Philosophy Week 6
Philosophy Week 6
Philosophy Week 6
Lesson 6: Inter-Subjectivity
6.1. Appreciate the Talents of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and
those from the Underprivileged Sectors of Society and Their
6.2 On Underprivileged Sectors of Society
6.3 Perform Activities that Demonstrate the Talents of PWDs
and Underprivileged Sectors of Society
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Another aspect of being man is his relatedness with others. This in philosophical terms is
Intersubjectivity or being with others. One manifestation of this relation with others is
accepting OTHERS AND THEIR DIFFERENCES. This is the first critical component of inter
Processing Questions:
1. What can you say about the pictures?
2. How do you accept their differences?
A. Appreciate the Talents of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and those from the
Underprivileged Sectors of Society and Their Contributions.
The process of suspecting, recognizing, and identifying the handicap for parents with
PWD will include feelings of shock, bewilderment, sorrow, anger and guilt. Whether these
pertain to deafness or spirited children, denial, for instance, is universal. During diagnosis
isolation of affect occurs when the parents intellectually accepts deafness of their child. The
loss should require mourning or grief; otherwise, something is seriously wrong.
There are many categories of PDW persons with disabilities. To mention some, there
are the hearing impaired, diabetic, asthmatic, or cystic fibrotic persons. In a certain study,
mothers of asthmatic children scored consistently more positively than any other groups of
mothers. On the one hand, father of asthmatic and cystic fibrotic children and had higher parent
attitudes and were more sociable than the other fathers. On both these scales, parents of hearing
impaired youngsters had the highest problematic scores.
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Talented Filipinos with Disabilities
The most common measure of the underprivileged is income poverty, which is defined
in terms of consumption of good and services. There is lack of goods and services. The World
Bank categorizes poverty in two levels: poor and extremely poor. Those living below US
1.25/day are extremely poor.
There is a growing recognition that income poverty is not the only important measure of
deprivation. Poor health is also an important aspect of poverty. Globally, millions die due to
AIDS, Ebola virus, tuberculosis and malaria as well as number of infant deaths from largely
preventable causes of diarrheal disease. Health deprivation had become focal point for the
C. How can philosophy help you evaluate your relationships with others?
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D. Perform Activities that Demonstrate the Talents of PWDs and Underprivileged
Sectors of Society
Task 2:
Independent Learning: Reflection:
1. What can you do as a student, in your own capacity in expressing your support and
encouragement for PWDs to achieve more than their expected capabilities? How can you raise
their individual self-esteems so that they may feel that they are worth something?
Task 3: Reflection:
Reflect on your interactions with your family, friends, schoolmates, and
members of your community. Which of this statements best describes the
interactions you have had and the relationships you have established with
1. I welcome opportunities to meet new people and get to know them better.
2. I am only nice to people I know and I tend to ignore strangers.
3. I am comfortable being with a lot of people in different situations.
4. I do not like being with other people in strange situations.
5. I’d rather be with a few trusted friends than be with many people I do not
really know.
6. I always treat the people I meet with respect.
7. I feel that the people I interact with do not really like me.
8. Whenever I inter act with other people, I always strive to make a good
9. I really do not care about what other people think of me and how they see
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Task 4:
What is your impression about the picture and statement below? Write your answer
in your notebook.
Task 5:
Who are these people? Choose one person whose picture is shown below and research
about his life and works. Write a reflection paper about their significant contributions.
Gilda Quintua-Nakahara
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Task 6:
Independent Learning: Make a plan for an outreach activity:
2. Do you know people who have disabilities and underprivileged? How do you deal with
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Task 8.
Copy the graphic organizer on a sheet of paper. Write in the boxes the names of four
people with whom you have genuine relationships. Write also how they have contributed
to your growth as person.
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Answer Keys:
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Self in the Realm of Manipulation- Those who are being manipulated can't
be their true selves and are being treated
as objects
Self in the Realm of Selfishness- Blinds the person from seeing the world
and only sees himself
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Boon, J.A. “Anthropology, Ethnology and Religion.” The Encyclopaedia of Religion. Vol.1.
New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987, 308-317.
Donceel, J.F. Philosophical Anthropology. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1967.
Mondin, Battista. Philosophical Anthropology. Bangalore: Theological Publications of India,
Ramos, C.C. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Rex Book Store. First
Boon, J.A. “Anthropology, Ethnology and Religion.” The Encyclopaedia of Religion. Vol.1.
New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987, 308-317.
Donceel, J.F. Philosophical Anthropology. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1967.
Copi, Irvin M. and Cohen, Carl, Introduction to Logic, New York: Prentice Hall International
Inc. / Macmillian Publishing Company, 1994;
Cronkite, Walter, A Reporter’s Life, United States of America: Alfred A. Knopf / Random
House of Canada Limited, 1996;
Cruz, Corazon L., Philosophy of Man, Third Edition, Mandaluyong City, National Book
Store, 1995;
Garcia, Leovino, Some Notes towards a Narrative Ethics, Philosophical Association of the
Philippines Conference Paper, 2000;
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Kong, Francis J., One Day At A Time: A Daily Dose of Inspiration for the Man at Work,
Book 4, Philippines: Business Matters Publishing, 2002.
Limbaugh, Rush, See, I Told You So, New York: Pocket Books / Simon and Schuster, Inc.,
Maboloc, Christopher Ryan B., Philosophy of Man: The Existential Drama, Manila: Rex
Book Store, Inc., 2009;
Zulueta, Francisco M., Introduction to Philosophy, Mandaluyong City: National Book Store,
The Socratic/Dialectical Method: Socrates
Kreeft, Peter (2010). Socratic Logic: A Logic Text using Socratic Method, Platonic
Questions, and Aristotelian (3 ed.). Saint Agustines Press. Phoenix, AZ.
Abella, Roberto. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person .C & E Publishing, Inc.
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