03 Zwiewka Et Al. 2011 Cell Res
03 Zwiewka Et Al. 2011 Cell Res
03 Zwiewka Et Al. 2011 Cell Res
Subcellular trafficking is required for a multitude of functions in eukaryotic cells. It involves regulation of cargo
sorting, vesicle formation, trafficking and fusion processes at multiple levels. Adaptor protein (AP) complexes are
key regulators of cargo sorting into vesicles in yeast and mammals but their existence and function in plants have not
been demonstrated. Here we report the identification of the protein-affected trafficking 4 (pat4) mutant defective in
the putative δ subunit of the AP-3 complex. pat4 and pat2, a mutant isolated from the same GFP imaging-based for-
ward genetic screen that lacks a functional putative AP-3 β, as well as dominant negative AP-3 µ transgenic lines dis-
play undistinguishable phenotypes characterized by largely normal morphology and development, but strong intra-
cellular accumulation of membrane proteins in aberrant vacuolar structures. All mutants are defective in morphol-
ogy and function of lytic and protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) but show normal sorting of reserve proteins to PSVs.
Immunoprecipitation experiments and genetic studies revealed tight functional and physical associations of putative
AP-3 β and AP-3 δ subunits. Furthermore, both proteins are closely linked with putative AP-3 µ and σ subunits and
several components of the clathrin and dynamin machineries. Taken together, these results demonstrate that AP
complexes, similar to those in other eukaryotes, exist in plants, and that AP-3 plays a specific role in the regulation of
biogenesis and function of vacuoles in plant cells.
Keywords: AP-3 complex; PSVs; protein trafficking; vacuole biogenesis and function
Cell Research advance online publication 14 June 2011; doi:10.1038/cr.2011.99
Introduction Proteins linking cargos with the coat proteins form com-
plexes known as adaptor protein (AP) complexes [1-3].
Diverse types of cargos are sorted and transported by APs are key regulators of protein sorting into vesicles.
coated vesicles to multiple destinations in eukaryotic Four different heterotetrameric AP complexes (AP-1
cells. Vesicles that bud from a donor membrane are sub- to AP-4) have been characterized so far in eukaryotes
sequently fused with a target membrane. The process of including yeast, Drosophila and mammals. Each AP is
vesicle budding is initiated by the recruitment of specific composed of four subunits, also called adaptins: two
regulators from the cytosol onto the donor membrane. large subunits (γ/α/δ/ε and β1-β4), a medium subunit
One set of proteins form a coat that can function as a (µ1-µ4) and a small subunit (σ1-σ4). The best-known
scaffold enabling physical membrane deformation, and complexes in vesicle formation and budding are the
another can determine vesicle composition by interact- complexes made of clathrin and APs, such as AP-1 and
ing with cytosolic domains of transmembrane proteins. AP-2. AP complexes are recruited from the cytosol and
required for sorting and concentration of cargos into the
coated pits, as well as for the recruitment of clathrin to
Correspondence: Jiří Friml the membranes. The AP-2 complex mediates the forma-
Tel: +32 (0) 9-33-13-800; Fax: +32 (0) 9-33-13-809
E-mail: jiri.friml@psb.vib-ugent.be
tion of clathrin-coated vesicles for endocytosis from the
Received 21 December 2010; revised 11 February 2011; accepted 17 plasma membrane (PM) to trans-Golgi network/early
March 2011 endosomes (TGN/EEs), while AP-1 functions in clathrin-
npg AP-3 adaptor complex in Arabidopsis
dependent sorting at the TGN/EEs. In contrast, it appears calization in root stele cells, we observed strong intracel-
that AP-3 and AP-4 might at least partially function inde- lular accumulations (Figure 1A and 1B). Similarly, other
pendently of clathrin [3, 4]. polar (PIN2 [21]), apolar (PIP2 aquaporin [22] and BRI1
The AP-3 complex is one of the most recently iden- brassinosteroid receptor [23]) PM proteins showed ag-
tified complexes in organisms such as yeast, flies and gregation in intracellular compartments (Figure 1C-1H).
mammals and it has been found to play a role in pro- The pronounced intracellular accumulation of di-
tein sorting at the TGN and/or endosomes [5-8]. The verse proteins had surprisingly little impact on the plant
AP-3-mediated trafficking to the vacuole (in yeast) or morphology because pat4-1 did not show any abnormal
lysosomes and lysososome-related organelles (flies and phenotypes under standard growth conditions (Supple-
mammals) is supposed to bypass the classical vacuolar mentary information, Figure S1A and S1B). However,
trafficking route, which most vacuolar cargos use and about 40% of pat4-1 seedlings, when grown on medium
that involves late endosomes/prevacuolar compartments lacking sucrose, showed arrested growth at the seedling
multivesicular bodies/(LE/PVC/MVB’S) [5, 6, 8, 9]. Re- stage (Figure 1I and 1J). In addition, the germination ca-
cently, we have shown that the putative AP-3 β protein pacity of pat4 mutant seeds decreased strongly with time
plays a role in vacuolar function in Arabidopsis, includ- of storage as compared to control (not shown).
ing mediation of the transition between storage and lytic Thus, a PIN1-GFP-based forward genetic screen iden-
vacuolar identity [10]. In addition, several putative AP-3 tified the pat4 mutant showing almost normal growth
adaptins have been identified as suppressors of zigzag 1 and morphology but pronounced changes in subcellular
(zig1) [11], a mutant affecting a vesicle trafficking regu-
lator, the SNARE VTI11 [12, 13]. Nonetheless, the exis-
tence and function of AP complexes, including AP-3, has
not been demonstrated in plants.
In the present study, we present the identification and 100
characterization of pat4, a mutant defective in the AP-3 δ 80
adaptin, as well as the identification and genetic and bio- 40
chemical characterization of the AP-3 complex in Arabi- 0
dopsis. Our observations strongly suggest that an AP-3
complex exists in plants and together with clathrin and
dynamin-like proteins is required for function of lytic
and protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) in Arabidopsis.
lar extensions typically visible in the control [30], were >20.0 20.0-
5.0-2.0 <2
homozygous lines (Figure 4D and 4E). These findings
20 demonstrate that the pat4-1 and pat4-2 are both reces-
sive, loss-of-function alleles of the gene coding for the
putative δ subunit of the presumptive AP-3 complex. The
Figure 4 PAT4 encodes AP-3 δ adaptin. (A) Scheme of AP-3 δ positive result of the allelic test between pat4-1 and pat4-
locus on chromosome 1. (B) The positions of the pat4 allele and 2 confirmed that trafficking defect reflecting intracellular
the point mutation (red letter) are depicted. (C-F) PIN1-GFP in-
accumulation of proteins in pat4-1, is caused by muta-
tracellular distribution in PIN1::PIN1-GFP (C), pat4-1 (D) and F1
crosses between pat4-1 and the SALK line pat4-2 (E) or pat4-1
tion in the gene coding for the putative δ subunit of the
and pat2-2 (F). (G) The chart depicts intensity of PIN1-GFP sig- presumptive AP-3 complex. Thus, the similar morpho-
nal at the PM of root stele cells in pat4-1 compared to the PIN1- logical and cellular defects observed in pat2-2 and pat4-
GFP line. Error bars represent SD. Scale bar = 10 µm. 1 mutants are caused by mutations in the putative β and δ
subunits of the same AP-3 complex. albeit slightly stronger, than in single mutants [10].
The similar phenotypes of the single mutants and lack
pat2 and pat4 are defective in the same process related of strong additive or synergistic interaction in the double
to vacuolar function mutant combination suggest that pat2 and pat4 are de-
The identification of PAT4 coding for the putative fective in the same process related to the biogenesis and
AP-3 δ subunit reveals that the similar morphologi- function of lytic and storage vacuoles.
cal and cellular defects observed in pat2-2 and pat4-1
mutants are caused by mutations in the putative β and δ AP-3 µ subunit is required for vacuolar morphology
subunits of the same AP-3 complex. To address the com- The similar phenotypes of mutants defective in the
mon action of the corresponding gene products, we ana- putative β and δ subunits of the AP-3 complex, pat2 and
lyzed the phenotype of the pat4 × pat2 double mutant. pat4, respectively, suggest that the AP-3 complex, previ-
The double mutant showed the same, albeit somewhat ously characterized in yeast and animals [1, 4-6], exists
stronger, aberrations in vacuole morphology than the also in plants and plays a role in regulating vacuolar
pat4 single mutant as visualized by tonoplast staining function.
with FM4-64 (Figure 5A-5D). Similarly, staining with To further test this hypothesis, we generated a domi-
LysoTracker red revealed aberrations in acidification of nant negative version of the putative AP-3 µ subunit by
vacuolar compartments in the double mutant (Figure 5E- truncating 18 amino acids from its C-terminal domain
5H). The PSVs of the double mutant seeds were affected that is required for cargo recruitment into the forming
in a similar way as those in each single mutant, but vesicle [39]. This strategy had been successfully used
showed stronger fragmentation than in the single mutant previously in animal cells to inhibit the function of the
seeds (Figures 3G, 5I-5L, Supplementary information, whole corresponding AP complex [40]. Vacuole staining
Figure S3A-S3C). The maturation of lytic vacuoles was by FM4-64 (Figure 6A-6E) or LysoTracker red (Figure
strongly abnormal in the double mutant seeds as revealed 6F-6J) revealed aberrant vacuolar morphology in seed-
by persisting autofluorescence of storage proteins in dou- lings overexpressing the dominant negative (DN) version
ble mutant PSVs contrasting to wild-type germinating of the AP-3 µ subunit (35S::AP3µDN), similar to those
seeds (Supplementary information, Figure S2B and S2F). observed in pat2 and pat4 mutants. Our findings that
Accordingly, the transition of PSVs to lytic vacuoles was interference with the function of either putative AP-3
also affected as shown by LysoTracker red staining (Sup- β, AP-3 δ or AP-3 µ has similar effects on morphology
plementary information, Figure S3D-S3G). These defects and function of vacuoles in plant cells suggest that these
in PSVs maturation of the double mutants were similar, proteins act together in the same AP-3 complex. Thus AP
Figure 6 Defects in lytic vacuole morphology and function in AP-3 µ dominant negative mutant. (A-J) FM4-64 uptake for 3 h
(A-E) and LysoTracker staining for 1 h (F-J) in wild type (A, F), pat4-1 (B, G), pat4-2 (C, H), 35S:AP3µ (D, I) and the domi-
nant negative (35S:AP3µDN) expressing root cells (E, J). Note the similar mislabeling of FM4-64 and LysoTracker red in pat4
mutants alleles and AP3µDN (arrowheads). Scale bar =10 µm.
AP-3 mediates formation of clathrin-coated vesicles, a and dCAPS) markers. For the information about Col/Ler polymor-
notion that is controversial in mammalian cells [3, 7, 49, phism we used the collection of SNPs and INDELs provided by
54, 55]. Thus, the functional association of clathrin and Monsanto Arabidopsis Polymorphism and Ler Sequence Collec-
tion (Cereon Genomics) and TAIR (http://www.arabidopsis.org).
AP-3 in the formation of vesicles in the different eukary- At1G48760 candidate gene was sequenced and we found a point
otes still remains unclear. However, Lee et al. [56] re- mutation causing a stop codon at the position downstream of ATG.
ported that in Arabidopsis protoplasts EpsinR2 interacts
with AP-3 δ, clathrin, VTI12 and phosphatidylinositol- Drug treatments and microscopy
3-phosphate and plays roles in protein trafficking. This To assess different biological processes 5-day-old seedlings
finding, together with our observations that AP-3 inter- were incubated in MS medium supplemented with LysoTracker
acts with clathrin indicates that the Arabidopsis AP-3 red (Invitrogen; 2 µM in DMSO) and BFA (Invitrogen; 50 µM
complex likely functions as a clathrin adaptor complex. in DMSO). Control treatments were done in the same way with
equivalent concentration of DMSO. For FM4-64 (Invitrogen; in
In mammalian cells, clathrin interaction with AP-3 is me-
H2O) accumulation the seedlings were pulse labeled 5 min in MS
diated by the β subunit and AP-3 β has a binding region liquid medium supplemented with 4 µM FM4-64 on ice, washed
for clathrin [49]. Accordingly, our experiments revealed three times at room temperature in MS liquid medium, mounted
association of the β but not δ subunit of the Arabidopsis and observed after 3 h. For the double treatments, the seedlings
AP-3 with clathrin. This indicates that in both mammals were first pulse labeled with 50 µM BFA and 4 µM FM4-64 as de-
and higher plants, AP-3-mediated trafficking depends on scribed above, followed by 1 h incubation in MS medium supple-
the coat protein clathrin. mented with 50 µM BFA. The morphology of PSVs was examined
by imaging autofluorescence. Images of embryo root cells were
Nonetheless, the genetic and biochemical studies pre-
taken immediately after peeling off the seed coat of the dry seeds.
sented here demonstrate on the example of AP-3 that AP Accumulation of LysoTracker red (as described above) was done
complexes exist in plant cells and play a role in vesicle in 1 h and 60 h after imbibition. Samples were viewed by confocal
formation as in other eukaryotes. Although the existence laser microscopy.
of other AP complexes in plants awaits demonstration,
the AP-3 complex acquired a plant-specific function in Western blot and SDS-PAGE
regulating biogenesis and function of vacuoles. Protein extracts were prepared from 10 dry seeds per each line
in SDS-PAGE sample buffer and subjected to SDS-PAGE fol-
Materials and Methods lowed by either Coomassie blue staining or blotting to ECL mem-
brane (GE-Healthcare) as described before [35]. The membranes
Plant material and growth conditions were treated with antibodies against 2S albumin (rabbit; 1:5 000)
Seedlings of wild-type Col-0 and all mutant lines: pat4-1 (EMS and ECLTM-anti-rabbit IgG, horseradish peroxidase (GE Health-
mutant), pat4-2 (AP-3 δ SALK mutant; At1g48760; [57]), pat2-2 care; 1:5 000). The immunoreactive signals were detected by using
(AP-3 β SAIL mutant; At3G55480, [10]), vps29 (At3g47810, [58]), the ECL detection system (GE-Healthcare).
double mutant line pat4-2 × pat2-2, crossed lines: pat4-1 × PIN2-
GFP, pat4-1 × PIP2a-GFP, pat4-1 × BRI1-GFP, pat4-1 × GFP- Cloning and Arabidopsis thaliana transformation
RABF2b, GFP tagged lines: PIN1pro:PIN1-GFP (At1g73590, [59]), The full-length Atµ3 (At1g56590) and the truncated dominant
PIN2pro:PIN2-GFP (At5G57090; [21]), 35Spro:PIP2a-GFP (X75883, negative version DNA was amplified with the following primers:
[22]), BRI1pro:BRI1-GFP (AT4G39400, [23]), RABF2bpro:GFP- attB1_Atµ3_FW GGGGACAAGTTTGTACAAAAAAGCAG-
RABF2b (AT4g19640, [34]), AP-3 βpro:AP-3 β-GFP (At3G55480, GCTCGATGCTTCAATGTATCTTTCTC
[10]), AP-3 δpro:AP-3 δ-GFP (At3G55480, [56]), as well as ob- attB2_Atµ3_RW GGGGACCACTTTGTACAAGAAAGCTG-
tained by Gateway-based cloning strategy transgenic lines: full- GGTCCTACAACCTGACATCGAACTC
length Atµ3 (At1g56590) and the (18 amino acids truncated) a t t B 2 _ A t µ 3 _ RW- C t G G G G A C C A C T T T G TA C A A -
dominant negative version were grown vertically in Petri dishes GAAAGCTGGGTCCTACAAACGAGGAGGGATAGTTTG.
on 0.8% agar 0.5× Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing The amplified gene was cloned under the 35S promoter. Atµ3
1% sucrose (pH 5.9) at 18 °C, long-day photoperiod. clones were introduced by Gateway recombination first, into
pDONR221, and then into the destination vector pK7WG2,0 ([60];
EMS mutagenesis, mutant forward genetic screen and map- http://www.psb.ugent.be/gateway).
M2 seedlings, progenies of 1920 M1 3% EMS-mutagenized Immunoprecipitation and liquid chromatography-mass
PIN1pro:PIN1-GFP plants were analyzed under an epifluorescence spectrometry
microscope for abnormal intracellular accumulation of PIN1-GFP For immunoprecipitation, 1.5-1.7 g of 5-day-old AP-3 β-GFP,
signal. AP-3 δ-GFP and Col-0 seedlings were ground in a mortar with
pat4-1 was mapped using 300 chromosomes from the F2 prog- liquid nitrogen. The powder was homogenized in extraction buf-
eny derived from crosses of pat4-1 with the Landsberg erecta fer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 150 mM NaCl, 1% Nonidet P-40 (NP40),
ecotype to a region of 85 kb on the lower arm of chromosome 1 protease inhibitors mix cocktail (Roche, 1 tablet per 50 ml)). After
(18 041-18 126; BAC F11I4), using simple sequence length poly- grinding, the protein extract was sonicated 3 × 15 sec with a probe
morphism and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS sonicator (MSE) at half-maximal power and incubated on ice for