Thesis Trishna-0
Thesis Trishna-0
Thesis Trishna-0
Trishna Banik
A thesis submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Food Chemistry and Quality Assurance
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Trishna Banik
June 2023
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Trishna Banik
Roll No: 0121/12
Registration No: 980
Session: January-June 2021
This is to certify that we have examined the above Master’s thesis and have found
that is complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that all revisions required by
the thesis examination committee have been made
Dr. Md. Kauser-Ul-Alam
Associate Professor and Head
Department of Food Processing and Engineering
Chairman of the Examination Committee
Monsur Ahmad
Associate Professor and Head
Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology
June, 2023
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Title of Thesis:
Nutritional Evaluation of bread made from potato and wheat composite flour
Dr. Md. Kauser-Ul-Alam, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Food
Processing and Engineering
This is to report that as per the check 24% of the content of the above thesis is stated to
be plagiarized and is covered/not covered as per plagiarism policy and institutions which
has been issued from CASR, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University.
The report has been sent to the coordinator, CASR via email.
Dr. Md. Kauser-Ul-Alam
Associate Professor and Head
Department of Food Processing and Engineering
Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
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To my
Honorable Teachers
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All glory to the most merciful, all-powerful God who gave me the fortitude, talent, and
patience necessary to seek higher education and finish the thesis for the degree of
Masters of Science (MS) in Food Chemistry and Quality Assurance under the
Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Chattogram Veterinary
and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
I also want to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Dr. A.S.M Lutful Ahasan,
Vice Chancellor, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), for
his outstanding assistance and thanks to Professor Md. Ashraf Ali Biswas, Dean of the
Faculty of Food Science and Technology at CVASU, for providing the time and
resources needed to complete the task for the entire period.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the esteemed staff and authority of Poultry
Research and Training Center, Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
for their assistance and cooperation in conducting the research at their lab.
Finally, I would like to offer my sincere appreciation and respect to my friends and
family for their tremendous sacrifices, blessings, and support.
The Author
June, 2023
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Table of Contents
Page No.
Authorization ................................................................................................................................ ii
List of Tables………………………………………………………………………………....….ix
List of Figures……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..…………x
List of Abbreviations……………………………………………………………………………………………………….….iv
Chapter 1: Introduction…………………………………………………………………….…1-2
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List of Tables
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List of figures
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List of Abbreviation
Mg Milligram
M Molar
Kg Kilogram
mL Milliliter
% Percentage
°C Degree Celsius
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Incorporating potato flour into wheat flour for baking not only improves the nutritional
profile but also introduces beneficial compounds for overall health. It can therefore be
used to make bread. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bread quality
achieved by utilizing composite flour blends of wheat and both matured and freshly
harvested potatoes sourced from a local market. The tubers underwent a comprehensive
process of washing, peeling, chipping, oven drying, milling, sieving, and packaging. The
research focused on assessing bread quality using different ratios of potato and wheat
composite flour (0:100, 100:0, 10:90, and 5:95), conducting analyses encompassing
proximate composition, mineral properties, and sensory attributes of the resulting
product. To establish their significance level at P < 0.05, the results were compared using
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).The study's results indicated significant
variations (P < 0.05) among the prepared breads, encompassing moisture (ranging from
32.42% to 36.15%), carbohydrate (91.48% - 105.47%), protein (10.15% - 15.44%), fat
(1.06% - 3.93%), fiber (0.99% - 2.75%), and ash (1.18% - 2.40%) content, as well as
sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sensory characteristics,
highlighting the diverse nutritional and sensory attributes of the different bread
formulations. The sensory evaluation revealed notable distinctions among the bread
samples in terms of color, taste, texture, appearance, and overall acceptance,
underscoring the varying sensory attributes among the formulations. None of the
panelists expressed a strong dislike for any of the sample. The study's conclusion
suggests that substituting wheat flour with potato flour at a 10% level in bread making is
viable, as it maintains a substantial portion of the physicochemical and sensory
characteristics of the final product.
Keywords: Bread, Potato flour, Wheat flour, proximate composition, Sensory properties
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Everyone acknowledges the importance of bread as a very practical food for all
populations. Its origins can be found in the Neolithic era, and it is still one of the most
well-liked and widely recognized staple meals in the entire world. It is a made mostly
through baking from a dough made of flour (typically wheat) and water. Across
recorded history around the globe, it has played a significant role in the diets of
numerous societies. Being a staple of both secular and religious culture, it is among
the earliest foods produced by humans, having been valued from the beginning of
agriculture. The basic diets of the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Europe,
and cultures descended from the Europeans, including those in the Americas,
Australia, and Southern Africa, are bread and water. In contrast, rice or noodles are
the primary food in some regions of South and East Asia. Typically, to make bread, a
dough comprised of wheat and flour is cultivated with yeast, allowed to rise, and then
baked in an oven. The air pockets in bread are caused by ethanol and carbon dioxide
vapors created during yeast fermentation (Meitton et al., 2022). Common, or bread
wheat, is the most widely used grain for making bread because of its high gluten
content, which gives the dough its elasticity and sponginess. Bread contributes more
than any other food to the global food supply (Pena et al., 2016).Naturally occurring
microorganisms (like sourdough), chemicals (like baking soda), commercially
manufactured yeast, or high-pressure aeration—which produces the gas bubbles that
give bread fluff can all leaven bread.
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Potato flour can be the best alternative because it is frequently used as a gluten-free
substitute for ordinary flour. In contrast to conventional flour, potato flour boasts
higher fiber content and enriches baked goods with additional vitamins and minerals.
Its unique water-attracting property results in moist yeast bread and extended shelf
life, making it a valuable addition, particularly in gluten-free baking, where it imparts
a moist crumb texture with just a teaspoon or two. It can be used to reduce the amount
of gluten that can lead to celiac disease. Wheat, a key component in making bread, is
mostly imported into Nigeria, requiring a significant outlay of foreign currency. As a
result, bread manufacture is expensive and may not be accessible to those with low
incomes. Those who are allergic to gluten in wheat bread may find potato flour to be
an acceptable substitute. By turning potatoes into flour and using it in baking, the
adoption of this new flour will aid in lowering post-harvest losses of potatoes.
The method of combining a ratio of two or more flours (grains, tuberous plants, or
legumes) with or without wheat flour to create composite bread, which has the
appropriate quality characteristics, is referred to as composite flour technology. Since
the 1960s, composite flour has been utilized in developing nations where the poor
agronomic circumstances prevent wheat from growing. To increase the nutritional
value and economically available wheat flour can be combined in a variety of ratios
with potato flour. Potato bread has long been cherished by Southern bakers due to its
simplicity in preparation, excellent shelf life, and the delightful fact that it ranks
among the most flavorful "white breads" one can create. The study will promote the
use of locally accessible crops in bread production, lower the high cost of wheat flour
importation, and lessen the allergic reaction risk associated with gluten.
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Chapter 02: Review and Literature
Potato flour is a type of flour that is made from potatoes. The generic term "potato"
(Solanumtuberosum L.) refers to a wide range of recognized and undiscovered
variants. The most prevalent types in daily production and existence are the mealy,
waxy, and soggy potatoes. Potatoes have several benefits in China, including
tenacious life, remarkable environmental adaptation, and various nutritional value, in
addition to their high yield and large planting area. It is a good source of nutrients,
including micronutrients like vitamins and minerals and macronutrients like protein,
fat, and carbohydrates that are necessary for human health. China produces the
majority of the 374 million tons of potatoes produced year worldwide which are
cultivated all over the world. China has only been farming potatoes for 460 years;
Peru's potato cultivation history extends back to 8000–5000 BC.
In addition to being regarded as one of the top four global products, along with wheat,
rice, and corn, potatoes are also one of the world's five principal crops. Large amounts
of carbs found in potato whole flour can give people energy for daily tasks. Apart
from its energy-giving properties, potatoes are a multipurpose food with numerous
other benefits. Fresh potatoes are perishable while being transported and are not
suitable for long-term storage. Dehydrating fresh potatoes and turning them into flour
would efficiently alleviate the aforementioned issues. In cakes, puffed foods,
breakfast foods, baby food, sauces, and soups, potato flour is a great food additive and
raw material (Zhang et al., 2002). The production and use of potato flour have
received a lot of attention in industrialized nations lately, and poorer nations have also
committed a significant amount of financial and human resources (Gao j et al., 2010).
In addition to being a raw material for many items, potato flour can be used to make
composite flour, which is used to make pastries and pastry goods. By promoting the
use of regional produce, it improves the nutritional value, functional qualities, and
decreases the importation of wheat. The amount of fiber and carotenoids in wheat
flour can be increased by adding different amounts of potato flour. Additionally, it
lowers gluten levels and guards against celiac disease.
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2.2 Proximate Composition of potato flour
One important factor influencing the stability of food products is their moisture level.
The examined cultivars' moisture content did not differ statistically significantly at
(P>0.05). According to Vedaste and Peninah (2019), it varied from 9.71% for
Sangema and CIP393251.64 to 11.26% for Mabondo. This could have resulted from
drying, in which every product was dried to the point of equilibrium with the relative
humidity of the surroundings. According to Chandra and Samsher (2013), potato flour
has a moisture content of 9.60%. According to Adeleke and Odedeji (2010), the
moisture content of sweet potato flour was 3.68% while wheat flour was 3.06%.
According to Adeleke and Odedeji (2010), the potato flour under study had a moisture
level of less than 14%, which is the permitted limit for dry goods. As shown in this
study, flours with less than 10% moisture are better for long-term storage (Onimawo
and Akubor et al., 2012), with the exception of Mabondo which had a little higher
moisture content of 11.26%. Low moisture content slows the rate of chemical
reactions in the products and inhibits the growth of mold, extending the storage
stability of flour (Onimawo and Akubor et al., 2012). Reduced moisture content
prolongs product shelf life by preventing microbial degradation.
Compared to other roots and tubers like cassava and yams, potato roots are said to
typically have a higher protein content (Oloo et al., 2014). Its leaves are known to be
a good source of important amino acids like tryptophan and lysine, which are
infrequent in cereals.
In addition to providing natural color and flavor to processed foods, potato flour has
been shown to be a good source of energy, carbohydrates, minerals (calcium,
phosphorus, iron, manganese, and potassium), vitamin C, vitamin B6, and beta
carotene (pro-Vitamin A). On the other hand, industrial productions utilize its flour.
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2.3 Functional properties of potato flour
2.3.1 Potato flour pH
A product's ability to remain stable depends on how alkaline or acidic it is by nature.
The pH of potato flour is acidic. Food that has an acidic pH is more resistant to
microbiological degradation. Flour's low pH guarantees its microbiological stability
while it's being stored. The pH of the potato flours under study did not differ
significantly at (P > 0.05). Vedaste and Peninah (2019) report that it varied from 5.15
for Kirundo to 5.65 for CIP393251.64. According to Adeleke and Odedeji (2010), the
results are consistent with the pH of other flours, with potato flour having a pH of 5.4
and wheat flour having a pH of 6.01. Adding sweet potato flour to wheat flour
increased its acidity. The addition of citric acid to stop enzymatic browning may have
contributed to the low pH of the potato flour in this investigation. A low pH helps
preserve food by reducing the susceptibility of food to rotting microbes by inhibiting
their proliferation.
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potato starch may contribute to its high water absorption capacity. This property
represses neighboring phosphate groups, increasing hydration and weakening the
bonds that hold crystalline starch together (Hoover et al., 2001).
Flour's emulsification capacity refers to its power to bind molecules that are
hydrophilic and hydrophobic. Vedaste and Peninah (2019) shown that potato flour has
a high capacity for emulsification and stability, making it suitable for use in the
production of food products that need an emulsion to stabilize colloidal food systems.
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It has been linked to several health benefits, including enhanced bulk motility,
lowered blood glucose and cholesterol, decreased risks of obesity, type 2 diabetes,
and cardiovascular disease, constipation elimination, prebiotic activity, and protection
against some cancers (Akhtar et al., 2021)
Also, it slows down the rate at which bread deteriorates and lengthens its shelf life. A
suitable proportion of potato flour enhances bread variation and modifies flavor.
According to (Zhang et al., 2017) adding more potato flour raised the bread's water
content but had little effect on its acidity. Increasing or decreasing the proportion of
potato flour from 5% to 15% had no effect on bread volume. The specific volume of
bread was impacted when the percentage of potato flour exceeded 15%, and its value
declined as the percentage of potato flour increased. In comparison to wheat starches,
potato starches are more able to draw and hold water, which contributes to the
increased moisture content of baked foods. Adding potato flour to whole wheat,
bread, or all-purpose flour facilitates the handling and shaping of yeast dough. When
the right amount of potato flour is used, the bread can become soft, elastic, and
delicious. The bread and potato flavors come together beautifully and are really
appealing. To produce the highest-quality bread, Liu et al. continuously changed the
amount of potato flour used. The finest bread quality was found to occur when 20% of
the total flour used was potato flour. According to (Curti et al., 2012) 15% potato
flour was required for the highest-quality bread.
There isn't a consensus yet, therefore more study is required. Bread's shelf life may be
extended and its aging process slowed down by using a proper ratio of potato flour to
wheat flour (Zhang et al., 2017).
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2.6 Effect of potato flour on the caliber of bread
The possibility of using potato and wheat composite flour to produce bread was
shown by (I. B. Oluwalana et al., 2014) Potato flour may replace wheat flour up to a
15% replacement level without negatively affecting the bread's flavor, consistency,
hardness, crumb color, weight, or amount of texture. This suggests that replacing
wheat flour with potato flour may benefit humans by enhancing the physicochemical
and sensory aspects of the resulting products.
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Chapter 3: Materials and Methods
Sample Collection
Product development
Mature, insect free and freshly harvested potato tubers were purchased from a local
market in Korbaniganj. Wheat flour and baking ingredients (sugar, salt, yeast and
butter) were obtained from super shop Shwapno in Chattogram. They will be taken to
Food Processing and Engineering lab for immediate use and processing. Water used
was obtained from Chemistry lab.
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3.5 Production of Potato flour
Raw Potatoes
Slicing to 2 -3 cm
Crushing or Milling
Potato flour
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3.6 Composite flour blend formulation
Four blends were prepared by homogenously mixing potato flour with wheat flour in
the Percentage proportions (0:100, 5:95, 10:90 and 100:0 (PF: WF))
Table 3.1: Formulation of Wheat and potato flour blends for bread making
➢Wheat Flour
➢ Potato Flour
➢ Sunflower oil
➢ ACI salt
➢ Fresh Sugar
➢ Drinking Water
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Mixing of all
Selection of Formulation of Kneading of
Raw material The product to Dough
through straight
be prepared
dough method
• An empty crucible was weighed
• Powdered sample of 5 gm was placed in the crucible
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• The weight of the crucible with the sample was noted.
• The crucible was then dried in a hot air oven at 105°C for 48–72 hours.
• After removing the crucible from the oven, it was placed in a desiccator to cool.
• The crucible's final weight was determined.
Calculation: The below phrase was used to determine the ash content.
Ash % = (Amount of ash supplied by sample/ sample weight) × 100
• A measured quantity (5gm) of fat-free foodstuff in a mild acidic medium (1.25%
H2SO4) for 30 min was heated.
• Heating was also done in a low alkaline medium (1.25% NaOH) for 30 minutes at
fixed volume.
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• Afterwards subtracting ash from the residue generated, it was calculated by
digestion. The AOAC technique was used to determine the crude fiber (2016).
• The leftovers were then heated to 550–600 °C (or white ash) in a muffle furnace.
Calculation of the crude fiber percentage as follows:
% crude fiber (w- w1) w2 100
W= Weight of crucible, crude fiber and ash
W1=Weight of crucible and ash
W2=Weight of Sample
3.8.4 Estimation of Crude Fat
Different foods are dissolved in polar compounds (such as methanol or chloroform) to
determine their fat content and the supernatant is then separated by filtering. The
filtrate is split into various funnel, the mix is left to dry to quantify the extracts, after
which the anticipated fat percent is calculated. The crude fat content of the samples
was ascertained using AOAC (2016) techniques and a Soxhlet equipment.
• Sample (5gm) was taken in a thimble
• Hydrolysis of sample was done with HCl
• Extraction of hydrolyzed lipid materials with ether
• Evaporation of ether
• The lipid residue was heated constantly at 100
• Residue was expressed as % crude fat
Calculation: The percentage of crude fat was expressed as follows expression.
Fat % = (weight of the extract / weight of the sample) × 100
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by using a digestion mixture of sodium sulphate (Na2SO4), mercuric oxide (HgO) and
concentrated sulphuric acid (H₂SO₄)
• A clean and dry kjehldahl flask was used to collect 1 gm sample which was wrapped
in an ash free filter paper
• 10 ml concentrated sulphuric acid (H₂SO₄) with a digestion mixture of sodium
sulphate (Na2SO4), mercuric oxide (HgO) and concentrated sulphuric acid (H₂SO₄) in
(1:1) ratio was added.
• Digestion was done for 6 hours
• After that the beaker was let to cool and transferred to volumetric flask
• Then 10 ml of 50% NaOH and 2.5 ml of 15% of Na2S2O3 mixture was taken in that
• Distillation was done for 10 minutes
• Distillate was collected with 2% Boric acid with an indicator
• The solution was titrated with 0.02N HCl
• At the same time a blank digestion was carried out.
The calculations for % nitrogen or % protein must take into account which type of
receiving solution was used and any dilution factors used during the distillation
process. In the equations below, “N” represents normality. “ml blank” refers to the
milliliters of base needed to back titrate a reagent blank if standard acid is the
receiving solution, or refers to milliliters of standard acid needed to titrate a reagent
blank if boric acid is the receiving solution. When boric acid is used as the receiving
solution the equation is
Nitrogen % (ml of standard acid – ml of blank) N of acid 1.400 sample
weight mal parts was presented as the answer.
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Calculation: Hence it was calculated using the formula below-
% CHO = 100% - % (Protein + Fat + Fiber + Ash + Moisture content)
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3.9.2 Determination of potassium (K)
When potassium and sodium tetraphenylboron are combined, a fine turbidity of
potassium tetraphenylboron is produced. The amount of turbidity and the potassium
concentration in the sample are inversely associated. The blank solution was made by
pipetting 0.02 ml of deionized water and 1 ml of potassium reagent into a cuvette. To
make the sample solution, a cuvette was stocked with 1 ml of potassium reagent, 0.02
ml of potassium standard, and 1 g of sample extract. These were mixed, followed by a
retention time incubation for 5 minutes. Absorbance was assessed after 15 minutes
and compared to both the Standard and a blank. The millimoles per liter (mmol/L)
potassium concentration were determined by dividing the ratio of the sample
absorbance to the standard absorbance by the specified concentration standard
3.9.3 Determination of Calcium (Ca)
In an alkaline environment, o-cresolphthalein and calcium ions combine to generate a
violet chemical. A reagent blank solution was made by combining 1 mL of the
working reagent with 25 L of distilled water in a cuvette. The standard was adjusted
by adding 1 ml of the working reagent and 25 L of the (Ca++) standard. 1 ml of the
working reagent was combined with 25 L of the sample extract to form the sample
solution. The absorbance was determined for both the sample and the standard.
To calculate the concentration in milligrams per deciliter, the standard calcium
concentration (mg/dL) was multiplied by the ratio of sample absorbance to standard
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dividing the sample's absorbance value by the reference concentration, the
concentration of magnesium was calculated as milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl).
Rank Scores
Like extremely 9
Like very much 8
Like moderately 7
Like slightly 6
Neither like nor dislike 5
Dislike slightly 4
Dislike moderately 3
Dislike very much 2
Dislike extremely 1
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3.11 Statistical analysis
A Microsoft Excel 2019 spreadsheet was used to gather and store the data for
statistical analysis. For samples, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation)
were computed. MINITAB 19 was used to code, arrange, and record the data. The
outcomes of these experiments were then statistically examined. One-way ANOVA
was used to evaluate the data on sensory and proximal evaluation in order to calculate
the amount of significant variance at a 95% confidence level. A level of 5%
significance was used in the statistical study (p<0.05).
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Chapter 4: Result
This section contains information on the proximate composition, mineral content, and
sensory evaluation of the samples, as well as the outcomes and findings of the studies.
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A-100% wheat flour
B- 100% potato flour
C- 90% wheat flour and 10% potato flour
D- 95% wheat flour and 5% potato flour
Mean values with the same superscript within the same column are not significantly
different (p>0.05)
Table 4.2 shows the mineral composition of the bread samples. Sample B had the
highest calcium (5.28 ±0.01%), magnesium (34.42 ±0.01%), sodium (305.95±24.8),
potassium 300.77±0.00% contents, all of which are significantly different (p<0.05).
Sample A had the lowest calcium (3.5 ±0.05 %), magnesium (22.33 ±0.02%), sodium
(265.86 ±0.02%), potassium 200.75 ±0.03% contents. The potassium contents of the
sample C and D did not differ significantly (p>0.05)
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Mean values with the same superscript within the same column are not significantly
different (p>0.05)
The breads (Sample A, sample B, sample C, sample D) were evaluated for their mean
scores for color, smell, appearance, taste, internal texture, and overall acceptability
and the mean scores of their responses are shown in the table 4.3
Sample C differed significantly from the others in terms of taste, color, appearance,
taste, internal texture, and overall acceptability. Sample C had the highest overall
acceptance, whereas sample B scored lowest.
acceptance 6.60±516c 5.55±0.422d 7.25±0.568a 7.00±0.516b
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Mean values with the same superscript within the same column are not significantly
different (p>0.05)
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Chapter 5: Discussion
Bread Made from a Blend of Wheat and Potato Flours Approximately. According to
the relative composition analysis, the composite bread's protein, ash, and crude fiber
contents all increased. On the other hand, as the amount of potato flour substitution
increased, the moisture and crude fat content dropped. Increases in substitution level
and a decrease in moisture content demonstrate the likelihood of extending shelf life.
Since it is well known that the moisture and water activity of a product impact the
shelf life of food goods, the range of moisture content implied that the potato bread
had good storage capacity.
The results of (Olagunju et al., 2020) who reported that the moisture content of the
composite bread grew with increasing non-wheat flour replacement found values that
were comparable to those lower than the values 28.94%–36.95%.The bread's protein
content increases (p> 0.05) as the amount of potato in the composite bread increases.
However, the protein content is sufficient to guard against protein-energy
malnutrition. Since potatoes are said to be high in protein and contain all the essential
amino acids, particularly lysine, the protein level rises (Korese et al., 2021). The
levels were higher than what earlier researchers had discovered (Ofori et al., 2020;
Malavi et al., 2022).
Ash contents provide information on the samples' inorganic content, which could be
used to extract the mineral contents. The results for the ash content indicated that the
composite bread may deliver necessary elements for bodily metabolism. The fiber
values exceeded the 0.29%–0.59% range reported by (Beghin et al., 2022) and
(Cappelli & Bettaccini et al., 2020). Crude fiber helps keep the human metabolic
system and gastrointestinal tract healthy (Sahin et al., 2019.)The amount of potato
bread substituted raised the amount of carbohydrates significantly. Comparing the
results of the sensory evaluation of bread samples made with various amounts of
potato bread to the control. For all of the bread samples, there was no consistent
pattern in the bread color or crust color data. The fragrant chemicals in potato—bread
texture may be the cause of this. The status of the bread ingredients, including fiber,
starch, protein (gluten), and the proportions of absorbed water during dough mixing,
as well as the baking circumstances (temperature and time variables), all affect the
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final texture of the bread (Korese et al., 2021; Torbica et al., 2019). In all of the
sensory qualities considered, it was found that bread swapped with 10% potato was
most favored. The minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium are listed in
the content of the bread. With the growing substitution of wheat bread with potato, all
the minerals typically rose. The micronutrient concentration of zinc, copper, and iron
is increased by potatoes' high nutritional content (Bou-Orm & Jury et al., 2021).
Calcium is necessary for the health of the teeth and bones. Sodium regulates
extracellular fluid levels, while potassium facilitates muscle contractions and
contributes to maintaining healthy blood pressure. Magnesium promotes a healthy,
steady heart rhythm through the maintenance of these electrolytes.
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Chapter 6: Conclusion
The proximate composition, mineral contents and sensory properties of the bread
samples were all impacted by the addition of potatoes to composites used in the
creation of bread. Regarding the proximate composition of the bread samples, the
addition of potatoes increased their nutritious value. The potato-containing bread
samples had high protein contents that were higher than the bread made entirely of
wheat, as well as high carbohydrate contents that were higher than the bread made
entirely of wheat. In order to increase the nutritional value of bread and snack items
generally, potatoes can be included with wheat when making bread. More potassium,
sodium, magnesium and sodium were present in the mineral makeup of the potato
bread samples than in bread made entirely of. Sensory evaluations indicated that the
bread samples were satisfactory.
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Chapter 7: Recommendations and Future Aspect
In order to improve the nutritional adequacy of snacks and help address the issue
of protein-energy malnutrition that is a problem in developing nations, the use of
composite potatoes, which are nutrient-dense plant products, in the production
of snacks like bread should be encouraged.
To minimize post-harvest losses and enhance food diversification, potato should
be encouraged for use in the manufacturing of whole or composite flour for
To determine the bread's shelf stability, more research needs to be done.
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Brief biography
Trishna Banik passed the Secondary School Certificate Examination in 2012 and then
Higher Secondary Certificate Examination in 2014. She obtained her B.Sc. (Hons.) in
Food Science & Technology in 2019(held in 2020) from Chattogram Veterinary and
Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Bangladesh. Now, she is a candidate for the
degree of MS in Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Food
Chemistry and Quality Assurance under Food Science & Technology Faculty,
CVASU. She has immense interest to work in food safety issues including food
chemistry, quality assurance, food quality control, environmental chemistry, product
development and processing, malnutrition, reduction of nutritional changes in food
processing etc.
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