Health and Hygiene Dox
Health and Hygiene Dox
Health and Hygiene Dox
Submitted By
This is to certify that the Community Service Project work entitled “HEALTH AND
HYGIENE” done by A. PRIYANKA (21MG1A0401), B. HEMA (21MG1A0403), B.
LAVANYA (21MG1A0404), CH. JYOTHI (21MG1A0406), CH. SRAVANI (21MG1A0407),
G. NAVYA (21MG1A0409), K. RAJESH (21MG1A0449), S. PAVANKUMAR
(21MG1A0462), SK. ISMAIL (21MG1A0464), V. NITHIN (21MG1A0466) of Electronics &
Communication Engineering Department, is a record bonafide work carried out by them. This
Community Service Project is done as a partial fulfillment of obtaining Bachelor of Technology
Degree to be awarded by JNTUK, Kakinada.
The matter embodied in this Community Service Project report has not been submitted to
any other university for the award of any other degree.
B. HEMA (21MG1A0403)
B. LAVANYA (21MG1A0404)
G. NAVYA (21MG1A0409)
K. RAJESH (21MG1A0449)
V. NITHIN (21MG1A0466)
We hereby declare that the work presented in this Community Service Project titled
“HEALTH AND HYGIENE” is submitted towards completion of B.Tech Community Service
INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Tiruvuru, NTR Dist., It is an authentic
record of our original work pursued under the guidance of Mr. K. VENKANNA Assoc.
We have not submitted the matter embodied in this Community Service Project for the
award of any other degree.
B. HEMA (21MG1A0403)
B. LAVANYA (21MG1A0404)
G. NAVYA (21MG1A0409)
K. RAJESH (21MG1A0449)
V. NITHIN (21MG1A0466)
List of Figures:
Health and hygiene pose grave problems in the entire world. Globally, billions of people
do not have access to improved health and hygiene. Sanitation is least cared for.
Tools used for the study were Survey method and Questionnaire. Children in the age range of 10-12
years were selected for the study. Sixteen schools, 8 from north and 8 from south were taken for the
study. Questionnaires were distributed to 820 respondents, i.e. 183 Government, 309 Aided and 328
Private school children to elicit information regarding their practices on health and hygiene.
Questions were explained to them clearly during the study. The opinions collected by using the
questionnaire were scored and tabulated. It was seen from the finding that mean practice scores
were found highest in Private school (74.2%) when compared to Government school (55.8%) and
Aided school (55.4%) respondents. The data was analyzed statistically by using the F test and found
that there was a highly significant difference between different types of school and the mean
practice score on health and hygiene .
“Don’t teach us what is sanitation and hygiene.” This quote from Maqbul, a middle-aged
male resident in Modher Bosti, a slum in Dhaka city, summed up the frustration of many people
living in urban poverty to ongoing sanitation and hygiene programmes. In the light of their
experiences, such programmes provide “inappropriate sanitation”, or demand personal
investments in situations of highly insecure tenure, and/or teach “hygiene practices” that relate
neither to local beliefs nor to the ground realities of a complex urban poverty. A three-year
ethnographic study in Chittagong, Dhaka, Nairobi and Hyderabad illustrated that excreta disposal
systems, packaged and delivered as low-cost “safe sanitation”, do not match the sanitation needs
of a very diverse group of urban men, women and children. It is of little surprise that the delivered
systems are neither appropriate nor used, and are not sustained beyond the life of the projects.
This mismatch, far more than an assumed lack of user demand for sanitation, contributes to the
elusiveness of the goal of sanitation and health for all. The analysis indicates that unless and until
the technical, financial and ethical discrepancies relating to sanitation for the urban poor are
resolved, there is little reason to celebrate the recent global declaration on the human right to
water and sanitation and health for all.
1. Introduction
• Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social-being and not merely an
absence of disease or infirmity. Physical health and mental health are inter-related. A sound mind
in a sound body is an old and appropriate saying for good health.
• Hygiene is a set of practices performed to preserve health. According to the world health
organization (who),"Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and
prevent the spread of diseases." Personal hygiene refers to maintaining the body's cleanliness.
Fig 1.1: Health and Hygiene Logo
To begin with, all you need to do is to incorporate certain personal hygiene habits in your
everyday routine. In this post, we will discuss some important health tips that are important in
maintaining good personal hygiene
Many people equate hygiene with 'cleanliness,' but hygiene is a broad term. It includes
such personal habit choices as how frequently to take a shower or bath, wash hands,
trim fingernails, and wash clothes. It also includes attention to keeping surfaces in the home and
workplace clean, including bathroom facilities. Some regular hygiene practices may be
considered good habits by the society, while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting,
disrespectful, or threatening.
It is well known that health and hygiene are closely related. Personal hygiene is essential
for several reasons like personal well-being, social health, psychological health and simply as a
way of life. Keeping good hygiene, not only safeguards those around you from suffering
illnesses, but also helps to prevent the spread of infections, illnesses, and bad odors.
The saying goes that health is wealth. It is truly said that of all things in the world, health is
the most precious that one can possess. Money is definitely a nice thing. However, he cannot
give any pleasure to a health man in ruins. As the body and mind are closely related, the mind
cannot be healthy and playful without good health.
The goal of personal hygiene is to keep your body healthy and the space you live and
work in clean and germ- free. Good hygiene will help prevent spreading germs to other people
and prevent illness. Practicing proper hygiene will keep your body healthy while giving you
confidence. When you look good and feel healthy, you also feel good.
Proper hygiene is something learned over time and with personal commitment. If you
want to develop proper hygiene practices, take a look at where you are lacking. Write down the
areas where you want to improve. Two possibilities might be to keep your home clean and
practice better oral care. Develop a plan to implement your strategies. Put up reminder notes in
your bathroom. Create a cleaning schedule. Set out cleansing products for another reminder.
Personal hygiene practices can affect many aspects of your life, including opportunities
to date, health issues, job opportunities and how others perceive and treat you. Good hygiene
practices are necessary for coexistence whether in working together, developing a relationship
or having a roommate.
Use a loofah, sponge, or hand towel to gently scrub your entire body, removing dead skin cells
and dirt. Remember to replace these items regularly as they can easily harbor bacteria.
If you don't want to wash your hair every day, then invest in a shower cap and wash your body
with soap and water.
If you don't have time to shower, then use a hand towel to rinse your face, underarms, and
genitals at the end of the day.
Wash your hands with soap and water.
This is one of the most important ways to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to
others. Wash your hands after using the restroom; before, during, and after preparing food; before
eating food; before and after caring for someone who is sick; after blowing your nose, coughing, or
sneezing; and after handling animals and/or animal waste.
Consider keeping a hand sanitizer with you at all times in case you do not have direct access
to soap and water.
You should wipe the kitchen counter, floors, shower, and dining tables at least once a week
using either soap and water or conventional household cleaning products. If you live with other
people, consider coming up with a system of chores and alternate cleaning jobs every week.
Consider using eco-friendly cleaning products that contain less harsh chemicals than the
conventional brands.
Always wipe your shoes on a doormat before entering the home. Consider taking your shoes
off and leaving them at the door before entering the home, and asking guests to do the same.
This will prevent the spread of dirt and mud throughout the house.
“Gifting every child a healthier tomorrow” is the ethos behind the Child Health Development
Program (CHDP) run by Bosch Limited. Our focus is to determine and improve the health conditions
of children studying in government schools between 6 and 15 years of age. As part of this program,
Bosch has adopted 230 government schools, which are located within 30 km radius of its Bangalore,
Bidadi and Kumbalgod6 Plant facilities. In 2010, a community survey was carried out by Bosch in
and around its Plant location in Bangalore. This survey revealed the need for a dedicated initiative to
help improve and maintain the good health condition of children studying in government schools
following which the CHDP was launched. Currently, 70,000 students are being benefited through
this program.
Medical, Dental & Eye Camps
Bosch conducts free health diagnostic camps at the government schools it has adopted, which
provide complete health screening of all the children by a team of general physicians, paediatricians,
ophthalmologists and pedodontics dentists. We also provide basic treatment for children who are in
need of dental scaling, vision checks, and provision of spectacles and issue of eye drops, ear drops
and general medicine. Check-ups are repeated annually for all the children.
A unique feature of this program is providing post-screening referral arrangements to ensure that
treatment doesn’t stop at the first level of our diagnostic camps. Ailing children are referred to
specialists with their parents’ consent and are taken to hospitals for further diagnosis and treatment
by our NGO partners and volunteers. Support is also extended through Mobile Dental Vans.
Hygiene Awareness
Fig 2.3: Sustainability of Economy
Bosch facilitates Government healthcare schemes to the children for timely treatments.
Upgrading Public Health Centres (PHCs) is a testament to Bosch’s alignment with Government’s
healthcare initiatives, which is aimed at long-term sustainability of the program.
Toilets Construction at Government Schools
Bosch has identified government schools that lack clean and separate toilet facilities for boys and
girls. Bosch has not only funded the construction of 50 new toilets at these schools, but also
facilitated water-line and sewage connections for them to become functional.
All these new toilets receive maintenance oversight from Bosch for the first 6 months after
construction. Besides, dysfunctional toilets are made functional We also go a step further in
inculcating the requisite hygiene behaviour among students for them to do their bit in keeping the
toilets tidy and usable at all times for their own benefit.
School Education
Most number of government-school going children come from economically and socially
disadvantaged communities. A high rate of school dropout is seen among them before completing
upper primary education. The quality of learning achievement is not always entirely satisfactory even
in the case of child who complete elementary education.
The need to address inadequacies in retention, residual access, particularly of un-reached children,
and the questions of quality are the most compelling reasons, which made us to supplement the
schools’ initiatives in the following ways:
Setting Computer Labs in the Schools with software, AMC, Tables, Chairs, UPS and a
Computer Teacher
Simulating Science teaching through ‘Mobile Science Lab’, ‘Lab in a Box’ and ‘Lab on a
providing exclusive English teachers for Spoken English classes and interactive learning kits
Mobile Science Lab catalytic channel that is fun, engaging and interactive, aimed to raise
awareness among disadvantaged children and teachers of the value of learning - with a focus on
science. Each MSL travels to doorstep of remote schools with 200+ hands-on science models
covering a wide range of topics in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math for Class 5 through 10.
Lab in a Box
Govt. School students demonstrating "Lab in a Box" to a visiting senior Bosch official from
Germany Lab in a Box refers to sets of 10 boxes are filled to the brim with experiments on Biology,
Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, covering more than 70 concepts in total for the Lab in a Box
(LIB) Program.
2.2 Health care Schemes by Government
Establishment of Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs): These centres are aimed at
improving access to affordable and quality healthcare services at the primary level. These
centres provide Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC), covering both maternal and
child health services and non-communicable diseases, including free essential drugs and
diagnostic services.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY): It provides financial protection to the
poor for availing healthcare services at the secondary and tertiary levels. Citizens with
Ayushman Bharat card are entitled for cashless treatment of up to Rs. 5 lakhs in all
government and those private hospitals that are empanelled under the scheme. These
hospitals cannot deny treatment to Ayushman Bharat card holders and all pre-existing
diseases are covered under it. The scheme covers 3 days of pre-hospitalisation and 15 days of
post-hospitalisation, including diagnostic care and expenses on medicines.
Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP)
This scheme aims to reduce the average healthcare expense of people by providing quality
generic medicines at affordable prices and anyone, irrespective of their economic status, can take
advantage of this scheme. Launched by the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals
and Fertilizers in November 2008, this scheme currently provides 1,451 drugs and 240 surgical
instruments at subsidised rates at the PMBJP stores. It also sells products like protein bars, protein
powders and other food supplements at lower rates. This service provided by the Central
Government can be accessed using a mobile App as well called ‘Janaushadhi Sugam’.
Poor hygiene
Poor hygiene can be broken down into two categories: personal hygiene and environmental
o not regularly cleaning areas that breed bacteria, like the kitchen and bathroom
Here are some signs that are indicative of poor hygiene in yourself or someone else:
bad breath, food between teeth, or signs of tooth decay and gingivitis
Fig 3.1: Poor Hygiene
Poor hygiene can be a sign of self-neglect, which is the inability or unwillingness to attend to
one's personal needs. Poor hygiene often accompanies certain mental or emotional disorders,
including severe depression and psychotic disorders. Dementia is another common cause of poor
hygiene. Other people may develop poor hygiene habits due to social factors such as poverty or
inadequacy of social support. Physical disabilities can also interfere with one's ability to care for
oneself and may result in an individual being unable to attend to personal hygiene. There is no
treatment for poor hygiene, although antipsychotic and antidepressant medications are used when
certain mental illnesses are the cause of this behaviour.
Brain Trauma
Delusional Disorder
Drug-Induced Psychosis
Lack of Social Support
Physical Disability
Vascular Dementia
3.2 Bad Hygiene Habits
What would happen if you abandoned your toothbrush and dental floss? “You would first
experience swollen, bleeding gums, bad breath and [you] may develop cavities,” says Natasha Lee,
DDS, president of the California Dental Association. Untreated cavities would travel to the nerve,
requiring root canals, and debris in your mouth would lead to gum disease, a painless condition that
eventually causes your teeth to fall out.And it gets worse. “There is a growing amount of research
that indicates an association between gum disease and other health problems like heart disease and
diabetes,” notes Lee.
“Personal hygiene serves a more important purpose than just keeping body odour at bay,”
says skin care expert Janine Frances, CME, LMT. It’s not just gross, in other words: Soap and water
can prevent acne, rashes and life-threatening infections. “Bacteria grows rapidly on the body, and
when it has lots of dead skin cells to feed off of, bacteria on your skin can cause, itching, irritation,
and inflammation,” says Frances. “If you already have a skin condition, such as eczema, not
showering regularly can make it worse.”
Eventually, a condition called dermatitis neglecta would set in if you stop showering completely,
says Frances. You’ll notice thick patches of brown plaque on the skin, and they can lead to
secondary infections. Luckily, dermatitis neglecta is usually treatable with regular washing. In severe
cases, topical medication might be needed to break down the plaque.
At the end of a long day, it might be tempting to nod off without washing off your makeup.
But any makeup artist or skin care professional will tell you this is one of the most egregious
hygiene mistakes you can make. “Not washing your face daily can create clogged pores which can
not only lead to blackheads and pimples but uneven skin colour due to overgrowth of skin cells,”
notes Frances.
And that’s not all: Neglecting to wash off your mascara, eyeliner and other eye makeup can
do serious damage to your eyes. Makeup harbors bacteria, which can migrate under your eyelids and
lead to styes, inflamed follicles on the lash line, and serious skin infections. Untreated, these
infections could eventually lead to blindness.
Laundry is a chore some people try to avoid like the plague—but if you actually do, you’re
asking for trouble. And this doesn’t just apply to clothes; bed sheets that haven’t been washed in
months (or longer) become a petri dish of bacteria, fungus, dust mites and more—and it’s going to
get worse exponentially, as “bacteria multiply rapidly,” says Frances. In the worst-case scenario,
unwashed bed sheets—and pajamas and clothing for that matter—will lead to a staph infection. If a
staph infection makes its way into the bloodstream, it can escalate to a more severe condition
like septicemia or toxic shock syndrome, which could be fatal.
One of the poorest hygiene habits that ophthalmologist and eye surgeon Alan Mendelsohn,
MD, has ever seen is the overwearing of contact lenses that are never cleaned properly—or at all.
“Wearing a contact lens for a week or longer results in an exponential increase in severe eye
infections, including corneal ulcers,” says Dr. Mendelsohn, who equates this habit to wearing the
same dirty underwear every day.
If the term “corneal ulcer” makes you cringe, it’s for good reason. A corneal ulcer is actually an open
sore on the cornea which causes pain, redness, discharge and blurry vision. Most corneal ulcers can
be treated with antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral eye drops, but in some cases, a cornea transplant
is necessary.
4. Project Implementation
Our team (batch number: 02) conducted survey on “HEALTH AND HYGIENE” by
interacting with people living in public areas. Collected information related to health and
hygiene. Cooperated with us further survey. A survey form was designed and we have noted
answers from them.
House Head: Sk. Karimulla
Members In House: 4
House No: 1-62
Colony: Petta Ram rao street
Family 2:
Family 3:
Q) Health issues previously? No
House Head: B. Anapurna
Members In House: 3
House No: 1-118C
Colony: Chinthal colony
House Head: Ch. Narashima rao
Members In House: 3
House No: 129
Colony: Indira Colony
Q) Health Issues Previously? Yes
Recently suffered with typhoid.
House Head: R. Maheswar Rao
Members In House: 4
House No: 6/242
Colony: Indira Colony
House Head: R. Durga Rao
Members In House: 5
House No: 6/241
Colony: Indira Colony
House Head: K. Koteswari
Members In House: 5
House No: 6/230
Colony: Indira Colony
Complaints they given:
House Head: K. Pushpa Latha
Members In House: 5
House No: 1-66/24
Colony: Sundhar colony
House Head: M. Srinivasa Rao
Members In House: 15
House No: 105
Colony: Indira colony
We visited Krishnaveeni English medium high school. To bring the awareness among the
students about health and hygiene.
We visited hospital and enquired patients about their health conditions. And taken doctors
suggestions to maintain healthy. Many of the patients suffering with viral fevers due to not
maintaining surrounding neatness.
Doctor told us Now-a-days most of the children suffering with Diabetes due to bad food habits.
4.4 Suggestions given by us: -
The health and hygiene are the two factors that plays an important role in human's life. The life
span of human beings is mostly based on the individual's health. The health is maintained by taking
hygienic food at proper interval of time. Cleanliness ensures a healthy mind and physique. A person
with clean habits can destroy his/her destructive desires and dirty ideas with ease. Conclusion:
Cleanliness is not the responsibility of only one person however; it is the responsibility of each and
every person living in the home, city and country. Good personal hygiene is one of the best ways to
protect yourself from getting illnesses such as gastroenteritis and the common cold. Washing your
hands with soap removes germs that can make you ill. Maintaining good personal hygiene will also
help prevent you from spreading diseases to other people.
Exercising regularly helps to keep us fit and prevent diseases. A healthy and hygienic life helps
to strengthen our body and make us immune to diseases; by adopting healthy practices are not just
benefit individuals but the society as well. We need to spread awareness of hygienic practices.
Always be clean;
Our study for this survey is most of the people suffering with diseases due to Improper
hygiene. India has made rapid progress in ending open defecation across the country. The number of
people defecating in the open in India has reduced significantly by an estimated 450 million people.
However, we all need to ensure sustained use of toilets and hygiene practices at all times.
Poor sanitation impairs the health leading to high rates of malnutrition and productivity
losses. India’s sanitation deficit leads to losses worth roughly 6% of its gross domestic product
(GDP) according to World Bank estimates by raising the disease burden in the country. Children are
affected more than adults as the rampant spread of diseases inhibits children’s ability to absorb
nutrients thereby stunting their growth.