Grade 9 Unit 2 Football Lesson Plans

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Teacher: Subject: PE

Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 1

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes

Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:
 Be able to dribble under pressure  All students will be able to dribble the football with control
 Have excellent decision making  Most students will be able to dribble with control and speed while evading defenders
 Some students will be able to dribble with their head up at pace while evading defenders

Key vocabulary: Dribble Space Control Speed Direction Awareness

Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, cones Introduction: Time: 10mins

 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit

 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 All students will have a ball and cones dotted around the area
 Students will be expected to dribble at a moderate speed with their head raised
to see other players and cones.
 When a player reaches a cone they must either turn away quickly or evade the
cone using a faint/fake. More able students can try other skills.
 When the teacher shouts speed, players will be expected to dribble quickly into
a space for 5 seconds.
 When the teacher calls control players must increase their touches on the ball
for 10 seconds (both feet, all parts of the feet).


What players do you know that move at speed while dribbling? (Ronaldo) *Example

What players do you that take lots of small touches on the ball? (Messi) *Example

Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: End Zone Time: 15 mins

cones, bibs,
 Players must all start at one end zone and one side of the field.
 Two players will start as the defenders.
 Students will drive from one end to the other. If caught that player becomes a
defender. To ‘catch’ a player means to knock their ball out of bounds. If the ball
stays inside the area, the player is still alive.
 The winner is the last (or last 2) player not caught
 Students should think about the ideas from the warm up: Running into space at
speed, turning away from defenders and trying a different direction, faking and
 Walk students through demonstration of the rules
 When in possession – defenders must be semi-passive.

 Tighter area / gates for end zones
 Non-dominant foot only / only outsides of feet / only insides of feet

 Footballs, Activity 2: End Zone Part 2 Time: 15 mins

cones, bibs
 Split students in to equal teams (3v3 or more)
 Students will have to play a game of football with endzones instead of goals
 Students will win points by either dribbling past/evading a defender
 Students will win points for stopping the footall in the end zone. If the ball is
not under control, the point doesn’t count.
 Players can also pass.


What happens when you always decide to dribble at a defender.

 Bigger endzones
 Less players on the field

 More players in the game
 Students to keep the ball without being tackled in the endzone for 3 seconds to score.

Resources Plenary

 Booklets, Time: 5
other Questions
printed  Describe a time you used your dribbling to create a chance to score (a goal or points).
resources  What should we try to do with our head/eyes as often as possible?
Stretch questions
 Why is it important to move into space with speed?
 Why is it important to be able to change direction?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.

Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:

 G9.1.1.12 Dribbles with feet or an implement with control using a change of speed and direction to beat defenders in small-sided game play.
 G9.1.1.33 An individual can change the direction of their body movement at speed, using weight transfer, to effectively evade an opponent
 G9.2.1.2 Executes offensive tactics consistently in game play to create open space.

Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good


What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)
Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further.


Teacher: Subject: PE

Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 2

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes

Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:
 Pass the football  All students will be able to pass the ball to a teammate and receive a pass from a teammate
 Receive a pass with control  Most students will be able to pass accurately and receive the ball with control
 Some students will be able to pass accurately to a teammate or into space and control the ball into
the direction they want to move
Key vocabulary: Pass Control Speed Direction Receive Weight of pass

Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, Introduction: Time: 10mins

cones, bibs
 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit
 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 Half of the students will move around the area with a ball, half without.
 When number 1 is called players must dribble around a corner cone of the box
and then pass to a student without a ball
 When number 2 is called players must change direction and pass to a student
without a ball
 When number 3 is called players must play a ‘1-2’ with another student


 What part of the foot can you pass with?

 What is it important to do just before passing?
Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: Pass and move Time: 15 mins 2 3

cones, bibs
 8 players are assigned to each small square.
 Each player stands at a different corner cone.
 Players will begin passing in a clockwise direction.
 Players continually do this and follow their pass to join the next cone.
 On the first practice players are allowed 3 touches.
 When players have improved they must then reduce to only two touches
(including the pass).
 Progression: Player 1 passes to player 2, they then exchange a short give and go
and then 2 passes to 3 and carries out the same series of passes.


What part of the foot is best to pass with during this practice?

What should players receiving the ball do a few seconds before the pass is made?

1 4

 One football only
 Multiple touches allowed

 Students can begin with 2 touches
 Students can pass with their weaker foot or different parts of their foot to control

 Footballs, Activity 2: Possession Traingle Time: 15 mins

cones, bibs
 Students will keep possession of the ball.
 Focus is on off of the ball movement (the empty corner).
 Students will offer the player in possession two options at all times.
 There will be several areas set up for the same practice to increase activity.
 Encourage players to communicate to one another to improve performance.


Does the player in possession perform better when they have one or two options
available to pass to?

 Increase or decrease distance of cones to allow easier pass.
 Pass with more accuracy and less power.
 Semi-Passive defender

 Pass into space in front of next players corner (lead pass)
 Students to use non-dominant foot.
 Fully active defender

Resources Plenary

 Booklets, Time: 5
any other Questions
resources  What factor or factors made you decide which way to move with your first touch?
Stretch questions
 Why is off the ball movement important?
 How important is communication?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.

Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:

 G9.1.1.8 Passes and receives with hands or feet in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction and speed with
competency in invasion games with pressure from a defender.
 G9.2.1.3 Creates open space consistently through intelligent movement whilst under pressure in small-sided and full sided game play.

Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good


What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)
Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further


Teacher: Subject: PE

Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 3

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes

Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:
 Use movement to improve performance  All students will be able to move into space.
 Control the ball with one touch  Most students will be able to move into space and take a good first touch.
 Some students will be able to move into space early and identify where the next pass should go
before receiving the ball.

Key vocabulary: Pass Control Speed Direction Weight of pass Power Accuracy
Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, Introduction: Time: 10mins

cones, bibs
 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit
 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 Students will keep possession of the ball.
 Focus is on off of the ball movement (the empty corner).
 Students will offer the player in possession two options at all times.
 There will be several areas set up for the same practice to increase activity.
 Encourage players to communicate to one another to improve performance.


When should you begin to move to the empty cone?

Explain one thing you have learned since practicing off the ball movement.
Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: Tri-Colour with observers Time: 15 minutes

cones, bibs
 2 team’s vs 1 team - possession game.

 Aim for attacking team to complete 10 successful passes.

 If the defending (red) team tackles or intercepts the ball, the last team to have
the ball takes the defending position.

 Teams will need to show effective evasive and creative movements to create
space for passing opportunities.
Observers stand on side of activity – try to
 Key evasive movements should be shared to allow students to
highlight strengths and areas for improvement.
explore/demonstrate throughout activity.

 Observers to analyse movements of one player/team. Observers allocated to

one team, substitute them after 3 mins of observation – each student to analyse

 Reduce to 5 successful passes.
 Only one defender can tackle the ball.

 Ask students to use non-dominant foot.
 Limit students to 3 touches – encourage them to move the ball quickly.

 Footballs, Activity 2: Small sided games Time: 15 minutes

cones, bibs,  5 a-side teams – play basic game, include throw ins.
goal  Defenders to reduce space available.
 Attackers need to think about positions and movement in the area to create
chances to shoot.
 Attackers need to think about range and direction of passing – short, long or
 Teams to be stopped half way through to analyse own performance – discuss
strengths and areas be several areas set up for the same practice to increase
Encourage correct technique for shooting – think
about timing, power and precision.

 Allow kick ins if unable to throw correctly.
 Each team to have star player – these players are not allowed to be tackled (work on individual skills during match with limited

 Use a target player that sets the ball for teammates to shoot.
 Limit players to 3 touches on the ball.

Resources Plenary

 Time: 5
 What is a motor skills?
 What skills did you analyse today?
Stretch questions
 Explain what areas for improvement your peer/team have?
 What individual strengths do you have when performing?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.

Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:

 G9.2.1.13 Identifying and analysing mechanical advantage(s) for a variety of movement patterns.
 G9.2.1.2 Executes offensive tactics consistently in game play to create open space.
 G9.2.1.3 Creates open space consistently through intelligent movement whilst under pressure in small-sided and full sided game play.

Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good

What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)

Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further

Teacher: Subject: PE

Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 4

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes

Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:
 Perform short and long passes  All students will be able to move into space.
 Control the ball with one touch  Most students will be able to move into space with good timing and prepare to receive the pass.
 Move into positions to receive passes  Some students will be able to time their runs to receive the ball as well as take their first touch into

Key vocabulary: Pass Control Volley Direction Weight of pass Power Accuracy

Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, Introduction: Time: 10mins

cones, bibs
 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit
 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 3v1s /4v1s / 4v2s (Adapt to numbers in the classroom)
 Students must keep the ball away from the defender.
 Students are expected to use skills from previous lessons
 These include: Movement off of the ball, passing with different parts of the feet
accruarely, always ensuring the player on the ball has two options minimum and
taking first touch into space away from defender to create space for next pass.


What must students do in order to give the player on the ball the option to pass?

What types of passes are best during this game?

Why is it important to create triangles when passing?

Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: Volley Passing Time: 15 mins

cones, bibs
 Half of the students on the outside of the box with a ball and half in the middle
without a ball
 Players in the middle must move around looking for space and for a student on
the side with the ball.
 Players will return the ball to the player on the side in a number of different
 Round 1: First time volley
 Round 2: Keep up with both knees and volley
 Round 3: Chest and volley


Why is it important to be able to return the ball in multiple ways?

 Walk students through demonstration of practice slowly as it can be difficult at first.
 Keep the ball on the ground
 Only work on technique of a short pass

 Add chest - head or knee - head

 Footballs, Activity 2: Possession game Time: 15mins

cones, bibs
 Students will keep the ball away from the defender
 After 5 passes they must try and play a chipped/lofted/lobbed pass to the other
box. Players will aerially control the ball and the first pass is free. Players then
must make 5 passes before passing back again.
 If the defender gets the ball, they swap with the player who lost possession
 The number of defenders and attackers can be changed
 There will be several areas set up for the same practice to increase activity

 Decrease distance between boxes
 Make area bigger

 Increase distance between boxes
 Decrease size of area
 Students to use non-dominant foot.

Resources Plenary

 Footballs, Time: 5
cones, bibs Questions
 What other skills are important when keeping the ball during possession games?
Stretch questions
 Explain why it is important to be able to control and pass at different aerial heights?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.
Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:

 G9.1.1.8 Passes and receives with hands or feet in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction and speed with
competency in invasion games with pressure from a defender.
 G9.4.1.5 Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity, exercise and movement sequence (injury prevention, proper alignment,
hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection, etc.).

Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good

What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)

Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further


Teacher: Subject: PE
Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 5

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes

Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:
 Score when under pressure from opposition  All students will be able to perform the correct shooting technique
 Most students will be able to shoot with accuracy and power
 Some students will be able to score accurately and powerfully under pressure

Key vocabulary: Shoot Score Direction Power Accuracy Attack

Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, Introduction: Time: 10mins

cones, bibs
 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit
 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 Students will run around the gym hall without a ball. The teacher will have
different commands – Jump, Change (Direction), Hop, Shoot and any others they
wish you create.
 On shoot students will perform the shooting technique (with teaching points
from the teacher). Plant standing foot, toe pointed in direction of where the
ball will go, use arms for balance and aim to strike the ball with the laces.
 Now the teacher can introduce a ball for each student. On the command ‘shoot’
students will turn and dribble towards the gym wall. They will shoot towards
the wall without power and aim to use the correct technique.


What are the teachning points for the shoot technique?

What other parts of the foot can we use to shoot?

Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: Time: 15 mins

cones, bibs
 Each team will stand behind a cone.
 The teacher will call a number. The number of students will run around the
outside cone. The first team to have a player around the cone will be given the
ball. That team will be expected to score as quickly as possible. If they miss, the
other team can win possession and try to have an attempt.
 Each team is allowed one attempt before running to their cones.


Was it easier to score by shooting first time on receiving the ball or taking several
How accurate were your shots?

 Walk students through demonstration of practice slowly as it can be difficult at first.
 Call less numbers and allow more time.

 Students should shoot on sight.
 Students can strike with their weaker foot.

Footballs, Activity 2: Small sided games Time: 15 minutes

cones, bibs
 5 a-side teams – play basic game, include throw ins.
 Defenders to reduce space available.
 Attackers need to think about positions and movement in the area to create
chances to shoot.
 Attackers need to think about range and direction of passing – short, long or
 Teams to be stopped half way through to analyse own performance – discuss
strengths and areas for improvement. Each team to identify one of each. Encourage correct technique for shooting – think
about timing, power and precision.

 Allow kick ins if unable to throw correctly.
 Each team to have star player – these players are not allowed to be tackled (work on individual skills during match with limited
 Use a target player that sets the ball for teammates to shoot.
 Limit players to 3 touches on the ball.

Resources Plenary

 Time: 5
 What are the teaching points for shooting in football?
Stretch questions
 What tactics did you use in attack to create space for shooting?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.

Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:

 G9.1.1.14 Shoots towards goal with hands, feet or long-handled implement for power and accuracy in small-sided games with the pressure from
 G9.1.1.33 An individual can change the direction of their body movement at speed, using weight transfer, to effectively evade an opponent.
Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good


What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)
Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further


Teacher: Subject: PE

Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 6

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes

Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:  All students will be able to demonstrate one attacking technique.
 Counter attack effectively  Most students will be able to demonstrate the counter attack strategy.
 Use a number of attacking strategies to
score  Some students will effectively use advanced attacking movements to create and use space.
Key vocabulary: Effective Score Counter Creative Attack

Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, Introduction: Time: 10mins

cones, bibs
 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit
 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 Students will play a basic possession game of 3v1 or 4v1.
 Students have to make ten passes without losing the ball
 If the students can successfully keep the ball for ten passes they can then decide
to drive out of the square and shoot at goal.
 If the defender wins the ball they can shoot and then switch with the student
who lost the ball. If the team successfully score a goal after ten passes, they
must switch the defender.


How important is it to be able to turn defence into attack quickly?

What does it mean to ‘counter attack’?

Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: Counter Attack Time: 15 minutes

cones, bibs
 Small sided game.
 Teams can only shoot if all team players are in opposition half – encourages
students to counter attack with speed and directness.
 Requires teamwork and good positioning to move the ball quickly from a
defensive position.
 Encourage students to think about range and accuracy of passing – use of
disguised passing.
 Students need to think about speed of play and ability to transition from attack
to defence and defence to attack. Positioning is important:
 For defending team, encourage the idea of man marking.
Ensure all students have decided which position
they are going to play during defence and how
Questions: advanced they will be during attack.

Why is it effective to have all players attacking together?

What may the other team do once your attack has finished?

 Remove goalkeeper for more success at scoring goals.
 Include bigger area for players to counter attack into – no longer use the half way point of the pitch.

 Decrease size of the area, encourage students to move quicker and create space.
 Attackers must perform one evasive action before shooting.

 Footballs, Activity 2: Small Games with Officials Time: 15 minutes

cones, bibs  Discuss rules of game with students – who are the officials? Basic rules of play?
What is a foul? What happens if the ball goes out of play?
 Students can then officiate match with teacher support.

 Create small pitches and split teams into fair teams (6v6 games where possible).
 5 minute games - change teams after time finishes for all teams to play a
different team.
 Goalkeepers optional.
 Encourage students to think about creative play – runs off the ball, fakes, give Encourage students to choose different
and go passing. formations to produce different creativity
 After each game ask teams to discuss their attacking/defending tactics – were options and/or limit options.
positions chosen effective? Did they score? Why were they
successful/unsuccessful? Was man marking used / target man / counter attack?

Encourage use of the counter attack.

 Make teams smaller so more chance of touching the ball.
 Give students specific positions instead of them choosing.

 Limit amount of touches each player is allowed – maximum 3 touches.
 Teams must make 5 successful passes before shooting.

Resources Plenary

 Time: 5
 What are the teaching points of the counter attack.
 What tactics did you use in attack to create opportunities to score?
Stretch questions
 Why is it useful to be able to turn defence into attack effectively?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.

Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:

 G9.2.1.2 Executes offensive tactics consistently in game play to create open space.
 G9.2.1.6 Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering quickly and communicating with teammates.
 G9.2.1.17 Knows the basic rules/regulations of selected physical activities/sports, and how these relate to, and affect, participation (rules and
Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good


What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)
Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further


Teacher: Subject: PE

Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 7

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes

Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:  All students will be able to demonstrate defending techniques.
 Use a number of defensive strategies to  Some students will be able to mark attackers and prevent the opposition from scoring.
prevent successful attacks
 Some students will be able to effectively defend as part of a team using appropriate techniques and
strategies to prevent successful attacks.

Key vocabulary: Shoot Score Direction Power Accuracy Attack

Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, Introduction: Time: 10mins
cones, bibs
 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit
 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 Round 1: Students will work in pairs
 One player will dribble with the ball while the other player jos behind
 When the teacher whistles the dribbling player must try and lose the player
following them.
 The following player (defender) must stay as close to the dribbler as possible as
though it was a game.
 No tackling on the first round.
 Round 2: the player to have the ball at the end of the 20 seconds is the winner.
 Players must pick up the ball and hold it above their head to show the teacher
they are the winner.


What defending tactic(s) did you use to win the ball?

Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: Defending Press to Clear Time: 15 minutes

cones, bibs
 Two teams – attack vs defence (2v2).
 Defenders start either side of goal, the goalkeeper will perform a throw/long
pass into attackers. Defenders then sprint out to close down attackers, attackers
must use space quickly to shoot.
 Defenders must work on clearance – tackle to clear the ball from defending
 Attackers movement off the ball important to help create space and pull
defenders out of position.
 Encourage defenders to close down attackers quickly to reduce time and space.
 Defenders should clear the ball from the defending area.
 Decrease the size of the area to reduce the space available for attackers.
 Instruct attackers to pass the ball at least two times before shooting.

 Attackers only need to pass the ball one time before shooting.
Increase size of the area.

 Footballs, Activity 2: Man Mark 15 minutes

cones, bibs
 Small sided game.
 Players pick specific players to man mark and defend against.
 Players can only tackle the man they have identified at the start of the activity.
 Requires teamwork and good communication to successfully defend.
 For defending team, clearance skills will be developed.

Communication to help keep the ball but also to help defenders close down space.
Encourage students to position themselves correctly when defending.

 Give specific positions and specific players to man mark.
 Attacking team must pass the ball at least 5 times before shooting – allows more time to defend.

 Players can tackle up to two players.
 Goals must be scored with one touch shot.

Resources Plenary

 Time: 5
 What are the teaching points for a shot in football?
 What part of the foot produced the most accuracy / power?
Stretch questions
 What tactics did you use in attack to create space for shooting?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.

Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:

 G9.2.1.5 Consistently reads the defensive situation in game play and selects the correct response (denial, allowing catch, interception or deflection).
 G9.2.1.6 Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering quickly and communicating with teammates.
 G9.2.1.4 Identifying the most effective method of reducing open space on defence quickly and consistently.

Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good


What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)

Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further


Teacher: Subject: PE

Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 8

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes
Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:
 Be tactically skilled  All students will be able to apply basic skills effectively
 Be able to perform skills well during game  Most students will be able to apply skills and tactics effectively.
play.  Some students will be able to lead a team and support others while applying skills and tactics.

Key vocabulary: Shoot Score Direction Power Accuracy Attack

Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, Introduction: Time: 10mins

cones, bibs
 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit
 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 Students will play a basic possession game
 Students will number each other keep the ball between the players in the box.
 The teacher will shout a number and that player must run to the next box to win
the ball. If/when they win the ball they are free to return to their team’s box.
 The teacher will then call a new number.
 Defenders will focus on closing down the ball.
 Teachers can call two or 3 numbers if they wish to make it more difficult.

When defending, how did you put the opposition players under pressure?

When attacking, what strategies did you use to keep the ball?

Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: Three is a crowd with observers Time: 15 minutes

cones, bibs
 3 vs 3 possession game.
 Teams aim to dribble or pass the ball into the end zone, but it must be under
control to score a goal.
 No goal is scored if the ball travels outside of the end zone.
 Students are encouraged to be creative when in possession of the ball, as well
as active off the ball to evade defenders.
 Evasive movements include: fakes, step-overs, give and go’s, quick sprints,
changes of direction and playing into space.
Players need to demonstrate competency of
Observers will alternate with a team – basic analysis conducted to observe motor techniques including: passing, receiving,
and technical skills performed by individuals. Strengths and areas of improvement. dribbling, attacking and defending movements.
 Only one defender can tackle – two must remain passive defenders, no tackling.
 When defending one player must stay in the end zone – becomes active when team has possession.
 (Observers – provide starter points for students to look for)

 Use of non-dominant foot only.
 Teams must complete 3 passes before attempting to score.
(Observers – ask them to observe teamwork)

 Footballs, Activity 2: The Alamo 15 minutes

cones, bibs
 Two teams play to score as many goals as possible.
 One defender vs three attackers – providing more space for attackers to receive
the ball and shoot as soon as they have the chance.
 Defender to reduce space available.
 When a goal is scored, goalkeeper starts with ball and passes to defender who
has a free pass to any attacker.
 If defender takes possession of the ball, they can pass to attacking teammate.

Encourage correct technique for shooting – think

(Optional) Observers can be used to analyse performance – shooting added to the about timing, power and precision.
skills that can be observed. Think about position they are in – is passing to a
teammate a better option?
Use of target man – how can this player be used
 Defenders to be passive – no tackling allowed.
 Ensure each shot is by a different student.

 Use a target player that sets the ball for teammates to shoot.
 Introduce additional defender.

Resources Plenary

 Time: 5
 How successful were your attacks?
Stretch questions
 What could have improved your attacking?
 Why is it important to be able to transition from attack to defense quickly?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.

Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:
 G9.4.1.7 Can demonstrate etiquette and respect towards teammates, opponents and officials both in success and defeat
 G9.4.1.5 Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity, exercise and movement sequence (injury prevention, proper alignment,
hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection, etc.).

Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good


What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)
Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further


Teacher: Subject: PE

Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 9

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes

Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:
 Identify strengths and weaknesses and offer  All students will be able to identify attacking and defending tactics during game play
improvements to the tactics being used by  Most students will be able to identify strengths and weaknesses of attacking and defending tactics
teams and individuals. during game play
 Some students will be able to suggest improvements for attacking and defending tactics during
game play
Key vocabulary: Shoot Score Direction Power Accuracy Attack

Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, Introduction: Time: 10mins

cones, bibs
 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit
 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 Students will play ‘king of the ring’
 Each player has a ball which they must keep inside the box
 Students must try to kick their opponents ball out of the area.
 The last one left inside the square with their ball is the winner


What tactics did you use during the game?

If you could make any changes to your tactics to improve them what would you do?
Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: Gate Game Time: 10 mins

cones, bibs,
goals  6 to a court: 4 playing, 2 observing
 Teams have to simply stop the ball in their opponents end zone.
 Teams will earn a point every time they win back possession or pass/shoot
through a gate. Teams can dribble through the gate for two points.
 Players will be expected to use attacking, defensive, individual skills and tactics
to win the game.
 Observers will: Identify tactics, strengths and weaknesses, and after the game
will discuss these with their classmates.


What was two positives and one area for improvement for each of the teams?

 Reduce number playing
 Make area smaller / gates bigger / multiple gates

 Add more players
 Make area bigger / smaller gates

 Footballs, Activity 2: Conditioned Games Time: 20mins

cones, bibs
 Students will play a game of football (5v5, 6v6 adapt for numbers available)
 Observers will stand at the side and identify strengths and weaknesses of the
teams’ attacking and defending performance.
 After the game, observers and players will share the information.


What tactics did you use that were successful?

What tactics did you use that were unsuccessful?

 Increase goal size / make multiple goals
 1v1 / smaller numbers

 Increase numbers
 Make smaller goals

Resources Plenary
 Time: 5
 Did any tactics lead to scoring goals?
 Did any tactics lead to winning back possession?

Stretch questions
 Why is it important to be able to transition from attack to defense quickly?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.

Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:

 G9.2.1.17 Knows the basic rules/regulations of selected physical activities/sports, and how these relate to, and affect, participation (rules and
 G9.4.1.7 Can demonstrate etiquette and respect towards teammates, opponents and officials both in success and defeat.

Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good


What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)
Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further


Teacher: Subject: PE

Grade: 9 Unit: 2 - Football Date: Lesson: 10

Skills and understanding Learning outcomes

Learning objective By the end of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, learners will:
 Be able to provide structured feedback to  All students can provide a strength and an area for improvement about another student’s
their classmates performance
 Be able to effectively use defensive and  Most students can provide a strength and an area for improvement about their own performance
attacking tactics  Some students can provide multiple strengths and areas for improvements about their own and
other students’ performances

Key vocabulary: Shoot Score Direction Power Accuracy Attack

Resources Starter Further Information

Footballs, Introduction: Time: 10mins
cones, bibs
 Allow learners to get changed in to full PE kit
 Introduce session and provide learning outcomes for the session
 Teacher to complete warm up:
 Students will play ‘Groups’
 Each player has a ball which they must keep inside the box
 When the teacher calls a number the students must make a group of that
number. For example if the teacher shouts 3, students must get into a group of
 Students must keep their ball under control at all times. If a player loses
possession of their ball they cannot join a group and must complete 5 star
jumps. If any student in the class is not in a group of 3 they must also do 5 star
jumps before re entering the box.

Resources Main activity

 Footballs, Activity 1: Numbers Game Time: 10 mins

cones, bibs,
goals  Students will participate in a game called ‘Numbers game’
 Students line up in their teams at opposite corners of the field.
 Students are numbered from 1 upwards depending on how many in a team (If
there are ten students, numbers 1 to 10)
 When the teacher calls the students number they must follow the arrow and
run around the cone. They must then get to the ball and try to score in the goal
in front of them
 After the student has had their turn they will then talk to the other opponent
about what they did well and something they could improve next time their
number is shouted.


What was two positives and one area for improvement for each of the teams?

 Walk students through demonstration of practice slowly as it can be difficult at first.
 Reduce number playing / Make area smaller

 Shout multiple numbers to create a team game
 Make area bigger / smaller goals

 Footballs, Activity 2: Conditioned Games Time: 20mins

cones, bibs
 Students will play a game of football
 After each game they will be expected to provide feedback on their own
performance as well as one other player from their team.
 This feedback should be structured as follows:
 2 stars and a wish / 2 positives and an area for improvement


What tactics did you use that were successful?

Describe your favourite goal?

 Increase goal size / make multiple goals
 1v1 / smaller numbers

 Increase numbers
 Make smaller goals

Resources Plenary

 Time: 5 minutes
 Did you and your teammates improve after the feedback?

Stretch questions
 Why is feedback important?

Adaptions for Learners with Possible Special Needs (SEN):

 Allow more time with ball.
 Use a brighter ball for visually impaired.
 Have visual aids and extra demonstrations.

Assessment for Learning Opportunities

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and feedback Verbal feedback

Performance Indicators/SLOs:

 G9.2.1.13 Identifying and analysing mechanical advantage(s) for a variety of movement patterns.
 G9.4.1.7 Can demonstrate etiquette and respect towards teammates, opponents and officials both in success and defeat.

Teacher’s Learning Plan (TLP)

Did I plan properly before the lesson?

Did I clearly explain the lesson objectives?

Did I control the lesson and ensure students displayed good

What assessment strategy did I use within this lesson?

Reflection notes:

(Prompts: What went well? What did not go well? Was my communication clear? Did I plan properly? Were students engaged in the lesson? Did the
students enjoy the lesson? Did I assess that learning took place?)

Note: It is important that this section (TLP) is completed at the end of EVERY lesson. This will allow the PE Cluster Trainer to support you in the correct areas
and help you to develop your teaching further

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