Hydrogen Import Options For Germany by Agora

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Hydrogen import options for Germany

Analysis with an in-depth look at synthetic natural gas (SNG)

with a nearly closed carbon cycle

Hydrogen import
­options for Germany


Hydrogen import options for Germany Leandro Janke

Analysis with an in-depth look at synthetic ­natural
gas (SNG) with a nearly closed carbon cycle AUTHORS

COMPILED BY Fabian Carels, Lucas Sens, Professor Martin

Kaltschmitt (all TUHH); Leandro Janke,
Agora Industry Matthias Deutsch (both Agora Industry)
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2
10178 Berlin | Germany Responsibility for the results of this analysis lies
P +49 (0)30 700 14 35-000 with the TUHH. The conclusions reflect the views
www.agora-industry.org of Agora Industry.


Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) Typesetting: Urs Karcher

Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Translation: Chris Cave
Economics (IUE) Title picture: reisegraf.ch | Shutterstock
Professor Martin Kaltschmitt
Eißendorfer Straße 40 312/04-A-2023/EN
21073 Hamburg | Germany Version: 1.2, November 2023
P +49 (0)40 42878-3208

This publication is available for

download under this scan code.

Please cite as:

Agora Industry and TU Hamburg (2023):
Hydrogen import options for Germany. Analysis
with an in-depth look at synthetic n
­ atural gas (SNG)
with a nearly closed carbon cycle.
This work is licensed under
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. www.agora-industry.org
ANALYSIS | Hydrogen import options for Germany


We would like to express our thanks to Alexandra

Steinhardt, Anja Werner, Frank Jordans, Frank
Peter, Frauke Thies, Jahel Mielke, Julian Somers,
Mauricio Belaunde, Mathias Koch, Paul Münnich,
Simon Müller and Wido Witecka (all Agora Industry
and Agora Energiewende); to Ulf Neuling (Agora
Verkehrswende); to Felix Heilmann (Dezernat
Zukunft); to Professor Tom Brown (TU Berlin); to
Sascha Boden (DUH); and to Tapio Schmidt-Achert
and Simon Pichlmaier (both FFE) for their valuable
input and appraisals, as well as for their active
support. In addition, we thank the participants of
the workshop and the Trans4ReaL consortium for
their feedback.


Dear reader, In this context, a novel concept was proposed for

Germany that would combine LNG terminals with
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has prompted Europe to renewable hydrogen by using synthetic natural gas
seek alternatives to Russian gas. Germany in particu- (SNG) and additionally feature a nearly closed carbon
lar has set about building LNG terminals at breakneck cycle. Current industry plans envisage roughly
speed. However, the possible long-term nature of the 15 terawatt hours of SNG being imported each year by
associated import contracts raises the question of 2030, which corresponds to around five percent of the
whether they are compatible with Germany’s goal of total capacity of the planned LNG terminal. To date,
becoming climate neutral by 2045 and planning its the SNG route with a nearly closed carbon cycle has
infrastructure accordingly. One argument is that the not been independently investigated in the literature.
import terminals could in future be used to import
renewable hydrogen. Though there is broad consen- To provide a broader foundation upon which to debate
sus that the transition to climate neutrality will this option, we asked Hamburg University of Technol-
require renewable hydrogen and the molecules ogy to shed light on the advantages and disadvantages
produced from it to be imported in substantial of this concept and to compare it with other import
quantities, the form of, schedule for and feasibility of options that have been discussed at greater length so far.
the imports are still being debated, as is the question
of whether the LNG terminals can really be regarded I hope you will enjoy reading this publication!
as “H₂-ready”. Frank Peter
Director, Agora Industry

Conclusions at a glance:
Germany will need sufficient hydrogen imports to achieve its goal of climate neutrality in the power
sector by 2035 and to decarbonise the steel and chemical industries. According to the National
1 Hydrogen Strategy, imports of at least 45 TWh of hydrogen per year will be needed from 2030.
In addition to pipeline imports, other hydrogen carriers could also be imported by ship.

At a cost of < € 1/kg H₂, pipelines are the cheapest way of importing pure hydrogen. Importing
hydrogen carriers by ship increases the cost of transport, following reconversion, to roughly €2 to
5/kg H₂. Hydrogen derivatives such as ammonia or hot briquetted iron (HBI) that can be further
2 processed directly constitute a cost-effective alternative in many cases (< €1.5/kg H₂). Technological
innovations are a key prerequisite for all import options, with the exception of hydrogen pipelines
and ammonia for immediate use.

Using synthetic natural gas (SNG) with a nearly closed carbon cycle as a hydrogen carrier entails
three challenges: (1) the complex interplay of several components with a comparatively low level of
3 technology readiness and an implementation period of ten years; (2) competition with other import
options that could prove cheaper than SNG in the medium term; (3) regulatory uncertainty regarding
the measurement, reporting and verification of international carbon flows.

Short-term use of existing natural gas grids for transporting SNG could pose a risk to the energy
transition if as a result the necessary repurposing of methane pipelines for hydrogen is delayed.
4 In view of their critical importance, the emphasis in Germany should be on conversion to and
construction of hydrogen pipelines. The creation of new CO2 infrastructure should focus on ­
no-regret CCS applications.

ANALYSIS | Hydrogen import options for Germany

Conclusions from the viewpoint of Agora Industry

Climate targets can only be met with Other hydrogen applications are controversial or a
sufficient hydrogen imports bad idea, as Table 1 shows. Using hydrogen to
produce low-temperature heat below 200 degrees
According to its Climate Change Act, Germany is to Celsius is far less efficient than using heat pumps
cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent by that produce several units of usable heat from one
2030, compared with 1990 levels. A large part of this unit of renewable electricity. For temperatures of
reduction in emissions can be achieved through between 200 and 500 degrees Celsius, electric
national measures, one central role being played by boilers can supply the required heat.3
the expansion of renewable energies. Domestic
production of renewable hydrogen is not sufficient
for those applications that require hydrogen to be Hydrogen applications dictate the
climate-neutral, however. In order to supply the ­preferred transport options
relevant no-regret applications with hydrogen,
Germany will additionally need to import substantial Which type of hydrogen transport should be given
quantities – at least 45 terawatt hours per year from preference will be dictated largely by how the
2030, according to the National Hydrogen Strategy.1 hydrogen is to be used. Among the no-regret applica-
tions, the power sector in particular is reliant on pure
hydrogen for long-term storage. This applies in much
No-regret applications that require the same way to refineries. In principle, most other
­hydrogen for climate neutrality applications could also work with hydrogen deriva-
tives for direct use that are cheaper to transport. In
For as long as renewable hydrogen needs to be the case of liquid molecules that contain carbon, such
publicly funded, it should be limited to those as Fischer-Tropsch products or methanol, there is for
applications in which direct electrification – example broad consensus that they should be
which is more energy efficient – is not feasible. imported to Germany for the most part because they
A whole series of independent studies has shown are comparatively easy to transport.4
that such no-regret applications encompass the
following: non-energy industrial processes such Even though transport costs may not be the only
as in the steel and chemical industries, green fuels aspect to be taken into account in the assessment,5
for long-haul aviation and maritime shipping, and they nonetheless play an important role. The compet-
seasonal storage facilities to back up renewable itiveness of different transport options depends in
energies in the power system, including residual each case on factors such as synergies with local
heat load in district heating. The goal of a cli- infrastructure, the exact design of the system or the
mate-neutral power sector will see this demand technical requirements of the offtakers; all of these
grow significantly as we head towards 2035.2 have a direct bearing on the efficiency of the value

3 Agora Industry, FutureCamp (2022); Öko-Institut and

Fraunhofer ISE (2022); Agora Energiewende, Fraunhofer
IEG (2023)
1 Federal Government (2023)
4 FFE (2022)
2 Prognos (2022); Agora Energiewende, Prognos, Consentec
(2022); Agora Energiewende, Agora Industry (2022) 5 cf. Acatech 2022, Prognos et al. 2023

Agora Industry | Hydrogen import options for Germany

Need for molecules in addition to green electrons Table 1

Green molecules needed? Industry Transport Buildings

No-regret · Reaction agents · Long-haul aviation · Renewable energy · Heating grids

(DRI steel) · Maritime shipping back-up depending (residual heat load *)
· Feedstock on wind and solar
(ammonia, chemicals) share and seasonal
demand structure

Controversial · High-temperature · Trucks and buses ** · Absolute size of need

heat · Short-haul aviation given other flexibility
and shipping and storage options
· Trains ***

Bad idea · Low-temperature · Cars · Building-level

heat · Ligh t-duty vehicles heating

* After using renewable energy, ambient and waste heat as much as possible. Especially relevant for large existing district heating systems with
high flow temperatures. Note that according to the UNFCCC Common Reporting Format, district heating is classified as being part of the power sector.

** Series production currently more advanced on electric than on hydrogen for heavy duty vehicles and buses. Hydrogen heavy duty to be deployed
at this point in time only in locations with synergies (ports, industry clusters).

*** Depending on distance, frequency and energy supply options

Agora Energiewende, Agora Industy (2022)

chain and thus also influence the overall costs and nology readiness,6 implementation can take several
greenhouse gas emissions. years: converting existing natural gas pipelines
takes three to five years, while building new pipe-
lines from scratch takes eight to ten years.
Pipelines are the cheapest transport
­option This import option is at the heart of the discussions
about a future cross-border European Hydrogen
Hydrogen can be imported by pipeline or ship in Backbone.7 The supplier countries that can be
different forms. All the figures cited below relate to accessed in this manner are limited, however, with
Table 2. Hydrogen derivatives for direct use differ the result that only limited diversification is possible
fundamentally in the sense that they are not – with all the implications this has in terms of
converted back into hydrogen. security of supply. The best resources in terms of
wind and solar power for the production of renewable
Imports by pipeline entail only minor energy losses hydrogen, combined with the requisite availability of
during compression of the gas, which is why this
route offers high energy efficiency, low greenhouse
6 Technology readiness levels range from 1 (“Initial idea”)
gas emission intensity and low transport costs of to 9 (“Commercial operation in relevant environment”)
less than one euro per kilogram of hydrogen for or ­11 (“Proof of stability”) (IEA 2020, 2023)
distances of up to 2 000 km. Even though both new 7 Agora Energiewende and AFRY Management Consulting
and converted pipelines have a high level of tech- (2021); European Hydrogen Backbone (2022)

ANALYSIS | Hydrogen import options for Germany

Comparison of hydrogen import options Table 2

Type of transport H₂-Pipeline Shipping

H2 derivatives for
Goods to be transported Pure H₂ H₂ carrier
direct use

Variants Re-purposed, Ammonia (NH₃), synthetic natural gas (SNG) Ammonia (NH3), methanol
newly built liquid H₂ (LH₂), with nearly closed CO2 cycle (MeOH), Fischer-Tropsch
LOHC, methanol (FT) product, hot briquet-
(MeOH) ted iron (HBI)
Target molecule H₂ H₂ H₂ = transport molecule

Overall energy efficiency * 66 % 36 – 52 % 38 – 44 % n. a.

CO₂ intensity *
0.08 0.5 – 1.7 0.7 – 0.9 n. a.
[kg CO₂-eq/kg H₂]
Total costs in 2030
4.8 5.9 – 9.2 6.9 – 8.1 n. a.
[€/kg H₂] *
Transport costs in 2030 ** NH₃: 1.3
[€/kg H₂] MeOH: 2.0
<1 ~ 2–5 ~ 3.5 – 4.5
FT: 2.2
HBI: < 0.3
Technology readiness 8 Re-purposed 4 NH3 cracker 7 catalytic methanation 11 NH₃ tanker
of key components 10 Newly built (large) 5 autothermal reforming 6 – 7 direct air capture
[1 low – 11 high] *** 7 LH2 tanker 4 – 7 CO2 shipping (DAC)
3 LH2 bunkering n.S. dual-gas ship SNG/CO2 6 HBI: H2-based direct
6 – 7 LOHC mole- 6 – 7 direct air capture (DAC) reduction of iron ore
cule 5 – 6 oxyfuel gas power (DRI)
11 LOHC tanker plant
Implementation horizon 3 – 5 (Re-pur- 6 – 10 10 2 (NH₃) – 10
in years **** posed)
8 – 10 (Newly
Implications for the • Increases • Increases • Increases demand for H2 • Reduces demand for H2
infrastructure in Germany demand for demand for transport pipelines transport pipelines
H2 transport H2 transport • extended use of natural
pipelines pipelines gas pipelines
• Increased demand for
CO2 pipelines to transport
larger volumes
diversification of sources to limited high high high
improve security of supply

* TUHH (2023); With transport distances of 10 500 km (ship) and 660 km (pipeline), and hydrogen supply at 100 bar. CO2 intensity without
embodied emissions from renewables; total costs including hydrogen production costs
** Hydrogen transport costs including conversion costs, and excluding hydrogen production costs; own calculations based on TUHH (2023),
Acatech (2022), Agora Industry and Wuppertal Institut (2023); transport distance of 2 000 km (newly built onshore pipeline with 1 016 mm)
and ~10 000 km (ship); HBI without CAPEX of DRI plant and shipping, which in an alternative scenario would occur in any case.
*** Based on IEA (2023); autothermal reforming with CO2 capture; important TRL 4-6: prototype; 7-8: demonstration; 9: commercial operation
in relevant environment; for practical orientation about HBI see Agora Industry and Wuppertal Institut (2023).
**** Based on Acatech (2022), Prognos et al. (2023)
Note: for further aspects such as environmental impacts, see Prognos et al. 2023 and Acatech 2022

Agora Industry (2023)

Agora Industry | Hydrogen import options for Germany

land, are to be found at sites beyond Europe and above Hydrogen derivatives for direct use also include
all in the Global South, meaning that the import of some of the aforementioned hydrogen carriers.
hydrogen to Europe by ship constitutes an important Energy and costs will be saved if reconversion into
alternative. hydrogen is not required. This is particularly rele-
vant when it comes to the direct use of ammonia for
the production of fertilisers, for example, where the
Transport by ship will be more expensive costs of transport amount to 1.3 euros per kilogram of
hydrogen, to power-to-liquid products such as
The expansion of LNG infrastructure that has taken methanol (2 euros per kilogram of hydrogen) or to
place since Russia’s attack on Ukraine has also given Fischer-Tropsch fuels such as synthetic kerosene
new impetus to the discussion of whether to import (2.2 euros per kilogram of hydrogen). Having said
other hydrogen carriers and derivatives for direct use that, with the exception of ammonia these liquid
by ship. Following a basic introduction, we look at products need a green carbon source, and the level of
how SNG compares as a new hydrogen carrier. technology readiness of the direct air capture
process that this requires is not yet high. In addition,
Widely discussed hydrogen carriers are ammonia, there is one prominent solid hydrogen derivative: hot
liquid hydrogen (LH₂) and liquid organic hydrogen briquetted iron (HBI) for the manufacture of steel.10
carriers (LOHC). To a considerably lesser extent, this HBI’s advantage is its low transport costs (less than
also applies to methanol, which additionally requires 0.3 euros per kilogram of hydrogen); this is due to its
a green carbon source.8 A hydrogen carrier means very high density and the fact that it can use the
that reconversion into gaseous hydrogen takes place existing infrastructure for the transport of iron ore.
at the end of the transport chain.9 Generally speaking, the import of hydrogen deriva-
tives for direct use has the potential to reduce the
As a result of considerable losses during energy need for new hydrogen infrastructure in Germany.
conversion, the overall energy efficiency of the
carriers, from hydrogen production to delivery of the Synthetic natural gas (SNG) with a nearly closed
hydrogen, is 36 to 52 percent. This increases green- carbon cycle has been proposed by industry as a
house gas emissions, while transport costs, at two to novel hydrogen carrier concept. This would require
five euros per kilogram, are also significantly higher SNG produced from renewable hydrogen and CO2,
than with pipeline transport. The expected imple- which would be methanised together in the export
mentation horizon ranges from six years (in the case country. The resulting SNG behaves like natural gas
of ammonia) to as many as ten years; this is due to the and can therefore be imported using conventional
relatively low level of technology readiness, especially LNG tankers and terminals.11 Following carbon
with respect to the storage of liquid hydrogen, though capture in Germany, the CO2 would be transported to
also when it comes to ammonia cracking and LOHC the export country by ship and then reused as a
molecules. In the long term, shipping allows a large hydrogen carrier in a nearly closed cycle. According
number of different supplier countries to be accessed, to the concept, any SNG and CO2 leaks and losses
thereby increasing security of supply. would be offset by means of direct air capture (DAC)
of carbon dioxide in the export country.

8 IEA (2019), IRENA (2022), Acatech (2022) 10 Agora Industry and Wuppertal Institute (2023)

9 Hydrogen is typically bonded to another carrier molecule. 11 This distinguishes SNG from other hydrogen carriers like
The exception is liquid hydrogen. ammonia and liquid hydrogen (Prognos et al. 2023).

ANALYSIS | Hydrogen import options for Germany

Carbon capture in Germany could be done either direct use – clearly shows that almost all require
centrally or decentrally, according to the concept. further technological innovations before they can be
Centralised carbon capture involves splitting SNG implemented. The exceptions are hydrogen pipelines
into its component parts, hydrogen and CO2, at the and ammonia for direct use in existing applications.
import terminal. The pure hydrogen is then available Experience shows that key new energy technologies
for further use in Germany. As with most other typically take at least 20 years to develop, from
hydrogen carriers, the energy conversion losses prototype (TRL 4–6) to commercialisation (TRL 9).
result in an overall efficiency rate of below 50 per- LEDs for use in lights were an exception, as they were
cent. The greenhouse gas emissions intensity is ready for implementation in just ten years. In that
similar to the emissions generated by the alternative case, the political framework conditions helped to
options. The costs of transporting SNG as a hydrogen speed up the innovation process considerably.14
carrier – i.e. including conversion and reconversion
– are quite high by comparison with other carriers Implementing many of the hydrogen transport
(3.5 to 4.5 euros per kilogram of hydrogen). options is therefore likely to take eight to ten years.
Only ammonia crackers, which are needed to be able
Decentralised carbon capture involves transporting to use ammonia as a hydrogen carrier, are expected to
SNG from the import terminal via natural gas pipe- be ready for large-scale commercial implementation
lines to various industrial sites and power plants, somewhat more quickly, at six to seven years.15
where the CO2 would be captured using technologies
that would have to be installed in each individual
setting.12 Various modes of transport are available to The SNG concept faces three challenges
return the CO2 to the port: inland vessels, trains,
trucks and pipelines, the latter being the cheapest Technological risk: By comparison with the other
option when the volumes of CO2 are sufficiently large. import options, the SNG concept with a nearly closed
The other alternatives are supposed to be sufficient carbon cycle has the largest number of components
during an initial ramp-up phase of the SNG concept, that have not yet been commercially realised, i.e. that
but would not be enough in total to defossilise an have a technology readiness level of < 8. In particu-
entire LNG terminal with a capacity of 250 terawatt lar, the idea of transporting the CO2 back by ship,
hours of SNG per year – as indicated in the original possibly with the aid of a yet to be developed
version of the SNG concept.13 This would require CO2 ­multi-gas carrier that can transport both SNG and
pipelines that do not currently exist. CO2, is unlikely to play any role before 2030. Rapid
expansion of methanation, which to date exists only
in the megawatt range and would need to be upscaled
Technology readiness levels delay by a factor of 1 000 to the gigawatt range, likewise
­implementation appears challenging. In other words, various techno-
logical obstacles will first need to be overcome before
A comparison of the three import options – pure the SNG concept can be fully commercially imple-
hydrogen, hydrogen carriers and derivatives for mented. Accordingly, it can be assumed that fully

12 For the purposes of the present analysis, this variant was 14 IEA (2020); in addition, technologies frequently do not
not quantified more precisely with respect to efficiency, manage to exceed a readiness level of 4 to 6 – the “Valley
emissions and overall costs, as the other variant is more rel- of Death” – due to insufficient incentive for private
evant to the envisioned hydrogen backbone that is targeted. investment during this phase (PWC 2018).

13 LNGPrime (2022), Offshore Energy (2022) 15 Prognos et al. (2023), Acatech (2022)

Agora Industry | Hydrogen import options for Germany

implementing the SNG concept with a nearly closed supply chain. At present, this offsetting is only
carbon cycle would take ten years.16 possible with the aid of international voluntary
carbon offset markets whose effectiveness is doubt-
The industry appears to be aware of this challenge. ed.20 The European Commission is working on a
While early announcements talked of targeting an Certification Framework for Carbon Removals (CRCF)
initial level of 25 terawatt hours of SNG and stepping so that privately certified removals can be recognised.
this up to 75 terawatt hours by 2030 and 250 tera- However, it is unclear to what extent this framework
watt hours by 2045 17, currently the talk is only of will also apply to carbon removals outside the EU.21
15 terawatt hours of SNG imports by 2030.18

Commercial risk: For potential SNG users, this SNG as transformation risk
technological risk becomes a commercial risk. These
could be companies from the industrial and transfor- Apart from the aforementioned technical challenges,
mation sectors that are subject to the European SNG does in principle present an opportunity to use
Emissions Trading System (ETS) and its EU-wide the existing natural gas infrastructure in the short
emissions cap. As the emissions cap in the ETS will term. This in turn raises the question of how compati-
reach zero in 2039, meaning that no more new ble SNG is with the goal of climate neutrality. There is
allowances will be issued in the foreseeable future,19 consensus in the relevant energy scenarios and in the
these companies will need sufficient planning documents of the German Federal Government that
security with respect to their greenhouse gas this will require the hydrogen economy to be ramped
emissions and decarbonisation options in order to be up (Figure 1). This will entail a fundamental restruc-
able to correctly assess the future cost burdens. turing of the gas infrastructure. To minimise the costs
of this transformation, the emphasis should be placed
The competitiveness of SNG is also a factor. For on converting as many long-distance methane
example, it is likely that other import options, such as pipelines as possible to a one hundred percent hydro-
pure hydrogen by pipeline or hydrogen derivatives gen infrastructure 22 – based on the hydrogen capaci-
for direct use, will be priced more competitively than ties and quantities needed for climate neutrality. This
SNG in the medium term. is the goal outlined by the German Federal Govern-
ment in its updated National Hydrogen Strategy.23
Furthermore, there is regulatory uncertainty regarding
the measurement, reporting and verification of SNG entails a transformation risk to the extent that
international carbon flows. Any such reporting companies might invest in decentralised carbon
system would have to take full account of leakages capture in the short term with a view to using SNG in
and avoid double counting, for example during carbon existing natural gas applications, and could then have
capture. In addition, it would need to record the an incentive in the medium term to delay the repur-
residual emissions offset via DAC in the export posing of natural gas grids into hydrogen grids. There
country, as provided for in the industry’s SNG is also a risk elsewhere that financial and regulatory
concept, with a view to ensuring a climate-neutral

20 Romm (2023)
16 cf. Prognos et al. (2023)
21 EPRS (2022)
17 LNGPrime (2022), Offshore Energy (2022)
22 FNB Gas (2020, 2023), European Hydrogen
18 TES-H2 (2023) Backbone (2022)

19 Pahle et al. (2023) 23 Federal Government (2023)

ANALYSIS | Hydrogen import options for Germany

measures might not be targeted sufficiently towards facilities. Against this backdrop, the focus should be
the more essential aspects of the hydrogen economy. on converting pipelines such that they can be used
with hydrogen and on building hydrogen pipelines
within Germany.25
Infrastructure priority within Germany:
long-distance hydrogen pipelines
Concentrating new CO2 infrastructure on
Hydrogen needs to be transported to the places where no-regret CCS applications
it will be used within Germany. In the medium term24
it will be particularly important to have dispatchable Any cost-effective implementation of the SNG
hydrogen power plants up and running in order to concept with a nearly closed carbon cycle and
guarantee security of supply in the power sector, as decentralised use will also require, if larger quantities
this will require pure hydrogen to be available at have to be imported,26 CO2 pipelines in Germany to
different locations. These will need to be supplied to transport the carbon captured at the industrial point
meet their specific demand, and will therefore also sources and power plants back to the import terminal,
have to be connected to sufficiently large storage from where the CO2 would be shipped back to the
export terminal at sea.

24 The goal of a climate-neutral power sector by 2035 will

require 135 TWh of hydrogen per year; in view of the
challenges outlined above, this is unlikely to be made
25 Federal Government (2023a, b)
available in the form of SNG in sufficient quantities and
in time (Agora Energiewende, Prognos, Consentec 2022). 26 As originally planned by the industry, cf. footnote 17.

Energy demand for natural gas (incl. biogas) and hydrogen in different climate neutrality Figure 1
scenarios for Germany in TWh per year

[TWh per year]

1 000
Natural gas






2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Agora Energiewende (2023) with scenarios from Agora Energiewende (2021), Ariadne (2021), BDI (2021), BMWK (2022), dena (2021)

Agora Industry | Hydrogen import options for Germany

To date, however, carbon capture and pipelines have

been discussed in Germany primarily for unavoidable
process emissions from cement and lime production,
and for emissions from waste incineration. Those
emissions are then to be permanently stored geologi-
cally on the basis of carbon capture and storage or
– where the carbon in question is biogenic or atmos-
pheric – could be used as carbon feedstock for the
chemical industry (carbon capture and utilisation/
CCU).27 CO2 pipelines should be prioritised for these
no-regret applications for which carbon capture is
indispensable from a technical perspective if they are
to become climate-neutral.

This requires strategic planning that combines the

System Development Strategy 28 with its goal of a
climate-neutral energy system by 2045 with other
relevant strategies: the National Circular Economy
Strategy (NKWS), the National Biomass Strategy
(NABIS), the Long-term Strategy for Negative Emis-
sions and – for residual emissions – the Carbon
Management Strategy.

27 Agora Industry (2023); Prognos (2022)

28 BMWK (2022)

ANALYSIS | Hydrogen import options for Germany


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Agora Industry | Hydrogen import options for Germany

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ANALYSIS | Hydrogen import options for Germany

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Publications by Agora Industry


Hydrogen import options for Germany (Summary)

Analysis with an in-depth look at synthetic natural gas (SNG) with a nearly closed carbon cycle

Ensuring resilience in Europe’s energy transition

The role of EU clean-tech manufacturing

Chemicals in transition
The three pillars for transforming chemical value chains

Levelised cost of hydrogen

Making the application of the LCOH concept more consistent and more useful

15 Insights on the Global Steel Transformation

12 Insights on Hydrogen – Argentina Edition

Argentina as a hub for green ammonia

A forward-looking development strategy for addressing the global energy and climate crises

Transforming industry through carbon contracts (Steel)

Analysis of the German steel sector

Gas savings and emissions reduction in industry

International climate cooperation for energy-intensive industry

A (realistic) proposal

12 Insights on Hydrogen

Mobilising the circular economy for energy-intensive materials (Executive Summary)

How Europe can accelerate its transition to fossil-free, energy-efficient and independent industrial production

Mobilising the circular economy for energy-intensive materials (Study)

How Europe can accelerate its transition to fossil-free, energy-efficient and independent industrial production

Getting the Transition to CBAM Right

Finding pragmatic solutions to key implementation questions

Global Steel at a Crossroads

Why the global steel sector needs to invest in climate-neutral technologies in the 2020s

Publications by Agora Industry


Resilienter Klimaschutz durch eine zirkuläre Wirtschaft

Perspektiven und Potenziale für energie­intensive Grundstoffindustrien

Wasserstoff-Import­optionen für Deutschland

Analyse mit einer Vertiefung zu Synthetischem Erdgas (SNG) bei nahezu geschlossenem Kohlenstoffkreislauf

Chemie im Wandel
Die drei Grundpfeiler für die Transformation chemischer Wertschöpfungsketten

Erdgaseinsparung und Klimaschutz in der Industrie

Klimaschutzverträge für die Industrietransformation (Stahl) – Update

Aktualisierte Analyse zur Stahlbranche

Klimaschutzverträge für die Industrietransformation (Zement)

Analyse zur Zementbranche

12 Thesen zu Wasserstoff

Mobilisierung der Kreislaufwirtschaft für energieintensive Materialien

Wie Europa den Übergang zu einer fossilfreien, energieeffizienten und energieunabhängigen industriellen
Produktion vollziehen kann

Klimaschutzverträge für die Industrietransformation (Gesamtstudie)

Kurzfristige Schritte auf dem Pfad zur Klimaneu­tralität der deutschen Grundstoff­industrie

Klimaschutzverträge für die Industrietransformation (Stahl)

Analyse zur Stahlbranche

All publications are available on our website: www.agora-energiewende.org


About Agora Industry

Agora Industry is a division of Agora Energie­
wende that develops strategies and instru-
ments for climate-neutral industrial trans-
formation – in Germany, the EU and globally.
Agora Industry works independently of eco-
nomic and partisan interests. Its only commit-
ment is to climate action.

This publication is available for

download under this scan code.

Agora Energiewende
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2
10178 Berlin | Germany
P +49 (0)30 700 14 35-000

Agora Industry
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2
10178 Berlin | Germany
P +49 (0)30 700 14 35-000

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