Revival News: January 2024

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Volume 5 / Issue No.

01 A CHURCH IN REVIVAL // 10,000 MEMBERS BY 2025 // GLOBAL SOUL COUNT: 47,032,416 JANUARY 2024

Chronicles of Revival R E V I VA L M I N I ST R I E S I N T E R N AT I O N A L WO R L D H E A D Q UA R T E R S
Prepared to Receive
By Drs. Rodney &
Adonica Howard-Browne

Continue on Page 05

Welcome to the Revival Ministries International As we embark upon the new and
Winter Campmeeting: TRANSFIGURED! We are exciting year, there are five essential
truths from God’s Word that we want
so happy you’ve joined us, along with thousands of you to get into your spirit. God didn’t
conference attendees worldwide for this life-changing bring you this far to leave you. He is
week. By the Word of the Lord, 2024 shall be the result with you strong, and 2024 shall be
of that which was prophesied of old. It shall be the year the best year of your life thus far, in
Jesus’ Name!
of the fulfillment of the promises of God in your life,
personally, and His Word will carry you! 1. The Lord Will Not Fail.
Continue on Page 02 Joshua 21:45 KJV — There failed not
ought of any good thing which the Lord
had spoken unto the house of Israel; all
came to pass.

Just think back over the last four years of

your life—where you were, how far you
have come, and what the Lord has done
for you. When you thank and praise God
for what He’s done, you position yourself
to receive all that He promised to do! Just
as the Lord kept His promise with Israel,
so shall He keep all of His promises to
Continue on Page 03

Continue on Page 04


300 City Tour: Local Tampa Bay Area: 228,665
We traveled to 54 cities around the world!
The River is a local church with a global
reach. We are winning the lost at any
Attendance: 214,794 cost and seeing a great harvest of souls
Altar Call: 44,123 come into the Kingdom. Hallelujah!

Mobilized for the Harvest: 113,020

Continue on Page 07
Continue on Page 04
2 executed a restraining order against the structure that is

Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting
holding America in captivity, binding it and rendering it
powerless and ineffective, from the Supreme Court, to the

About: White House, to the Executive Branch, Congress, and the

Senate, in the Name of Jesus. He commanded the Church in
Drs. Rodney & Adonica America to wake up and for the people of God to come out
8 Days // 16 Meetings
Howard-Browne of their slumber. He declared that it is time to take the land.

Updated - January 2024
During the Covid era, Drs. Rodney and Adonica took a stand
for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our God-given liberties.
Drs. Rodney and Adonica As a result, Dr. Rodney was wrongfully arrested at his home
Howard-Browne are on March 30, 2020, for holding a church service at The River
the founders of Revival at Tampa Bay Church on Sunday, March 29. Morning Sessions 9:30 AM
Ministries International, Evening Sessions 7 PM
The River at Tampa As a result of his arrest, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
Bay Church, and River declared attendance at churches, synagogues, and houses of Doors open 1 hour before services
University in Tampa, worship to be an essential activity. Dr. Rodney’s arrest freed
Florida. In December up every church in Florida to meet without restrictions. All
of 1987, Rodney, along
with his wife, Adonica,
and their three children,
the charges were dropped by the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
State Attorney on May 15, 2020, and the date of his arrest
and criminal record were expunged by Circuit Court Judge
Kirsten, Kelly, and Kenneth, moved from their native John N. Conrad on February 22, 2021.
land, South Africa, to the United States called by God as Welcome to the Revival Ministries International
missionaries from Africa to America. The Lord had spoken Drs. Rodney and Adonica continue to take a stand for Winter Campmeeting: TRANSFIGURED! We are
through Rodney in a word of prophecy and declared, “As the Word of God and for billions around the world whose so happy you’ve joined us, along with thousands of
America has sown missionaries over the last two hundred right to worship freely was removed and has not been, or conference attendees worldwide for this life-changing
years, I am going to raise up people from other nations to perhaps will never be, restored. The Stand nightly services week.
come to the United States of America. I am sending a mighty have continued for over 1318 nights, as they stand for their
revival to America.” brothers and sisters around the world who cannot stand By the Word of the Lord, 2024 shall be the result of
and worship freely. that which was prophesied of old. It shall be the year
In April of 1989, the Lord sent a revival of signs and wonders of the fulfillment of the promises of God in your
and miracles that began in a church in Clifton Park, New With a passion for souls and a passion to revive and life, personally, and His Word will carry you! And
York, that has continued until today, resulting in thousands mobilize the Body of Christ, Drs. Rodney and Adonica have what's about to happen in the next 3 years will eclipse
of people being touched and changed as they encounter the conducted revivals and soul-winning efforts throughout anything we've ever seen. It's going to shake in the
presence of the living God. God is still moving today—saving, 92 nations with the 300 City Tour, Good News campaigns, business realm, the governmental realm, and in the
healing, delivering, restoring, and setting people free! R.M.I. Revivals, the Great Awakening Tours, and The religious realm. There shall be a transfiguration of
Stand. As a result, over 47,032,416 precious people have the glory of God that shall transform whole nations!
Drs. Rodney and Adonica’s second daughter, Kelly, was come to Christ at the time of this publication, and tens of
born with an incurable lung disease called cystic fibrosis. thousands of believers have been revived and mobilized to This conference is specifically designed to take you
This demonic disease slowly destroyed her lungs. Early on preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For more information, on a journey toward a deeper walk with the Lord,
Christmas morning 2002, at the age of eighteen, she ran visit a greater experience with the Holy Spirit, and a
out of lung capacity and breathed out her last breath. They transformation in your life, being changed from
placed her into the arms of her Lord and Savior and vowed glory to glory! You’ve come to the right placed to get
that the devil would pay for what he had done to their family. immersed in God’s Word, and be refreshed, revived,
Secondly, they vowed to do everything in their power, with and empowered to bring revival and a fresh touch
the help of the Lord, to win one hundred million souls to from Heaven to your church, city, state, and nation.
The Year of the Fulfillment of God’s Promises....3
Jesus and to put $1 billion into world missions and the harvest Without the anointing, none of us can do what God
The Holy Spirit Book........................................4
of souls. has called us to do. As you have chosen to set aside
Prepared to Receive.........................................5
time to join us as we launch into 2024 with great
2024 Holy Ghost & Fire Africa Tour.....................6
When Drs. Rodney and Adonica became naturalized expectation, we believe God has something special in
River School of The Bible.................................6
citizens of the United States of America, in 2004 and 2008 store for you this week!
respectively, they took the United States Oath of Allegiance, 2023 Year-In-Review........................................7
Stewardship Bibles.........................................21
which declares, “I will support and defend the Constitution Leaving this conference, we pray that you will be
T&E Morgan 300 Watches.............................22
and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, marked by God’s anointing and His finger for all
River Car Show..............................................24
foreign and domestic.” They took this oath to heart. They love eternity. And that from this conference, God will
Latest Products..............................................25
America, are praying for this country, and are trusting God move through you mightily in Jesus’ Name!
to see another Great Awakening sweep across this land. Revival Book..................................................26
Upcoming Events...........................................27
“And six days after this, Jesus took with Him Peter
Kingdom Business Book................................28
Believing for this Great Spiritual Awakening, Drs. Rodney and James and John his brother, and led them up on
Revival TV......................................................30
and Adonica conducted Celebrate America D.C., a soul- a high mountain by themselves. And His appearance
Property Map.................................................32
winning event. They preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ for underwent a change in their presence; and His face
fifty nights in Washington, D.C., and surrounding areas shone clear and bright like the sun, and His clothing
from 2014 to 2019. Through the evangelism efforts on the became as white as light” (Matthew 17:1-2 AMPC).
streets, in the halls of Congress, and the nightly altar calls, MANAGING EDITOR
58,033 individuals made decisions for Jesus Christ. Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne With love & blessings,
Revival Ministries International EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
During Celebrate America, in July of 2014, at the Daughters Darrain & Christine Matthews
of the American Revolution Constitution Hall, Dr. Rodney Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne PHOTOGRAPHY
R.M.I. Media
As we embark upon the new and exciting year, there God’s Word never returns to Him void—in vain; vainly;
are five essential truths from God’s Word that we want uselessly; emptily; in an empty condition; without
you to get into your spirit. God didn’t bring you this far results; without producing any effect. And that’s
to leave you. He is with you strong, and 2024 shall be good news! His Word accomplishes what He desires
the best year of your life thus far, in Jesus’ Name! and succeeds in the matter for which He sends
it. The rain and snow come down from the Heavens
1. The Lord Will Not Fail. and water the Earth (Isa. 55:10). Then the watered
Joshua 21:45 KJV — There failed not ought of any ground causes the plants to sprout and grow, and
good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the they produce food for people to eat and seeds for
house of Israel; all came to pass. the farmer to replant. In the same way, God’s Word
is always fruitful and prosperous. He sends His
Just think back over the last four years of your life— Word out for a purpose, and His purpose is always
where you were, how far you have come, and what accomplished!
the Lord has done for you. When you thank and praise
God for what He’s done, you position yourself to 4. He Will Perform His Word.
receive all that He promised to do! Just as the Lord Jeremiah 1:12 KJV — Then said the Lord unto me,
kept His promise with Israel, so shall He keep all of His Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to
promises to you. perform it.

In Joshua 21:43, the Lord gave Israel all the land which Hasten (Hebrew šāqad) –– to wake; to be wakeful
He swore to give their fathers. In Joshua 21:44, the over; watch; to keep watch of; awake; to be alert, i.e.
Lord gave the children of Israel peace on all sides, just sleepless; hence to be, or remain, on the lookout. The
as He swore to their fathers. He went on to deliver Lord is actively watching over His Word to fulfill it,
their enemies into their hands, and in His Word, we and to ensure that it comes to pass. When you stand
see everything the Lord promised to Israel came to on God’s Word, and fulfill the conditions, the Lord
pass. remains watchful over His promise to perform it,
personally working to bring it to pass. So rejoice and
So what promises has God made to you personally? be glad. Even now, God is personally working on your
What has He spoken over your life? What has He said behalf!
He would do? Write them down, get excited, and
get ready, because it will all come to pass! If God has 5. His Promises are Yes and Amen.
promised it, it is a settled matter! 2 Corinthians 1:20 KJV — For all the promises of God
in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God
Joshua 23:14 AMPC — Know in all your hearts and by us.
in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all
the good things which the Lord your God promised Yes (Greek nai) –– a primary particle of strong
concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not affirmation; yes; yea; surely; truth; verily; truly;
one thing of them has failed. assuredly; even so. And Amen means “so be it.” All
of God’s promises are Yes and Amen—Yes and the
2. His Word Will Not Fail. Truth. In Him, His promises are “Yes, I will do it.” And
1 Kings 8:56 KJV — Blessed be the Lord, that hath God’s promises are Amen: which means that it is
given rest unto his people Israel, according to all that done! It is done; it is fulfilled; it will come to pass.
he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his
good promise, which he promised by the hand of Not one promise of God is No—or even Maybe—to
Moses his servant. the person who believes His Word and meets the
conditions. If we pray in faith, according to His Word,
Solomon, like Joshua, knew that nothing God had then it is done at the time we ask. And then He
promised ever failed (Josh. 21:45; 23:14). Understand, watches diligently over His Word to perform it—all the
the Lord is always faithful to keep His Word and fulfill way until we have fully received it.
His promises to anyone who meets the conditions
included in the promise. In addition to praise and God is truthful and does not make promises He does
thanksgiving, obedience to God’s Word is a key not plan to keep. He guarantees the Truthfulness of
factor to receiving the promises of God. You must His Word. If He made a promise, then He is faithful
remember to seek the Lord concerning His promises to keep it. As the angel, Gabriel assured Mary: “For
over your life, and align your life with His Word. with God nothing is ever impossible and no word
from God shall be without power or impossible of
fulfillment” (Luke 1:37 AMPC).
3. His Word Will Prosper.
Isaiah 55:11 KJV — So shall my word be that goeth Through faith and patience, you will inherit the
forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, promises of the Lord (Hebrews 6:12). You will not be
but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall ashamed, and you will not be disappointed. 2024 will
prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. be the most fulfilling year you’ve ever had!

2024: The Year of the Fulfillment

of God’s Promises!
By Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 3
4 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting The Holy Spirit is a book of
significant importance to the
NEW BOOK RELEASE Church in this hour.

We are living in the last days, and if

Christians don’t know the Holy Spirit,
are not guided by Him, and are not
filled, flooded, and overflowing with
Him, they won’t make it in these
perilous times.

But when you live saturated in His

presence and power, knowing Him
as your best friend, counselor, and
strength, He will live big in you and
flow through you. You will become His
Voice, Hands, and Feet on Earth—a
vessel used to usher in the coming of
the King of kings and Lord of lords,
Jesus Christ!

You are not reading this by accident,

you are reading this by divine
appointment. You’ve been called and
anointed of God, and raised up for this
day and hour.

“We have the opportunity to be used of

God. The best wine has been kept for
these last days. Will you yield to Him?
Will you be willing to pay the price?
All that the world has to offer does
not even compare to what is to come.
This is the time to get ready. This is
the time to get to know the Person of
NOW AVAILABLE the Holy Spirit.” – Dr. Rodney Howard-
grab your copy at the R.M.I. Bookstore

grab your copy at the R.M.I. Bookstore
The Wind of God is blowing across the Earth to become Holy Ghost agents God can send anywhere in the
transform, renew, and restore those who are lost world and watch an oasis spring up. The Wind of God holds
and dying. And now more than ever, the Church power, miracles, signs, and wonders, made available to us, to
must know how to recognize and live in the flow work through us!
of this Wind. In doing so, we position ourselves
to be divinely protected, guided, strengthened, As you read The Ways of the Wind, you will learn:
sustained, and carried by the Holy Ghost daily.
We position ourselves for a life of victory, where • How to Recognize the Wind of the Holy Ghost
the devil can’t stop us and no obstacle can delay • The Necessity of the Anointing
• Hindrances to Flowing in the Wind of the Holy Ghost
This is the hour for the Body of Christ to be • The Cost of Living in the Wind
carriers of God’s presence and power. When we 
humble ourselves and surrender all to follow the • The Necessity of the Anointing
Wind of God, we become carriers of the Wind,
blown into cities and nations, to see people
touched, saved, healed, and changed. We
By Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne

This week is tailor-made for every single person the stewardship teaching, the preaching of
here, but the difference between those who will leave the Word, and the moving of the Spirit. • Whatever you put into the conference, is
without receiving anything, and those who will leave what you’ll get out of it!
having received all that Heaven has for them, is what •
Commit to attend as many services you
is detailed below: possibly can—you never know which service 9. The Lobby
is going to be your service.
2 Corinthians 3:18 (KJV) • We encourage you to take a moment to see
“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the 6. The Lord Has Something for You what businesses we have in the lobby that are
glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from a part of our Kingdom Business Fellowship,
glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” • There are special things the Lord has for each but don’t sit there the whole service, and
and every person. don’t be distracted.
1. Prepare Your Heart
• The way He deals with, and touches, each • God has something specific for you. Anyone
• Just like you prepare ground for a seed, so person may be different. can get anything they need from the Lord
prepare your heart to receive all that the Lord when they make a demand on the anointing.
has for you. Reach out, stretch out to Him in • So, keep your heart open, press in, and But, you have to shut out everything else
full submission and expectation. receive whatever the Lord has for you. around you.
• Job 11:13 (KJV); Psalm 10:17 (NKJV) • Don’t be selective about how God is going to • Don’t be distracted greeting and meeting
do it. with people when the service has started.
• He is your Creator, Master, Lord, and
Savior—your only Authority, Source of Life, • Don’t put pressure on the minister to receive You will not be able to receive if you spend
and Supplier of all you need. from them. Put pressure on the anointing to your time walking around, hanging in the
receive from the Lord. lobby, and chatting to people!
• Everything you need is in His presence.
Everything you need is in His Word and • God will find you wherever you are. If you • Be on time for the services—Mornings start
comes to you by His Spirit. keep your heart turned toward the Lord, you at 9:30 AM and the nights at 7 PM. Come
create an atmosphere where He can freely ready to praise, ready to worship, ready to
• Say, “I will prepare my heart, to get ready for move and touch each one of you. give, ready to rejoice, and ready to receive.
what the Lord is about to do. I’m going to get
all that Heaven has for me. Whatever has my • Sometimes, it’s just one word, but that one • Say, “When my feet touch the ground at The
name attached to it, I’m getting it!” word will carry you. One word from God and River, I’m stepping into another dimension.
everything changes. One key from God will I’m not going to wait till Thursday night to
2. Expect to Receive open the door for you. get what Heaven has for me. I’m getting it
from Sunday morning, the Main Event. I’m
• If you go to a restaurant that serves a certain • Say, “Lord, I’ll take everything You have for stepping right into it.”
cuisine, you expect to receive that cuisine. So me!”
come expecting to receive from the Lord. 10. A Blessing for You
7. The Lord’s Timetable
• Psalm 62:5 (KJV); Psalm 73:25 (AMPC) • We are praying for you, that during these
• Don’t limit God to when He can touch eight days nothing will stand in your way, you
• Don’t let offense or anything get you off your you. He does not work according to your will not be distracted or miss out on anything
expectation. Don’t let anyone steal what God timetable. the Lord has for you, and at the conclusion of
has for you. the meeting, you will never be the same.
• Don’t leave before the end of the service—
3. Be Hungry and Thirsty don’t miss out on what the Lord has for you. And finally, many times after the services, I’ve had
Some of the most powerful moves of God people come up to me and say, “Pastor Rodney, while
• Come hungry and thirsty to get everything have taken place later in the services. you were preaching, and the power of God began to
God has for you. fall, I saw angels walking around through the crowd,
• Say, “I will not leave the service too soon, and giving out gifts to individuals. The gifts were beautiful,
• Matthew 5:6 (KJV); Psalm 63:1 (AMPC) miss out on what the Lord wants to do!” specially made for each individual. Some individuals
gladly received, but with some individuals, the angel
• This eight-day meeting will cause the water 7. A Blessing for Every Age and Every Stage had to take the gift and walk away with it.” I’ve said to
level for your life to rise. And you are going the Lord, “That’s terrible. How do we get people ready to
to be changed from glory unto glory. • There is something for you whatever your age receive?” And He said, “It’s their heart attitude. It’s the
or stage. way that they come. They must make a demand. All you
4. Place a Demand Upon the Anointing can do is make people hungry for what I have for them.
• We have separate services for children, but You can’t force them. It’s the same with a plate of great
• Put your request to the Lord especially many children receive a special touch from food. You can put the food down and say, ‘Eat.’ But they
for spiritual things this week. If you ask the Lord when they are in the main service. say, ‘I’m not hungry,’ and take a mouthful or too and
according to His Word, the Lord will touch But please make sure they are seated, paying that’s it.”
you. attention, and not running around. Feel free
to bring something for the younger ones It’s not about getting people here for meetings, we have
• Matthew 7:9-11 (KJV) to help them sit still –paper, pens, coloring meetings all the time. It’s about YOU receiving from
books etc. Heaven all that the Lord has for you. And this is very
5. Impartation Comes by the Word and the Spirit important for the days ahead. Don’t expect anything less
• Encourage teenagers to have a notebook to than Heaven’s best as you come to feast at the banquet
• Over the eight days, this conference is take notes. Young people need to be in Holy table of Heaven. The Master is saying, “Come and dine.
designed to take you on a journey toward Ghost services! Come and eat of the heavenly bread. Come and drink
a deeper walk with the Lord, a greater of the Living Water. Come and drink of the New Wine.
experience with the Holy Spirit, and a • Just because you’ve been touched by the Lord Come and have your head anointed with oil, and your
transformation in your life. does not mean that your children will get it cup filled to the brim with overflowing.” Taste and see
via osmosis! Each person, regardless of age, that the Lord is good!
• Don’t be selective in your attendance. Every must have a personal encounter with God,
meeting and every part of the meeting is experience His presence, and make a choice
important—from the praise and worship to to serve and honor Him. Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 5
6 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

2024 Spring Holy Ghost & Fire Africa Tour:

And This Gospel of The Kingdom Shall be Preached!
We have exciting news! Drs. Rodney & Adonica and
the team are gearing up for another run through
Africa! This upcoming nine-country Holy Ghost & Fire
Tour is fast approaching. The team leaves on Sunday,
March 31, 2024, and will travel to 12 cities throughout
nine countries, in a span of 34 days!

The last trip to Africa was deeply impactful in countless

ways. The Lord spoke to Drs. Rodney & Adonica
saying, “What I do in Africa, I will begin to do in other
realms.” We believe God is going to do something
profound—something we’ve never seen happen before
this year.

Venues have been secured, including a big rugby

stadium in Cape Town, and the preparations are
underway. For one stadium alone, 600 buses and trains
are being secured for the great harvest of souls that will
come in!

We are in great expectation to see God’s Hand move

mightily across Africa, and you can be a part!
Scan the QR Code above to invest into the Gospel
and that which is eternal-SOULS! Ask the Lord what
He would have you do, follow the Holy Ghost, and be

“Let each one [give] as he has made up his

own mind and purposed in his heart, not
reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God
loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things,
and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful
(joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his
giving]” (2 Corinthians 9:7 AMPC).

Scan the QR code to enroll today.

River School of the Bible

Online: Join Us Online Today!
The River School of the Bible Online The online program provides quality
is actively raising up a new breed Spirit-filled biblical instruction,
of revivalists! We are training men academic training, and practical
and women in the spirit of revival education to men and women
for ministry in 21st century. This is called into the five-fold ministry.
not just for the full-time minister, The ministry program also provides
but for all of God’s people who are instruction for those who desire to
hungry for more. It is a place where become better equipped in other
the Word of God and the Holy Spirit areas of Christian service.
come together to produce life, birth
ministries, and launch individuals to
fulfill the call of God.
The River at Tampa Bay Church
2023 Year-In-Review Revival Ministries International

2023: The Year of El Shaddai

As we reflect on God’s goodness throughout
2023, our hearts are exceedingly glad and full of
great joy and thanksgiving. By the word of the
Lord, 2023 was The Year of El Shaddai, and the
God Who is More Than Enough moved mightily
on the behalf of His people. Throughout this
incredible year, we saw countless miracles of
salvation, healing, deliverance, and supernatural
provision and increase! Journey with us through
our 2023 Year-In-Review, as we thank God for
all He’s done in and through Revival Ministries
International. And get ready for what He will do
in 2024!

mother’s room and nursery, 100 new

THE VISION HAS ALWAYS restrooms, custom chairs and carpeting,
BEEN SOULS! state-of-the-art sound and lighting, and the
buildout of a new platform!
By God’s grace, we witnessed some of the
300 City Tour: We traveled to 54 greatest financial miracles in the history
cities around the world! of our ministry and saw $11.6M PAID IN
Attendance: 214,794 CASH, without borrowing money from
Altar Call: 44,123 any banks! During the buildout, we were
Mobilized for the Harvest: 113,020 overtaken with God’s supernatural provision,
favor, and acceleration. We give thanks for all
Local Tampa Bay Area: 228,665 He has done in helping to bring this vision
The River is a local church with a to pass. We also want to thank each of you
global reach. We are winning the lost for your continued prayers and financial
at any cost and seeing a great harvest investment in the Gospel as we make room
of souls come into the Kingdom. for the greatest harvest of souls!
Hallelujah! in 2024!

The River Church Buildout:

All-New Sanctuary Dedication!
“This is from the Lord and is His doing; it is
marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 113:23 AMPC).

Revival Ministries International is a place of

miracles, signs, and wonders, and the miraculous
buildout of our new sanctuary left us in awe of
God’s faithfulness. On Sunday, January 22, 2023,
we officially opened and dedicated our new
sanctuary in a special ribbon-cutting ceremony
with Dr. Bob Nichols, Founding Pastor of
Calvary Cathedral International, Fort Worth,
Texas. In conjunction with our extended Winter
Campmeeting, we dedicated our new sanctuary
in grand style with four weeks of Holy Ghost and
Fire meetings!

At the time of celebration, our teams and 45

external contractor companies had worked
around the clock for 5.5 months adding
1,860-floor seats, 1,020 balcony seats, a new Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 7
REVIVAL NEWS From this conference, men and
8 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting women will continue to launch
into fulfilling their Kingdom
Winter Campmeeting: Business assignments. Whether
A Kingdom Business Takeover! in business, ministry, or both,
God wants you to prosper
We are actively raising 300 multi-millionaires financially, and you have a part
like Gideon’s army, who will fund the end- to play. God is calling you to
time harvest of souls! Last year’s Winter launch out into the deep, to see
Campmeeting: Kingdom Business was off the His great and mighty wonders.
chain! With thousands of hungry and thirsty
conference registrants worldwide, we rocked the “They that go down to the
house day and night with life-transforming Holy sea in ships, that do business
Ghost meetings! And with the dedication of in great waters; These see the
our all-new sanctuary, Kingdom Business made works of the Lord, and his
R.M.I. history! wonders in the deep” (Psalm
107:23-24 KJV).
Extended for four weeks, this conference was a Scan the QR code to enjoy all 16
time of receiving Heavenly deposits and taking service replays on
territory to shake the realm of business with the Expect to receive a fresh touch
power of the Holy Ghost. Kingdom Business also from Heaven, and to step into
featured an exciting panel discussion with Dr. the Kingdom Business God has
Rodney Howard-Browne and special guests from called you to!
ministry, business, and government arenas!

March Africa Tour:

Africa Shall Be Shaken!
Last March, Drs. Rodney & Adonica launched
an Africa Tour, conducting Holy Ghost & Fire
meetings in Accra, Ghana; Windhoek, Namibia;
Cape Town, South Africa; and Johannesburg,
South Africa! In 2002, Drs. Rodney and Adonica
vowed 100 million souls to Jesus, and are so
grateful to the Lord to be on the front lines of
this global mission. This incredible tour took our
global 300 City Tour count to 197 cities!

Attendees flew from around the continent to

be in those meetings, and in Accra, the Royal
Kings & Queens and Paramount Chief & Chiefs
were touched by the fire of God! Every service
was filled with God’s presence, and we saw His
Hand move mightily! In total, we saw 46,997
people in attendance, 8,606 salvations, and
19,262 people mobilized to share the Gospel!
There is great hunger and thirst for revival,
and Africa shall be shaken! We give God all of Africa Tour: Accra, Ghana
Attendance: 26,285 | Salvations: 2,124 | Mobilized for the
the glory and honor!
Harvest: 5,604

Africa Tour: Windhoek, Namibia

Attendance: 3,370 | Salvations: 2,522 | Mobilized for the
Harvest: 2,858

Africa Tour: Cape Town, South Africa

Attendance: 7,082 | Salvations: 2,341 | Mobilized for the
Harvest: 6,472

Africa Tour: Johannesburg, South Africa

Attendance: 10,260 | Salvations: 1,619 | Mobilized for the
Harvest: 4,328
HEAPS! “Million-dollar offerings,
billion-dollar flow!”
In the third month of the Heaps
(2 Chronicles 31:4-10), we saw an overflow
of God’s supernatural provision! During our
extended 2023 Winter Campmeeting: Kingdom
Business, Evangelist Ted Shuttlesworth,
Sr. prophesied, “Million-dollar offerings,
billion-dollar flow,” over Revival Ministries
International. Weeks later, the Lord
supernaturally blessed us with a check for $1M!
Hallelujah! This blessing came on the heels
of us sowing $2M (in African currency) into
ministries and church-building projects during
our March 2023 Africa Tour to Ghana, Namibia,
and South Africa.

We give glory to God for all He has done and for

the power of sowing and reaping. Ephesians 6:8
KJV says, “Knowing that whatsoever good thing
any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the
Lord, whether he be bond or free.” What you
make happen for others, God will make happen
for you, breaking you through to another level.
in 2024!

The Stand: 1,000 Nights and held our first service on the Field of Dreams, vowing to stand
for liberty and the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since
Beyond! then, many mighty men and women of God have ministered on
The Field of Dreams, and The Stand has become a worldwide
When the devil tried to shut down the Church, we movement.
took a STAND!
March 9, 2023, marked Night 1,000 of The Stand, and we give
In the spring of 2020, churches worldwide God glory for all He has done! Millions have been saved and
were forced to close by a Communist-driven ignited by the fire of Pentecost, and we are still standing for
agenda acting under the guise of a global health the Gospel, the First Amendment, and our brothers and sisters
emergency. Dr. Rodney took a stand for the worldwide. The enemy’s mission was to shut down the Church
Gospel, our God-given liberties, and the First for good, but he failed miserably. THIS is the greatest hour for
Amendment of the Constitution of the United the Body of Christ, and the Church Triumphant shall stand!
States. On Tuesday, March 30, 2020, he was
arrested for doing so. On the morning of his
arrest, God spoke to Dr. Adonica, and the word
from the Lord was to “run towards the roar,” and
we’ve continued running ever since! Scan the QR code to Watch
what God did in 1,000 days.
During global turmoil, confusion, and chaos, The
River never stopped flowing, and God’s Hand
never stopped moving. We continued to win
souls and meet the spiritual and physical needs of
the domestic and international communities we

By the leading of the Holy Ghost, Dr. Rodney

was given the vision to launch a massive open-air
crusade—THE STAND 20’. And within six days,
The Field of Dreams sprung up out of R.M.I.
property grounds that were anointed in January
2017. On Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2020, we
Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 9
10 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

Covenant Women’s Conference: BLESSED!

Thousands of women gathered for our

annual Covenant Women’s Conference.
The theme was BLESSED, and attendees
encountered four life-changing days in God’s
presence! Women worldwide were saved, healed,
and delivered, with every area of their lives
touched and transformed by God’s anointing.
BLESSED marked women for eternity, giving
them divine purpose, strength, and power.

From this conference continues to rise an army

of Covenant Women who know their God and
the promises given to them through His Word.
Working together, Covenant Women are setting
a godly standard in culture, advancing God’s
Kingdom, and carrying the blessing of God
everywhere they go!

“God gave you a commission, and He’s given you a

voice! You are BLESSED to be a blessing!”
- Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne

Special Confession and Prayer for


I am a Covenant Woman, and I am

abundantly blessed to be a blessing!
Father, as You teach me Your ways,
I will humbly listen, boldly obey,
and allow You to transform my life. I
promise to be the greatest blessing
to the world that You’ve called me to
be. Your Word calls me blessed, and
no man can curse who and what
You have blessed. I shall live my
BLESSED life now.

Scan the QR code to enjoy the 2023

service replays on Expect
to receive a fresh touch from Heaven that
will catapult you into living a blessed life

Scan the QR code now to JOIN US March 20-23, 2024, for

our next Covenant Women’s Conference. Unite with women
from around the world, of all ages, and from all walks of life.
We will encounter God’s life-changing presence and power to
transform our generation and set a godly standard!
300 City Tour: ANOTHER RUN! 300 City Tour | City #208 of 300 – Cincinnati, Ohio
Attendance: 1,212 | Altar Call: 366 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 846
After completing our Africa Tour in March, where
300 City Tour | City #209 of 300 – Big Spring, Texas
we saw 46,997 people in attendance, 8,806 salvations,
Attendance: 903 | Altar Call: 241 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 520
and 19,262 people mobilized to share the Gospel, we
launched another U.S. city run! We traveled to Locus 300 City Tour | City #210 of 300 – San Leandro, California
Grove, Georgia; Hutchinson, Minnesota; Rogers, Arizona; Attendance: 1,267 | Altar Call: 314 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 742
Donna, Texas; Needville, Texas; and Lea County, New
Mexico. 300 City Tour | City #211 of 300 – Tijuana, Mexico
Attendance: 1,056 | Altar Call: 844 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 686
On the heels of this trip, we traveled to Costa Rica and
Aruba, where God’s Hand moved mightily. The Prime 300 City Tour | City #212 of 300 – San Diego, California
Attendance: 2,045 | Altar Call: 457 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 497
Minister of Aruba, Evelyn Wever-Croes, personally
met with Dr. Rodney, welcoming him to her country
and thanking him for holding the revival meetings. Dr.
Rodney prayed with her, asking God to give her wisdom
to govern Aruba according to His Word. To God be the
Attendance: 16,292
glory! Altar Call: 5,050
Mobilized For The Harvest: 10,596
From May 7-13, we lit more Holy Ghost fires in Columbia,
South Carolina; Cincinnati, Ohio; Big Spring, Texas; San
Leandro, California; Tijuana, Mexico; and San Diego,
California! Many were saved, healed, and delivered,
bringing our global 300 City Tour count to 212.

The world is hungry for truth and for what is real. They
are hungry for Jesus Christ, and He is the only solution to
a lost and dying world. We are going after the lost; we are
going after souls! By God’s grace, we are wreaking havoc
in the enemy’s camp, and no devil in hell will stand in our
way, in Jesus’ Name!

300 City Tour - City #198 of 300 – Locust Grove, Georgia

Attendance: 1,292 | Altar Call: 289 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 943

300 City Tour - City #199 of 300 – Hutchinson, Minnesota

Attendance: 922 | Altar Call: 279 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 811

300 City Tour - City #200 of 300 – Rogers, Arizona

Attendance: 824 | Altar Call: 141 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 593

300 City Tour - City #201 of 300 – Donna, Texas

Attendance: 643 | Altar Call: 214 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 476

300 City Tour - City #202 of 300 – Needville, Texas

Attendance: 1,218 | Altar Call: 173 | Mobilized for the Har

300 City Tour - City #203 of 300 – Lea County, New Mexico
Attendance: 1,038 | Altar Call: 221 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 819

300 City Tour | City #204 of 300 – San José, Costa Rica
Attendance: 763 | Altar Call: 118 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 541

300 City Tour | City #205 of 300 – Alajuelita, Costa Rica

Attendance: 1,055 | Altar Call: 657 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 832

300 City Tour | City #206 of 300 – Palm Beach, Aruba

Attendance: 941 | Altar Call: 232 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 461

300 City Tour | City #207 of 300 – Columbia, South Carolina

Attendance: 1,113 | Altar Call: 504 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 821

Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 11
12 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting Spring Ministers & Leaders’
Hillsborough County Board of Conference: OVERFLOW!
County Commissioners: Our Overflow was a week filled with supernatural
Commendation! increase, provision, and God’s promises fulfilled
to His children! Thousands of conference
On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, Commissioner registrants from all 50 states and 48 countries
Donna Cepeda (Chaplain and River University joined us for a glorious time in the Lord!
graduate) of the Hillsborough County Board
of County Commissioners recognized Drs. The cup of revival overflows with God’s glory,
Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne, R.M.I., presence, and power. Where there is revival, lives
and The River at Tampa Bay Church with are transformed, there’s repentance from sin, and
a Commendation for “their dedication and people become carriers of God’s anointing. We
hard work, most notably at Revival Ministries saw thousands of lives touched and changed by
International, serving their ministries and the the power of God and look forward to seeing the
community.” Additionally, they were commended eternal fruit that continues to come from this
for “their commitment to The Stand, their conference.
congregation members, and the community.”
God filled us up to pour us out onto a lost and
Three years ago, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne dying world, and we will live out of the overflow
was arrested for taking a stand for our God- of revival and the anointing. Everywhere we go,
given liberties in the First Amendment of the we will be like a Holy Ghost flood zone! Out of
Constitution of the United States, the Gospel of our bellies, rivers of living water and revival will
Jesus Christ, and for billions worldwide whose flow! No matter the persecution or attacks that
rights to worship were removed under the guise may come, we will see the greatest harvest of
of a global health emergency. And on Tuesday, souls before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ!
March 30, 2020, he was arrested on trumped-up Scan the QR code to enjoy all 16 service
charges for doing so. However, to the glory of replays on Expect to
God, the truth prevailed, and all charges were
receive a fresh touch from Heaven.
Expect the OVERFLOW!

When you take a stand for Jesus Christ, He

stands for you! The Lord has a way of turning
every situation and circumstance around.
Together, the Church triumphant shall STAND!
River University 25th Year Scan the QR code below to learn
about all of R.U.’s exciting programs of
study and how you can apply today!

In conjunction with our Spring Ministers & Scholarships are available, and we look
Leaders’ Conference, the River University (R.U.) forward to seeing you for our August
celebrated 25 years! On Sunday, May 28, 2023, 2024 intake.
our 25-year graduate total reached 10,520 (5,716
domestic and 4,804 international) students.
Hallelujah! We are raising up a new breed of
revivalists for the 21st century, and there’s no
stopping what the hand of the Lord is doing
in and through the River University! Here’s to
ANOTHER RUN and another 25 years and

River University Mission:

R.U. Ready?
Our mission is three-fold: River University is a APPLY NOW!
place where the Word of God and the Holy Spirit
come together to produce life, birth ministries,
and launch graduates into their respective areas
of ministry and government. R.U. is not limited
to full-time ministers, but is for all of God’s
people hungry for more.

We desire to produce men and women of God the ability to be dropped off in a desert place and cause an oasis to spring up.
who are Holy Ghost firebrands and soul-winners, With this in mind, R.U. offers several distinct programs of study. Among these are the River Bible Institute (&
knowledgeable in the Word of God, strong in River Bible Institute en Español), River School of Worship, and River School of Government.
faith principles, compassionate to the needs of
others, and bold as lions. R.U. is designed to train Each dynamic program delivers quality, Spirit-filled Biblical instruction, hands-on academic training, and
students to be Holy Ghost “Green Berets,” with practical education. Students are provided with many opportunities to put classroom instruction into practice,
ensuring they learn and live out the Word of God in their daily lives.

L’Adon: Building a Restaurant In Gaelic, the name L’Adon means “Fire.” Lastly,
for the Glory of God!
L ’ Ad o n L’Adon is that subtle nod to “Lady Adonica” as
Dr. Rodney affectionately calls Dr. Adonica.
In the summer of 2023, we introduced, L’Adon, E st . 2 02 2
The restaurant’s mission is to welcome guests
an intimate 18-seat dining establishment that
through its culinary creations and warm,
seamlessly combines exquisite gastronomy with
welcoming atmosphere. Behind the venture
a biblical foundation, promising a truly unique
is Chef Charne Cilliers, blending culinary
and spiritually uplifting dining experience.
innovation with her deep-rooted South African
L’Adon also hosts Drs. Rodney and Adonica's
culture and culinary heritage. Supporting her
guests from countless nations, backgrounds, and
in this mission, L'Adon trains selected students
professional arenas.
from many different backgrounds to create an
unparalleled dining experience that not only
The name “L’Adon,” was a divine inspiration.
delights taste buds but nourishes souls.
Dr. Rodney’s desire has always been to honor
his wife, Dr. Adonica, in the naming of the
With its fusion of exceptional cuisine, a Christian
restaurant. When the Lord supernaturally gave
foundation, and a commitment to making a
the name L’Adon, the meaning of the name was
positive impact, L'Adon is poised to take the
researched. What was found was surprising,
culinary world by storm, becoming a beacon
and only God could have picked this name.
of inspiration in Tampa for those seeking a
In Hebrew, the name means, “God is the Lord
harmonious blend of faith and fine dining.
of all Creation.” This was extremely fitting as
daily lives.
the restaurant receives a lot of fresh produce
and garnishes grown at Operation Eden. In
French, the name L’Adon means “Little Eden.”
Once again, this was no coincidence. The third
meaning we discovered was the cherry on top! Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 13
14 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

Operation Eden: Growth &

Last year was a busy time at Operation Eden,
with growth in many key areas:

Bee Population
Bees are essential to the environment,
pollinating many local food crops and native Increased Harvesting Capabilities
plants. With the recent number of native We increased to having over 100 fruit trees
bees falling globally, the team at Operation (spanning more than 40 varieties) ranging
Eden took ownership of ensuring a healthy from avocados, limes, oranges, papayas,
and productive bee population on R.M.I. peaches, and more, ensuring a fruitful future.
grounds. With patience, knowledge, and
care, the multiple hives at Eden are thriving Utilizing our organic hydroponic growth
and on their way to producing the finest operation, indoor growth has increased in
honey. the Chef 's House greenhouse, including
dozens of various tomatoes and cucumbers.
Expanded Production and Market At maximum production, Operation Eden
Capabilities will harvest hundreds of pounds of produce
As we grew, we prioritized maintaining the from one greenhouse monthly. With the
highest standards using the best organic and addition of a state-of-the-art Nutrient Film
non-GMO ingredients, while emphasizing Technique (NFT) system, this greenhouse's
sustainability for waste minimization. production of leafy-green plants such as
lettuce, bok-choy, kale, and spinach will
Utilizing state-of-the-art freeze-drying continue to multiply.
machines and a fully stocked processing
building, the Operation Eden Market grew The Growing Methods at Eden
tremendously! In addition to providing Florida's climate is known to present
locally sourced organic produce, we now also challenges for food growth. But to the
offer a variety of hand-crafted snacks, jams glory of God, we implemented innovative
and jellies, preserves, nutritious smoothies, strategies to combat weather, seasons,
and healthy lunch selections throughout the and space requirements. Our Space X
week and every Sunday at the Main Event. Greenhouse is where visitors saw this in
action! Serving as an educational and
Eden Tours and Education harvesting facility, it houses our drip-
Four words perfectly describe our land fed micro greens and self-contained
production goals: Sow, Grow, Educate, and hydroponics. Pioneering tower, aeroponic,
Duplicate. Our mission is to maximize the and conventional growing methods are also
growing capabilities of Operation Eden's 5 on display.
acres, and educate and duplicate the results
for communities and churches throughout Outside of our greenhouses, raised mound
Florida, the United States, and the world. planting is the preferred method for outdoor
In doing so, our tours and agricultural cultivation. We ensure the soil's purity and
education increased. stability using non-fertilized, organic soil.
These methods work together, enabling us to
Hundreds of visitors toured Operation sow and grow in any environment.
Eden daily during our conferences last year,
learning about our daily operations, growing
Scan the QR code to
methods, organic land cultivation and
learn how you can be
duplication, proper seed selection, and more.
a part of the Project
We look forward to offering online courses
and additional hands-on workshop trainings
in the near future.
Kids’ Fire Week:
Raising Up Revival Kids!
During our annual Fire Week, thousands of
children were revived by God’s fire, raised up by
the uncompromising Word of God, and released
to impart the anointing they received. Their
continuous hunger and thirst for the things of
God was absolutely amazing. Kids were touched
radically by God’s power, with many being filled
with the Holy Spirit for the first time. Major
giveaways included a brand new ministry van
for the ministry who brought the most children,
an Oculus, Air Pods, Nintendo switches, a $300
shopping spree, and so much more! Each day was
filled with exciting activities and life-changing
Holy Ghost-filled services.

With 3,435 salvation decisions and 224 water

baptisms, last year’s conference was off the chain,
and the best we’ve seen yet! God is raising up a
generation of children set ablaze for His glory,
and this is just the beginning. To God be the

Scan the QR code to watch last

year’s awesome highlight video!

Youth Week:
Our Generation Shall Be Shaken!
We are actively raising up a generation of leaders
– a radical group of young people set ablaze by
the fire of the Holy Ghost, who are committed
to winning the lost at any cost! Last year’s Youth
Week brought thousands of youth from around
the world (including 14 nations). Over the
course of four days, over 6,000 youth answered
altar calls for salvation, consecration, and to
receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire!
A record-breaking 825 teenagers were water
baptized, and many were called into full-time

In addition to Holy Ghost and fire services, we

gave a brand new van to the ministry with the
most youth in attendance, cash prizes, the latest
electronics, and so much more! In addition, 677
teens ran our field day obstacle course, setting an
all-new record. Thousands of lives were changed
forever, and we give all glory to God. By God’s
grace, we will continue to see the fruit of Kids’ &
Youth Fire Week for years to come.

Scan the QR code to

watch last year’s awesome
highlight video!
Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 15
16 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

Summer Campmeeting:
There's a Flame for Every Name!
Last year’s Fire Conference was incredible! What
a time we had in the Lord with 16 Holy Ghost
and Fire services, marking thousands of people
worldwide for eternity. People came hungry and
thirsty and left armed with the power of the Holy
Ghost—ready to blaze the trail, shaking every
realm to the core with His Fire. Revival begins
in YOU! If you allow the purging fire now, you
will have the anointing fire for service. And that’s
what it’s all about—allowing God to touch you,
so that He can touch through you!

Scan the QR code to enjoy all 16

service replays on
Expect to receive a fresh infilling of
God’s fire power!

Summer School of Evangelism:

A Harvest-FULL Summer!
Soul-winning isn’t a program; it’s a lifestyle and a
passion! We are committed to mobilizing others
to win the lost at any cost, and our Summer
School of Evangelism (S.S.E.) saw a tremendous
harvest! From June 5th – July 8th, S.S.E. was in
session with 160 students. Over the five weeks,
students were fully trained in one-on-one soul-
winning, how to facilitate soul-winning training
classes, conducting outreaches from concept to
completion, and launching effective outreach and
bus ministries. Last year, we saw 24,012 salvation
decisions. Glory to God!
Men’s Conference:
Last year’s KINGDOM BUSINESS Men’s
Conference was epic! Thousands of men gathered
in Tampa, Florida, for a spectacular four days of
Holy Ghost & fire meetings, sports and arcade
activities, and MEGA conference giveaways! It
was week of divine encounter where lives were
eternally changed, fears demolished, hearts
restored, and dreams and passions fully ignited!

God has given us the power to create wealth

(Deuteronomy 8:18), and throughout the
conference, men received God’s anointing,
wisdom, and ability to utilize that power for His
glory. Men were literally propelled into Kingdom
Business and given certain talents like what
we see in Matthew 25:14-30. And now, they
are entrusted to use those talents in their own
business endeavor, to become multi-millionaires
and even billionaires for God’s Kingdom. Like a
flood, the two streams are coming together—the
anointing with unlimited funding, propelling the
Gospel into the farthest corners of the Earth.

Confessions of a Kingdom Business


1. Stewardship
I recognize that nothing I have belongs to me,
and it all comes from the Lord. I have been
given stewardship over everything in my life. I
am a godly steward of my time, talents, treasure,
tongue, salvation, the anointing, and everything
the Lord has given me. (1 Corinthians 4:2)

2. Seek First the Kingdom

God always has the first and highest priority in
every area of my life. As I seek first His Kingdom
and His Righteousness, everything else will be
added unto me. I honor Him first with my tithes
and first fruits, and I give to Him with a glad
heart. (Matthew 6:33)

3. Remember the Lord

No matter how wealthy I am, I will never forget
the Lord my God. I will stay committed to the
local church, and I will stay committed to His
Word. I will always follow the leading of the Holy
Spirit. I will not be proud and arrogant. I do not
set my hopes on uncertain riches, and my hope is
always in God. (Deuteronomy 8:18)

Scan the QR code to enjoy all

service replays on
Expect to receive a divine anointing
and insight for Kingdom Business!

Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 17
18 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

Holy Ghost & Fire Africa Tour:

Africa Will Never Be The Same
From September 3 – October 13, 2023, Drs.
Rodney & Adonica and the Team, boarded River
Force One, launching a six-week Holy Ghost
& Fire Tour across the continent of Africa.
This ten-nation soul-winning and mobilization
crusade marked history for Revival Ministries
International, and was unlike anything we had
ever done before in Africa. From ministry and Nigeria: Final Stats
government, to business sectors, thousands Attendance: 10,838
received salvation, and lives were eternally Salvations: 894
impacted and transformed. In total, we saw Mobilized: 2,669
137,013 in attendance in the services, 25,507
salvations, and 71,020 mobilized to share the Ethiopia: Final Stats
Gospel. Attendance: 18,905
Salvations: 1,889
Throughout the entire trip, we were truly in awe Mobilized: 11,388
of God’s goodness, faithfulness, supernatural
provision, and favor He bestowed upon us. In Kenya: Final Stats
every nation, we received such warm and royal Attendance: 54,570
welcomes, often greeted by royalty, government Salvations: 5,821
and business officials, bishops and church Mobilized: 16,400
leaders, and celebration performances by local
tribes. It was absolutely incredible! We are Malawi: Final Stats
humbled and so grateful to God for giving us the Attendance: 3,993
opportunity to not only bring revival to churches, Salvations: 988
but to bring the fire of God to the government Mobilized: 2,841
and business realms.
South Africa: Final Stats
In addition to Holy Ghost services, we launched Attendance: 12,157
multiple Kingdom Business Fellowships, helping Salvations: 4,358
hundreds take their businesses to the next level. Mobilized: 9,144
We also met with many governmental leaders to
discuss their challenges and provide solutions Eswatini: Final Stats
to see change in their nations. Every realm Attendance: 2,577
that could be shaken by the power of God was Salvations: 841
shaken! People of all nations we visited were Mobilized: 1,238
mobilized to share what they received from the
Lord within their realm of influence. Namibia: Final Stats
Attendance: 2,419
What we saw the Lord do throughout Salvations: 1,355
this Africa Tour is nothing but miraculous! God Mobilized: 1,864
is not finished with Africa! It's not by the efforts
of one, but by the combined efforts of many, Zambia: Final Stats
that Africa will be shaken! The Glory of God is Attendance: 4,820
Salvations: 1,054
running through the land, forging in people that
Mobilized: 3,111 “Truly, 2023 was the year of El Shaddai!
which He wants to do! He's not finished with the
This tour cost $3 million, and was paid-in-
people of Africa. He has raised them up for this
Botswana: Final Stats full before we left America! To God be the
hour, to bring in the harvest of souls!
Attendance: 3,600 glory for His supernatural provision!”
Salvations: 1,393
We felt an urgency to do this in Africa now,
and thank each of your for standing with us.
Mobilized: 2,405 2023 AFRICA TOUR TOTALS:
Thank you for your continued love, prayers, and 10 Nations in 6 Weeks
support. To all of our River Church Members
Uganda: Final Stats 36 Meetings in 15 Cities Scan the QR code to view the
and partners, YOU were a part of this, and we
Attendance: 23,134 Total Attendance: 137,013 complete timeline of events from the
are going to the next level! OUR breakthrough,
Salvations: 6,914 Total Altar Call: 25,507
Holy Ghost and Fire Africa Tour.
YOUR breakthrough!
Mobilized: 19,960 Total Mobilized: 71,020
The River Church Buildout Phase II
The word of the Lord to Dr. Rodney was, “You
focus on the cities, nations, and souls, and I will
build the building.” Fully trusting the Lord, Dr.
Rodney took action on this word, launching the
Holy Ghost & Fire Africa Tour! And in doing so,
the Lord is watching over His Word to perform it
(Jeremiah 1:12)! We moved full steam ahead with
Phase II of our buildout and the construction of
our world-class atrium.

So far, we’ve moved trees to make way for this

great miracle and drilled 60ft in the ground for
the foundation and soil testing. And according to
the soil testers, “We are sitting on the good stuff.”
Hallelujah! We’ve also relocated the portables on
our property, refreshing them for continued use
and making way for the new atrium expansion!

The atrium will house our new children and

youth facilities, offices, and a multipurpose
mezzanine floor (for River University, special
events, and Kingdom Business Fellowship usage).
Just as we saw the Phase I buildout paid in cash,
without borrowing money from any banks, so
shall it be with Phase II! We will pay cash for
everything and watch the Lord perform another
miracle. As Dr. Rodney and the team continue
to light fires of revival throughout the 300 City
World Tour, the Lord will continue to show
Himself strong and mighty on our behalf. HE
will build the building!

Exciting Atrium Facts & Features:

• 90,000 sq ft of roofing
• 5 stories high
• 140 miles of rebar (From R.M.I.
Headquarters to St. Augustine, Florida!)
• 400 trucks of new concrete
• 7 miles of steel beams
• 500 ton chiller system
• 4,300 triple-pane hurricane-proof windows

Thank you to all of our friends and partners

around the world… It’s happening, and you are a

Scan the QR code below to see

a flyover video of what Phase II of
construction will look like!
20 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

Fall Ministers & Leaders' Conference

Recap: Our Breakthrough, Your
Our fall and Ministers and Leaders'
Conference: Breakthrough, was off the chain!
Thousands gathered from around the world
hungry and thirsty for a fresh touch from Heaven.
The Lord showed Himself strong and mighty as
there were testimonies of deliverance from trauma,
abuse, eating disorders, and drugs—with all of the
effects completely broken! We saw breakthroughs
in finances, marriage relationships, and entire
families were restored. It was a phenomenal week
of breakthrough in every area, and this same
breakthrough is for you!

To breakthrough into blessing, you must first

humble yourself, allowing God to root out, pull
down, destroy, and overthrow anything the devil
has planted in your life. As you do, yielding every
area of your life to Him, He will lovingly convict
you of your sins, cleanse you, and pull you out of
where you are. He will set you free and build you
up; and the blessing comes in the building and the

Scan the QR code to enjoy all 16 service replays

on Expect to breakthrough. Our
breakthrough is your breakthrough!

River School of Healing: You Have

Dominion Over Sickness!
Divine health is the covenant right of every
believer, and The River School of Healing is a
place of miracles, spiritual growth, and practical
understanding! Our mission is to see God’s
people walk in dominion over sickness and
disease, having a true understanding of God’s
power inside of them. Our immersive, two-week Scan the QR code for
program contains faith-filled teaching, preaching, more information and
and application from the Bible concerning divine to register for our next
healing. session!

In 2023, we had 2,737 domestic and international

registrants, with 952 recorded healings (at time
of publication). We finished the year having
completed a total of 90 sessions, since launching
the River School of Healing! Glory to God!

“…It’s in our identifying with what He did for us

over two thousand years ago. This is not something
that has to be done; this is something that
was already done. You can’t earn your healing, but
you have to learn how to receive your healing.”
– Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
300 City Tour: This Gospel Shall be
On the heels of our MEGA Holy Ghost & fire
Africa Tour, we hit the ground running to light
more fires across America! From the remainder
of October through December, we traveled to
multiple cities holding powerful Holy Ghost
and fire meetings. Together, we are seeing cities,
states, and entire nations shaken by the mighty
Hand of God! Revival will not be limited to one
place, it will be everywhere, and that’s The Great

“Somebody has to make a stand. What has

transpired is a full-scale attack on the Body of
Christ. The enemy planned for the Church to
never meet again, but there shall be another Great
Spiritual Awakening in America, and there’s not a
devil in hell that can stop it. You cannot stop the
wave of the Holy Ghost, and you cannot stop the
Church. We shall rise up! We are standing for the
Word of God, signs, wonders, miracles, and for
Pentecost! Every tribe and tongue together as one.
This is the hour of the Church!”

– Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne




Blue KJV &
$500 .00

Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 21
22 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 300 City Tour | City #227 of 300 – Bly, Oregon
Attendance: 267 | Altar Call: 52 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 224 300 City Tour | City #239 of 300 – Chandler, Arizona
Attendance: 937 | Altar Call: 342 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 796
300 City Tour | City #228 of 300 – Watauga, Texas
Attendance: 878 | Altar Call: 303 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 691 300 City Tour | City #240 of 300 – Mesa, Arizona
Attendance: 731 | Altar Call: 201 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 628
300 City Tour | City #229 of 300 – Ridglea, Texas
Attendance: 670 | Altar Call: 96 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 558 300 City Tour | City #241 of 300 – Truth or Consequence,
New Mexico
300 City Tour | City #230 of 300 – Louisville, Kentucky Attendance: 445 | Altar Call: 168 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 334
Attendance: 1,036 | Altar Call: 121 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 839
300 City Tour | City #242 of 300 – El Paso, Texas
300 City Tour | City #231 of 300 – Destrehan, Louisiana Attendance: 890 | Altar Call: 366 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 692
Attendance: 802 | Altar Call: 288 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 663
300 City Tour | City #243 of 300 – Tulsa, Oklahoma
300 City Tour | City #232 of 300 – Ft. Lauderhill, Florida Attendance: 1,028 | Altar Call: 452 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 835
Attendance: 1,085 | Altar Call: 520 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 811
300 City Tour | City #244 of 300 – Haleyville, Alabama
300 City Tour | City #233 of 300 – Ruston, Louisiana Attendance: 755 | Altar Call: 227 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 534
Attendance: 665 | Altar Call: 183 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 532
300 City Tour | City #245 of 300 – Johnson City, Tennessee
300 City Tour | City #234 of 300 – Foley, Alabama Attendance: 1,079 | Altar Call: 318 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 683
Attendance: 714 | Altar Call: 283 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 577
300 City Tour | City #246 of 300 – Shreveport, Louisiana
300 City Tour | City #235 of 300 – Oxford, Mississippi Attendance: 823 | Altar Call: 193 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 622
Attendance: 707 | Altar Call: 214 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 501

300 City Tour | City #236 of 300 – Laconia, Indiana GRAND TOTAL FOR THE
Attendance: 331 | Altar Call: 115 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 288 FALL/WINTER RUN:

300 City Tour | City #237 of 300 – Jeffersontown, Kentucky Attendance: 14,492
Attendance: 742 | Altar Call: 244 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 658 Altar Call: 4,960
300 City Tour | City #238 of 300 – Crawfordville, Indiana Mobilized For The Harvest: 12,142
Attendance: 730 | Altar Call: 271 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 676


THE Pro Diver

$2000 $3000
.00 .00

Elegance Series
Cobalt Blue Green

Baby Blue Pink White

Each color will be limited to 300 pieces, and that's all. So make sure to
stop by the Time & Eternity booth to secure your watch.

All Mother of Pearl Dials RETAIL PRICE:
with 1 carat of Diamonds USD
Going Beyond the Walls of the
The River Church places priority on winning
the lost at any cost and serving our local
communities. And we love going out and brining
people onto our campus to be presented with
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 2023, our strategic
community outreaches and in-reaches shook
the cities of Tampa, Clearwater, Lakeland, and
beyond! Throughout The River Car Shows, we
saw 2,041 people answer the altar calls. During
our annual Turkey Fest, we distributed 715
turkeys and over 280 individuals answered
the altar call. And our Christmas Toy Fest
broke records as we gifted 2,081 toy bags to the
children in attendance. The altar was flooded
with 1,984 salvations, making it a Christmas and
December to remember!

The River Christmas

Together with family and friends, we celebrated
our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the true reason
for the season! Featuring a 50-piece live
orchestra, over 500,000 Christmas lights, and
a special narration by Dr. Rodney Howard-
Browne, the Christmas Extravaganza presented
classic and modern selections of anointed
Christmas praise and worship, celebrating the
King of kings and Lord of Lords! The River
Church singers, band, and orchestra did a
phenomenal job proclaiming the Good News and
its message of salvation, hope, joy to the world,
and peace and goodwill to all men! Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 23
24 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

We’re putting the pedal to the metal with

some of the most spectacular car shows in
Tampa, Florida! Since our launch in March
2021, we’ve seen 2,437 cars exhibited
under our Pavilion of Dreams! Everything
we do at The River Church is about souls
and winning the lost at any cost. Our
family-friendly shows include great music,
River Car Show
food, cash prizes, and most importantly, the
Gospel of Jesus Christ! Highlights +
We’ve recorded 4,502 salvation decisions Stats
(at the time of publication) at our shows
and, we are revving up our engines for
more! The first River Car Show fulfilled the
prophecy given by Dr. Ron Phillips who said,
“The day will come when people will come
on the property just to see the cars.” As
people come to see the cars, they also see
God’s love and encounter His Fire-Power
that will transform their lives forever.

Exhibitors: 2 PM - 3:15 PM
Showtime: 3 PM - 5:30 PM

Event Details:
Participant and spectator registration can
both be done online before arrival, OR at the
registration booth at the entry gate.

Car Participant Fee is $15 online prior to the

event. You must pre-register.

Free General Admission

for spectators.

Car Show Contest Participant registration

cutoff time is 3:15 PM on the day of the show.
All cars after 3:15 PM will be show only (there
is no registration cutoff time for spectators).

The Car Show field will open to participants

at 2 PM on the day of the show, to begin
getting vehicles in position. All registered
vehicles are to be parked on the show field
no later than 3:15 PM.


CARS: 2,437 SOULS: 4,502 The perfect place for car enthusiasts.
For more information, please visit or scan the QR code. The world's best cars, under one roof.
Daily meditation on God’s Word brings new levels for His glorious Church. In these last days, God’s end-time
of revelation, strength, and confidence in who God army (His Church and His Bride) will take more territory and
has purposed and positioned you to be. Think have greater victories than previous generations! By God’s
on These Things is a weekly devotional that will power, you will rise in total faith, fulfill God’s plans for your
help build your faith, increase your understanding life, and enforce the devil’s defeat as the Kingdom of God
of God's Word, and develop your wisdom for prevails across the Earth!
practical daily application. It will equip you with a
firm foundation of God’s Word and His promises “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that
to you! needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
truth” (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV).
You were born for such a
time as this - to be a part With anointed teachings such as The Restorer of Wasted
of the final Great Spiritual Years, Believing God for Big Things, and A Revival Greater
Awakening, ushering in the Than Pentecost, you will grow in God’s love, character and
greatest harvest of souls, spiritual maturity, and power, standing pure and blameless
before Jesus Christ returns on the day of Jesus Christ’s return. Think on These Things!

grab your copy at the R.M.I. Bookstore
Price: $18.99
Price: $11.99

There is Miracle-Working Power As you partake, you remember and celebrate the
at the Table of Lord! death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ,
the King of kings and Lord of lords! The children
“…This do in remembrance of Me.” of Israel celebrated the Passover feast, eating
(1 Corinthians 11:24) the lamb and putting the blood on the side and
upper doorposts of their homes. With the lamb in
Everything you need is at the Table of the Lord – them and the blood over them, not one was sick or
divine healing, divine health, divine life, and divine feeble among them when they left Egypt. And they
victory! Communion isn’t just a “religious meal” or went with all the silver and gold of the Egyptians!
“religious ritual” many denominations and people
have made it out to be. NO! The Table of the Lord Today, as we eat the bread and drink the cup, we
is holy. When you partake of it in faith, all of hell celebrate the Lamb of God and His Blood shed for
trembles! Why? The Table represents the devil’s us. The Lamb lives inside us, and His Blood has
TOTAL DEFEAT and Christ’s TOTAL VICTORY. cleansed us from all unrighteousness! We are the
His victory is your victory and includes healing, Blood-bought, Blood-washed children of the most
forgiveness, protection, freedom, deliverance, High God, and there is POWER in the Blood of
provision, peace, joy, and abundant blessings.   Jesus!


Price: $9.99
Price: $9.99
grab your copy at the R.M.I. Bookstore

needs people who are available and yielded to Him. Evaluate

your life and ask, “Lord, am I being used to my full potential?
Am I using all that You’ve given to me?” If not, then, take stock
Book Excerpt
By Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne of yourself, because you don’t want to stand before Him and
hear, “Not very well done, lazy individual,” instead of, “Well
done, thou good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).
There may be a handful of people overshooting their
call, but the majority of them are undershooting. I’d rather do too much than too little. I want to get to Heaven,
The majority are just barely getting along, just barely and hear God say, “Look, you did more than I ever required
using what God has given them. They are hiding you to do.” My worst nightmare would be to stand before God
their talents and God wants them to reach their full and have Him say, “You never did anything I wanted you to do.
potential. You didn’t go past first base.” Again, to confound the wise (1
Corinthians 1:27). God does whatever He wants to do!
God wants us to use everything He has given us,
because the time is short and the end of all things
Paperback Kindle
is at hand. He is going to do a quick work, and He Price: $7.99 Price: $7.99

Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 25
26 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting



What is Revival? Book Excerpt It’s got nothing to do with the exterior. It’s got
Revival is not an event on a calendar. It is a By Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne nothing to do with the way they wear their hair,
supernatural encounter with God beginning or which suit they wear, or the color of their tie,
within you, to work through you everywhere you THE NEW BREED ARE FULL OF THE or if they have a moustache or a ponytail. It has
go. HOLY GHOST nothing to do with whether they wear designer
shoes. It is what is on the inside of this new
Revival Is Always Now, and It’s Always New The new breed are not just the normal, run-of- breed—the Holy Ghost!
Written from Holy Ghost-filled sermons the-mill people. These are people who have got
preached by Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne in the fire of revival burning in their bones. These They are “Holy Ghost Green Berets,” “Holy
2005, much of Revival is prophetic, revealing are people who, just by their presence as they Ghost Rambos.” They won’t take no for an
what God spoke then to prepare the Church for walk in the room, cause the very atmosphere answer. And if you tell them that no one has
today. to change. These are people who, when you ever had a revival in a certain city, that’s the
look at them, you scratch your head, and you place they are going to pick to have a revival!
Locked and loaded with the Word and power of
think, There’s something different about them. I’m And if you tell them, “This is a real hard place,”
God, this book explains:
not really sure what it is. But there’s something that’s the place they’ll pick! It’s the new breed!
different about them. They are unstoppable.
• The Purpose of Revival

• The Price of Revival

• The Rising of the New Breed

• The Conditions for Revival

• Revival Signs & Wonders

• The End-Time, Last-Day Move of God

Revival: The Power of One

God wants to use you to carry the spirit of
revival to a lost and dying world. But first, you
must consistently contend for revival with an
unwavering hunger and thirst for more of God.
As you do, you will become a carrier, igniter, and
self-starter of revival! Everywhere you go, God
will use you to provoke revival within others!

As you read this book,

prepare to become an
inextinguishable flame God
uses as an extension of
the supernatural ministry of
Jesus Christ. You will be an
extension of the Lord’s Hands and Feet to see
miracles, signs, wonders, and the nations of the
Earth shaken by revival. Together, we will bring
in the greatest harvest of souls just before the
return of the King of kings and the Lord of lords,
Jesus Christ!

grab your copy at the R.M.I. Bookstore

Hardcover Kindle
Price: $24.95 Price: $14.99
March 20-23
3738 River International Drive
Tampa, FL 33610
Calling all ladies! Spend four days in Tampa, Florida
CHRISTIAN TELEVISION NETWORK with Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne, immersing yourself
in the Word and presence of God. Come and be
refreshed, revived, and empowered to bring revival

and a fresh touch from Heaven to your church, city,
state, and nation.



Or watch online at CTNONLINE.COM May 19-26


July 15-19

July 21-28

August 28-31

*All above conferences are held at

Revival Always Has A Song! the R.M.I. WORLD HEADQUARTERS
3738 River International Drive
Check out our latest album releases and carry the sound of Tampa, FL 33610
The River everywhere you go!

Dates and times subject to change.
Price: $15.00 Price: $10.00 Price: $10.00

Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 27
28 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

Excerpt from Chapter 1 Pages 5-6

believe that every person reading this has an assignment from Heaven.
There is a reason why you are here on the Earth. Some think that they
have already lived life and are now retired, but maybe you need to come
out of your retirement and re-fire yourself. Take the remainder of your
days and use it for the Kingdom of Heaven. Many times, people’s lives were
never about the Kingdom of God, but all about survival. People make the
house payments, get the children to university, and retire. Then they realize
that their life was never about the things of God.

We must be involved in Kingdom business. We must ask ourselves, “What

am I doing on Earth, for Heaven’s sake?” What things are going to count,
one hundred years from now? With all of your running around, phone calls,
emails, appointments, and meetings, what is going to count on that day?
Only what was done for Christ and eternity will matter. Somebody might
grumble and say, “Oh, you just want me to work and put all my money in
the church?” No, I never said that. That is where people get it wrong. You
can make your whole day about the purpose of the King. I am not working
for me. I am working for the purpose of the King. I am about Kingdom
business. When I wake up in the morning, I am about Kingdom business. I
am serving the King. This has nothing to do with being in full-time ministry
either. People say that if you are not in the pulpit, or in full-time ministry,
then you are not serving God. Not everybody can preach, not everybody is
called to preach, but everybody CAN be involved in Kingdom business.

We want our lives to count! I am going to provoke you. I am going to push

you to do good works and reach out for more. Those who are retired, I am
not letting you off the hook. Let God take the final days of your life. Do not
think because you have gray hair that I will let you off the hook. You may
have lived a good life, but you will have eternity with the Lord. We do not
need you in Heaven doing stuff, we need you on Earth doing stuff. The Lord
needs us shining here on the Earth. He needs us to bloom and produce fruit,
here on Earth.


I am a steward of everything that has been

entrusted to me, including my life, my breath, my
lying down, my rising up, my coming in, and my
going out. Nothing I have originates from me. It all
comes from the Lord.

KINGDOM This book is not for small-minded people. It is not for

tightwads or for those who are greedy or covetous.
Because they will not be able to receive the truths from God‘s
Word that will set them free. This book is for those who love
God and His Kingdom, and who would like to go to the next
level in their walk with God. This book is for those who are
By Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne determined to make an eternal difference in this world!
Take your place and be about

This is the greatest hour for the

Body of Christ, and God wants you
to prosper in the realm of finances!
God’s Word, revealing the earthly and
eternal purposes of financial wealth
and prosperity for God’s people.

By God’s grace, men and women

full of God’s anointing are pioneering
the next Great Spiritual Awakening,
ushering in the greatest harvest of
souls before Jesus Christ returns. This
is no small feat, and you have a part to
play! God’s people must be blessed to
fund this great end-time harvest!

From God’s Word, KINGDOM

BUSINESS explores: Multiplying Your
Talents; The Power to Create Wealth;
Laying Up Heavenly Treasure, and
more! Take notes, take action, and
take your place now!

They that go down to the sea in

ships, that do business in great
waters; These see the works of
the Lord, and his wonders in the
deep (Psalm 107:23–24 KJV).

grab your copy at the R.M.I. Bookstore

Hardcover Paperback E-Book

Price: $24.95 Price: $19.95 Price: $11.95

And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. But thou shalt remember the
Book Excerpt
LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy
by Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne fathers, as it is this day (Deuteronomy 8:17–18, (KJV).

There is an anointing to get wealth. That anointing is for daily life and for daily service. I believe this is where the churches
missed it. Churches thought that the anointing was only for a church service or for meetings when people came together.
They didn’t know that the anointing was for everyday life to excel. The favor of God is on you. If you work for a company, that
company is going to be blessed because you’re there. That company is going to prosper because you are there. The moment you
touch it, everything will change because the blessing of God will come. Now go with me to Deuteronomy 28:1 if you would,
please: “And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his
commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.”

Let me get one thing straight here with you today. I know a lot of people say that He was just talking about His people the
children of Israel, but I want you to know that we are His people. The Bible tells us that in Galatians 3:13–14, 29: “Christ hath
redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That
the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through
faith. . . . And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” So whatever God promised His
people is now extended to us because they rejected Him in John 1:11–12: “He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.” So you and I are sons and daughters of God.
daughters of God.
Revival News
Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 29



Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

SUNDAY 9:30A-1:30P


1-4A PST






Affiliates Nationwide
(Check Local Listings)





SATELLITE CHANNELS Sunday 9:30 AM & 7 PM ET Watch on DirecTV

Channels 92 & 308

Sunday 9:30 AM ET &92,
7 PM308

40 Million Homes SUNDAY • RevivalApp
• River Church App
Monday - Saturday 7 PM ET
• Rodney Howard-Browne
Across Sub-Saharan GREENVILLE, NC WJGC 33.6

Youtube Channel
• Rodney & Adonica Howard-
Browne PSTPage
Intelsat 20 Ku Band 68.5° East CTN Lifestyle Network:
Sunday 10 AM - 1 PM ET
‌Amos 17 Ku Band Visit to find a
channel in your area. COLUMBUS, GA WXVK-LD 30.6


Christian Televison Network:


Affiliates Nationwide
SUNDAY 9:30A-130P
Sun-Friday 7:30 PM & 11:30 PM EST/PST
Visit to find a channel NEW
(Check Local Listings) in your area. JACKSONVILLE, NC K29KU-D
@rhowardbrowne TBD
Join me on the weekly News Update for CTN and RTN called the
“Week ND
MINOT, in Review.” CTN working
WBUO-LD in conjunction
TBDwith River University
and River University R.S.G. This is an exciting program to inform
American NYCitizens of theirK33OB-D
rights under the TBD
supreme law of the land
– the Constitution. Also providing strategy for the next 10 years for
individuals, towns, cities, counties, and then states. Check Your
local listings for
COLUMBUS, MSbroadcast times.
With censorship taking place at an increasing rate, we urge you to
register today on my private site,

Europe, Turkey, Middle East
Northern Africa,
Sub-Saharan Africa


North America ASIASAT
South America
Asia, Australasia,
Middle East, Central Asia


Middle East
EUTELSAT 113 WEST A North Africa
Continental United States
Hawaiian Islands

Central America
Caribbean Islands

South East Africa
Indian Ocean

Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting 31
32 Transfigured 2024: Winter Campmeeting

Pavilion Eden

Kings Arms Coffee


Studio B
Kings Arms Coffee

• Bookstore

• Tactical Kitchen
• Studio B Experience
• Eden

15 15


















PLEASE NOTE: These are the only

F /rodneyadonicahowardbrowne F /rodneyadonicahowardbrowne official social media accounts for Drs.
Dr. Rodney T @rhowardbrowne Dr. Adonica Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne.
Howard-Browne T @ahowardbrowne Drs. Rodney & Adonica do not send
Y /rodneyhowardbrowne Howard-Browne
I @adonicashowardbrowne private messages. Please report and
I @rodneyhowardbrowne block anyone who does.

Address: Service Times: Telephone: (813) 971-9999 Mailing Address: R.M.I. Office Hours:
PO Box 292888 Monday: 10 AM-5 PM (EST)
3738 River International Dr. Tampa, FL 33610 Sunday at 9:30 AM & 7 PM Fax: (813) 971-0701
Tampa, FL 33687 Tuesday-Friday: 9 AM-5 PM (EST)
Monday - Friday 7 PM

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