JUNE, 2020
I declare that this research project is my original work and it has not been submitted for the
award of any degree or diploma in any other institution. No part of the project should be
This research project is submitted for examination with my approval as the appointed university
School of Business
Kenyatta University
This research project is dedicated to my family who nurtured the drive and the discipline to
I acknowledge the valuable guidance I received from my supervisor Dr. Jane Wanjira in
lecturers, librarians and colleagues for the support they extended to me during the time of
carrying out this research. Thanks and glory to Almighty God who gave me the strength and
DECLARATION........................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION.............................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. v
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... ix
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................................................... x
OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS OF TERMS ........................................................................ xi
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. xii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background to the Study...................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Market Penetration Strategy ............................................................................................. 2
1.1.2 Organizational Performance ............................................................................................. 4
1.1.3 Telkom Kenya .................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................................ 7
1.3.1 General Objective ............................................................................................................. 7
1.3.2 Specific Objectives ........................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Research Questions .............................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Significance of the Study ..................................................................................................... 8
1.6 Scope of the Study ............................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Limitations of the Study....................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Organization of the Study .................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER TWO: LITEARATURE REVIEW ....................................................................... 10
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Theoretical Literature Review ........................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Market Based View Theory ........................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Open Systems Theory .................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Product Life Cycle Theory ............................................................................................. 12
2.2.4 Resource Based View Theory ........................................................................................ 13
2.3 Empirical Literature Review .............................................................................................. 14
2.3.1 Pricing Strategy and Performance .................................................................................. 14
2.3.2 Distribution Strategy and Performance .......................................................................... 15
2.3.3 Diversification Strategy and Performance ..................................................................... 16
2.3.4 Differentiation Strategy and Performance...................................................................... 17
2.4 Summary of the Literature Reviewed and Research Gaps ................................................ 18
2.5 Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................... 22
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 22
3.2 Research Design................................................................................................................. 22
3.3 Target Population ............................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Sampling Design and Sample Size .................................................................................... 23
3.5 Data Sources and Collection Instrument............................................................................ 23
3.6 Pilot Study.......................................................................................................................... 23
3.6.1 Validity of the Instruments............................................................................................. 24
3.6.2 Reliability of the Instruments ......................................................................................... 24
3.7 Data Collection Procedure ................................................................................................. 25
3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation ......................................................................................... 26
3.9 Ethical Consideration ......................................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER FOUR: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ...................................... 28
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 28
4.2 Response Rate .................................................................................................................... 28
4.3 Background Information .................................................................................................... 28
4.3.1 Respondents‟ Gender ..................................................................................................... 29
4.3.2 Respondents‟ Age .......................................................................................................... 29
4.3.3 Respondents‟ Education Level ....................................................................................... 30
4.3.4 Respondents‟ Work Experience ..................................................................................... 31
4.4 Descriptive Statistics .......................................................................................................... 31
4.4.1 Pricing Strategy .............................................................................................................. 31
4.4.2 Distribution Strategy ...................................................................................................... 33
4.4.3 Diversification Strategy.................................................................................................. 35
4.4.4 Differentiation Strategy .................................................................................................. 36
4.4.5 Organizational Performance ........................................................................................... 38
4.5 Regression Analysis ........................................................................................................... 39
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 42
5.2 Summary ............................................................................................................................ 42
5.3 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 43
5.4 Recommendations for Policy and Practice ........................................................................ 44
5.5 Suggestion for Further Studies........................................................................................... 45
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 46
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 51
Appendix 1: Letter of Introduction ............................................................................................... 51
Appendix II: Questionnaire........................................................................................................... 52
Table 2.1: Summary of the Literature Reviewed and Research Gaps .......................................... 18
channel selection.
Market Penetration Strategy Refer to the methods of increasing the market share of an
The telecommunication industry has responded to the changing business environment with
several strategies aimed at maintaining and consequently growing its portfolio. Telkom Kenya
limited was granted exclusive monopoly for 5 years on landline operations in Kenya, but during
the monopoly period it lost a significant part of its business. Most of the clients swapped fixed
lines phones for mobiles from other providers and this exacerbated the competitive pressure on
the company‟s performance. This and other factors eroded the company's performance and
effectively by the end of the monopoly period Telkom Kenya Limited was technically on the
verge of bankruptcy and its business prospects were bleak. Therefore, this study sought to
evaluate the influence of market penetration strategies on performance of Telkom Kenya
Limited. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the influence of pricing strategy,
distribution channel strategy, diversification strategy and promotional strategy on organizational
performance. The study was anchored on market based view theory, open systems theory,
product life cycle theory and resource based view theory. This study employed a descriptive
survey research design. The target population was 65 members of staff obtained from 4
Departments which included technology department, business units-mobile department, pre-sales
and post-sales department, and support department. A census of 65 respondents was carried out.
The study employed questionnaires to collect primary data. The data collected was analyzed
using both descriptive statistics and presented in tables, charts and figures. Regression analysis
was used to how the relationship between variables. The study established that pricing strategy,
distribution channel strategy, diversification strategy and differentiation strategy had positive
significant influence on organizational performance. The study concluded that a competitive
pricing strategy positions the organizational product in reference to other options on the market.
Using an existing distribution network, however, extends the organizations geographical reach
much more easily and quickly. Diversification helps the organization to maximize the use of
potentially underutilized resources. Differentiation strategy is a marketing strategy that
organization uses to distinguish a product from similar offerings on the market. The study
recommended that the organization should understand their buyers‟ behaviour as this will help in
redefining marketing activities and lead to an understanding of customers‟ willingness to buy at a
given price. The organization should determine what value a channel partner adds to the
organization‟s products and services. The organization should incorporate diversification in its
business operations through use of technological advancements and other aspects such as
innovation and benchmarking strategies to realize full benefits of diversification. The
organization should select one type of differentiation best suited to target market desires, as well
as its own financial constraints, and focus its efforts on honing products along that dimension.
The study findings would benefit management of Telkom Kenya limited, government and policy
makers as it would obtain details on market penetration strategies influences their performance
and open a gap to other academicians and researchers.
environment provides a window to market opportunities and threats, and all the organizations are
a deliberate response to those dynamics (Keats & Hitt, 2017). Suikki, Tromstedt and Haapasalo
(2016) propose that today‟s turbulent business environment is characterized by uncertainty and
inability to predict the future is extremely challenging and thus requires the development of new
marketing strategy must tell an organization where they would want to be on a long-term basis
that is why it is often said that marketing strategy is a continuous process (Ambler, Kokkinaki &
Puntoni, 2014). These authors further argue that marketing strategy has become a relevant tool in
the world for any organization to remain in the competitive market environment and become
stronger. Abdulkadir (2012) observe that achieving a competitive advantage position and
enhancing firm performance relative to their competitors are the main objectives that business
Hassan, Qureshi, Sharif and Mukhtar (2013) observe that to achieve alignment with the changing
business environment in Pakistan and to generate superior performance, dynamic capabilities are
required by managers for the integration and deployment of physical, human, or organizational
capital. It can be argued that business strategy also plays an important role to maximize
performance outcomes.
Ranasinghe and Mallika (2018) to achieve greater performance, firms in Nigeria must have to
adopt strategic positions that will persistently give them the strength to maintain their market.
Thus, management must focus their attention on structuring their businesses to be customer
focused and practically to industry competitors. Uko and Ayatse (2014) indicate that effective
managing competitiveness or progress of competitive status that proves superior and justifiable
financial performance
In Kenya, Tangus and Omar (2017) market expansion strategies are the strategies aimed at
winning larger market share, even at the expense of short term earnings. The most widely
pursued corporate market expansion strategies are those designed to achieve growth in sales,
assets and profits. Companies that do business in expanding industries must grow to survive.
According to Kasiso (2017) the market penetration might influence the organization in reducing
cost, growing new market and expansion of their products sales across the country.
Market penetration strategy is a measure of the percentage of the market that organizational
product or service is able to capture (O‟Regan, 2012). Pearce and Robinson (2015) observe that
to be successful at market penetration a business must be aware of what has made the product a
success in the first place his can be done through attracting customers who have not yet become
regular users, attacking competitors‟ sales and increasing consumption amongst existing users
Market penetration strategy is used by firms seeking to achieve growth with existing products in
their current market segments with the aiming of increasing its market share. Market Penetration
is a growth strategy that involves selling more of your current products or services to your
current target market (Robertson, 2013). Luo and Zhao (2014) argue that as soon as a company
enters a new market, it strives for market penetration. The main objective behind the market
penetration strategy is to launch a product, enter the market as swiftly as possible and finally,
capture a sizeable market share. Therefore, it can be argued that market penetration is used as a
measure to know whether a product is doing well in the market or not. Market penetration
strategy is construed in this study to include pricing strategy, distribution strategy, diversification
Pricing strategy refers to the method by which a business calculates how much it will charge for
a product or service. It is based not only on the cost of the product, but also on profit margin and
a holistic view of the market and future viability (Gaudillat & Quelin, 2013). Pricing strategy is
beneficial in terms of diverse purchasing behavior of various customers. Dudu and Agwu (2014)
observe that pricing strategy enables to differentiate a product or service from another one of
similar characteristics. Pricing decisions derive from the underlying objectives and best-suited
strategies. The elements of pricing objective include profit maximization, revenue maximization,
Mahendra (2013) observe that distribution strategies play a crucial role in the launch of new
products to the market and in the growth of market share in an organization. Distribution is
crucial in the eventual acceptance and sales of a new product in the market as it determines the
strategies have a far reaching effect in an organization because changing them is both resource
and time demanding and hence firms have to take great care in designing their distribution
According to Rumelt (2014) diversification is the strategy of adding related product or service
lines to existing core business, either through acquisition of competitors or through internal
competence within the firm. Grossmann (2017) observe that firms diversify in response to
environmental changes, search for market power, to spread risk and because it may be an avenue
to extend the boundaries of a firm in the presence of internal coordination problems, which
Differentiation is aimed at the broad market that involves the creation of a product or services
that is perceived throughout its industry as unique. The company or business unit may then
charge a premium for its product (Gupta & Govindarajan, 2014). This specialty can be associated
with design, brand image, technology, features, dealers, network, or customer‟s service. Putra
(2018) observe that differentiation is a viable strategy for earning above average returns in a
specific business because the resulting brand loyalty lowers customers‟ sensitivity to price.
Increased costs can usually be passed on to the buyers. Buyers‟ loyalty can also serve as entry
barrier-new firms must develop their own distinctive competence to differentiate their products
into outputs (Kotler & Schlesinger, 2015). Markiewicz (2015) observe that a firm‟s performance
must be calculated not only based on marketplace share, return on investment and the
profitability, but there is a need to encompass both the qualitative and quantitative restrictions of
measurement. This therefore, means that the performance is based on financial and non-financial
Organization performance is about how effectively managers use the available resources to
satisfy customers‟ needs and accomplish organization‟s goals. However, poor organizational
performance forms the basis for the organization management to think of strategic change
process. This maybe reflected from the profit margin or market share of the organization
(Muogbo, 2013). Short and Palmer (2016) observe that when the management of an organization
is faced with this situation, they will start the search for better management or organizational
measured against intended goals and objectives (Virgina, 2010). In other words, organizational
performance can be understood by how well an organization is doing to achieve its goals. It is
very important for the owners or managers of an organization to know the performance rate of
their organization to be able to know what changes they can introduce. Bourne and Bourne
(2012) argue that without the knowledge of the performance, it will be difficult for the
executives of the organization to know when exactly changes are needed in the organization.
Helios Investment Partners, with the remaining stake held by Kenyans through the Government
of Kenya. Telkom Kenya provides integrated telecommunications solutions to individuals, Small
and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Government and large corporates in Kenya, drawing
from a diverse solutions suite that includes voice, data, mobile money as well as network
services. Powered by its vast fibre optic infrastructure, it is also a major provider of wholesale,
The market share of Telkom Kenya‟s for internet subscriptions for the quarter under review
dropped by 0.4 percent to stand at 7.2%. Airtel‟s declined too, and while Safaricom reported a
decline in mobile subscriptions, it gained a 1.1 percent in this segment. For fixed data
subscriptions (Telkom actively pushes fiber-to-the-building model for businesses), Telkom‟s cut
is still low at 1.1% in market share that features Wananchi Companies, Safaricom and Mawingu
The telecommunications industry in Kenya has been in a state of constant change due to
economic liberalization, competition has become stiff, forcing all the organizations operating the
sector to conform to the changing environment. Consistent with adoption of market expansion
strategies, Telkom has been facing several challenges in the implementation of the strategies due
many telecommunication companies running within the identical market. At the same time many
similarly facing the same challenges given the crisis the subsector is presently experiencing. In
such an unpredictable market, managers of Telkom Kenya will need to develop appropriate
strategies that will help them to improve the performance of the organization.
Wainaina and Oloko (2016) study examined the influence of market penetration strategies and
organization growth: A Case of Soft Drink Sector in Kenya and indicated that penetration
strategies have a relationship with organizational growth. Mwiti (2011) study market penetration
strategies used by Essar telecom Kenya and found that penetration strategies have a relationship
with organizational growth. Tangus and Omar (2017) study investigated on the effects of market
strong correlation coefficient between firm performance and the three market expansion
strategies. Therefore, this study investigated market penetration strategies and performance of
The general objective of the study was to investigate the influence of market penetration
strategies and performance of Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
ii. To establish the influence of distribution channel strategy on the performance of Telkom
iii. To assess the influence of diversification strategy on the performance of Telkom Kenya
iv. To evaluate the influence of differentiation strategy on the performance of Telkom Kenya
1.4 Research Questions
i. What is the influence of pricing strategy on the performance of Telkom Kenya Limited in
ii. To what extent does distribution channel strategy influence the performance of Telkom
iii. What is the influence of diversification strategy on the performance of Telkom Kenya
iv. What is the influence of differentiation strategy on the performance of Telkom Kenya
The study findings would benefit management of Telkom Kenya limited as it would obtain
details on market penetration strategies influences their performance. In addition the study would
provide a justification to the organizational growth strategies adopted depending on the success
obtained. The government and policy makers would obtain knowledge of the telecommunication
industry dynamics and the strategic market expansion strategies that are appropriate; they would
therefore obtain guidance from this study in designing appropriate policies that would enhance
the performance of the sector. The academicians and researchers in the field of strategic
management and environment in the telecommunication industry would be able to use this study
This study looked at the influence of pricing strategy, distribution channel strategy,
analysis was Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya and the unit of observation
was managers and support staff of Telkom Kenya. Data was collected using questionnaires and
analysed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The study focused on the
performance of Telkom Kenya Limited for the last 5 years (2014 – 2018).
The study was limited by respondents‟ fear in disclosing relevant information for the study.
However, the researcher overcame this by assuring the respondents of strict confidentiality of
any information disclosed. Some managers could decline to disclose sensitive information on
how they manage conflicts among their employees due to competition and confidentiality
concerns. To overcome this, the researcher explained the purpose of the study to them.
This project includes the following chapters. Chapter one comprise the background to the study,
research problem, objectives of the study, purpose of the study, research questions, significance
of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study and assumptions of the study. Chapter
two highlight theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, knowledge gaps and
summary of the literature review. Chapter three covers of the research methodology. That is,
research design, target population, sampling and sample size, research instruments, pilot study,
data collection techniques, method of data analysis and ethical issues. Chapter four comprise
research findings and discussion and chapter five include summary, conclusions,
2.1 Introduction
This chapter covers theoretical review, empirical review, summary of the literature reviewed and
This study was guided by the Market-Based View (MBV) as propounded by Bain (1968) who
argues that industry factors and external market orientation are the primary determinants of
firm‟s growth. The market-based view (MBV) of the firm focuses on the link between
organizations‟ strategies and their external environments. According to Grant (1991) its first
basic assumption is that strategically relevant resources are distributed homogeneously among
the firms within an industry. The second assumption refers to the mobility of these resources,
which in the MBV are highly mobile (Barney, 1991). Accordingly, for a firm to grow it must
depend on its ability to take advantage of imperfectness on the market in which it sells its goods
or services. This is to say, an organization has to identify a position in the industry where the
company can best defend itself against and the competitive forces or can influence them in its
activities at lower costs than competitors or in a unique way that is valuable to customers (Porter,
2008). Therefore, the MBV shows that the market expansion strategies under study (pricing
pursued separately or in combination and have the long-term objectives to create a defendable
position within the industry and to outperform competing actors within that industry.
2.2.2 Open Systems Theory
Open system theory was developed by Ludwig von Bertanlanffy (1956), a biologist, but it was
immediately applicable across all disciplines. Open system perspectives see organizations both
as hierarchical systems and as loosely coupled systems. Open systems tend to have some
semblance of clustering and levels. Gortner, Mahler and Nicholson (2012) the open-systems
theory assumes that all large organizations are comprised of multiple subsystems, each of which
receives inputs from other subsystems and turns them into outputs for use by other subsystems.
The subsystems are not necessarily represented by departments in an organization, but might
instead resemble patterns of activity. Interdependencies and connections within a subsystem tend
to be tighter than between subsystems. These “stable sub-assemblies” give a distinct survival
Open systems reflects the belief that all organizations are unique in part because of the unique
environment in which they operate and that they should be structured to accommodate unique
problems and opportunities (Hatch, 1997). Environmental influences that affect open systems
can be described as either specific or general. The specific environment refers to the network of
suppliers, distributors, government agencies, and competitors with which a business enterprise
interacts. The general environment encompasses four influences that emanate from the
geographic area in which the organization operates. The open-systems theory assumes that all
large organizations are comprised of multiple subsystems, each of which receives inputs from
other subsystems and turns them into outputs for use by other subsystems. The subsystems are
patterns of activity.
This theory is relevant to the study because it holds that in order for the organization to achieve
its objectives and goals, it is important that it operates as an open system where it takes care of
the environment in its decision making process because failure to do this may lead to failure to
then results to the production of key resources that enable organizations to be sustained or to
change in order to survive. Open systems approach to management considers all organizations as
open systems which are influenced by the environment in which they exist.
This study was guided by Product Life Cycle Theory by Vernon (1979). According to Vernon,
(1979) the product life cycle theory, a product goes through 5 stages in life where at some point
unless modifications are done, the product becomes obsolete and irrelevant. It is important that
consumer needs as the product advances through its productive life. Vernon (1979) argues that
like any living being, products go through various stages in their productive lives from invention,
maturity to decline stage forming a unique cycle in the product life. These stages are
characterised by specific features which determine the length of time a product spends in one
If not nurtured through continuous improvements the products decline and die naturally like any
living being. With this understanding, product design is expected to be a continuous and
deliberate strategic approach if organisations expect to sustain profitability and growth (Palmer,
2000). This theory has proven that products do not survive forever. Aggressive marketing
strategies have to be applied to prolong product life in any stage of the product life cycle. These
strategies may include differentiation strategies, modifications and product positioning
This study was based on Resource Based Theory by Grant (1991). According to Grant (1991) the
Resource Based Theory (RBV) approach to competitive advantage contends that internal
resources are more important for a firm than external factors in achieving and sustaining
internal resources including physical resources, human resources and organizational resources.
Grant (2010) observe that the resource based view of organizations present different perspectives
on how best to capture and keep competitive advantage. A firm must strive to achieve sustained
competitive advantage by continually adopting to changes in external trends and events and
This theory is relevant to the study because RBV sees resources as key to superior firm
performance. If a resource exhibits VRIO attributes, the resource enables the firm to gain and
sustain competitive advantage. Organizations should look inside the company to find the sources
competitive advantage can be achieved more easily by exploiting internal rather than external
2.3 Empirical Literature Review
Oke, Olarewaju and Ayooluwade (2016) study sought to evaluate the relevance of pricing
design and the secondary data gathered from the quoted brewery industries was analysed using
panel data regression model. The result revealed that pricing strategies have a great influence on
the performance of brewery as it was showed that 91 percent in the performance of the industry
can be explained by the pricing strategy. This further revealed the degree or extent to which both
Nyaga and Muema (2017) study analysed the effect of pricing strategies on profitability of
insurance firms in Kenya. The descriptive research design was preferred. The population of
study was the 45 insurance companies operating in Kenya as at 31st December 2012. Data was
drawn from a period of five (5) years that is 2008-2012. The sample was generated by
purposively sampling two employees from each insurance company. The researcher collected
primary data with the help of a questionnaire. Regression and correlation results indicated that
there was a statistically significant and positive relationship between economy pricing, skimming
pricing, penetration pricing, premium pricing, price optimization strategies, strategies and
Soufi and Moradian (2015) carried out a study which examined the relationship between pricing
strategy and market capabilities. Data were collected from 210 industries through a
questionnaire. Result show that pricing strategies has a significant effect on marketing
capabilities aspects, that is, there is significant relationship between pricing strategies and
marketing capabilities aspects. This shows that pricing strategies has a positive effect on
marketing capabilities aspects and confirms the research hypotheses stated as effect of pricing
Adimo and Osodo (2017) study examined the impact of distribution channel differentiation on
organizational performance: The Case of Sameer Africa Limited in Nairobi, Kenya. A sample of
134 respondents was selected by use of stratified and simple random sampling techniques.
Primary data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. The quantitative data was
analysed using descriptive statistics. The study found that an increase in channel differentiation
strategy such as use of market trends to determine most appropriate channel strategy, use of
different channels with the aim of minimizing cost of distribution, selling some of the products
and services through intermediary and complementary firms and applying different distribution
A study carried out by Schoviah (2012) focused on the effect of marketing distribution channel
strategies on a firm's performance among commercial banks in Kenya. The study adopted a
descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was all the forty three
commercial banks operating in Kenya. The study used both primary and secondary data to be
collected through questionnaires. The study found that the branch network, electronic banking
and multiple distributions were used by the banks. Marketing strategies being employed by the
Kuswantoro, Rosli, Abdul and Ghorbani (2012) study evaluated the impact of distribution
channel innovation on the performance of small and medium enterprises. Using a regression
analysis, the findings show that innovation in assortment, information sharing and transportation
coordination had positive and significant relationships with firm performance. This study also
found that distribution channel effectiveness mediated the relationship between innovation in
corporate financial performance and growth: an empirical study of some companies in Nigeria.
Using the triangulation analytical technique involving correlation, multiple regression, ANOVA,
independent sample test and Scheffe Ad Hoc test, it was found that there is a high and positive
diversifiers had a relatively higher level of financial performance than unrelated and mixed
diversifiers. A marginal correlation was found between unrelated and mixed modes of
Yigit and Behram (2013) study focused on the relationship between diversification strategy and
Turkey and Netherlands. The data from 2007-2011 of 154 business groups in Netherlands and
125 business groups in Turkey were analyzed. According to the results, when organizational
performance values are high for single businesses and unrelated diversification in Turkey,
Mwangi (2016) study investigated the effect of diversification strategies on the performance of
Commercial Banks in Kenya. The target population was the 42 registered commercial banks in
Kenya and a census method was used to obtain the sample size. Both primary and secondary data
were used. The study established that Mobile and Internet banking is highly employed as a
product diversification strategy. Further, new product features to the existing product (pricing)
and branding /rebranded most of the existing products and re-launching them into the market are
key marketing strategies commercial banks in Kenya can use to enhance their performance.
Kireru, Ombui and Omwenga (2016) study focused on the influence of product differentiation
Limited. The study adopted stratified sampling which was used to select the sample size of 100
respondents. The study used a semi structured questionnaire to collect primary data. From the
findings, there has been a product process differentiation in the bank where observable
characteristics of a product or service that are relevant to customers‟ preferences and choice
Otieno (2011) study focused on gaining competitive advantage through differentiation: a Case of
radio stations in Nairobi. A questionnaire was used to collect data. This was a descriptive survey
with the objectives of determining the relationship between differentiation strategy and
competitive advantage, determining the differentiation strategies adopted by radio stations. Data
was analysed using descriptive statistics and correlation. The study found out that there is a
relationship between differentiation strategy chosen by the radio stations and competitive
facing global markets. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection
techniques used observation, interview, and documentation. This research uses descriptive
qualitative design with triangulation of data source and method. The research findings indicate
that the differentiation strategy performed on brand convention business Never Get Old
The literature reviewed shows that market expansion strategies under study have a greater
influence on the performance of organizations. For instance, Oke et al. (2016) study found
pricing strategies have a great influence on the performance of brewery. Nyaga and Muema
(2017) indicated a statistically significant and positive relationship between pricing strategies
and organizational profitability. Soufi and Moradian (2015) established that pricing strategies has
a positive effect on marketing capabilities aspects. Schoviah (2012) found that the branch
network, electronic banking and multiple distributions were used by the banks. Oyedijo (2012)
found that there is a high and positive correlation between financial performance and related
diversification strategy. Putra (2018) study findings indicate that the differentiation strategy
Table 2.1 shows a summary of the studies reviewed which will highlight the focus areas,
findings, knowledge gap and focus of the current study. This will guide the researcher as they
performances influence on research design
in Nigeria the design
of brewery
Nyaga and Pricing There was a The study The study will
Muema strategies on statistically used use descriptive
(2017) profitability of significant purposive survey
insurance and positive sampling research
firms in relationship method design which
involves a
Kenya between which uses
large sample
promotional small sample size
strategies on
Soufi and Relationship There is The study The study
Moradian between significant context was context will be
(2015) pricing relationship indutrial Telkom Kenya
strategy and between organizations Limited
market pricing
capabilities strategies and
Adimo and Distribution Increase in The study The study
Osodo channel channel context was a context will be
(2017) differentiation differentiatio case of Telkom Kenya
on n strategy Sameer Limited
organizational determine Africa
performance: most Limited in
appropriate Nairobi,
channel Kenya
Schoviah Effect of Branch The study The study
(2012) marketing network and focused on context will be
distribution multiple commercial Telkom Kenya
channel distributions banks in Limited
strategies on a were used by Kenya
firm's the banks
Kuswantoro Distribution Transportatio The study The study will
et al. (2012) channel n used use
innovation on coordination qualitative quantitative
the had positive data data
performance and
of small and significant
medium relationships
enterprises with firm
Oyedijo Product - A marginal Financial Organizational
(2012) market correlation performance performance
diversification was found
strategy on between
corporate unrelated and
financial mixed modes
performance of
and growth diversificatio
Yigit and Relationship Organization Qualitative Quantitative
Behram between al data data
(2013) diversification performance
strategy and values are
organizational high for
performance single
Mwangi Effect of Mobile and Banking Telecommuni
(2016) diversification Internet industry cation industry
strategies on banking is
the highly
performance employed as
a product
n strategy
Source: Researcher (2019)
Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) observed that a conceptual framework is a hypothesized model
identifying the model under study and the relationship between the dependent and independent
variables. The following conceptual framework depicts the relationship between the independent
variable and the dependent variable; it will be based on four independent variables and one
dependent variable.
Independent Variables
Pricing Strategy
Price skimming
Bundling pricing
Economy pricing
Differentiation Strategy
Product features
Product uniqueness
The independent variables are pricing strategy, distribution strategy, diversification strategy and
3.1 Introduction
This chapter comprises research design, target population, sampling design and ample size, data
collection instruments, pilot study, data collection procedure, data analysis and presentation and
ethical consideration.
This study employed a descriptive research design. according to Stangor (2014) descriptive
observed behavior, awareness of programmes, attitudes or opinions and needs and its
appropriateness in describing the current situation of phenomenon. The justification is that the
descriptive survey method allowed the collection of significant amount of data in an economical
and efficient manner and it is a method of research which involves the gathering of data directly
The unit of analysis was Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya and the unit of
observation was 65 respondents who comprised of managers and support staff of the
organization and were obtained from the technology Department, Business units-mobile
department, support department and Pre-sales and Post-sales department as s shown in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1: Target Population
Category Population
Technology Department 15
Support department 17
Total 65
The study selected a sample size from the population through cluster sampling technique, where
subjects will be selected because of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researcher
(Sekaran & Bougie, 2010). Therefore, a census of 65 respondents was carried out.
The study collected primary data using questionnaires. The questionnaire was structured into six
sections whereby section one focused on the demographic data of respondents, section two
focused on questions related to pricing strategies, section three focused on questions related to
distribution strategy, section four focused on questions related to diversification strategy, section
five focused on questions related to differentiation strategy and section six focused on questions
Pilot study is a small test involving a small number of respondents to assist the researcher in
determining if there are flaws, barriers, or other weaknesses in the studies instrument layout and
permits her or him to make important revisions before embarking on the actual study (Orodho,
2005). According to Hazzi and Maldaon (2015) sample sizes larger than 10 and less than 50 are
within Telkom Kenya and were not included in the final study. Pilot study was carried out to
Validity is the extent to which an instrument can be relied upon to do what it purports to do
accurately (Aune, Welsh & Williams, 2010). Content validity was established for the instrument.
It is a form of validity that involves ensuring that items on a test represent the entire range of
possible items a test should cover. Ogwokhademhe (2010) maintained that a content validity
estimate can be obtained from the panel of experts who would rate instruments in terms of how
effective they represent salient aspects of the purpose of the study. In this regard the
questionnaires were given to the supervisor to ascertain the validity. Construct validity was
tested to check whether the operational definition of a variable actually reflect the true theoretical
meaning of a concept.
According to Falaye (2015) reliability is the consistency, accuracy, stability and trustworthiness
of a measuring instrument or scores obtained. It aimed at finding out the extent to which the
same test would give the same result if it were done again on different occasions, either with or
different sets of equivalent items under the same conditions. Reliability of the study instrument
was performed for each scale within the instrument, and a combination of all scales using the
Cronbach alpha reliability statistics. Coefficient of 0.7 is a commonly accepted rule of thumb
that indicates acceptable reliability and 0.8 or higher indicate good reliability (Mugenda &
Mugenda, 2003). Therefore, a coefficient of 0.792 was sought as shown in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2: Reliability Test
The results in Table 3.2 indicates that differentiation strategy had a highest alpha coefficient at
0.799(79.9%) and diversification strategy at 0.764(76.4%). The study data was reliable because
the overall coefficient obtained was higher that 0.7 at 0.792 as recommended by Mugenda and
Mugenda (2003).
The organization management was contacted to permit the research to carry out the study within
the organization. The researcher administered the questionnaires himself and gave the
respondents two weeks for filling in the questionnaires. The researcher also made a visit to the
respondents to remind them on the importance of filling the questionnaires so as to ensure high
response rate.
3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation
The data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical procedures.
According to Daramola (2016) descriptive statistics are often used in organizing and describing
the characteristics of research variable in concise, meaningful and quantifiable terms. The
collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such a mean and standard deviations with
Multiple regression analysis was used to determine whether a combined group of independent
variables predicts a given dependent variable (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). Multiple regression
analysis was used to show the extent to which variables relate to each other. The multiple
Prior to data collection exercise, respondents were informed that there was no direct benefits or
losses incurred if they fail to participate in the study. The study addressed the issue of
confidentiality by assuring participants that the information they provide will not be shared with
third parties, and that it would only be meant for purposes of data analysis. The respondents were
also informed that they are free to stop participating in the study at any stage if they are not
willing to continue.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the findings of data collected from the field. The response rate is given first
A total of 65 questionnaires were administered to managers and support staff of Telkom Kenya
Responded 61 93.8
Non-Respondent 4 6.2
Total 65 100
Table 4.1 indicates a response rate of 93.8% and a non response rate of 6.2%. As per the
recommendation by Baruch (2012) that a response rate of above 80% is sufficient for data
analysis. Therefore, 93.8% study response rate was considered appropriate for data analysis. This
meant that there was acceptance and credibility of the research findings of the study due to high
response rate.
On the background information of the respondents, the study sought information on the
4.3.1 Respondents’ Gender
The results in Figure 4.1 show that male respondents accounted majority as indicated by 55.74%
while female respondents accounted for 44.26%. Gender of the respondents was necessary to
show a true representative of both men and women in the study which means giving equal
importance to both men and women in the workplace on school management. Chaudhry (2016)
indicate that gender diversity had the greatest influence on the performance of employees in the
Frequency Percentage
Valid Less than 25 years 5 8.2
25 - 34 years 16 26.2
35 - 44 years 39 63.9
45 years and above 1 1.6
Total 61 100.0
Source: Research Data (2019)
The results in Table 4.2 shows that majority (63.9%) of the respondents were aged between 35 to
44 years, 26.2% aged between 25 to 34 years, 8.2% aged below 25 years and 1.6% aged 45 years
and above. According to Kunze, Boehm and Bruch (2011) age diversity of the workforce has a
significant contribution to predict the employees‟ performance and the organization as a whole.
The results in Figure 4.2 show that majority (42.62%) had a attained a undergraduate level of
education, 21.31% had a College Diploma certificate and Master‟s degree respectively and
14.75% had a Post Graduate Diploma Level of education. In this case, the respondent had the
requisite level of literacy to participate in the study and provide the information of interest to the
researcher. Kasika (2015) observe that the higher the education level the more are the effects of
4.3.4 Respondents’ Work Experience
Frequency Percentage
Valid Less than 5 years 7 11.5
5 - 9 years 6 9.8
10 - 15 years 18 29.5
Above 15 years 30 49.2
Total 61 100.0
Source: Research Data (2019)
Table 4.3 indicates that majority (49.2%) of the respondents had a work experience of over 15
years, 29.5% between 10 to 15 years, 11.5% less that 5 years and 9.8% between 5 to 9 years.
These results confirm that the respondents involved in this study had necessary experience to
Descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviations were used to present quantitative
data with the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0. The findings of
the descriptive statistics were based on study specific variables and presented as follows:
The study sought to examine the influence of pricing strategy on the performance of Telkom
Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The findings are presented in Table 4.4.
Table 4.4: Pricing Strategy
The results in Table 4.4 shows that the respondents strongly agreed that pricing strategy
influence the performance of Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya as indicated
by the aggregate mean score of 4.27 with significance variance of 0.753. These findings are in
line with the findings of a study carried by Oke et al. (2016) study that revealed that pricing
The respondents strongly agreed that setting a price based on how much the customer believes
what the organization selling is worth improves organizational performance, setting a price based
on what the competition charges improves organizational performance and pricing strategy helps
consumers to have an image of the standards the firm has to offer through their products as
shown by mean score of 4.60, 4.48 and 4.45 respectively with respective variance of 0.545,
0.640 and 0.677. These findings concur with the findings of Nyaga and Muema (2017) study
results that indicated that there was a statistically significant and positive relationship between
economy pricing, skimming pricing, penetration pricing, premium pricing, price optimization
The respondents agreed that setting a low price to enter a competitive market and raising it later
improves organizational performance and that value based pricing helps the organization to set
lower prices that appeal to customers who have lower finances as shown by mean score of 4.23
and 4.05 respectively with respective variance of 0.620 and 0.846. These findings are supported
by the findings of a study carried out by Soufi and Moradian (2015) shows that pricing strategies
has a positive effect on marketing capabilities aspects and confirms the research hypotheses
The study sought to establish the influence of distribution strategy on the performance of Telkom
Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The findings are presented in Table 4.5.
The results in Table 4.5 shows that the respondents agreed that distribution channel strategy
influence the performance of Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya as indicated
by the aggregate mean score of 3.86 with significance variance of 1.388. These findings are in
line with the findings of a study carried by Adimo and Osodo (2017) which found that an
increase in channel differentiation strategy such as use of market trends to determine most
The respondents strongly agreed that strongly agreed that distribution strategy reduces the line of
contact for the organization to one and provides an efficient way for the organization to get their
products to market and that the time of delivery is reduced due to efficiency and experience of
the channel members as shown by the mean score of 4.58 and 4.21 respectively with respective
variance of 0.747 and 0.795. This is in support of study findings observed by Schoviah (2012)
that the branch network, electronic banking and multiple distributions were used by the banks.
The respondents agreed that distribution strategy allows the organization to focus on core
competencies as shown by mean score of 3.78 and a standard deviation of 1.572. Kuswantoro,
Rosli, Abdul and Ghorbani (2012) study evaluated the impact of distribution channel innovation
on the performance of small and medium enterprises and found that distribution channel
The respondents indicated to a low extent that direct distribution allows the organization get their
products to consumers faster and distribution strategy enables the organization to develop a
network of retailers that covers a large geographic area and can reach as many end users as
possible as shown by mean score of 3.33 and 3.28 respectively with respective significance
variance of 1.730 and 1.502. This is in contrary to study findings observed by Schoviah (2012)
that the branch network, electronic banking and multiple distributions were used by the banks.
The study sought to assess the influence of diversification strategy on the performance of
Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The findings are presented in Table 4.6.
The results in Table 4.6 shows that the respondents strongly agreed that diversification strategy
influence the performance of Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya as indicated
by the aggregate mean score of 4.39 with significance variance of 0.838. These findings are in
line with the findings of a study carried by Oyedijo (2012) which found that there is a high and
The respondents strongly agreed that strongly agreed that through diversification strategy, the
organization can introduce older products in the new market or introduce the new products in
older and more mature market, diversification strategy enables the organization to gain more
technological capability and that diversification strategy enables the organization to tap more
market as shown by mean score of 4.83, 4.75 and 4.63 with respective variance of 0.385, 0.588
and 1.148. Yigit and Behram (2013) observe that when organizational performance values are
high for single businesses and unrelated diversification in Turkey, organizational performance is
The respondents agreed that diversification strategies help to limit risk and that diversification
strategy leads to increased organizational sales and revenue as shown by mean score of 3.95 and
3.90 with respective variance 0.504 and 1.081. Mwangi (2016) study investigated the effect of
diversification strategies on the performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya and found that
established that mobile and internet banking is highly employed as a product diversification
The study sought to evaluate the influence of differentiation strategy on the performance of
Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The findings are presented in Table 4.7.
Table 4.7: Differentiation Strategy
The results in Table 4.7 shows that the respondents strongly agreed that differentiation strategy
influence the performance of Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya as indicated
by the aggregate mean score of 4.22 with significance variance of 0.799. These findings are in
line with the findings of a study carried by Kireru et al. (2016) which found that there has been a
service that are relevant to customers‟ preferences and choice processes are met.
The respondents strongly agreed that the variety offered by the organization has increased
reliability of the products in the competitive market and that distinctive product features is a key
of 4.51 and 4.33 with respective variance of 0.595 and 0.598. Otieno (2011) study focused on
gaining competitive advantage through differentiation: a Case of radio stations in Nairobi and
found out that there is a relationship between differentiation strategy chosen by the radio stations
The respondents agreed that the organization has adopted new technology to keep operations
cost below the competitors, differentiation strategy provides greater scope to produce products
with more valued, desirable features as a means of coping with market demand and that the
uniqueness of the organizations brands enhances the convenience of product choice by customers
as shown by mean score of 4.10, 4.10 and 4.07 with respective significance variance 0.831,
1.136 and 0.834. Putra (2018) studied analysis of differentiation strategies to create competitive
advantages in facing global markets and indicated that the differentiation strategy performed on
brand convention business Never Get Old Company is product differentiation, service
The results in Table 4.8 shows that the respondents strongly agreed that market penetration
strategies influence the performance of Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya as
indicated by the aggregate mean score of 4.53 with significance variance of 0.582. The
respondents strongly agreed that customers are satisfied with the products and services the
organization is providing to them as shown by mean score of 4.59 and standard deviation of
0.528. This was followed by the statements that there is improved operational efficiency in the
organization and that there is increased market share as shown by mean score of 4.51 and 4.49
respectively and with significance variance of 0.622 and 0.595. Pearce and Robinson (2015)
observe that to be successful at market penetration a business must be aware of what has made
the product a success in the first place his can be done through attracting customers who have not
yet become regular users, attacking competitors‟ sales and increasing consumption amongst
The study carried out regression analysis to establish the degree to which independent variables
strategy) influenced the dependent variable (organizational performance). The results are
presented as follows:
The four independent variables that were studied, explain 38.7% of the performance of Telkom
Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya as represented by the adjusted R square. This
therefore means that other factors not studied in this research contribute 61.3% of the
organizational performance. The study therefore recommends that other studies to be carried out
to show how other market penetration strategies adopted by Telkom Kenya Limited influences
their performance.
Table 4.10: ANOVA
The value 0.000a shows the significance level is less than 0.05 showing a statistical significance
of the model on how independent variables studied influenced the dependent variable. The
results in Table 10 also indicate that F calculated value is greater than the value of F tabulated
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .681 .277 13.273 .000
pricing strategy .620 .025 4.175 2.484 .001
distribution channel .529 .013 2.142 2.143 .004
diversification strategy .610 .021 1.051 1.762 .202
differentiation strategy .339 .037 3.584 9.203 .000
a. Dependent Variable: organizational performance
Source: Research Data (2019)
Where Y = Organizational performance
From the above regression model, holding all the independent variables studied constant, the
performance of Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya would be 68.1%. It was
pricing strategy significantly influenced the performance of Telkom Kenya Limited. In addition,
pricing strategy was found to have a greater influence on performance at 62.0% compared to
followed by diversification strategy at 61.0%, distribution channel strategy at 52.9% and lastly
Luo and Zhao (2014) argue that as soon as a company enters a new market, it strives for market
penetration. Dudu and Agwu (2014) observe that pricing strategy enables to differentiate a
product or service from another one of similar characteristics. Mahendra (2013) observe that
distribution strategies play a crucial role in the launch of new products to the market and in the
growth of market share in an organization. Grossmann (2017) observe that firms diversify in
response to environmental changes, search for market power, to spread risk and because it may
problems, which naturally arise in large firms. Putra (2018) observe that differentiation is a
viable strategy for earning above average returns in a specific business because the resulting
brand loyalty lowers customers‟ sensitivity to price. Increased costs can usually be passed on to
the buyers.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions, recommendations for policy and
5.2 Summary
The study aimed at evaluating the influence of market penetration strategies on the performance
of Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to
examine the influence of pricing strategy, distribution channel strategy, diversification strategy
utilized. Managers and support staff of Telkom Kenya Limited formed the study population.
Questionnaires were used to collect data which was analysed using descriptive statistics and
The study sought to examine the influence of pricing strategy on the performance of Telkom
Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya and examined that pricing strategy had positive
significant influence on organizational performance. Setting a price based on how much the
customer believes what the organization selling is worth improves organizational performance,
setting a price based on what the competition charges improves organizational performance and
pricing strategy helps consumers to have an image of the standards the firm has to offer through
their products.
The study sought to establish the influence of distribution channel strategy on the performance of
Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya and established that distribution channel
reduces the line of contact for the organization to one and provides an efficient way for the
organization to get their products to market and that the time of delivery is reduced due to
The study sought to assess the influence of diversification strategy on the performance of
Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya and assessed that diversification strategy
strategy, the organization can introduce older products in the new market or introduce the new
products in older and more mature market, diversification strategy enables the organization to
gain more technological capability and that diversification strategy enables the organization to
The study sought to evaluate the influence of differentiation strategy on the performance of
Telkom Kenya Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya and evaluated differentiation strategy had
organization has increased reliability of the products in the competitive market and that
5.3 Conclusions
On pricing strategy, the study concludes that a competitive pricing strategy positions the
organizational product in reference to other options on the market. The organization sets its price
after considering the prices of comparable products, using the product to send a message about
whether its offering is a better value or of higher quality. Skimming and market penetration are
On distribution channel strategy, the study concludes that using an existing distribution network,
however, extends the organizations geographical reach much more easily and quickly. The
members of distribution channel are specialized in what they do and perform at much lower costs
than companies trying to run the entire distribution channel all by itself. Along with costs, time
of delivery is also reduced due to efficiency and experience of the channel members.
On diversification strategy, the study concludes that diversification helps the organization to
maximize the use of potentially underutilized resources. It helps the organization to increase its
market share and gain financial advantage. By introducing new products, exploring new regions
or targeting new groups of customers, the organization can expand its customer base.
strategy that organization uses to distinguish a product from similar offerings on the market.
When a company uses a differentiation strategy that focuses on the cost value of the product
versus other similar products on the market, it creates a perceived value among consumers and
potential customers.
On pricing strategy, the organization should understand their buyers‟ behaviour as this will help
at a given price. Survey the customer base and collect hard data, analyze data and create value-
based pricing that appeals to the target segments, communicate value to customers and create the
On distribution channel strategy, the organization should determine what value a channel partner
adds to the organization‟s products and services. The organization must choose the best and
suitable channel that adds competitive advantage and is designed to save on cost, improve on
efficiency, provide routine transactions, serves a large customer base and allows the organization
operations through use of technological advancements and other aspects such as innovation and
organization to develop a strategic plan so as to outline all the potential ways it can diversify its
business activities.
On differentiation strategy, the organization should select one type of differentiation best suited
to target market desires, as well as its own financial constraints, and focus its efforts on honing
products along that dimension. The organization must then communicate the differentiation to
distributors, retail outlets and end users. The organization should also review all marketing and
center stage.
This study focused on market penetration strategies and the performance of Telkom Kenya
Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya with a specific focus on how pricing strategy,
distribution channel strategy, diversification strategy and differentiation strategy influences the
organizational performance. Therefore, the study suggests that further studies should be carried
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Appendix 1: Letter of Introduction
Dear Respondent,
I am an MBA student at the Kenya University in my final year of my study. The University as
I‟m therefore requesting kindly for your support in responding to the attached questionnaire.
Your accuracy and positive response will be important in the achievement of the objective of the
research. I would like to assure you that all information will be treated with strict confidence.
The findings of the research will only be used for academic purposes and hopefully help in the
Yours sincerely,
Appendix II: Questionnaire
2. Age:
Indicate the extent o which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding pricing
strategy the performance of telecommunication industry in Kenya. Supplied are five options
Key: Strongly agree(SA)=5, Agree(A)=4, disagree (U)=3, Strongly Disagree (D)=2, and Not
at all (SD)=1.
Statement 1 2 3 4 5
Setting a low price to enter a competitive market and raising it
later improves organizational performance
Value based pricing helps the organization to set lower prices
that appeal to customers who have lower finances
Setting a price based on how much the customer believes
what the organization selling is worth improves organizational
Setting a price based on what the competition charges
improves organizational performance
Pricing strategy helps consumers to have an image of the
standards the firm has to offer through their products
Indicate the extent o which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding
distribution strategy the performance of telecommunication industry in Kenya. Supplied are five
Key: Strongly agree(SA)=5, Agree(A)=4, disagree (U)=3, Strongly Disagree (D)=2, and Not
at all (SD)=1.
Statement 1 2 3 4 5
Distribution strategy allows the organization to focus on core
Distribution strategy enables the organization to develop a
network of retailers that covers a large geographic area and
can reach as many end users as possible.
Distribution strategy reduces the line of contact for the
organization to one and provides an efficient way for the
organization to get their products to market.
Direct distribution allows the organization get their products
to consumers faster
Time of delivery is reduced due to efficiency and experience
of the channel members
Indicate the extent o which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding
Key: Strongly agree(SA)=5, Agree(A)=4, disagree (U)=3, Strongly Disagree (D)=2, and Not
at all (SD)=1.
Statement 1 2 3 4 5
Diversification strategy leads to increased organizational sales
and revenue
Diversification strategy enables the organization to tap more
Diversification strategy enables the organization to gain more
technological capability
Through diversification strategy, the organization can
introduce older products in the new market or introduce the
new products in older and more mature market.
Diversification strategies help to limit risk
Indicate the extent o which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding
Key: Strongly agree(SA)=5, Agree(A)=4, disagree (U)=3, Strongly Disagree (D)=2, and Not
at all (SD)=1.
Statement 1 2 3 4 5
Differentiation strategy provides greater scope to produce
products with more valued, desirable features as a means of
coping with market demand
The uniqueness of the organizations brands enhances the
convenience of product choice by customers
Distinctive product features is a key source of competitiveness
which improves organizational performance
The organization has adopted new technology to keep
operations cost below the competitors
The variety offered by the organization has increased
reliability of the products in the competitive market
Section F: Organizational Performance
Indicate the extent to which you agree on the following statements concerning the relationship
Key: Strongly agree(SA)=5, Agree(A)=4, disagree (U)=3, Strongly Disagree (D)=2, and Not
at all (SD)=1.
Statement 1 2 3 4 5
There is improved operational efficiency in the organization
There is increased market share
Customers are satisfied with the products and services the
organization is providing to them