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Spelling Bee 2019 8-8

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Welcome to the Spelling Bee Finals. We are happy to have you all here today and we hope this will
be a heartwarming experience.

1. We would also like to welcome our special guests for the day:

Miss Inés Cobo de Gilber, Principal; Miss Edith Bolaños, Vice principal of the Baccalaureate section
and our special guests ____________________________________________________________-

2. Now let´s give a round of applauses to our finalists:

Representing the levels from Volare:

Tomas Urdaneta, Dania Amador, Luis Enrique Osorio, Elian Larco, José David Molina

Representing the levels from Basic years from 8th to 10th levels:

Simone Granda, Johan Arreaga, Allison Molia, Judaiza González, Valeria Sánchez, Sofía Beltrán,
Stefano Larrea y Elizabeth Pijal

Representing the levels from Baccalaureate years from 1st to 3rd:

Bryan Sánchez, Ariana Ordinola, Mattius Torres, Kevin Fernandez, Ma. Emilia Encalada, Daniel
Otero, Andrés Loor, Gabriela Chávez, Claudia Rizzo
3. We will read the rules

1. All words in the U. E. Sir Thomas Spelling Bee will be taken from the U. E. Sir Thomas
Spelling Bee List.
2. The caller will make every effort to pronounce the words according to the pronunciation
presented by The American Heritage dictionary online (http://ahdictionary.com).
3. Participants hear word once and can ask for assistance twice.
4. The speller has to say the word, spell letter by letter in the correct order, and say the word
5. To spell double letters the speller must mention each letter one after the other. The use of
the word “double” will not be accepted for double consonants or vowels. If a word has a
“hyphen” should be mentioned in its position.
6. In case of terms formed by two separate words, the speller must pause for two or three
seconds between words.
7. In case of proper names, the speller must specify the capital letter.
8. The speller will be disqualified if does not begin spelling or pauses for 20 seconds. The
speller can be disqualified the moment a wrong letter is called.
9. Spellers will have a time of 20 second to spell the word given with no pauses.
10. Spellers cannot pause or stop during the spelling and then continue with the spelling if
spellers do, he or she will be disqualified.
11. When the number of speller is reduced to two, the elimination procedure changes. At that
point, when one speller misspells a word, the other speller shall be given an opportunity
to spell that same word. If the second speller spells that word correctly, plus the next
word on the caller’s list, then the second speller shall be declared the champion.
12. If one of the last two spellers misspells a word and the other speller, after correcting the
error, misspells the new word, then the misspelled new word shall be referred to the
other speller. If this other speller then succeeds in correcting the error and correctly spells
the next word called then he or she shall be declared the champion.
13. If both spellers misspell the same word, both shall continue in the competition, and the
one who first misspelled the word shall be given a new word to spell. The champion is not
the champion until he or she corrects the misspelling of the speller and then correctly
spells the following word called.
The judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decision shall be final on all
3. The prizes for our finalists will be:
a. First Place: Language Arts 1st Term Exam exoneration.
b. Second Place: Science 1st Term Exam exoneration.
c. Third Place: History 1st Term Exam exoneration.

1. Abscess is a localized collection of pus in tissues of the body

2. Accessible means easy to approach
3. Accommodate is to do a kindness or a favor to
4. Accordion is a musical instrument
5. Annulment is the declaration that annuls a marriage
6. Appellate is of or pertaining to appeals
7. Assassin is a murderer, especially in politics
8. Automaton is another word for a robot
9. Baboon is a large monkey found in Africa or Arabia
10. Balloon is an inflated bag
11. Barbiturate is used to medicine as a sedative
12. Barrette is a clasp used to hold a girl's hair in place
13. Bassoon is a large woodwind instrument
14. Benign is having a kindly disposition
15. Bizarre is markedly unusual
16. Bobbin is a reel upon which yarn or thread is wound
17. Bough is a branch of a tree
18. Bouillon is a clear usually seasoned broth
19. Bouquet is a bunch of flowers
20. Bursar is a treasurer or business officer
21. Camaraderie is good fellowship
22. Campaign is a military operation for a specific objective
23. Carafe is a wide-mouthed bottle used to serve beverages
24. Caribou is a large, North American deer
25. Cataclysm is any violent upheaval
26. Caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly or moth
27. Cemetery is a place set apart for graves or tombs
28. Chameleon is a lizard that can, as protection, change color
29. Charisma is a personal quality that gives one power over a group of people
30. Chauffeur is a person employed to drive an automobile
31. Codeine is used as a sedative or analgesic
32. Colloquy is a conversational exchange, dialogue
33. Colonel is an officer in the Army or Air Force
34. Conceit is an excessively favorable opinion of oneself
35. Concessionaire is someone to whom a concession has been granted
36. Conscious is being aware of one's own existence
37. Consensus is a majority of opinion
38. Crescent resembles a segment of a ring tapering to points at the ends
39. Crochet is needlework with a needle having a hook at one end
40. Croquet is a game played by knocking balls through metal wickets with a
41. Crouton is a small piece of fried or toasted bread
42. Crypt is a subterranean chamber or vault
43. Cuckoo is a common European bird
44. Cymbal is a concave plate that produces a sharp, ringing sound when struck,
played in pairs
45. Debris is the remains of things broken down or destroyed
46. Deceive is to mislead by a false appearance or statement
47. Deductible means capable of being deducted
48. Defendant is a person against whom a charge is brought against in court
49. Descender is the part of the letter that goes below the body
50. Detached means not attached or separated
51. Dialogue is conversation with two or more people
52. Diocese is a district under the jurisdiction of a bishop
53. Diphtheria is an infectious disease
54. Disappear is to cease to be seen
55. Discernible means capable of being distinguished
56. Distraught means deeply agitated
57. Doubt is to be uncertain about
58. Dough is flour or meal combined with water
59. Drought is a period of dry weather
60. Ecstasy is rapturous delight
61. Embarrass is to cause confusion and shame to
62. Entourage is a group of attendants or associates
63. Entrepreneur is a person who organizes or manages an enterprise
64. Enzyme is one of various proteins
65. Etiquette is conventional requirements to social behavior
66. Eulogy is a speech in praise of a dead person
67. Exacerbate is to make something worse
68. Exchequer is a treasury
69. Facade is the front of a building
70. Faucet is a device to control the flow of liquid
71. Feasible is capable of being done
72. Feign is to represent fictitiously
73. Feint is a movement made to deceive an opponent
74. Fiery is containing fire or impetuous
75. Finesse is extreme delicacy or skill in performance
76. Finicky means difficult to please
77. Flaunt means to display oneself conspicuously
78. Fledgling is a young bird or an inexperienced person
79. Flourish means to thrive
80. Foray is a quick raid
81. Forbear is to refrain or abstain from
82. Frappe is a milkshake made with ice cream
83. Freight is goods or cargo transported for pay
84. Fugue is a composition in music
85. Furlough is a leave of absence granted to an enlisted person
86. Galloping is running or moving quickly
87. Gambol means to skip about, as in dancing
88. Gauge is to determine the capacity of or to measure
89. Geisha is a Japanese woman trained as a singer or dancer
90. Geyser is a hot spring that sends up jets of water and steam
91. Gherkin is the immature fruit of a cucumber, used in pickling
92. Ghoul is an evil demon, a grave-robber
93. Glitch is a defect or malfunction in a plan or machine
94. Glower is to look or stare at with anger
95. Gnarl is a knotty protuberance on a tree
96. Goad is a stick with a pointed end
97. Governor is the chief executive of a state
98. Grotesque is odd or unnatural in appearance or shape
99. Gruel is a light, thin, cooked cereal
100. Guild is an organization of people with related interests
101. Gypsum is a common mineral
102. Hackney is a carriage or coach for hire
103. Haggard is having a wasted appearance
104. Hallucinogen is a substance that produces hallucinations
105. Halve is to divide into two equal parts
106. Harangue is a scolding or intense verbal attack
107. Harass is to disturb persistently
108. Harbinger is a herald, or one who goes before
109. Harlequin is a buffoon
110. Hearken is to pay attention or listen to
111. Heifer is a cow over one year old that has not produced a calf
112. Height is the extent or distance upward
113. Heresy is opinion at odds with the accepted doctrine, esp church
114. Hiatus is a break in the action
115. Hideous is horrible or frightful
116. Hindrance is an impeding or a stopping
117. Hippopotamus is called the river horse, from Africa
118. Hobnob is to associate on friendly terms
119. Hodgepodge means a jumble
120. Homily is a sermon, usually on a Biblical topic
121. Honeycomb is a structure bees use to store honey, pollen and eggs
122. Horrendous is shockingly dreadful
123. Humiliate is to cause a loss of pride or dignity
124. Humongous means extraordinarily large
125. Hustle is to proceed or work rapidly
126. Hyacinth is a plant of the lily family
127. Hybrid is the offspring of two different breeds or species
128. Hymn is a song in praise of God
129. Hyperbole is obvious exaggeration
130. Hyphen is a short line used to connect parts of compound word
131. Hypocrisy is pretending to something that one doesn''t believe
132. Illegible is hard to read or decipher because of poor handwriting
133. Impasse is a deadlock
134. Impede is to retard in movement by means of obstacles
135. Incense is a substance producing sweet odor when burned, used in religious
ceremonies to enhance a mood
136. Incessant means continuing without interruption
137. Incognito is to have one''s identity concealed
138. Indictment is a formal accusation in a criminal case
139. Inevitable is something that can''t be avoided
140. Inflammable is capable of being set on fire
141. Influenza is a viral, acute, sometimes epidemic disease
142. Inquisition is an official investigation, especially political or religious, without
regard for individual rights
143. Instinct is an inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action
144. Intercede is to act in behalf of someone in difficulty
145. Intravenous means within a vein
146. Italicize is to print in Italic type
147. Jackknife is a large pocketknife
148. Jaguar is the largest cat in the western hemisphere
149. Jamb is a vertical side of a doorway
150. Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin or eyes
151. Jealous is feeling resentment against someone because of success of
152. Jeopardy is risk to loss, harm, death or injury
153. Jinx is someone supposed to bring bad luck
154. Jostle is to brush against, to push or shove
155. Journal is a daily record
156. Judgmental is involving the use of judgment
157. Judicious is discreet or prudent
158. Junction is a place where things are joined
159. Karate is a method of self-defense
160. Katydid is a large, American grasshopper
161. Kayak is an Eskimo canoe
162. Kerosene is a mixture of hydrocarbons used as fuel, or cleaning material
163. Kettle is a metal container in which to cook foods
164. Khaki means dull yellowish brown
165. Kidnapped means being stolen, abducted or carried off by force
166. Knack is a special skill or aptitude
167. Knead is to work dough into a uniform mixture
168. Knight is a mounted soldier in the Middle Ages
169. Knowledge is acquaintance with facts, as from study or investigation
170. Knuckle is a joint of the finger
171. Labor is productive activity for the sake of economic gain
172. Lacquer is a protective coating
173. Larceny is the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods of
another with the intent to convert them to the taker''s own use
174. Laud is to praise or extol
175. Laugh is to express pleasure audibly
176. League is a unit of distance, usually about 3 miles
177. Lectern is a stand with a slanted top, used to hold a speech or book, etc
178. Lecture is a speech read or delivered before an audience
179. Legible is capable of being read or deciphered with ease
180. Leisure is freedom from the demands of work
181. Length is the longest extent of something from end to end
182. Leopard is a large, spotted cat of Asia or Africa
183. Lesion is an injury
184. Levy is an imposing or collecting, as a tax, by force or authority
185. Liaison is the contact maintained between groups to insure concerted action
or cooperation
186. Libelous is maliciously defamatory
187. Lieutenant is a military rank
188. Lightning is a brilliant electric spark discharge
189. Limousine is a large, luxurious car, especially one driven by a chauffeur
190. Liquor is a distilled or spiritous beverage
191. Loge in a theater is the front section of the lowest balcony
192. Luminous is radiating or reflecting light
193. Lyricist is a person who writes the lyrics for a song
194. Macabre is gruesome and horrifying
195. Macaroni is a small tubular pasta
196. Machete is a large, heavy knife used to cut underbrush or sugar cane
197. Magnificent is making a splendid appearance or show
198. Mahogany is a tree or a reddish-brown color
199. Maintenance is the act of keeping things in good order
200. Malaria is a disease characterized by chills or fever, caused by the bite of a
201. Malice is the desire to inflict harm on someone
202. Malign is to speak harmful untruths about
203. Malleable is capable of being shaped by hammering or pressure
204. Manacle is a shackle for the hand
205. handcuffs undefined
206. Margarine is a butter-like product made from refined vegetable oils
207. Martial is inclined or disposed to war
208. Martyr is a person who suffers death rather than give up religion
209. Massacre is the unnecessary killing of human beings, as in a war
210. Mauve is a pale bluish purple
211. Mayonnaise is a thick dressing of different ingredients
212. Meager is deficient in quantity or quality
213. Mechanical is having to do with machinery
214. Melancholy is a gloomy state of mind
215. Memoir is a record written by a person based on personal observation
216. Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term is applied to something to which
it isn''t literally applicable, as in a mighty fortress is our god
217. Militia is a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out
periodically for drill
218. Mirth is amusement or laughter
219. Miscellaneous is of mixed character
220. Mischievous is maliciously or playfully annoying
221. Miscue is a mistake
222. Miserable is very unhappy, uneasy or uncomfortable
223. Mistletoe is a plant used in Christmas decorations
224. Moccasin is a heeless shoe made entirely of soft leather
225. Molasses is a thick syrup produced during the refining of sugar
226. Monarch is a hereditary sovereign
227. Mortgage is a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the
repayment of money borrowed
228. Mourn is to feel or express sorrow or grief
229. Muscle is a tissue, the contraction of which produces movement
230. Myriad is a very great or indefinitely great number
231. Myth is a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or
hero, without a determinable basis of fact
232. Nocturnal is of or pertaining to the night
233. Novice is a person who is new to something
234. Nurture is to feed and protect
235. Nutritious is providing nourishment, especially to a high degree
236. Obelisk is a tapering, four-sided shaft of stone, with a pyramidal top
237. Obituary is the notice of the death of a person
238. Oblique means slanting
239. Oblivious means unaware of
240. Omission is the act of omitting
241. Opaque is not allowing light to pass through
242. Orchestra is a group of performers on various musical instruments
243. Orchid is a flower of a plant of temperate and tropical regions
244. Ordinance is a decree or command
245. Outweigh is to exceed in value or influence
246. Pageant is an elaborate public spectacle
247. Pantry is a room in which food is kept
248. Paprika is a red, powdery condiment
249. Paraffin is a substance used in candles or to waterproof paper
250. Parallel is extending in the same direction, but never converging
251. Parfait is a dessert of ice cream and fruit, or ice cream and syrup
252. Particle is a tine or very small bit
253. Peddle is to carry things from place to place for sale
254. Pedestrian is a person who goes on foot
255. Perceive is to become aware of
256. Perceptive is having or showing keenness of insight, understanding or intuition
257. Perplex is to cause to be puzzled over what is not understood
258. Perturb is to disturb in mind
259. Phantom is an apparition or specter
260. Phase is a stage in a process of change or development
261. Phrase is a series of words in grammatical construction and acting as a unit
in a sentence
262. Piccolo is a small flute sounding an octave higher than an ordinary flute
263. Pickle is a cucumber that has been preserved in brine
264. Plague is an epidemic disease that causes high morality
265. Plaque is a tablet or plate of metal, intended for use as an ornament
266. Plateau is a land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised
above adjoining land
267. Poise is composure
268. Populace is the common people of a nation
269. Possess is to have as belonging to one
270. Posterior is situated behind or at the rear of
271. Precinct is a district marked out for governmental purposes, or police
272. Precious is of high price or great value
273. Principal is first or highest in rank or importance
274. Python is a big constricting snake
275. Quartz is one of the most common minerals
276. Quash is to put down or suppress
277. Queer is strange or odd
278. Quirk is a peculiarity
279. Raccoon is an animal with a mask-like stripe across the eyes
280. Racquetball is a game similar to handball, but played with a racquet
281. Raise is to move to a higher position
282. Ramble is to wander around in an aimless manner
283. Rapport is relation or connection
284. Rapture is ecstatic joy or delight
285. Ravine is a narrow, steep-sided valley
286. Receipt is a written acknowledgment of having received something
287. Receive is to take something into one''s possession
288. Recite is to repeat words from memory
289. Recommend is to present as worthy of confidence or acceptance
290. Refrigerator is a container in which items are kept cool or cold
291. Refugee is a person who flees his country in time of upheaval or war
292. Relieve is to ease or alleviate pain, distress or anxiety
293. Reservoir is a place where water is collected or stored
294. Resign is to give up an office or position
295. Review is going over a subject
296. Rhyme is a word agreeing with another word in terminal sound
297. Rhythm is movement with uniform recurrence of a beat or accent
298. Scene is the place where some action or event occurs
299. Scent is a distinctive color
300. Schedule is a plan of procedure
301. Scheme is an underhand plot, intrigue
302. Scissors is a cutting instrument
303. Seize is to take hold of forcibly
304. Shear is to cut something
305. Sheer is transparently thin
306. Shepherd is a person who tends or guards sheep
307. Sheriff is the law-enforcement officer of a county
308. Shield is a piece of armor worn on the arm of defensive purposes
309. Siege is the act of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way
as to isolate it from aid or supplies
310. Sigh is to let out one''s breath audibly
311. Sight is the power or faculty of seeing
312. Souvenir is a usually inexpensive reminder of a place visited
313. Spaghetti is a white, starchy pasta of Italian origin
314. Stationary means standing still, not moving
315. Stature is the height of a human or animal body
316. Straight is without a bend or angle, not curved
317. Strength is the quality or state of being strong
318. Successor is a person or thing that succeeds or follows
319. Suede is kid or other leather finished with a soft, nappy surface
320. Superintendent is a person who oversees or directs some work
321. Tablespoonful is the amount a tablespoon can hold
322. Tabloid is a newspaper whose pages are about half the size of a standard-
sized newspaper
323. Tackle is equipment, apparatus or gear, especially for fishing
324. Tantrum is a violent demonstration of rage
325. Tardy means late
326. Tattle is to let out secrets
327. Tease is to irritate or provoke
328. Teethe means to grow or cut teeth
329. Thaw is to pass from a frozen to a liquid state
330. Theme is a subject of discourse or discussion
331. Thief is a person who steals
332. Tight is firmly or closely fixed in place
333. Toboggan is a long, narrow, flat-bottomed sled
334. Tombstone is a marker on a tomb or grave
335. Tough means strong and durable
336. Trample is to tread or stamp heavily
337. Tricycle is a three-wheeled vehicle for children
338. Typewriter is a machine to produce letters and characters on paper
339. Ukulele is a small, guitar-like instrument
340. Unanswerable is not capable of being answered
341. Unconscious means without awareness or cognition
342. Vacuum is a space entirely devoid of matter
343. Vanilla IS as in the flavor
344. Villain is a cruelly malicious person
345. Warranty is assurance
346. Weigh is to determine the force of gravity on an object by using a scale
347. Weird is unearthly or uncanny
348. Wield is to exercise power or authority
349. Yacht is a private cruising vessel
350. Yolk is the yellow substance of an egg.
351. Aardwolf is a hyena-like animal of southern and eastern Africa
352. Aberration is departing from the usual course
353. Abridgment is a shortened form of a book
354. Abscission is sudden termination
355. Acerbate is to make sour or bitter
356. Aficionado is a devotee of something
357. Algorithm is a set of rules for solving a problem
358. Alignment is arrangement in a straight line
359. Allocution is a formal speech
360. Ancillary is a subordinate or subsidiary
361. Applique is ornamentation applied to a material
362. Archetype (arkitype) is the original model
363. Babushka is a woman's scarf
364. Baccalaureate is a religious service held before commencement day
365. Balalaika is a Russian musical instrument
366. Baroque pertains to architecture and art from 17th century Italy
367. Barracuda is a long, predaceous fish
368. Beleaguer is to surround with troubles
369. Belligerence is a hostile attitude
370. Bivouac is a military encampment
371. Blithe is joyous, glad or cheerful
372. Boatswain is a warrant officer on a warship
373. Bourgeois is to be a member of the middle class
374. Boutonniere is a flower worn by a man in his lapel
375. Boysenberry is a blackberry-like fruit
376. Calisthenics are gymnastic exercises
377. Callous is hard or indifferent
378. Camouflage is hiding oneself from one's enemy
379. Cannoneer is an artilleryman
380. Cantankerous is disagreeable to deal with
381. Cardiopulmonary pertaining to the heart and lungs
382. Carnivorous means flesh-eating
383. Catastrophe is a sudden and widespread disaster
384. Changeable is liable to change or to be changed
385. Chaparral is a dense growth of shrubs or trees (southwest)
386. Commemorate is to serve as a reminder of
387. Committal is an act or instance of committing
388. Connoisseur is a person competent to pass critical judgment
389. Convalescence is the gradual recovery to health after illness
390. Cornucopia is the horn of plenty in mythology
391. Corruptible is that which can be corrupted
392. Crevasse is a fissure in ice or the earth
393. Croissant is a rich, buttery crescent-shaped roll
394. Curmudgeon is a bad-tempered, cantankerous person
395. Dachshund is a long, German dog
396. Decaffeinate is to extract caffeine from
397. Deliverance is an act or instance of delivering
398. Denouement is the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot
399. Diaphragm is a part of the human body
400. Dichotomy is division into two parts


1. Aardwolf is a hyena-like animal of southern and eastern Africa

2. Aberration is departing from the usual course
3. Abridgment is a shortened form of a book
4. Abscission is sudden termination
5. Acerbate is to make sour or bitter
6. Aficionado is a devotee of something
7. Algorithm is a set of rules for solving a problem
8. Alignment is arrangement in a straight line
9. Allocution is a formal speech
10. Ancillary is a subordinate or subsidiary
11. Applique is ornamentation applied to a material
12. Archetype (arkitype) is the original model
13. Babushka is a woman's scarf
14. Baccalaureate is a religious service held before commencement day
15. Balalaika is a Russian musical instrument
16. Baroque pertains to architecture and art from 17th century Italy
17. Barracuda is a long, predaceous fish
18. Beleaguer is to surround with troubles
19. Belligerence is a hostile attitude
20. Bivouac is a military encampment
21. Blithe is joyous, glad or cheerful
22. Boatswain is a warrant officer on a warship
23. Bourgeois is to be a member of the middle class
24. Boutonniere is a flower worn by a man in his lapel
25. Boysenberry is a blackberry-like fruit
26. Calisthenics are gymnastic exercises
27. Callous is hard or indifferent
28. Camouflage is hiding oneself from one's enemy
29. Cannoneer is an artilleryman
30. Cantankerous is disagreeable to deal with
31. Cardiopulmonary pertaining to the heart and lungs
32. Carnivorous means flesh-eating
33. Catastrophe is a sudden and widespread disaster
34. Changeable is liable to change or to be changed
35. Chaparral is a dense growth of shrubs or trees (southwest)
36. Commemorate is to serve as a reminder of
37. Committal is an act or instance of committing
38. Connoisseur is a person competent to pass critical judgment
39. Convalescence is the gradual recovery to health after illness
40. Cornucopia is the horn of plenty in mythology
41. Corruptible is that which can be corrupted
42. Crevasse is a fissure in ice or the earth
43. Croissant is a rich, buttery crescent-shaped roll
44. Curmudgeon is a bad-tempered, cantankerous person
45. Dachshund is a long, German dog
46. Decaffeinate is to extract caffeine from
47. Deliverance is an act or instance of delivering
48. Denouement is the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot
49. Diaphragm is a part of the human body
50. Dichotomy is division into two parts
51. Dietitian is a person who is an expert on nutrition
52. Diphthong is an unsegmented gliding speech sound
53. Effervescent is bubbling, vivacious or gay
54. Encumbrance is something burdensome
55. Exquisite is of special beauty or charm
56. Extemporaneous is done without special preparation
57. Facsimile is an exact copy
58. Fallacious means logically unsound
59. Fascinate is to attract and hold attentively
60. Flocculent is like a clump of wool
61. Forsythia is a shrub of the olive family
62. Fraught means full of or accompanied by
63. Fuchsia is a bright, purplish-red color
64. Gauche means lacking in social grace
65. Germane means relevant
66. Gerrymander is dividing election districts to suit one group or party
67. Glockenspiel is a musical instrument
68. Granary is a storehouse for grain
69. Grippe is the former name for influenza
70. Guillotine a device for execution
71. Hallelujah means praise ye the Lord
72. Harebrained means giddy or reckless
73. Harpsichord is a keyboard instrument, precursor of the piano
74. Haughty is disdainfully proud
75. Hemorrhage is a profuse discharge of blood
76. Heterogeneous is different in kind, unlike
77. Homogenize is to form by blending unlike elements
78. Humoresque is a musical composition of humorous character
79. Hydraulic is employing water or other liquids in motion
80. Hydrolysis is chemical decomposition by reacting with water
81. Hypothesis is a proposition set forth to explain some occurrence
82. Hysterical is of or pertaining to hysteria
83. Imperceptible is very slight, gradual or subtle
84. Impetuous is characterized by sudden or rash action
85. Impossible means not possible or unable to be done
86. Impromptu means done without previous preparation
87. Incidence means the rate of change or occurrence
88. Indicator is a person or thing that indicates
89. Infallible is absolutely trustworthy or sure
90. Insurgence is an act of rebellion
91. Iridescent is displaying a play of bright colors, like a rainbow
92. Isthmus is a narrow strip of land with water on both sides, connecting two
larger strips of land
93. Jackal is a wild dog of Asia and Africa
94. Jacuzzi is a trade name for a whirlpool bath and related products
95. Joist is a beam used to support ceilings or floors or the like
96. Juxtaposition is the act of placing close together
97. Kaiser is a German or Austrian emperor
98. Kaleidoscope is a continually shifting pattern or scene
99. Ketch is a two-masted sailing vessel
100. Knave is an unprincipled or dishonest person
101. Knell is the sound made by a bell rung slowly, at a death
102. Knoll is a small, rounded hill
103. Labyrinth is an intricate combination of paths in which it is difficult to find
the exit
104. Laconic is using few words, being concise
105. Laggard is a lingerer
106. loiterer undefined
107. Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx
108. Larynx is the structure in which the vocal cords are located
109. Lavender is a pale bluish purple
110. Legionnaire is a member of any legion
111. Leprechaun is a dwarf or sprite in Ireland
112. Luscious is highly pleasing to the taste or smell
113. Lymphatic is pertaining to, containing or conveying lymph
114. Magnanimous is generous in forgiving insult or injury
115. Malfeasance is wrongdoing by a public official
116. Maneuver is a planned movement of troops or warships, etc
117. Mantle is a loose, sleeveless cloak or cape
118. Marquee is a projection above a theater entrance, usually containing the
name of the feature at the theater
119. Masquerade is a party of people wearing masks and other disguises
120. Mature is complete in natural growth or development
121. Memento is a keepsake or souvenir
122. Mercenary is working or acting merely for money or reward
123. Mesquite is a spiny tree found in western North America
124. Mettle is courage or fortitude
125. Minuscule means very small
126. Momentous is of great or far-reaching importance
127. Monocle is an eyeglass for one eye
128. Morgue is a place in which bodies are kept
129. Morphine is a narcotic used as a pain-killer or sedative
130. Mosque is a Muslim temple or place of public worship
131. Motif is a recurring subject, theme or idea
132. Mousse is a sweetened dessert with whipped cream as a base
133. Mozzarella is a mild, white, semi-soft Italian cheese
134. Muenster is a white cheese made from whole milk
135. Mysterious is full of or involving mystery
136. Mystique is an aura of mystery or mystical power surrounding a particular
occupation or pursuit
137. Naughty means disobedient or mischievous
138. Neuter is gender that is neither masculine nor feminine
139. Nickel is a coin of the U.S., 20 of which make a dollar
140. Nomenclature are names or terms comprising a set or system
141. Nonchalant is coolly unconcerned, unexcited
142. Nonpareil is having no equal
143. Noxious is harmful or injurious to health
144. Nuance is a subtle difference in meaning
145. Nucleus is the core
146. Nuisance is an obnoxious or annoying person
147. Nuptial is of or pertaining to marriage or the ceremony
148. Nylons are stockings worn by women
149. Obnoxious is highly objectionable or offensive
150. Obsolescent means passing out of use, as a word
151. Occurrence is the action, fact or instance of happening
152. Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine dealing with anatomy, functions and
diseases of the eye
153. Ordnance is cannon or artillery
154. Oscillate is to swing or move to and fro, as a pendulum
155. Overwrought is extremely excited or agitated
156. Pacifist is a person who is opposed to war or to violence of any kind
157. Palette is a board with a thumb hole, used by painters to mix colors
158. Palomino is a horse with a golden coat, and a white mane and tail
159. Pamphlet is a short essay, generally controversial, on some subject of
contemporary interest
160. Pantomime is the art of conveying things through gestures, without speech
161. Papacy is the office, dignity or jurisdiction of the pope
162. Paralysis is a loss of movement in a body part, caused by disease or injury
163. Paraphernalia is apparatus necessary for a particular activity
164. Parishioner is one of the inhabitants of a parish
165. Parochial is of or pertaining to a parish or parishes
166. Parquet is a floor composed of strips or blocks of wood forming a pattern
167. Partition is a division into portions or shares
168. Pasture is grass used to feed livestock
169. Paunchy is having a large and protruding belly
170. Pavilion is a building used for shelter, concerts, or exhibits
171. Penchant is a strong inclination or liking for something
172. Penicillin is an antibiotic of low toxicity
173. Penitentiary is a prison maintained for serious offenders
174. Perennial is lasting for a long time
175. Periphery is the external boundary of any area
176. Perjury is lying under oath
177. Perseverance is doggedness, steadfastness
178. Pesticide is a chemical preparation to destroy pests
179. Petition is a formally drawn request
180. Phalanx is a body of troops in close array
181. Phenomenon is a fact or occurrence observed or observable
182. Philosopher is one who offers views on profound subjects
183. Phoenix is a mythical bird able to rise from its own ashes
184. Physics is the science that deals with matter, energy, motion and force
185. Picturesque is visually charming or quaint
186. Pinnacle is a lofty peak
187. Pinafore is a child's apron
188. Placard is a paperboard sign or notice
189. Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs with congestion
190. Poignant is keenly distressing to the feelings
191. Poinsettia is sometimes called the Christmas flower
192. Politicize is to bring a political flavor to
193. Populous means heavily populated
194. Porridge is a food made of cereal, boiled to a thick consistency in water or
195. Posthumous is arising, occurring, or continuing after one''s death
196. Potpourri is any mixture of unrelated objects, subjects, etc
197. Practitioner is a person engaged in the practice of a profession or occupation
198. Prairie is a tract of grassland
199. Prerogative is an exclusive right or privilege
200. Prestigious is having a high reputation
201. Psychology is the science of the mind or of mental states and processes
202. Quaff is to drink a beverage
203. Quandary is a state of uncertainty
204. Quarantine is a strict isolation
205. Questionnaire is a list of questions submitted for replies
206. Queue is a braid of hair or a line of people
207. Quintessence is the pure and concentrated essence of a substance
208. Rabble is a disorderly crowd
209. Rambunctious is difficult to control or handle
210. Raspberry is the fruit of a shrub
211. Ratchet is a tool
212. Rationale is the fundamental reason serving to account for something
213. Recede means to go or move away
214. Reconnaissance is the act of reconnoitering
215. Rectify is to make or set right
216. Recurrence is an act of something happening again
217. Rehearse is to practice
218. Remembrance is a memory
219. Reminiscence is the process of recalling experiences
220. Requisition is the act of requiring or demanding
221. Rescind is to annul or repeal
222. Respondent is a person who responds or makes replies
223. Resurrection is the act of rising from the dead
224. Revise is to amend or alter
225. Rhapsodic is ecstatic or extravagantly enthusiastic
226. Rhetoric is bombast or the undue use of exaggeration or display
227. Rhubarb is a plant of the buckwheat family
228. Roulette is a game of chance
229. Rubella is a disease also called German measles
230. Sacrilegious is pertaining to the violation of anything sacred
231. Saffron is a crocus having showy, purple flowers
232. Salutatorian is the person ranking second in the graduating class
233. Sanctimonious is making a hypocritical show of religious devotion
234. Sapphire is a gem with a blue color
235. Sauerkraut is cabbage allowed to ferment until sour
236. Scarab is a beetle regarded as sacred by the ancient Egyptians
237. Scenario is the outline of a plot of a dramatic work
238. Scepter is a rod held as an emblem of regal or imperial power
239. Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder
240. Schnauzer is a German breed of medium-sized dogs
241. Scourge is a cause of affliction or calamity
242. Scrod is a young Atlantic codfish or haddock
243. Scruple is a moral standard that acts as a restraining force
244. Sculptor is a person who practices the art of sculpture
245. Seclude is to withdraw into solitude
246. Semaphore is an apparatus for conveying visual signals
247. Sensuous means pertaining to or affecting the senses
248. Sepulcher is a tomb, grave or burial place
249. Sequoia is a large tree, aka redwood
250. Sergeant is a noncommissioned officer above the rank of corporal
251. Shackle is something used to secure the wrist, leg, etc
252. Sheathe is to put a sword into a sheath
253. Sheen is luster, brightness, radiance
254. Shrew is a woman of violent temper and speech
255. Shroud is a cloth or sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial
256. Silhouette is a two-dimensional representation of the outline of an object
257. Simultaneous is occurring or operating at the same time
258. Skeptic is a person who questions the validity of something
259. Slaughter is the killing of cattle, etc., for food
260. Sleigh is a vehicle on runners, especially used over snow or ice
261. Sleight is skill or dexterity
262. Sleuth is a detective
263. Slough (sloo) is an area of soft, muddy ground
264. Sojourn is a temporary stay
265. Solder is an alloy fused and applied to the joint between metal objects to
unite them
266. Solemn is grave or sober or mirthless
267. Sovereign is a monarch or a king
268. Specter is a ghost, phantom or apparition
269. Sponsor is a person who vouches for or is responsible for a person
270. Squabble is to engage in a petty quarrel
271. Stationery is writing paper
272. Stimulus is something that incites to action or exertion
273. Straitjacket is a garment made of strong material and designed to bind the
274. Stroganoff is a dish of meet sauteed with onions and cooked in a sauce of
sour cream
275. Subpoena is the usual writ for the summoning of witnesses
276. Succinct means expressed in few words, concise, terse
277. Sufficiency is adequacy
278. Supersede is to replace in power, or acceptance
279. Supposition is something that is supposed
280. Surrogate is a person appointed to act for another
281. Surveillance is a watch kept over a person or group
282. Swerve is to turn aside abruptly
283. Symposium is a meeting to discuss some subject
284. Synonym is a word having nearly the same meaning as another
285. Syntax is the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical
sentences in a language
286. Tabernacle is a place or house of worship
287. Tableau is a picture of a scene
288. Tachometer is a machine to measure velocity or speed
289. Tambourine is a small drum consisting of a circular frame with skin stretched
over it and several pairs of metal jingles attached
290. Tandem is one following or behind the other
291. Tangible is capable of being touched
292. Tantalize means to torment with
293. Tapestry is a fabric used for wall hangings or furniture coverings
294. Tassel is an ornament consisting of a bunch of threads hanging from a
round knob, used on clothing or jewelry
295. Taunt means to mock
296. Tawdry means showy or cheap
297. Technique is the manner in which the technical skills of a particular art or
field of endeavor are used
298. Tedious means long and tiresome
299. Teeter means to move unsteadily
300. Telegraph is an apparatus to send messages to a distant place
301. Telepathy is communication between minds
302. Telephone is an apparatus to send sound to distances
303. Tempt means to entice or allure to do something often considered wrong
304. Tense is stretched tight
305. Terrain is a tract of land
306. Tetanus is a disease, commonly called lockjaw
307. Thatch is a material used to cover roofs
308. Thermometer is a device for measuring temperature
309. Thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms
310. Thigh is between the hip and the knee
311. Thimble is a small cap, worn over the fingertip to protect it when pushing a
needle through a cloth in sewing
312. Thistle is a prickly plant
313. Thorough is executed without negligence or omissions
314. Thumb is the short, thick inner digit of the human hand
315. Titlist is a titleholder, champion
316. Tonsillectomy is the operation removing one or both tonsils
317. Toxicity is the degree of being poisonous
318. Traceable is capable of being traced
319. Trachea is the windpipe
320. Tranquil is calm or peaceful
321. Transient means not lasting or enduring
322. Translucent is letting pass through, but not clearly
323. Trapeze is an apparatus consisting of a horizontal bar attached to two
suspending ropes
324. Trestle is a type of frame, used in railroad spans
325. Trichotomy means divided into three parts
326. Trough is a receptacle, usually for drinking from
327. Troupe is a group of actors or performers, esp. travelers
328. Truancy is the act of being truant or late
329. Tyrannize is to exercise absolute control or power
330. Uncollectible means it can't be collected
331. Unkempt is disheveled or messy
332. Vaudeville is a theatrical entertainment
333. Vehemence meaning ardor or fervor
334. Veneer is a thin layer of wood
335. Vengeance means violent revenge or getting back
336. Vermicelli is a form of pasta
337. Victuals are food supplies
338. Viscount is a nobleman just below an earl or count
339. Vying is competing or contending
340. Waive is to give up or to forgo
341. Wheelwright is a person whose trade is to make wheels
342. Wherever is in, at or to whatever place
343. Wince is to draw back or tense the body
344. Wrack is wreck or wreckage
345. Wreak to inflict or execute as punishment or vengeance
346. Wren is a small, active songbird
347. Yeoman is a petty officer in a navy
348. Zeppelin is a rigid airship or dirigible
349. Zoological is of or pertaining to zoology
350. Zucchini is a variety of summer squash.
351. Abscess is a localized collection of pus in tissues of the body
352. Accessible means easy to approach
353. Accommodate is to do a kindness or a favor to
354. Accordion is a musical instrument
355. Annulment is the declaration that annuls a marriage
356. Appellate is of or pertaining to appeals
357. Assassin is a murderer, especially in politics
358. Automaton is another word for a robot
359. Baboon is a large monkey found in Africa or Arabia
360. Balloon is an inflated bag
361. Barbiturate is used to medicine as a sedative
362. Barrette is a clasp used to hold a girl's hair in place
363. Bassoon is a large woodwind instrument
364. Benign is having a kindly disposition
365. Bizarre is markedly unusual
366. Bobbin is a reel upon which yarn or thread is wound
367. Bough is a branch of a tree
368. Bouillon is a clear usually seasoned broth
369. Bouquet is a bunch of flowers
370. Bursar is a treasurer or business officer
371. Camaraderie is good fellowship
372. Campaign is a military operation for a specific objective
373. Carafe is a wide-mouthed bottle used to serve beverages
374. Caribou is a large, North American deer
375. Cataclysm is any violent upheaval
376. Caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly or moth
377. Cemetery is a place set apart for graves or tombs
378. Chameleon is a lizard that can, as protection, change color
379. Charisma is a personal quality that gives one power over a group of people
380. Chauffeur is a person employed to drive an automobile
381. Codeine is used as a sedative or analgesic
382. Colloquy is a conversational exchange, dialogue
383. Colonel is an officer in the Army or Air Force
384. Conceit is an excessively favorable opinion of oneself
385. Concessionaire is someone to whom a concession has been granted
386. Conscious is being aware of one's own existence
387. Consensus is a majority of opinion
388. Crescent resembles a segment of a ring tapering to points at the ends
389. Crochet is needlework with a needle having a hook at one end
390. Croquet is a game played by knocking balls through metal wickets with a
391. Crouton is a small piece of fried or toasted bread
392. Crypt is a subterranean chamber or vault
393. Cuckoo is a common European bird
394. Cymbal is a concave plate that produces a sharp, ringing sound when
struck, played in pairs
395. Debris is the remains of things broken down or destroyed
396. Deceive is to mislead by a false appearance or statement
397. Deductible means capable of being deducted
398. Defendant is a person against whom a charge is brought against in court
399. Descender is the part of the letter that goes below the body
400. Detached means not attached or separated

1. Abscess 44. Cymbal 87. Gambol 129. Hyperbole

2. Accessible 45. Debris 88. Gauge 130. Hyphen
3. Accommodate 46. Deceive 89. Geisha 131. Hypocrisy
4. Accordion 47. Deductible 90. Geyser 132. Illegible
5. Annulment 48. Defendant 91. Gherkin 133. Impasse
6. Appellate 49. Descender 92. Ghoul 134. Impede
7. Assassin 50. Detached 93. Glitch 135. Incense
8. Automaton 51. Dialogue 94. Glower 136. Incessant
9. Baboon 52. Diocese 95. Gnarl 137. Incognito
10. Balloon 53. Diphtheria 96. Goad 138. Indictment
11. Barbiturate 54. Disappear 97. Governor 139. Inevitable
12. Barrette 55. Discernible 98. Grotesque 140. Inflammable
13. Bassoon 56. Distraught 99. Gruel 141. Influenza
14. Benign 57. Doubt 100. Guild 142. Inquisition
15. Bizarre 58. Dough 101. Gypsum 143. Instinct
16. Bobbin 59. Drought 102. Hackney 144. Intercede
17. Bough 60. Ecstasy 103. Haggard 145. Intravenous
18. Bouillon 61. Embarrass 104. Hallucinogen 146. Italicize
19. Bouquet 62. Entourage 105. Halve 147. Jackknife
20. Bursar 63. Entrepreneur 106. Harangue 148. Jaguar
21. Camaraderie 64. Enzyme 107. Harass 149. Jamb
22. Campaign 65. Etiquette 108. Harbinger 150. Jaundice
23. Carafe 66. Eulogy 109. Harlequin 151. Jealous
24. Caribou 67. Exacerbate 110. Hearken 152. Jeopardy
25. Cataclysm 68. Exchequer 111. Heifer 153. Jinx
26. Caterpillar 69. Facade 112. Height 154. Jostle
27. Cemetery 70. Faucet 113. Heresy 155. Journal
28. Chameleon 71. Feasible 114. Hiatus 156. Judgmental
29. Charisma 72. Feign 115. Hideous 157. Judicious
30. Chauffeur 73. Feint 116. Hindrance 158. Junction
31. Codeine 74. Fiery 117. Hippopotamu 159. Karate
32. Colloquy 75. Finesse s 160. Katydid
33. Colonel 76. Finicky 118. Hobnob 161. Kayak
34. Conceit 77. Flaunt 119. Hodgepodge 162. Kerosene
35. Concessionaire 78. Fledgling 120. Homily 163. Kettle
36. Conscious 79. Flourish 121. Honeycomb 164. Khaki
37. Consensus 80. Foray 122. Horrendous 165. Kidnapped
38. Crescent 81. Forbear 123. Humiliate 166. Knack
39. Crochet 82. Frappe 124. Humongous 167. Knead
40. Croquet 83. Freight 125. Hustle 168. Knight
41. Crouton 84. Fugue 126. Hyacinth 169. Knowledge
42. Crypt 85. Furlough 127. Hybrid 170. Knuckle
43. Cuckoo 86. Galloping 128. Hymn 171. Labor
172. Lacquer 216. Metaphor 260. Phase 304. Shear
173. Larceny 217. Militia 261. Phrase 305. Sheer
174. Laud 218. Mirth 262. Piccolo 306. Shepherd
175. Laugh 219. Miscellaneous 263. Pickle 307. Sheriff
176. League 220. Mischievous 264. Plague 308. Shield
177. Lectern 221. Miscue 265. Plaque 309. Siege
178. Lecture 222. Miserable 266. Plateau 310. Sigh
179. Legible 223. Mistletoe 267. Poise 311. Sight
180. Leisure 224. Moccasin 268. Populace 312. Souvenir
181. Length 225. Molasses 269. Possess 313. Spaghetti
182. Leopard 226. Monarch 270. Posterior 314. Stationary
183. Lesion 227. Mortgage 271. Precinct 315. Stature
184. Levy 228. Mourn 272. Precious 316. Straight
185. Liaison 229. Muscle 273. Principal 317. Strength
186. Libelous 230. Myriad 274. Python 318. Successor
187. Lieutenant 231. Myth 275. Quartz 319. Suede
188. Lightning 232. Nocturnal 276. Quash 320. Superintendent
189. Limousine 233. Novice 277. Queer 321. Tablespoonful
190. Liquor 234. Nurture 278. Quirk 322. Tabloid
191. Loge 235. Nutritious 279. Raccoon 323. Tackle
192. Luminous 236. Obelisk 280. Racquetball 324. Tantrum
193. Lyricist 237. Obituary 281. Raise 325. Tardy
194. Macabre 238. Oblique 282. Ramble 326. Tattle
195. Macaroni 239. Oblivious 283. Rapport 327. Tease
196. Machete 240. Omission 284. Rapture 328. Teethe
197. Magnificent 241. Opaque 285. Ravine 329. Thaw
198. Mahogany 242. Orchestra 286. Receipt 330. Theme
199. Maintenance 243. Orchid 287. Receive 331. Thief
200. Malaria 244. Ordinance 288. Recite 332. Tight
201. Malice 245. Outweigh 289. Recommend 333. Toboggan
202. Malign 246. Pageant 290. Refrigerator 334. Tombstone
203. Malleable 247. Pantry 291. Refugee 335. Tough
204. Manacle 248. Paprika 292. Relieve 336. Trample
205. handcuffs 249. Paraffin 293. Reservoir 337. Tricycle
206. Margarine 250. Parallel 294. Resign 338. Typewriter
207. Martial 251. Parfait 295. Review 339. Ukulele
208. Martyr 252. Particle 296. Rhyme 340. Unanswerable
209. Massacre 253. Peddle 297. Rhythm 341. Unconscious
210. Mauve 254. Pedestrian 298. Scene 342. Vacuum
211. Mayonnaise 255. Perceive 299. Scent 343. Vanilla
212. Meager 256. Perceptive 300. Schedule 344. Villain
213. Mechanical 257. Perplex 301. Scheme 345. Warranty
214. Melancholy 258. Perturb 302. Scissors 346. Weigh
215. Memoir 259. Phantom 303. Seize 347. Weird
348. Wield 362. Archetype 376. Calisthenics 390. Cornucopia
349. Yacht 363. Babushka 377. Callous 391. Corruptible
350. Yolk 364. Baccalaureate 378. Camouflage 392. Crevasse
351. Aardwolf 365. Balalaika 379. Cannoneer 393. Croissant
352. Aberration 366. Baroque 380. Cantankerous 394. Curmudgeon
353. Abridgment 367. Barracuda 381. Cardiopulmonary 395. Dachshund
354. Abscission 368. Beleaguer 382. Carnivorous 396. Decaffeinate
355. Acerbate 369. Belligerence 383. Catastrophe 397. Deliverance
356. Aficionado 370. Bivouac 384. Changeable 398. Denouement
357. Algorithm 371. Blithe 385. Chaparral 399. Diaphragm
358. Alignment 372. Boatswain 386. Commemorate 400. Dichotomy
359. Allocution 373. Bourgeois 387. Committal
360. Ancillary 374. Boutonniere 388. Connoisseur
361. Applique 375. Boysenberry 389. Convalescence

1. Aardwolf 39. Convalescenc 76. Heterogeneou 115. Malfeasance

2. Aberration e s 116. Maneuver
3. Abridgment 40. Cornucopia 77. Homogenize 117. Mantle
4. Abscission 41. Corruptible 78. Humoresque 118. Marquee
5. Acerbate 42. Crevasse 79. Hydraulic 119. Masquerade
6. Aficionado 43. Croissant 80. Hydrolysis 120. Mature
7. Algorithm 44. Curmudgeon 81. Hypothesis 121. Memento
8. Alignment 45. Dachshund 82. Hysterical 122. Mercenary
9. Allocution 46. Decaffeinate 83. Imperceptible 123. Mesquite
10. Ancillary 47. Deliverance 84. Impetuous 124. Mettle
11. Applique 48. Denouement 85. Impossible 125. Minuscule
12. Archetype 49. Diaphragm 86. Impromptu 126. Momentous
13. Babushka 50. Dichotomy 87. Incidence 127. Monocle
14. Baccalaureate 51. Dietitian 88. Indicator 128. Morgue
15. Balalaika 52. Diphthong 89. Infallible 129. Morphine
16. Baroque 53. Effervescent 90. Insurgence 130. Mosque
17. Barracuda 54. Encumbrance 91. Iridescent 131. Motif
18. Beleaguer 55. Exquisite 92. Isthmus 132. Mousse
19. Belligerence 56. Extemporaneo 93. Jackal 133. Mozzarella
20. Bivouac us 94. Jacuzzi 134. Muenster
21. Blithe 57. Facsimile 95. Joist 135. Mysterious
22. Boatswain 58. Fallacious 96. Juxtaposition 136. Mystique
23. Bourgeois 59. Fascinate 97. Kaiser 137. Naughty
24. Boutonniere 60. Flocculent 98. Kaleidoscope 138. Neuter
25. Boysenberry 61. Forsythia 99. Ketch 139. Nickel
26. Calisthenics 62. Fraught 100. Knave 140. Nomenclature
27. Callous 63. Fuchsia 101. Knell 141. Nonchalant
28. Camouflage 64. Gauche 102. Knoll 142. Nonpareil
29. Cannoneer 65. Germane 103. Labyrinth 143. Noxious
30. Cantankerous 66. Gerrymander 104. Laconic 144. Nuance
31. Cardiopulmon 67. Glockenspiel 105. Laggard 145. Nucleus
ary 68. Granary 106. loiterer 146. Nuisance
32. Carnivorous 69. Grippe 107. Laryngitis 147. Nuptial
33. Catastrophe 70. Guillotine 108. Larynx 148. Nylons
34. Changeable 71. Hallelujah 109. Lavender 149. Obnoxious
35. Chaparral 72. Harebrained 110. Legionnaire 150. Obsolescent
36. Commemorat 73. Harpsichord 111. Leprechaun 151. Occurrence
e 74. Haughty 112. Luscious 152. Ophthalmolog
37. Committal 75. Hemorrhage 113. Lymphatic y
38. Connoisseur 114. Magnanimous 153. Ordnance
154. Oscillate 198. Prairie 241. Scourge 285. Syntax
155. Overwrought 199. Prerogative 242. Scrod 286. Tabernacle
156. Pacifist 200. Prestigious 243. Scruple 287. Tableau
157. Palette 201. Psychology 244. Sculptor 288. Tachometer
158. Palomino 202. Quaff 245. Seclude 289. Tambourine
159. Pamphlet 203. Quandary 246. Semaphore 290. Tandem
160. Pantomime 204. Quarantine 247. Sensuous 291. Tangible
161. Papacy 205. Questionnaire 248. Sepulcher 292. Tantalize
162. Paralysis 206. Queue 249. Sequoia 293. Tapestry
163. Paraphernalia 207. Quintessence 250. Sergeant 294. Tassel
164. Parishioner 208. Rabble 251. Shackle 295. Taunt
165. Parochial 209. Rambunctious 252. Sheathe 296. Tawdry
166. Parquet 210. Raspberry 253. Sheen 297. Technique
167. Partition 211. Ratchet 254. Shrew 298. Tedious
168. Pasture 212. Rationale 255. Shroud 299. Teeter
169. Paunchy 213. Recede 256. Silhouette 300. Telegraph
170. Pavilion 214. Reconnaissance 257. Simultaneous 301. Telepathy
171. Penchant 215. Rectify 258. Skeptic 302. Telephone
172. Penicillin 216. Recurrence 259. Slaughter 303. Tempt
173. Penitentiary 217. Rehearse 260. Sleigh 304. Tense
174. Perennial 218. Remembranc 261. Sleight 305. Terrain
175. Periphery e 262. Sleuth 306. Tetanus
176. Perjury 219. Reminiscence 263. Slough 307. Thatch
177. Perseverance 220. Requisition 264. Sojourn 308. Thermometer
178. Pesticide 221. Rescind 265. Solder 309. Thesaurus
179. Petition 222. Respondent 266. Solemn 310. Thigh
180. Phalanx 223. Resurrection 267. Sovereign 311. Thimble
181. Phenomenon 224. Revise 268. Specter 312. Thistle
182. Philosopher 225. Rhapsodic 269. Sponsor 313. Thorough
183. Phoenix 226. Rhetoric 270. Squabble 314. Thumb
184. Physics 227. Rhubarb 271. Stationery 315. Titlist
185. Picturesque 228. Roulette 272. Stimulus 316. Tonsillectomy
186. Pinnacle 229. Rubella 273. Straitjacket 317. Toxicity
187. Pinafore 230. Sacrilegious 274. Stroganoff 318. Traceable
188. Placard 231. Saffron 275. Subpoena 319. Trachea
189. Pneumonia 232. Salutatorian 276. Succinct 320. Tranquil
190. Poignant 233. Sanctimoniou 277. Sufficiency 321. Transient
191. Poinsettia s 278. Supersede 322. Translucent
192. Politicize 234. Sapphire 279. Supposition 323. Trapeze
193. Populous 235. Sauerkraut 280. Surrogate 324. Trestle
194. Porridge 236. Scarab 281. Surveillance 325. Trichotomy
195. Posthumous 237. Scenario 282. Swerve 326. Trough
196. Potpourri 238. Scepter 283. Symposium 327. Troupe
197. Practitioner 239. Schizophrenia 284. Synonym 328. Truancy
240. Schnauzer
329. Tyrannize 335. Vengeance 341. Wheelwright 347. Yeoman
330. Uncollectible 336. Vermicelli 342. Wherever 348. Zeppelin
331. Unkempt 337. Victuals 343. Wince 349. Zoological
332. Vaudeville 338. Viscount 344. Wrack 350. Zucchini
333. Vehemence 339. Vying 345. Wreak
334. Veneer 340. Waive 346. Wren

351. Abscess 364. Benign 378. Chameleon 391. Crouton

352. Accessible 365. Bizarre 379. Charisma 392. Crypt
353. Accommodat 366. Bobbin 380. Chauffeur 393. Cuckoo
e 367. Bough 381. Codeine 394. Cymbal
354. Accordion 368. Bouillon 382. Colloquy 395. Debris
355. Annulment 369. Bouquet 383. Colonel 396. Deceive
356. Appellate 370. Bursar 384. Conceit 397. Deductible
357. Assassin 371. Camaraderie 385. Concessionair 398. Defendant
358. Automaton 372. Campaign e 399. Descender
359. Baboon 373. Carafe 386. Conscious 400. Detached
360. Balloon 374. Caribou 387. Consensus
361. Barbiturate 375. Cataclysm 388. Crescent
362. Barrette 376. Caterpillar 389. Crochet
363. Bassoon 377. Cemetery 390. Croquet
1. depth 44. sacrifice 87. vulnerable 130. emphasize
2. entire 45. burglary 88. deterrent 131. phrase
3. threat 46. rectangular 89. propeller 132.advantageous
4. exchange 47. passageway 90. surmise 133. civilize
5. leisure 48. extraordinary 91. criminal 134. obviously
6. glamorous 49. parliament 92. unduly 135. souvenir
7. deficiency 50. permeate 93. capably 136. suspicious
8. amusement 51. scandalized 94. applicant 137.acquaintance
9. arrangement 52. meticulous 95. laboratory 138. sophomore
10. mercenary 53. example 96. escalator 139. vaccinate
11. cameos 54. freight 97. embargo 140. action
12. perceived 55. muscle 98. minimize 141. mammal
13. internally 56. obedient 99. malady 142. simply
14. precipitate 57. supervisor 100. procrastinate 143. gesture
15. annoyance 58. envious 101. recurrent 144. solar
16. belligerent 59. characteristic 102. occurred 145. pressure
17. anxious 60. venom 103. universal 146. quote
18. shuddering 61. barometer 104. inevitable 147. wrestle
19. privilege 62. omitted 105. vigilant 148. jealous
20. outrageous 63. obscure 106. consequence 149. partial
21. contrary 64. technology 107. vivacious 150. temperature
22. lucrative 65. protein 108. vacillate 151. inquire
23. serviceable 66. unbelievable 109. phenomenon 152. museum
24. ominous 67. Insufficient 110. future 153. especially
25. prestigious 68. snobbery 111. paragraph 154. patient
26. transient 69. machinery 112. science 155. intermission
27. forgetting 70. fibrous 113. rhythm 156. mechanic
28. horizon 71. melodious 114. potatoes 157. disastrous
29. relieve 72. honorary 115. rustic 158. studios
30. securing 73. vertigo 116. flavoring 159. violence
31. crypt 74. abstain 117. sanitary 160. unsuccessful
32. optimistic 75. necessity 118. innocent 161. immediate
33. schedule 76. religious 119. tongue 162.acknowledgemen
34. criticize 77. voracious 120. mileage
163. unmistakable
35. considerable 78. personification 121. sandwich
164. preferable
36. plaintiff 79. educate 122. bouquet
165. interrogate
37. malicious 80. earliest 123. cemetery
166. unenforceable
38. taboo 81. meant 124. familiar
167. precocious
39. specific 82. unsanitary 125. advice
168. inconvenience
40. forgery 83. persuade 126. bicycle
169. caricature
41. vessel 84. controversy 127. authority
170. music
42. amnesty 85. environment 128. phantom
171. stomach
43. fashionable 86. awkward 129. spacious
172. tutor
173. disagreement 218. unbelievable 262. squawk 306. celery
174. wreck 219. independence 263. hyphen 307. endurance
175. honestly 220. strengthen 264. listening 308. influence
176. cringe 221. desperately 265. rumor 309. courtesy
177. merrily 222. recyclable 266. governor 310. parallel
178. artificial 223. millionaire 267. grateful 311. humility
179. nervous 224. malignant 268. whose 312. incredible
180. weird 225. nostalgia 269. hangar 313. hygiene
181. immediately 226. indulgence 270. sword 314. benefited
182. lightning 227. potpourri 271. ingredient 315. colonel
183. amendment 228. surveillance 272. ancient 316. adolescent
184. puny 229. women 273. honorable 317. accommodat
185. slumber 230. terrible 274. vacuum e
186. consequently 231. beautifully 275. accidentally 318.chrysanthemum
187. adjustable 232. fierce 276. vegetable 319. increase
188. resigned 233. straighten 277. systematic 320. teaspoon
189. misbehaved 234. habitat 278. separately 321. poem
190.undernourished 235. extinct 279. variety 322. bough
191. bizarre 236. scheme 280. noticeable 323. spaghetti
192. skeptical 237. rubbish 281. courageous 324. recently
193. changeable 238. traitor 282. exaggerate 325. safety
194. chaperone 239. bulletin 283. rhythmic 326. rural
195. flamboyant 240. language 284. benevolent 327. separate
196. bankruptcy 241. receiving 285. omnipotent 328. ambulance
197. questionnaire 242. illegal 286. vulnerable 329. emergency
198. psychology 243. bureau 287. ubiquitous 330. sentence
199. climate 244. eruption 288. metamorphos 331. comfortable
200. surface 245. scenery is 332. nationality
201. further 246. quotation 289. sincerely 333. struggling
202. heroes 247. statistics 290. unknown 334. persuade
203. grief 248. competent 291. therefore 335. performance
204. sailor 249. compressor 292. forgiveness 336. appearance
205. myth 250. havoc 293. cleanse 337. audience
206. rehearse 251. admittance 294. knitting 338. lightning
207. headache 252. exhibit 295. badge 339. encyclopedia
208. scarcely 253. desperate 296. sheriff 340. operational
209. scientific 254. boulevard 297. gradual 341. restaurant
210. marriage 255. longevity 298. vehicle 342. convenience
211. excellent 256. achievement 299. guarantee 343. mischievous
212. league 257. superintende 300. category 344. state
213. vault nt 301. occasion 345. soil
214. acquire 258. miscellaneous 302. deceive 346. agreed
215. requirement 259. express 303. nurture 347. length
216. scissors 260. gaze 304. biscuit 348. happily
217. descendant 261. noisy 305. management 349. permit
350. notice 386. solve 422. perhaps 458. animal
351. understood 387. warn 423. single 459. fever
352. carefully 388. enjoyment 424. trouble 460. degree
353. different 389. mammal 425. yesterday 461. couch
354. express 390. surprise 426. determine 462. camera
355. pleasure 391. numeral 427. favorite 463. fruit
356. message 392. actor 428. pattern 464. newscast
357. except 393. island 429. million 465. alive
358. suitcase 394. southern 430. beginning 466. dawn
359. period 395. president 431. journey 467. safe
360. sweater 396. tornado 432. protection 468. tuna
361. shoulder 397. business 433. slippery 469. wait
362. constitution 398. weight 434. represent 470. jaw
363. repay 399. successful 435. chemical 471. twice
364. shelter 400. few 436. weird 472. chicken
365. constant 401. trail 437. rehearse 473. follow
366. melody 402. daytime 438. odd 474. useful
367. details 403. include 439. felt 475. evening
368. rarely 404. music 440. aunt 476. garden
369. pause 405. quietly 441. zero 477. beautiful
370. captain 406. puzzle 442. visit 478. fleece
371. thoughtful 407. equation 443. sharp 479. curl
372. probably 408. dessert 444. paste 480. dear
373. section 409. neither 445. earth 481. roof
374. laughter 410. annual 446. giant 482. uncle
375. squeeze 411. inventor 447. cottage 483. paper
376. possible 412. receive 448. decide 484. middle
377. syllable 413. natural 449. gasoline 485. banana
378. separate 414. sandal 450. cancel 486. crow
379. necessary 415. chocolate 451. zoo 487. zebra
380. grasp 416. whisper 452. gain 488. crumb
381. rising 417. scissors 453. path 489. copying
382. forward 418. gold 454. self 490. select
383. exact 419. type 455. world
384. paid 420. members 456. cheer
385. raise 421. human 457. sink
NAME R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R 10 R 11 R 12 R 13 R 14 R 15 R 16 R 17 R 18
Tomas Urdaneta
Dania Amador
Luis Enrique
Elian Larco
Jose David

NAME R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R 10 R 11 R 12 R 13 R 14 R 15 R 16 R 17 R 18
Simone Granda
Johan Arreaga
Allison Molina
Judaiza González
Valeria Sanchez
Sofia Beltran
Stefano Larrea
Elizabeth Pijal
NAME R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R 10 R 11 R 12 R 13 R 14 R 15 R 16 R 17 R 18
Bryan Sánchez
Arianna Ordinola
Mattius Torres
Kevin Narvaez
Ma. Emilia
Camilo Muñoz
Andres Loor
Daniel Otero
Gabriela Chavez
Claudia Rizzo

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