Final BBCM4013
Final BBCM4013
Final BBCM4013
Course :
Business Research Methods
Duration : 3 hours
Instructions to candidates:
1. Write your name and student number on the Examination Paper AND Answer
1. NIL.
Student ID : ___________________________________________________
NIRC/Passport No : ___________________________________________________
Program : ___________________________________________________
Lecturer : ___________________________________________________
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Date : 25 April 2022 Course: BBCM4013 Business Research Methodology
5. Why is problem definition stage probably the most important stage in the research
(5 marks)
Since more than one party is usually working on a solution to the problem, the
problem definition is the most important part of the solution because different
interpretations of the problem cause a lot of uncertainty. A problem statement
is important to a process improvement project because it helps clearly identify
the goals of the project and outline the scope of a project. It also helps guide
the activities and decisions of the people who are working on the project.
Step 4: Background
Step 8: Resources
Step 9: Budget
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Date : 25 April 2022 Course: BBCM4013 Business Research Methodology
1. Identify TWO (2) situations in which the observation is more suitable than the survey
(4 marks)
3. Research paradigm will guide the approach use in research. List the THREE (3) types
of research.
(3 marks)
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Date : 25 April 2022 Course: BBCM4013 Business Research Methodology
4. Explain sampling design and list TWO (2) sampling techniques available.
(5 marks)
Different types of scales can be used while measuring a concept through questions.
2. Give ONE (1) example for each of the two types of measurement scale mentioned in
question 4.1 above.
(4 marks)
3. Define the primary and secondary data. Give an example for each type of data.
(6 marks)
4. Discuss TWO (2) advantages and TWO (2) disadvantages of conducting surveys
using secondary data.
(4 marks)
5. What is research variable? List the FOUR (4) types of research variable.
(7 marks)
Dr Azzamri wants to study the factors that can explain the behavior of newly graduated
students in Petaling Jaya, in purchasing their first car. With his research team, they
interviewed few newly graduated students in to get preliminary information regarding this
issue. Based on the data gathered, most of the interviewed students unanimously stating that
the desire to look elegant motivates them in choosing the car brand, In the same time,
friends; influence also motivates them to do so.
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Date : 25 April 2022 Course: BBCM4013 Business Research Methodology
An in-depth study review of previous studies found that the desire to look elegant is due to the
influence of car design that always advertise as the car features. Nevertheless, the desire to
look elegant will move towards the purchase of car brand if the price is affordable. More
celebrated the price of the laptop, the higher of likelihood of students to buy the gadget.
iii. Develop TWO (2) research objectives and TWO (2) research questions based on the
above scenario.
(4 marks)
iv. Develop ONE (1) set of hypothesis that involves moderating variable and ONE (1) set
of hypothesis that involves mediating variable.
(4 marks)
v. Suggest the most appropriate survey distribution method to be applied in the scenario.
Explain why it works best than other methods.
(2 marks)
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