Nursing Process Handouts
Nursing Process Handouts
Nursing Process Handouts
Nursing Process
Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo R.N, M.A.N
A. Collecting Data:
To observe is to gather data by using the sense.
Observation is a conscious, deliberate skill that is
developed through effort and with an organized
approach. It has to aspects: (a) noticing the data
and (b) selecting, organizing, and interpreting the
The nurse carry out a complete & holistic
nursing assessment of every patient's needs
Utilizes an assessment framework, based on a Interviewing
nursing model or Waterlow scoring wherein An interview is a planned communication or a
problems are expressed as either actual or conversation with purpose, for example, to get or
potential. give information, identify problems of mutual
Assessing is a systematic and continuous concern, evaluate change, teach, provide support,
collection, organization, validation, and or provide counseling or therapy.
documentation of data (information)
There are two approaches to interviewing:
Assessing is a continuous process carried out
during all phases of the nursing process o Directive interview - Nurse directs
Nursing assessments focus on a client’s interview, client responds to questions and
responses to a health problem has limited chances to discuss concerns.
Should include the client’s perceived needs, o Nondirective interview – rapport-building
health problems, related experience, health where the client is in control of the
practices, values, and lifestyles purpose, subject, and pace.
Questions :
Types of Assessment
Initial Assessment Open-ended – invites client to discover and
Problem-focused Assessment explore, elaborate, clarify, or illustrate their
Emergency Assessment thoughts or feelings. “How have you been
Time-lapsed Reassessment feeling lately?”
Closed-ended – used in directive
The assessment process involves four closely related
interviewing, and are questions that require
activities: collecting data, organizing data, validating data,
and documenting data. a yes or no answer.
B. Organizing Data:
Using a written or computerized format that
organizes the assessment data.
Most schools of nursing and health cause
agencies have developed their own structured
assessment format.
o Gordon – 11 functional health patterns
o Orem – 8 universal self-care requisites of
o Roy’s adaptation model
o Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Ongoing Planning Tailor plan to the client: Ask when the best time
Is done by all nurses who work with the client. is for the client to do interventions
As nurses obtain new information evaluate the Ensure that the plan incorporates preventive and
client’s responses to care, they can individualize
health maintenance aspects as well as restorative
the initial care plan further.
Ongoing planning also occurs at the beginning of ones.
a shift as the nurse plans the care to be given that Ensure that the plan contains interventions for
day. ongoing assessment of the client.
Include collaborative and coordination activities
Discharge Planning in the plan
The process of anticipating and planning for Include plans for the client’s discharge and home
needs after discharge, is a crucial part of
care need
comprehensive health care and should be
addressed in each client’s care plan.
The Planning Process
In the process of developing client care, the
nurse engages in the following activities:
Types of NCP
Priority Setting
Informal Nursing Care Plan Is the process of establishing a preferential
o Strategy for action that exists in the nurse’s sequence for addressing nursing diagnoses and
mind. interventions.
Formal Nursing Care Plan The nurse and client begin planning by deciding
o Written or computerized guide for which nursing diagnosis requires attention first,
organizing information which second, and so on. Instead of rank-
ordering diagnoses, nurses can group them as
Standardized Nursing Care Plan
having high, medium, or low priority.
o Formal plan that specifies the nursing care Life-threatening problems such as loss of
for groups of clients with common needs. respiratory or cardiac function are designated as
o Not for individuals high priority.
o Preprinted guides for the nursing care of a The nurse must consider a variety of factors
client who has a need that arises frequently when assigning priorities, including the
in the agency.
Client’s health values and beliefs
o Problem -> Goals/desired outcomes -> Client’s priorities
Nursing interventions -> Evaluation Resources available to the nurse and client
Individualized Nursing Care Plan Urgency of the health problem
o Is tailored to meet the unique needs of a Medical treatment plan
specific client.
- When nurses use the client’s nursing Establishing Client Goals/Desired Outcomes
After establishing priorities, the nurse and client
diagnoses to develop goals and
set goals for each nursing diagnosis.
nursing interventions, the result is a On a care plan the goals/desired outcome
holistic, individualized plan of case describe, in terms of observable client responses,
that will meet the client’s unique what the nurse hopes to achieve by
needs. implementing the nursing interventions.
- During planning phase, the nurse must The term goal and desired outcome are used
decide which of the client’s problems interchangeably in this text, except when
discussing and using standardized language.
need individualized plans and which
problems can be addressed by Selecting Nursing Interventions and Activities
standardized plans and routine care, Nursing interventions and activities are the
and write unique desired outcomes actions that a nurse performs to achieve client
and nursing interventions for client goals.
problems that require nursing The specific interventions chosen should focus
on eliminating or reducing the etiology of the
attention beyond preplanned, routine
nursing diagnosis, which is the second clause of
care. the diagnostic statement.
Process of Implementing
Quality Assurance
A quality-assurance (QA) program is an
ongoing, systematic process designed to evaluate
and promote excellence in the health care
provided to clients.
Quality assurance frequently refers to evaluation
of the level of care provided in a health care
agency, but it may be limited to the evaluation of
the performance of one nurse or more broadly
involve the evaluation of the quality of the care
in an agency, or even in a country.
It consists of three components of care:
The structure evaluation (focuses on the
setting in which care is given. It answers this
question: what effect does the setting have
on the quality of care?),
The process evaluation (focuses on how
the care was given. It answers question such
as these: Is the care relevant to the client’s
needs? Is the care appropriate, complete and
Outcome evaluation (focuses on
demonstrable changes in the client’s health
status as a result of nursing care. Outcome
criteria are written in terms of client
responses or health status.
Airway clearance, ineffective Activity intolerance
Aspiration, risk for Activity intolerance, risk for
Breathing pattern, ineffective Disuse syndrome, risk for
Gas exchange, impaired Diversional activity deficient
Spontaneous ventilation: inability to sustain Fatigue
Ventilatory weaning response, dysfunctional Sleep deprivation
Ventilation, impaired spontaneous Sleep, readiness for enhanced
Sleep pattern disturbed
Transfer ability, impaired
WATER Walking, impaired
Adaptive capacity intra-cranial, decreased HYGIENE
Cardiac output, decreased Self-care deficit (specify): feeding, bathing/
Dysreflexia hygiene, dressing/grooming, toileting
Tissue perfusion, ineffective (specify): cerebral, cardio-
pulmonary, renal, gastro-intestinal peripheral) PAIN/COMFORT
Pain, (acute)
FLUID Pain, chronic
Fluid volume deficit Injury, risk for
Fluid volume deficit, risk for Perioperative positioning injury, risk for
Fluid volume excess Physical mobility, impaired
Fluid volume imbalance, risk for Social isolation
Fluid volume, readiness for enhanced
Oral mucous membranes, impaired HAZARDS
Swallowing, impaired SAFETY
Body temperature, imbalanced, risk for
Environment interpretation syndrome, impaired
FOOD Falls, risk for
FOOD/FLUID Health maintenance, ineffective
Breastfeeding, effective Home maintenance, impaired
Breastfeeding, ineffective Hyperthermia
Breastfeeding, interrupted Hypothermia/infection, risk for
Dentition, impaired Infection: Risk for or actual
Infant feeding pattern, ineffective Injury, risk for
Nausea Latex allergy, response
Nutrition, imbalanced: less than body requirements Latex allergy response, risk for
Nutrition, imbalanced: more than body requirements Mobility impaired, physical
Nutrition, readiness for enhanced Mobility impaired, bed
Nutrition, imbalanced: risk for more than body Mobility impaired, wheelchair
requirements Perioperative positioning injury, risk for
Physical mobility, impaired
Poisoning, risk for
Protection, ineffective
ELIMINATION Self-mutilation
ELIMINATION Self-mutilation, risk for
Constipation Skin integrity, impaired
Constipation, risk for Skin integrity, impaired, risk for
Constipation, perceived Sudden infant death syndrome, risk for
Diarrhea Suffocation, risk for
Incontinence, bowel Thermoregulation ineffective
Incontinence, functional (urinary) Tissue integrity, impaired
Incontinence, reflex (urinary) Trauma, risk for
Incontinence, stress (urinary) Violence, other directed, risk for
Incontinence, total (urinary) Violence, self directed, risk for
Incontinence, urge (urinary) Wandering
Incontinence, urge (urinary) risk for
Urinary elimination, impaired
Urinary elimination, readiness for enhanced
Urinary retention
Confusion, acute
Confusion, chronic
Infant behavior, disorganized
Infant behavior, disorganized, risk for
Infant behavior, organized, readiness for enhanced
Memory, impaired
Neglect, unilateral
Peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, risk for
Sensory-perceptual disturbed (specify): visual,
auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, tactile
Grieving, anticipatory
Grieving, dysfunctional
Personal identity disturbed
Post-trauma syndrome
Post-trauma syndrome, risk for
Spiritual well-being, readiness for enhancement
Development, risk for delayed
Growth and development, delayed
Growth, Risk for disproportionate
Health-seeking behaviors (specify)
Knowledge deficient (specify)
Knowledge (specify), readiness for enhanced
Management of therapeutic regime, effective
Management of therapeutic regime, Ineffective
Management of therapeutic regime, readiness for
Management of therapeutic regimen: Community,
Management of therapeutic regimen: family ineffective
Non-compliance (compliance, altered) (specify)
NANDA 2004