How To Plant and Grow Bonsai

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A considerable range of plants can be grown as
Bonsai including many flowering trees, shrubs POSITION
and climbers popular amongst which are Because this is a tree in miniature, it should not
Wisteria, Serissa, Azaleas, Camellias, Gardenia be kept indoors for any great length of time. It
and Crab Apples. may be used for display indoors on special
occasions, but for the health of the tree it must
be returned outdoors to a sheltered position
with some sun and protected from strong winds.
Early morning sun and afternoon shade are the
best for most Bonsai; however pines and
evergreens can tolerate more sun than
deciduous plants. During the winter they need
to be protected from the frost. Ideally Bonsai
should be kept on benches or shelves off the
ground to avoid contact with insects and plant

Important ingredients in the creation of your Your Bonsai should never be allowed to
Bonsai are patience and time. It is not really completely dry out. It should be kept evenly
difficult once you grasp the fundamentals and moist but not soggy. During the hot summer
provided particular care is taken with regular days they may need watering as often as 3-4
watering. times a day.

Whether you commence from seed, cutting or a

chance find of a gnarled old container grown
plant in the nursery, once you are “hooked” on
Bonsai, your life will never be quite the same

We recommend this fascinating plant art form

to you and trust the beauty of your very own
creation will be a profound and lingering
personal experience.
The ancient art of Bonsai originated in China OSMOCOTE SLOW RELEASE fertilizer
and Japan several centuries ago and today has which lasts for 6 months can be used to feed
become a popular hobby throughout the world. Bonsai. Be careful to follow the directions. You
Creating and maintaining a Bonsai plant takes can also use a liquid fertilizer at half the
time, patience and loving care. The following recommended strength if necessary. However
are some simple instructions to help give you be careful not to over fertilize and only feed
years of pleasure from your Bonsai plant. during the growing period.
Bonsai are best repotted in spring with
mixed with a small amount of PEAT MOSS.
Older trees may only need repotting every
second year...

Before starting to repot, make sure you have

scissors, a washed pot, wire cutters, a small
piece of aluminium insect screen, copper wire,
knife pencil, etc.

1. First prepare the new pot by covering the

drainage holes with a piece of the insect wire.
Anchor this in place with wire and place a small
layer of the soil mix over it.

2 Now gently lift or scrape away the old moss

from the surface of the root ball for re-use.
Then clean away any soil and moss from the
tree trunk and nebari (exposed roots).
4. Now turn the tree on its side and with a
sharp knife cut away (like slicing bread) 12mm
to 25mm of the root ball from the bottom of the
tree and remove the old gauze.
Using a pencil gently free the roots from around
the edges of the root ball so they can be spread
into the new soil.

5. Hollow out a cone directly under the tree

and remove any old or dead roots.
Make a mound of soil in the new pot and
position the tree on it to fill the cavity. Fill the
edges of the roots with new soil and if the tree
is loose, anchor it with a piece of copper wire
passed up through the drainage holes and tied to
the tree. Use the pencil to work the soil in
around the roots.

6. Water the tree well with a SEASOL

Solution The next day the moss can be replaced
or gravel can be put on the soil surface. For the
3. Cut away any wires that have been used to next 2 weeks it is important to keep the tree
anchor the tree in the pot and gently tap the rim. moist. On hot days spray it with water. Start by
The tree should then lift out easily. Be careful keeping the tree in a shady position protected
not to let the tree dry out at this stage. Spray the from wind and gradually move it over 2 weeks
roots with water to keep them damp. to where it gets morning sun.
The best time to do this is again in spring, just If your tree is wired please remove it
before or as the new growth starts. Make sure approximately 16 weeks after purchase with
you water the plant well before starting. wire cutters. If not removed it may cut into the
bark and scar the tree. Trees can be re-wired to
1. The same as (1) in repotting. shape but never allow the wires to cut into the
bark. Copper or aluminium wires are mostly
2. Remove the plant from the container and sit used. This is done to shape the tree, change its
it on an upturned pot. Remove the soil from the style or correct defects. This can be done by
rootball in downward strokes. The amount trimming with sharp scissors or pinching out
depends on the size of the container the tree is the new growth buds.
going into. Keep a sensible size of rootball in
the centre of the tree and do not remove all the PRUNING
This is done to shape the tree, change its style
3. Cut away half to one third of the long roots or correct defects. This can be done by
that have been exposed to enable the plant to fit trimming with sharp scissors or pinching out
the pot. The roots may be spread to enable this. the new growth buds.

4. Same as (5) in repotting. STYLES AND SHAPING

Wires and pruning may be used to help shape
5. Same as (6) in repotting. the tree to a particular style.
The major styles are shown below.

Formal Upright Twisted Semi Cascade Cascade

Slanting (windswept) Broom Root Over Rock Literati

Sherringhams - “Where your ‘Bonsai’ world begins”

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