6 lakh beneficiaries impacted through

the strategy and plan for the community development digital and Covid related interventions.
initiatives. Tata Power Community Development
Trust (TPCDT), a registered trust formed by the Company is Principle 9 (P9): Businesses should engage with and
the implementing vehicle for Tata Power group entities. provide value to their customers and consumers in a
TPCDT partners with NGOs and Government organizations responsible manner
to leverage synergies in delivering community 1. What percentage of customer complaints/consumer
development initiatives under the thematic areas. cases are pending as on the end of financial year?
Tata Power encourages its employees to volunteer for As on 31st March 2021, none of the customer complaints/
cause of their choice in pre-defined aspects that are aligned consumer cases beyond turnaround time (TAT) are pending.
to community development initiatives. Tata Power

Our Emphasis on Value

employees also actively participate 1380 activities during 2. Does the Company display product information on the
the Tata Volunteering week dedicatedly for four weeks. product label, over and above what is mandated as
In FY21, 17,000 employees participated and clocked 57,257 per local laws?
volunteering hours. Tata Power has been fully compliant with products
and service regulations concerning health and safety
3. Have you done any impact assessment of your impacts, marketing communication, information and
initiative? labelling. Tata Power has displayed safety signage at
The Company has developed a scientific process of prominent locations including the sub-stations and
measuring Social Performance using Community Customer Relations Centers. In addition, the Company is
Engagement Index at location level. Besides this, flagship also creating safety awareness among consumers through

Our Value-creation Paradigm

programs effectiveness is also measured on an annual various virtual platforms.
basis and reviewed by the CSR Committee under all five
thematic areas. Social Return on Investment Study was 3. Is there any case filed by any stakeholder against
conducted for 3 flagship initiatives and year on year the Company regarding unfair trade practices,
trend analysis showed increase by ₹ 5.04 return on every irresponsible advertising and/or anti-competitive
Rupee Spent (70% improvement on YOY basis). behavior during the last five years and pending as on
end of financial year?
4. What is your Company’s direct contribution to There are no cases pending with regard to unfair
community development projects-Amount in INR and trade practices, irresponsible advertising and/ or anti-
the details of the projects undertaken? competitive behavior as on 31st March 2021.
Tata Power as a Group contributed ₹ 39.24 crore as direct
contribution to community development projects in FY21 Corporate Governance (Reference Pg. 17)

Statutory Reports
which included CSR expenses incurred by Joint Ventures
(Industrial Energy Limited and Powerlinks Transmission 4. Did your Company carry out any consumer survey/
Limited) which are considered as subsidiaries as consumer satisfaction trends?
per the Act. Excluding Industrial Energy Limited Tata Power conducts Customer Satisfaction Surveys to
and Powerlinks Transmission Limited, ₹ 33.89 crore measure both customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction
was direct contribution to community development levels on quarterly basis across all segments i.e.
projects in FY21. commercial, industrial and residential consumers using a 5
point rating scale. The results of the survey are shared with
5. Have you taken steps to ensure that this community the concerned departments to assess the improvement
development initiative is successfully adopted areas and take necessary action. Overall Customer
by the community? Satisfaction Assessment total (CSAT) score in percentage
Financial Statements

The process of community engagement begins right from for FY21 is given below:
business development stage, to projects and operations
Customer Satisfaction (%)
stage. The socio-economic study and baselines form
the basis for identification of prioritized needs followed Residential 97
by program planning with help of external experts. Industrial 100
This process is reviewed once every 3-5 years with the Commercial 100
objective of giving back to community. Every year, the
Company implements programs in consultation with the

#Futureready: Empowering customers for tomorrow’s world 223

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