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E. Aguinaldo Hi-Way, Crossing Silang, Tagaytay City

1st SEMESTER S.Y. 2023-2024

Subject Code: HUMSS 008

Subject Description: Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
Week: 3
Inclusive Teaching Dates: September 4-8, 2023
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
● Professionals and Practitioners in Counseling
B. Performance Standards:
The learners should be able to…
● Undertake participants (e.g., a day in the life of a counselor) to adequately document and
criticize their roles, functions and competencies.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
The learners should be able to...
● Show understanding of the roles and functions of counselors.

● Identify specific work areas in which counselors work.

● Identify career opportunities for counselors.

● Value rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of a counselor.

● Distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviors among counselors.

II. Content (Topic Covered)
Professionals and Practitioners in Counseling
2.1 Roles, functions, and competencies of counselors
2.2 Areas of specialization where counselors work
2.3 Career opportunities of counselors
2.4 Rights, Responsibilities, Accountabilities, and Code of Ethics
III. Learning Resources
● Gibson, Robert L. and Mitchell, Marriane H. Introduction to Counseling and guidance.
(Sixth edition). NJ: Merill Prentice Hall, 2003.
● Gladding, Samuel T. Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession. (Fourth Edition). NJ and
Ohio : Merill Prentice Hall, 2000
IV. Procedures:

A. Reviewing previous lesson Recall the lesson from last meeting about Discipline of
or presenting the new lesson Counseling

B. Establishing a purpose for Video Analysis

the lesson Analyze the video about Counseling and answer the guide
question provided.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMrCPz0FptA

C. Presenting Based on the video, answer the guide question:

examples/instances of the new ● Why should we seek help from a professional
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills # 1 ● Present and discuss the Powerpoint Presentation
about the Professionals and Practitioners in

● Upload the Powerpoint Presentation about the

Professionals and Practitioners in Counseling in the
google classroom.

Professionals and Practitioners in Counseling

Roles of Counselors
• Youth are the future of every nation, the role of providing
guidance to them at critical moments of their growth is a
serious nation-building undertaking.
• The role of the counselor is to assist the person or persons
(client) in realizing a change in behavior or attitude, to
assist them to seek achievement of goals, assist them to
find help
• In some cases, the roles of counselors include the
teaching of social skills, effective communication,
spiritual guidance, decision-making and career choices.

Functions of Counselors
Functions Of Counselors - Errord (2014) emphasized that
professional school counselors do not take a rigid and static
set of functions in the educational system. This means that
professional counselors perform their roles in a continuous
state of transformation in response to the current challenges.
Therefore, professional counselors’ function are as follows:
1. Providers of individual and group counseling services.
School counselors take an active role in counseling groups or
individuals. In a school setting, professional counselors are
equipped not only in helping individuals understand
themselves but also in providing a correct evaluation of either
behavioral or clinical problems a student may have.
2. Developmental classroom guidance specialists.
Professional counselors also prepare lessons and implement
guidance instructions for students. These are executed by
developing clear and measurable objectives to meet the needs
of the students. To meet these objectives, professional
counselors deliver talks, seminars, workshops, and other
interesting activities. Lastly, professional counselors improve
their programs and mode of instruction through consistent
feedback and evaluation.
3. Leaders and advocates of academic success.
Professional school counselors have an ethical responsibility
of promoting academic success by helping students identify
barriers affecting school performance. These barriers may be
personal (example: living with an absentee or separated
parents); socio-emotional (ex. peer pressure); or moral
dilemmas (ex. failing an exam or cheating to pass an exam).
or career-related barriers (ex. indecisiveness about a course in
college), Professional counselors guide the students by
identifying strategies so they can positively cope with these
challenges and see these challenges as opportunities for
4. Career development specialists. Professional counselors
also provide activities that will prepare students for the
demands and requirements of their chosen profession, these
activities include formal writing of resumes, having proper
responses to job interviews, and knowing appropriate
clothing for job applications. Furthermore, to ensure proper
coping and success in the workplace, professional counselors
help students develop essential, basic skills such as effective
communication, creativity, decision-making, critical
thinking, and work.
5. Agents of diversity and multiculturalism. Professional
counselors are trained to deal with and address the needs of
people from different cultural backgrounds.
For example, because of the ASEAN Integration foreign
students study in our country; Counselors may provide
assistance to these foreign students through activities that
allow interaction with Filipino students, aimed at helping
them cope with their new environment. At the same time, the
counselor will also carry out a program for the Filipino
students, aimed at helping them demonstrate hospitality,
respect, and understanding for their foreign classmates.
7. Advocates of a safe school environment. Conflicts,
which may lead to violence, happen in some school
communities. For instance, there are issues with bullying-
physical, verbal, cyber, psychological, etc. nowadays.
Hence, a comprehensive school counseling program with
intervention components such as a school bullying campaign
and peer mentoring can address this issue.
8. School and community collaboration specialists. To
ensure students’ holistic development and success,
professional school counselors work in collaboration with the
other school authorities and with the parents of the students.
For example: they cooperate with teachers to better assist
students with learning difficulties or behavioral problems. At
times, school counselors are tasked to prepare seminars to
facilitate teachers' better understanding of the personality
dynamics of students. Through conferences, counselors
collaborate with the parents to best facilitate and promote the
excellent academic performance of the students.
E. Discussing new concepts Areas of Specialization in Counseling
and practicing new skill # 2 The scope of work for a professional counselor covers a
broad area. Some of the functions require specialization
because counselors cater to the various needs of an
individual. Appropriate counseling services are provided
given an identified need, Among the following are some
work areas in which counselors delve and specialize:
• School Counseling - School counselors help students
at all levels to understand and cope with social,
behavioral, and personal problems. School or
education counselors emphasize preventive and
developmental counseling to enhance students'
personal, social, and academic growth and to provide
students with the life skills needed to deal with
problems before they worsen.
• Mental Health or Clinical Counseling - Mental
health counselors work with individuals, families and
groups to address and treat mental and emotional
disorders and promote mental health. They are trained
in a variety of therapeutic techniques used to address
issues such as depression, anxiety, addiction and
substance abuse, and suicidal impulses, stress,
trauma, low self-esteem and grief.
• Rehabilitation Counseling - These counselors
provide counseling, guidance, and case management
services to persons with disabilities to assist them in
achieving their psychological, personal, social, and
vocational goals. After conferring with the client's
physicians, psychologists, occupational therapists,
and the employer, a rehabilitation program is
initiated. The rehabilitation program may range from
a week to several years depending on the nature of the
problem and the needs of the client.
• Industrial Counseling - Counselors may also
specialize in the industrial setting, where they could
provide workplace counseling to respond to the
concern of the employees. Aside from counseling,
they are also tapped in other areas like training or
professional development service or in other activities
to help the employees develop soft skills.
• Marriage and Family Counseling - A marriage
counselor is an unbiased third party who can help
couples resolve marital problems. Distressed couples
seek the help of a marriage counselor when they don't
want to divorce but aren't sure how to compromise on
various issues.
• Private Practice - Counselors may have their own
wellness center or private clinic. The clinic can
accommodate children and/or adults, depending on
the counselor's specialization.
• Community Counseling - It is provided to members
of society who encounter difficulties in the
community setting. Counselors who work in the
community setting are usually adept in the
community's background, culture, or practices.
Career Opportunities in Counseling
• Elementary and High School Counselors
• College Counselors
• Teaching in the Academe
• Workshop Facilitator
• Career Counselors
• Substance Abuse Counselors
• Researchers
Rights, Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Code of
Ethics of Counselors
• As state registered and licensed professionals,
counselors are protected.
• They are governed by scientific theories, practices
and processes as well as professional standards and
• They are responsible for the practice of their
profession in accordance with their mandates and
professional guidelines and ethics.
• They are accountable to their clients, the professional
body and the government.
• Counselors must observe confidentiality at all times.
Without confidentiality, clients cannot trust the
counselors and therefore make the profession
impossible to practice.
• The code of ethics also states that counselors live and
work in accordance with the professional standards of
conduct set forth for the practice of guidance and
• They should not harm their clients.
• They should be people of high moral standing.
Its preamble provides that guidance counselors work
with clients.
• Guidance counselors must respect the dignity,
integrity and welfare of these clients.

F. Developing mastery (Leads Graded Recitation

to Formation Assessment 3) Directions: Answer the following questions given in the PPT
through oral recitation.
1. How will you value the code of ethics of the
2. If you will become a counselor someday, what career
opportunities will you take? Explain your answer.
3. If you were a counselor, what advice/s can you give
to a person experiencing a mental health problem?
4. How will you distinguish the ethical and unethical
behavior among counselors?
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and How do you help a person (friend, classmate, relative) who
skills in daily living needs counseling?

H. Making generalization and Based on what you have learned how will you differentiate
abstraction about the lesson the following areas of specialization:
1. School Counseling
2. Mental Health or Clinical Counseling
3. Rehabilitation Counseling
4. Industrial Counseling
5. Marriage and Family Counseling
6. Private Practice
I. Evaluating learning Categorize Me.
Directions: Copy the table and categorize the words or
phrases below as TO RIGHTS, RESPONSIBILITIES and
ACCOUNTABILITIES of a counselor.
a. To the client
b. To help the students
c. Assist the person who has mental health problems
d. Respect client’s right to privacy
e. To the law
f. To colleagues
g. Observe confidentiality at all times
h. To live and work in accordance with the
professional standards of conduct.
i. Act in a trustworthy and reputable manner


J. Additional activities for Read in advance about the PPT of Clientele and Audiences in
application or remediation Counseling provided in the Google Classroom.

V. Remarks:

VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the lessons

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies worked


F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

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