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Soteriology - The Doctrine of Salvation

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Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation

Purpose: The purpose of this session is to introduce the disciple to the biblical doctrine of

1. The disciple will understand more clearly how Christ has made provision for all mankind to be
2. The disciple will understand more clearly the nature of regeneration.
3. The disciple will understand more clearly the nature of adoption.
4. The place of repentance will be understood more clearly.

Scripture Memory
He saved us not by works of righteousness that we have done but on the basis of his mercy,
through the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out
on us in full measure through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Titus 3:5-6

1. Sharing and mutual prayer .
2. Share memory verses.
3. Discuss questions.
4. Review new terms.

The Doctrine of Salvation

This is a study of various aspects of the doctrine of salvation. It is not intended to be a complete
study, but rather a general overview of the broader doctrines related to our salvation in Christ our
The study will be built around significant doctrines related to the overall subject of salvation.
Salvation as spoken of here is salvation from the effects of sin. The basic meaning of the
word salvation is deliverance. Please keep this in mind. There are many things we need to be
__________________ from. In relation to sin, there is the penalty, the power and the presence of
sin. In this sense, salvation can be conceived of as past, present and future if we see it in its total
context. P____________ relates to the past, P_________ relates to the present, and
P_____________ relates to the future. There are basic doctrines we have considered that have to
do with each of these aspects of salvation. See if you can relate each of the basic doctrines
already considered to these three aspects of salvation.
1. Justification relates to _________________________ of sin.
2. Sanctification relates to _________________________ of sin.
3. Glorification relates to _________________________ of sin.
In reality, salvation can only be understood clearly when it is understood in terms of its global
aspects, including all that the Gospel and Calvary have provided for us.
The first aspect of salvation we will consider is basic to the entire doctrine. It is the doctrine of
This doctrine has to do with the main aspect of our entry into the family of God. Without it, there
is no admission into that favored place or position we have come to know in relation to God.
The basic meaning of regeneration is found in John 3:3. Jesus said that it is necessary for a man
to be _________ __________ if he is to enter into the kingdom of God. This is spoken of as the
___________ birth. When regeneration takes place, one experiences new _____________.
Regeneration is the door of entry into eternal life. One who does not experience regeneration
does not experience life. Regeneration is new _________ , Ephesians 2:1.
I. The Nature of Regeneration
It is important to understand the nature of this birth or regeneration. Consider for a moment the
following things which are not regeneration.
A. Baptism is not regeneration. Jesus did not baptize, yet He came to seek and to
___________, Luke 19:10. The references to water in various places in the Gospels often refers
to the Word of God. In Ephesians 5:26 we see that the washing of water is through the
____________. James 1:18 tells us that He gave us birth through the ____________ of
B. Reformation is not regeneration. The new birth is not taking a new step forward or reforming
one’s behavior. It is not a psychological experience. Such a position sees the death of Christ as
having no value in helping man deal effectively with his problem of sin. Regeneration by
reformation is nothing more than "salvation by works."
II. The Means of Regeneration
The following verses of Scripture carry aspects of truth related to the means of regeneration. See
if you can identify these varied aspects from your understanding of the passages of Scripture.
A. In John 1:13 we are told that regeneration comes about in what way?
With whom did it begin?
See also Titus 3:5, 6 and John 3:5. Now see if you can think through the part each Person of the
Godhead played in our salvation.
1. The Father
2. The Son
3. The Holy Spirit
B. What is man's part in the entire picture? John 1:12.
Where do good works fit into the picture? Ephesians 2:10
Repentance is a doctrine that relates to salvation. It is a doctrine that is often misunderstood and
confused with sorrow and feeling contrite. It is good to look at the basic meaning of the word as
far as its original meaning in the mother language is concerned. The word repentance (metanoia)
has the meaning "change of mind". Simple sorrow or contrition does not constitute repentance.
I. The Emphasis on Repentance
Look up the following verses that concern the central message of repentance. What do they say?
Luke 24:47
Mark 1:15
Acts 2:38
2 Peter 3:9
Looking at these verses and realizing the basic meaning, what do these verses teach us about the
desires of the Father for mankind?
II. How is Repentance Demonstrated?
We have seen that repentance begins with a change of ______________ about one's behavior.
This is basic because how I think has a great deal to do with how I _____________ , and actions
are usually the result of my thinking. Some of the behaviors that will follow true repentance are
seen in the following verses: see if you can determine what they are.
Psalm 38:18
Isaiah 55:7
Acts 26:18 and 1 Thessalonians 1:9 tell us that it is not enough to turn away from sin, but that
repentance includes what?
And the results will include what? Luke 15:7,10 and Acts 3:19.
It is not easy to separate all of the aspects of salvation. Perhaps repentance and belief are so
closely knit that they are inseparable for most of us. But if belief is true belief, it will include
We do not, as a rule, separate faith from everything else that is involved in salvation.. Yet it is
good to look at the nature of this means of salvation and the method of living a life of rest once
we have entered into eternal life.
Throughout these studies we have emphasized the necessity of faith in Christ and His work for
us as the means of salvation. Let's look carefully at the meaning and usage of the word “faith.”
I. In Relation to Salvation
Ephesians 2:8,9 tell us that _________________ comes by faith. And where does faith come
from______________________________________ The word faith and gift are tied together in
the original language. Faith is a gift from__________. The great doctrine of
_____________________________ is related to faith, Romans 5:1. Galatians 3:26 associates
faith with__________________, and Acts 26:18 says that our ____________________ is
through faith.
Finally, faith _______________ us by God's power until the full revelation of salvation is made
known at His return, 1 Peter 1:5.
II. In Relation to His Promises
Our Father has given us promises to claim throughout His Word. The method of relating to them
is through faith. Hebrews 11:1 has an interesting truth possibly related to this subject. It says,
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." The Greek
word "hupostasis" occurs in this context and has been translated in various ways. A recent
discovery in archeology found a box in an ancient tomb containing title deeds. Across the top of
the box was written the word "hupostasis". Could it be that faith is the title deed to what we hope
for? Now look at the following verses in relation to faith, promises, and prayer.
What does 1 John 5:14,15 teach us?
What will be the result of wavering in one's faith? See James 1:6.
Finally, we should note that it is not just faith that is significant. In fact faith by itself is useless.
It is absurd! One can have great faith and be nowhere. The object of our faith must be considered
absolutely paramount. One has said that faith may be weak and full of defects. But when the
object is God, it has no defects. Let's remember, therefore, that it is not the quality of the faith,
but the object of the faith that is most important.
The final aspect of salvation that we will consider is that pertaining to our adoption as sons. John
1:12 tells us that when we receive Jesus, we become _____________ of God. Through adoption,
the believer who is already a child becomes a son with full standing. Galatians 4:1-7 tells us that
while we were children, we were no different from____________. For this reason, God has
brought about our adoption which makes us _________________with full standing. Certainly
our sonship and all that it entails should elevate us above the standing of a slave. The term
adoption is Pauline rather than from John. It is a Roman word that has the meaning of "the
placing of a son". It is a legal term.
I. The Timing of Adoption
Ephesians 1:4,5 tells us that our adoption as sons actually took place at what distant point?
It was conceived in the mind of God as were all other aspects of our salvation.
What do John 1:12,13; 1 John 3:2 and Romans 8:15 tell us about our new relationship?
Romans 8:23 tells us that we are “waiting ______________________________
______________________,” when the full benefits of adoption will take place.
II. Benefits of the Adoption of Sons
In the following verses, some of the benefits of adoption are given. See if you can find them and
list them.
Luke 12:27-33
1 John 3:1
Romans 8:29
Hebrews 12:5
2 Corinthians 1:4
1 Peter 1:3-5
Justification and sanctification have been dealt with in previous sessions and will be omitted
from the doctrine of salvation and its considerations.

Questions for Review and Discussion

1. A seminary professor shocks his Christian audience when he stands and prays, "Lord, help us
all to be saved this coming week." What, if anything, is wrong with this statement included in
this prayer?
Be sure you can justify your answer!
2. Which is correct and why? Which are incorrect, and why?
a. Regeneration is being "reborn". One experiences "rebirth".
b. Regeneration is "reformation". God helps a person rejuvenate his life and clean up the mess.
c. Regeneration is getting a new chance. The past is wiped out and God is willing to evaluate our
behavior only from this point onward.
d. Regeneration is the "new birth", and being born again is an experience in which God puts
within us a totally new creation.
e. "God helps those who help themselves."
3. What place does sorrow have in repentance?
There is a difference between sorrow and "godly" sorrow, as used in the Bible in relation to
repentance. Sorrow may be for any number of reasons. Perhaps I am sorry because my sin was
exposed...because of the things that have happened to me...because others have discovered my
sin. Or because of natural reaping that has taken place in relation to the sowing. "Godly" sorrow,
on the other hand, is sorrow that relates to disobedience to the Father and a breaking of my
commitment as a servant of Him. It is "godly" sorrow that leads to repentance.
Suggested reading: Psalm 51

Life Application
Write a short paper that illustrates each of the parts of God’s salvation as it relates to your
experience. This should included things related to your standing as well as your continuing state.

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