Abstract—Three-phase variable speed drives are essential com- standards at the frequency ranges of 0–2 kHz and 150 kHz–30
ponents of energy conversion systems. Magnetic chokes are MHz [2], while so far, there has not been a clear regulation for
typically installed on the DC or AC sides of drive systems to meet the frequency range of 2–150 kHz [3]. Recently however, due
electromagnetic compatibility criteria for the 0–2 kHz frequency
range. Recently, worldwide standards committees adopted new to the significant advances in power electronics technology and
emission limits for the frequency range of 2–9 kHz to minimise semiconductor materials, the switching frequency of devices
power quality problems caused by the high penetration of power are increased. Although penetration of high switching power
electronics equipment. This paper analyzes the effect of choke converters offers advantages of reduced size and improved
placement on differential-mode supra-harmonics at the 0–9kHz performance, it poses serious problems for the power quality
frequency range. The mathematical calculations are used to
perform a comparison analysis on selecting either two DC-link of the network [4]. To prevent from this issue, the international
choke inductors or three AC line inductors to attenuate the standardization committees including NASI, IEC SC 77A, and
differential-mode noises at the grid. To that end, single-phase CISPR have recently recommended new EMC limits for the
equivalent circuits are used to calculate differential-mode noise frequency range of 2–150 kHz. Consequently, the distortions
components. Following that, supra-harmonic contents of currents at the frequency range of 2-150 kHz are known as supra-
are estimated based on the commutation of the front-end rectifier.
In consequence, through the derived mathematical equations, harmonics. The 2–150 kHz frequency range is divided into the
conducted noise emissions entering to the grid are analytically frequency ranges of 2–9 kHz and 9–150 kHz in accordance
modeled. Laboratory test results are used to prove the validity with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) SC
of the presented theoretical subjects. 77A [5].
Index Terms—AC Choke, DC Choke, DC-link capacitor, As shown in Fig. 1, in order to suppress the low order har-
differential-mode current, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), monics of 0–2 kHz at the grid, typically either two inductors
harmonics, motor drive system, variable frequency drive (VFD). at the DC link (Ldc ) or three inductors at the AC line (Lac )
are placed. Accordingly, the DC-link and AC line inductors
are known as DC and AC chokes, respectively. Until now,
I. I NTRODUCTION considering that the standardization activity for the 2–9 kHz
frequency range is still at its ongoing stage, there is a scarcity
With the fast pace of worldwide industry, Variable Fre-
of research to analyze the impact on distribution network due
quency Drives (VFDs) have been playing a key role in
to the growing emission in this frequency range [6]. With this
energy conversion systems. VFDs can control the speed of the
regard, although the DC and AC chokes are conventionally
machinery with improved efficiency, making them as the main
utilized to attenuate the low order harmonics of 0–2 kHz,
components in industrial applications [1]. Fig. 1 shows the
their effect on the high frequency harmonics of 2–9 kHz can
typical configuration of a VFD excluding the Electromagnetic
significantly affect the quality of the network, which is needed
Interference (EMI) filter. According to Fig. 1, in a conventional
to be studied.
application of VFD, the grid's AC voltage is converted to the Research studies for harmonics in 0–9 kHz have been
DC voltage (vrec ) by the front-end rectifier. Afterwards the carried out in a number of articles, which can be categorized
smoothed DC voltage is converted to the controlled AC output into two main sections:
voltage by the rear-end inverter.
• Measurement methods [7], [8]
To maintain the power quality of the grid, manufactures
• Prediction and analysis [9], [10]
should comply with the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
While a large number of research studies are focused on
A. Ganjavi is with the School of Information Technology and Electrical the measurement methods and some on the analysis of the
Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia, conducted emissions at 2–150 kHz, lack of research can be
e-mail: ( clearly noticed in detection, finding the origins and offering
D. Kumar is with the Global Research and Development Center, Danfoss
Drives A/S, 6300 Gråsten, Denmark, e-mail: ( solutions for harmonic emission at 0–9 kHz.
F. Zare is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics, In this paper, a mathematical method is presented to model
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD 4000, e-mail: the harmonic contents of the grid at 0–9 kHz frequency range.
P. Davari is with the AAU Energy Department, Aalborg University, Aalborg The proposed strategy accurately detects the origin of the
9220, Denmark, e-mail: ( grid harmonics and their dominant effect at specific ranges of
1) Grid current iζ−n generated by Irec : The grid current According to Fig. 5, when DC chokes are placed in the system,
iζ−n generated by the smoothed DC current Irec , can be the grid current (ia ) includes sharp transients in contrary with
expressed as (12) (provided at the top of the following page) when the chokes are placed at the AC line. This could be
in half of a cycle [15]. attributed to the fact that the AC chokes create an overlap angle
By extending (12), the Fourier series of iζ−n can be in the switching function of the diode rectifier, preventing from
calculated as: the instant changes of the current.
In Figs. 6 (a) and (b), the FFT of ia is shown for the
X frequency ranges of 0–2 and 2–9 kHz, respectively. According
iζ−n = (Aζ−n sin nωg t + Bζ−n cos nωg t) (13) to Fig. 6 (a), the placement of the chokes at DC or AC sides
n=5,7,9... has negligible effect on the contents below 2 kHz. However,
where Aζ−n and Bζ−n can be obtained as (14) and (15) as can be seen in Fig. 6 (b), when AC chokes are placed in
(provided at the top of the following age). the system, high order harmonic contents of the grid current
2) Grid current iη−ya generated by
P ′
irec−i : The grid are more effectively attenuated.
current iη−ya is
P ′ calculated by the product of the harmonic
contents of irec−i and the rectifier's switching function for V. C ONCLUSION
phase a, as:
To comply with the power quality standards at the 0–
X 2 kHz frequency range, magnetic chokes are conventionally
iη−ya = sa i′rec−i , y = 5, and 7 (16) placed at the DC or AC sides of the motor drive systems.
Recently, new power quality standards have been defined for
From (11) and (12)–(16), harmonic spectrum of the grid
the frequency range of 2–9 kHz to reduce the noise emissions
current caused by the switching of the rectifier can be scien-
caused by the fast switching power converters. In this paper,
tifically assessed. Through these equations, the origin of the
a mathematical approach has been adopted to analyze the
harmonics generated at the grid together with the effect of
effect of choke placement on the differential-mode supra-
choke placement can be analyzed.
harmonics at the 0–9 kHz frequency range. To this end, the
single-phase differential-mode equivalent circuit of the drive
system is extracted. Subsequently, harmonic contents of the
Experiments have been conducted for both DC and AC currents are calculated according to commutation of the front-
choke configurations in the drive system. To conduct the end rectifier. Through the derived mathematical equations,
measurements, the current probes from Keysight N2783B conducted noise emissions entering to the grid are analytically
and the differential voltage probes from Sapphire Instruments modeled. Laboratory test results are used to prove the validity
(SI-9110) both with the bandwidth of 100 MHz have been of the presented theoretical subjects. In the full version of
used. The experiments are carried out with the specifications the paper, practical guidelines to choose the right position
depicted in Table I. of the magnetic chokes for differential-mode supra-harmonics
attenuation at the grid will be provided.
Symbol Parameter Value
va,b,c Grid phase rms voltage 240 V
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fg Grid fundamental frequency 50 Hz
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fo Output fundamental frequency 50 Hz with better environmental impact,” IEEE Transactions on Industry
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Ldc DC choke inductance 1.25 mH [2] A. Boglietti, A. Cavagnino, and M. Lazzari, “Experimental high-
Lac AC choke inductance 1.25 mH frequency parameter identification of ac electrical motors,” IEEE Trans-
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[3] D. Ritzmann, S. Lodetti, D. de la Vega, V. Khokhlov, A. Gallarreta,
Po Output power 6.24 kW
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sented analytical equations. Fig. 4 compares the experimental [4] E. O. A. Larsson, M. H. J. Bollen, M. G. Wahlberg, C. M. Lundmark,
data with the results obtained from the analytical model for and S. K. Rönnberg, “Measurements of high-frequency (2–150 khz) dis-
tortion in low-voltage networks,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,
high frequency harmonic contents (2–9 kHz). This comparison vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 1749–1757, 2010.
is only drawn for DC choke placement in the drive as an [5] R. Pandurangan, P. Kaliannan, and P. Shanmugam, “Effects of current
example. As can be seen in Fig. 4, the experimental data can distortion on dc link inductor and capacitor lifetime in variable frequency
drive connected to grid with active harmonic filter,” IEEE Transactions
closely follow the data extracted by the analytical calculations. on Industry Applications, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 492–505, 2021.
Fig. 5 depicts the experimental waveforms of the load phase [6] D. Ritzmann, S. Lodetti, D. de la Vega, V. Khokhlov, A. Gallarreta,
current iu , the leg phase voltage vuo , and the grid phase current P. Wright, J. Meyer, I. Fernández, and D. Klingbeil, “Comparison of
measurement methods for 2–150 kHz conducted emissions in power
ia . Likewise, Figs. 5 (a) and (b) show the waveforms when networks,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
DC and AC chokes are placed in the system, respectively. vol. 70, pp. 1–10, 2021.
0 < ωg t < π/6
1 − sin (ωg t + π/6)
1 − cos γ Irec , π/6 < ωg t < π/6 + γ
iζ−n = Irec , π/6 + γ < ωg t < 5π/6 (12)
sin (ωg t + 5π/6)
1 1 − cos γ Irec , 5π/6 < ωg t < 5π/6 + γ
0, 5π/6 + γ < ωg t < π
3Irec (−1)([2z+n+1]/2) 2 sin nγ
1 −2 sin nγ sin (n + 1)γ sin (n − 1)γ
Aζ−n = + × + + (14)
π n 1 − cos γ x n+1 n−1
3Irec (−1)([2z+n−1/2]) 2 cos nγ
1 2(1 − cos nγ) 1 − cos (n + 1)γ 1 − cos (n − 1)γ
Bζ−n = + × + + (15)
π n 1 − cos γ n n+1 n−1
n = 6z ± 1 (z = 1, 2, 3, ...)
Fig. 4. Comparison between the experimental and the analytical data for the
harmonic contents of the input current ia (DC chokes are placed in the drive)
Fig. 5. Experimental waveforms of the load phase current iu , the leg phase
voltage vuo , and the grid phase current ia (Po = 3.8kw). (a) DC chokes
placed in the system, (b) AC chokes placed in the system. (b)
Fig. 6. Experimental harmonic contents of ia . (a) 0–2 kHz, (b) 2–9 kHz.