32 OnScreen 2 Test EXIT

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EXIT TEST (Units 1-8)

NAME ................................................................................................. DATE .....................................

CLASS .................................................................................................. MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)


1 Choose the correct item.

1 John …….. down the stairs and hurt his 6 I felt …….. when the doctor told me that my
back. wrist wasn’t broken.
A fell C took A worried C angry
B stepped D spilt B sad D relieved

2 Cars produce …….. fumes which make the 7 You can …….. a tiger in Africa by giving £10
air dirty. a month to the charity.
A endangered C extinct A recover C donate
B fossil D exhaust B adopt D offer

3 Her parents are …….. – I think they’re about 8 Alex is tall and …….. – he goes to the gym
45. every day to lift weights.
A elderly C old A overweight C well-built
B middle-aged D teens B plump D full

4 I love that …….. on TV – it really makes me 9 I think this song is on the …….. of the new
laugh! James Bond film.
A soap opera C sitcom A soundtrack C subtitles
B drama D chat show B blockbuster D effects

5 It’s …….. hot today – the temperature is 10 They were late because they got …….. in
over 40°C! traffic.
A scorching C blowing A kept C fastened
B freezing D shining B fixed D stuck

Marks ____
100.5 5

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

TEST 1 (Module 1) EXIT TEST (Units 1-8)

2 Underline the correct item.

1 The festival commemorates/remembers/ 6 On the last day of school, we’re allowed to

represents/presents the life of the poet wear/put up/dress up/prepare in
John Keats. costumes.
2 I always display/hold/celebrate/have my 7 Even if you only give £1 to the charity, you’ll
birthday with a big party. still make/do/take/become a difference.
3 If you throw away/reduce/lose/waste 8 We hung lights from the
electricity, your bill will be very expensive. ribbons/branches/wreaths/garlands of the
4 They will come out/release/shoot/direct trees for Kate’s wedding reception.
the film in cinemas across the UK in 9 Those shoes don’t suit/match/fit/go her
November. anymore – they’re too small.
5 The Romans won/beat/fought/defeated 10 You should get to know someone before
many armies in battle and created a huge you keep/gather/set/form an opinion of
empire. them.

Marks ____
100.5 5


3 Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same
as the first sentence. Do not use more than four words to complete each

1 The actor broke his leg while he was filming. 4 He played the guitar when he was younger.
The actor was ............................................... When he was younger, he ...........................
.......................................................... his leg. ..................................................... the guitar.

2 The last time I visited America was in 2010. 5 This is the first time she has ever eaten
(VISITED) seafood. (EATEN)
I ................................................. since 2010. She ...............................................................
.......................................................... before.
3 She always travels by car. (USES)
She ...............................................................
............................................ public transport.
Marks ____
50.5 2.5

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

TEST 1 (Module 1) EXIT TEST (Units 1-8)

4 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

1 If we don’t do something, tigers will become 4 The museum is bigger than the art gallery.
extinct. The art gallery ..............................................
The tiger ....................................................... ............................................ as the museum.
......................................... we do something.
5 Sam brought the dessert. It’s in the fridge.
2 I plan to donate money to charity. The dessert ..................................................
I am ............................................................... .............................................. is in the fridge.
.............................. donate money to charity.

3 They shot the film in Ireland.

The film .........................................................
...................................................... in Ireland. Marks ____
50.5 2.5

5 Choose the correct item.

1 Romeo and Juliet …….. by William 6 Sheila is …….. than her younger sister.
Shakespeare in the late 16 th century. A much tall C much taller
A wrote C was written B very tall D tall
B has written D is written
7 If I were you, I …….. your old newspapers.
2 Do something! That child …….. into the A recycle C would recycle
river! B will recycle D recycled
A falls C will fall
B is going to fall D falling 8 …….. you give me a lift to the cinema
3 That’s Marie …….. dad is a pilot. A Should C Can
A who C whose B Might D Do
B who’s D that
9 You …….. go to the festival, as long as
4 Roy has seen …….. Harry Potter film at you’re back by 10.00.
least twice. A must C ought to
A any C some B don’t have to D may
B no D every
10 Steven doesn’t like …….. alone.
5 They …….. to eighteen different countries A eat C eaten
so far. B eating D to eating
A travelled C were travelling
B have travelled D used to travel Marks ____
100.5 5

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

EXIT TEST (Units 1-8)

NAME ................................................................................................. DATE .....................................

CLASS .................................................................................................. MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

TEST 1 (Module 1) EXIT TEST (Units 1-8)

Everyday English

6 Read the dialogues (1-3). Complete them with appropriate responses by circling
the appropriate letter (A, B or C).

1 X: Did you have a nice time at the party?

Y: ..................................................................

A It was great!
B That’s great!
C It sounds great!

2 X: ..................................................................
Y: No, I’m not happy with it at all.

A What’s wrong with your new laptop?

B What’s the problem with your new laptop?
C Are you satisfied with your new laptop?

3 X: I’m keen on science fiction films.

Y: ..................................................................
X: That’s OK – we can watch a comedy instead.

A I’m sorry, but I don’t see the point.

B I’m sorry, but I find them boring.
C I’m sorry, I don’t think so.

Marks ____
35 15

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

TEST 1 (Module 1) EXIT TEST (Units 1-8)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 6

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