K Means Cluster
K Means Cluster
K Means Cluster
K-means cluster
1) Classify the zones into 5 clusters based on the given variables
2) Sort the variables in each cluster according to their ranked value either in ascending or descending order
3) Map the results of the analysis (Map1)
a. Demonstrate the clusters
b. Stick the ranked variable of each cluster
c. Provide the descriptive statistics for the variables
4) Map the good health variable showing (Map 2)
a. The histogram of zones of good health
b. Plot boxplot for the zones of good health
c. The number of zones in which the population percent of people of good health is less than 50
d. The population percent value at which more than 75% of the zones of people of good health below it
Ranking each variable in each cluster: 1 indicates high percentage of the variable in the cluster, 5 indicates low percentage for the variable in each cluster
How can you describe cluster one based on higher and lower percentages of the variables?