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Volume 3, Issue 5, June 2022 E-ISSN: 2686-6331, P-ISSN: 2686-6358

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31933/dijemss.v3i5
Received: 28 May 2022, Revised: 18 June 2022, Publish: 30 June 2022



Humairatuz Zahrah1, Kemas Imron Rosyadi2

Doctoral Student, State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Indonesia, email:
Lecturer, State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi , Indonesia, email:

Corresponding Author: Humairatuz Zahrah1

Abstract: In this study, the author raises various themes related to the factors that influence
critical thinking and its impact on Independent Learning. This study is interesting to discuss
because the author wants to see in depth the effect of Critical Thinking and Independent
Learning on Self-confidence and Motivation, in this study the author uses library research
methods. The results of this study illustrate that critical thinking is needed as intellectual
capital in achieving educational goals. Besides that, motivation is also a crucial factor in the
critical thinking process, because every element of education requires encouragement from
both inside and outside to move optimally so that the regulations that have been set can be
implemented optimally and of course have an impact on independent learning which is the
reference for the ideal concept of education. at the moment. In the context of education,
critical thinking is very influential on independent learning. Freedom of learning supports
many innovations in the world of education, especially the progress of various educational
institutions including schools or madrasas, by also forming teacher competencies. Teachers
who are independent in teaching are aware of the needs of their students according to the
environment and culture of the students.

Keywords: Critical Thinking, Confidence , Independent Learning, and Motivation

Background of the problem
Currently, the world today has entered the era of the 5.0 generation industrial
revolution which is marked by increased connectivity, interaction and development of digital
systems, artificial intelligence, and virtual. With the increasingly convergent boundaries
between humans, machines and other resources, information and communication technology
certainly has an impact on various sectors of life. One of them is the impact on the education
system in Indonesia.(Lase, 2016)
The country's success in facing the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 is
determined by the quality of its education. In this situation, every educational institution must
prepare a new orientation and literacy in the field of education. therefore the Minister of

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Volume 3, Issue 5, June 2022 E-ISSN: 2686-6331, P-ISSN: 2686-6358

Education and Culture issued a policy on Freedom of Learning as an effort to improve the
quality of education in Indonesia.
Human Resources involved in education must have high quality who are able to think
critically, creatively, systematically, able to solve problems, and have good morals. Critical
thinking skills are very important to have, because critical thinking can be used to solve
problems and as a consideration in making correct decisions. Critical thinking is a process,
aimed at making reasonable decisions about what to believe and what to do.
In addition, an internal factor is needed in both educators and students to achieve
educational goals through a critical thinking process and this independent learning policy,
namely self-confidence and motivation. These two factors are very important and must be
owned by every student to foster a desire to continue to seek knowledge which is driven by a
strong motivation in the learning process. (Nasir et al., 2022)
For this reason, this article discusses the influence of self-confidence and motivation
on critical thinking and their impact on independent learning.

Critical Thinking
Based on some of the opinions above, it can be said that critical thinking is the ability
to maximize its potential to produce policies. The ability to think critically will make it easier
for the individual to analyze problems in life, and make it a policy resource for personal and
community needs.(Arif Musthofa & Ali, 2021)
Critical Thinking is an intellectual thinking process in which a person consciously and
deliberately evaluates the quality of his thinking, the thinker uses visionary, independent,
clear, and rational thinking. Halpen expressed his opinion about the concept of critical
thinking is to mobilize all abilities and potential cognitive strategies in determining goals.
Based on the above definition, it can be concluded that the characteristics of critical thinking
are, (1) analyzing facts, generalizing, organizing ideas, drawing conclusions in solving
problems; (2) active, systematic to understand and evaluate arguments; (3) the search for
meaning which involves mental processes to understand an experience. Facione (in Solomon
and conceptualizes critical thinking as a variable consisting of two main aspects, namely
aspects (1) critical thinking skills or critical-thinking skills and (2) critical attitudes or
critical-thinking dispositions. Furthermore, problem solving cannot be done by origin, need
concrete steps.Here are the steps for solving the problem (problem solving): a) Realizing the
existence of a problem; b) Understand the nature of the problem clearly; c) Propose a
hypothesis; d) Collecting data; e) Data analysis and synthesis; f) Trying to draw conclusions;
g) Evaluating the whole problem solving process. (Masitoh, 2019).
According to Robert Ennis in Alec Fisher critical thinking is "Critical thinking is
thinking that makes sense and focused reflection to decide what should be believed or done".
This opinion can be interpreted that essentially when humans think they are learning to use
their thinking abilities intellectually and at the same time thinking about alternatives and
solutions to problems they face so that when people think they can decide what to do because
decision making is part of critical thinking. According to Johnson (2006: 183), critical
thinking is defined as a directed and clear process that is used in mental activities such as
problem solving, making decisions, persuading, analyzing assumptions and conducting
scientific research. Critical thinking is the ability to argue in an organized way, the ability to
systematically evaluate the weight of personal opinions from the opinions of others.
(Rachmadtullah, 2015)
Critical thinking is the ability to analyze and evaluate information obtained from
observations, experience, reasoning and communication to decide whether the information

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can be trusted so that it can provide rational and correct conclusions. (Karim & Normaya,
2015) Critical thinking indicators used in this study can be seen in Table 1:

No Indicator Indicator Description

1 Anterpretation Understanding the problem indicated by writing what is known and
the question is asked correctly.
2 Analysis Identify the relationships between statements, questions, concepts
given in the problems shown by making mathematical models
correctly and giving proper explanations.
3 Evaluation Using the right strategy in solving problems, complete, and correct
in doing calculations.
4 Inference Can draw conclusions from what was asked correctly

Critical Thinking has been widely studied by previous researchers, including:

(Susilawati et al., 2020), (Sarimanah, 2017), (Ismail et al., 2022), dan (Nuryanti et al., 2018).

Independent Learning
Recently, the "Independence of Learning" program initiated by the Ministry of
Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has received much attention. The Ministry of
Education and Culture states on its website that the program is related to (a) National
Standardized Examination (USBN), (b) National Examination (UN), (c) Learning
Implementation Plan (RPP), and (d) New Student Admission Regulations (
PPDB).(Suhartoyo et al., 2020)
Merdeka Learning is a new policy program of the Ministry of Education and Culture
of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud RI) launched by the Minister of Education and
Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim. Nadiem made the policy of independent learning not
without reason. This is because the 2019 Program for International Student Assessment
(PISA) research shows that the results of the assessment of Indonesian students only occupy
the sixth position from the bottom; For the fields of mathematics and literacy, Indonesia
occupies the 74th position out of 79 countries. In response to this, Nadiem also made a
breakthrough in assessing the minimum abilities, including literacy, numeracy, and character
surveys. Literacy does not only measure reading ability, but also the ability to analyze the
content of reading and understand the concepts behind it. For numeracy skills, what is
assessed is not mathematics, but an assessment of the ability of students to apply numerical
concepts in real life. One remaining aspect, namely the Character Survey, is not a test, but a
search for the extent to which the values of character, religion, and Pancasila have been
practiced by students. (Nofri Hendri, 2020)
Independence should be imposed on the way children think, that is, do not always be
"pioneered", or told to admit the ideas of others, will still make it a habit for children to seek
knowledge on their own by using their own minds..." Ki Hadjar Dewantara (Book of Taman-
Student Memorial 30 Years, 1922-1952). Children are basically able to think to "find" a
knowledge. What does independence mean in his statement? In an article in the book
Education, he stated "In education it must always be remembered that independence is of
three kinds: independent, independent of others, and self-regulating". Standing alone means
independence in learning to recognize children as owners of learning. Children have the
authority and initiative to learn. Learning children do not have to gather in a unit such as a
class or study group.(Nofri Hendri, 2020)
The concept of independent learning implies the existence of freedom of thought.
According to Nadiem Makarim, the essence of freedom of thought must be initiated by

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Volume 3, Issue 5, June 2022 E-ISSN: 2686-6331, P-ISSN: 2686-6358

educators. This view must be seen as an effort to respect changes in learning in educational
institutions, both in elementary schools and universities.(Simatupang & Yuhertiana, 2021a)
The concept of independent learning according to Nadiem Makarim is: (Mustagfiroh, 2020)
a) Teaching will be more flexible which is usually inside the classroom to outside the
b) The learning atmosphere will be more comfortable, because students can discuss more
with the teacher, learn with outing class
c) form the character of students who are brave, independent, clever in socializing,
civilized, polite, competent
d) In the future, students who are ready to work, competent, and virtuous in the
community will formed.
e) a happy learning atmosphere without being burdened with achieving certain scores or
This Independent Learning has been studied by many previous researchers, including:
(Industri, 2020), (Denny et al., 2022), (Nasir et al., 2022), and (Yamin & Syahrir, 2020).
Confidence is a very important thing that should be owned by everyone. The
existence of a person's self-confidence will be able to achieve all the desires in his life
(Lengkana, Tangkudung, & Asmawi, 2018). So it can be said that self-assessment is a
positive assessment. This positive assessment will later lead to a motivation in the individual
to be more willing to respect himself. (Mulya & Lengkana, 2020).
Self-confidence is an attitude or belief in one's own abilities so that in their actions
they are not too anxious, feel free to do things according to their wishes and are responsible
for their actions, are polite in interacting with others, have an achievement drive and can
recognize their strengths. and self-deprivation. Lauster describes that people who have self-
confidence have the characteristics of selflessness (tolerance), do not need encouragement
from others, are optimistic and happy. (Tanjung & Amelia, 2017)
Characteristics of Self-Confidence According to Thursan Hakim the characteristics of
a confident person include: a. Always be calm in doing everything b. Have adequate potential
and abilities. c. Able to neutralize tensions that arise in various situations. d. Able to adapt
and communicate in various situations. e. Have a mental and physical condition that is
sufficient to support appearance. f. Have sufficient intelligence g. Have a sufficient level of
formal education. h. Have social skills. i. Have a good educational background. j. Having life
experiences that forge mentally strong. k. Always react positively in the face of various
Self-confidence is a feeling and belief in one's ability to be able to achieve success by
standing on one's own business and developing a positive assessment for oneself and the
environment so that a person can appear confident and be able to face everything calmly.
Self-confidence plays a role in making a meaningful contribution to the process of one's life.
Self-confidence is one of the main assets for success to live life with optimism and the key to
a successful and happy life. (Fitri et al., 2018)
So it can be concluded that self-confidence is a belief in oneself with the ability to
achieve a goal in life. A person will never be a person who is truly confident, because that
confidence arises only with regard to certain skills he has. People who lack confidence in
their abilities and self-confidence have a negative self-concept, because they often close
themselves off. Meanwhile, motivation is an impulse that occurs because of a stimulus from
outside, it can also be because there is an impulse within him to want to achieve more.
Self-confidence has been studied by many previous researchers, including: (Achdiyat
& Lestari, 2016), (Abraham, 2014), (Nasir et al., 2022) and (Amri, 2018).

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Volume 3, Issue 5, June 2022 E-ISSN: 2686-6331, P-ISSN: 2686-6358

Motivation is one of the most important dynamic aspects. It often happens that
students who lack achievement are not caused by their lack of ability, but because there is no
motivation to learn so that they do not try to direct all their abilities. In the traditional
learning process that uses an expository approach, the teacher sometimes forgets the element
of motivation. The teacher seems to force the students to accept the material that is conveyed.
Learning motivation is a condition that exists in an individual where there is an urge
to do something in order to achieve the goal. According to Mc Donald in Kompri motivation
is a change in energy in a person's personality which is characterized by the emergence of
affective (feelings) and reactions to achieve goals. Thus the emergence of motivation is
marked by a change in energy in a person that can be realized or not. (Emda, 2018)
Motivation is a desire that arises from within a person or individual because he is
inspired, encouraged, and driven to carry out activities with sincerity, pleasure, and sincerity
so that the results of the activities he does get good and quality results.(Farisi et al., 2020)
A person's success in the learning process depends on himself and also on the
environment. A great desire from within oneself to succeed will make a person more active in
learning. This desire is called motivation. Sadirman also suggests that motivation can be
understood as a driving force from passive to active and emerges with the aim of achieving
what is desired.(Palittin et al., 2019)
Motivation is a series of efforts to provide certain conditions, so that someone wants
and wants to do something and if they don't like it, they will try to negate or avoid the feeling
of dislike. So motivation can be stimulated by external factors, but motivation grows within a
person. The environment is one of the external factors that can foster motivation in a person
to learn.
According to Kompri (2016:232) learning motivation is a psychological aspect that is
experiencing development, meaning that it is affected by physiological conditions and
psychological maturity of students. Some elements that influence motivation in learning are:
a) Student aspirations and aspirations. The ideals will strengthen students' learning
motivation both intrinsic and extrinsic.
b) Abilities of Students A child's desire needs to be accompanied by abilities and skills
in achieving them.
c) Student Conditions Student conditions which include physical and spiritual
conditions. A student who is sick will interfere with attention in learning.
d) Student Environmental Conditions. The student environment can be in the form of the
natural environment, residential environment, peer association and social life.
There are 2 roles in motivation. First, motivation is a psychic driving force in a person
which will lead to a desire to learn and also ensure that the learning process continues for
certain purposes. Second, motivation provides enthusiasm and also a sense of pleasure in the
learning process which can generate energy for learning. If someone has high energy in
learning, it will indirectly affect that person in learning, namely the more active he is in
learning. Whether or not someone is active in learning is also what will ultimately affect the
learning outcomes. This means that students with high motivation have high learning energy
so that it can lead to high learning outcomes as well, and vice versa. (Siregar dan Nara,
Motivation has been widely studied by previous researchers including: (Pratama et al.,
2010), (Suciningrum et al., 2021), dan (Muhammad, 2017).

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Volume 3, Issue 5, June 2022 E-ISSN: 2686-6331, P-ISSN: 2686-6358

Table 2. Previous Research

No Author (Year) Previous Research Results Similarities to this Difference with this
article article
1 (Arif Musthofa Critical Thinking has a Critical thinking is Critical thinking affects
& Ali, 2021) significant influence on influential in the self-confidence and
Islamic Education in educational aspect motivation
2 (Masitoh, 2019) Critical thinking can Critical thinking is Critical thinking affects
improve intellectual in influential in the aspect of self-confidence and
solving problems in the education motivation
basic concepts of education
3 (Rachmadtullah, Critical thinking and Critical thinking can Critical thinking affects
2015) concepts can improve improve the quality of self-confidence and
student learning outcomes education motivation
4 (Suhartoyo et Independent Learning Independent Learning has Independent Learing
al., 2020) affects the contextual an influence on the has a significant effect
learning process achievement of on self-confidence and
educational goals motivation
5 (Nofri Hendri, Independent Learning is a Independent Learning Independent Learning
2020) solution in solving various affects the quality of has a significant effect
educational problems in education on self-confidence and
Indonesia motivation
6 (Simatupang & Independent Learning Independent Learning has Independent Learning
Yuhertiana, affects the learning a significant influence on has a significant effect
2021a) paradigm in education the quality of learning on self-confidence and
7 (Mulya & Self-confidence, motivation Self-confidence is very Self-confidence affects
Lengkana, have a positive and influential in a person Critical Thinking &
2020) significant effect on learning Free Learning
8 (Tanjung & Self-confidence has a Self-confidence has a Confidence affects
Amelia, 2017) significant effect on a significant effect on a Critical Thinking
person person
9 (Fitri et al., Self-confidence influences a Self-confidence has a Self-confidence affects
2018) person's actions significant effect on a Critical Thinking &
person Free Learning
10 (Emda, 2018) Motivation has a positive Motivation affects Motivation influences
effect on students and the students' internal factors critical thinking and
learning process and learning independent learning
11 (Farisi et al., Motivation and work Motivation affects one's Motivation influences
2020) discipline have a positive performance critical thinking and
effect on employee independent learning
12 (Palittin et al., Motivation affects student Motivation has a Motivation has an
2019) learning outcomes significant effect in the effect on Independent
world of education Learning and critical
13 (Melyana & The Effect of Confidence The Effect of Confidence The Effect of
Pujiastuti, 2020) Against Against Confidence Against
Mathematical Critical Mathematical Critical Mathematical Critical
Thinking Ability Thinking Ability Thinking Ability
14 (Kusumawati Independent Learning Independent Learning Independent Learning
& Sutisna, Affects Students' affects learning outcomes affects students' self-
2021) Independent Learning and goals confidence
15 (Mudzakir, Independent Learning has a Independent Learning Independent Learning
2021) positive effect on students' affects students' internal affects self-confidence
interest in learning factors

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The method of writing scientific articles is by using qualitative methods and literature
review (Library Research). Assessing theory and the relationship or influence between
variables from books and journals both offline in the library and online sourced from
Mendeley, Scholar Google and other online media.
In qualitative research, literature review must be used consistently with methodological
assumptions. This means that it must be used inductively so that it does not direct the
questions posed by the researcher. One of the main reasons for conducting qualitative
research is that it is exploratory. (Ali & Limakrisna, 2013)


The Effect of Confidence on Critical Thinking.
Confidence affects Critical Thinking, and the dimensions or indicators of Confidence
are: (Tanjung & Amelia, 2017) a. Always be calm in doing everything b. Have sufficient
potential and ability. c. Able to neutralize tensions that arise in various situations. d. Able to
adapt and communicate in various situations. e. Have a mental and physical condition that is
sufficient to support appearance f. Have enough intelligence g. Have a sufficient level of
formal education. h. Have social skills. i. Have a good educational background. j. Having life
experiences that forge mentally strong. k. Always react positively in the face of various
Affect the dimensions or indicators of Critical Thinking, namely interpretation,
analysis, evaluation and inference.(Karim & Normaya, 2015) A person's learning success can
be seen based on affective abilities (Hidayat, 2017). In growing mathematical critical
thinking skills, it is necessary to have an important component that students must have,
namely an attitude of trust and confidence in their own abilities, this is so that students avoid
worry and doubt. Self-confidence is a psychological state of individuals who can make
themselves feel confident to take an action. In addition, self-confidence can encourage a
person's motivation to achieve success in solving a problem at hand. So that the higher the
individual's confidence in his abilities, the stronger the enthusiasm in completing the work
Self-confidence affects Critical Thinking, where the dimensions or indicators of
Confidence include: (1) students with good self-confidence will tend not to be afraid to take
risks in solving problems; (2) students tend to have many ideas in working on the problems at
hand. Meanwhile, students with poor self-confidence will tend to answer improvised
questions according to the knowledge gained and prioritize memorization, so that these
students do not dare to make decisions when solving problems.(Melyana & Pujiastuti, 2020)
Self-confidence affects Critical Thinking, this is in line with research conducted by:
(Tresnawati et al., 2017), (Koriyah & Harta, 2015), dan (Pradja & Tresnawati, 2018).

The Effect of Motivation on Critical Thinking

Motivation affects Critical Thinking, where the dimensions or indicators of Motivation
Motivation contain three main components, namely moving, directing, and supporting human
behavior, namely (a) To move means to generate strength in individuals, leading someone to
act in a certain way. For example, the strength in terms of memory, effective responses, and
the tendency to get pleasure. (b) Directing or channeling behavior. Thus it provides a goal
orientation. Individual behavior is directed towards something. (c) To maintain or sustain
behavior, the surrounding environment must strengthen the intensity and direction of
individual drives and forces influencing the dimensions or indicators. Critical Thinking is an
indicator that has been put forward by Ennis, namely concepts, generalizations, skills and
problem solving. (Zanthy, 2016)

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Based on research conducted by Anita in 2015 showed that the relationship between
learning motivation and students' critical thinking skills. The level of students' critical
thinking skills is closely related to the student's learning motivation.(Anita, 2015)
Motivation has an effect on Critical Thinking, if motivation is perceived well by
customers / consumers then this will be able to improve the quality of Critical
Thinking.(Anita, 2015)
Motivation has an effect on Critical Thinking, this is in line with research conducted
by: (Sulistianingsih, 2017), (Hasnan et al., 2020), dan (Dwi Sanderayanti, 2015).

The Influence of Self-Confidence on Free Learning

Self-confidence affects Critical Thinking, where the dimension or indicator of Self-
Confidence is an attitude or belief in one's own abilities so that in their actions they are not
too anxious, feel free to do things according to their wishes and are responsible for their
actions, polite in interacting with others. others, have an achievement drive and can recognize
their own strengths and weaknesses. Lauster describes that people who have self-confidence
have the characteristics of selflessness (tolerance), do not need encouragement from others,
are optimistic and happy. (Tanjung & Amelia, 2017) affect the dimensions or indicators of
Freedom to Learn which are of three kinds: independent, independent from others, and self-
regulating”. Standing alone means independence in learning to recognize children as owners
of learning. Children have the authority and initiative to learn. Learning children do not have
to gather in a unit such as a class or study group.(Nofri Hendri, 2020).
Based on the concept above, self-confidence has a very significant influence on
independent learning which means that children can be independent and creative to realize
their ideas or ideas optimally. There is harmony between the policy of independent learning
and the concept of independent learning. From the explanation above, it is emphasized that
there is independence and flexibility in exploring to the fullest the abilities and potentials of
students who naturally have diverse abilities and potentials. (Kusumawati & Sutisna, 2021)
Self-confidence has an effect on Independent Learning, this is in line with research
conducted by: (Ainia, 2020), (BASTARI, 2021), dan (Widodo, A., & Nursaptini, 2020).

The Effect of Motivation on Free Learning

Motivation has an effect on Independent Learning, where the dimensions or indicators
of motivation.
First, motivation is a psychic driving force in a person which will lead to a desire to
learn and also ensure that the learning process continues for certain purposes. Second,
motivation provides enthusiasm and also a sense of pleasure in the learning process which
can generate energy for learning. If someone has high energy in learning, it will indirectly
affect that person in learning, namely the more active he is in learning. Whether or not
someone is active in learning is also what will ultimately affect the learning outcomes. This
means that students with high motivation have high learning energy so that it can lead to high
learning outcomes as well, and vice versa (Siregar and Nara, 2011). Influence on independent
learning that gives full autonomy to institutions, educators and students to develop different
skills and competencies. (Simatupang & Yuhertiana, 2021b).
The four changes above were certainly initiated to support "freedom of learning".
Changes to the exams (USBN and UN) were made to improve the quality of graduates, as
well as to free students from various unnecessary learning activities. The reshuffle of the
lesson plans made by the teacher was carried out for efficiency and to free teachers from all
learning administration that was not really needed. And, changes to the Zoning PPDB were
made so that student admissions in schools could be implemented more flexibly. (Suhartoyo
et al., 2020)

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Motivation has an effect on Independent Learning, this is in line with research

conducted by: (Muhajir et al., 2021), (Merdeka, 2021), dan (Mudzakir, 2021).

The Effect of Critical Thinking on Free Learning

Critical Thinking as a variable consists of two main aspects, namely aspects (1) critical
thinking skills or critical-thinking skills and (2) critical attitudes or critical-thinking
dispositions. Furthermore, problem solving cannot be done from scratch, requires concrete
steps. Following are the steps for solving the problem (problem solving): a) Realizing the
existence of a problem; b) Understand the nature of the problem clearly; c) Propose a
hypothesis; d) Collecting data; e) Data analysis and synthesis; f) Trying to draw conclusions;
g) Evaluating the whole problem solving process (Masitoh, 2019). Has a significant influence
on the concept of independent learning.
In an effort to improve students' critical thinking skills and develop the concept of
independent learning, it will increasingly make a major contribution to the activities of the
teaching and learning process. (Susanto & Daya, 2022)
Critical Thinking has an effect on Independent Learning, this is in line with research
conducted by: (Bahar & Herli, Sundi, 2020), (Hadiapurwa et al., 2021); (SUWARDI, 2021).

Conceptual Framework
Based on the formulation of the problem, theoretical studies, relevant previous
research and discussion of the influence between variables, the framework for thinking in this
article is as follows.
Confidence Critical thinking


Motivation Independent Learning

Figure 1. The Framework

a. Based on the conceptual framework above, then: Critical thinking and Independent
Learning affects self-confidence and motivation
b. Apart from the two variables that affect motivation and self-confidence, there are many
other variables that influence them, including:
1) learning achievement: (Jannah et al., 2021), (Hapsari & Zulherman, 2021), (Rozikin et
al., 2018), (Praseptia & Zulherman, 2021), (Syafari & Montessori, 2021), (Wijaya et
al., 2019), (Astriyani et al., 2018) and (Jaya, 2019)
2) creativity: (Effendi, 2016; Faishol et al., 2021; Hulu, 2020; Isnawati, N. & Samian,
2018; Novianto et al., 2018; Urip, 2021; Wiyono, 2018)
3) interest in learning: (Lestari, 2015; Nurhasanah & Sobandi, 2016; Pratiwi, 2017;
Ratnasari, 2017; Sirait, 2016; Yunitasari & Hanifah, 2020; Yuwanita et al., 2020)
Based on the conceptual framework picture above, then: Self-confidence and
motivation affect Critical Thinking and Independent Learning either directly or indirectly.

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Volume 3, Issue 5, June 2022 E-ISSN: 2686-6331, P-ISSN: 2686-6358


Based on theory, relevant articles and discussions, hypotheses can be formulated for
further research: 1. Self-confidence affects Critical Thinking. 2. Motivation affects Critical
Thinking. 3. Self-confidence affects the Freedom of Learning. 4. Motivation has an effect on
Independent Learning. 5. Critical Thinking affects the Freedom of Learning.

Based on the conclusions above, the suggestion in this article is that there are many
other factors that influence Critical Thinking and Free Learning, apart from Critical Thinking
and Free Learning in all types and levels of education, organizations or companies, therefore
further studies are needed. further to look for other factors that can influence Critical
Thinking and Independent Learning other than those studied in this article such as: interests,
developments of the times (5.0) and regulations.

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