Bcl200 Busuness Law Course Outline Mut
Bcl200 Busuness Law Course Outline Mut
Bcl200 Busuness Law Course Outline Mut
Instructional Materials
1. Smart board
2. Tablet
3. Smart board
4. Videos
Course Evaluation Methods
1. Cats
2. Assignments
3. Presentations
4. Examinations
Course Textbooks
1. Cheshire, G.C. (1945). The Modern Law of Real Property. London: Butterworth
Publishers; ISBN: 0888390017
2. Government of Kenya, (various years). Relevant Acts of parliament and Law Reports,
Government Printers, Nairobi. Kenya; ISBN: 978-9966-029-01-0
3. Treitel, G.H. (1991). The law of contract, Stevens & sons. London; ISBN 0420463704
4. Atiyah, P.S. and Adams, J. (1995). The sale of goods. 9 Edition, Pitman publishing;
ISBN-10: 1405859539; 13: 978- 1405859530
Reference Textbooks
1. Jackson, T. (1988). The Law of Kenya. 3 Ed., Nairobi: Kenya literature Bureau;
ISBN: 9966442219
2. Jackson, T. (1984). An Introduction to the Law of Kenya: Case law. Nairobi: Kenya
Literature Bureau; ISBN 978-9966-8386-8-1
3. Kuloba, R. (1997). Courts of Justice in Kenya. Nairobi: Oxford University Press;
ISBN: 0195727274
4. Hart, H.L.A. (1997). The concept of Law. Nairobi: Oxford University Press; ISBN:
0198761236 ; 9780198761235
5. Abbott, K., Pendlebury, N. & Wardman, K. (2013). Business law (9th ed.). Andover:
Cengage Learning.
6. Laibuta, K. I. (2017). Principles of commercial law (3rd ed.). Nairobi: LawAfrica
Publishing (K) Ltd.
7. Miller, R. L. (2017). Business law today: the essentials: texts and summarized cases
(11th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.
8. Ogola, J. J. & Gitau, R. (2010). Business law (2nd ed.). Nairobi: Focus Publishers Ltd.
9. Saleemi, N. A. (2015). General principles of law simplified. Nairobi: Saleemi
Publications Ltd.
Course Journals
1. International Journal of Business Law; ISSN: 1467 632X.
2. Journal of Legal Issues and Business
3. Journal of Business Law; ISSN: 0021- 9460
Course Journals
1. Rutgers Business Law Journal; ISSN 1937-0563.
2. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law; ISSN: 1358 -2291
3. Journal of International Business and Law; ISSN : 1477-0024
Week 3 CAT 1
o Customs
o Statutory Interpretations
Week 4 o Judicial Precedents/Case
o Islam laws
Elements of a valid contract
Week 6 CAT 2
Terms of a contract.
Week 8 Discharge of a contract.
Remedies for breach of contract.
Operation of Law
Week 10 CAT 3
Unincorporated Associations
Public and Private Corporations
Partnerships and Corporations
Week 12
Termination of corporations and
dissolution of partner reships
Types of torts:
- Trespass
Week 14 - Nuisance
- Negligence
- Defamation
- cheques: - parties, characteristics,
types and differences between
cheques and bills of exchange.