Car Rental System
Car Rental System
Car Rental System
Amey Thakur
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Abstract— Customers will be able to reserve their vehicles from anywhere in the world due to the Car Rental System.
Consumers provide information to this application by filling in their personal information. When a consumer creates an
account on the website, he or she can reserve a car. The proposed system is an online system that is fully integrated. It
effectively and efficiently automates manual procedures. Customers are aided by this automated method, which allows
them to fill in the specifics according to their needs. It contains information on the sort of car they want to hire as well as
the location. The goal of this system is to create a website where customers can book their automobiles and request
services from anywhere in the world. There are three phases to this car rental system mentioned in the introduction.
Keywords— DBMS, XAMPP, PHP, PHPMYADMIN, Functional and Non-functional Requirements, Database
There are three phases to this car rental system.
1. The first phase entails organising car rental locations into pools and allowing pooled car rental outlets to share a fleet
of automobiles.
2. The second phase for each pool determines the types and quantities of cars to be acquired and delivered to the auto
manufacturer, as well as the geographic redistribution of automobiles among pools across the long-term planning
3. The third phase entails day-to-day operations, during which the fleet's deployment within each pool and among its
locations is determined.
C. Methodology/Procedure:
The database was designed on PHPMYADMIN, the back end was developed in simple PHP, and we utilised the same
basic PHP codes for the frontend. Software methods are concerned with the process of developing software, not so much with
the technical elements as with the organisational ones. Since the dawn of information technology, a variety of software
development methodologies have been employed.
D. Project Framework:
A framework is a set of defined concepts, techniques, and criteria for dealing with a certain type of problem that may
be used as a guide for approaching and resolving future challenges of the same sort.
E. Data and Information:
Data gathering plays a vital function in a project's succession and also it plays an unavoidable role in the timely
completion of the project. The project's data comprises the clients' contact information as well as their feedback/complaints,
which are saved in a database. Only the admin has access to the information given by the clients in order to ensure security.
F. Tools Used:
a. Apache: (Application Server) The Apache Software Foundation developed Apache, also known as Server,
which is an open-source Java Servlet Container.
b. MySQL Server: It is significantly quicker than previous methods of handling big databases. It comprises a
multi-threaded SQL server that supports a variety of back ends, as well as a variety of client applications and
libraries, administrative tools, and application programming interfaces (APIs). MySQL Server is well-suited
for accessing databases via the Internet due to its connection, speed, and security.
2. Sublime Text: Sublime Text is a powerful text editor that can handle code, markup, and prose. The sleek user interface,
exceptional features, and outstanding performance will impress you.
3. Web Browsers: Any web browser will suffice.
4. GitHub: GitHub Inc. is a Git-based version control web hosting service. It's primarily utilised in computer
programming. It has all of Git's distributed version control and source code management features, as well as those of
its own.
B. Proposed Solution:
Create a web-based system that allows consumers to register and reserve automobiles online while also allowing the
firm to manage its car rental business efficiently. To make the process of renting an automobile easier for consumers.
D. Functional Requirements:
Requirement analysis is a software engineering approach that consists of a series of activities that establish the
demands or conditions that must be satisfied for a new or updated product while taking into account the potential for competing
requirements from different users.
Functional requirements are those that are used to demonstrate the system's internal functioning nature, as well as the
system's description and explanation of each subsystem. It comprises the task that the system should accomplish, the processes
involved, the data that the system should contain, and the user interfaces.
The functional requirements discovered are as follows:
1. Customer registration – New users should be able to register online and print membership cards.
2. Car reservation online – Customers should be able to utilise the system to book and reserve automobiles online.
3. Automatic database update once a reservation is made or a new customer is registered – The system should be
able to update the database without any further effort from the administrator whenever a new reservation or registration
is made.
E. Non-functional Requirements:
It describes system elements that are concerned with how the system fulfils functional requirements. They are as
1. Security – Only authorised corporate workers may get access to the firm's secured page on the systems, and only users
with proper passwords and usernames can log in to see the users page.
2. Performance and Response Time – The system should have a high-performance rate while executing user input and
should be able to offer feedback or a response in a short amount of time, often 50 seconds for extremely difficult
activities and 20 to 25 seconds for less sophisticated jobs.
3. Error handling – Errors should be avoided as much as possible, and a suitable error message should be supplied to
help the user through the recovery process. The importance of validating user input cannot be overstated. In addition,
the time it takes to recover from a mistake should be between 15 and 20 seconds.
4. Availability – This system must be accessible at all times, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In the event of a
catastrophic system failure, the system should be back up and running within 1 to 2 business days, ensuring that the
business process is not disrupted.
5. Ease of use – Given the consumers' level of understanding, a basic yet high-quality user interface should be created to
make it simple to comprehend and need minimal training.
F. Assumptions:
1. At any one moment, each booking is connected with only one automobile reservation.
2. Cars that are part of the system should be available at a certain point.
3. Discount codes may or may not be applied to billing.
4. Due to various cancelled bookings, not all bookings are connected with billing.
5. Since the renter may have his own insurance, the rental insurance may or may not be included in the booking.
B. Problem Analysis:
We are currently creating a new system because there is no existing system at this time. There is currently no system
on the market with these features and capabilities. This system is designed for a wide range of users, with a highly adaptable
and adjustable solution that will ensure worldwide marketing.
C. Design and Development Problem:
1. There is a problem operating XAMPP.
2. During the development process, to debug the mistake.
3. To depict a connection between two or more entities.
4. A database table has a minor mistake.
D. Feasibility Analysis:
Once the problem is fully recognised, a feasibility study is carried out. The goal of the research is to see if the problem
is worth fixing. It is the process of analysing and evaluating a proposed project in order to evaluate if it is technically viable.
E. Economical Analysis:
The economic feasibility of a system is used to assess the project's or system's advantages as well as the expenses
involved. A method known as cost-benefit analysis is used to accomplish this. It offers both concrete and intangible benefits,
such as cost savings, increased flexibility, quicker activities, and efficient database administration.
The application is on a medium scale, and it is financially possible for us to complete. This necessitates a cost-benefit
analysis. As a result, there is no issue with excessive costs or cost-benefit analyses.
F. Software Analysis:
1. When developing web apps, it takes a long time.
2. The expense of research and analysis to establish the real-world requirement.
3. Implementation of the programme on the server, as well as the expense of web servers.
G. Data Conversion:
Data conversion is another expense connected with the implementation of this web application. The previously used
software database must be saved and backed up so that no time or money is wasted in the implementation of the new web-based
H. Operational Feasibility:
The system is operationally practical since it can be used by ordinary users with basic computer abilities who do not
require any further training. We created this system with the willingness and capacity to design, administer, and run a system
that is simple for end-users to use.
J. Gantt Chart:
The project's progress is represented on something like a Gantt chart. It connects with the customer and provides the
project's anticipated completion date. It assists you in determining how long a project should take, determining the resources
required, and planning the sequence in which tasks will be completed.
A. Design Process:
The process through which designers design interfaces in software or electronic devices with an emphasis on aesthetics
or style is termed user interface (UI) design. Designers strive to develop interfaces that are both easy to use and enjoyable for
users. Graphical user interfaces and various kinds of user interface design are examples of UI design.
C. Sequence Diagram:
A sequence diagram is comparable to an interaction diagram because it explains how and in what order a faction of
items interact. A sequence diagram focuses on lifelines or processes and objects that exist concurrently, and the messages
transferred between them to complete a function before the lifeline terminates.
The above picture depicts the project's Sequence Diagram, which is a sort of interaction diagram since it describes
how—and in what order—a set of items interacts with one another. A sequence diagram focuses on lifelines or processes and
objects that coexist, and the messages transferred between them to complete a function before the lifeline terminates.
D. ER/EER Diagram:
The ER diagram depicts all of the relationships between entity sets in the database. It demonstrates the database's
logical structure.
E. Relationship Model:
It aids in visualising how data is linked in general.
1. Backend
2. Frontend
Fig 6.3: Cars
Fig 6.6: Make My Account Fig 6.7: Password Recovery
B. Database Connectivity:
In PHP, make a database connection file.
Make a new PHP file called db_connnection.php and keep it safe. What's the point of creating a fresh database
connection file? Because if you've generated numerous files in which you wish to insert or select data from databases, you won't
have to write the database connection code every time. Simply include it at the start of your code using PHP's custom function
include (include 'connection.php') then call and utilise its function. It is particularly useful when changing your project location
from one PC to another when you need to modify the values on a single file, and the changes are immediately applied to all the
other files. Insert code into your db_connection file.
1. <?php
3. function OpenCon()
4. {
5. $dbhost = "localhost";
6. $dbuser = "root";
7. $dbpass = "1234";
8. $db = "example";
10. $conn = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass,$db) or die("Connection failed: %s\n". $conn -> error);
12. return $conn;
13. }
15. function CloseCon($conn)
16. {
17. $conn -> close();
18. }
20. ?>
The following is an explanation of the variable that we utilised in our db_connection file:
1. $dbhost is the host on which your server is operating; it is often localhost.
2. $dbuser is the root username, and $dbpass is the password you used to access PHPMyAdmin.
3. $dbname is the name of the database that we built in this tutorial.
Run it:
Now launch your browser and navigate to localhost/practice/index.php. Then you should see the following screen:
Message of Confirmation
Congratulations! You've successfully linked your database to localhost! If you can't view this screen, make sure you've
done everything correctly in your db_connection.php file.
In comparison to previous experiences, when every activity related to the vehicle rental business was restricted to a
physical place alone, the car rental industry has emerged with new delicacies. Even if the physical location has not been
completely eliminated, the internet's power has altered the nature of functions and how these tasks are accomplished. Customers
may now book vehicles online, rent automobiles online, and have the car delivered to their home if they are a registered
member, or they can travel to the office to pick up the car.
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