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Quarter 2 – Module 4: Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports

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English for Academic

and Professional
Quarter 2 – Module 4

This instructional material was developed based from the Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELC) in English for Academic and Professional
Purposes in response to the new normal scheme in learning delivery of the
Department of Education. This module was collaboratively reviewed by educators
and program specialists in the Regional Office V. We encourage teachers and
other educational stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
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Congratulations, learner! You are now nearing the last part of the quarter and I am
glad you are doing great!
Previously, you are in a serious process in working and understanding the basic
principles of writing a position paper. By this time, you will be introduced to the next topic
with greater focus on determining the objectives as well as the different structures of
various kinds of report. In this module, you will be walked through the general introduction
to writing reports, outlining the different structures in order for you to be guided on how to
produce a clear and well-structured report anchored on research and analysis of a
particular data and of issues.


Icons are those cute little drawings on the left side of the page that call out for your
attention. They signal a particularly valuable piece of information. Here’s a list of the icons
in this module:

Remember icons call your attention to important information

about a particular idea — something you shouldn’t neglect
or something that’s out of the ordinary. Don’t ignore these

Tip icons present time-saving information that makes the

process of writing report effective. This provides steps on
how a particular process in writing report is being done to
make it effective.

Tip icons present short varied tasks designed to check your

extent of your understanding on the course of this module.
Remember to read and follow directions carefully.

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Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports.


▪ Scholar - a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities;
a distinguished academic.
▪ Essay - a short piece of writing on a particular subject.
▪ Hard sciences - any of the natural or physical sciences, as chemistry, biology,
physics, or astronomy, in which aspects of the universe are investigated by
means of hypotheses and experiments.


Here’s a drafted Know-Want to Know-Learned Chart for you. K-W-L chart

is a graphic organizer that will help you organize information before, during
and after you have gone through the topic of this module. Hence, it has the
capacity to understand your prior knowledge about the topic. Now, here’s
what you need to do. Carefully read and follow the instructions presented
Instructions: On the first column, list the things you already know about various
kinds of reports, their structures and specific application. Then, on the second
column, you need to list down the things you want to know about reports. Lastly,
on the third column, list the things that you have learned (after you have gone
through the different learning activities) about various kinds of reports, their
structures and specific application. (You may use extra sheet if necessary)

What I know about What I want to know What I learned about

various kinds of about various kinds of various kinds of
reports, their reports, their reports, their
structures and specific structures and specific structures and specific
application application application

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In this section, you will be understanding the basic principles of writing report in
detail, including what information it contains, how that information is formatted and
organized. You may begin by understanding the meaning of the word, report.

Many scholars have defined report as any informational

work made with an intention to relay information or recounting
certain events in a presentable manner. These are often
conveyed in writing, speech, television, or film. Moreover,
considering report as an administrative necessity, hence, most
official form of information or work are completed via report. Note
that report is always written in a sequential manner in order of
A key feature of report is that it is formally structured in sections. Hence, the
use of sections makes it easy for the reader to jump straight to the information they need.
Unlike an essay which is written in a single narrative style from start to finish, each section
of a report has its own purpose and will need to be written in an appropriate style to suit
– for example, the methods and results sections are mainly descriptive, whereas the
discussion section needs to be analytical.
Reports communicate information which has been compiled as a result of research
and analysis of data and of issues. Please note however that reports can cover a wide
range of topics, but usually focus on transmitting information with a clear purpose, to a
specific audience. It this sense, you can come up with your own definition of report as, “a
systematic, articulate, and orderly presentation of research work in a written form”.
Good reports are documents that are accurate, objective and complete. They
should also be well-written, clearly structured and expressed in a way that holds the
reader's attention and meets their expectations. Remember, that you may be required to
write several different types of reports so it would be better for you to understand them
well. So, here are the most common types of reports that you need to understand, it is
well that you get to familiarize the different types of reports so you know particularly when
and how to use them in the near future that your teacher or your college professor would
require you to write one.

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Guide Questions
What are the different types of report writing? What are its
purposes? Who are its target audience? How is a particular type
of report being written?

[1] TECHNICAL AND BUSINESS disciplines with

an applied focus such as Engineering, Information
Technology, Commerce, Accounting and Finance, will
set report writing assignments that simulate the
process of report writing in industry. Assignments are
set in the form of a problem or a case study. The
students research the problem, and present the results
of the research in a report format.
Technical writing is form of writing technical communication or
documentation in science and technology or applied science that helps
people understand a product or service. The main purpose of technical
writing is to i nform and to trigger the person into action such as purchasing a product or
service. Its purpose may also be instruct persuade, but never to entertain. The content is
factual and straightforward. It is expressed in formal, standard or academic language.
The write-up uses a specialized vocabulary and follows a set of rules and conventions. It
is also organized in a sequential or systematic pattern. Often, it is detail-oriented and
require advance knowledge in the specific field. The tone of technical writing output is
objective and its audience is specific uses language to evoke either an emotional or
intellectual response from the audience or reader. Examples of technical writing are end
user documentation like user manuals that accompany cellular phones, personal
[2] FIELD REPORTS are common in disciplines such as
Law, Industrial Relations, Psychology, Nursing, History and Education.
These types of reports require the student to analyse his or her
observations of phenomena or events in the real world in light of
theories studied in the course.
The purpose of a field report in the social sciences is to describe the observation
of people, places, and/or events and to analyze that observation data in order to identify

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and categorize common themes in relation to the research problem underpinning the
study. The content represents the researcher's interpretation of meaning found in data
that has been gathered during one or more observational events.
Field reports are assigned with the intention of improving your
understanding of key theoretical concepts by applying methods of
careful and structured observation of, and reflection about, people,
places, or phenomena existing in their natural settings. Field reports
facilitate the development of data collection techniques and observation skills and they
help you to understand how theory applies to real world situations. Field reports are also
an opportunity to obtain evidence through methods of observing professional practice that
contribute to or challenge existing theories.
We are all observers of people, their interactions, places, and events; however,
your responsibility when writing a field report is to conduct research based on data
generated by the act of designing a specific study, deliberate observation, synthesis of
key findings, and interpretation of their meaning.

When writing a field report you need to:

● Systematically observe and accurately record the varying aspects of a situation.

Always approach your field study with a detailed protocol about what you will
observe, where you should conduct your observations, and the method by which
you will collect and record your data.
● Continuously analyze your observations. Always look for the meaning underlying the
actions you observe. Ask yourself: What's going on here? What does this observed
activity mean? What else does this relate to? Note that this is an on-going process
of reflection and analysis taking place for the duration of your field research.
● Keep the report’s aims in mind while you are observing. Recording what you observe
should not be done randomly or haphazardly; you must be focused and pay attention
to details. Enter the observation site [i.e., "field"] with a clear plan about what you
are intending to observe and record in relation to the research problem while, at the
same time, being prepared to adapt to changing circumstances as they may arise.
● Consciously observe, record, and analyze what you hear and see in the context of
a theoretical framework. This is what separates data gatherings from reporting. The
theoretical framework guiding your field research should determine what, when, and

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how you observe and act as the foundation from which you interpret your findings in
relation to the underlying assumptions embedded in the theoretical framework.

Techniques to record your observations:

Although there is no limit to the type of data gathering techniques you can
use, these are the most frequently used methods:

Note taking
This is the most common and easiest method of recording your observations.
Tips for taking notes include: organizing some shorthand symbols beforehand so that
recording basic or repeated actions does not impede your ability to observe, using many
small paragraphs, which reflect changes in activities, who is talking, etc., and, leaving
space on the page so you can write down additional thoughts and ideas about what’s
being observed, any theoretical insights, and notes to yourself that are set aside for
further investigation.

With the advent of smart phones, an almost unlimited number of high quality
photographs can be taken of the objects, events, and people observed during a field
study. Photographs can help capture an important moment in time as well as document
details about the space where your observation takes place. Taking a photograph can
save you time in documenting the details of a space that would otherwise require
extensive note taking.

Video & Audio Recordings

Video or audio recording your observations has the positive effect of giving
you an unfiltered record of the observation event. It also facilitates repeated
analysis of your observations. This can be particularly helpful as you gather
additional information or insights during your research.

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This does not refer to an artistic endeavor but, rather, refers to the possible need,
for example, to draw a map of the observation setting or illustrating objects in relation to
people's behavior.

Please note that techniques of deliberate observation and data

gathering are not innate skills; they are skills that must be learned and
practiced in order to achieve proficiency.
[3] SCIENTIFIC REPORTS are another kind of
report. They are common in all the Sciences and Social
Sciences. These reports use a standard scientific
report format describing methods, results and
conclusions to report upon an empirical investigation.
The purpose of a science report is to
clearly communicate your key message about why your scientific findings are meaningful.
In order to do this, you need to explain why you are testing a hypothesis, what
methodology you used, what you found, and why your findings are meaningful. This
requires a clear link between your introduction and your analysis/discussion.

The scope and style of reports varies widely. It depends on three key
factors: the report's intended audience, the report's purpose and the
type of information/subject to be communicated.

Congratulations learner, you are one step closer in finishing this module as you
have just completed the basic principles of writing report. Please note that you were
introduced to the most common types of report. The next pages of this module
focus on how a particular report is being written. You may now proceed.

There are a number of different assignments that may require you to write a report.
Selecting a format for the report may be somewhat difficult; however, using the correct
format will make the report structurally sound and help present information in a more
relevant way. The type of report format being used will depend on the content and context
of the report. Reports are a common academic genre in schools and universities.

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Although the exact nature will vary according to the discipline you are studying, the
general structure is broadly similar for all disciplines.
Now, one good example of report that you should know which is commonly used
in the field of hard sciences is referred as Research Report. Here’s why.
Writing report is highly scary to neophytes in the field of research.
This feeling of intimidation in preparing a research report is widespread.
Overcoming this fear entails practice and application of
certain techniques. There are different parts of research reports and it takes time to
familiarize oneself with the requirement of each part. Hence it necessitates frequent
exposure to and practice on the techniques of research report writing. The different parts
of the research report include the following:
1. Introductory Phase
2. Review of Literature
3. Research Methodology
4. Body of the Report
5. Conclusion
6. Recommendation

Introductory Phase

Introduction is as important as the main parts of a research report. It contextualizes

and sets the tone and direction of research writing. It is like a road map that guides you
in your research journey. According to Reidman (2001), it answers the following

● What was I was studying?

● What did we know about this topic before we study?
● And, how this study advance new knowledge or new ways of understanding?

Hence, this section indicates not just the context but the significance of research.
Moreover, the introduction encapsulates background information about the topic as it
provides discussion on the purpose of the study, research problem with hypothesis and
research questions and briefly touches on the methods to be applied in investigating the
research problem, and outcomes of the study. It also covers discussion on how paper is

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As suggested by Silverman (2006), research report starts with four elements including:
title; abstract; list of contents, and introduction. Below is a brief description of each
Research Title
A research title has to get the attention of the readers. In other words, it must be
“catchy.” Being catchy does not mean sacrificing the main message or idea of your report.
Hence, according to Silverman (2006, 339) choose “a title that catches the reader’s
attention while properly informing them about the main focus on your research.” Siverman
(2006, 206) is suggesting a “two-part title” containing a stimulating title applying a present
participle signifying action and a subtitle which is more descriptive.
Stimulating title: Have you ever experience being bullied?
Descriptive title: A study on the perception of the victims of
bullying in the primary schools
Research Abstract
A research abstract is a vital component of a report as it provides the readers with
a snap view of what you will expect from it. The abstract gives a synopsis of the objectives
and results of the report to be described in detailed from in the body of the report.
Silverman (2006) identified what an abstract should contain:

1. research problem
2. significance and value of the problem
3. data and methods utilized
4. main findings
5. implication in the light of other research

A research abstract has a word limit. The most common word limit is 100. This is
a challenging part of writing a report because it is difficult to write the many things that
you want to impart in just a few words.
List of Contents
A list of contents is a useful component of a report as it guides the readers to find
their way through the different parts of the report. Hence, the consistency of the page
numbers with the parts of the report is vital. Inconsistent page numbering would result to
the reader’s confusion.


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The introduction acquaints the readers with the what, why and how of the report.
According to Murcott (1997, p. 1) as cited in Silverman (2006), answering the questions
below would lead you to the development of the introduction:
1. What is the research all about?
2. Why have you chosen this topic rather than the other topics?
3. Why are you interested in this topic?
4. How will you undertake the research?
5. What kind of research approach will you utilize?
6. What are your research questions or problems?

Review of Literature
The Review of Related Literature (RRL) provides study background and
environment. The intention of the RRL is to locate the study in its area of discipline and
reveal its relevance and significance in the environment. The RRL would indicate if your
topic is building on previous researchers or if it is a new area of inquiry. The RRL should
make one realize that a study is worth pursuing or not.
According to Silverman (2006), RRL is not a “litany” of all studies done
related to the topic. It is also not an inventory of the accomplishments of other authors on
the same topic nor it is a map of projects similar to the area of study. Rather, it is an
environmental or disciplinal context that leads one to locate one’s study. Hence,
Silverman (2008) recommends the following points:
● Focus only on studies that are vital and relevant in defining your research
● Organize what you say in the form of an argument rather than a simple
description of other studies.

Research Methodology
In research, the research process is as important as the research content.
Thus, a research report must also contain a description of the research strategy. The
readers will be interested in finding how you arrived at a particular study result. Siverman
(2008) pointed out that the readers would be interested to know the following:
1. Research topic
2. Case (s) you have studied
3. Research methods you have chosen to use


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4. How you have analyzed the data

This part of the research report is sensitive hence must be dealt with caution. In
order for you to answer questions such as: Is your methodology appropriate for the
research problem? How did you reach that conclusion? Silverman suggested that to be
able to answer methodological questions, you have to be familiar with and knowledgeable
about the following:
● Data you have studied
● How you obtained those data
● What claims you are making about the data
● Methods you have used to gather the data
● Why you have chosen this methods
● How you have analyzed your data

Writing Your Data

The most essential part of the report is writing about the data collected through
your research. There are two important areas of consideration in the writing up of the
data, namely, data analysis, and data presentation.
In the data analysis, there is no right or wrong way. Creswell (1994, 153) only
requires the researcher to:

1. “be comfortable with developing categories and making comparisons and contrast”
2. “be open to possibilities and see contrary or alternative explanations for the

To assist the researcher in the data analysis, attention must be given

to (a) sorting information into categories, (b) formatting the information into a story or
picture, (c) actual data analysis and write up.
Writing the Conclusion
How do you characterize conclusions? Conclusion are inferences, deductions,
abstraction, implications, interpretations, general statements, and/or generalizations
based on findings. An example of which is: “All the teachers were qualified to teach in the
high school but the majority of them were not qualified to teach science. ” (Khemer,


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A good conclusion answers the specific questions identified at the introductory
phase of the research. For example, if the question identified is, “How adequate are the
needs and the facilities for teaching science? And then the findings reveal that the
facilities are less than the needs of the students, the answer and the conclusion should
be: The facilities for the teaching of science are inadequate. (Khreme, 2009).
Writing The Recommendation
The research recommendation is a part of the paper where you make
suggestions about some resolutions as a response to the research problem. It must be
consistent part of the conclusion. It proposes specific solutions connected with the
findings and must be supported by relevant data and specific data from the findings.

Below are some tips from Teljlingen (2011) on how to write

● “You should not recommend anything that you have not previously
discussed in the discussion. The rule ‘no new material’ in your
conclusion is also applicable to your ‘Recommendations.’”
● “Recommendations are not the same as conclusions. Consider
recommendations go one step further than conclusions as (s)
‘something’; (b) ‘someone; and (c) ‘needs to do.’’”
● There may be different levels within your set recommendations: for
(a) academic (i.e., research is needed into…), (b) for policy-makers
(e,g., data protection act needs to change to accommodate…); for
(c) practitioners (i.e., managers in local government need to consider
the mental well-being of their staff); or recommendation for (d)

Often reports are structured in a way that reflects the information finding
process and the writing up of the findings: that is, summary of the contents, introduction
or background, methods, results, discussion, conclusion and/or recommendations. The
inclusion of recommendations is one reason why reports are a common form of writing in
industry, as the informed recommendations are useful for decision making.

Remember that in writing Laboratory Reports, no student should copy

data from anyone who is not his or her lab partner. You may discuss


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the experiment with your lab partner and other classmates, but the lab
report that you turn in must be your own work. Lab reports are subject to all the rules
governing academic honesty. Photocopies of any parts of the lab report are not

Congratulations learner, you have just finished understanding the various

structures of writing report! The next portion of this module focus on varied activities
and assessment to strengthen the foundation of your understanding about writing
reports. Please remember to understand and follow instructions. Good luck!


If you are reading this now, it means that you have advanced yourself from the
basics of writing report. This part of the module focus on different activities that would
help strengthen your understanding about the topic. Your answers from the activities will
be rated based from the below listed rubrics.
Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary
[1] [2] [3] [4]
The table was The table was The table was The table was
incompletely incompletely somewhat filled with completely filled
filled with data filled with data accurate data with accurate
Completeness reflecting reflecting toward reflecting the data reflecting
beginning level mastery level of mastery level of highest level of
of performance performance performance performance
The table was The table was The table was
The table was
incompletely incompletely completely filled
somewhat filled with
filled with filled with with accurate
Knowledge accurate information
information information information
reflecting the
reflecting reflecting toward reflecting
mastery level of
beginning level mastery level of highest level of
of performance performance performance
The table was The table was The table was The table was
completely completely filled completely filled with completely filled
filled with with accurate accurate information with accurate
accurate information following correct information
information following correct grammatical following
Grammar following grammatical structure reflecting correct
correct structure the mastery level of grammatical
grammatical reflecting toward performance structure
structure mastery level of reflecting
reflecting performance highest level of
beginning level performance
of performance


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Instructions: The key factors of writing report are identified as to the

intended audience, report’s purpose and type of information/subject to
be communicated. Using the matrix drafted below, identify the concepts for
technical, field and scientific reports. (You may use extra sheet if necessary)

Practice Task 1
Congratulations, learner, for finishing your first task. I have prepared another
activity for you to accomplish and just the same, read carefully and follow the
instructions. Good luck!

Practice Task 2

Instructions: Compare and contrast the three (3) types of report using Venn
diagram drafted below. (You may use extra sheet if necessary)

Audience Purpose Subject

Technical Report
Field Report

Scientific Report


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Practice Task 3

Instructions: How is research report different from laboratory report?

Discuss your answer using the space provided. (You may use extra
sheet if necessary)
You will be rated based from the given rubrics.

Congratulations on completing your recent activities. I am certain that
you have learned a lot about the topic being delivered through the
course of this module. In this stage, you will be assessed on how far
you understood the discussion, remember that this portion of the
assessment will be recorded and just the same, carefully read and understand the

Instructions: Carefully read through the following statement/s. Write the word TRUE if the
statement is correct, otherwise, FALSE. Write your answer on the space
provided. (You may use another sheet of paper if necessary)
1. Report is written in a single narrative style from start to finish, each
section of a report has its own purpose and will need to be written in an
appropriate style to suit.
2. The purpose of a scientific report is to clearly communicate your key
message about why your scientific findings are meaningful.
3. Laboratory reports are assigned with the intention of improving your
understanding of key theoretical concepts by applying methods of careful
and structured observation of and reflection about, people, places, or
phenomena existing in their natural settings.
4. Technical writing is a form of writing technical communication or
documentation in science and technology or applied science that helps
people understand a product or service.


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5. The main purpose of technical writing is to inform and to trigger the
person into action such as purchasing a product or service. Its purpose
may also be instruct persuade, but never to entertain.
6. The research abstract provides study background and environment.
The intention of the research abstract is to locate the study in its area of
discipline and reveal its relevance and significance in the environment.
7. A research abstract is a vital component of a report as it provides the
readers with a snap view of what you will expect from it.
8. Field reports facilitate the development of data collection techniques
and observation skills and they help you to understand how theory
applies to real world situations.
9. Field reports use a standard scientific report format describing
methods, results and conclusions to report upon an empirical
10. Field reports require the student to analyze his or her observations
of phenomena or events in the real world in light of theories studied in
the course.


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References and Sources
Mendoza, D. et al (2016). Applied Research: An Introduction to Qualitative Research
Methods and Report Writing. PHOENIX PUBLISHING HOUSE.

Prieto, N. et al (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City:


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